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MPP Sort descending Riding Party
Fairbairn, Thomas McCulloch Peterborough West Ontario Liberal Party
Fairbank, Charles Oliver Lambton East Ontario Liberal Party
Fallis, Albert James Durham East Conservative Party
Fallis, James Robinson Peel Conservative Party
Fallis, William Armstrong Durham East Conservative Party
Farewell, Abraham Ontario South Ontario Liberal Party
Farnan, Mike Liam Cambridge New Democratic Party of Ontario
Farquhar, Stanley William Algoma—Manitoulin Ontario Liberal Party
Farquhar, Thomas Manitoulin United Farmers of Ontario
Farwell, Charles Franklin Algoma East Ontario Liberal Party
Faubert, Frank J. Scarborough—Ellesmere Ontario Liberal Party
Faulkner, James Albert Hastings West Ontario Liberal Party
Fauquier, Frederick G. Muskoka and Parry Sound Conservative Party
Fawcett, Joan M. Northumberland Ontario Liberal Party
Fedeli, Hon. Victor Nipissing Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Fee, Amy Kitchener South—Hespeler Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Fell, John Victoria East Conservative Party
Fell, Lloyd F. K. Parkdale Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
Fenton, William Henry Bruce North United Farmers of Ontario
Ferguson, Alexander Simcoe South Conservative Party
Ferguson, George Howard Grenville Conservative Party
Ferguson, Robert Kent East Ontario Liberal Party
Ferguson, Thomas Roberts Simcoe South Conservative Party
Ferguson, Walter Renwick Kent East Ontario Liberal Party
Ferguson, William A. Kitchener New Democratic Party of Ontario
Ferraro, Rick Eugenio Guelph Ontario Liberal Party
Ferreira, Paul York South—Weston New Democratic Party of Ontario
Ferrier, Alexander David Wellington Centre Conservative Party
Ferrier, William Herman Cochrane South New Democratic Party of Ontario
Ferris, James Marshall Northumberland East Ontario Liberal Party
Ferris, John P. London South Ontario Liberal Party
Field, Corelli Collard Northumberland West Ontario Liberal Party
Field, John Collard Northumberland West Ontario Liberal Party
Fife, Catherine Waterloo New Democratic Party of Ontario
Finlayson, Hugh Brant North Ontario Liberal Party
Finlayson, William Simcoe East Conservative Party
Fish, Susan A. St. George Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Fisher, Barbara Bruce Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Fisher, Harold Ottawa West Ontario Liberal Party
Fisher, John Henry Brant North Conservative Party
Fishleigh, Harold Ferguson Woodbine Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Fitzsimmons, William Brockville and Elizabethtown Conservative Party
Flack, Hon. Rob Elgin—Middlesex—London Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Flaherty, Jim Whitby—Ajax Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Flatt, John Ira Wentworth North Ontario Liberal Party
Fleet, David Gordon High Park—Swansea Ontario Liberal Party
Fleming, John Waterloo South Ontario Liberal Party
Flesher, John Cardwell Conservative Party
Fletcher, Charles George Essex South Ontario Liberal Party
Fletcher, Derek Guelph New Democratic Party of Ontario
Flett, William Robertson St. Andrew Conservative Party
Flynn, Kevin Daniel Oakville Ontario Liberal Party
Fonseca, Peter Mississauga East—Cooksville Ontario Liberal Party
Fontaine, Jacques Noé René Cochrane North Ontario Liberal Party
Foote, John Weir Durham Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Ford, Douglas B. Etobicoke—Humber Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Ford, Hon. Doug Etobicoke North Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Ford, Hon. Michael D. York South—Weston Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Ford, John Featherstone Halton United Farmers of Ontario
Forster, Cindy Welland New Democratic Party of Ontario
Foster, T. Kenzie Bruce Ontario Liberal Party
Foulds, James Francis Port Arthur New Democratic Party of Ontario
Fowler, Reginald Amherst Lennox Conservative Party
Fox, Gary Prince Edward—Lennox-South—Hastings Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Fox, Milton C. Essex South United Farmers of Ontario
Fox, Samuel John Victoria West Conservative Party
Foy, James Joseph Toronto Southwest — Seat A Conservative Party
Fraleigh, Thomas Howard Lambton East Conservative Party
Frankford, Robert T.S. Scarborough East New Democratic Party of Ontario
Fraser, Alexander Northumberland West Ontario Liberal Party
Fraser, Christopher Finlay Brockville Ontario Liberal Party
Fraser, Evan Eugene Welland Conservative Party
Fraser, John Ottawa South Ontario Liberal Party
Fraser, William Henry Huron North Independent
Freeborn, John Willard Middlesex North Ontario Liberal Party
Freele, Lloyd William Morgan Middlesex West Conservative Party
Freeman, Edward George Fort William New Democratic Party of Ontario
Freeman, John Bailey Norfolk North Ontario Liberal Party
French, Frederick John Grenville Conservative Party
French, Jennifer K. Oshawa New Democratic Party of Ontario
Fripp, Alfred Ernest Ottawa West Conservative Party
Froese, Tom St. Catharines—Brock Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Frost, Arthur George Bracondale Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Frost, Leslie Miscampbell Victoria Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Fulford, George Taylor Leeds Ontario Liberal Party
Fullerton, John Arthur Algoma—Manitoulin Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Fullerton, Merrilee Kanata—Carleton Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
Fulton, Edward A. Scarborough East Ontario Liberal Party
Furlong, Allan Durham Centre Ontario Liberal Party