Status of business

There are currently no planned meetings of the House because the 43rd Parliament has been dissolved. A general election will take place on February 27, 2025. For election information, visit Elections Ontario (external link).

Government motions
Outcomes and current versions of motions proposed by ministers

Private members' motions
Motions proposed by opposition or backbench MPPs

Opposition Day debates and want of confidence motions
List of Opposition Day debates and want of confidence motions, and the outcome of the debates

Petitions and responses index
List of dates on which petitions and responses were tabled in the House

Schedule of estimates
Summary of estimates referred to and reports received from each Standing Committee

Sessional papers index
List of documents tabled during and between sessions of Parliament

Written questions list
List of questions published in the Orders and Notices paper (Order Paper questions) and the date of the government's response

Status of committee business
Information relating to committee business such as membership, organizational motions, bills and matters referred, and reports presented

Ballot list
Order of precedence for Private Members’ Public Business to be called during the 43rd Parliament

Final Status of Business and Journals
The Final Status of Business provides information on the status of all House and committee business at the conclusion of a session. Journals are the official record of the decisions of the House.