Letter: M
Maizal Tortilleria Inc. Act, 2023 (Bill Pr10)
Making Northern Ontario Highways Safer Act, 2022 (Bill 43)
Making Psychotherapy Services Tax-Free Act, 2023 (Bill 61)
- first reading
- Andrew, 2193–2194
- first reading
Making Sexual Assault Evidence Kits Available Act, 2022 (Bill 59)
- first reading
- Scott, 2172
- first reading
Making the Patient Ombudsman an Officer of the Assembly Act, 2023 (Bill 95)
- first reading
- Fraser, 3383
- first reading
Manitoulin Health Centre
- emergency department, closure
- due to staffing
- Mantha, 5061
- due to staffing
- emergency department, closure
Manufacturing industry
Manufacturing industry - employment
Manufacturing industry - facility development
Manufacturing industry - funding
- Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Competitiveness (AMIC)
- general remarks
- Ontario Made Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit
- partnership agreements
- by region
- Haliburton–Kawartha Lakes–Brock
- Fedeli, 2159
- Haliburton–Kawartha Lakes–Brock
- Regional Development Program
Manufacturing industry - investments
- urban boundary expansion
- ministerial amendments
- land ownership, conflict of interest
- Burch, 2026
- land ownership, conflict of interest
- ministerial amendments
- urban boundary expansion
- government funding
- Pang, 1865
- government funding
Massage Therapy Day Act, 2024 (Bill 164)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 7150
- first reading
Maternal Mental Health Day Act, 2023 (Bill 33)
Mathur v. Ontario,
2024 ONCA 762.
see Also Climate change mitigation — government strategy- judgment, Ontario Court of Appeal
- Tabuns, 9800
- judgment, Ontario Court of Appeal
McMaster Children's Hospital
Medical assistance in dying (MAID)
- demographics
- marginalized people, impact on
- Brady, 11108
- Jones, S., 11108–11109
Medical equipment
Medical isotopes
Medical laboratory assistants
- regulation of
- Gélinas, 3008
- regulation of
Medical Officers of Health
- appointments by region
- Lambton county
- Bailey, 3134
- Lambton county
- authority
- Gélinas, 10842
- Jones, S., 10812–10813, 10842
- appointments by region
Medical radiation sciences
- health care workers
- working conditions
- Gélinas, 1678
- working conditions
- health care workers
Members' inaugural speeches
Members' Integrity Act,
SO 1994, c. 38.
see also Member's/ministers' conduct- reform
- Schreiner, 4203
- reform
Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs)
- compensation
- Fife, 9088
- compensation
Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) - staff
- communications. see Also Integrity Commissioner of Ontario - investigations — greenbelt land removal
- freedom of information requests
- Stiles, 9369
- personal devices, use of
- Bouma, 10170–10171
- Stiles, 9258–9259, 9310, 9368, 9542–9543, 10170–10171
- retention and deletion
- Stiles, 9258
- freedom of information requests
- Premier's office
- communications. see Also Integrity Commissioner of Ontario - investigations — greenbelt land removal
Members' statements
- 4-H clubs
- Jordan, 10261
- 43rd Parliament
- Rakocevic, 387
- 108 Health Promotion Association
- Gallagher Murphy, 588–589
- 150th anniversary of Burlington
- Pierre, 5104
- 2023 Canadian International AutoShow
- McGregor, 2370
- 2023 Ontario budget
- Abilities Centre Accessibility Awards
- Coe, 8857
- Abilities Centre Acessibility Awards
- Barnes, 2792–2793
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- Coe, 483
- Across U-hub
- Wai, 6169
- Adams, Dr. Barry
- Fraser, 1257
- Addiction services
- Adoption disclosure
- Armstrong, 3064
- Adult and Teen Challenge Thunder Bay
- Holland, 1773
- Affordable housing
- Agawa Canyon Tour Train
- Romano, 732
- Agri-food industry
- Air quality
- Karpoche, 5876
- Aitcheson, Jim
- Rae, 10545
- Ajax Pumpkinville
- Barnes, 929
- Algoma University
- Romano, 11051
- Algoma University Thunderbirds soccer teams
- Romano, 9985
- Ali, Zeda
- Grewal, 7226
- Allan Cup
- Shaw, 3736
- Alzheimer Society of Ontario
- Wai, 1607–1608
- Amateur hockey
- Saunderson, 4253–4254
- Ambulance services
- Fife, 5985–5986
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Bailey, 4853
- Ancaster Community Food Drive
- Shaw, 2594
- Animal protection
- Glover, 1256
- Anniversary of invasion of Ukraine
- Triantafilopoulos, 2299
- Anniversary of MS Chi-Cheemaun
- Byers, 10218
- Anniversary of Queen's Park
- McCarthy, 3369
- Anniversary of the 1974 Cambridge flood
- Riddell, 9305
- Annual federal-provincial simulation
- Fife, 7193–7194
- Anti-bullying initiatives
- Gallagher Murphy, 2235–2236
- Anti-discrimination activities
- Anti-racism activities
- Anti-Semitism
- April Monday Matters event
- Wai, 8313–8314
- Arculus, Paul
- McCarthy, 218
- Ark Aid Street Mission
- Kernaghan, 8312
- Arkell, Denise
- Taylor, 4913
- Armenian genocide anniversary
- Armstrong, Aggie
- Hardeman, 5584
- Arrowhead Coffee Company
- Stevens, 927–928
- Art Battle
- Glover, 3065–3066
- Artemis II mission
- Flack, 3368
- Arthritis
- Glover, 5515–5516
- Arthur, Glenn
- Yakabuski, 7295
- Arthur Vipers hockey team
- Rae, 3540–3541
- Artificial intelligence
- Gallagher Murphy, 8916
- Arts and cultural funding
- Arts and culture
- Andrew, 11052
- Asian Heritage Month
- Babikian, 9253–9254
- Assistance to persons with disabilities
- Taylor, 3861
- Assisted housing
- Armstrong, 1665–1666
- Association of Chinese Canadian Entrepreneurs awards
- Wai, 3903
- Asthma
- Flack, 4437
- Attawapiskat First Nation
- Bourgouin, 2956
- Autism Awareness Month
- Wai, 8696
- Autism treatment
- Automotive industry
- Ayr Curling Club
- Riddell, 9918
- Aysanabee
- Mamakwa, 7964
- Baboth family charitable donation
- Shaw, 10036–10037
- Back Door Mission for the Relief of Poverty
- French, 4562
- Badenoch, Kemi
- Martin, 10262
- Bail reform
- Bakersfield Public School
- Smith, L., 11100
- Balmy Beach senior men’s rugby team
- McMahon, 10819–10820
- Bancroft Fitness
- Bresee, 8051
- Bandi Chhor Divas
- Bangladeshi Heritage Month
- Begum, 2540–2541
- Banting, Frederick
- Saunderson, 5699
- BAPS Canada
- McGregor, 4851
- Barbecue event in Newmarket–Aurora
- Gallagher Murphy, 5931
- Bark, Chad
- Saunderson, 8636–8637
- Barrick Gold Corp.
- Bell, 4469
- Barrie Colts hockey team
- Khanjin, 4435
- Barrie Trojan Swim Club
- Khanjin, 4914
- Battle of the Atlantic
- Hardeman, 9043
- Battle of Vimy Ridge
- Scott, 8180–8181
- Baxter, Joe
- Yakabuski, 8242
- Beardy, Elaina
- Mamakwa, 5807
- Beechwood Cemetery
- Collard, 5145
- Best of the Bay awards
- Allsopp, 10699
- Beverage alcohol sales
- Fraser, 9305
- Mantha, 10699–10700
- Beyond the Streets
- Burch, 8178
- Bicycle safety
- Glover, 9208
- Billy Bishop Museum ceremony
- Byers, 928–929
- Birchmount Green
- Smith, David, 8977
- Birthdays
- Smith, Dave, 10697–10698
- Bite of Brant
- Black, Amiera
- Rae, 1703–1704
- Black History Month
- Black Mental Health Week
- Andrew, 7654
- Black Queens of Durham holiday pop-up market
- Barnes, 11157
- Black Walnut Bakery Café
- Sattler, 3662
- Black Watch (RHR) of Canada Pipes and Drums band
- Brady, 4322–4323
- Black youth action plan
- Hogarth, 7720
- Blenheim Medical Health Foundation
- Jones, T., 6685
- Board of directors nomination policy
- Bowman, 2177
- Boating safety
- Ghamari, 1820
- Bon Soo Winter Carnival
- Romano, 7295
- Boon, Arthur
- Rae, 3135
- Boon, Rick
- Brady, 7194–7195
- Bowmanville Hospital Foundation
- McCarthy, 2154
- Boyd Heritage Museum
- Scott, 4642–4643
- Brampton athletes
- Sandhu, 10220
- Brampton Robotics
- Grewal, 2848
- Brampton Steelheads hockey team
- McGregor, 8421
- Brampton West Youth Council
- Sandhu, 2483
- Brampton West Youth Council food drive
- Sandhu, 2957
- Brantford Bulldogs
- Brawn, Rod
- Kernaghan, 9108–9109
- Breast cancer
- Brenn-B Farms
- Skelly, 1668
- Bridletowne Neighbourhood Centre
- Babikian, 5144
- British Home Child Day
- Wong-Tam, 9843
- Broadband infrastructure
- Coe, 149
- Broadbent, Ed
- Brock University
- Pierre, 9917
- Brockville General Hospital
- Clark, 10165
- Brown-Shreves, Danielle
- Harden, 6869
- Bruce Power
- Bruce–Grey–Owen Sound constituency office
- Byers, 4381
- Brummell, John
- Ghamari, 3663
- Buchanan, Tajon
- Grewal, 7226
- Bullying
- MacLeod, 9365–9366
- Bullying Awareness Week
- Bresee, 6508
- Burlington Lions Optimist Minor Hockey Association
- Pierre, 7880
- Burlington Symphony Orchestra
- Pierre, 1606
- Burlington Teen Tour Band
- Pierre, 2956–2957
- Businesses in Essex
- Leardi, 10544
- Cadets
- Cambridge Celebrates Winterfest
- Riddell, 1255–1256
- Cambridge Food Bank
- Cambridge Memorial Hospital Foundation
- Riddell, 3541
- Cambridge Santa Claus Parade
- Riddell, 10545
- Camp quality
- MacLeod, 8421
- Canada Cord award
- McCarthy, 3861
- Canada men's national soccer team
- McGregor, 1517
- Canada Summer Games
- Stevens, 435
- Canada's men's national soccer team
- Grewal, 1515
- Canadian Cancer Society's daffodil campaign
- Gallagher Murphy, 3244
- Canadian Cancer Survivor Network
- Coe, 8696
- Canadian College of Healthcare and Pharmaceutics
- Hogarth, 10700
- Canadian Forces Naval Reserve
- Glover, 3496
- Canadian national soccer team
- Cuzzetto, 1773
- Canadian Parademic Memorial Foundation Tour Paramedic Ride
- Gates, 5050
- Canadian Peace Museum
- Bresee, 10329
- Canadian Remembrance Torch
- Glover, 5931
- Cancer screening
- Mantha, 8736–8737
- Cancer Warrior Canada Foundation
- Capital Pride
- Harden, 338
- Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week
- Hardeman, 994
- Carepoint Consumption and Treatment Service
- Kernaghan, 2483
- Carpenters and Joiners Union Local 494
- Dowie, 3425
- Castledine, Barbara Helen
- Wong-Tam, 2436
- Cat Lake First Nation
- Mamakwa, 5646
- Cataract surgery
- Leardi, 2176
- Centennial College A-Building
- Begum, 5398
- Central York Fire Services
- Gallagher Murphy, 1819–1820
- Centre 105
- Quinn, 8473
- Centre for Skills Development
- Pierre, 7057
- Challah for #Israel
- Gallagher Murphy, 5452
- Chambers of commerce awards of excellence
- Chambers of Commerce Awards of Excellence
- Hardeman, 6265–6266
- Charron, Marcel
- West, 3245
- Chatzis, Harry
- Bouma, 6356
- Chestmates Dragon Boat Team
- Bresee, 5516
- Chicken Farmers of Ontario
- Skelly, 2021
- Chidlren's treatment centre
- Coe, 10372
- Child and family services
- Gélinas, 10219
- Child care
- Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day
- Sattler, 9842
- Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
- Flack, 436
- Children of youth
- Hardeman, 484–485
- Children's aid societies
- Bailey, 4124
- Children's health care
- Children's mental health services
- Harden, 4436
- Children's services
- Taylor, 7965
- Choices Association Inc.
- Skelly, 9985
- Chosen Family Day
- Wong-Tam, 7091
- Christie, Gayle
- Cuzzetto, 10300
- Christmas events in Nickel Belt
- Gélinas, 10488
- Christmas parades in Lambton–Kent–Middlesex
- Pinsonneault, 10878
- Christmas parades in Peterborough–Kawartha
- Smith, Dave, 10487
- Christmas tree industry
- Bresee, 2153
- Christmas tree lighting
- Bresee, 10764–10765
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Church, Geoffrey
- Fraser, 7915
- Circle of Care
- Wai, 3425
- City of Cambridge
- Riddell, 2594
- City of Oshawa
- French, 7719
- City of Port Colborne
- Burch, 9162
- City of Toronto
- Hunter, 2484
- Civics education
- McCrimmon, 9043
- Clancy, Sandra
- Smith, Dave, 3903
- Clapperton, Mitchell
- Skelly, 7777
- Clerk of the Assembly
- Armstrong, 4054
- Climate change
- Coates, Patty
- Gélinas, 6509
- Cohen, Atara
- Smith, L., 5397
- Cohon, George
- Smith, L., 6765
- Coldest Night of the Year
- College funding
- Bailey, 545
- Colour the Night Gold
- Kernaghan, 4159
- Community Care of St. Catherines and Thorold Great Holiday Food Drive
- Stevens, 10370
- Community cleanup
- Kanapathi, 8793
- Community family barbecue and corn roast in Newmarket–Aurora
- Gallagher Murphy, 865
- Community Health and Wellbeing Week
- Gélinas, 5452
- Community Leader Awards and Thanksgiving Dinner
- Cuzzetto, 9844
- Community Living Chatham-Kent
- Jones, T., 2849–2850
- Community Living Day
- Leardi, 4160
- Community Living Guelph Wellington
- Schreiner, 10038
- Community organizations
- Collard, 7227
- Community safety
- Community service awards
- Oosterhoff, 8792
- Community services
- Community support services
- Community Table
- Ghamari, 8568
- Condominium residents
- Begum, 4436–4437
- Conflict in Middle East
- Congenital heart disease
- Ghamari, 2236
- Connect4Life
- Smith, David, 11100
- Connell, Craig
- Vanthof, 7546
- Construct skills training
- Gallagher Murphy, 2715
- Consumer protection
- Convergence Music and Art Festival
- French, 5515
- COPD Awareness Day
- Jordan, 1364–1365
- Copernicus, Nicolaus
- Kusendova-Bashta, 4564
- Coptic and Egyptian Canadian communities
- Sabawy, 1705
- Cornwall Curling Club
- Quinn, 9162
- Coronation of King Charles III
- Cost of living
- Covant, Benji
- Smith, L., 10429
- COVID-19 response
- Brady, 590
- Cricket clubs
- Begum, 787
- Crime prevention
- Critical minerals recycling
- Hsu, 4966
- Crohn's and Colitis Canada's Gutsy Walk
- McMahon, 4644–4645
- Crosby Heights Public School visit
- Wai, 8737
- Crown attorneys
- Dixon, 4965
- CTV Lions Children's Christmas Telethon
- West, 6908
- CTV Lions Children’s Christmas Telethon
- West, 10698
- Cultural celebrations
- Kanapathi, 2541
- Culturally responsive mental health services
- Sattler, 7914
- Cunningham, Patricia
- Fife, 4002
- Curriculum
- Pierre, 2116
- Cycling infrastructure
- Bell, 10108
- Cystic fibrosis
- Andrew, 2176
- Dahl, Mellaney
- West, 10643
- Dairy industry
- Quinn, 7825
- Dancing with the CCH Stars
- Quinn, 2714–2715
- Dapo Agoro Foundation for Peace
- Blais, 437
- D-Day
- D-Day anniversary
- De Sario Family Festival of Lights
- Rakocevic, 1864
- Death of police constables
- Khanjin, 811–812
- Debate tournament
- Ke, 8352–8353
- Decoration Day
- Jones, T., 4470
- Dementia
- Rakocevic, 4253
- Dementia care
- Coe, 5212
- Dental care
- Deputy Chief Julie Craddock
- Bailey, 2660
- Desi Mandi
- Pierre, 9632
- Development in Essex
- Leardi, 5584
- Di Nino, Consiglio
- Karpoche, 7825–7826
- Diabetes
- Rakocevic, 6356
- Diabetes Awareness Month
- Diagnostic services
- Diamond, Kirk
- McGregor, 7966
- Dickey, Pam
- Smith, Dave, 6990–6991
- Diwali
- Doctor shortage
- Dodd, Natalie
- Hardeman, 4990
- Domestic violence
- Douglas, Michelle
- Wong-Tam, 1145–1146
- Douglas, Tommy
- Gates, 2368–2369
- Downtown Chatham Centre project
- Jones, T., 1517
- Downtown Milton SummerFest
- Hamid, 9422
- Dragon Boat Team Canada
- Pang, 6988–6989
- Dress Purple Day
- Anand, 5515
- Drew, Bobbie
- McCarthy, 673
- Driver examination centres
- Grewal, 1955
- DuChene, Krista
- Bouma, 3134
- Dundas Manor
- Quinn, 6432–6433
- Durdin, Paul
- Skelly, 3189
- Durham businesses
- McCarthy, 4967
- Durham College
- Coe, 5769
- Durham Community Action Group
- Barnes, 4563
- Durham Youth Services
- Barnes, 5767
- Dutch Heritage Month
- Skelly, 4437
- Dutch liberation anniversary
- Hardeman, 9043
- EarthFest London
- Sattler, 8351–8352
- Easter
- Kusendova-Bashta, 3370
- École catholique Saint-Dominique-Savio
- Byers, 5517
- Edith Cavell Public School Fresh West Market
- Burch, 4159
- Education
- Education funding
- Education issues
- Ke, 8917–8918
- Electricity supply
- Harden, 865–866
- Elevate Plus
- Allsopp, 9841
- Elliott, Christine
- Coe, 4761
- Elmira Maple Syrup Festival
- Emancipation Month
- Gallagher Murphy, 22–23
- Emergency services
- Grewal, 7719
- Employment practices
- Karpoche, 4470
- Employment standards
- Energy contracts
- Tabuns, 3735
- Energy policies
- Engineers
- Ke, 2662
- Enverga, Rosemer
- Thanigasalam, 3608
- Environmental protection
- Erie Shores Healthcare mobile health clinic
- Leardi, 8978–8979
- Etobicoke Lakeshore Santa Claus Parade
- Hogarth, 11158
- Events and businesses in Leeds–Grenville–Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes
- Clark, 10329–10330
- Events in Beaches–East York
- McMahon, 4160
- Events in Brampton
- Sandhu, 5696–5697
- Events in Brampton East
- Grewal, 484
- Events in Brampton West
- Sandhu, 5267
- Events in Bruce–Grey–Owen Sound
- Events in Cambridge
- Riddell, 5143
- Events in Don Valley East
- Shamji, 630
- Events in Etobicoke–Lakeshore
- Events in Flamborough–Glambrook
- Skelly, 5104
- Events in Flamborough–Glanbrook
- Skelly, 339–340
- Events in Glengarry–Prescott–Russell
- Sarrazin, 387
- Events in Haliburton–Kawartha Lakes–Brock
- Scott, 6989–6990
- Events in Hamilton Centre
- Jama, 3540
- Events in Hastings–Lennox and Addington
- Events in Kiiwetinoong
- Mamakwa, 338
- Events in Kitchener South–Hespeler
- Events in Kitchener South–Hespeler and Kitchener-Waterloo
- Dixon, 3735
- Events in Kitchener-Conestoga
- Harris, 5102–5103
- Events in Kitchener–Conestoga
- Events in Lambton–Kent–Middlesex
- Pinsonneault, 9633
- Events in Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston
- Jordan, 5314
- Events in Markham–Thornhill
- Kanapathi, 5453
- Events in Markham–Unionville
- Events in Mississauga–Erin Mills
- Events in Mississauga–Lakeshore
- Cuzzetto, 7092
- Events in Mushkegowuk–James Bay
- Events in Niagara Centre
- Burch, 3369
- Events in Oakville
- Crawford, 4964
- Events in Oakville North–Burlington
- Triantafilopoulos, 9470
- Events in Oshawa
- French, 544
- Events in Ottawa–Vanier
- Collard, 9577
- Events in Oxford
- Hardeman, 4469
- Events in Renfrew–Nipissing–Pembroke
- Yakabuski, 588
- Events in Richmond Hill
- Wai, 2958–2959
- Events in Scarborough–Agincourt
- Babikian, 9842–9843
- Explosion in Orléans
- Blais, 2793
- Extremism
- Wong-Tam, 6509
- Fairfield-Gutzeit House
- Bresee, 6169
- Fallon, Reese
- McMahon, 995
- Farm safety
- Hardeman, 9670
- Farmers
- Burch, 4988
- Federal Leader of the Opposition
- Harden, 3539
- Fenelon Falls and District Lions Club
- Scott, 10370
- Ferry service
- Fertility services
- Hogarth, 10108
- Festival of the Maples
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
- FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022
- Harris, 1366
- Filipino Heritage Month
- Martin, 4912
- Film and television industry
- Anand, 8515
- Fire safety
- Flack, 1863
- Fire safety in northern and remote communities
- First Nations police services
- Bouma, 1772
- First responders
- First services in Weenusk First Nation
- Bourgouin, 7138
- Fiscal and economic policy
- Sandhu, 1606
- Fisher, Aaron
- Dixon, 1667
- Flaherty, Jim
- Coe, 8243
- Flamborough Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Business Achievement Awards
- Skelly, 3737–3738
- Flooding
- Flosman, Rob
- Skelly, 10601
- Flu and COVID-19 immunization
- Pang, 10262–10263
- Food banks
- Food drive
- Taylor, 7055–7056
- Food drives
- Foran, Pat
- Coe, 10299
- Fort Erie Lions Club affordable housing project
- Gates, 9668
- Fort William Historical Park
- Holland, 4852
- Foster, Deborah
- Khanjin, 927
- Freemasonry
- Bailey, 8979
- Galt Gaslight District
- Riddell, 4760
- Garba
- West, 9985
- Gasoline prices
- Gélinas, 8568
- Gender-based violence
- Ghost Walk for Charity
- Quinn, 5454
- Giannone, Frank
- Cuzzetto, 3065
- Gidigaa Migizi (Doug Williams)
- Smith, Dave, 387–388
- Gill, Allissya and Suhava
- Sandhu, 11051–11052
- The Gingerbread Man
- Ghamari, 1365–1366
- Girls Inc. of York Region
- Gallagher Murphy, 4643
- Girvan, John Pollands
- Wong-Tam, 3859
- Giving Spoon fundraiser
- Jones, T., 8179
- Giving Tuesday
- Jordan, 6869
- Glencoe greenhouse facility
- Pinsonneault, 10642–10643
- Global Community Alliance gala
- Blais, 7093
- GO Transit
- Gogama health services
- Gélinas, 589
- Good Neighbour Awards
- Pasma, 8792–8793
- Goodwill Amity Power of Work Awards Lunch
- Pierre, 5932–5933
- Gopher Dunes
- Brady, 9421
- Government accountability
- Government appointments
- Karpoche, 7654–7655
- Government investments
- Government policies
- Government spending
- Government's agenda
- Government's record
- Grand Rapids Cup
- Romano, 282
- Grand River Champion of Champions Powwow
- Bouma, 4913
- Grand River Malayalee Association
- Dixon, 8110
- Grape and wine industry
- Gates, 5986–5987
- The Great Pumpkin Trail
- Pierre, 5454
- Great Union Day
- Kusendova-Bashta, 1864–1865
- Greater Napanee
- Bresee, 9844
- Greater Napanee Pride committee
- Bresee, 2793
- Greater Windsor Concert Band
- Dowie, 1367
- Green, Evelyn
- Andrew, 671
- Greenbelt
- Gregory A. Hogan Catholic School
- Bailey, 1310–1311
- Grey Cup
- GRIT Engineering
- Rae, 5808
- Groarke, Leo
- Smith, Dave, 7351
- Groundhog Day in Wiarton
- Byers, 7194
- Grow for Change Urban Farm
- Pierre, 1144
- Guide dogs
- Smith, Dave, 733
- Guildwood Day
- Hazell, 8978
- Gujurati Seniors Samaj of Mississauga
- Anand, 80–81
- Gun violence
- Gurpurab
- Guru Pramukh Swami Maharaj
- Anand, 2114–2115
- Gustafson, Jeff
- Holland, 3135
- Hagersville Lions Chase the Ace raffle
- Brady, 3793
- Halal financing
- Fife, 9631
- Haliburton County Development Corp.
- Scott, 6354–6355
- Haliburton Highlands Sports Hall of Fame
- Scott, 9539–9540
- Halloween message
- Halloween pumpkin party
- Taylor, 5767
- Halton Regional Police Service Cram-a-Cruiser food drive
- Pierre, 4380
- Hamilton 40 Under Forty Business Achievement Awards
- Skelly, 1067
- Hamilton Alliance for Tiny Shelters
- Shaw, 4852
- Hamlin, Arthur
- Ghamari, 9471–9472
- Handshakes and Pancakes breakfast event
- Clark, 7966
- Harassment of women in politics
- Hsu, 485
- Harvest Hands
- Flack, 1821–1822
- Hasan, Iqbal
- Begum, 3540
- Hassan, Jamshed
- Hsu, 8000
- Hate crimes
- Sabawy, 10263–10264
- Havelock Lions Club
- Smith, Dave, 4914
- Hayward, Bob
- Hardeman, 7226–7227
- Health Access Taylor-Massey
- McMahon, 2437–2438
- Health care
- Anand, 10037
- Armstrong, 588, 2792
- Babikian, 2792
- Bailey, 10430
- Begum, 337, 11051
- Burch, 7999
- Coe, 9790
- Cuzzetto, 7546–7547
- Fife, 82, 6601–6602
- Fraser, 4003
- French, 2368, 5049–5050
- Gates, 4563, 8694, 10642, 11100–11101
- Gélinas, 4053, 5102, 7880
- Glover, 2237
- Hsu, 3664
- Hunter, 1607
- Jordan, 2541
- Karpoche, 4965, 8242, 9042
- Kusendova-Bashta, 8000–8001
- Leardi, 5877
- Pasma, 6168, 7350–7351, 9304–9305, 10219–10220
- Sabawy, 8516
- Shamji, 339, 2021, 4471
- Tabuns, 3188, 6053–6054
- Wong-Tam, 1820
- Health care funding
- Health care post-secondary education
- Health care workers
- Health Outreach Mobile Engagement bus
- Kernaghan, 8792
- Heart and Stroke Foundation
- Gélinas, 6764
- Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day
- Cuzzetto, 2237
- Hearts 4 Joy
- Smith, Dave, 2484
- Heintzman House
- Smith, L., 1770–1771
- Hellenic Heritage Month
- Hendrickson, Vernon
- Smith, L., 2438
- Hespeler Santa Claus Parade
- Dixon, 10987
- Highlands Cinemas
- Scott, 5648
- Highway improvement
- Highway maintenance
- Mantha, 215–216
- Highway safety
- Historic architecture in Hamilton West–Ancaster–Dundas
- Shaw, 4212–4213
- HMCS Oakville
- Crawford, 929
- Hockey
- Hockey championship
- Romano, 3607
- Hodgson, Chris
- Scott, 9735
- Hogs for Hospice
- Jones, T., 485
- Holiday events in Bay of Quinte
- Allsopp, 10820
- Holiday events in Flamborough–Glanbrook
- Skelly, 11054
- Holiday events in Mushkegowuk–James Bay
- Bourgouin, 11157
- Holiday events in Oakville North–Burlington
- Triantafilopoulos, 10817–10818
- Holiday message
- McCrimmon, 10765
- Holiday messages
- Holiday wishes
- French, 11156–11157
- Holland, Ruth Ann
- Holland, 671
- Holodomor
- Holy Trinity Anglican Church breakfast program
- Burch, 1703
- Holy Trinity Church
- Smith, L., 10644
- Holy Week
- Rakocevic, 7913
- Home care
- Gélinas, 7193
- Home Hardware
- Harris, 9043
- H.O.M.E. Program
- Armstrong, 9041–9042
- Homebound Wellness Centre
- Barnes, 1448
- Homelessness
- Homelessness and assisted housing
- Bailey, 3606
- Honourable Erin O'Toole
- McCarthy, 4323
- Horse racing industry
- Gates, 4054
- Hospice care
- Brady, 2717
- Hospice Face to Face campaign
- Dowie, 10039
- The Hospice of Windsor Essex County
- Dowie, 5699
- Hospice Renfrew
- Yakabuski, 3662
- Hospital funding
- Hospital parking fees
- Gates, 10218–10219
- Hospital services
- House of Commons resolution
- Harden, 7776–7777
- Housing
- Hungarian Heritage Month
- Hunt, Doug
- Bouma, 5583
- Hunter, Lois
- Clark, 8976
- Hunting and fishing
- Mamakwa, 810
- Hutchinson, Tatum
- Smith, Dave, 2958
- Huxley, Erin
- Bouma, 10371–10372
- Hydro rates
- Hsu, 3031
- Ibrahim, Sam
- Thanigasalam, 4563–4564
- illumi Mississauga
- Anand, 927
- Immigrants' skills
- Sabawy, 1705
- Impossible Metals
- Saunderson, 7964
- Indigenous affairs
- Indigenous artwork unveiling
- Jones, T., 7881
- Indigenous consultation
- Gélinas, 2957
- Indigenous health care
- Mamakwa, 4213
- Indigenous relations and reconciliation
- Mamakwa, 10764
- Indigenous rights
- Smith, Dave, 1203–1204
- Indigenous Veterans Day
- Mamakwa, 10299
- Infectious disease control
- Ke, 811
- Info-Tech CIO Awards
- Coe, 6264
- Injured workers
- Inn From the Cold
- Gallagher Murphy, 1365
- Innovation Arena
- Harris, 3663–3664
- Intellectual Property Ontario
- Coe, 5769
- International agri-food workers
- Jones, T., 3066–3067
- International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
- Wong-Tam, 4381
- International day of la Francophonie
- Kusendova-Bashta, 2847
- International Mother Language Day
- International School of Cambridge
- Riddell, 7824–7825
- International trade
- Leardi, 5398
- International Volunteer Day
- Rakocevic, 6988
- International Women's Day
- Islamic Heritage Month
- Islamic Society of Ajax
- Barnes, 590–591
- Italian Heritage Month
- Rakocevic, 9363
- Izumi Aquaculture
- Bresee, 4212
- Jenkins, Ferguson
- Jones, T., 2369
- Jerseyville Baptist Church
- Skelly, 9110
- Jewish and Asian communities
- Smith, L., 9164
- Jewish community
- Martin, 5453–5454
- Jewish Heritage Month
- Martin, 4912
- Jewison, Norman
- McMahon, 7404–7405
- Job creation
- Joseph Brant Hospital
- Pierre, 10699
- Jule
- Smith, David, 5315
- Julien, Cordelia Clarke
- Coe, 7225
- Juno Beach Centre Association
- Pierre, 386
- Justice system
- Kadri, Nazem
- Kernaghan, 484
- Kagan, Dr. Jennifer
- Triantafilopoulos, 4699
- Kanata Santa Claus Parade
- McCrimmon, 6766
- Karle, Carolyn
- Holland, 3423–3424
- Kautz, Gerrie
- Ghamari, 589
- Kawartha Lakes Dairy Producers annual banquet
- Scott, 8637
- Kayla's Children Centre
- Smith, L., 867
- Kerr, Ruby
- Romano, 4253
- Kerrfest and Kerrfest Kids
- Crawford, 787
- Khalsa Aid
- Khosa, Jaswinder Singh
- Grewal, 10765
- Kids Caring for Kids Cancer Drive
- West, 5313
- Kingsley, Mélisa
- West, 994
- Kingston Pakistani community
- Hsu, 673
- Kinmount Fair
- Scott, 339
- Kinsmen Super TV Bingo
- Smith, Dave, 10108–10109
- Kiwanis school supply drive
- Anand, 10487–10488
- Knott, Missy
- Smith, Dave, 5398–5399
- Korah Collegiate and Vocational School Colts sports teams
- Romano, 10600
- Kraft Hockeyville 2023
- Kramp, Daryl
- Labour Day
- Shamji, 630
- Labour dispute
- Labour legislation
- Gates, 1255
- Labour shortage
- Begum, 1311
- Lacrosse championships
- Khanjin, 337–338
- Laing, Ian
- Gallagher Murphy, 7055
- Lakehead University Thunderwolves men's hockey team
- Holland, 3029
- Lambton College Lions women's basketball team
- Bailey, 7778
- Lambton College women's basketball team
- Bailey, 7545
- Lambton county medical officer of health
- Bailey, 3134
- Lambton Generating Station
- Bailey, 10874
- Land use planning
- Landlord and Tenant Board
- Landsdowne Children's Centre
- Bouma, 10371–10372
- Langton Six Pack Tournament
- Brady, 8569
- Lapaine, Mike
- Bailey, 1771–1772
- L'Arche Sudbury
- West, 5338
- Larochelle, Jess Randall
- McCrimmon, 5878
- Lawlor Pharmasave
- McMahon, 6168–6169
- Le Mouvement d’implication francophone d’Orléans
- Blais, 10220
- Leading Women, Leading Girls, Building Communities
- Fife, 2369
- Learning disabilities
- West, 6510
- Lebanese Heritage Month
- Fraser, 6870
- Leeds Grenville Economic Development Summit
- Clark, 6263
- Legislative Assembly of Ontario virtual tours
- Sarrazin, 7915
- Lego Windsor and Essex county politics
- Dowie, 3031
- Lei, Victor
- Vanthof, 3134
- Liberal leadership
- Hsu, 6909
- Library services
- Life sciences sector
- Sabawy, 10643
- Lindsay Lions Club
- Scott, 4642–4643
- Living Wage Week
- Gretzky, 1310
- Local business
- Bresee, 7057
- The Loft at the Algoma Conservatory
- Romano, 217
- Lois Fairley Nursing Award
- London Children's Museum
- Kernaghan, 5768
- Long-term care
- Long-term care in Killarney
- Mantha, 6603
- Loplops Gallery-Lounge
- Romano, 6989
- Love, Scarborough campaign
- Babikian, 2152
- Lunar new year
- Lung Cancer Awareness Month
- Smith, David, 6168
- Lupus Awareness Day
- Pang, 4561–4562
- Lyme disease
- Mantha, 4214
- Lynch, Jillian
- Quinn, 4001–4002
- Lynch, Myles
- Quinn, 4001–4002
- Lyons, John
- Smith, Dave, 8516–8517
- Maaveerar Naal
- Kanapathi, 10644
- MacDonald, Amber
- Jordan, 4436
- Mack Alumni Association
- Stevens, 9364
- MacKay, Dan
- MacLeod, 8917
- Mackay, George Leslie
- Macphail, Agnes
- Byers, 2153
- Maker, Norman
- Smith, Dave, 9470
- Manders, Lauren
- Rae, 10874–10875
- Manitoulin Secondary School robotics team
- Mantha, 4914
- Manotick Legion Youth Education awards
- Ghamari, 4159
- Maple syrup
- Scott, 2898
- March break
- Harris, 2716
- March of Dimes
- Stevens, 3663
- Marian Shrine of Gratitude
- Rakocevic, 5267
- Mariposa Dairy
- Scott, 3370
- Markdale hospital
- Byers, 5145
- Markham Jazzlicious WinterFest
- Pang, 8475
- Marshall, Joyce
- Coe, 7718
- Matthews, Eddie
- Rae, 8737
- Maverick's Donuts
- Barnes, 8977
- May is Museum Month
- Smith, Dave, 8793
- Mazhar, Fauzia
- Fife, 7775–7776
- McCallion, Hazel
- McCallum, Taylar
- Smith, Dave, 2958
- McKay, Jack
- Mamakwa, 9254
- McKennitt, Loreena
- Rae, 4160–4161
- McKeough, Darcy
- Jones, T., 1956
- McPhail, Duncan
- Flack, 3736
- McWilliam, Whitney
- Clark, 8353
- Medical Equipment Modernization Opportunity
- Holland, 1312
- Medical isotopes
- Byers, 8052
- MedsCheck Program
- Shaw, 7403–7404
- Melly's Workplace
- Coe, 10599–10600
- Member for Hamilton Centre
- Jama, 3305
- Member for Hamilton Mountain
- Taylor, 10875–10876
- Member for Kitchener South–Hespeler
- Dixon, 8420
- Member for Kitchener–South Hespeler
- Dixon, 7718
- Member for Markham–Thornhill
- Kanapathi, 437
- Member for Mississauga East–Cooksville
- Rasheed, 10876–10877
- Member for Mississauga–Erin Mills
- Sabawy, 2849
- Member for Ottawa Centre
- Harden, 11052–11053
- Member for Sault Ste. Marie
- Romano, 11159
- Member for Toronto–St. Paul's
- Andrew, 4965–4966
- Member's farewell
- MacLeod, 9986–9987
- Members' safety
- MacLeod, 7293
- Member's wedding anniversary
- Vanthof, 9420–9421
- Mental health and addiction services
- Mental health services
- Michael Garron Hospital
- Shamji, 6356–6357
- Michigan Wolverines football
- Jones, T., 6603–6604
- Mid-Autumn Moon Festival
- Migrant workers
- Ministry grants
- Cuzzetto, 9364–9365
- Miracle on Main Street
- Hamid, 10543
- Missing persons
- Taylor, 2661
- Mississauga Board of Trade
- Anand, 10700
- Mississauga Hospital
- Cuzzetto, 1312
- Mitchell District High School senior boys basketball team
- Rae, 7480–7481
- Mobile identification clinic in Leeds and Grenville
- Clark, 7136
- Mobile mental health services
- Holland, 9364
- Model Parliament
- Ke, 6990
- Modeste, Kevin
- Vanthof, 2153
- Moote, Melinda
- Shaw, 3133
- More, Laird
- Rae, 10327
- Morin, Don
- Gélinas, 8695
- Morris-Miller, Rebecca
- Taylor, 1547
- Moskotaywenene, Jerry
- Mamakwa, 9254
- Mother's Day
- Mount Forest Chamber of Commerce awards
- Rae, 9918
- Movember Foundation
- Sarrazin, 10328
- Mukti Foundation
- Sandhu, 4380–4381
- Mulroney, Brian
- Municipal development
- Hsu, 5987
- Municipal development and infrastructure
- Stiles, 1548
- Municipal elections
- Municipal planning
- Municipal services
- Karpoche, 3030
- Municipalities
- Sandhu, 388
- Murphy, David
- Quinn, 1447
- Music awards
- Cuzzetto, 5050
- Muslim community
- Muslim Welfare Canada
- Thanigasalam, 2660
- Mustakas, Alex
- Rae, 628
- Napanee Beaver
- Bresee, 8178–8179
- National Association of Women and the Law
- Triantafilopoulos, 7480
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
- Jama, 5144
- National Day of Mourning
- West, 3792
- National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada
- Babikian, 629–630
- National Indigenous History Month
- Mamakwa, 4760
- National Physicians' Day
- Anand, 4002–4003
- National Volunteer Week
- Taylor, 8419–8420
- Native Horizons Treatment Centre
- Bouma, 8419
- Natural gas rates
- Neary, Mary Ann
- McMahon, 9632–9633
- Nembhard, Nicholas
- Clancy, 7294–7295
- Nepean Housing Corp.
- Pasma, 10818
- New Democratic Party
- Karpoche, 10764
- New Haven Learning Centre
- Hogarth, 10486–10487
- Newmarket Lions Club Effective Speaking Contest
- Gallagher Murphy, 7598
- Next Generation 9-1-1 Program
- Sabawy, 7479
- Niagara Folk Arts Festival
- Stevens, 8916
- Niagara Week
- Oosterhoff, 4471
- Non-Profit Appreciation Week
- Wai, 7404
- Non-profit organizations
- Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week
- Gallagher Murphy, 7137
- Norbec manufacturing plant
- Pinsonneault, 9792
- North York General Hospital Seniors' Health Centre
- Ke, 217–218
- Northern Bands Hockey Tournament
- Northern cost of living
- Mamakwa, 7293
- Northern economy
- Holland, 7093
- Northern health services
- Northern Health Travel Grant
- Northern Ontario development
- Northern Ontario School of Medicine
- West, 2175
- Northern Ontario School of Medicine University
- Holland, 8791–8792
- Northway Wellness Centre
- Romano, 5211
- Norwich Fire Fighters Association pancake breakfast
- Hardeman, 8111–8112
- Not Your Average Daycare
- Hunter, 3066
- Nova Vita Domestic Violence Prevention Services
- Bouma, 6602
- Nowruz
- Nurse practitioners
- Gélinas, 1256
- Nurses
- Oak Bridge Academy
- Riddell, 7481
- Oakville Awards for Business Excellence
- Crawford, 4213
- Oakville Culture Days
- Crawford, 5313
- O'Brien, Rick
- Jones, T., 5051
- Off-road vehicles
- Clark, 10875
- Ogimaa Shining Turtle
- Mantha, 1447
- Ojibway National Urban Park
- O'Malley, Gerard
- Yakabuski, 7826
- One Million Meals Peterborough
- Smith, Dave, 8241–8242
- Ontario Agriculture Week
- Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists
- Barnes, 10698
- Ontario budget
- Ontario Closed Circuit Television Grant
- Coe, 4988
- Ontario economy
- Rae, 5399
- Ontario Engineering Project Awards
- Dowie, 4965
- Ontario farmers
- Ontario film industry
- Anand, 5985
- Ontario Legislature Internship Programme
- Anand, 7193
- Ontario Place
- Ontario Regiment
- McCarthy, 546–547
- Ontario Staycation Tax Credit
- Scott, 2022
- Ontario Trillium Foundation
- Ontario Trillium Foundation grants
- Ontario Trillium Foundation grants for Durham region
- Coe, 7194
- Ontario Trillium Foundation Resilient Communities Fund
- Cuzzetto, 4851
- Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
- Leardi, 6685–6686
- Ontario-Quebec Parliamentary Association
- Gallagher Murphy, 9363–9364
- Operation Jubilee
- Wai, 1448
- Operation Red Nose
- Allsopp, 10486
- Operation White Heart installation
- Barnes, 9843
- Optimism Place
- Rae, 866
- Optometry services
- Bouma, 5315
- Order of Ontario
- Organ and tissue donation
- Organ donation
- Clark, 8110
- Orléans football clubs
- Blais, 1548
- Orthodox Christian Week
- Pierre, 9208
- Osei, George
- Jones, T., 9303–9304
- Ottawa Carleton plowing match
- Ghamari, 731
- Ottawa Food Bank
- Collard, 8242
- Ottawa Riverkeeper Gala
- Collard, 4761
- Overholt, Brooke
- Rae, 5103
- Owen Sound Sports Hall of Fame
- Byers, 9042
- Oxford family skates
- Hardeman, 2849
- Oxi Day
- Babikian, 1449
- Palfreyman, Eli
- Dixon, 787–788
- Palliative care
- Dixon, 3245
- Palma Pasta
- Kusendova-Bashta, 7138
- Papaconstantinou, Marissa
- Smith, David, 2020
- Paramedic services
- Pare, Hannah
- Dowie, 9207
- Parent, Gary
- Gretzky, 8858
- Passover
- Passover and Easter
- Martin, 3423
- Pathways to Education
- Martin, 867
- Paton, Brian
- Hardeman, 6907–6908
- Pay equity
- Kernaghan, 7349–7350
- Pearson LIFT
- Anand, 9419
- Pelee Island
- Jones, T., 995
- Perley Health
- Fraser, 5808–5809
- Persian community
- Crawford, 7879
- Persons with disabilities
- Anand, 6510
- Perth–Wellington athletes
- Rae, 10940
- Peterborough Lakers lacrosse team
- Smith, Dave, 1607
- Peterborough Regional Science Fair
- Smith, Dave, 3735–3736
- Peterborough–Kawartha maple syrup
- Smith, Dave, 4381–4382
- Pharmacists
- Leardi, 8638
- Pierzchala, Grzegorz "Greg"
- Khanjin, 2177
- Plasma collection
- Sandhu, 2154
- Police
- Police officers
- Police service dogs
- Smith, Dave, 5268
- Police services
- Polish delegation
- Kusendova-Bashta, 2897
- Polish Heritage Month
- Kusendova-Bashta, 9421–9422
- Polish Independence Day
- Kusendova-Bashta, 1203
- Political discourse
- Harden, 10262
- Pollard Windows and Doors
- Pierre, 7350
- Porchlight Counselling and Addiction Services
- Portuguese Canadian community
- Glover, 4122
- Post-secondary education
- Stiles, 589–590
- Post-secondary education and skills training
- Poverty
- Poverty and homelessness
- Pasma, 1448
- Prasher, Lajpat Rai
- Sandhu, 10036
- Pride Month
- French, 9632
- Privatization of public services
- Gates, 150
- ProAction Cops and Kids
- Dixon, 9541
- Professional and cultural events
- Dixon, 6266
- Professional engineers
- Pierre, 6432
- Professional Engineers Day
- Dowie, 2482
- Professor's Lake Earth Day barbecue and litter pick-up
- McGregor, 4004
- Project Arrow
- Coe, 2238
- Project Hope
- Dixon, 2539
- Proposed hospital merger
- Fife, 9918
- Prostate cancer
- Brady, 5104
- Prostrate cancer
- Barnes, 5145–5146
- Protests in Iran
- Ghamari, 867–868
- Protests in Toronto
- Martin, 7139
- Provincial Day of Action on Litter
- Yakabuski, 4124
- Public protest
- Harden, 10543
- Public safety
- French, 10166
- Grewal, 4255
- Kanapathi, 9734–9735
- Leardi, 9670
- McGregor, 4159–4160
- Riddell, 10987
- Sabawy, 10939–10940
- Shamji, 3425
- Skelly, 6990
- Wai, 11101–11102
- Public skating events
- Riddell, 10763
- Public transit
- Punjabi Arts Association of Toronto
- Grewal, 7719
- Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee Medal
- Bowman, 2661–2662
- Quinte Business Achievement Awards
- Allsopp, 10109–10110
- Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
- Smith, L., 3133
- Racicot, Bishop Garfield
- Holland, 7547
- Radon Action Month
- Kusendova-Bashta, 6601
- Rahman, Sharif
- Byers, 6509–6510
- Rainboth, Bob
- Blais, 11053
- Rajasthan Association of North America
- Anand, 3246
- Ramadan
- Ramadan and Eid-Ul-Fitr
- Rapid Dose Therapeutics Inc.
- Triantafilopoulos, 6055
- Rare diseases
- Saunderson, 2595
- Rebuild Fitness and Physiotherapy
- Riddell, 1704
- Reconnect Ontario program
- The Refuge Youth Outreach Centre
- Coe, 5583
- Refugee services
- Barnes, 6510
- Religious holidays
- Remembrance Day
- Bresee, 10038
- Crawford, 5987
- Dixon, 10219
- Hamid, 10166
- Hardeman, 10166–10167
- Karpoche, 10108
- Kusendova-Bashta, 5878
- Martin, 10431
- McGregor, 995–996
- Oosterhoff, 1255
- Pinsonneault, 10263
- Quinn, 5933
- Rae, 5987–5988
- Riddell, 6168, 10327–10328
- Sarrazin, 6053
- Saunderson, 10329
- Scott, 1067
- Smith, David, 10264
- Taylor, 10166
- Triantafilopoulos, 10371
- Yakabuski, 10429
- Renfrew county
- Yakabuski, 1205
- Renfrew County Virtual Triage and Assessment Centre
- Yakabuski, 3187
- Replacement workers
- Research and innovation
- Coe, 993
- Resignation of member for Lambton–Kent–Middlesex
- Bailey, 5340
- Resilient Communities Fund
- Coe, 83
- Rexall pharmacist care clinic
- Barnes, 10298
- Richmond Lions Club
- Ghamari, 8472–8473
- Riding of Bruce–Grey–Owen Sound
- Riding of Cambridge
- Riddell, 282
- Riding of Carleton
- Ghamari, 23–24
- Riding of Don Valley East
- Shamji, 3737
- Riding of Don Valley West
- Bowman, 10263
- Riding of Eglinton–Lawrence
- Martin, 25
- Riding of Etobicoke–Lakeshore
- Riding of Hastings–Lennox and Addington
- Bresee, 82
- Riding of Kanata–Carleton
- Riding of Kitchener–Conestoga
- Harris, 24
- Riding of Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston
- Jordan, 4966–4967, 9631–9632, 11158–11159
- Riding of Markham–Unionville
- Pang, 5211
- Riding of Mississauga–Erin Mills
- Sabawy, 9984
- Riding of Mississauga–Lakeshore
- Cuzzetto, 216
- Riding of Mushkegowuk–James Bay
- Bourgouin, 81
- Riding of Oshawa
- French, 216
- Riding of Scarborough Centre
- Smith, David, 9163
- Riding of Scarborough–Agincourt
- Babikian, 81
- Riding of Scarborough–Guildwood
- Riding of Simcoe–Grey
- Riding of Thunder Bay–Atikokan
- Riding of Toronto–St. Paul's
- Andrew, 22–23
- Riding of Windsor West
- Gretzky, 484, 10261–10262, 10939
- Right to Heal RedPath Programs
- Smith, Dave, 9842
- Road safety
- Robertson, Margaret
- Skelly, 5582
- Robinson, Jaye
- Bowman, 9365
- Rootree
- Triantafilopoulos, 6055
- Rosy Rhubarb Festival
- Flack, 4966
- Rotary Club of Sault Ste. Marie Santa Clause Parade
- Romano, 1704–1705
- Roy, Lynn
- Ghamari, 6907
- Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
- Royal Canadian Legion
- Saunderson, 1257
- Royal Canadian Legion Branch 25
- Romano, 10221
- Royal Canadian Legion Branch 258
- Thanigasalam, 1310
- Royal Canadian Legion Branch 586
- Byers, 10372
- Royal Canadian Legion poppy campaign
- West, 5877
- Royal Hamilton Yacht Club
- Shaw, 4852
- Runciman, Robert W.
- Yakabuski, 5698
- Ruparell, Deepak
- Anand, 672
- Russell, Tom
- Clark, 6766
- SafePoint
- Gretzky, 5452–5453
- Salvation Army
- Smith, David, 4002
- Santa Claus parades in Bruce–Grey–Owen Sound
- Byers, 10819
- Santa Claus parades in Kitchener–Conestoga
- Harris, 1820–1821
- Santa Claus parades in Newmarket–Aurora
- Gallagher Murphy, 10938
- Santa Claus parades in Oxford
- Hardeman, 10985–10986
- Santa Claus parades in Renfrew–Nipissing–Pembroke
- Sardelis, Voula
- Harden, 8110–8111
- Sarnia Lambton Chamber of Commerce
- Bailey, 5049
- Sarnia-Lambton Rebound
- Bailey, 10038–10039
- The Sashbear Foundation
- Barnes, 9420
- Saugeen Valley Children's Safety Village
- Byers, 3497
- Sault College Cougars women's hockey team
- Sault Ste. Marie Rotary Santa Claus Parade
- Romano, 6511
- Sault Youth Soccer Club
- Romano, 4759
- Saxton, Gerry
- Stevens, 2115
- Scala, Jayne
- Skelly, 2438
- Scarborough Health Network
- Smith, David, 5768–5769
- Scarborough Shooting Stars
- Thanigasalam, 544–545
- Scarborough Somaliland Community Association
- Smith, David, 2791
- Scarborough subway extension
- Scarborough Walk of Fame
- Smith, David, 8313
- Scarehouse Windsor
- Dowie, 5397
- School bus safety
- Harris, 590
- School facilities
- School field trip
- Martin, 9791
- School safety
- Hunter, 1772–1773
- School transportation
- Ghamari, 4989
- Vaugeois, 10429–10430
- Schulich Builders scholarships
- Coe, 3031
- Scooty Mobility Inc.
- McGregor, 5646–5647
- SE Health
- Rae, 1256
- Seasons Centre for Grieving Children
- Khanjin, 4644
- Senior citizens' housing
- Sarrazin, 6764–6765
- Senior Volunteer Appreciation Week
- Pang, 9304
- Seniors
- Seniors Community Grant Program
- Hogarth, 1516
- Seniors' housing
- Seniors Month
- Gallagher Murphy, 11157
- Seniors' services
- Services for persons with disabilities
- Vaugeois, 5314
- Seth, Dr. Asha
- Anand, 10298
- Sexual violence and harassment
- Fife, 9162–9163
- Shanmuganathan, Varathaledchumy
- Thanigasalam, 1549
- Shaw Festival
- Gates, 1772
- Shelter services
- Shelton, Ella
- Hardeman, 4990
- Shifa Gala 2023
- Crawford, 6055
- Shirt, Pauline
- Shop in Durham Week
- Coe, 6766
- Shoreman, Mike
- Shouldice Stone
- Byers, 9733
- Show Your 4-H Colours Day
- Scott, 1145
- Sikh community
- McGregor, 9305
- Sikh Heritage Month
- Simcoe Christmas Panorama River of Lights
- Brady, 1821
- Simcoe–Grey athletes
- Saunderson, 3305
- Simcoe–Grey businesses
- Saunderson, 3791–3792
- Singleton, Gord
- Gates, 8240–8241
- Sioux Lookout Bombers
- Mamakwa, 8791
- Six Nations Chiefs lacrosse team
- Bouma, 5049
- Six Nations remembrance ceremony
- Bouma, 810
- Skilled trades
- Skills development
- Ke, 2177
- Skills Ontario Competition
- Rae, 4471
- Skills training
- Slovakia Constitution Day
- Kusendova-Bashta, 629
- Small business
- Small Business Week
- Small businesses
- Smith, Aralyn
- Hardeman, 4990
- Smith, Corbyn
- Rae, 9255
- Smith, Don
- Harden, 4123
- Smith, Melania
- Smith, David, 4437–4438
- Snowflake Breakfast
- Collard, 2114
- Social assistance
- Social services funding
- Brady, 11158
- Social services in Niagara region
- Burch, 2848
- Social workers
- Anand, 7653–7654
- Solcz, Michael G.
- Dowie, 11052
- Sopha, Dave
- Riddell, 8242–8243
- South Coast Special Needs Kids Inc. sledge hockey match
- Brady, 7777
- Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre
- Riddell, 6869–6870
- Special care nursery
- Skelly, 10370–10371
- Special Olympics
- Special Olympics Canada Winter Games
- West, 8473
- Special Olympics Ontario
- Dixon, 9303
- Sport and cultural events
- Grewal, 149
- Sports and recreation funding
- Sports and recreation infrastructure funding
- Jordan, 7402–7403
- Sports facilities
- Anand, 5143–5144
- Sri Varasiththi Vinaayagar Hindu Temple of Toronto
- Babikian, 4698
- St. Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic church
- Skelly, 5878–5879
- St. Clair Saints football team
- Dowie, 10430
- St. Marys Cement
- McCarthy, 2897
- Staats, Logan
- Bouma, 3539–3540
- Stewart, David
- Rae, 4645
- Street Haven
- Bell, 149–150
- Student achievement
- Bresee, 9919–9920
- Student assistance
- Sattler, 387
- Student fundraising
- Clark, 9365
- Student housing
- McGregor, 8859–8860
- Student issues
- Clancy, 9472
- Student nutrition programs
- Clancy, 10329
- Students
- Pang, 2898
- Sudbury community services
- West, 7718
- Suicide prevention
- Pierre, 732
- Summer safety
- Bourgouin, 4470
- Sunderland ringette
- Scott, 9109
- Sunrise Montessori School
- Kanapathi, 9253
- Suomi Koti
- Vaugeois, 629
- Supportive housing
- Sword, Jean Elizabeth
- Wong-Tam, 3859
- Taillefer, Fern
- Khanjin, 1547
- Tamil genocide
- Taste of the Kingsway
- Hogarth, 485
- Taxation
- Taylor, Al
- Pierre, 6870–6871
- Temporary nursing agencies
- Shamji, 2298
- Tenant protection
- Thalassemia
- Cuzzetto, 8916
- Thanksgiving
- Pang, 9791–9792
- Thornhill Presbyterian Church
- Smith, L., 9577
- Thornhill Seniors Club
- Kanapathi, 3860
- Thunder Bay fire service
- Holland, 5807
- Thunder Bay Polar Bear Plunge
- Holland, 8473–8474
- Thunder Bay Youth Wellness Hub
- Holland, 7056–7057
- Tibet
- Karpoche, 7294
- Tiny home youth build program
- Pierre, 2482–2483
- Tom Thomson Art Gallery
- Byers, 8567–8568
- Toniata Public School
- Clark, 9578
- Toronto International BuskerFest for Epilepsy
- McMahon, 5339
- Tourangeau, Steven
- Tourism
- Town of Tillsonburg
- Hardeman, 150
- Town of Wheatley
- Jones, T., 151
- Townsend, Clarissa
- Bresee, 10220
- Township of Armstrong sewage lagoon
- Township of Norwich Chamber of Commerce annual awards
- Tragedy in Ottawa
- MacLeod, 7827
- Trainer, Marie
- Brady, 10299–10300
- Transgender Day of Visibility
- Wong-Tam, 3133–3134
- Transportation infrastructure
- Trehub, Sandra
- Wong-Tam, 2436
- Trillium Health Partners Foundation
- Cuzzetto, 2661
- triOS College
- Tangri, 437–438
- Troublemaker Radio podcast
- Harden, 3029
- Trucking industry
- Vanthof, 10429
- TVO funding
- Tabuns, 4912–4913
- Tweddle, Thomas Allen (Al)
- Blais, 4437
- Twinning of Vaughan and Baguio
- Smith, L., 2021–2022
- U13A Cornwall Typhoons girls' hockey team
- Quinn, 3030
- UBC Millwright Union Local 1916
- Skelly, 7295
- Ukrainian Independence Day
- Ukrainian Remembrance Day ceremony
- Sabawy, 10263–10264
- United Steelworkers
- West, 1448–1449
- United Way Waterloo Region Communities Spirit Awards
- Riddell, 8860
- University and college funding
- Upper Canada Child Care
- Kanapathi, 5932
- Ussher, Jacqueline
- Rae, 6684
- Vaisakhi
- McGregor, 4254–4255
- Vandalism of Jewish High Holy Days banners
- Martin, 5212
- Vaughan International Film Festival
- Smith, L., 4852
- Veterans
- Veterinarians
- Holland, 3859
- Victim services
- Quinn, 5104
- Victim Services of Durham Region
- French, 10600
- Victim Support Grant Program
- Triantafilopoulos, 5517
- Victims of violence in Sault Ste. Marie
- Romano, 5809
- Victor Lauriston Public School
- Jones, T., 8858
- Village Media
- Romano, 2716
- Vimy Ridge Day
- Crawford, 3498
- Vincent, Katie
- Cuzzetto, 6684–6685
- Violence against Indigenous women and children
- Mamakwa, 2021
- Violence against women
- Violence in schools
- Blais, 5932
- Vision Health Month
- Visit to West Flanders
- Vanthof, 9985–9986
- Volt hockey
- Smith, Dave, 7599–7600
- Volunteer Peterborough
- Smith, Dave, 6054
- Volunteer service awards
- Volunteers
- Volunteers in London West
- Sattler, 6989
- Wagner, Doug
- Hardeman, 2368
- Wake, Colleen
- Armstrong, 9577
- Ward's Island Association clubhouse
- Glover, 7826
- Waterdown Farmers' Market
- Skelly, 4563
- Wawatay Native Communications Society
- Mamakwa, 2483
- Wearing of kaffiyehs
- Well Grounded Real Estate
- Smith, David, 6870
- Welland Canal
- Burch, 10599
- Welland Food Drive
- Wellesley Applejacks hockey team
- Harris, 4644
- Wellington Dukes
- Bresee, 2298
- Wellington Heights Secondary School senior girls volleyball team
- Rae, 2593–2594
- Westcott, Jan
- Harris, 7055
- Wheatley Arboretum and Learning Trail
- Jones, T., 8567
- Whitby Health Centre
- Coe, 10219
- Whitby Warriors
- Coe, 789
- WhiteWater O'Brien Winery
- Yakabuski, 5266
- Who Are the Jews? exhibit
- Martin, 2238
- Why Not City Missions
- Bouma, 5878
- Wiarton cenotaph
- Byers, 9471
- Wildlife protection
- Harden, 8419
- WindReach Farm
- Coe, 1954
- Windsor Goodfellows
- Dowie, 6603
- Windsor International Film Festival
- Windsor Veterans Memorial Services Committee
- Dowie, 6167
- Winter highway safety
- Vanthof, 10938
- Winter road safety
- Bresee, 5931
- Winterdance Dogsled Tours
- Scott, 7351–7352
- Women as Career Coaches event
- Women in politics
- Fife, 5453
- Women's Centre of York Region
- Women's Crisis Services of Waterloo Region
- Dixon, 435
- Women's employment
- Women's Enterprise Skills Training of Windsor
- Leardi, 6509
- Women's health and safety
- Stevens, 2594
- Women's health services
- Stevens, 3424
- Women's Health Week
- Rae, 8793
- Women's issues
- Women's Multicultural Resource and Counselling Centre of Durham Region
- Coe, 4255
- Women's services
- Vaugeois, 2715
- Women's world hockey championship
- McGregor, 3064
- Wong, Ethan
- Barnes, 7653
- Wong, Julianna
- Barnes, 7653
- WoodGreen Community Services
- Smith, David, 1147
- Woodman Park Community Centre and Pool
- Bouma, 9541
- Work Crokinole Championship
- Hardeman, 9472
- Workers' compensation
- Vaugeois, 4697–4698
- Workplace safety
- Burch, 5338–5339
- World AIDS Day
- Gélinas, 1863
- World Asthma Day
- World Autism Awareness Day
- World Friendship Year
- Anand, 5209–5210
- World Jazz Festival
- McGregor, 733–734
- World Junior Hockey Championship
- Jordan, 10765
- World Philosophy Day
- Martin, 1605
- World Water Day
- Martin, 2956
- World Wheelchair Curling Championship
- Scott, 7776
- The Wright Clinic
- Armstrong, 1066
- Wyndham House
- Schreiner, 4055
- Yeomans, Connor
- Ghamari, 6264
- Yom Ha'atzmaut
- Martin, 3901
- Yom ha-Shoah
- Yom Hazikaron and Israeli Independence Day
- Martin, 8978
- Yonge North subway extension
- Kanapathi, 7056
- York Region Mental Health Community Care Hub
- Gallagher Murphy, 10107
- York Regional Police Appreciation Night
- Wai, 4382
- Yosef Mokir Shabbos
- Smith, L., 544
- Youth employment
- Bowman, 3860–3861
- Youth involvement in politics
- Hamid, 10985
- Hsu, 10544–10545
- Youth services
- Sattler, 4254
- YWCA Cambridge
- Riddell, 5768
- YWCA Week Without Violence
- Stevens, 9917
- ZAC Vanier BIA
- Collard, 5769
- 4-H clubs
- activities and initiatives
- Harden, 3029
- expense allowances. see specific party
- activities and initiatives
Members'/ministers' appreciation
Members'/ministers' condolences
- Begum, Doly (Scarborough Southwest)
- Clark, 9845
- Begum, Doly (Scarborough Southwest)
Members'/ministers' conduct
- Collard, Lucille (Ottawa-Vanier)
- conflict of interest
- gifts, conflict of interest
- Stiles, 3542–3543
- gifts, standards for accepting
- Hillier, Randy (Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston)
- Calandra, 5444–5445
- investigations
- Jama, Sarah (Hamilton Centre)
- reporting of
- travel, conflict of interest. see Also Integrity Commissioner of Ontario — investigations — Las Vegas trip
Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Ajax
- Barnes, 17–18
- Beaches–East York
- McMahon, 647
- Brampton East
- Grewal, 510
- Bruce–Grey–Owen Sound
- Cambridge
- Carleton
- Ghamari, 24
- Durham
- McCarthy, 13–15
- Eglinton–Lawrence
- Martin, 25
- Essex
- Leardi, 1804–1805
- Etobicoke–Lakeshore
- Hogarth, 3539
- Glengarry–Prescott–Russell
- Sarrazin, 387
- Haldimand–Norfolk
- Brady, 652
- Hamilton Centre
- Hamilton East–Stoney Creek
- Lumsden, 654
- Hastings–Lennox and Addington
- Bresee, 82
- Kitchener Centre
- Clancy, 7214
- Kitchener–Conestoga
- Harris, 24
- Lambton–Kent–Middlesex
- Pinsonneault, 9274–9275
- Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston
- Jordan, 645–646
- Markham–Thornhill
- Kanapathi, 437
- Markham–Unionville
- Pang, 339
- Milton
- Hamid, 9276
- Mississauga–Lakeshore
- Cuzzetto, 216
- Newmarket–Aurora
- Gallagher Murphy, 53–54
- Niagara West
- Oosterhoff, 281
- Oshawa
- French, 216
- Parry Sound-Muskoka
- Smith, G., 10881
- Parry Sound–Muskoka
- Perth–Wellington
- Rae, 657
- Scarborough Centre
- Smith, David, 649–650
- Scarborough–Agincourt
- Babikian, 81
- Scarborough–Guildwood
- Hazell, 5040–5042
- Simcoe–Grey
- Thornhill
- Smith, L., 519–521
- Thunder Bay–Atikokan
- Holland, 671
- Thunder Bay—Superior North
- Vaugeois, 234
- Toronto–St. Paul's
- Andrew, 22
- Windsor West
- Gretzky, 484
- Ajax
Members'/ministers' correction of record
- Anand, 2352, 3168
- Begum, 10500
- Bowman, 10660
- Calandra, 8325
- Cho, S., 9844
- Collard, 10952
- Fife, 2128
- Fraser, 2168, 7492, 9593
- Gates, 6277
- Gélinas, 355, 2075, 9180, 10120
- Hogarth, 8053
- Hunter, 1461
- Karpoche, 1683–1684
- Kernaghan, 2327
- Leardi, 10003
- MacLeod, 2625
- Mantha, 9379
- McMahon, 9803
- Parsa, 3147, 8749
- Sattler, 4942
- Shamji, 6444
- Smith, L., 4379
- Smith, T., 8708
- Stiles, 9056
- West, 1221, 8976
- Wong-Tam, 1300, 6546, 10325
- Yakabuski, 8708
Members'/ministers' farewell speeches
- Harden, 11052–11053
- Hunter, 4177–4178
- MacLeod, 9986–9987
- Rasheed, 10876–19877
- Romano, 11159
- Taylor, 10875–10876
Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches
- Barnes, 16–19
- Bowman, 465–467
- Brady, 651–653
- Bresee, 277–280
- Byers, 428–430
- Clancy, 7212–7215
- Dixon, 527–530
- Flack, 476–479
- Gallagher Murphy, 53–55
- Grewal, 508–511
- Hazell, 5040–5042
- Hsu, 246–248
- Jama, 3490–3492
- Jones, T., 313–316
- Jordan, 645–647
- Kerzner, 323–325
- Leardi, 64–66
- Lumsden, 653–657
- McCarthy, 11–16
- McGregor, 304–307
- McMahon, 647–649
- Pasma, 57–59
- Pierre, 317–319
- Pirie, 301–304
- Quinn, 310–313
- Rae, 657–660
- Riddell, 309–310
- Saunderson, 296–298
- Shamji, 472–475
- Smith, David, 649–651
- Smith, G., 536–539, 644–645
- Smith, L., 518–520
- Vaugeois, 233–236
- Williams, 321–323
- Wong-Tam, 143–146
Members/ministers named
- Andrew, Jill (Toronto-St. Paul's), 10557
- Andrew, Jill (Toronto–St. Paul's), 1151
- Andrews, Jill (Toronto–St. Paul's), 8921
- Bell, Jessica (University—Rosedale), 1157
- Bourgouin, Guy (Mushkegowuk–James Bay), 1155
- Burch, Jeff (Niagara Centre), 1153
- Calandra, Paul (Markham—Stouffville), 10557
- Fife, Catherine (Waterloo), 1152
- Gates, Wayne (Niagara Falls), 1152
- Glover, Chris (Spadina–Fort York), 1157
- Gretzky, Lisa (Windsor West), 1152
- Harden, Joel (Ottawa Centre), 1152
- Jama, Sarah (Hamilton Centre), 8738, 8798, 9047
- Karpoche, Bhutila (Parkdale–High Park), 1152
- Kernaghan, Terence (London North Centre), 1154
- Stevens, Jennifer (St. Catharines), 1155
- Stiles, Marit (Davenport), 1151
- Tabuns, Peter (Toronto–Danforth), 1151
- Taylor, Monique (Hamilton Mountain), 8507
- Vaugeois, Lise (Thunder Bay—Superior North), 1152
- West, Jamie (Sudbury), 1151
Members'/ministers' personal narratives
- Allsopp, 9870–9872
- Anand, 3164
- Armstrong, 3962–3963
- Gélinas, 3890
- Hamid, 9276
- Hogarth, 4187–4188
- Kerzner, 4210
- Kusendova-Bashta, 364–365, 11130
- Leardi, 3002–3004
- MacLeod, 2617–2618
- Mamakwa, 4191–4192
- McCarthy, 131–132
- McGregor, 2624
- Oosterhoff, 1891
- Quinn, 3494–3495
- Romano, 11159
- Skelly, 299–301
- Vanthof, 4874–4875
- West, 1245
Members'/ministers' privileges
- kaffiyeh, wearing of
- poppies, wearing of
- Calandra, 9579
- wearing of paraphernalia
- Cho, S., 1609
- Fullerton, 1774, 2019
- Harden, 2850
- buttons
- jerseys
- jerseys and shoes
- Smith, Dave, 9422
- pink shirts
- Gallagher Murphy, 2238
- pins
- ribbons
- scarves
- Cho, R.S.J., 2486
- Dixon, 10547–10548
- Kanapathi, 6767
- Piccini, 1595
- Williams, 7658
- shirts
- McCarthy, 8109
- shoes
- Smith, Dave, 7721
- t-shirts
- Harden, 7481
Members'/ministers' public apologies
Members/ministers quoting
- Alliance for a Liveable Ontario
- agricultural land, residential lots
- Schreiner, 4723
- agricultural land, residential lots
- Auditor General
- 2012 Long-term care Home Placement Process
- Calandra, 592–593
- 2012 Long-term care Home Placement Process
- bills
- Intimate Partner Violence Disclosure Act, 2021 (Bill 274)
- Stevens, 4897
- Intimate Partner Violence Disclosure Act, 2021 (Bill 274)
- Building Infrastructure Safely Act, 2023 (Bill 153)
- case law
- ONSC decision re cap on public sector compensation. see also Ontario English Catholic Teachers Assoc. v His Majesty, 2022, ONSC 6658
- Reference re Impact Assessment Act, 2022 ABCA 165.
- Cuzzetto, 716
- city council motions
- municipal governance
- Burch, 110–111
- municipal governance
- committee presentations
- committee submissions
- conservation authorities
- constituent letters
- More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
- Vaugeois, 1656
- More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
- dissertations
- Colonization and the Institutionalization of Hierarchies of the Human through Music Education
- Andrew, 3482
- Colonization and the Institutionalization of Hierarchies of the Human through Music Education
- federal members/ministers
- carbon tax
- Dowie, 6200
- carbon tax
- former members
- Ontario One Call
- Armstrong, 6645–6646
- Ontario One Call
- former members/ministers
- Health Care Consent Act, 1996
- Gélinas, 359
- historical figures
- House of Commons Procedure and Practice, 3rd Ed. (Bosc and Gagnon)
- Jones, T., 5577
- letters
- Auditor General
- Environmental Bill of Rights
- Kernaghan, 2516
- Environmental Bill of Rights
- Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39)
- Côtés Gold (Gogama), employee housing availability
- Gélinas, 5289–5290
- education workers' compensation
- West, 1135
- Gogama, public housing
- Gélinas, 4622
- health care
- French, 2368
- locates
- French, 6634
- Ontario One Call
- Armstrong, 6646–6647
- presiding officers, selection of
- Vanthof, 257
- Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 (Bill 3)
- Rakocevic, 168–169
- unhoused persons
- Shaw, 3515
- Auditor General
- Matawa Chiefs Council
- Building More Mines Act, 2023 (Bill 71)
- Vaugeois, 3472–3473
- Building More Mines Act, 2023 (Bill 71)
- Mayor of Hamilton
- unhoused persons
- Taylor, 10361
- unhoused persons
- Members' Integrity Act, 1994, SO 1994, c 38
- Saunderson, 4201
- The Meredith Principles
- Vaugeois, 3219–3220
- municipal councillors
- housing development
- Dowie, 710
- housing development
- municipal councillors (Toronto)
- news media
- alternative-level-of-care patients transfer to long-term care
- Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98)
- Sattler, 4948
- budget 2023/2024
- Budget 2023/2024
- Fife, 3102
- community organizations
- West, 6848
- conservation authorities, history
- Bell, 1628
- correctional services
- Khanjin, 4757
- cybersecurity
- Fife, 9821
- education
- Kernaghan, 3755
- education funding
- Fife, 3107
- education workers, labour dispute
- Fife, 1057
- employment, sick days
- Sattler, 1698
- energy rates
- Fife, 7625
- environmental assessments
- French, 2506
- Environmental Bill of Rights, compliance with
- Tabuns, 3858
- government finances
- Fife, 1335
- greenbelt, land ownership
- Burch, 1475
- health care
- Martin, 2302
- Health care workers shortage
- French, 1998
- highway 413
- Fife, 5238–5239
- Highway 413
- Bowman, 617
- home and community care
- Burch, 5639
- home care staff compensation
- Burch, 5640
- housing
- Fife, 7623
- housing development
- Indigenous children and youth in care
- Fife, 7629–7630
- judicial appointments
- Wong-Tam, 7514–7515
- judicial education, intimate partner violence
- locates
- long-term care
- Southbridge Long-term care
- Armstrong, 5374
- Southbridge Long-term care
- manufacturing industry
- Fedeli, 1544
- minister's zoning order, Pearson Airport
- minister's zoning orders, Pearson Airport
- Glover, 7169–7170
- More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
- French, 1637–1640
- municipal restructuring, Peel Region
- municipality structures, review
- Waterloo
- Burch, 1471
- Waterloo
- non-disclosure agreements
- Pasma, 1888
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- benefit rates, increase
- Tabuns, 1087
- benefit rates, increase
- Ontario Place redevelopment
- pediatric hospitals
- Plastiment fire (Hamilton, 1997)
- Skelly, 5074
- police officers
- hiring process, educational requirements
- Rakocevic, 3984–3985
- hiring process, educational requirements
- police services, by region
- London
- Armstrong, 3963
- London
- real estate market
- Burch, 1474
- regulatory policy
- Vaugeois, 3471
- rental housing
- Burch, 110
- schools, mental health funding
- Fife, 2784–2785
- small businesses
- Kernaghan, 1986
- strong mayor system
- student nutrition programs
- Burch, 5260
- TTC passenger fatalities
- Magalhae, Gabriel
- Harden, 3362–3363
- Magalhae, Gabriel
- urban boundary expansions
- Fife, 5239
- newsmedia
- Office of the Chief Coroner’s inquests’ verdicts and recommendations
- Cullteron, Kuzyk & Warmerdam Inquest
- Sattler, 1848–1849
- Cullteron, Kuzyk & Warmerdam Inquest
- Ontario Health Coalition
- Ontario Ombudsman
- police training, de-escalation
- Wong-Tam, 4791–4792
- police training, de-escalation
- organizations
- Association of Municipalities Ontario
- #ForLittleKeira
- Armstrong, 3964
- other members
- agricultural impact assessments
- Vanthof, 1915
- agricultural land, residential lots
- alternative-level-of-care patient transfer to long-term care
- carbon tax
- Leardi, 6145
- conflict of interest
- Shaw, 4204
- government advertising, partisan
- greenbelt
- sexual violence and harassment in post-secondary education
- throne speech
- Harris, 974
- time allocation
- Vanthof, 10238–10242
- agricultural impact assessments
- petitions
- Ontario Science Centre relocation
- Karpoche, 6798
- Ontario Science Centre relocation
- plaques
- statue of Ryerson
- Mamakwa, 1199
- statue of Ryerson
- poetry
- politicians
- strong mayor system
- Pasma, 701
- strong mayor system
- prayers
- Charles III (King) coronation prayer
- Oosterhoff, 4055
- Charles III (King) coronation prayer
- previous members
- hunting and angling
- Kernaghan, 4557
- hunting and angling
- reports
- Auditor General Annual Reports (2017): Real Estate Services
- French, 3827–3828
- Auditor General: Management of Hazards and Emergencies in the Environment (2022)
- Wong-Tam, 2921–2922
- Auditor General: Special Report on Changes to the Greenbelt
- Fife, 5239
- Canada's Housing Supply Shortages (2022)
- Dowie, 90
- Celebrating Stalling Prices for Canadian Homes (Generation Squeeze)
- Clark, 2030
- Commission on the Reform of Ontario’s Public Services
- Development Pipeline (City of Toronto, 2021)
- Wong-Tam, 751
- Discussion Paper Geological Storage in Ontario
- Schreiner, 2924
- The Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
- Mamakwa, 1198
- Hospital Offload Delays in Canadian Hospital Emergency Departments (Paramedic Chiefs of Canada)
- Shaw, 985
- Housing Affordability Task Force (2022)
- Coe, 1586
- For the Love of Learning (Report of The Royal Commission on Learning)
- Municipal Amalgamation in Ontario (Fraser Institute)
- Burch, 1472
- Ontario Ombudsman
- Inside Job (2019)
- Burch, 108–109
- Inside Job (2019)
- Operation of the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993 (Auditor General, 2022)
- French, 2504–2506
- The Opportunity to Succeed: Achieving Barrier-Free Education for Students with Disabilities
- French, 3715
- Ottawa Light Rail Transit Public Inquiry (2022)
- Pasma, 1868
- Police Encounters with People in Crisis (Toronto Police Service, 2014)
- French, 3940
- School Board Governance, A Focus on Achievement
- Barnes, 3701–3702
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission
- calls to action
- Mamakwa, 4193
- calls to action
- Value-for-Money Audit: Outpatient Surgeries (Auditor General, 2021)
- Gélinas, 1648–1649
- The Way Forward (Toronto Police Service, 2017)
- Wong-Tam, 4795
- Auditor General Annual Reports (2017): Real Estate Services
- school board trustees
- Skelly, 4943
- songs
- speeches
- So God made a farmer (Paul Harvey)
- Bouma, 913
- So God made a farmer (Paul Harvey)
- teachers unions
- unions
- Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98)
- Mamakwa, 3716–3717
- Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98)
- Alliance for a Liveable Ontario
Members'/ministers' quoting
- poetry
- Dulce et Decorum Est (Owen)
- Dixon, 10219
- Dulce et Decorum Est (Owen)
- poetry
Members'/ministers' record
Members'/ministers' remarks
- Stiles, Marit (Davenport)
- as NDP party leader
- Tabuns, 2024
- as NDP party leader
- withdrawn
- Andrew, 2071, 2348, 3092, 5000, 5705, 6916, 7691, 8866, 10037, 10491
- Bell, 3812, 11065
- Bethlenfalvy, 2543
- Bowman, 6996
- Burch, 1520, 3130, 5265, 7301
- Calandra, 341, 458, 2128, 4648, 6183
- Clark, 1519, 2124, 3501, 3666, 3796
- Dixon, 1675
- Downey, 7234, 7356, 10437, 10654
- Fife, 5055, 10043, 10114
- Ford, D., 936
- Fraser, 1871, 6611, 10828
- Gates, 2534, 7203, 8835, 9656
- Gélinas, 8701
- Glover, 1375, 2591, 2857, 8485
- Harden, 2903, 3905, 10944
- Hogarth, 2072
- Hs
- Stiles, Marit (Davenport)