Letter: P
Paid Personal Emergency Leave Now Act, 2021 (Bill 247)
- first reading
- Coteau, 11310
- second reading, 12951–12957, 12982
- first reading
Pain management
- access to
- Bisson, 5812
- OHIP coverage. see under Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)—service coverage
- access to
Palliative care
- access to
- advance care planning
- and COVID-19
- Hatfield, 9103
- data collection
- Gélinas, 10968
- definition
- Gélinas, 10968
- general remarks
- government funding
- hospice-based care
- in Indigenous communities. see under Indigenous communities - health
- in northern Ontario
- physician recruitment
- Gélinas, 10968
- providers
- Harris, 5387
- provincial framework
- public consultation
- Oosterhoff, 10965–10966
- settings
- Fraser, 10972–10973
- staff compensation
- staff training
- Gélinas, 10968
- underserved populations
- Gélinas, 10968
Palliative care beds
Palliative care facilities
- beds, new
- clinical costs
- community-based
- Oosterhoff, 6520–6521
- Durham
- Park, 6787–6788
- general remarks
- government funding
- new
- Nipissing Serenity Hospice
- Fedeli, 884
- Northumberland
- Piccini, 4719
- operational funding
- Miller, N., 7153
- Ottawa
- Fraser, 5121
- Vaughan
- Lecce, 10971
- Waterloo region
- Harris, 1187
- Windsor—Tecumseh
- Hatfield, 10228
Palliative care facilities by site
Palliative care - pediatric
Paper mills
- Kimberly-Clark
- Miller, N., 13526
- Kimberly-Clark
Paperback and Periodical Distributors Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.1
- repeal of
- Kusendova, 6759
- repeal of
see also Ambulance services; Emergency first responders- community paramedicine
- Bailey, 11295
- Bethlenfalvy, 12199, 12321, 12784
- Bouma, 10533, 10767, 12546
- Fullerton, 9813–9814, 10294–10295
- Harris, 11382
- Kusendova, 12287–12288
- Martow, 10294
- Miller, N., 11623
- Miller, P., 6366
- Nicholls, 12505
- Oosterhoff, 12894
- Pang, 10446
- Piccini, 11175–11176, 12827–12828
- Triantafilopoulos, 12512
- scope of practice
- Piccini, 12827–12828
- Sikh
- community paramedicine
Paris Galt moraine.
see also Oak Ridges moraineParis Galt Moraine Conservation Act, 2019 (Bill 71)
- and COVID-19
- Khanjin, 10817–10818
- government funding
- Niagara Parks Commission
- public consultation requirements
- Hunter, 11186
- Rouge National Urban Park
- Royal Botanical Gardens (Burlington)
- government funding
- McKenna, 5644
- government funding
- and COVID-19
Parliamentary Budget Officer
Parliamentary history
Parliamentary privilege
Parliamentary system
Parliamentary systems
Parya Trillium Foundation Act (Tax Relief), 2021 (Bill Pr37)
Patient and Family Advisory Council
Patient Ombudsman
Pawnbrokers Act,
R.S.O. 1990, c. P.6
Pay equity
Pay equity by industry
Pay equity - gender wage gap
Pay Transparency Act, 2018,
S.O. 2018, c. 5
- enactment
- Hunter, 7036
- enactment
Pay Transparency Act, 2018,
S.O. 2018, c. 5
Payday loans
Payday Loans Accountability Act, 2020 (Bill 234)
Peel District School Board (PDSB)
- anti-Black racism investigation
- board response
- general remarks
- members
- report
- anti-Black racism investigation
Peel region
Peel Region
- provincial transfer payments
- Singh, G., 5116
- provincial transfer payments
Pension plan administration
Pension plans
- electronic communication, impact on senior citizens
- Andrew, 5930
- electronic communication, impact on senior citizens
Persian community
- general remarks
- Ghamari, 14056–14057
- Parsa, 14053–14055
- Singh, G., 14055–14056
- general remarks
Persian Heritage Month Act, 2021 (Bill 271)
- first reading
- Parsa, 12358–12359
- second reading, 12717–12722
- referred to Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills, 12722
- third reading, 14053–14057
- Ghamari, 14056–14057
- Parsa, 14053–14055
- Singh, G., 14055–14056
- Royal assent, 14080
- first reading
Personal care industry - COVID-19
Personal documentation
Personal health information
Personal health information - electronic
Personal identification documents
- fees
- reduction of
- Thanigasalam, 12079
- removal of
- Berns-McGown, 12079–12080
- Monteith-Farrell, 12077–12078, 12082
- Morrison, 12081–12082
- waiver program
- Anand, 12080
- reduction of
- and gender
- Anand, 12081
- indigenous persons
- Mamakwa, 12081
- obstacles to obtaining
- Monteith-Farrell, 12078–12079
- fees
Personal information
Personal information - financial
Personal injury
- slip-and-fall injuries. see also Personal injury - slip-and-fall lawsuits
- Singh, S., 5614
- slip-and-fall injuries. see also Personal injury - slip-and-fall lawsuits
Personal injury - slip-and-fall lawsuits
- delivery of notice
- general remarks
- statute of limitations
- Burch, 10992–10994
- Crawford, 10991–10992
- Fraser, 10991
- Martow, 10995
- Miller, N., 10985–10988
- West, 10988–10989
- exceptions
- on municipally managed property
- on private property
Personal property securities
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- accessibility
- lip-reading masks
- Cuzzetto, 10163–10164
- lip-reading masks
- and accessibility
- lip-reading masks
- Cuzzetto, 10098
- lip-reading masks
- for essential workers
- Triantafilopoulos, 10474
- expiration of
- government funding
- hand sanitizer
- manufacturing regulations
- Hatfield, 12772
- manufacturing regulations
- local manufacture of
- government funding
- McDonell, 9250
- government funding
- manufacturing regulations
- Hatfield, 12773
- for medically fragile persons
- Taylor, 8066
- Ontario Together Fund
- Ontario Together web portal
- procurement
- procurement of
- production
- Calandra, 8590, 9259
- Cho, S., 8090
- Cuzzetto, 8552
- Downey, 9895
- Elliott, 7833, 7881, 8894
- Fedeli, 8383, 9063
- Ford, 7806–7807, 8090, 8377, 8552, 8748
- French, 8031, 8802
- Gill, 8026
- Harris, 7806–7807, 8300
- Jones, 7817, 8017, 8248, 8562
- Khanjin, 7933, 8375–8376, 9762–9763
- Kramp, 8383
- McKenna, 13100
- Piccini, 7875, 11412–11413
- Roberts, 9063
- Singh, S., 7773
- Smith, D., 8295
- Thompson, 8800, 8802
- Triantafilopoulos, 7858
- in Ontario
- Ontario Together Fund
- production contracts
- Fife, 11962
- public access to
- safety of
- small business PPE grant. see under Business - main street recovery plan
- storage and delivery
- Skelly, 7826
- supply
- surgery supply requirements
- French, 8030
- tax credit for
- Smith, D., F1790
- use recommendations
- Elliott, 7661
- worker access to, also see under specific workplace
- Andrew, 7811
- Armstrong, 7959
- Blais, 7812
- Collard, 7810
- Elliott, 7660–7661, 7807, 7809–7811, 7834, 7897–7898, 7947, 8894
- Fraser, 7776–7777
- French, 8030–8031, 8802
- Gates, 7881
- Gélinas, 7660–7661, 7833–7834
- Gretzky, 8318
- Horwath, 7806–7807, 7842, 7877–7878
- Lindo, 8894
- Oosterhoff, 9267
- Sattler, 7818–7819, 7889, 7955
- Singh, S., 7897–7898
- Stiles, 7811
- Thompson, 8802
- Yarde, 7850
- not-for-profit corporations
- Sattler, 9195
- Workplace PPE Supplier Directory
- accessibility
Personal services
Personal support workers (PSWs)
- appreciation
- Elliott, 13615–13616
- Fraser, 13617
- Harden, 13616–13617
- Schreiner, 13618
- clinical integration
- Elliott, 13854
- Martin, 13142, 13244, 13888–13889
- Pang, 13174
- collective bargaining practices
- Harden, 7359
- compensation
- Schreiner, 13618
- general remarks
- increase
- pandemic pay
- Armstrong, 11446
- Calandra, 10956
- Elliott, 10641, 11342, 11851, 13615, 13767
- Ford, 11569
- Fraser, 11851
- Fullerton, 10950, 11458
- Gélinas, 10533, 10641
- Horwath, 11341–11342
- Karpoche, 11393
- Nicholls, 12506
- Piccini, 11360
- Singh, S., 11342, 11458
- Stevens, 9650
- Triantafilopoulos, 10474
- West, 10528, 10758, 10956
- Yarde, 12322
- standardized
- Fraser, 11852
- working conditions
- West, 13972–13973
- and COVID-19
- demographics
- employment models
- full-time equivalence
- general remarks
- Burch, 13230
- Gates, 13880
- Gélinas, 13165–13166
- family relations
- French, 13248
- Rasheed, 13247–13248
- general remarks
- government funding
- and homelessness
- Sattler, 13244
- occupational health and safety
- patient-staff continuity
- Gélinas, 13868
- recruitment
- Armstrong, 13288–13289
- Bethlenfalvy, 12199
- Calandra, 13534, 13662, 13848
- Elliott, 13615–13616
- Ford, 11569, 13314
- French, 12420
- Fullerton, 11458, 11682, 13203–13204
- Gates, 12436–12437, 13445
- Khanjin, 12446
- Nicholls, 12504–12505
- Parsa, 12363
- Singh, S., 11458
- Skelly, 11166
- retention rate
- role of
- shortage
- title use
- training
- unionized
- collective agreements
- complaints investigations
- Gélinas, 13867
- complaints investigations
- collective agreements
- whistleblower protection
- Andrew, 13875
- Gélinas, 13866–13867
- working conditions
- Andrew, 8444, 9805
- Armstrong, 1868, 3030, 8435, 10107
- Berns-McGown, 8447
- Bourgouin, 12305
- Elliott, 13767–13768
- Fife, 6889
- Fraser, 13617–13618
- Gates, 12436–12437
- Gélinas, 7168, 7859–7860, 8449, 8462, 9710, 9803, 11070, 12366
- Harden, 8449, 13617
- Hatfield, 10950–10951
- Horwath, 7207, 9797, 9801
- Karpoche, 8456
- Kusendova, 8447
- Martin, 8408–8409, 8462
- Mitas, 8444
- Sattler, 7879, 7953, 12341
- Schreiner, 8462, 13317, 13618
- Simard, 12138
- Stiles, 8473
- general remarks
- job security
- Singh, S., 13816
- negotiation of
- Martin, 13888
- appreciation
Personal support workers (PSWs) - compensation
- benefits and other compensation
- general remarks
- Armstrong, 7329
- Bisson, 7594
- Bourgouin, 13173
- Fife, 7326
- Fraser, 7343–7345, 12305
- French, 13244
- Gates, 7338, 7474–7476, 7589
- Gélinas, 7341, 7343, 8460
- Glover, 13213
- Harden, 7358, 8460
- Hatfield, 13235
- Karpoche, 8045
- Kernaghan, 7470, 13002
- Sattler, 13244
- Skelly, 7339
- Stevens, 7470
- Tabuns, 13241
- Taylor, 8066
- Triantafilopoulos, 7338–7339
- pandemic pay
- for travel
- wage enhancement
- extension
- general remarks
- termination date
- wage floor
- wage review commission
- West, 12385
- wages
- Bisson, 8021, 9932
- Burch, 13221
- Calandra, 14154
- Fraser, 7857, 12389–12390, 13884
- French, 13243, 13245
- Gates, 13879
- Gélinas, 12391, 13166–13167
- Glover, 13214
- Hassan, 13881
- Karpoche, 12389, 13179
- Kernaghan, 13142
- Morrison, 13247
- Rakocevic, 12387–12388
- Sattler, 7879, 7953, 12809–12810
- Schreiner, 8946, 12390, 13877
- Singh, S., 14154
- Stevens, 12390
- Vanthof, 7868
- West, 12385–12387
Personal support workers (PSWs) - education and training.
see also under Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority- accelerated training program
- Thanigasalam, 13237
- career development
- Elliott, 8946
- delivery models
- Park, 11408–11409
- general remarks
- Andrew, 13873
- government funding
- government strategy
- Piccini, 13257
- micro-credentialing
- Piccini, 11413
- professional development
- standards development. see under Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority
- training standards
- French, 13243
- tuition supports
- accelerated training program
Personal support workers (PSWs) - recruitment and retention
- attrition rates
- Gélinas, 13864
- general remarks
- Armstrong, 8412–8413
- Bisson, 7593
- Burch, 13221
- Calandra, 14154
- Elliott, 8946
- Fee, 7589
- Fife, 7589
- Fullerton, 9111
- Gates, 13880
- Gélinas, 3444–3445, 8447, 13144–13145, 13165–13166, 13864, 13866–13867
- Glover, 13214–13215
- Hassan, 13876, 13885, 13888–13889
- Hunter, 12172
- Kanapathi, 12303
- Karpoche, 13178, 13180, 13870–13871
- Kernaghan, 13142, 13184
- Kusendova, 8466
- Lindo, 7361
- Martin, 7586, 8413, 13860
- Pang, 8466
- Park, 13183–13184
- Parsa, 7586
- Rasheed, 13248
- Sattler, 12809
- Schreiner, 12306, 13877
- Skelly, 7359
- Taylor, 7467
- Triantafilopoulos, 12172
- Wai, 7359
- Yarde, 7588
- government funding
- in other jurisdictions
- retention rates
- Tabuns, 13241
- role of compensation
- role of job security
- shortage
- Bourgouin, 3597
- Elliott, 1272
- Horwath, 11402
- Vanthof, 8767
- West, 12385–12386
- attrition rates
Personal support workers (PSWs) - regulation of
- general remarks
- Crawford, 13244–13245
- Elliott, 13136, 13854
- Fraser, 13258, 13882–13884
- French, 13239–13240, 13243–13245
- Gates, 13879–13880
- Hassan, 13885–13886, 13888
- Kanapathi, 13883
- Karpoche, 13872
- Khanjin, 13881, 13888
- Kusendova, 13223–13224, 13860
- Martin, 13138, 13140, 13235, 13239, 13241, 13245, 13248, 13856–13858, 13872, 13877, 13881
- McKenna, 13231
- Park, 13182–13183, 13185
- Rasheed, 13246–13248
- Shaw, 13228
- Tangri, 13258
- Thanigasalam, 13239
- stakeholder response, 13872
- Michener Institute report
- Fraser, 13882–13883
- in other jurisdictions
- regulatory body. see Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority
- stakeholder consultation
- stakeholder response. see under Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority
- general remarks
Persons with developmental disabilities
Persons with disabilities
- accessibility. see Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- advocacy
- Harden, 5374
- community centres
- and COVID-19
- employment. see also Businesses—accessibility
- Armstrong, 5377
- Cho, R.S.J., 1689, 4260, 4287, 5276, 5375, 10519–10520, 11010
- Cuzzetto, 5376
- Fraser, 10521
- Glover, 5376
- Harden, 1690–1691, 10520–10521, 12918–12919
- Schreiner, 10521
- employment support
- episodic disabilities
- Harden, 5374
- equity
- Fraser, 10997
- government strategy
- human rights framework
- Des Rosiers, 2777
- mental health services
- Ghamari, 11382
- and minimum wage
- Fife, 1968–1969
- services
- services, funding
Persons with disabilities - children
Pesticides Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.11
- amendments to
- Rakocevic, 5927–5928
- amendments to
Pet ownership
- animal locator systems
- Martow, 6111
- bans on. see Animal welfare offences - penalties—prohibition orders
- breed-specific legislation
- cosmetic altering. see under Animal welfare
- dogs on food premises
- general remarks
- Crawford, 5496
- interviews for prospective owners
- social impact
- species restrictions
- veterinary care
- cost of
- Sattler, 6075
- cost of
- animal locator systems
Pet stores
- sale of pets, restrictions
- Martow, 3543
- sale of pets, restrictions
Peter Kormos Memorial Act (Trillium Gift of Life Network Amendment), 2019 (Bill 91)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 3933
- first reading
Peterborough Police Service
- Women in Policing Symposium (2019)
- Jones, 3771–3772
- Women in Policing Symposium (2019)
- Abortion images
- Kernaghan, 10043–10044, 10865, 11861
- Sattler, 11984–11985
- Abuse awareness and prevention
- Access to justice
- Access to personal health records
- Accident benefits
- Addiction services
- Adoption disclosure
- Taylor, 7622
- Affordable housing
- Anand, 13851
- Andrew, 3936, 4459, 6669, 6790, 7171–7172, 8829, 9226, 9733, 11221–11222
- Armstrong, 2645–2646, 2694, 6284–6285, 6373, 6525, 6669, 6671, 7494
- Begum, 11222
- Bell, 4630, 5526
- Berns-McGown, 6791, 10644
- Crawford, 13850
- Cuzzetto, 14000
- Fife, 3190
- French, 849
- Gates, 1285–1286
- Harden, 1091, 8335
- Hassan, 819, 1126, 3769, 4136, 4724, 4766, 4927, 6286, 8388–8389, 8672, 10304–10305
- Hatfield, 1241, 9174
- Karpoche, 3189–3190, 4088, 4412, 9124, 11582
- Lindo, 2696
- Mantha, 14204
- Martin, 13851
- Martow, 3537, 5323
- Morrison, 892–893
- Sattler, 4273, 6068, 7045–7046, 7318
- Shaw, 3188–3189
- Singh, S., 2527–2528
- Taylor, 10575
- Agri-food industry
- Air and water quality
- Gill, 5914
- Air quality
- Ghamari, 183
- Alzheimer's disease
- Animal protection
- Barrett, 2782, 2822, 3253, 3573, 3677
- Berns-McGown, 1194–1195, 3537–3538, 3935
- Bouma, 3434, 4272–4273
- Fee, 4273
- Hogarth, 1089–1090, 1496–1497, 1692, 1896, 2104–2105, 2323, 2527, 2744, 2895, 3349–3350, 3536–3537, 6230, 6475, 6524
- Hoggarth, 1285
- Hunter, 11261–11262, 14094
- Karahalios, 4674
- Karpoche, 3835
- Ke, 4274–4275
- Martow, 1645, 4136–4137
- Nicholls, 3385
- Pettapiece, 3385–3386, 3573–3574, 3770
- Piccini, 3888
- Rakocevic, 3934
- Skelly, 2894
- Stiles, 6065–6066, 11522–11523
- Tangri, 4274
- Anti-racism activities
- Anti-smoking initiatives
- Gélinas, 12099
- Anti-smoking initiatives for youth
- Armstrong, 10644–10645
- Gélinas, 141, 242, 382, 9425, 9625–9626, 11014, 11142–11143, 11220, 11691, 11985, 12361, 12612–12613, 12665, 13163–13164
- Sattler, 8335, 10140
- Anti-vaping initiatives
- Gélinas, 13044
- Anti-vaping initiatives for youth
- Arts and cultural funding
- Assistive devices
- Autism treatment
- Armstrong, 5079, 5125, 5280–5281, 13929
- Arthur, 3572–3573, 4175, 4629
- Bell, 5078
- Berns-McGown, 3135, 4045, 4316–4317
- Burch, 4874–4875
- Fife, 3433, 3575, 5227, 11144
- French, 3432, 14206
- Gélinas, 3770–3771, 4459–4460, 4504, 4819, 5126, 5474, 6790, 6941, 7673, 9226–9227, 9361, 9626, 10463
- Hassan, 3349, 3890–3891, 8827, 10688
- Hatfield, 3572, 3889–3890, 9514–9515
- Hunter, 3087–3088
- Karpoche, 3435, 3485, 3536, 3890, 9697–9698, 10573, 11581
- Kernaghan, 4044, 7672, 14001
- Lindo, 3771
- Mantha, 4272
- Rakocevic, 3434–3435, 3538
- Sattler, 9359
- Singh, S., 3536, 3936, 4726, 6231
- Stevens, 4875
- Stiles, 3254
- Taylor, 3036, 3351, 3620–3621, 3889, 4043, 6994–6995, 7172, 7439–7440, 13929–13930, 14000–14001, 14079, 14205
- West, 3483, 3889, 4460, 5526, 12664–12665, 13044
- Automated external defibrillators
- Martin, 7621–7622
- Automobile insurance
- Baitfish industry
- Beer and wine sales
- Martow, 4503–4504
- Beverage alcohol sales
- Crawford, 5475
- Broadband infrastructure
- Campus radio stations
- Caregivers
- Harden, 11736–11737, 12908, 13278–13279, 13619
- Celiac disease
- Child advocate
- Child care
- Child care workers
- Andrew, 3301, 6669–6670
- Armstrong, 3386, 3622, 4820
- Begum, 3254, 3351–3352, 3623, 3834
- Bell, 3253
- Berns-McGown, 3038, 3349, 3835
- Fife, 3255
- Harden, 3301
- Hatfield, 3482
- Karpoche, 3253, 3303, 3484, 4240
- Kernaghan, 3255
- Monteith-Farrell, 3350
- Morrison, 3252
- Sattler, 3137, 3351
- Singh, S., 3302–3303
- Stiles, 3302
- Taylor, 3386
- West, 3386, 3484, 4315
- Climate change
- Andrew, 4985
- Arthur, 5569–5570
- Bell, 1897, 3574, 5714–5715, 8560, 9172
- Collard, 9273
- Des Rosiers, 1736, 1896, 1933, 2784, 4983–4984
- Fraser, 9225
- Hassan, 5852, 6882, 10645
- Hunter, 6068
- Karpoche, 4985, 9517, 10574
- Mantha, 9470
- Miller, N., 6585–6586
- Rakocevic, 6792
- Schreiner, 1602, 4984, 9320–9321
- Tabuns, 9272–9273
- Community hub
- Barrett, 6791
- Community planning
- Babikian, 10394, 10461–10462, 10522, 10573, 10643, 10687, 10785–10786, 10865
- Barrett, 10396
- Nicholls, 10394–10395
- Pang, 10463
- Wai, 10462–10463
- Conservation authorities
- Begum, 11143
- Berns-McGown, 11101–11102
- Hatfield, 11102–11103
- Rakocevic, 11736
- Sattler, 10241, 10523, 10573, 12299, 12476
- Schreiner, 11103
- Consumer protection
- Correctional services
- French, 786–787
- COVID-19 response
- Curriculum
- Andrew, 1126
- Armstrong, 1287, 1694, 1932, 2784
- Barrett, 1532
- Burch, 2429
- Fife, 24, 343–344, 484, 1241, 1391
- Gélinas, 787, 849–850, 937, 1039–1040, 1392, 5477
- Harden, 241, 686
- Hatfield, 849
- Hillier, 1390
- Karpoche, 24, 184, 241, 344, 1089, 1125–1126, 1193, 1286–1287
- Kernaghan, 820, 2432, 4411, 5567–5568
- Lalonde, 2430
- Lindo, 787–788, 935–936, 1038, 1192, 1390–1392, 2477
- Martin, 9731
- Morrison, 304–305, 1444–1445, 2580–2581
- Natyshak, 1241–1242
- Pang, 6626
- Sattler, 23, 140
- Schreiner, 848, 935, 1089, 1240, 1848–1849
- Singh, S., 5567
- Smith, D., 9730
- Stiles, 240, 304–305, 342, 417, 647, 818, 892, 2268, 5323, 5566–5567
- Taylor, 818–819, 1533
- Yarde, 419
- Dairy industry
- Monteith-Farrell, 5768
- Daylight saving time
- Martin, 9919
- Dental care
- Martow, 6285
- Diabetes treatment
- Diagnostic services
- Gélinas, 2784
- Discrimination
- Des Rosiers, 1240
- Dog ownership
- Dog park
- Piccini, 14204
- Driver education
- Driver examination centres
- Mantha, 10178–10179, 11737, 12359
- Eating disorders
- Economic recovery
- Economic reopening and recovery
- Education
- Education funding
- Andrew, 4566, 5651, 5915, 6133, 9322
- Armstrong, 7672, 9273–9274
- Arthur, 7100
- Begum, 5325, 7381
- Bell, 4819, 5280, 5914, 6791, 7725
- Berns-McGown, 3833, 4925–4926, 6229–6230, 6372, 6670, 6880, 6940–6941
- Bourgouin, 10306
- Burch, 4086, 6670, 9070–9072, 10305–10306
- Fife, 4631, 5078–5079
- French, 13720
- Gélinas, 6996, 9424, 9623, 10393, 11985
- Glover, 4566, 4983, 10306
- Gretzky, 4875–4876
- Harden, 4087, 4925
- Hassan, 4316, 4503, 4564, 6792, 7561
- Hatfield, 7045, 9322, 9359–9360
- Hunter, 4505
- Kanapathi, 9732–9733
- Karpoche, 3833, 4044, 4174, 4342, 4409, 4565, 5278–5279, 8898, 9321, 11786
- Ke, 9732
- Kernaghan, 4409, 4927–4928, 6625–6626, 7223, 9273
- Lindo, 6285
- Mamakwa, 13721
- Mantha, 12149–12150
- Miller, P., 5475–5476
- Monteith-Farrell, 4565, 6373
- Morrison, 3832–3833, 4768, 5227, 7221, 8958
- Rakocevic, 3834, 4242–4243, 4316, 4410, 4505, 4630, 4817, 4819, 5080, 5476, 6132, 6185, 6372, 6475–6476, 7558, 7622–7623, 13778
- Sattler, 7170, 9274
- Schreiner, 4504, 5526
- Singh, S., 4506, 7726
- Stevens, 7559–7560
- Stiles, 2213, 4086, 4875, 5123, 5279, 5475, 5527, 6286, 6995, 7222, 7559, 7672, 8431, 9070, 9072, 9273, 9275, 10304, 10394, 10643, 11102, 11104, 11522, 11925, 11983–11986, 12147, 12149, 12419, 12909, 13368–13369, 13720–13722
- Tabuns, 7493
- Vanthof, 5476
- West, 4926–4927, 7259, 10522, 10688
- e-Learning
- Rakocevic, 5370
- Electricity supply
- Emergency management oversight
- Emergency services
- Employment standards
- Andrew, 819, 1009–1010, 1194, 1497, 1601, 1691–1692, 1803, 1848, 2055, 2105, 2267, 2324, 2475–2476, 2643–2644
- Arthur, 1602, 2215, 2360–2361
- Begum, 1338, 1498, 2323–2324
- Bell, 305, 1445, 1647, 2150, 2431–2432
- Berns-McGown, 2431
- Burch, 2269–2270, 2325
- Gélinas, 24–25
- Ghamari, 417–418
- Glover, 306, 2697
- Harden, 1896, 2359, 2430
- Hassan, 1337, 1496, 1532, 1692, 1735–1736, 1800–1801, 1895, 2106, 2322–2323, 2526, 3537
- Karpoche, 304, 342, 382–383, 1039, 1091, 1127, 1285, 1336–1337, 1498, 1601, 1693, 1801, 1849, 1897, 1932, 2001, 2054, 2429, 3835–3836, 9122
- Lindo, 1802
- Morrison, 306, 1934
- Rakocevic, 1934, 2002–2003, 2106–2107
- Sattler, 11260–11261
- Singh, S., 647, 686–687, 747, 786, 1498–1499, 1532–1533, 1646, 1849–1850, 2528–2529, 3678
- Smith, D., 11690
- Stiles, 305–306, 785, 1010, 1390, 1497, 2053, 2104, 2215, 2361
- Vanthof, 14000
- West, 1126, 1801–1802, 2149, 2431, 12665
- Yarde, 343, 535–536, 687, 1337–1338
- Endangered species
- Wynne, 6523
- Energy policies
- Environmental protection
- Epilepsy
- Equal opportunity
- Falstaff community
- Hassan, 8956–8957
- Family law
- Firearms control
- Fish and wildlife management
- Anand, 3538
- Babikian, 7046
- Bailey, 5280
- Barrett, 3384, 3936
- Bouma, 2580, 3621, 3769, 4044–4045, 4241–4242, 4342, 6068, 6625
- Crawford, 3189
- Dunlop, 3188, 3350, 3974–3975
- Fee, 5123, 5324
- Ghamari, 4242, 6134, 6373, 7620, 8123, 9019–9020
- Harris, 2983, 3254–3255, 3349, 3536, 3935, 3975, 4243, 4505–4506, 4925–4926, 5279, 5371–5372, 6426, 6624–6625, 7838, 10088–10089, 10926–10927, 11261, 13722, 14093
- Karahalios, 4087, 4874
- Ke, 3890
- Khanjin, 13722
- Kramp, 13721
- McDonell, 5281
- Miller, N., 2946, 3036–3037, 3134, 3252–3253, 3622
- Oosterhoff, 5280, 6425, 12908
- Pettapiece, 12909
- Romano, 3482, 4676
- Skelly, 11262
- Smith, D., 2893, 2984, 3037, 3134–3135, 3253–3254, 3433, 3934, 4136, 5279, 5850, 5967–5968, 6132, 6425, 6624, 7561, 10241–10242, 11464, 11925–11926
- Food safety
- Barrett, 5715
- Bouma, 7558–7559
- Cho, S., 5801
- Coe, 6792–6793
- Gill, 7045
- Hogarth, 5800, 6668
- Karahalios, 5799–5800, 5851, 6232, 6941–6942
- Kusendova, 6231
- Martin, 5769, 5916–5917, 6231
- Nicholls, 6727
- Pang, 5968–5969
- Park, 5649–5650, 5800, 6230
- Pettapiece, 7044–7045
- Skelly, 5851
- Smith, D., 6726, 6940, 8124
- Tangri, 5915–5916, 6476, 7169–7170
- Wai, 5916
- French-language services
- Front-line workers
- Full-day kindergarten
- Gasoline prices
- GO Transit
- Government anti-racism programs
- Government documents
- Government policies
- Andrew, 14205
- Fife, 14092
- French, 14093
- Hassan, 14163
- Kernaghan, 14205–14206
- Morrison, 14093
- Singh, S., 14093
- Stevens, 14093–14094
- Stiles, 14092–14093
- Taylor, 14165
- Government regulations
- Government's agenda
- Government's record
- Great Lakes protection
- Barrett, 6790
- Guide and service animals
- Health care
- Health care funding
- Health protection legislation
- Gélinas, 12298
- Heritage conservation
- Crawford, 10924–10925
- Highway bypass
- Barrett, 6792
- Highway tolls
- Home care
- Homeopathy
- Hospital funding
- Hospital parking fees
- Taylor, 4875
- HPV vaccine
- Human trafficking
- Bouma, 11861–11862
- Smith, D., 11689, 11923
- Immigration and refugee policy
- Pang, 418
- Independent officers of the Legislature
- Indigenous affairs
- Begum, 687–688
- Fife, 1242, 5475
- French, 14203–14204
- Gélinas, 419–420
- Hatfield, 936, 1090, 2581–2582
- Karpoche, 23, 183, 240, 382, 893, 1091, 1286, 2927, 2945–2946, 3302–3303
- Lindo, 687, 847, 2324, 9981
- Mantha, 584, 1338, 1647–1648, 1737, 2269, 3190
- Morrison, 303–304, 484–485, 2360, 2783
- Rakocevic, 2644–2645
- Sattler, 6287, 7260
- Stiles, 7257
- Taylor, 647–648, 1646
- Yarde, 1192–1193
- Indigenous programs and services
- Bourgouin, 5323
- Infrastructure funding
- Ghamari, 10240
- Martin, 10139
- Pang, 5852
- Smith, D., 10089–10090
- Injured workers
- Armstrong, 2983, 4459, 4727
- Begum, 5125, 6942
- Bell, 4631–4632
- Berns-McGown, 1192, 2644, 5078
- Burch, 13369
- French, 1446, 4566–4567
- Harden, 1390, 1447, 1692–1693
- Hassan, 2358–2359, 2528, 2582, 2782
- Hunter, 2696–2697, 2744–2745, 2926–2927, 2983
- Karpoche, 892, 1038–1039, 1286, 1645, 1693–1694, 3538–3539, 5474
- Mantha, 3302, 3933, 4458–4459
- Monteith-Farrell, 1737, 1934, 2323, 3769
- Rakocevic, 1285, 4317, 4820, 4927
- Sattler, 11103–11104, 13323, 13370, 13619, 13667
- Stevens, 1533, 2002
- Taylor, 1803
- West, 2948, 10046, 10689, 10787–10788
- Yarde, 1531–1532, 2151, 2325, 2644, 2783–2784, 3485
- International baccalaureate program
- Karpoche, 6844
- International trade
- Internet access
- Andrew, 12229–12230
- Hatfield, 11861, 12098
- Karpoche, 12230
- Justices of the peace
- Land use planning
- Landfill
- Laurentian University
- West, 13852
- Legal aid
- Library services
- Life insurance
- Long-term care
- Andrew, 8897, 9320
- Armstrong, 2003, 2214, 2216, 2528, 2644, 2823–2824, 2894, 2948, 3350, 3574, 3976, 4137–4138, 4316, 4318, 4565, 4631–4632, 4725, 4818–4819, 4925, 5372, 5916, 6016, 6134, 6374, 6476–6478, 6588, 6670–6671, 6728, 7316, 7439, 8334–8335, 8389, 8430, 8494, 9019, 9124, 9173–9174, 9274–9275, 9321, 9517, 9576, 10087–10088, 10138, 10395, 10642–10643, 10645, 10689, 10866–10867, 10925, 11144, 12806
- Begum, 6942, 9793–9794, 11143–11144
- Berns-McGown, 7046, 9515–9516, 9918
- Burch, 4273–4274, 5078, 10089
- Fife, 2928, 4767, 5851, 6726–6727, 6883, 6940, 6995, 7100, 7317, 8672, 8957, 9173–9174, 9664, 11639
- French, 4632, 8268–8269, 9020, 10242
- Gélinas, 241, 344–345, 584, 849, 894, 3038, 3833–3834, 3933–3934, 4087–4088, 4344, 4565–4566, 4984, 5080, 5800, 5915, 6231–6232, 6942, 6996, 7101, 7315, 7620, 7670, 8334, 8388, 8495, 9022, 9173, 9227, 9359, 9423–9424, 9625, 9853, 9980–9981, 10045–10046, 10181, 10463, 10926, 11638–11639, 11923, 11925, 12097–12098, 12197, 12299, 12360, 12611–12612, 12664, 13044, 13162, 13427, 13930
- Ghamari, 535
- Gretzky, 8955–8956
- Hassan, 9794
- Hatfield, 482–483, 848, 1336, 2783, 8671, 9172, 9360–9361, 9577, 10925
- Karpoche, 9320, 9516–9517, 10787, 11143
- Kernaghan, 9275, 10088, 10866
- Lindo, 4411, 9515, 9795, 10644, 13619–13620, 14165
- Mantha, 6845, 6994, 8495–8496, 9071, 9469, 12148, 12360
- Monteith-Farrell, 6726, 8957–8958, 9358, 9795, 10865–10866
- Natyshak, 1240
- Rakocevic, 5079, 5178, 7380–7381, 9424, 9516, 9851, 10089, 13369
- Sattler, 8496, 9664, 10138–10139, 10866
- Shaw, 9576–9577
- Stiles, 9851
- Taylor, 6371, 6476, 6669, 9468, 10139, 10395
- West, 586, 2003, 9468–9469, 9576–9577
- Yarde, 6015, 7726
- Lupus
- Pang, 4817–4818
- Lyme disease
- Fife, 4343
- Magna Carta Day
- Manga Carta Day
- Anand, 9124–9125
- Member's comments
- Martow, 6066–6067
- Men's mental health and addiction services
- Mental health and addiction services
- Anand, 2824
- Andrew, 3088
- Armstrong, 3135–3136
- Bailey, 1445, 1601–1602
- Begum, 3089–3090
- Berns-McGown, 3088
- Coe, 1603
- Dunlop, 1447
- Fee, 1645–1646
- Gates, 2893–2894
- Karahalios, 1446
- Karpoche, 3087, 3134, 4317
- Martow, 1445–1446
- Monteith-Farrell, 4175
- Piccini, 2429–2430
- Rakocevic, 3136
- Sabawy, 1447
- Singh, S., 3136
- Stevens, 2894
- Thanigasalam, 1447–1448
- Yarde, 3483
- Mental health services
- Midwifery
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
- Mount Pleasant Group of Cemeteries
- Bell, 8123–8124
- Multiple sclerosis
- Municipal development
- Municipal elections
- Andrew, 419, 536, 1037
- Begum, 420, 747, 936, 1008
- Bell, 418, 586, 818, 1008–1009
- Berns-McGown, 419, 483, 584, 746, 819, 936
- Glover, 483–484, 1009
- Hassan, 418–419, 484, 584, 746, 936
- Hunter, 9851–9853, 9979, 10866
- Karpoche, 1037
- Morrison, 418, 483, 817
- Rakocevic, 483
- Schreiner, 1008
- Shaw, 420, 937, 1090–1091
- Stevens, 686
- Stiles, 535, 585, 937
- Wynne, 935
- Yarde, 584–585
- Municipal government
- Municipal planning
- Municipal restructuring
- Vanthof, 7620–7621
- Noise pollution
- Northern health services
- Northern Health Travel Grant
- Northern transportation
- Gravelle, 746–747
- Northern Travel Health Grant
- Mantha, 10240
- Nuclear energy
- Ontario Disability Support Program
- Ontario economy
- Ontario Food Terminal
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission
- Bourgouin, 6477
- Optometry services
- Andrew, 14080
- Barrett, 10786
- Begum, 10688
- Bisson, 10687–10689
- Burch, 13278
- Fife, 9021, 9172, 9978, 10394, 10786, 10959, 11143, 11261, 11689, 12360, 13426–13427, 14094
- Fraser, 13668–13669
- French, 12743, 13278
- Gélinas, 10305, 10927, 11522, 13427
- Gretzky, 11013–11014
- Hatfield, 9917, 9919, 9980, 12475–12476
- Karpoche, 8672, 10179, 13851–13852
- Kernaghan, 13999–14000
- Lindo, 13666–13667
- Mantha, 12861
- Monteith-Farrell, 12475
- Morrison, 14094–14095
- Natyshak, 13929
- Sattler, 12743, 12861
- Schreiner, 10179–10180, 10866, 11464, 13779
- Simard, 10787
- Taylor, 13850–13851
- Triantafilopoulos, 10687–10688, 12147, 12359–12360
- Vanthof, 13850
- West, 10523, 13043, 13426–13427, 13852–13853
- Organ donation
- Crawford, 6586
- Palliative care
- Pension plans
- Miller, P., 10521–10522
- Personal protective equipment
- Pharmacare
- Places of religious worship
- Plasma collection
- Barrett, 6843
- Poet laureate
- Police services
- Post-stroke treatment
- Power plants
- Schreiner, 9917–9918
- Property taxation
- Kramp, 11399
- Protection for workers
- Blais, 13618
- Public health
- Public safety
- Anand, 2054, 2360, 3351, 3890
- Babikian, 1895, 2055–2056
- Crawford, 2270
- Dunlop, 1897–1898
- Fee, 4087, 4876
- Karahalios, 2269
- Ke, 2526
- Martin, 2895
- Martow, 2001–2002, 2105–2106, 2527
- Parsa, 2106
- Piccini, 1849, 2478
- Roberts, 1850, 2053–2054
- Sabawy, 1848, 2267–2268
- Smith, D., 1896–1897, 2268–2269, 2324–2325, 2476–2477, 4088, 5716
- Triantafilopoulos, 2477
- Public sector compensation
- Andrew, 7904
- Armstrong, 5915, 7839–7840
- Begum, 5801, 6625, 8098
- Berns-McGown, 5800, 6132
- Burch, 5649, 5967
- French, 7837
- Gélinas, 7839, 9020, 9072, 9224, 9359, 9469, 9623, 9731, 10306, 11523, 11641, 11689, 12100
- Gretzky, 5769
- Hatfield, 5799
- Karpoche, 7904–7905
- Kernaghan, 5767–5768, 5968
- Morrison, 5850
- Rakocevic, 5714, 5850–5851
- Sattler, 5649, 8268
- Schreiner, 7905
- Singh, S., 6187
- Stevens, 7905
- Stiles, 6624, 11737
- Taylor, 6231, 9425
- Vanthof, 5799
- West, 5800–5801, 6015–6016, 6842–6843, 7951–7952, 9470, 9576
- Yarde, 6626
- Public services
- Morrison, 6994
- Public transit
- Baber, 7494
- Bell, 2984–2985
- Ghamari, 7440
- Hogarth, 7100, 7493
- Kusendova, 7495–7496
- Martow, 1089, 1801, 2695, 3136, 4505
- McDonell, 1801, 7622
- McKenna, 7100–7101
- Nicholls, 7559
- Oosterhoff, 7671
- Pang, 383, 5768, 7671
- Piccini, 7441
- Rakocevic, 2870
- Sandhu, 7496
- Smith, D., 7102, 10090
- Tabuns, 6881, 7724, 11221
- Real estate industry
- Red tape reduction
- Bailey, 12907
- Remembrance Day
- Pang, 5769
- Restaurant industry
- Retail alcohol sales
- Martow, 6525
- Road safety
- Royal Canadian Legion halls
- School boards
- School bus safety
- School facilities
- Services for people with disabilities
- Taylor, 10573–10574
- Services for persons with disabilities
- Sex offender registry
- Smith, D., 13667–13668, 13779
- Small business
- Social assistance
- Andrew, 8826–8827, 9172–9173, 9224–9225, 9321–9322, 12147–12148, 12230, 12983
- Armstrong, 2744, 9577
- Arthur, 2645
- Berns-McGown, 2150, 4241, 12231
- Burch, 2214
- Des Rosiers, 848–849
- Gravelle, 2268
- Harden, 2947–2948
- Hassan, 4317–4318
- Hunter, 583, 688, 820, 847–848, 1008
- Karpoche, 2105, 2148, 2476, 2643, 4343, 9698, 11785
- Lindo, 785–786, 892
- Monteith-Farrell, 1009, 4768, 5224
- Morrison, 1339
- Rakocevic, 6939–6940
- Schreiner, 1037, 1193, 1446, 1897
- Taylor, 1007–1008, 7440–7441, 7672–7673
- Social services
- Gélinas, 11012
- Spine surgery
- Smith, D., 6844
- Sport martial arts
- Sri Lankan Heritage Month
- Fraser, 8188
- State of emergency
- Hillier, 8268
- Student loans
- Karpoche, 4046
- Student safety
- Sattler, 5371
- Student work experience
- Taxation
- Teachers' collective bargaining
- Teachers' professional development
- Telecommunications in correctional facilities
- Tenant protection
- Andrew, 8497, 14078–14079
- Berns-McGown, 8429, 11688–11689
- Fife, 6523
- Karpoche, 3935, 5569, 8672–8673
- Morrison, 9273
- Stiles, 11924
- Toronto Transit Commission
- Traffic control
- Transportation infrastructure
- Berns-McGown, 11104
- Treaties recognition
- West, 10240–10241
- Trucking industry
- Bourgouin, 13539–13540
- Vanthof, 14001
- Tuition
- 2021 Ontario budget
- Skelly, 12907–12908
- Veterans
- Veterans memorial
- Anand, 3678–3679
- Babikian, 3889
- Barrett, 3435, 3769, 3935, 3974, 4984
- Bouma, 3622, 5278
- Crawford, 2148–2149, 5323
- Fee, 2823, 3889, 4675, 4873–4874, 5322
- Harris, 6626
- Hatfield, 3677, 4173, 4341–4342, 4564–4565, 4983, 5226, 7046, 7258, 7494–7495, 7725
- Hogarth, 6015, 6476
- Karahalios, 3888, 6016
- Ke, 4674
- Mantha, 5968, 6477, 6996
- Martin, 5324–5325, 6134
- Martow, 3135
- Piccini, 2476, 4675
- Rakocevic, 7221–7222
- Sabawy, 2985, 3678, 6014
- Simard, 2361
- Stevens, 4768–4769
- Tangri, 6882–6883, 7725, 9468
- Volunteer service awards
- Waste reduction
- Water extraction
- Water quality
- Wearing of poppies
- West Lincoln Memorial Hospital
- Winter highway maintenance
- Women's issues
- Workplace safety
- Schreiner, 11262
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
- Smith, D., 11463, 11690–11691, 11861
- Abortion images
- surrendered to animal services
- Hogarth, 9650
- surrendered to animal services
see also Prescription drugsPharmaceutical industry
- attack in (January 2019)
- Baber, 3082–3083
- attack in (January 2019)
Physician assistants
- and controlled acts
- Elliott, 13137
- Martin, 13141–13142, 13859
- Pang, 13173
- delegated actions
- Gélinas, 13868
- deployment to Afghanistan
- Gélinas, 13168
- education and training
- Martin, 13858
- general remarks
- Elliott, 13137
- Martin, 13141, 13858–13859
- regulation of
- general remarks
- Elliott, 13137, 13855
- Fraser, 13882
- Gélinas, 13168, 13867–13868
- Kanapathi, 13218, 13883
- Kusendova, 13223–13225
- Martin, 13141–13142, 13239, 13858–13859, 13877
- McKenna, 13214, 13231
- Pang, 13173–13174
- Park, 13181
- Sabawy, 13218
- Tangri, 13174
- Thanigasalam, 13238
- stakeholder consultation
- Martin, 13142
- stakeholder response
- Kusendova, 13225
- general remarks
- regulatory body. see also College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO)
- regulatory framework
- implementation timeline
- Pang, 13173
- implementation timeline
- scope of practice
- Gélinas, 13168
- supervision of
- Elliott, 13855
- Gélinas, 13168
- Martin, 13141–13142, 13859
- title protection
- and controlled acts
Pikangikum First Nation
- Colonial Pipeline
- Enbridge Line 5
- aging infrastructure, environmental impact of
- closure
- Khanjin, 11582
- Walker, 11606
- Yakabuski, 11587
- economic impact
- Bailey, 11586–11587
- Barrett, 11603
- Calandra, 11763
- Harris, 11598–11599
- Khanjin, 11583–11584
- Lecce, 11593–11594
- McDonell, 11591–11592
- McNaughton, 11590–11591
- Natyshak, 11584
- Nicholls, 11595
- Park, 11599–11600
- Phillips, 11600
- Piccini, 11605
- Skelly, 11597
- Thompson, 11592–11593
- Walker, 11766
- Yakabuski, 11588
- government strategy
- Schreiner, 11588–11589
- impact on fuel transportation routes
- replacement of
- Smith, D., 11604
- statements by stakeholders
- Walker, 11607
- new tunnel, construction of
- Natyshak, 11762
- Enbridge Line 5 closure
- amicus brief
- Bailey, 13521–13522
- federal response
- government response
- Bailey, 11301–11302, 11569–11571, 11573
- Barrett, 11724
- Calandra, 11852
- Ford, 11301–11302, 11570
- Harris, 11852
- Khanjin, 13963
- Pettapiece, 11775–11776, 11978–11979
- Sattler, 11859–11860
- Walker, 11571–11574, 11775–11776, 11858–11859, 11979
- impact of
- amicus brief
Pitbull ban.
see Pet ownership—breed-specific legislationPittsburgh
Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138)
- first reading
- Phillips, 5962
- ministerial statement
- Phillips, 5962–5965
- second reading, 6135–6152, 6155–6165, 6249–6264, 6307–6319, 6397
- Andrew, 6256, 6259
- Armstrong, 6162, 6256
- Babikian, 6264
- Begum, 6252, 6263–6264
- Berns-McGown, 6261–6264
- Bouma, 6314
- Bourgouin, 6158
- Cho, S., 6137–6143, 6145, 6158, 6252–6253
- Crawford, 6144
- Fife, 6143–6144
- Fraser, 6308–6310
- French, 6309–6310, 6313
- Gates, 6319
- Gélinas, 6314
- Gill, 6257–6258
- Glover, 6162, 6164–6165
- Harden, 6144
- Hassan, 6252, 6264, 6310
- Hillier, 6163, 6165
- Hogarth, 6255–6256
- Kanapathi, 6260
- Kusendova, 6263, 6310
- Mamakwa, 6158
- McKenna, 6158–6159, 6318
- Monteith-Farrell, 6159–6163
- Morrison, 6314–6319
- Natyshak, 6164
- Nicholls, 6313–6314, 6318–6319
- Oosterhoff, 6163–6164
- Park, 6258–6261
- Parsa, 6309–6314
- Pettapiece, 6161–6162
- Phillips, 6135–6137
- Piccini, 6164
- Rasheed, 6249–6251, 6253
- Roberts, 6155–6157, 6159
- Sabawy, 6162, 6252, 6256
- Sarkaria, 6260
- Shaw, 6145–6151
- Skelly, 6144–6145
- Stiles, 6253–6255, 6257
- Tabuns, 6260
- Yarde, 6318
- division (carried), 6419–6420
- time allocation motion, 6345–6353, 6364–6365
- third reading, 6729–6746
- Royal assent, 6784–6785
- first reading
Planning Act,
RSO 1990, c P.13.
see also Land development- general remarks
- s. 37, increased density by-law. see Land use planning—increased density by-law
- s.50: Subdivision of land, interpretation. see also Legislative drafting—amendments to clarify intent
Planning Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 88)
Poet Laureate
Poet Laureate of Ontario
- Hatfield, 12058
Poet Laureate of Ontario Act (In Memory of Gord Downie), 2019 (Bill 6)
Police auxiliary units
Police officers
- appreciation for
- general remarks
- mental health of. see also Ontario Ombudsman—reports—In the Line of Duty (2012)
- mental health services
- Jones, 13425
- mental health training
- Tibollo, 751
- naloxone administration
- naloxone administration by
- naloxone administration, mandatory training on
- responding to mental health crises
- support programs
- support programs in other jurisdictions
- mental health
- Yarde, 3778
- mental health
- supports for
- training
- training, performance measurement
- working conditions
Police record checks
Police service boards
Police services.
see also Justice system; specific services- Amber Alerts
- public response to
- Gill, 3213
- public response to
- animal welfare
- role in
- Jones, 5937–5938
- role in
- animal welfare, role in
- Walker, 6648
- auxiliary units
- Bouma, 3187
- budget
- carding. see Carding—use of
- changing nature of
- and the Charter. see Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms—and policing
- community engagement
- community relations
- BIPOC communities
- Singh, G., 8336–8337
- BIPOC communities
- community safety and well-being plans. see under Community safety
- during COVID-19
- Jones, 13424–13425
- Vanthof, 13425
- crisis intervention
- Amber Alerts