Committee subject index

Letter: V

  • Vaping

    • regulation
    • as smoking cessation tool
  • Vaping and youth

    • cessation supports
    • health risks
    • health risks, educational programming
  • Vaping products

  • Vehicles

    • digital dealer registration
  • Veterans.

    see Also Soldier's Aid Commission
  • Veterans - Indigenous

  • Veterans - support services

    • general remarks
  • Veterinarians

    • education
      • University of Guelph and Lakehead University program
    • shortage
  • Veterinarians Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. V.3

  • Victim services

    • government funding
      • reflection in estimates
    • service providers
      • funding allocation
    • sexual assault centres. see Sexual assault centres
  • Victims of crime

    • compensation funding
    • services
      • access to
  • Vista Centre Brain Injury Services

    • operational funding
      • allocation
      • annual base funding
    • regional availability
      • Smith, David, F664
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