Letter: R
Racial Equity in the Education System Act, 2022 (Bill 16)
- first reading
- Vaugeois, 560
- first reading
Racism and anti-racism.
see also Antisemitism; IslamophobiaRadon gas
- education and awareness
- Radon Action Month
- Kusendova-Bashta, 6601
- Radon Action Month
- education and awareness
Rafiga Law Professional Corporation Act, 2024 (Bill Pr53)
- first reading
- Begum, 11067
- first reading
Rail service
Rapati Design and Construction Ltd. Act, 2023 (Bill Pr30)
Rare Disease Strategy Act, 2023 (Bill 129)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 4929–4930
- first reading
Rare diseases
- government strategy
- Gélinas, 5465–5466
- government strategy
Real estate market
Recycling programs
- regulatory reform
- Oosterhoff, 4467
- regulatory reform
Red Lake Margaret Cochenour Memorial Hospital
- emergency care, department closure
- Mamakwa, 1427
- emergency care, department closure
Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 (Bill 212)
- first reading
- Sarkaria, 9684
- consultations
- Bell, 10560
- Fife, 10559–10560
- Fraser, 10561–10562
- Harden, 10559
- Schreiner, 10561
- second reading, 9781–9790, 9908–9917, 9951–9971, 10006–10025, 10281–10282, 10315
- Armstrong, 10015
- Bouma, 10019–10025
- Bourgouin, 9960–9961, 10007
- Bresee, 9783–9789, 9961, 9963, 9967
- Clancy, 9962–9964, 10010
- Coe, 10024
- French, 9790, 9908–9917, 9951–9952
- Gates, 9789, 9966–9967
- Gélinas, 10014
- Hamid, 9952–9956
- Harden, 9788, 9955–9956, 9968–9971, 10006–10008
- Hazell, 10009–10011
- Hogarth, 9789, 10010–10016
- Leardi, 9951, 9955–9956, 9964–9968, 10008, 10015, 10025
- McCarthy, 9916
- McMahon, 9789, 10008–10011
- Oosterhoff, 9952, 10014–10015
- Pang, 9789–9790
- Pasma, 10007, 10020
- Rae, 9967
- Rakocevic, 10011, 10024
- Sabawy, 9787–9788
- Sarkaria, 9781–9783, 9789–9790
- Saunderson, 9964, 9968
- Shaw, 9960, 9963, 10006, 10016–10020
- Skelly, 10007, 10019
- Vanthof, 10024–10025
- West, 9917, 9952, 10010, 10016, 10019, 10025
- division (carried), 10315
- referred to Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy, 10315
- legislative process, motions
- time allocation
- Clark, 10237
- Vanthof, 10242–10243
- time allocation
- time allocation motion, 10235–10245, 10276–10277
- presented
- Clark, 10235–10237
- responded to
- Vanthof, 10238–10245
- division (carried), 10276–10277
- presented
- third reading, 10566–10574
- French, 10569–10570
- Harden, 10571–10572
- Karpoche, 10572–10573
- McMahon, 10570–10571
- Sarkaria, 10566–10569
- Schreiner, 10572
- Wong-Tam, 10573–10574
- division (carried), 10574
- Royal assent, 10589
- first reading
Reducing Inefficiencies Act (Infrastructure Statute Law Amendments), 2023 (Bill 69)
- first reading
- Surma, 2381
- briefing materials
- second reading, 2474–2482, 2501–2522, 2529–2539, 2556–2586, 2608
- Anand, 2572–2575
- Andrew, 2575, 2585
- Babikian, 2530, 2561, 2572
- Bell, 2575–2578, 2580, 2582
- Bouma, 2585
- Bowman, 2564–2568
- Bresee, 2571
- Burch, 2529
- Byers, 2565, 2567
- Coe, 2502, 2510
- Crawford, 2561–2565
- Dowie, 2533–2534, 2577
- Fife, 2510, 2514
- Flack, 2560, 2574
- French, 2501–2511, 2539
- Gallagher Murphy, 2501
- Gates, 2518–2519, 2530, 2534
- Glover, 2578–2581, 2583
- Gretzky, 2534
- Harden, 2561, 2565, 2568
- Jordan, 2577
- Kanapathi, 2529, 2575
- Karpoche, 2564
- Kernaghan, 2502, 2515–2519, 2560, 2564, 2568, 2574
- Leardi, 2502, 2519–2522, 2529–2530, 2582
- Mamakwa, 2519
- Martin, 2511
- McCarthy, 2533
- McMahon, 2565–2568
- Oosterhoff, 2582–2583, 2586
- Pasma, 2556–2561, 2571–2572
- Piccini, 2536–2539
- Pierre, 2514
- Quinn, 2564
- Sandhu, 2513–2514, 2560, 2568
- Sattler, 2529, 2568–2572
- Schreiner, 2535–2536
- Shaw, 2530–2535, 2574–2575, 2579–2580
- Smith, Dave, 2515, 2518
- Smith, David, 2578
- Smith, G., 2571
- Stevens, 2511, 2514, 2567, 2571
- Surma, 2474–2477, 2501–2502
- Tabuns, 2577, 2581–2583
- Thanigasalam, 2511–2515, 2534–2536, 2579–2580
- Vanthof, 2583–2586
- Vaugeois, 2515, 2533
- Wai, 2518–2519
- West, 2535
- Wong-Tam, 2577, 2585–2586
- Yakabuski, 2477–2482, 2502, 2511
- division (carried), 2608
- referred to Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy, 2608
- schedule one
- stakeholder consultation
- third reading, 3781–3791, 3827–3847, 3849–3859, 3877–3887
- Armstrong, 3835, 3885
- Bailey, 3885
- Bourgouin, 3857, 3879
- Burch, 3790, 3853
- French, 3827–3836
- Gates, 3839
- Glover, 3843
- Gretzky, 3839
- Grewal, 3840
- Harden, 3836, 3844
- Hogarth, 3835–3836, 3844, 3884, 3887
- Kernaghan, 3856–3857
- MacLeod, 3852, 3857
- McCarthy, 3880–3881, 3885–3887
- McGregor, 3789–3790
- Oosterhoff, 3836, 3843, 3845–3847
- Pasma, 3856
- Piccini, 3784–3791
- Rae, 3835
- Sandhu, 3836–3840
- Saunderson, 3790, 3839, 3844
- Shaw, 3849–3853
- Skelly, 3852, 3856
- Smith, L., 3853, 3880
- Stevens, 3790
- Surma, 3781–3784, 3790
- Tabuns, 3789, 3852, 3857–3859
- Taylor, 3880, 3885
- Thanigasalam, 3877–3881
- Vanthof, 3790–3791, 3841–3844
- Vaugeois, 3887
- West, 3844, 3880–3886
- Wong-Tam, 3836, 3840
- Yakabuski, 3853–3857
- Royal assent, 4459
- first reading
- community supports and initiatives
- Andrew, 6510
- community supports and initiatives
Regional development
Regional Innovation Centres - by region
- Barrie
- government funding
- Fedeli, 9195
- government funding
- Barrie
Registered Practical Nurses
- compensation
- statements by stakeholders
- West, 1386
- statements by stakeholders
- compensation
Regulations - business
- board members
- nomination process, disclosure of
- Bowman, 2177
- nomination process, disclosure of
- compliance costs
- Martin, 3467
- document disclosure
- economic impact
- Fedeli, 1546
- government strategy
- reduction
- reductions
- supply chain management
- board members
Regulatory environment
- impact on small business
- Fedeli, 498
- reform
- Crawford, 10515–10517
- Cuzzetto, 1792–1793
- Gill, 1722–1724, 2628–2630
- Harris, 10793
- Holland, 1768
- Kerzner, 2892–2893
- Martin, 1841–1842
- McCarthy, 2925–2926, 10531–10532
- McGregor, 2771–2772
- Oosterhoff, 1725–1726, 2631–2633, 2636
- Pang, 1761–1762
- Quinn, 1794
- Rakocevic, 1797
- Saunderson, 2891–2892
- Smith, Dave, 1809–1810
- Smith, L., 2916
- Yakabuski, 1846
- government strategy
- stakeholder consultation
- Oosterhoff, 2632
- statements by stakeholders
- Oosterhoff, 1727
- impact on small business
Regulatory environment - business
- economic impact
- Fedeli, 1546
- economic impact
Regulatory policy
- communication processes
- Oosterhoff, 3420
- compliance requirements
- McCarthy, 4619–4620
- general remarks
- government strategy
- mandatory reviews
- outcome-based
- Oosterhoff, 3420
- public consultation
- Khanjin, 4561
- recognition strategy
- Oosterhoff, 3419–3420
- reform
- regulations, reduction
- economic impact
- Smith, T., 3458
- economic impact
- reporting requirements
- Oosterhoff, 3420
- services, delivery of
- digital
- Oosterhoff, 3419
- digital
- standards
- recognition of, criteria
- Oosterhoff, 3419
- recognition of, criteria
- communication processes
Regulatory reform
- impact on small businesses
- Smith, Dave, 1811
- impact on small businesses
Relief for Renters Act, 2024 (Bill 163)
Removing Red Tape for Homeowners (No More Pushy, High-Pressure HVAC Scams) Act, 2024 (Bill 169)
- first reading
- Kernaghan, 7559–7560
- first reading
Renewable energy
- availability of
- economic impact
- Bowman, 1273
- economic impact
- capacity of
- Smith, T., 8804
- clean energy credit registry
- cost of
- economic impact
- Tabuns, 1870
- government strategy
- from Quebec. see also Ontario-Quebec Electricity Trade Agreement
- availability of
Renewable energy contracts
Renewable energy industry
- economic impact
- Schreiner, 5732
- economic impact
Renewable energy projects
Rent control
- and affordable housing supply
- eligibility
- Calandra, 8803
- exceptions
- exemptions
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Rae, 3814
- and housing supply
- reinstatement of
- Stevens, 6107
- rent increases
- above-guideline
- Glover, 11142
- above-guideline
- as tenant protection
- vacancy control
- Harden, 9518–9519
Rent Control for All Tenants Act, 2024 (Bill 48)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 1680
- second reading, 11139–11145, 11172
- first reading
Rent Stabilization Act, 2022 (Bill 25)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 881
- first reading
Rental housing
- access
- acquisitions by real estate investment trusts
- affordability
- air conditioning
- access. see also Ontario Human Rights Commission—air conditioning, statement on
- billing policy
- cost of
- Fife, 4674
- maximum heat standards
- Jama, 4380
- temperature guidelines
- annual increase rates
- availability of
- Calandra, 6674
- construction starts
- cost of
- Bell, 3796–3797, 3811, 4662, 4667
- Burch, 483, 900, 1474
- Gates, 4718
- Karpoche, 3824–3825
- Rakocevic, 170, 3825
- Schreiner, 3816
- Stiles, 3427
- building age
- Hsu, 904
- impact on economy
- statements by stakeholders
- Burch, 900
- statements by stakeholders
- by region
- regionally
- and social assistance recipients
- statements by stakeholders
- Sattler, 137
- elevators
- maintenance and repair
- Armstrong, 6397
- maintenance and repair
- general remarks
- government strategy
- purpose-built
- preservation of
- Bell, 9490
- preservation of
- real estate investment trusts. see Also Rental housing - tenant protections
- by region
- Barrie
- Khanjin, 960
- Barrie
- rent increased
- Karpoche, 11140
- rent increases
- short term rentals
- Bell, 891
- and social assistance recipients
- Pasma, 702–703
- stacked townhouses
- Rae, 8666
- supply
- tenant protection
- tenant protections
- vacancy decontrol
Rental housing - affordable
Rental housing - development
- affordability
- Rakocevic, 8449
- construction starts
- general remarks
- government strategy
- municipal charges. see Housing development - municipal charges
- new projects
- federal and provincial HST
- Bethlenfalvy, 6007
- federal and provincial HST
- purpose-built
- purpose-built, incentives
- rent control, impact of
- Clancy, 11141
- Clark, 2032, 3670
- Rae, 11143
- Wong-Tam, 11142–11143
- units, below average market rent
- Sattler, 136
- affordability
Rental housing - evictions
- Armstrong, 4435
- due to
- due to demolition
- due to renovations
- Armstrong, 4308, 4341, 4693
- Bell, 4387, 4665
- Clancy, 8192, 9997
- Downey, 9997, 10705
- Fife, 3240
- Gates, 8408
- Kernaghan, 4693, 9377
- Shaw, 10705
- Stevens, 3823
- approval process
- Armstrong, 4718
- enforcement
- Bell, 889
- government response
- Wong-Tam, 615
- impact on affordability
- West, 6849
- impact on social assistance recipients
- reform
- Tangri, 4636
- statements by stakeholders
- Armstrong, 4359–4360
- enforcement timelines
- French, 9187
- general remarks
- illegal evictions
- for personal use
- reform
- Tangri, 4636
- reform
- regulations
- regulatory reform
- Clark, 3811
- statements by stakeholders
- Armstrong, 3626–3627
- statistics
- Harden, 8667
Rental housing - purpose-built
Rental housing - short-term
Rental housing - tenant protections.
see Also Rental housing — real estate investment trusts- and affordability
- during building demolition
- rent-gap payments
- Shamji, 7599
- rent-gap payments
- enforcement
- Bell, 8367–8368
- evictions
- Pasma, 9842
- general remarks
- Andrew, 2969, 8437
- Armstrong, 4360–4361
- Bell, 886, 1540, 8316, 8375, 9495, 9498
- Calandra, 8982
- Clancy, 8192–8193, 8224
- Clark, 1560, 3670, 4634
- Fife, 9507
- Fraser, 8437
- French, 5303
- Kernaghan, 2321, 5303, 8381–8382
- Oosterhoff, 9503
- Parsa, 2488
- Sattler, 947, 4361, 9503
- Shaw, 9515–9516, 9524–9525
- Stiles, 967
- Tabuns, 2660
- Tangri, 4926–4927
- Vaugeois, 4422
- Wong-Tam, 5325
- government strategy
- impact on tenants
- non-resident landlords
- taxes, responsibility for
- Bell, 9109
- taxes, responsibility for
- power outages
- Pasma, 3607
- redevelopment and tenant right to return
- regulations
- Burch, 6349
- Rental Housing Enforcement Unit
- Bell, 9496
- rent-increases, above-guideline
- replacement by laws
- by region
- London
- Sattler, 8735
- London
- by region
- replacement bylaws
- unit conditions
- vacancy control
Rental supply
- general remarks
- Clark, 3810
- general remarks
Reports by committees
- Standing Committee on Estimates, 1529–1530
- Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, 880, 1877–1878, 2192, 4068, 4136, 4174, 6190, 6617, 6783, 8931–8932, 9380, 9804, 10501, 10834
- Standing Committee on Government Agencies, 941, 1465, 1680, 1878, 2171, 2553, 2807, 3043, 3261, 3552, 3749, 4017, 4228, 4452, 4984, 5159, 5327, 5530, 5783, 6004, 6189, 7207, 7418, 7670, 7893, 8065, 8326, 8529, 8991, 9223, 9433, 9647, 9856, 10121, 10447, 10712, 10954, 11174
- Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy, 603, 1009, 1561, 3552, 4267, 4484, 5004, 5946, 6190, 6279, 6525, 6883, 6922, 7493, 8365, 8931, 10342, 10501
- Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39), 2035–2040
- Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 (Bill 212), 10558–10562
- Bell, 10560
- Fraser, 10561–10562
- French, 10559–10560
- Harden, 10558–10559
- Sarkaria, 10560–10561
- Schreiner, 10561
- division (carried), 10562
- Standing Committee on Justice Policy, 941, 1465, 4174, 4227–4228, 4484, 5003, 6013, 6190, 6883, 7105, 7365, 8991, 9380, 10501, 10562
- Coe, 2862–2863
- Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, 351, 1269, 4136, 4577, 5003, 5063, 7307, 9746
- Standing Committee on Public Accounts, 2192–2193
- Standing Committee on Social Policy, 880, 1465, 1834, 3437–3438, 4137, 4484, 5004, 6190, 6447, 7105, 7207, 7493, 8196, 8708, 8807, 9318, 10501, 10834
- Standing Committee on the Interior, 880–881, 1465, 3676, 4068–4069, 5003–5004, 6190, 7980, 8433, 8807, 8931, 10501, 10562–10563, 10657
Residential school system
Residential schools
- burial sites, investigations
- day of reflection for
- Andrew, 10759
- Rickford, 10758–10759
- Shamji, 10760–10761
- Vaugeois, 10759–10760
- Wong-Tam, 10760
- human remains, search for
- language and
- Mamakwa, 7962–7963
- legacy of
- reports
Residential Tenancies Act, SO 2003, c 17
- penalties and fines, increase to
- Tangri, 4636
- penalties and fines, increase to
Resilient Communities Fund
Resource Management and Safety Act, 2024 (Bill 228)
- first reading
- Smith, G., 10563
- second reading, 10633–10642, 10661–10683, 10689–10697, 10960–10977, 10998–10999
- Anand, 10680, 10682–10683, 10689–10693
- Bailey, 10641, 10675
- Bell, 10670
- Bourgouin, 10661–10665, 10669–10670, 10680, 10696
- Byers, 10695, 10967–10968, 10976
- Clancy, 10674, 10679, 10693, 10961
- Dowie, 10641
- Fife, 10669, 10673
- Fraser, 10692, 10696
- French, 10692
- Gallagher Murphy, 10637–10640, 10670, 10674, 10682, 10964, 10972, 10976
- Glover, 10975
- Harris, 10961, 10965, 10968–10973
- Holland, 10961–10965
- Hsu, 10680–10683
- Jordan, 10971–10972
- Karpoche, 10691–10692, 10964, 10968
- Leardi, 10975
- Mamakwa, 10965–10968
- Martin, 10679
- Oosterhoff, 10670–10675
- Piccini, 10970–10972
- Pierre, 10692, 10967
- Rakocevic, 10976
- Schreiner, 10696–10697, 10960–10961
- Shaw, 10642, 10665–10670, 10682, 10695–10696, 10961
- Smith, G., 10633–10637, 10641–10642
- Smith, L., 10669, 10679, 10682
- Tabuns, 10973–10976
- Taylor, 10967, 10972
- Vanthof, 10693–10696, 10964–10965, 10971–10972
- Vaugeois, 10675–10680
- Wong-Tam, 10968
- division (carried), 10998–10999
- referred to Standing Committee on the Interior, 10998–10999
- first reading
Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Amendment Act (Beverage Container Deposit Program), 2024 (Bill 225)
- first reading
- McMahon, 10386
- first reading
Respecting Injured Workers Act (Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment), 2022 (Bill 57)
- first reading
- Gates, 2132
- first reading
Respecting Workers in Health Care and in Related Fields Act, 2023 (Bill 76)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 2673
- first reading
Rest stops
- washroom facilities
- Begum, 2977
- washroom facilities
Restaurant industry
- employee compensation
- tipping
- Karpoche, 4470
- tipping
- employee compensation
Retiree Experience Awareness Day Act, 2024 (Bill 217)
- first reading
- Wai, 10121
- second reading, 10627–10632
- referred to Standing Committee on Social Policy, 10632
- first reading
- education and awareness
- Retiree Experience Awareness Day
- Coe, 10631
- Vaugeois, 10629–10630
- Wai, 10627–10628, 10632
- Retiree Experience Awareness Day
- education and awareness
Retirement homes
- accountability and oversight. see also Senior citizens — advocate for older adults
- Shaw, 4425
- fee increase, by site
- fee increases
- fees, Bell, 6348
- for-profit vs. not-for.profit
- Vaugeois, 4421–4422
- resident eviction and transition
- Bell, 9649
- Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority. see Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority
- tenant protections
- visitors
- trespass orders
- Vaugeois, 3673, 4422, 5916–5917, 10629–10630, 10939
- trespass orders
- accountability and oversight. see also Senior citizens — advocate for older adults
Retirement homes - by site
Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority.
see Also Retirement homes- retirement homes, closure
- Cho, R.S.J., 9378
- retirement homes, closure
Richard Crosby Investments Limited Act, 2024 (Bill Pr43)
Right to Repair Consumer Electronic Products, Household Appliances, Wheelchairs, Motor Vehicles and Farming Heavy Equipment Act, 2024 (Bill 187)
- first reading
- Rakocevic, 8433–8434
- first reading
Right to Timely Mental Health and Addiction Care for Children and Youth Act, 2022 (Bill 53)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 1878
- first reading
Ring of Fire development
- budget allocation
- federal
- McCarthy, 3264
- federal
- economic impact
- electric battery production
- role in
- Bethlenfalvy, 71
- role in
- environmental assessments, comprehensive
- Indigenous participation
- Mamakwa, 3904
- Indigenous participation
- general remarks
- Barnes, 29–30
- government funding
- government strategy
- Bethlenfalvy, 3056
- Indigenous consultation and consent
- Indigenous participation
- Barnes, 30
- infrastructure development
- partnership agreements
- with Indigenous communities
- Pirie, 30
- with Indigenous communities
- road infrastructure
- budget allocation
Road infrastructure
- Northern Link Road Project
- Indigenous consultation and consent. see also Neskantaga First Nation
- Mamakwa, 2794
- Indigenous consultation and consent. see also Neskantaga First Nation
- Northern Link Road Project
Road safety
Road workers
Roads and highways
Roads and highways - infrastructure development
Robbie's Legacy Act (Honouring Beloved Organ and Tissue Donors), 2024 (Bill 237)
- first reading
- Hsu, 10954
- first reading
Romanian community
- Great Union Day
- education and awareness
- Kusendova-Bashta, 1864–1865
- education and awareness
- Great Union Day
Rouge National Urban Park
Royal Canadian Legion.
see LegionsRoyal Victoria Regional Health Centre
Ryerson, Egerton
- role in residential schools. see also Toronto Metropolitan University — name change from Ryerson University
Ryerson University.
see Toronto Metropolitan University