FAQs about Youth Arts Program
Who can apply?
All participants must reside in Ontario between the ages of 12-18.
What is the application process?
You will need to fill out the online application form. Selected artists will be required to fill out an Artist Information Sheet (name, age, title, medium and brief description) with each piece submitted.
When will I find out if I’ve been selected?
We will notify all applicants of the status of their submission.
I teach an art class, can I apply on behalf of my students?
Yes, you can apply on behalf of your students. Please note that we will accept up to 5 pieces from one school/organization and no more than one piece from each artist.
I am a young artist, does my school or arts organization have to apply, or can I apply on my own?
Young artists between the ages of 12-18 can apply as individuals. Please note that we will accept one piece from an individual artist.
My artwork will not be done until after the application deadline. Can I still apply?
Yes. It is not a problem if your piece is still a work in progress when you apply. All artwork must be received in a finished state when it is dropped off at the Legislative Building.
Does the artwork have to follow a certain theme?
There is no theme to follow; however, we will not accept any artwork depicting nude, violent or political images.
What kind of media will be accepted?
Artwork can fall under a wide range of media, including but not limited to painting, drawing, photography, glasswork, ceramics, textiles, sculpture and mixed media. Please note that we cannot accommodate artwork that requires access to an electrical source.
Where will my artwork be displayed?
Artwork will be displayed throughout the Legislative Building in exhibit cases and on display walls.
What are the size restrictions for each piece?
There is no minimum size restriction. The maximum size for 2D artwork is 3’ x 3’, and the maximum size for 3D artwork is 2’ x 2’.
I live far away from Toronto. How will I get my artwork to the Legislative Building?
You can ship your artwork to us at your expense if you are unable to deliver it in person.
Who can I contact if I have more questions about the Youth Arts Program?
Should you have any questions, please email us at youtharts@ola.org or call 416-325-7500.