- Oak Ridges moraine
- Oakville power plant. see Ontario Power Authority (OPA)—construction of gas-fired generating station in Oakville and King Township
- Oakville Provincial Economic Council
- Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. see Hospital construction—Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital; Hospital expansion—Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital; Hospital funding—government funding—Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital
- Obama song (Weston to the White House). see Music videos—Obama song (Weston to the White House)
- Obesity
- Obituaries
- Brooks, John (Order of Canada recipient)
- Colle, 1980–1981
- Caccia, Charles (federal member, Davenport)
- Colle, 1615
- Clarke, Maxwell (member, Regimental Senate, Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment)
- Leal, 66–67
- Dicks, Glen (advertising executive, Barrhaven Independent)
- MacLeod, 4949
- Gaunt, Murray (former member, Huron–Bruce)
- Mitchell, 5787
- Krogh, Tom Edvard (geologist)
- O'Toole, 2138–2139
- Leary, Richard (Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan)
- Levac, 2447–2448
- Mendes, Michelle (Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan)
- Rinaldi, 6496
- Rogers, Ted (CEO, Rogers Communications Inc.)
- Slevar, Ferd (veteran)
- Kormos, 4641
- Brooks, John (Order of Canada recipient)
- O'Brien, Nathaniel. see Bail hearings—O'Brien, Nathaniel (murder suspect); Bail—O'Brien, Nathaniel (murder suspect); Court cases/actions—O'Brien, Nathaniel (murder suspect)
- Observatories
- David Dunlap Observatory
- closure
- Moridi, 227
- closure
- David Dunlap Observatory
- OC Transpo
- OCB. see Ontario child benefit (OCB)
- Occupational Cancer Research Centre
- Albanese, 5322–5323
- Occupational disease. see Industrial disease
- Occupational health and safety. see also Agricultural labourers—occupational health and safety; Construction workers—occupational health and safety; Farmers—occupational health and safety; Firefighters—occupational health and safety; Health care workers—occupational health and safety; Mine workers—occupational health and safety; Nurses—occupational health and safety; Repetitive strain injuries—occupational health and safety; Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA)—role in occupational health and safety standards enforcement; Workers—occupational health and safety; Youth/student workers—occupational health and safety
- Albanese, 1420–1421
- Bailey, 1551, 6343, 7089
- Balkissoon, 2524, 7582
- Broten, 3578
- Colle, 1254
- Dhillon, 3160
- Duguid, 894, 1161–1162, 1254, 1415, 1717, 2606–2607
- Fonseca, 2730, 3090, 3373, 3439, 3571, 3831, 3838, 3920, 4211, 4217, 4246, 5123, 6342, 6687–6689, 7089, 7644, 9320
- Mauro, 3831
- Naqvi, 1102
- Orazietti, 1717, 3439
- Ramal, 2570, 4080–4082
- Sousa, 9320
- regulation and enforcement
- worker education
- Albanese, 1420–1421
- Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.O.1
- Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act (Harassment and Violence), 2007 (Bill 29)
- Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act (Scented Products), 2008 (Bill 95)
- first reading
- Levac, 2532
- first reading
- Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act (Workplace Death, Critical Injury and Occupational Illness Registry), 2008 (Bill 84)
- first reading
- Horwath, 2216
- first reading
- Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act (Violence and Harassment in the Workplace), 2009 (Bill 168)
- general discussion
- first reading
- Fonseca, 6086
- ministerial statement
- second reading, 7800–7813, 8011–8021
- Albanese, 7812
- Barrett, 8020
- Colle, 8016, 8020
- Dhillon, 7802–7805
- Dunlop, 7803
- Fonseca, 7800–7802
- Hillier, 7805–7807, 7809
- Jaczek, 7804, 8011–8013
- Kormos, 7803–7804, 7807–7813
- Leal, 8012–8013
- Miller, P., 7808–7809, 7813, 8012, 8016–8021
- Moridi, 7808
- O'Toole, 7804, 7808, 7812, 8012–8017, 8020–8021
- Shurman, 8013, 8016–8017
- Van Bommel, 7813
- subsection 32.0.1
- O'Toole, 8014
- subsection 32.0.4
- O'Toole, 8017
- subsection 32(5)
- O'Toole, 8015
- Albanese, 7812
- time allocation motion, 9095–9106
- third reading, 9185–9193
- Royal assent, 9294
- Occupational health and safety inspection
- Occupational health and safety inspectors
- Occupational health and safety insurance
- Occupational training
- Occupational training programs
- OCETA. see Ontario Centre for Environmental Technology Advancement (OCETA)
- OCISO. see Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization (OCISO)
- ODB. see Ontario drug benefit program (ODB)
- ODRAP. see Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing—Ontario disaster relief assistance program (ODRAP)
- ODSP. see Ontario disability support program (ODSP)
- OEB. see Ontario Energy Board (OEB)
- OES. see Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES)
- Offenders. see also Sex offenders
- Office of the Chief Coroner
- Office of the Chief Veterinarian
- Office of the Children's Lawyer
- role
- Dunlop, 6616–6617
- role
- Office of the Fairness Commissioner
- Chan, 4041
- Office of the Premier
- Office of the Worker Adviser
- government funding
- Duguid, 196
- government funding
- OFTTC. see Film and television production industry—Ontario film and television tax credit (OFTTC)
- OHIP. see Ontario health insurance plan (OHIP)
- OLIP. see Legislative Assembly—Ontario Legislature internship program (OLIP)
- OLRB. see Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB)
- Olympics
- OMB. see Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)
- Ombudsman Amendment Act (Children's Aid Societies), 2008 (Bill 93)
- first reading
- Horwath, 2497
- first reading
- Ombudsman Amendment Act (Hospitals and Long-Term Care Facilities), 2008 (Bill 89)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 2355–2356
- first reading
- Ombudsman of Ontario. see also C. difficile outbreaks—mortality rates—investigation by Ombudsman; Children's aid societies (CASs)—oversight by Ombudsman; Correctional centres—youth facilities—access to facilities by MPPs, Child and Youth Advocate and Ombudsman; Health care funding—accountability and oversight—investigation by Ombudsman; Hospitals—oversight by Ombudsman; Long-term-care facilities—oversight by Ombudsman; School boards—oversight by Ombudsman; Seniors' Ombudsman—oversight by Ombudsman; Tarion Warranty Corporation—oversight by Ombudsman
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Scott, 3248
- OMIF. see Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs—Ontario market investment fund (OMIF)
- Omnibus bills. see Legislative procedure—omnibus bills
- OMPF. see Transfer payments—Ontario municipal partnership fund (OMPF)
- On-Track Career & Employment Services
- Berardinetti, 8152–8153
- One Match Stem Cell and Marrow Network. see Canadian Blood Services—One Match Stem Cell and Marrow Network
- One Step Travel
- 123 Busy Beavers Learning Centres. see Child care centres—123 Busy Beavers Learning Centres
- $1,000 for single parents or couples. see Harmonized sales tax—transition benefit—$1,000 for single parents or couples
- 1068080 Ontario Limited Act, 2008 (Bill Pr14)
- 1105481 Ontario Inc. Act, 2009 (Bill Pr28)
- 1173931 Ontario Limited Act, 2009 (Bill Pr21)
- 1312510 Ontario Ltd. Act, 2009 (Bill Pr22)
- first reading
- Dickson, 7200
- first reading
- 1516495 Ontario Inc. Act, 2009 (Bill Pr18)
- Ontario access grant. see Student assistance—Ontario student assistance program (OSAP)—Ontario access grant
- Ontario Agri Business Association
- Hardeman, 8922
- Ontario Arts Council
- Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police
- Ontario Association of Medical Radiation Technologists
- Arthurs, 3929
- Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors
- Prue, 7527
- Ontario Association of Non-Profit Homes and Services for Seniors
- Zimmer, 4155
- Ontario Association of Police Services Boards
- Ontario athlete assistance program. see Ministry of Health Promotion—Quest for Gold—Ontario athlete assistance program
- Ontario Automotive Investment Strategy (OAIS). see Ministry of Economic Development and Trade—Ontario Automotive Investment Strategy (OAIS)
- Ontario automotive strategy fund. see Automobile industry—Ontario automotive strategy fund
- Ontario Award for Paramedic Bravery Act, 2009 (Bill 136)
- Ontario BioAuto Council Investment Fund
- Wilkinson, 4809
- Ontario Black History Society
- Witmer, 8135
- Ontario budget speech (25 March 2008)
- presented
- Duncan, 509–513
- responded to
- Albanese, 663
- Arthurs, 582–583, 586
- Bailey, 667
- Barrett, 662, 677–678
- Bisson, 662–663, 669–671, 676
- Caplan, 591
- Chudleigh, 586
- Crozier, 672
- Delaney, 590, 674–675, 677
- DiNovo, 585, 590–595
- Dunlop, 585, 587–591
- Hillier, 663, 676–677
- Hudak, 533–535, 672, 675–676
- Jaczek, 671–672
- Klees, 594–595
- Leal, 585, 595
- Mangat, 673–674
- Marchese, 595
- Mauro, 659–661
- Miller, N., 672
- Miller, P., 666–669, 673
- Prue, 573–582
- Ramal, 583–585, 667–668
- Rinaldi, 594, 667
- Runciman, 531–533
- Scott, 590–591
- Takhar, 661–664
- Van Bommel, 676
- Yakabuski, 664–666, 668
- Zimmer, 586
- presented
- Ontario budget speech (26 March 2009)
- presented
- Duncan, 5671–5675
- responded to
- Aggelonitis, 5909
- Arthurs, 5752–5754, 5756, 5868–5869
- Bailey, 5909, 5918, 5927–5929
- Barrett, 5754–5755, 5760
- Berardinetti, 5923–5927
- Colle, 5873, 5914
- Delaney, 5904, 5914–5915, 5918
- Dickson, 5873
- Dunlop, 5756–5761, 5908–5909, 5922, 5926
- Flynn, 5921–5922
- Gélinas, 5902–5906, 5909, 5922, 5926
- Horwath, 5745–5752
- Johnson, 5755
- Leal, 5869
- Levac, 5905
- MacLeod, 5904–5905, 5913–5914, 5918–5923
- Marchese, 5864, 5869–5873, 5905, 5913, 5921
- Miller, N., 5910–5914, 5917, 5925–5926
- Moridi, 5913, 5926
- Murdoch, 5760
- Naqvi, 5759–5760, 5906–5910
- O'Toole, 5755, 5865–5869, 5872–5873
- Prue, 5755, 5759, 5761–5763
- Qaadri, 5862–5865
- Runciman, 5711–5714
- Sandals, 5872
- Sousa, 5864–5865
- Zimmer, 5873–5875
- presented
- Ontario Building Officials Association Act, 1995 (Bill Pr 40)
- Witmer, 7932
- Ontario Cancer PET Registry Study. see Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care—Ontario Cancer PET Registry Study
- Ontario Cardiac PET Registry Study. see Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care—Ontario Cardiac PET Registry Study
- Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association
- Ontario cattle, hog and horticulture program. see Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs—Ontario cattle, hog and horticulture program
- Ontario Cattlemen's Association
- Van Bommel, 7230–7231
- Ontario Centre for Environmental Technology Advancement (OCETA)
- Sousa, 6889
- Ontario centres of excellence
- Wilkinson, 4388
- Ontario Chamber of Commerce
- Ontario child benefit (OCB)
- Aggelonitis, 5683
- Berardinetti, 5096, 6442–6443
- DiNovo, 4679
- Flynn, 4268
- Hampton, 687–689, 992, 3435, 3483, 3497, 3570, 4466
- Horwath, 5509
- Leal, 118
- Levac, 5690
- Matthews, 173–174, 456, 563, 608–609, 649, 1516, 2440, 2779, 3135, 3528, 3961–3962, 4104, 5683
- McGuinty, 991–992, 1516, 1661, 3435, 3483–3484, 4617, 5613, 5658–5659
- Meilleur, 481, 1102, 3849, 8151
- Miller, P., 3851–3852
- Mitchell, 2039
- Munro, 2299–2300, 3857
- Prue, 789, 1516, 1661, 3528, 8151
- Pupatello, 3856
- Smitherman, 3570, 4466–4467, 5879
- Van Bommel, 2468
- Zimmer, 5690
- children in custody of children's aid societies (CASs)
- Sterling, 6093
- increase
- Ontario-China relations
- Smitherman, 3531–3532
- Ontario Chiropractic Association
- Levac, 6144
- Ontario Clean Train Coalition
- DiNovo, 7523
- Ontario Clean Water Agency
- Sterling, 9413
- Ontario College of Art and Design. see Universities/colleges—Ontario College of Art and Design
- Ontario College of Teachers
- Ontario College of Trades
- Bailey, 7843–7844, 8121–8122
- Colle, 7850
- Flynn, 7852, 8124, 8201
- Gélinas, 7135, 7137–7138
- Johnson, 7100
- Marchese, 6813–6814, 7106–7107, 7848–7849, 8123, 8203, 8243–8244
- Mauro, 7136
- Miller, N., 7131, 7134–7136, 7856
- Miller, P., 7099
- Milloy, 2666, 2829, 2831, 3044, 3087, 3235, 4614–4615, 6437, 6441, 6810–6811, 7094–7097, 7845, 8196
- Moridi, 7098–7099, 7131
- Naqvi, 7115–7116
- O'Toole, 7119, 7136
- Ramal, 7129–7130
- Savoline, 7211–7212
- Watson, 7131
- Wilson, 6812
- board of governors
- divisional boards
- Gélinas, 7138
- governance structure
- Milloy, 7097
- membership fees
- trade boards
- Ontario College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act, 2009 (Bill 183)
- general discussion
- first reading
- Milloy, 6810
- ministerial statement
- Milloy, 6810–6811
- second reading, 7094–7127, 7129–7139, 7211–7213
- Colle, 7127
- Dunlop, 7101–7105
- Gélinas, 7131, 7135, 7137–7139
- Hoy, 7114
- Johnson, 7100
- Levac, 7114, 7121–7122
- MacLeod, 7104–7105, 7116–7117
- Marchese, 7104–7113, 7115, 7117, 7120–7121, 7126–7127
- Martiniuk, 7212
- Mauro, 7136
- Miller, N., 7099, 7130–7136
- Miller, P., 7099–7100, 7105, 7122–7125, 7127
- Milloy, 7094–7098
- Moridi, 7098–7101, 7104, 7113–7114, 7117, 7121, 7126, 7131, 7135, 7212
- Munro, 7114
- Naqvi, 7115–7118
- O'Toole, 7100, 7118–7120, 7122, 7135–7136
- Ouellette, 7117, 7121, 7126
- Ramal, 7129–7130, 7132
- Savoline, 7211–7212
- Watson, 7131
- part 9
- O'Toole, 7136
- public consultation
- Miller, N., 7135–7136
- Colle, 7127
- time allocation motion, 7842–7859
- third reading, 8195–8204
- Royal assent, 8281
- Ontario Community Support Association
- Zimmer, 4155
- Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations
- Marchese, 886
- Ontario craft brewers opportunity fund. see Ministry of Small Business and Consumer Services—Ontario craft brewers opportunity fund
- Ontario CritiCall program. see Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care—Ontario CritiCall program
- Ontario disability support program (ODSP)
- Ontario disability support program (ODSP) benefits
- clawback
- early release of cheques for holiday season
- increase
- overpayment
- special diet allowance
- travel and transportation to and from medical appointments
- Ontario disability support program (ODSP) recipients
- Ontario disaster relief assistance program (ODRAP). see Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing—Ontario disaster relief assistance program (ODRAP)
- Ontario drug benefit program (ODB)
- coverage for Elaprase
- coverage for Myozyme
- cuts to seniors' drug benefits
- transfer of costs to provincial government
- Watson, 188
- Ontario Early Years Centres
- Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES)
- Ontario Energy Board (OEB)
- Ontario Energy Board Amendment Act (Door-to-door Electricity Retail), 2009 (Bill 230)
- Ontario Energy Board Amendment Act, 2000 (Bill 100)
- Wilson, 6770
- Ontario Energy Board Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 131)
- Ontario Federation of Agriculture
- Ontario film and television tax credit (OFTTC). see Film and television production industry—Ontario film and television tax credit (OFTTC)
- Ontario Financing Authority
- Ontario food. see Food—Ontario grown, produced or processed food
- Ontario French-language Educational Communications Authority Act, 2008 (Bill 55)
- Ontario Greenhouse Alliance
- Ontario Health Coalition report. see Reports—Eroding Public Medicare: Lessons and Consequences of For-Profit Health Care Across Canada (Natalie Mehra)
- Ontario health insurance plan (OHIP)
- chiropractic/physiotherapy services
- coverage for eligible military families
- delisting insured health services
- Gélinas, 5615
- health card
- inclusion of neurostimulator battery replacements as insured items
- Hillier, 8217
- inclusion of PET scans as insured service
- inclusion of prostate-specific antigen test as insured service
- provision of insulin pumps and supplies as insured service
- sexual reassignment surgery
- three-month waiting period
- Ontario health premium
- Arthurs, 861–866
- Barrett, 822, 901–903
- Caplan, 861, 4110
- DiNovo, 875–877
- Duncan, 692
- Elliott, 3411
- Gélinas, 877–882
- Horwath, 2459
- Hudak, 866–874, 896–897, 4175–4176
- Mauro, 883–884, 912
- McGuinty, 896–897
- Mitchell, 882–883
- Orazietti, 906–909
- O'Toole, 247, 3222
- Savoline, 692, 3261, 3296, 4230, 4325, 4332
- Scott, 3535
- Shurman, 614
- Smitherman, 614
- Tabuns, 903–906
- Witmer, 3479, 3963
- Yakabuski, 909–912
- elimination
- Caplan, 6391
- exemption for Canadian Armed Forces personnel
- review
- Hudak, 867–868
- Ontario heart health program. see Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care—Ontario heart health program
- Ontario Heritage Trust
- Ontario Human Rights Code
- Ontario Human Rights Commission
- Klees, 7231–7232
- Ontario innovation agenda. see Ministry of Research and Innovation—Ontario innovation agenda
- Ontario innovation tax credit
- Bisson, 4049
- Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
- Ontario Korean Businessmen's Association
- Zimmer, 8608
- Ontario Labour Mobility Act, 2009 (Bill 175)
- general discussion
- first reading
- Milloy, 6559–6560
- ministerial statement
- second reading, 7369–7379, 8243–8251, 8289–8299, 8592, 8659–8665, 8805–8816, 8943–8944
- Bailey, 7373–7376, 8663
- Bisson, 8806–8811
- Brownell, 7372
- Colle, 8247–8248
- Flynn, 7369–7373, 7375–7376, 8247, 8250–8251, 8297–8298
- Hampton, 8292, 8295–8297, 8299, 8814–8815
- Lalonde, 7376, 8294–8295, 8815
- Leal, 8298–8299
- Levac, 8811–8816
- MacLeod, 7372, 8810
- Marchese, 8243–8248, 8662
- Miller, N., 8294, 8298, 8662
- Miller, P., 8250, 8289–8292, 8294, 8298, 8807, 8810
- Milloy, 8592, 8659–8661, 8663
- Mitchell, 8806
- Munro, 8810–8811
- O'Toole, 7373, 7376, 8247, 8251, 8805–8807, 8814
- Prue, 7372, 7375, 7377–7379
- Ramal, 8248–8251, 8291–8292
- Rinaldi, 8662, 8810
- Sandals, 8292
- Savoline, 8250, 8815
- Van Bommel, 8294–8295
- Yakabuski, 8663–8665, 8805–8807
- section 8
- Miller, P., 8289
- section 9
- Marchese, 8246
- division (carried), 8943
- Bailey, 7373–7376, 8663
- time allocation motion, 8904, 8929–8932
- third reading
- division (carried), 9162–9163
- Royal assent, 9294
- Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB)
- Ontario Landowners Association
- Hillier, 121–122
- Ontario leadership strategy. see Ministry of Education—Ontario leadership strategy
- Ontario Legislature internship program (OLIP). see Legislative Assembly—Ontario Legislature internship program (OLIP)
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. (OLG)
- casino workers
- Horwath, 2569
- collective bargaining
- Caplan, 2569
- construction costs for Windsor Energy Centre
- contract awarded to H.H. Angus & Associates Ltd. for operation of Windsor Energy Centre
- employment creation in Sault Ste. Marie
- Orazietti, 1930
- executive salaries/bonuses
- expenditures
- lawsuit by Buttcon Energy Inc. over violation of agreement re Windsor Energy Centre
- leadership
- Smitherman, 4817–4818
- purchase of foreign-made cars as casino contest prizes
- reform
- Barrett, 7621
- termination of CEO and board of directors
- Warren, Jim (former vice-president, strategic relationships)
- wrong date on tickets
- Ontario Manufacturing Council
- Ontario March of Dimes
- Ontario market investment fund (OMIF). see Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs—Ontario market investment fund (OMIF)
- Ontario Medal for Civilian Bravery Act, 2008 (Bill 58)
- first reading
- Yakabuski, 984
- first reading
- Ontario Media Development Corp.
- Ontario Medical Association. see Government-Ontario Medical Association agreements
- Ontario midwifery program. see Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care—Ontario midwifery program
- Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)
- Ontario Municipal Board Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.28
- amended by Bill 212
- Chudleigh, 8398
- amended by Bill 212
- Ontario municipal partnership fund (OMPF). see Transfer payments—Ontario municipal partnership fund (OMPF)
- Ontario Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (ONPEA)
- Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups
- Horwath, 3900
- Ontario New Home Warranty Program. see Tarion Warranty Corporation
- Ontario newborn screening program. see Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care—Ontario newborn screening program
- Ontario Northland Railway
- Bisson, 5774
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission
- Ontario Parliament Network. see Legislative proceedings—televised—Ontario Parliament Network
- Ontario payday lending education fund
- Sousa, 1377
- Ontario Pesticides Advisory Committee
- Jones, 2221
- Ontario PET access program. see Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care—Ontario PET access program
- Ontario Poet Laureate
- Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
- clean energy standard offer program (CESOP)
- construction of gas-fired generating stations in Oakville and King Township
- Demand Response 2
- Smitherman, 4697
- executive salaries above $100,000
- Runciman, 829
- expenditure on conservation and contracts for gas-fired and renewable generation
- Smitherman, 3319
- integrated power system plan (IPSP)
- proposed construction of gas-fired generating station in Clarkson (Mississauga)
- impact on air quality
- Smitherman, 7477–7478
- impact on air quality
- renewable energy standard offer program (RESOP)
- renewable energy supply III procurement
- Ontario Power Generation
- Ontario Power Generation fossil-fuel generating stations
- Ontario Power Generation gas-fired generating station
- Ontario Power Generation hydroelectric generating stations
- Robert H. Saunders generating station
- Smitherman, 3272
- Robert H. Saunders generating station
- Ontario Power Generation nuclear generating stations
- construction cost overrun
- Darlington nuclear generating station
- Pickering nuclear generating station
- Ontario Principals' Council
- Savoline, 4425
- Ontario production services tax credit (OPSTC). see Film and television production industry—Ontario production services tax credit (OPSTC)
- Ontario products. see Farm products—buying Ontario products
- Ontario property and sales tax credit
- Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
- budget increase
- Bartolucci, 167
- Cessna 206 plane
- Leal, 1724
- child pornography section
- collective bargaining
- Prue, 6029
- disciplinary hearing against Alison Jevons and Ken MacDonald
- Golden Helmets
- Kormos, 5585
- government instruction on course of action
- Ipperwash Provincial Park blockade (6 September 1995)
- Bryant, 1609
- Ipperwash Provincial Park blockade (6 September 1995)
- investigations
- Ontario Provincial Police Museum
- Dunlop, 5584
- Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU)
- Ontario-Quebec agreements
- Ontario-Quebec cabinet meeting
- Ontario-Quebec Trade and Cooperation Agreement. see Ontario-Quebec agreements—Ontario-Quebec Trade and Cooperation Agreement
- Ontario Racing Commission
- review
- Hardeman, 8355
- review
- Ontario Realty Corporation
- Ontario Recreation program
- Ontario Research and Innovation Council
- Wilkinson, 1462
- Ontario Research Fund (ORF). see Ministry of Research and Innovation—Ontario Research Fund (ORF)
- Ontario Road Builders' Association. see Harmonized sales tax—public consultation—hosted by Ontario Road Builders' Association
- Ontario-Saskatchewan partnership
- employment supply chain
- Bryant, 2897
- employment supply chain
- Ontario secondary school business plan competition. see Ministry of Small Business and Consumer Services—Ontario secondary school business plan competition
- Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT). see Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO)—Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)
- Ontario Securities Commission (OSC)
- accountability
- Prue, 7563–7564
- authority to act in extraordinary circumstances
- conflict of interest
- prosecutor/adjudicator role
- to establish best practice corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting standards. see also Private members' public business—Corporate reporting requirements
- Ontario self-employment benefit. see Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities—Employment Ontario—Ontario self-employment benefit
- Ontario Seniors' Secretariat
- Ontario Sheet Metal Workers Training Centre. see also Liberal Party—fundraising—holding event at Ontario Sheet Metal Workers Training Centre
- Ontario skills development program. see Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities—Employment Ontario—Ontario skills development program
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA)
- accountability
- affiliation of humane societies
- charge owner with causing and permitting distress to animal
- Bartolucci, 3151
- government funding
- immediate action if animal is in distress
- Bartolucci, 3152
- inspect and determine whether standards of care are met
- inspect premises where animals are sold
- Bartolucci, 3151
- investigation of Toronto Humane Society
- training of inspectors or agents
- warrantless entry for inspectors
- wrongful seizure of animals
- Hudak, 3981
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.36
- amended by Bill 212
- Dunlop, 8366
- amended by Bill 212
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Act, 2007 (Bill 23)
- first reading
- Runciman, 229
- first reading
- Ontario student assistance program (OSAP). see Student assistance—Ontario student assistance program (OSAP)
- Ontario student opportunity grant (OSOG). see Student grants—Ontario student opportunity grant (OSOG)
- Ontario summer jobs strategy. see Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities—Ontario summer jobs strategy
- Ontario Superior Court of Justice rulings
- Ontario tax exemption for commercialization (OTEC). see Corporate tax exemptions—Ontario tax exemption for commercialization (OTEC)
- Ontario Tax Plan for More Jobs and Growth Act, 2009 (Bill 218)
- first reading
- ministerial statement
- Duncan, 8550
- second reading, 8675–8678, 8754–8769, 8795–8801, 8834–8847, 8849–8860, 8982
- Arnott, 8856–8857, 8859
- Arthurs, 8755–8763, 8797–8798, 8838, 8851–8852
- Bailey, 8762
- Bisson, 8676, 8843, 8858–8860
- Chudleigh, 8761
- DiNovo, 8854–8855
- Duncan, 8676–8678
- Gélinas, 8852
- Hardeman, 8858
- Horwath, 8849–8851, 8853
- Kwinter, 8843
- Lalonde, 8852–8853
- Leal, 8858
- Levac, 8798
- MacLeod, 8796–8798, 8838–8839, 8852, 8854
- Marchese, 8797, 8799–8801
- Miller, N., 8763–8769, 8795–8796, 8855
- Miller, P., 8838
- Mitchell, 8853–8856
- Naqvi, 8836–8837
- O'Toole, 8837–8838, 8842–8843
- Prue, 8761–8762, 8844–8847
- Ramal, 8842, 8855
- Runciman, 8798
- Sergio, 8762
- Tabuns, 8857–8858
- Wilkinson, 8834–8836, 8839
- Yakabuski, 8839–8842
- time allocation motion, 8926–8932
- third reading, 9153–9162
- Royal assent, 9294
- Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board
- power to incorporate and invest assets in new corporations
- Sterling, 6959
- power to incorporate and invest assets in new corporations
- Ontario tourism strategy. see Ministry of Tourism—Ontario tourism strategy
- Ontario Trillium Foundation
- Ontario Trillium Protection Act, 2009 (Bill 184)
- first reading
- Leal, 6996
- first reading
- Ontario-United States relations
- Ontario venture capital fund. see Ministry of Research and Innovation—Ontario venture capital fund
- Ontario Veterinary College. see Universities/colleges—University of Guelph—Ontario Veterinary College
- Ontario Water Board
- Caplan, 9391
- Ontario wine strategy. see Ministry of Small Business and Consumer Services—Ontario wine strategy
- Ontario Women's Directorate
- Ontario Works program
- Ontario Works program benefits
- back-to-school allowance
- increase
- overpayment
- temporary care assistance (TCA)
- Barrett, 3858
- DiNovo, 3279
- Hampton, 3847–3849
- Horwath, 3540, 3638, 3840
- Jones, 3535, 3539, 3850–3851, 4106
- McGuinty, 1518
- Meilleur, 2393, 2784, 3139, 3233, 3321, 3373–3374, 3490, 3530, 3638–3639, 3680, 3771, 3827, 3849–3850, 4022–4023, 4058–4059, 4105–4106, 4151, 4211, 4290, 4422
- Miller, P., 982, 1518, 2393, 2784, 3139, 3233, 3321, 3373, 3490, 3529–3530, 3578, 3680, 3771, 3827, 3851–3852, 4022–4023, 4028, 4058–4059, 4105, 4151, 4211, 4290, 4422, 5191–5192, 7203
- Munro, 3857
- O'Toole, 5019
- Pupatello, 3856
- Ramal, 3853
- Sandals, 3638–3639
- Savoline, 3854–3855
- appointment of independent expert to review program
- Miller, P., 4211
- government funding
- Meilleur, 3849
- income tested
- winter clothing allowance
- OntarioBuys. see Ministry of Finance—OntarioBuys
- Ontario's Promise. see Private-public partnerships—Ontario's Promise
- Ontario's strategy to combat elder abuse. see Ontario Seniors' Secretariat—Ontario's strategy to combat elder abuse
- Onttaxs. see Ministry of Revenue—Onttaxs
- OPA. see Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
- Open doors project. see COSTI Immigrant Services—open doors project
- Open for Business initiative. see Ministry of Economic Development and Trade—Open for Business initiative
- Operation Health Protection. see Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care—Operation Health Protection
- Operation Red Nose. see Volunteer driving service—Operation Red Nose
- OPP. see Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
- Opposition day motions
- Child care
- Electronic health information
- presented
- responded to
- Bailey, 8627
- Barrett, 8282–8283, 8629
- Gélinas, 7705–7707, 8617–8621
- Hampton, 7711–7713
- Leal, 8287, 8627–8628
- Levac, 8625–8627
- Martiniuk, 7715
- Mauro, 8621–8623
- Mitchell, 7716–7718
- Munro, 7716
- Orazietti, 8623–8625
- O'Toole, 7709–7710, 8280–8281
- Pendergast, 7713–7714, 8279–8280
- Prue, 8283–8286
- Ramal, 8277–8278
- Rinaldi, 8281–8282
- Runciman, 7714–7715
- Sandals, 7707–7709, 8275–8276
- Savoline, 8628–8629
- Shurman, 8278–8279
- Tabuns, 8273–8275
- Witmer, 8625
- Yakabuski, 7710–7711, 8276–8277, 8623
- Zimmer, 7715–7716, 8272–8273
- division (lost), 7718, 8287–8288, 8629
- Government accountability
- Government spending
- Health care oversight
- Hospital services
- Infectious disease control
- Ontario economy
- presented
- responded to
- Arnott, 1119
- Arthurs, 1123–1124, 3454–3455
- Barrett, 1114–1115, 3462–3463
- Broten, 1118–1119
- DiNovo, 1110–1113
- Flynn, 1119–1121
- Hudak, 1124–1125
- Klees, 1125–1126, 3455–3456
- Leal, 1125
- Miller, P., 1115–1118
- Munro, 1127
- Orazietti, 3463–3464
- O'Toole, 1121–1122, 3465
- Pendergast, 3461–3462
- Prue, 3456–3461
- Sandals, 1122–1123
- Scott, 3467–3468
- Shurman, 1123
- Sterling, 3468
- Watson, 1113–1114, 3465–3467
- Yakabuski, 1126–1127
- division (lost), 1127–1128, 3468–3469
- Pension plans
- Rural schools
- Taxation
- presented
- responded to
- division (lost), 6523
- Tobacco control
- Violent crime
- Workplace insurance
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
- Young offenders
- Opposition parties
- OPSEU. see Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU)
- OPSTC. see Film and television production industry—Ontario production services tax credit (OPSTC)
- Optometrists
- Oral questions
- Abolition of British slave trade
- Aboriginal affairs
- presented
- responded to
- Aboriginal children's services
- Aboriginal economic development
- Aboriginal education
- Aboriginal health care
- Aboriginal health promotion
- Aboriginal housing
- Aboriginal land claims
- Aboriginal land dispute
- Aboriginal programs and services
- Aboriginal rights
- presented
- responded to
- Access to education
- Access to health care
- presented
- responded to
- Access to information
- Accessibility for the disabled
- Addiction services
- Adoption disclosure
- Adult literacy
- Affordable housing
- presented
- Aggelonitis, 1473–1474
- Colle, 7771
- Delaney, 4652
- DiNovo, 132, 527, 565, 691, 1609, 2292–2293, 2566, 3830–3831, 5282, 5781, 6044–6045, 9119–9120, 9644–9645
- Flynn, 4469
- Hampton, 1659–1660
- Lalonde, 2239–2240
- Leal, 742–743, 4469, 9218–9219
- Mauro, 1210–1211
- McNeely, 4751–4752
- Moridi, 7920–7921
- Naqvi, 525, 2607, 2671, 7271–7272, 9120–9121
- Orazietti, 7194
- Pendergast, 239–240
- Prue, 3773
- Sousa, 4652
- Zimmer, 5282–5283, 5782, 7642–7643, 8646
- responded to
- Bradley, 9644–9645
- Matthews, 3773
- McGuinty, 565–566, 691
- Watson, 132, 239–240, 525, 528, 742–743, 1210–1211, 1474, 1609, 1659–1660, 2240, 2292–2293, 2566–2567, 2607, 2671–2672, 3773, 3830–3831, 4469, 4652, 4751–4752, 5282–5283, 5781–5782, 6045, 7194–7195, 7271–7272, 7643, 7771, 7920–7921, 8646–8647, 9120–9121, 9218–9219
- presented
- Agency spending
- presented
- responded to
- Aggregate extraction
- Aggressive driving
- Agri-food industry
- Agricultural labour policy
- Agricultural research
- Agriculture industry
- Agriculture programs
- AIDS treatment
- Air quality
- Air-rail link
- Alcohol and drug treatment
- Amateur sport
- Animal health
- Animal protection
- Animal protection legislation
- Answers to written questions
- Anti-bullying initiatives
- Anti-smoking legislation
- Anti-smoking programs
- Apprenticeship training
- presented
- responded to
- Art Gallery of Ontario
- Arts and cultural funding
- Assistance to farmers
- presented
- responded to
- Assistance to the disabled
- Attawapiskat First Nation
- Auditor General's report
- Autism services
- Automobile industry
- presented
- Barrett, 6333–6334
- Chudleigh, 1920, 2487–2488, 2515–2516, 3958–3959, 4464–4465, 4944, 5314, 5460–5461
- Elliott, 2288, 2387
- Gélinas, 6843–6844
- Hampton, 1467–1468, 1918–1920, 1967–1968, 2025–2026, 2235, 2288–2290, 2342–2343, 2387–2388, 2434–2435, 2484–2485, 2516–2518, 4054–4055, 4145, 4243–4245, 4284–4285, 4517, 4645–4646, 4815–4817
- Horwath, 4209, 5420, 5462, 6039–6040, 6433–6434, 6839–6840
- Hudak, 3957–3958
- Klees, 5825
- Kormos, 6330–6331
- Miller, P., 2291, 2565–2566, 5682, 5945–5946
- O'Toole, 2288, 2386–2387
- Ouellette, 2233–2234, 2287, 2348–2349, 2386, 4287–4288, 4330, 5425–5426
- Prue, 7225
- Runciman, 1916–1917, 2432–2433, 4017, 4101–4102, 4143–4144, 4748–4749, 5569–5571, 6845
- Tabuns, 4900–4901
- responded to
- Bryant, 4143–4145, 4285, 4287–4288, 4517, 4645–4646, 4749, 4815–4817, 4944, 5314–5315, 5425–5426, 5462, 5945–5946, 6334, 6433–6434, 6839–6840
- Duguid, 2349
- Duncan, 2565–2566, 5825–5826, 6039–6040, 6334, 6844–6845, 7225
- McGuinty, 1467–1468, 1916–1919, 2025–2026, 2233–2236, 2287–2288, 2387–2388, 2484–2485, 3957–3959, 4017, 4054–4055, 4209, 4243–4245, 4330, 4748, 4900–4901, 5420–5421, 5569–5571, 5682–5683, 6330–6331
- Pupatello, 1919–1921, 1967–1968, 2288, 2291, 2342–2344, 2386–2387, 2432–2435, 2488, 2515–2518
- Smitherman, 4101–4102, 4465, 5460–5461
- presented
- Automobile insurance
- Bain, Elizabeth
- Beef producers
- Biodiversity
- Biotechnology
- Black History Month
- Border security
- Breastfeeding
- Brownfield sites
- Bus transportation
- Buttonville airport
- C. difficile
- presented
- responded to
- Cancer Care Ontario
- Cancer screening
- Cancer treatment
- Carpooling
- Casino employees
- Casinos
- Cemeteries
- Centre for Research and Innovation
- Child abuse
- Child care
- presented
- Albanese, 3375–3376, 9693
- Dunlop, 3831–3832
- Hampton, 2202–2203
- Horwath, 134, 499–500, 562–563, 1514–1515, 1925, 2520–2521, 3638, 4470, 4618, 4783, 5462–5463, 5508–5509, 5735, 6746
- Jones, 4106
- Miller, P., 1518, 2393, 2784, 3139, 3233, 3321, 3373, 3490, 3529–3530, 3680–3681, 3771, 3827, 4022–4023, 4058–4059, 4105, 4151, 4211, 4290, 4422
- Sandals, 3638–3639
- responded to
- Broten, 9693
- Matthews, 134, 500, 562–563, 1514–1515, 1925–1926, 3376, 3831–3832, 4618, 4783, 5508–5509, 5735
- McGuinty, 1518, 6746
- Meilleur, 2393, 2784, 3139, 3233, 3321, 3373–3374, 3490, 3530, 3638–3639, 3680–3681, 3771, 3827, 4022–4023, 4058–4059, 4105–4106, 4151, 4211, 4290, 4422
- Smitherman, 2202–2203, 2521, 3832, 4470, 5463
- presented
- Child pornography
- Child poverty
- Child protection
- presented
- responded to
- Children and youth
- Children and youth services
- Children with special needs
- Children's aid societies
- Children's health services
- Children's mental health services
- presented
- responded to
- Children's services
- Children's treatment centres
- Chinese-Canadian Head Tax Redress Day
- Chiropractic and physiotherapy services
- City of Ottawa
- City of Toronto
- City of Vaughan
- Class size
- Clean technology
- Climate change
- Coal-fired generating stations
- Collective agreements
- Collective bargaining
- Committee business
- Community and ethnic newspapers
- Community care access centres
- Community colleges collective bargaining
- Community health centres
- Community policing
- Composting
- Condominium reserve funds
- Conflict of interest
- Conservation
- Conservation officers
- Construction industry
- Consumer protection
- presented
- responded to
- Contaminated property
- Contaminated soil
- Cormorants
- Cornwall Community Hospital
- Coroner's inquest
- Coroner's office
- Corporate tax
- Correctional facilities
- Correctional facility employees
- Correctional services
- Court reporters
- Court ruling
- Court security
- Crime prevention
- Cultural funding
- Cultural protection
- Curriculum
- Darlington nuclear generating station
- Deadstock industry
- Decorum in chamber
- Dental care
- DERTOUR Travel Academy
- Development fees
- Development in Niagara
- Diabetes registry
- Diabetes treatment
- Diagnostic services
- Dialysis
- Diamond industry
- Diamond mining
- Diet supplements
- Digital media
- Disability benefits
- Disaster relief
- Disciplinary hearing
- Disclosure of information
- Disclosure of medical information
- Doctor shortage
- Doctors' services
- Domestic violence
- presented
- responded to
- Don jail
- Douglas Memorial Hospital
- Drinking and driving
- Drive Clean
- Driver education
- Driver examination centres
- presented
- responded to
- Driver licences
- Drug treatment programs
- Durham regional council
- Eastern Ontario development
- Economic development
- Education
- Education funding
- presented
- responded to
- Education labour dispute
- Elder abuse
- Electrical generating station
- Electricity generation
- Electricity infrastructure
- Electricity supply
- Electronic health information
- presented
- Arnott, 8101, 8302, 8408
- Chudleigh, 8544–8545
- Elliott, 7071–7073, 7272, 7770, 7829–7830, 7958–7959, 8026–8027, 8066, 8347, 8455–8456, 8642, 8783–8784, 8861
- Gélinas, 7029, 7144, 7190, 7223, 7871, 7916–7917, 8407, 8645–8646, 8685
- Horwath, 6800, 7074–7075, 7188–7189, 7221–7222, 7686–7687, 7724, 7765, 7868, 8453–8454
- Hudak, 7186–7188, 7265–7267, 7471–7472, 7823–7824, 7955–7957, 8022–8023, 8060–8061, 8142–8143, 8206, 8253–8254, 8594–8595
- Klees, 8144–8145
- MacLeod, 7268–7269, 7960–7961, 8025
- Ouellette, 8820
- Runciman, 7027–7028, 7036, 7076–7081, 7140–7141, 7145, 7193, 7195, 7219, 7222, 7226, 7270, 7685–7686
- Witmer, 5822–5823, 5881, 5944–5945, 7030, 7032, 7143, 7189–7190, 7224
- responded to
- Caplan, 5822–5823, 5881, 5945, 6800, 7027–7032, 7072–7075, 7077–7081, 7140–7141, 7144–7145, 7186–7190, 7193, 7195, 7219–7220, 7222–7226, 7272, 7471–7473, 7765, 7770
- Duncan, 8685
- Matthews, 8027, 8302, 8453–8456, 8544–8545, 8685, 8783–8784, 8820, 8861
- McGuinty, 7027, 7036–7037, 7141–7144, 7189, 7221–7222, 7265–7270, 7686–7688, 7868–7869, 7871, 7916–7917, 7955–7961, 8022–8023, 8025, 8060–8061, 8066, 8101, 8206–8207, 8253–8254, 8347, 8407–8408, 8595, 8642, 8646
- Smitherman, 7724–7725, 7765, 7823–7824, 7829–7830, 8142–8143, 8145
- presented
- Electronic surveillance program
- Elementary teachers
- Emergency evacuation
- Emergency preparedness
- Emergency services
- Employee wage protection
- Employment
- Employment insurance
- Employment lands
- Employment practices
- Employment standards
- Employment supports
- presented
- responded to
- Enbridge Gas
- Endangered species
- Energy conservation
- Energy contracts
- Energy policies
- Energy rates
- Environment industry
- Environmental assessment
- Environmental protection
- presented
- responded to
- Eramosa karst
- ESL funding
- Events in Tibet
- Executive compensation
- Fair access to professions
- Family Day
- Family Responsibility Office
- Federal budget
- Federal election
- Federal Liberal election promises
- Federal-provincial fiscal policies
- Financial institutions
- Financial literacy
- Fire in Hamilton
- Fire safety
- Firearms control
- Firefighters
- Fish and wildlife management
- Flooding
- Flu immunization
- presented
- responded to
- Flu pandemic preparedness
- Food safety
- Foodland Ontario awards
- Forest firefighting
- Forest industry
- presented
- responded to
- Franco-Ontarian flag
- responded to
- Meilleur, 2897
- responded to
- Freedom of information
- French-language services
- Full-day kindergarten
- Fundraising
- Gasoline prices
- GO Transit
- Goods and services tax
- Government accountability
- Government accounting practices
- Government advertising
- Government appointments
- Government assets
- Government consultants
- Government contracts
- presented
- responded to
- Government grants
- Government investments
- Government record
- presented
- responded to
- Government regulations
- Government services
- presented
- responded to
- Government spending
- presented
- responded to
- Grape and wine industry
- Grassy Narrows First Nation
- Great Lakes
- Green power generation
- presented
- responded to
- Greenbelt
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Greenhouse industry
- Gridlock
- Gypsy moth infestation
- Hate crimes
- Hazardous waste
- Health care
- presented
- Aggelonitis, 5000
- Bailey, 4821
- Bisson, 173
- Crozier, 6943–6944
- DiNovo, 2208–2209
- Dunlop, 9724–9725
- Elliott, 5319–5320, 9639, 9642
- Flynn, 4755
- Gélinas, 4864, 5615, 7869, 8023–8024, 8104
- Hampton, 168–169
- Horwath, 7473
- Hudak, 9573–9574
- Jeffrey, 4618–4619
- Leal, 9503
- Marchese, 3091
- Mauro, 615, 5513
- Miller, N., 8103–8104, 9269–9270
- Miller, P., 9271–9272
- Mitchell, 4859–4860
- Naqvi, 3926–3927, 5735–5736, 9695
- Orazietti, 5235–5236
- Ramal, 8731–8732
- Sterling, 9688
- Witmer, 4819, 6383–6384, 6987–6988
- responded to
- Caplan, 3091, 3926–3927, 4619, 4755, 4819, 4821, 4859–4860, 4864, 5000, 5235–5236, 5320, 5735–5736, 6383–6384, 6944, 6987–6988
- Duncan, 9573–9574
- Hoskins, 9724
- Matthews, 8103–8104, 9269–9272, 9503, 9639, 9642–9643, 9695, 9725
- McGuinty, 168, 5615–5616, 7473, 7869–7870, 8024, 9688–9689
- Milloy, 5513, 6943
- Smitherman, 168–169, 173, 615, 2208–2209
- Special education
- Matthews, 8731–8732
- presented
- Health care funding
- presented
- responded to
- Health care oversight
- Health care workers
- Health insurance for immigrants
- Health premiums
- Health promotion
- Healthy eating
- Healthy living
- Healthy schools
- Heart disease
- Heritage conservation
- High school students
- Highway 406
- Highway 407
- Highway construction
- Highway improvement
- Highway interchange
- Highway maintenance
- Highway safety
- Highway service centres
- Highway tolls
- Hog industry
- Home care
- Home health care supplies
- Horse racing industry
- Hospice care
- Hospital funding
- presented
- Arnott, 9647–9648
- Bailey, 76–77
- Chudleigh, 4107–4108
- Elliott, 9360–9361
- Gélinas, 76, 4286, 4650, 6385, 7274
- Hampton, 73–74, 130–131, 4381, 4573–4574
- Horwath, 8144, 8212–8213, 8349, 9367, 9402–9403, 9646, 9689–9690
- Klees, 4905–4906, 4942
- Martiniuk, 5382, 5512, 9362–9363
- McNeely, 2238
- Miller, N., 6387–6388
- Naqvi, 1606–1607
- O'Toole, 5736, 6391
- Savoline, 296, 2206, 4325
- Sergio, 1370–1371
- Shurman, 131–132, 504, 1664–1665
- Witmer, 990, 4282–4283, 4464, 5511
- responded to
- Caplan, 4283, 4286, 4325, 4464, 4650, 5382–5383, 5736–5737, 6385, 6387–6388, 6391, 7274–7275
- Matthews, 8144, 8212–8213, 8349, 9360–9361, 9367, 9402–9403, 9646–9648
- McGuinty, 73, 4381, 4573–4574, 5512, 9363, 9689–9690
- Smitherman, 73–77, 130–132, 296–297, 504–505, 990, 1370–1371, 1606–1607, 1664–1665, 2206–2207, 2238, 4108, 4905–4906, 4942–4943
- presented
- Hospital governance
- Hospital infrastructure
- Hospital security
- Hospital services
- presented
- responded to
- Hospital spending
- Hours of work
- Human rights
- Human trafficking
- Hunting licences
- Hydro contracts
- Hydro rates
- Hydro transmission line
- Immigrant services
- Immigrants
- Immigrants' skills
- Immigration policy
- Infectious disease control
- presented
- Flynn, 2125, 6333
- Gélinas, 1768, 2237, 2567–2568, 4387–4388, 4522–4523, 6384, 6435–6436
- Hampton, 2085–2086
- Horwath, 6043, 6265–6267
- Kormos, 5033
- Runciman, 6328–6329, 6382–6383, 6431–6433
- Sandals, 6640
- Savoline, 2156–2157
- Scott, 1761–1762
- Tabuns, 3236–3237
- Witmer, 1971, 2082–2083, 2120, 2123–2124, 2155–2156, 2201–2202, 2204–2205, 2234–2235, 2345–2346, 2433–2434, 6271
- responded to
- Bentley, 5033
- Caplan, 4387–4388, 4523, 5033–5034, 6265–6267, 6271, 6333, 6431–6433, 6436
- Dombrowsky, 6640
- McGuinty, 2082, 6329, 6382–6385
- Smitherman, 1761–1762, 1768, 1971, 2082–2083, 2085–2086, 2120–2121, 2123–2125, 2155–2157, 2202, 2204–2205, 2234–2235, 2237–2238, 2345–2346, 2433–2434, 2567–2568, 3236–3237, 6043
- presented
- Information and Privacy Commissioner
- Infrastructure program funding
- Infrastructure programs
- Infrastructure renewal
- Injured workers
- International adoptions
- International trade
- presented
- responded to
- Invasive species
- Job creation
- Jury selection
- Justice system
- Laboratory services
- Labour dispute
- Labour mobility
- Labour relations
- Lake Simcoe
- Land transfer tax
- Language training
- Law enforcement
- Layoffs
- Legal aid
- Legislative reform
- Licence plate review committee
- Lincoln M. Alexander Award
- Liquor Control Board of Ontario
- Literacy and basic skills
- Local health integration networks
- presented
- responded to
- Long-term care
- presented
- responded to
- Lord's Prayer
- Low-income Ontarians
- Low-speed vehicles
- Macular degeneration
- Manufacturing and forestry sector jobs
- Manufacturing jobs
- presented
- Barrett, 5228
- Bisson, 4856–4857
- Chudleigh, 612, 1158–1159, 1604, 2991, 5274–5275
- Elliott, 9494
- Hampton, 20, 167–168, 292–294, 331–332, 375–377, 417–418, 475–476, 521–522, 648, 766–767, 1510–1511, 1815–1816, 1819, 1881–1882, 1968–1969, 2157–2158, 2663–2665, 2730–2732, 2954–2955, 3269–3270, 3372, 3434, 3635–3636, 3679–3680, 3728–3729, 3824–3826, 3872–3873, 3959–3961, 5182–5183, 5229–5230, 5275–5277, 6337–6338
- Horwath, 5231, 5313–5314, 5377–5379, 6075–6076, 7962
- Hudak, 291, 949–950, 4696
- Klees, 3828
- Kormos, 2830
- Leal, 9118–9119
- Mauro, 8821
- Miller, N., 25
- Miller, P., 1166–1167, 2344, 3087, 3089, 3575, 3921, 4577, 4818, 4946–4947, 5231, 6991–6992
- O'Toole, 23–24, 423–424
- Ouellette, 1424, 3042–3043
- Prue, 3769
- Runciman, 1821–1822
- Shurman, 2159–2160
- Sousa, 2898
- responded to
- Bradley, 418, 475–476
- Bryant, 2898, 3087–3089, 3575, 3636, 3679–3680, 3729, 3769–3770, 3824–3825, 3921, 4696, 4818, 4946, 5274–5277, 6338
- Cansfield, 3729
- Duguid, 2344–2345
- Duncan, 23–24, 2830, 2991, 3679, 3826, 5378–5379, 9494
- Fonseca, 4947
- McGuinty, 20–21, 25, 167–168, 291–294, 331–332, 375–377, 521–522, 648, 766–767, 1510–1511, 1604–1605, 1815–1817, 1819, 1821–1822, 1881–1883, 2663–2665, 2731–2732, 2954–2956, 3270, 3434–3435, 3959–3961, 4577–4578, 4856–4857, 5182–5183, 5228–5231, 5313–5314, 6075–6076, 6991–6992
- McMeekin, 3042–3043
- Milloy, 2898–2899
- Pupatello, 25, 423–424, 1424–1425, 1968–1969, 2157–2160, 2344, 7962–7963, 8821–8822
- Smitherman, 612, 949–950, 1158–1159, 1166–1167, 3372–3373, 3825, 3828–3829, 3872–3873, 5378–5379
- Wilkinson, 9118–9119
- presented
- Manufacturing sector
- Medical evacuation
- Medical isotopes
- Medical research
- Member's advertising
- Mental health services
- Metis Nation of Ontario
- Military families
- Mineral exploration and production
- Minimum wage
- Mining industry
- presented
- responded to
- Ministerial responsibility
- Minister's comments
- Minister's expenses
- Minister's record
- Minister's resignation
- Ministry contracts
- Ministry of the Attorney General
- Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration grants
- Ministry spending
- Moose tags
- Municipal development
- presented
- Prue, 9643
- presented