Letter: F
Fedeli, Hon. V. (PC, Nipissing)
- Aerospace industry
- Aggregate industry
- Alcohol retail
- Alcohol retail - buck-a-beer
- Alcohol retail - expansion
- Apprenticeships
- Auditor General of Ontario
- Automobile insurance rates
- Automobile insurance reform
- Automotive industry
- general remarks, 6872–6873
- government strategy, 4323, 5709, 10380–10381
- Automotive industry - employment
- layoffs, 5709
- Aviation fuel tax
- reduction, 6829
- Beer
- tax rate, 1520
- Beer Store, The
- Beer Store, The - master framework agreement
- Beer Store, The - master framework agreement cancellation
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
- time allocation motion
- presented, 5969–5973
- time allocation motion
- Bombardier Inc.
- layoffs
- government response, 5793
- layoffs
- Bringing Choice and Fairness to the People Act (Beverage Alcohol Retail Sales), 2019 (Bill 115)
- Broadband infrastructure development
- northern and rural Ontario, 2320
- Budget 2017
- Budget 2018
- Budget 2019
- community safety and correctional services, 4321–4322, 5132
- debt and deficit, 4319–4320, 4363
- economic development, 4323
- education, 4462, 5132
- environment, conservation and parks, 4322
- general remarks, 4319, 4330, 5114, 5126–5127, 5311, 5510–5511
- government and consumer services, 4322–4323, 5130–5131
- health and long-term care, 4320–4321, 4462, 5132
- infrastructure, 4322
- ministerial budgets, 4471–4472
- release date, 3560
- taxation, 4320, 4324, 5128
- transportation, 4322, 5130
- Budget 2021
- community and social services, 12890
- general remarks, 12888
- northern and rural Ontario, 12888–12889
- Budget deficits
- government strategy, 5267
- Budget speech 2019 (April 11, 2019)
- presented, 4318–4324
- Business
- Business - COVID-19, financial assistance
- for fixed costs, 10952
- general remarks, 11099, 14191–14192
- Business - COVID-19, government response
- general remarks, 10065–10066
- Northern Ontario Recovery Program, 10066
- Business - Digital Main Street program
- general remarks, 10067
- Business environment
- Business - main street recovery plan
- consultation process, 10065
- general remarks, 10068
- personal protective equipment (PPE) grant
- general remarks, 10066
- Small Business Recovery Network
- small business enterprise centres, 10066–10067
- small business recovery webpage, 10066
- Business - small and medium-sized
- support organizations
- regional investment centres, 10067
- small business enterprise centres, 10066–10067
- support organizations
- Business - taxation
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s.33: notwithstanding clause
- Cannabis
- equity of access, 1347
- Cannabis consumption - location restrictions
- Cannabis consumption - youth
- Cannabis - legalization
- Cannabis production
- Cannabis - regulatory enforcement
- Cannabis - regulatory framework
- Cannabis retail
- Cannabis retail - licensing
- Cannabis retail - Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS)
- customer service, 2092, 2135
- deliveries via Canada Post, 1638
- delivery requirements, 1648–1649
- as exclusive online retailer, 1345–1346, 1681
- as exclusive wholesaler, 1345–1346, 1348, 1649
- governance structure, 1345
- online platform
- operating contracts, 2136, 2202, 2255
- order volume, 2092, 2135
- products, 1649–1650
- supply, 1650
- Cannabis retail - physical stores
- Cannabis retail - unlicensed dispensaries
- Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 36)
- Cap-and-trade
- purchase of credits from Quebec and California, 5129
- Cap-and-trade cancellation
- Cap-and-trade cancellation - economic impact
- general remarks, 335
- Carbon tax (federal)
- Cat Lake First Nation
- Child care - Childcare Access and Relief from Expenses (CARE) tax credit
- Child care funding
- Canada-Ontario Early Learning and Child Care Agreement, 10069
- Child care spaces
- City of Toronto et al. v Ontario (Attorney General), 2018 ONSC 5151
- Toronto City Council downsizing
- provincial jurisdiction, 973
- Toronto City Council downsizing
- Clean technology industry
- investment in
- emissions reduction fund, 4322
- investment in
- Community food organizations
- regulatory reform, 5971
- Community housing
- supply, 2320
- Community safety
- program funding, 4321–4322
- Consumption and treatment services
- Consumption and treatment services - sites
- federal permit extension, 1323
- COVID-19 - economic recovery
- consultation, 12916
- job creation, 12890
- regulatory reform, 12914–12916
- COVID-19 - financial supports
- provincial
- general remarks, 8187, 10065–10068
- provincial
- COVID-19 - government response
- federal-provincial coordination, 10068
- general remarks, 10067–10068
- COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency (January 2021)
- emergency orders
- stay-at-home order, 12916
- emergency orders
- Culture media industry
- tax credits, 4324
- Curriculum - reform
- general remarks, 4321
- Dental care - senior citizens
- Driver licences
- Dry cleaning industry
- regulatory reform, 5970
- Economic conditions by region
- northern Ontario, 2456–2457
- Economic development
- Economic development - northern Ontario
- Education funding
- Education reform
- parents' bill of rights, 4321
- Efficient Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 31)
- second reading, 971–975
- Electric vehicles
- manufacturing, 12888
- Employment
- Endangered Species Act, 2007, SO 2007, c 6
- general remarks, 2455
- Energy policy
- Environmental assessments
- general remarks, 2455
- Estate administration tax
- Far North Act, 2010, SO 2010, c 18
- Federal budget 2019
- economic impact, 3665
- Film and television industry
- Financial services
- Foreign investment
- Forest industry
- French-language debates
- Gaming industry
- Gasoline prices
- impact of cap-and-trade cancellation, 1488
- General Motors (GM)
- General Motors (GM) - Oshawa plant closure
- GO Transit
- Golf courses
- during COVID-19, 12916
- Government appointments
- Government debt
- Government debt - annual deficit
- Government downsizing
- as fiscal policy, 973
- Government expenditures
- Government finances
- Government finances (federal)
- Government finances - line-by-line review
- Government notices of motion
- Select Committee on Financial Transparency
- presented, 1165–1170
- Select Committee on Financial Transparency
- Government procurement - supply chain management
- centralization, 4323
- Government record
- Liberal (2003-2018)
- NDP (1990-1995)
- PC (2018-present)
- Government services
- service fees, 5129
- Government services - digital delivery
- Green Energy Act, 2009, SO 2009, c 12, Sched. A
- repeal of, 2319
- Gun violence
- Health care funding
- Health care system - reform
- general remarks, 4320
- Health sciences
- research and development, 9717
- Home and community care
- government funding, 4462
- Home and community care - staff
- cannabis and, 1347
- Horse racing industry
- Hospitals - funding
- Housing
- government strategy
- general remarks, 2320
- government strategy
- Housing supply, 2320
- Hughes, Ken
- alcohol retail consultant
- consultation process, 4127
- alcohol retail consultant
- Hunting and angling
- Big Game Management Advisory Committee, 4464–4465
- Immigration
- Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program
- reform, 12915
- Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program
- Independent Financial Commission of Inquiry
- Indigenous communities
- economic development, 2572–2573
- Indigenous communities - economic development
- Indigenous relations
- government strategy, 4324
- Innovation and technology industry
- International trade
- International trade missions
- Legislation
- of previous governments, 5592
- Licence plates - redesign
- Light rail transit (LRT) - Hamilton
- general remarks, 5130
- Light rail transit (LRT) - Ottawa
- phase II, 5130
- Long-term care - beds
- sector capacity, 4462
- Long-term care - beds, development and redevelopment
- Long-term care - government funding
- general remarks, 4462
- Long-term-care facilities
- closure
- Lady Isabelle Nursing Home, 4462
- closure
- Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
- second reading, 10065–10069
- Manufacturing industry
- Manufacturing industry - COVID-19
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 2576
- Members/ministers quoting
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Members'/ministers' travel
- New York, 4663
- Mental health and addictions services
- Mental health and addictions services - funding
- Mining industry
- Critical Minerals Strategy, 12888
- economic impact, 7488
- foreign investment
- promotion, 7488
- global ranking, 3740
- government funding, 7488
- Ontario Junior Exploration Program, 12888
- regulatory reform, 5971, 12915
- resource revenue-sharing agreement, 2320, 2457
- role in land exploration, 2457
- training
- Ontario Mine Rescue Program, 12888
- working group, 2457
- Ministerial statements
- Economic outlook and fiscal review
- presented, 2318–2321
- Economic outlook and fiscal review
- Ministry of Education
- budget, 4453
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- Ministry of Indigenous Affairs
- budget, 4471–4472
- Municipal finances
- Municipal Modernization and Accountability Fund, 4322
- Municipal finances - COVID-19
- provincial transfers
- Social Services Relief Fund, 12890
- provincial transfers
- Municipal finances - provincial transfer payments
- changes to
- impact on residential taxes, 5134
- changes to
- Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)
- board, taxpayer representation, 3825–3826
- Natural gas - access to
- in northern and rural Ontario, 2320
- Natural gas expansion
- private sector distribution, 1118
- Nipissing First Nation
- economic strategy, 4080
- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - renegotiation
- provincial advocacy, 1323
- Northern Ontario
- Northern Ontario Heritage Fund, 12889
- application process, 12915
- Occupational health and safety
- cannabis and, 1346–1347
- OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare Program
- Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF)
- program funding, 12888
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- earnings exemption, 4321
- Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
- eligibility
- general remarks, 4321
- eligibility
- Ontario Works (OW)
- earnings exemption, 4321
- Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan
- Opioid addiction
- government strategy
- general remarks, 1323–1324
- government strategy
- Opposition parties
- support for government policy, 2511
- Palliative care
- in northern Ontario, 884
- Palliative care facilities
- Nipissing Serenity Hospice, 884
- Parliamentary Budget Officer
- Fiscal Sustainability Report (2018), 1324–1325
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Personal services
- regulation of
- reform, 5970
- regulation of
- Pinelines
- development
- provincial veto, 2320
- development
- Political fundraising
- Progressive Conservative (PC) Party
- election platform (2018)
- general remarks, 972
- election platform (2018)
- Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 269)
- third reading, 12888–12890
- Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
- Provincial bonds
- Provincial branding
- Trillium logo redesign, 4323
- Provincial credit rating, 5364
- Public accounts 2017-2018
- Public assets
- Public assets - sale/lease of, 2452
- Question period
- Aerospace industry
- responded to, 8186–8187
- Affordable housing
- responded to, 335
- Automobile insurance
- Automotive industry
- responded to, 135, 2765–2766, 5709, 6872–6873, 10380–10381
- Beverage alcohol sales
- Cannabis regulation
- Children's services
- responded to, 2345
- COVID-19 response
- responded to, 11099, 14191–14192
- Economic development
- Economic outlook
- responded to, 2090
- Economic policy
- responded to, 3665
- Education funding
- responded to, 5357
- Employment standards
- Federal-provincial fiscal policies
- responded to, 2514
- Fiscal accountability
- Fundraising
- responded to, 4755
- Gaming control
- responded to, 3566
- Gasoline prices
- responded to, 1487–1488
- Government accountability
- Government advertising
- Government appointments
- Government contract
- Government contracts
- Government fiscal policies
- Government policies
- responded to, 338
- Government services
- responded to, 1638
- Government spending
- Government spending and accounting practices
- Government's agenda
- responded to, 2571
- Government's record
- responded to, 5554–5555
- Health care funding
- Horse racing industry
- Indigenous economic development
- responded to, 2572–2573
- Indigenous health care
- responded to, 3374–3375
- International trade
- Investment regulations
- Job creation
- Land use planning
- responded to, 4915
- Manufacturing jobs
- responded to, 5793, 10167–10168
- Manufacturing sector
- Mining industry
- responded to, 7488
- Natural gas
- responded to, 1118
- Northern economy
- responded to, 1929
- Northern health services
- responded to, 884
- Northern transportation
- Ontario budget
- Ontario Drug Benefit Program
- responded to, 2410–2411
- Ontario economy
- responded to, 3002
- Opioid abuse
- responded to, 1323–1325
- Personal protective equipment
- responded to, 8383
- Property taxation
- responded to, 3825–3826
- Provincial debt
- responded to, 1117–1118
- Research and innovation
- responded to, 5757
- Ring of Fire
- responded to, 5592
- Select Committee on Financial Transparency
- responded to, 2091
- Small business
- responded to, 2464, 10952–10953, 11099, 13613
- Taxation
- Aerospace industry
- Rail service
- Ontario Northland passenger rail service, 12888–12889
- Regulations
- guiding principles, 12914–12915
- number of, 2320, 2455, 2914
- Regulations - reduction
- Regulatory reform
- Remembrance Day, 10347–10348
- Renewable energy contracts - cancellation
- fiscal impact, 972
- Rental housing
- rent control
- general remarks, 2320
- rent control
- Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57)
- Ring of Fire development
- School facilities
- Select Committee on Financial Transparency
- Skilled trades
- government strategy, 4321
- Skilled tradespeople
- Skills gap
- general remarks, 2456
- Small Business Support Grant
- Social assistance programs
- employment services
- integration with Employment Ontario, 4321
- employment services
- Statements by stakeholders
- Low-income individuals and families tax credit, 2512
- Steel industry
- pension benefits, 1929
- Supply Act, 2019 (Bill 81)
- second reading, 3740–3741
- Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 (Bill 276)
- second reading, 12914–12916
- Taxation
- Taxation - low-income individuals and families tax credit
- Time allocation motions
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
- presented, 5969–5973
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
- Toronto City Council downsizing
- Toronto City Council downsizing - use of notwithstanding clause
- political community, response of, 973–974
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - subway
- transfer to provincial jurisdiction, 4322
- Trade with United States
- Transit
- government strategy, 5130
- Transportation services
- Trucking industry
- regulatory reform, 5971
- Tuition fees
- rate reduction, 4321
- United States
- Department of Commerce
- minister's appearance before, 135
- Department of Commerce
- United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)
- United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) - impact on industry
- assessment of, 1323
- Wildlife management
- impact on forestry industry, 2455
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
Fee, A. (PC, Kitchener South—Hespeler)
- Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
- Alcohol retail - buck-a-beer
- Autism
- Autism services
- Autism services - government funding
- general remarks, 5144
- Autism services - reform
- Autism services - wait-lists
- general remarks, 3108
- Automotive industry
- Budget 2019
- Business
- development support organizations
- chambers of commerce, 3762
- development support organizations
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s.33: notwithstanding clause
- and parliamentary supremacy, 971
- Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
- second reading, 538–542
- Cap-and-trade cancellation
- fiscal impact, 2311
- Carbon pricing
- general remarks, 574
- Carbon tax (federal)
- Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
- second reading, 3317–3318
- Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175)
- second reading, 7589
- COVID-19 - public response to, 8548
- Debates re answers to question period
- Domestic violence
- general remarks, 9714
- Driving instructors
- blood alcohol/drug content, 5104
- Education funding
- Efficient Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 31)
- second reading, 971
- Electricity rates
- affordability, 1568
- Farmers
- natural gas access, 2671
- Firefighters
- appreciation for, 10996
- Getting Ontario Moving Act (Transportation Statute Law Amendment), 2019 (Bill 107)
- GO Transit
- rail maintenance and development, 4153
- GO Transit expansion by region
- Kitchener-Waterloo, 4152–4153
- Government debt
- interest on, 5144
- Government downsizing
- as fiscal policy, 971
- Government expenditures - budget allocation
- health care
- administration, 3652
- health care
- Government services - digital delivery
- general remarks, 4714
- Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
- second reading, 1568
- Greenhouse gas emissions - reduction
- general remarks, 3606
- Health care services
- billing structure, 3654
- Health care services - delivery
- coordination of care, 3652–3653
- Health care system
- general remarks, 3651–3652
- Health care system - reform
- Highways
- Home and community care
- Immigration and refugee policy
- general remarks, 373
- International trade missions
- India, 6271
- Legislative process
- time allocation, 5103
- Long-term care - beds
- transitional, 2691–2692
- Long-term care - beds, development and redevelopment
- geographic allocation, 3652
- Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
- second reading, 9741–9742
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 538–541
- Members'/ministers' personal narrative, 539–540, 3893–3894, 3907
- Mental health and addictions services - funding, 757–758
- Minimum wage increase - to $14
- impact on employment, 541
- Motorcycles
- in high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, 5104
- Natural gas
- Natural gas - access to
- general remarks, 2669–2670
- Natural gas expansion
- Natural gas expansion - cost of
- funding source, 2674
- Natural gas expansion - rate protection program
- Natural gas rates
- Ontario Autism Program (2016)
- Ontario Autism Program (2019)
- Ontario Health
- general remarks, 3652
- Opioid addiction - government strategy
- general remarks, 5210
- Opioid manufacturers/wholesalers
- class-action lawsuit against
- general remarks, 5211
- class-action lawsuit against
- Opposition day motions
- Autism treatment
- responded to, 3892–3895
- Autism treatment
- The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
- Personal support workers (PSWs) - recruitment and retention
- general remarks, 7589
- Petitions
- Animal protection, 4273
- Fish and wildlife management, 5123, 5324
- Government's record, 5567
- Guide and service animals, 2982–2983
- Justices of the peace, 8561
- Mental health and addiction services, 1645–1646
- Nuclear energy, 7317
- Public safety, 4087, 4876
- Restaurant industry, 11013
- Veterans memorial, 2823, 3889, 4675, 4873–4874, 5322
- Police officers
- naloxone administration, 3317
- Police services oversight - reform
- general remarks, 3124
- Private members' public business
- Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
- Public education campaigns - environment
- Earth Day, 4669–4670
- Question period
- Automotive industry
- presented, 3962–3963
- Beverage alcohol sales
- presented, 633
- Economic development
- presented, 6271
- Government services
- presented, 4714
- Guide and service animals
- presented, 1992–1993
- Health care
- presented, 3288
- Home care
- presented, 4498–4499
- Immigrant and refugee services
- presented, 373
- International trade
- presented, 1428
- Job creation
- presented, 3762–3763
- Opioid abuse
- presented, 5210–5211
- Police services
- presented, 3124
- Taxation
- Automotive industry
- Rail service
- track usage, 4152–4153
- Refugees - resettlement
- Renewable energy projects - siting
- municipal jurisdiction, 1568
- Road safety - roadside workers
- Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
- Safer Ontario Act, 2018, SO 2018, c 3
- SIU investigations, initiation criteria, 3317–3318
- School buses - safety
- Service animals - in schools
- Sikh Genocide (1984), 10164
- Special Investigations Unit (SIU) - investigative process
- initiation criteria, 3318
- Sports - amateur
- general remarks, 9987
- Statements by stakeholders
- Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218)
- second reading, 9987
- Teacher candidates
- math proficiency assessment, 3063
- Teachers - sexual misconduct
- revocation of certificate of registration, 3062
- Time allocation motions
- Toronto City Council
- legislative process, 971
- Toronto City Council downsizing - use of notwithstanding clause
- political community, response of, 971
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - subway
- transfer to provincial jurisdiction
- general remarks, 5104
- transfer to provincial jurisdiction
- Transit
- regional integration, 5338
- Tributes
- United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) - impact on industry
- automotive industry, 1428
- Vehicles
- Veterans
Fife, C. (NDP, Waterloo)
- Abortion services
- debate re, 5292
- Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245)
- second reading, 11479, 11485, 11502, 11644–11645, 11651, 11655–11661
- general remarks, 11658
- as omnibus legislation, 11660
- Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario's Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283)
- third reading, 13868
- Affordable housing
- Aggregate extraction
- Aggregate industry
- Aggregate sites - by site
- Hallman pit (Wilmot), 11658–11659
- Agriculture industry - COVID-19, temporary foreign workers
- outbreaks, 8241
- Agri-food premises - security from trespass
- Agri-food premises - security from trespass, enforcement
- retroactivity provision, 6947
- Agri-food premises - trespass offences
- entry under false pretense
- impact on whistleblowers, 6948–6951
- entry under false pretense
- Alcohol policy
- government strategy, 5876–5877
- Alcohol retail - expansion
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) beds
- relative cost, 6889
- Amber Alerts
- Jaffri, Jannah, 3638
- Ambulance services
- Animal protection system
- Animal welfare
- Animal welfare offences
- offenders
- and interpersonal violence, 3542
- offenders
- Appreciation
- Apprenticeships
- availability of, 13436, 13461, 13964
- journeyperson-to-apprentice ratio, 13966–13967
- occupational health and safety, 13964–13965
- Apprenticeships - employers
- employer participation incentives, 13451, 13463–13464
- Arts and culture industry - COVID-19
- dance studios, 9749, 9751–9752
- government supports
- general remarks, 9747–9748
- reopening, 13990–13991, 14016
- Stratford Festival, 13990–13991
- Arts and culture industry - government funding
- general remarks, 9747
- Attorney General of Ontario
- non-lawyers
- calling to the bar, 11656–11657, 11660
- non-lawyers
- Auditor General of Ontario
- Autism
- personal narratives, 3079
- Autism services - government funding
- Autism services - providers
- Autism services - reform
- Autism services - reform transition process
- service extension for current recipients, 3901–3902
- Autism services - wait-lists
- reduction, cost of, 43
- Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
- public registry, 7888
- Automobile insurance rates
- during COVID-19, 9745–9746
- Basic Income Pilot cancellation
- general remarks, 1969
- Beer Store, The - master framework agreement cancellation
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020 (Bill 213)
- second reading, 9827–9836
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 10692–10693
- third reading, 11107–11109
- Better Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 5)
- Blair, Brad
- termination of, 3397–3400
- Blood donation
- general remarks, 9779–9780
- Broadband infrastructure development
- Broader public sector
- Budget 2018
- deficit, 1251
- Budget 2019
- Budget 2020
- Budget 2021
- anti-racism, 12329–12330
- consultation process, 12396
- and COVID-19, 12325, 12372–12373
- education, 12326–12327, 12400
- environment, 12401
- and equity, 12398, 12965
- and inflation, 12333
- mental health and addictions, 12400
- stakeholder response, 12325–12327
- statements by stakeholders, 12396–12397
- women, 12396–12397
- Budget speech 2019 (April 11, 2019)
- Budget speech 2020 (November 5, 2020)
- responded to, 10709–10712, 10790, 10794, 10799, 10805–10806
- Budget speech 2021 (March 24, 2021)
- responded to, 12395–12403, 12558
- Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021 (Bill 288)
- second reading, 13436, 13447, 13451, 13460–13465, 13516
- third reading, 13950, 13964–13968
- Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (Bill 171)
- Business
- Business - COVID-19
- Business - COVID-19, essential businesses
- Business - COVID-19, financial assistance
- Business - COVID-19, government response
- Business - COVID-19, insurance
- Business - Digital Main Street program
- general remarks, 9747
- Business - main street recovery plan
- Cabinet ministers
- mandate letters, 9199
- Canada Christian College
- degree expansion, 9828, 9830–9831, 9833–9834, 9906, 10692–10693, 11107–11109, 14014
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- rights under
- freedom of association, 3848
- rights under
- Cancer Care Ontario
- general remarks, 4431
- Cancer - pediatric
- blood transfusions, 9779–9780
- Cancer treatment - take-home medication
- Cannabis
- Cannabis consumption - location restrictions
- multi-unit dwellings, 1362–1363
- Cannabis - legalization
- Cannabis producers
- pre-legalization, 1403
- Cannabis production
- Cannabis - regulatory framework
- Bill 36, introduction timeline, 1362
- Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 36)
- Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
- second reading, 625–626
- Cap-and-trade cancellation
- Carbon tax (federal)
- Chief Scientist (Ontario)
- dismissal of, 19
- Child care
- Child care - Childcare Access and Relief from Expenses (CARE) tax credit
- Child care - COVID-19
- and economic recovery, 12329–12330, 12396
- regulatory reform, 9832
- Child care - COVID-19, reopening of
- Child care funding
- Child care providers
- Child care - regulations
- Child care - regulatory reform
- Child care spaces
- availability, 43
- Child care workers
- compensation
- Wage Enhancement Grant, 3845
- compensation
- Children and youth
- and COVID-19
- health and well-being, 10042
- and COVID-19
- Civil liability
- Civil liability - COVID-19
- Civil liability exemption - COVID-19
- Class sizes - adjustment
- Clean technology industry
- economic impact, 4835
- Climate change mitigation
- government strategy, 4835
- Colleges and universities
- Colleges and universities - COVID-19
- Colleges and universities - degree-granting authority
- process, 11108
- Combating Human Trafficking Act, 2021 (Bill 251)
- second reading, 11702
- Combatting Human Trafficking Act, 2021 (Bill 251)
- general remarks, 11966
- Commercial tenancies - Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA)
- Commercial tenancies - COVID-19
- Commercial tenancies - COVID-19, eviction moratorium
- Commercial vehicles
- insurance rates
- during COVID-19, 9746
- insurance rates
- Committee procedure
- Committee process
- Community food organizations
- regulatory reform, 5871
- Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
- Concussion prevention and management
- Congregate care facilities
- Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175)
- Conservation authorities
- statements by stakeholders, 11170–11171
- Conservation authorities - reform
- Construction industry
- Consumption and treatment services - sites
- Consumption and treatment services - sites by region
- Kitchener, 6381–6382
- Correctional facilities
- remand rate, 1398
- Correctional facilities - inmates
- mental health and addictions services
- access to, 7403
- mental health and addictions services
- Court administration
- Child Witness Centre, 11659
- COVID-19
- fatalities, 7969, 11962–11963, 12626
- COVID-19 - child benefits
- COVID-19 - community impact
- BIPOC communities, 13473
- COVID-19 - economic impact
- COVID-19 - economic recovery
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 197)
- COVID-19 - emergency orders
- public compliance with, 10252, 10778–10779
- COVID-19 - equity-seeking groups
- economic impact
- general remarks, 12965
- women, 8657–8658, 9008, 9745, 9832, 10709, 10711, 11883–11885, 11968, 12328–12329, 12397–12398, 12961
- economic recovery
- women, 11882, 11884–11885, 12330, 12396–12397
- economic impact
- COVID-19 - essential service workers
- COVID-19 - financial supports
- COVID-19 - government response
- Auditor General report, 10855
- general remarks, 8240, 8571–8573, 8783, 11964, 12628
- government communications, 8573, 8720, 9744, 9748, 10960, 12573–12574, 12627–12628
- legislative agenda, 7969–7970, 9197–9198, 12626, 12628, 12630, 14191
- public health officials, consultation, 12575
- stakeholder consultation, 9749
- stakeholder response
- transparency, 9749
- COVID-19 - government response, second wave
- COVID-19 - Health Command Table
- consultant fees, 11882
- COVID-19 - provincial reopening, first wave
- government communications, 8558
- COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency (April 2021)
- emergency orders
- outdoor amenities, 13530–13531, 13557–13558
- emergency orders
- COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency (March 2020)
- COVID-19 Response and Reforms to Modernize Ontario Act, 2020 (Bill 190)
- second reading, 7795–7796
- COVID-19 - Science Advisory Table
- recommendations, 13076
- COVID-19 - testing
- COVID-19 - transmission
- COVID-19 - transmission prevention
- COVID-19 - vaccination
- accessibility, 12402
- paid leave during, 14015
- rollout strategy, 12325, 12332–12333, 12395–12396, 12573
- task force, 11232
- COVID-19 - vaccination, administration locations
- COVID-19 - vaccines
- Crown liability
- scope of liability
- general remarks, 4333
- scope of liability
- Curriculum - health and physical education
- student safety and well-being, 42
- Curriculum - health and physical education (1998)
- content, 42
- Curriculum - health and physical education (2015), repeal of
- Curriculum - Indigenous content
- Cybersecurity
- research and development, 9663
- Cycling and pedestrian infrastructure
- government funding, 339
- Cycling safety
- dooring collisions, reporting, 13068
- Defibrillator Registration and Public Access Act, 2020 (Bill 141)
- third reading, 7888–7889
- Development industry
- Developmental services
- during COVID-19, 12399
- Domestic violence
- Driving - impaired
- public education, 1398
- Duffins Creek development, 11966–11967
- Early childhood educators (ECEs)
- compensation, 1588
- Economic conditions
- Economic development
- government strategy, 1971
- Education
- general remarks, 4576
- Education - COVID-19
- mental health supports, 12400
- school closures, 12572
- student mental health, 11964–11965
- Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
- cases and outbreaks, 9348
- class sizes, 9135, 9348, 9435, 9745, 9828–9829, 12400
- as economic policy, 9199, 9745
- government funding, 8784
- government strategy, 8717, 8782
- health and safety infrastructure, 8782
- infection control, 11881–11882, 12400, 12574
- testing and contact tracing, 11964
- testing, asymptomatic, 11885
- Education funding
- Education - online learning
- Education programs
- for BIPOC students, 4576
- Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO)
- chair
- compensation, 3399
- chair
- Education reform
- Education reform - consultation
- general remarks, 3966
- Electoral process - COVID-19
- general remarks, 12629
- Electoral reform
- general remarks, 12629
- Electricity billing
- unit sub-metering companies
- consumer protection, 3054–3055
- unit sub-metering companies
- Electricity conservation programs
- Electricity system
- regulation
- independent, 4834
- regulation
- Emergency management - emergency orders
- Emergency management - preparedness
- pandemic planning, 10974
- Employment
- Employment - COVID-19
- Employment - COVID-19, infection control
- general remarks, 12575
- Employment - COVID-19, sick days
- Employment standards
- Employment standards - annual leave days
- Employment standards reform (2018)
- Employment - youth
- unemployment, 1031
- Endangered species
- general remarks, 4835
- Entrepreneurship
- equity-seeking groups
- development and promotion, 12961
- equity-seeking groups
- Environmental protection
- Estate administration - virtual service delivery
- witnessing of documents, 11659
- Executive Council Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 265)
- second reading, 12968
- Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017, SO 2017, c 22
- Family law
- Family law reform
- Family law reform - terminology and definitions
- Family Responsibility Office
- Farms - security from trespass
- and biosecurity, 6950
- Fiera Foods Company
- Financial Accountability Officer (FAO)
- Financial literacy
- programs, 11675
- Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
- Flood management
- government strategy, 12401
- Food delivery services
- Food security
- general remarks, 9198
- Foundations for Promoting and Protecting Mental Health and Addictions Services Act, 2019 (Bill 116)
- Freeing Highways 412 and 418 Act (Toll Highway Amendments), 2020 (Bill 43)
- second reading, 10489
- Gaming industry - charitable
- bingo and gaming, 4362
- GO Transit
- GO Transit expansion by region
- GO Transit - fares
- discounted double fare program
- termination of, 7574
- discounted double fare program
- GO Transit stations
- Government accountability and transparency, 9433
- Government appointments
- Government contracts
- Government contracts - public-private partnerships (P3s)
- relative cost, 7177
- Government debt - annual deficit
- amount, 9744
- Government downsizing
- Government finances
- Government finances - line-by-line review
- Government notices of motion
- Government orders
- Concurrence in supply
- responded to, 11879–11885
- Government policies
- responded to, 359–361
- Legislative reform (as amended)
- amendment
- responded to, 9197–9199
- amendment
- Select Committee on Financial Transparency
- amendment
- responded to, 1249–1252
- amendment
- Standing orders
- amendment to the amendment (lost)
- responded to, 1058–1060
- amendment to the amendment (lost)
- Concurrence in supply
- Government procurement - supply chain management
- Government record
- Green Ontario Program (GreenON) cancellation
- retrofit rebates
- impact on consumers, 41
- retrofit rebates
- Greenbelt
- Greenhouse gas emissions - reduction
- Greenhouse Gas Reduction Account (GGRA)
- to fund local economies, 41
- Health care funding
- Health care - innovation and technology
- procurement, 12961
- Health care services - delivery
- Health care system - administrative centralization
- general remarks, 4429
- Health care system - reform
- Health care workers - COVID-19
- compensation
- pandemic pay, 12325, 12333–12334
- fatalities, 9995
- compensation
- Health sciences
- research and development, 12331
- Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 (Bill 204)
- Highway 407
- tolls, 8780
- Highway construction and expansion
- Highway tolls
- Home and community care - reform
- Home renovation
- energy retrofitting
- tax credits, 9748
- energy retrofitting
- Homelessness
- support models
- ShelterCare system, 9153
- support models
- Hospitality industry - COVID-19
- Hospitality industry - COVID-19, restaurants
- Hospitals - beds
- unfunded, 5869
- Hospitals - capacity and overcrowding by site
- St. Mary's General Hospital (Kitchener), 5869
- Hospitals - construction by site
- St. Mary's General Hospital
- Regional Cardiac Care Centre, 4428–4429
- St. Mary's General Hospital
- Hospitals - COVID-19
- capacity and overcrowding, 11003–11004, 12332
- operational funding, 12574
- triage protocol, 13070
- Hospitals - COVID-19, medical procedures
- access to, 11003
- Hospitals - funding
- Hospitals - funding by region
- Brampton, 12377
- Housing development
- site selection, 11967
- Housing Supply Action Plan
- consultation process, 5240–5241
- Hughes, Ken
- alcohol retail consultant
- compensation, 4126
- alcohol retail consultant
- Human trafficking
- Human trafficking - hotels
- short-term rentals, 11702
- Hydro One
- purchase of Avista Corp.
- termination fee, 4061
- purchase of Avista Corp.
- Income inequality
- Infrastructure - roads and highways
- Innovation and technology
- personal aircrafts
- Watfly, 14041
- personal aircrafts
- Innovation and technology industry
- Insurance industry
- general remarks, 9751
- Journalism
- general remarks, 3938
- Judicial appointments
- Justice - administration of
- Justice system - COVID-19
- general remarks, 9589–9590
- Justice system - criminal
- reform, 7403
- Kamloops Indian Residential School
- human remains, discovery of, 13835
- Laboratory services
- via private sector
- general remarks, 7970
- via private sector
- Land acknowledgements, 20
- Land use planning
- Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
- Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) - COVID-19
- application processing rate, 14010
- Laurentian University
- Law Enforcement Complaints Agency
- investigation referral, 3269
- Legal aid services
- Legions
- Legislative drafting
- regulations, deferred drafting, 14014
- Legislative grounds
- demonstrations
- general remarks, 4647
- demonstrations
- Legislative procedure
- recognized party status, 12628–12630
- Legislative procedure - COVID-19
- Legislative procedure - order and decorum
- Legislative procedure - order of business
- disclosure of, 8571
- Legislative procedure - question period
- role of, 9197
- Legislative procedure - Standing Orders
- reform
- historically, 1059
- reform
- Legislative process
- Legislative process - COVID-19
- agenda, 13063
- Licence plates - redesign
- slogan change, 3984
- Light rail transit (LRT) - Hamilton
- Literacy
- early intervention, 5602
- Living wage
- Lobbyists
- impact on policy development, 11966, 12626–12627
- Local Planning Appeal Support Centre (LPAT)
- Long-term care
- vs. hospitalization, 6889
- Long-term care - beds
- sector capacity, 6889
- Long-term care - COVID-19 review commission
- hearings and consultations
- disclosure of, 9199
- mandate and terms of reference, 10051–10052
- vs. public inquiry, 7970
- transparency, 9199, 10051–10052
- hearings and consultations
- Long-term care - government funding
- general remarks, 4429, 6894, 11961–11963
- private facilities, 10051
- Long-Term Care Homes Amendment (Till Death Do Us Part) Act, 2019 (Bill 153)
- first reading, 6424
- Long-term care - public vs. private
- general remarks, 6889
- private delivery
- general remarks, 359–360
- staff working conditions, 7970–7971
- standards of care, 11963
- third-party management structure, 10411–10412
- Long-term care - reform
- general remarks, 11963
- Long-term care - residents
- Long-term care - staff
- working conditions
- general remarks, 7970–7971
- working conditions
- Long-term care - standards of care
- Long-term-care facilities
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, fatalities
- residents, 7969–7970, 9995, 11962–11963
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, government response
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, infection control
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, public vs. private
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, staff
- levels, 11173
- Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
- second reading, 9742–9752
- Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 (Bill 47)
- Marriage solemnization
- officiants
- regulation of, 11107–11108
- officiants
- Members' statements
- Affordable housing, 12285
- Ambulance services, 4083–4084
- Anti-racism activities, 13473
- Autism treatment, 3034, 3530
- Blood donation, 9779–9780
- Climate change, 6666
- COVID-19 response, 12596–12597, 13076
- Curriculum, 20, 1235–1236
- Cycling infrastructure, 339
- Dietary supplements, 4561
- Employment standards, 7709, 11247
- Environmental protection, 10849
- Government's agenda, 933
- Literacy and basic skills, 11675
- Lobsinger, Abigayle, 6126
- Mental health, 1732
- Mental health services, 10345
- Non-profit veterinary clinics, 2210, 2742
- Research and innovation, 5120
- Residential schools, 13835
- School facilities, 682–683
- Shelter services, 9153
- Special Olympics, 7153
- Strickland, Donna, 1387
- Student literacy, 5602
- Women's issues, 8657–8658
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 2469, 9711
- Members/ministers quoting
- Hansard
- per-vote subsidy, 11893, 12627
- political fundraising, 12626–12627
- jurists
- news media
- COVID-19, 11883–11884
- COVID-19 impact, 9750
- education, 12327
- employment standards reform, 1970
- energy policy, 14013
- insurance industry, 9751
- long-term care, 11962–11963
- long-term care, private operators, 10051
- political fundraising, 11965
- tribunal hearings, 14010
- other members
- reports
- Hansard
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Mental health and addictions
- left untreated, cost, 5898
- Mental health and addictions services
- Mental health and addictions services - funding, 757–758
- Mental health and addictions services - funding, children and youth
- general remarks, 5296
- Metrolinx
- operating subsidy, 7182
- Minimum wage
- Minimum wage earners
- demographics, 1964–1965
- Minimum wage increase - to $14
- Minimum wage increase - to $15
- cancellation, 1964
- Ministerial statements
- Child Abuse Prevention Month
- responded to, 10042–10043
- Concussions
- Cyber Security Awareness Month
- responded to, 9663
- Missing persons
- responded to, 5523–5524
- Post-secondary education and research
- responded to, 9018
- Small business
- responded to, 9222, 11466–11467
- Child Abuse Prevention Month
- Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
- budget, 4837
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
- budget, 4837
- Missing persons
- investigative tools, 5523–5524
- Missing Persons Act, 2018, SO 2018, c 3, Sched. 7, 1434–1435, 3199, 3258, 3268, 3270, 3400
- More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108)
- time allocation motion
- amendment
- responded to, 5240–5242
- amendment
- time allocation motion
- Moving Ontarians More Safely Act, 2021 (Bill 282)
- second reading, 13051, 13060, 13063, 13067–13071
- Moving Ontario Family Law Forward Act, 2020 (Bill 207)
- second reading, 9587–9591
- Municipal elections
- ranked ballot procedure
- restrictions on use, stakeholder reponse, 10052
- stakeholder consultation, 10050–10051
- voter registry, provincial consolidation, 9435
- ranked ballot procedure
- Municipal finances - provincial transfer payments
- Municipal planning
- MUSH sector
- Names, legal
- changes to
- marriage, 9829
- changes to
- New Democratic Party (NDP)
- New home industry
- consumer protection, 8597
- New home warranties - reform
- administration, 8595
- News media
- government relationship with, 3938
- Newspapers
- Non-profit organizations
- registration restrictions
- veterinary clinics, 2210
- registration restrictions
- Northern Ontario School of Medicine - as independent institution
- financial impact, 14011–14013
- general remarks, 14015
- Not-for-profit organizations
- government funding, 12397
- Nurses
- Occupational health and safety, 13069
- OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare Program
- Ontario Autism Program (2016)
- implementation committee report, 3901
- Ontario Autism Program (2019)
- Ontario College of Trades (OCT)
- membership fees, 13465
- Ontario Energy Board (OEB)
- independence of, 4822
- Ontario Food Terminal
- Ontario Gazette
- regulatory reform, 9829
- Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB)
- oversight of, 1970
- Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)
- consolidation of tribunals
- general remarks, 11659
- impact on service delivery timeline, 11644–11645
- hearings
- consolidation of tribunals
- Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
- Premier's security detail, 3397–3398
- Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) - commissioner
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA)
- enforcement of animal protection legislation
- general remarks, 3542
- enforcement of animal protection legislation
- Opioid addiction
- Opioid addiction - government strategy
- in British Columbia, 6386
- Opposition day motions
- Opposition parties
- role of, 1060
- Organ and tissue donation
- donor registration declaration
- completion during drivers' license and health card issuance or renewal, 1099–1100
- donor registration declaration
- Paris Galt moraine
- Pawnbrokers
- Pawnbrokers Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.6
- Pay equity
- Pay equity - gender wage gap
- The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
- Personal health information
- authority of Ontario Health and Ontario Health teams to collect, use and disclose, 6143
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Personal support workers (PSWs)
- Personal support workers (PSWs) - compensation
- general remarks, 7326
- Personal support workers (PSWs) - recruitment and retention
- general remarks, 7589
- Personal support workers (PSWs) - regulation of
- stakeholder consultation, 13868
- Persons with disabilities
- and minimum wage, 1968–1969
- Pet ownership
- Petitions
- Affordable housing, 3190
- Alzheimer's disease, 1090
- Autism treatment, 3433, 3575, 5227, 11144
- Child care workers, 3255
- Curriculum, 24, 343–344, 484, 1241, 1391
- Education, 5651
- Education funding, 4631, 5078–5079
- Environmental protection, 3088–3089
- Equal opportunity, 6133–6134
- Full-day kindergarten, 3834
- GO Transit, 4242
- Government policies, 14092
- Indigenous affairs, 1242, 5475
- Long-term care, 2928, 4767, 5851, 6726–6727, 6883, 6940, 6995, 7100, 7317, 8672, 8957, 9173–9174, 9664, 11639
- Lyme disease, 4343
- Midwifery, 818, 3189, 3538
- Optometry services, 9021, 9172, 9978, 10394, 10786, 10959, 11143, 11261, 11689, 12360, 13426–13427, 14094
- Post-stroke treatment, 7623
- School facilities, 4820
- Services for persons with disabilities, 1038
- Telecommunications in correctional facilities, 7170
- Tenant protection, 6523
- Tuition, 4818–4819, 5080
- Water extraction, 2743–2744, 6372
- Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138)
- second reading, 6143–6144
- Plastics
- single-use, ban, 3554
- Police officers
- naloxone administration, 3267
- Police services
- Police Services Act, RSO 1990, c P.15
- investigations, provisions regarding, 3397
- Police services - community relations, 3269
- Police services oversight
- general remarks, 3270
- Police services oversight - disciplinary process
- Police services oversight - reform
- Political fundraising
- Political fundraising - personal donations
- annual contribution limits, 11965
- Political fundraising - per-vote subsidy
- amount, 11893
- extension, 12620–12621, 12627
- general remarks, 11964–11965
- Post-secondary education
- work-integrated learning, 10710
- Post-secondary education - funding
- general remarks, 10709–10710
- Poverty reduction
- and minimum wage, 1969
- Pre-apprenticeship training programs
- completion of, 13460
- Premier's Office
- travel expenses, disclosure, 4712
- Private members' public business
- Convenience Store Week Act, 2021 (Bill 262)
- second reading, 12167
- Education funding
- responded to, 9135
- GO Transit
- responded to, 4153–4154
- Immunization
- responded to, 11232
- Intimate Partner Violence Disclosure Act, 2021 (Bill 274)
- second reading, 12634
- Long-Term Care Homes Amendment (Till Death Do Us Part) Act, 2019 (Bill 153)
- Mental health and addiction services
- responded to, 758–759
- More Than a Visitor Act (Caregiving in Congregate Care Settings), 2020 (Bill 203)
- second reading, 9337
- Nikola Tesla Day Act, 2021 (Bill 293)
- second reading, 14040–14041
- Organ donation
- responded to, 1099–1101
- Paris Galt Moraine Conservation Act, 2019 (Bill 71)
- second reading, 3554
- Protecting Our Pets Act, 2019 (Bill 65)
- second reading, 3542–3543
- Seniors' Advocate Act, 2020 (Bill 196)
- second reading, 9709–9710
- Supply Chain Management Amendment Act (Provincial Diverse Vendor Strategy), 2021 (Bill 275)
- second reading, 12959–12961, 12965
- Supporting Ontario's Community, Rural and Agricultural Newspapers Act, 2019 (Bill 78)
- second reading, 3938
- Convenience Store Week Act, 2021 (Bill 262)
- Progressive Conservative (PC) Party
- Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures), 2020 (Bill 229)
- third reading, 11154, 11164, 11170–11174
- Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019 (Bill 124)
- Protecting Ontario Elections Act, 2021 (Bill 254)
- second reading, 11893
- general remarks, 11965
- stakeholder response, 12627
- third reading, 12620–12621, 12626–12630
- Protecting Small Business Act, 2020 (Bill 192)
- second reading, 8239–8242
- Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020 (Bill 184)
- Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 269)
- second reading, 12324–12334, 12365, 12372–12373, 12377
- Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
- Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth
- general remarks, 10043
- Public assets - sale/lease of, 1326
- general remarks, 1251
- Public education campaigns - children
- Dress Purple Day, 10042
- Public education campaigns - community development
- Democracy Week, 1058
- Senior Volunteer Appreciation Week, 14046–14047
- Public education campaigns - cultural
- Scottish Heritage Day, 14050
- Public education campaigns - education
- Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day, 1588
- Public education campaigns - health
- Public education campaigns - innovation and technology
- Nikola Tesla Day, 14040–14041
- Public education campaigns - safety
- Cyber Security Awareness Month, 9663
- Public health units
- services, 4428
- Public health units - restructuring
- Public policy research
- Public sector compensation increases - cap on
- Question period
- Ambulance services
- Arts and cultural funding
- presented, 13990–13991
- Autism
- presented, 3079
- Autism treatment
- presented, 3526
- Commercial tenant protection
- COVID-19 immunization
- presented, 12353
- COVID-19 response
- presented, 9261, 9347–9348, 9686, 10778–10779, 11003–11004, 11636, 13530–13531, 13557–13558, 14191
- Curriculum
- presented, 731
- Early childhood education
- presented, 1588
- Economic reopening and recovery
- Education funding
- presented, 3966–3967
- Employment services
- Employment standards
- GO Transit
- presented, 2860
- Government accountability
- Government appointments
- presented, 4126–4127
- Government contracts
- presented, 376–377
- Government spending
- presented, 4712
- Health care funding
- presented, 3565
- Land use planning
- Long-term care
- Missing persons
- presented, 1434–1435
- Municipal finances
- presented, 11459–11460
- Ontario public service
- presented, 19
- Pay equity
- presented, 4229
- Post-secondary education
- presented, 9906
- Privatization of public assets
- presented, 1326
- Public health
- Public transit
- presented, 2517
- Research and innovation
- Sexual assault crisis centres
- presented, 3475–3476
- Small business
- presented, 8943, 9112, 9783, 10239, 10382–10383, 10633, 10912, 11099, 11389–11390, 12222, 12465, 13086, 13479–13480
- Transportation infrastructure
- presented, 4451–4452
- Women's employment
- presented, 9008
- Youth employment
- presented, 1031
- Racism
- anti-Asian racism, 12330
- Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159)
- third reading, 8591–8597
- Regional/district chairs
- Regulations - reduction
- Renewable energy
- grid access, 14013
- Renewable energy contracts - cancellation
- impact on business environment, 360
- Rental housing - COVID-19
- Rental housing - short-term
- taxation, 11966
- Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (Bill 195)
- Reports by committees
- Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
- Road maintenance in winter - northern Ontario
- procurement, 13051
- Robe Investments & Consulting Services Limited Act, 2021 (Bill Pr39)
- Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
- Safer Ontario Act, 2018, SO 2018, c 3
- general remarks, 3270
- School boards
- supervisory officers
- qualifications, 8782
- supervisory officers
- School boards - directors of education
- qualifications, 8782
- School facilities - maintenance and repair
- Schools
- Scottish Heritage Day Act, 2021 (Bill 208)
- third reading, 14050
- Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156)
- Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
- role of, 8722
- Select Committee on Financial Transparency
- Select Committee on Mental Health and Addictions (2009-2010)
- Senior Volunteer Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 270)
- third reading, 14046–14047
- Seniors' advocate
- creation of office
- general remarks, 9709–9710
- creation of office
- Sexual assault crisis centres
- government funding, 3475–3476
- Skilled trades
- occupational health and safety, 13463–13464
- perception of, 13968
- personal protective equipment, 13461
- promotion of
- general remarks, 9745
- Skilled trades - certification
- Skilled trades - education
- secondary education, 13447, 13460–13461, 13463, 13465
- Skilled Trades Ontario
- Skilled tradespeople - recruitment
- diversity in, 13461, 13463, 13465, 13950, 13965–13966
- Indigenous persons, 13966–13967
- women, 13461, 13463, 13465
- Small Business Support Grant
- Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161)
- Social assistance programs
- private delivery, 14014–14016
- Social assistance recipients
- Soldiers' Aid Commission
- Soldiers' Aid Commission Act, 2020 (Bill 202)
- second reading, 9237, 9629–9635, 9637, 9640–9641
- third reading, 10250–10253
- Soldiers' Aid Commission - governance and administration
- Soldiers' Aid Commission - reform
- Special Investigations Unit (SIU) - investigative process
- Sporting events
- Special Olympics provincial games, 7153
- Standing Committee on Estimates
- consideration of 2020 estimates, 11879
- Statements by stakeholders
- COVID-19, 12395
- election reform, 12627
- employment standards, 3842
- energy policy, 4060–4062
- environment, 12401
- environmental policy, 4837
- federal carbon tax, provincial media campaign, 5290
- food delivery fees, 10960–10963
- government procurement, 12961
- health care system reform, 4427
- land use planning, 12110
- mental health services, 12400
- minimum wage exclusions, 1968
- municipal elections procedure, 10052
- Northern Ontario School of Medicine, 14011–14012
- pawnbrokers, 3847
- public health units, amalgamation, 4428
- regulations, 3842
- skilled trades, 13966
- transit, 11108
- Stem cell research
- government funding, 5120
- Suicide prevention
- Supply Act, 2021 (Bill 261)
- second reading, 11961–11968
- Supply Chain Management Amendment Act (Provincial Diverse Vendor Strategy), 2021 (Bill 275)
- Supply Ontario
- general remarks, 12965
- Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257)
- second reading, 11935, 11939, 11943, 11947
- general remarks, 11966–11967
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 12109–12111
- Supporting Local Restaurants Act, 2020 (Bill 236)
- third reading, 10960–10963
- Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218)
- second reading, 9986, 9991, 9995
- "good faith effort," definition of, 10051, 10411
- "person," definition of, 10051, 10411
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 10050–10052
- third reading, 10411–10412
- Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 (Bill 276)
- third reading, 14009–14017
- Supportive housing
- for women, 12285
- Tarion reform
- Tarion Warranty Corp.
- 2019 Special Report: Tarion Warranty Corp. (Auditor General of Ontario), 8592
- Tarion Warranty Corp.- governance
- executive compensation, 8593–8594
- Taxi industry
- Teachers
- surplus notices, 5292
- Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA)
- Temporary workers
- fatalities, investigation of, 42–43
- Tesla Inc.
- student opportunities, 14041
- Throne speech debate
- Ticket sales
- online
- consumer protection, 8594
- online
- Time allocation motions
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020 (Bill 213)
- responded to, 10692–10693
- Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
- responded to, 3396–3400
- Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 (Bill 204)
- responded to, 9433–9436
- More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108)
- amendment
- responded to, 5240–5242
- amendment
- Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156)
- responded to, 7631–7632
- Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257)
- responded to, 12109–12111
- Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218)
- responded to, 10050–10052
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020 (Bill 213)
- Toronto
- Toronto City Council downsizing
- Toronto city councillors
- impact of council downsizing
- on access to councillors, 711
- impact of council downsizing
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- streetcars
- illegal passing, camera enforcement, 13068
- streetcars
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - acceleration
- Toronto ward boundary review (2016), 714
- Tourism industry - COVID-19
- and Indigenous businesses, 8779–8780
- Ontario Tourism and Travel Small Business Support Grant, 12327–12328
- Tourism industry - COVID-19, government response
- financial aid, 8781
- Toxic substances
- impact on health, 3844
- Toxic substances - regulation of
- Toxics Reduction Act, 2009, SO 2009, c 19
- repeal of, 3554
- Toxics Reduction Act, 2009, S.O. 2009, c. 19
- Trade with United States
- trade representative, firing of, 19
- Traffic congestion
- Transit
- Transit funding
- general remarks, 2517
- Transit infrastructure development
- project prioritization, 7174
- Transportation
- commute times, 4154
- Tribunal proceedings
- virtual, recording of, 14010
- Tribunals
- general remarks, 11659
- Tributes
- Trillium Gift of Life
- general remarks, 4431
- United States
- election 2020, 10252
- Vaccinations
- return on investment, 5164
- Veterans
- Veterans - support services
- Veterinary clinics
- non-profit status, eligibility for, 2742
- Veterinary clinics and hospitals
- Violence against women
- government funding, 12397
- Water extraction
- for commercial bottled water
- municipal jurisdiction, 9831
- for commercial bottled water
- Water power generating facilities
- Water protection
- general remarks, 9836
- Watershed management
- conservation authorities, 11171
- Watersheds and wetlands
- development on, 11966–11967
- Water-taking permits
- regulatory reform, 5882
- White Pines Wind Project - cancellation
- fiscal impact, 42
- Whittrick N D T Services Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr50)
- Wireless services
- Wireless Services Agreements Act, 2013, S.O. 2013, c. 8
- Women
- economic development, 11968
- economic empowerment, 10710–10711
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 238)
- second reading, 11276–11277
- third reading, 12572–12576
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - COVID-19
- presumptive coverage, essential workers, 12574–12575
- Abortion services
Ford, Hon. D. (PC, Etobicoke North)
- Abortion services
- debate re, 4972
- An Act to perpetuate an ancient parliamentary right (Bill 1)
- first reading, 5
- Agriculture industry - COVID-19
- general remarks, 7836
- Agriculture industry - COVID-19, temporary foreign workers
- Alcohol retail
- general remarks, 5463
- Alcohol retail - expansion
- economic impact, 5439
- Appreciation
- Autism services
- ministerial collaboration, 4028
- Autism services - government funding
- Autism services - reform
- Automotive industry
- general remarks, 4029
- Basic income programs
- Beer Store, The - master framework agreement cancellation
- Bombardier Inc.
- layoffs
- government response, 5793
- layoffs
- Bringing Choice and Fairness to the People Act (Beverage Alcohol Retail Sales), 2019 (Bill 115)
- second reading, 5420,
- Abortion services