Letter: K
Kamloops Indian Residential School
- human remains, discovery of
- Mamakwa, 1199
- human remains, discovery of
Kashechewan First Nation
Keeping 2SLGBTQI+ Communities Safe Act, 2023 (Bill 94)
- first reading
- Wong-Tam, 3382–3383
- first reading
Keeping Energy Costs Down Act, 2024 (Bill 165)
- amendments, proposed
- Tabuns, 8936
- first reading
- Smith, T., 7208
- consultations
- Shaw, 9130
- second reading, 7243–7282, 7283–7293, 7310–7334, 7339–7343, 7364–7365
- Bailey, 7289, 7315, 7327
- Bell, 7289–7293
- Bouma, 7288
- Bourgouin, 7316, 7332–7333
- Burch, 7288
- Clancy, 7339–7340
- Coe, 7325–7327
- Dixon, 7275–7280
- Fife, 7252
- Fraser, 7292, 7330, 7333
- Gallagher Murphy, 7342–7343
- Gates, 7274, 7340
- Gélinas, 7312, 7320, 7326
- Ghamari, 7285–7289
- Glover, 7284
- Harden, 7263, 7267–7272, 7278–7279
- Hsu, 7253–7254, 7263–7264, 7272–7275
- Karpoche, 7293
- Kernaghan, 7253
- Khanjin, 7312, 7316
- Kusendova-Bashta, 7339, 7343
- MacLeod, 7288, 7321, 7326
- Mamakwa, 7285, 7292
- Mantha, 7322–7324
- McGregor, 7284, 7324
- McMahon, 7292, 7310–7312, 7320
- Oosterhoff, 7253, 7263, 7275
- Pang, 7311–7312, 7326
- Rae, 7253, 7266–7267, 7271, 7275, 7279–7280, 7332
- Rakocevic, 7315, 7324, 7327, 7330–7334
- Sabawy, 7262, 7274
- Sarrazin, 7264–7267, 7320, 7323, 7333, 7341, 7342
- Saunderson, 7267, 7270–7271, 7279, 7312–7317
- Schreiner, 7283–7285, 7288, 7289, 7340
- Shaw, 7262–7263, 7271, 7272, 7275, 7280–7282, 7342
- Smith, L., 7292, 7321, 7329–7330
- Smith, T., 7244–7254
- Tabuns, 7254–7264
- Taylor, 7272, 7316, 7321, 7326
- Vanthof, 7340–7342
- Vaugeois, 7287, 7342
- West, 7317–7322, 7324, 7333
- Wong-Tam, 7267, 7279
- division (carried), 7364–7365
- referred to Standing Committee on the Interior, 7364–7365
- third reading, 8847–8857, 8934–8956, 9102–9108, 9126–9140, 9176–9177
- Bourgouin, 8856, 9131
- Byers, 9131
- Coe, 8856, 9106–9107, 9127
- Cuzzetto, 8945–8948
- Dowie, 9105, 9128, 9140
- Gallagher Murphy, 8954
- Gélinas, 8944, 8950, 8954
- Ghamari, 9134–9136
- Glover, 8855–8856
- Harden, 9102–9107, 9136
- Hsu, 8951–8952
- Jones, T., 8951, 9107–9108, 9126–9128
- Karpoche, 8943–8944, 8948–8951, 8953
- Kernaghan, 8951, 9105
- Kerzner, 8953
- Kusendova-Bashta, 8856
- MacLeod, 8954
- Martin, 8947, 9136
- McMahon, 8944, 8952–8954
- Rakocevic, 9132
- Sarrazin, 8950
- Sattler, 8857, 8951
- Saunderson, 8857, 9139
- Schreiner, 9132–9134
- Shaw, 9127–9128, 9128–9132, 9134, 9136, 9139
- Smith, Dave, 8954–8956
- Smith, David, 8948
- Smith, T., 8847–8852, 8856–8857, 9131–9132, 9134, 9138–9139
- Stevens, 8947, 8953–8954
- Tabuns, 8935–8944, 9106
- Vanthof, 9136–9140
- Vaugeois, 8948, 9106
- West, 9139
- Yakabuski, 8852–8855, 8943, 8944
- division (carried), 9176–9177
- Royal assent, 9244
- amendments, proposed
Keeping People Housed Act, 2024 (Bill 170)
Keeping Primary Care Fair Act (Restricting Private Payments for Nurse Practitioner Services), 2024 (Bill 203)
- first reading
- Shamji, 9380–9381
- first reading
Keeping Students in Class Act, 2022 (Bill 28)
- first reading
- collective agreements, extension of
- Lecce, 1023
- collective agreements, terms of
- second reading, 1021–1065, 1098–1123, 1231–1232
- Anand, 1031
- Andrew, 1050, 1100–1102, 1104–1105
- Armstrong, 1044, 1110, 1192–1193
- Barnes, 1053–1057
- Begum, 1057, 1110–1111, 1113–1114
- Bell, 1040, 1111–1114
- Bouma, 1060, 1062, 1102, 1114, 1116
- Bourgouin, 1041
- Bowman, 1103, 1105
- Brady, 1109
- Burch, 1051, 1106
- Coe, 1187, 1192
- Crawford, 1040
- Dunlop, 1063–1065, 1118, 1121–1122
- Fife, 1057–1058, 1061–1062
- French, 1041, 1056–1057, 1109, 1116–1119
- Gallagher Murphy, 1056
- Gates, 1031, 1052, 1058–1059, 1060–1061
- Gélinas, 1108, 1118–1119, 1122–1123
- Ghamari, 1185–1188
- Glover, 1047–1048, 1102, 1115, 1121
- Gretzky, 1048–1050
- Harden, 1056, 1098–1099, 1101–1103, 1115, 1121
- Harris, 1030
- Hogarth, 1045
- Holland, 1105
- Hsu, 1103, 1105
- Hunter, 1049, 1050–1053
- Kanapathi, 1044–1045
- Karpoche, 1060, 1118
- Ke, 1056, 1119
- Kerzner, 1114–1116
- Leardi, 1049, 1051–1052, 1061
- Lecce, 1021–1031
- Mamakwa, 1113
- Mantha, 1049, 1113–1114, 1119–1122
- McCarthy, 1052, 1061, 1106–1110
- McMahon, 1103–1106
- Pang, 1041, 1057
- Pasma, 1031–1036, 1188–1193
- Rae, 1041–1046
- Sandhu, 1188
- Sattler, 1059–1061, 1187–1188, 1192
- Schreiner, 1062–1063
- Shamji, 1104–1105
- Smith, L., 1040, 1050, 1052, 1104, 1113, 1120
- Stevens, 1031, 1045, 1055–1056, 1101
- Stiles, 1030, 1052
- Tabuns, 1045–1047
- Tangri, 1030
- Taylor, 1045
- Thanigasalam, 1101, 1102, 1105, 1108, 1113, 1118, 1121
- Vaugeois, 1062, 1099, 1105
- Wai, 1045, 1192
- West, 1030, 1036–1041, 1062–1063
- Wong-Tam, 1061, 1099–1100
- division (carried), 1231–1232
- legal challenges, protection from
- Tabuns, 1047
- public response
- repeal of
- Supports for Students Fund
- staff, hiring of
- Lecce, 1023
- staff, hiring of
- time allocation motion, 1135–1144, 1164–1165, 1221–1222
- third reading, 1232–1248
- Royal assent, 1254
Keeping Students in Class Repeal Act, 2022 (Bill 35)
Kidney disease
Kids' Online Safety and Privacy Month Act, 2024 (Bill 133)
- as a regulated health profession
- Armstrong, 5850
- as a regulated health profession
Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug
Krever Inquiry.
see Blood and blood products - donation and collection