Letter: M
MacLeod, Hon. L. (PC, Nepean)
- Abortion services
- debate re, 4972
- Agri-food industry
- promotion of
- local, 14084–14085
- promotion of
- Arts and culture industry
- Arts and culture industry - COVID-19
- Arts and culture industry - government funding
- Arts and culture industry - institutions
- Autism
- Autism services
- Autism services - government funding
- Autism services - providers
- regulation of, 3519
- Autism services - reform
- Autism services - reform transition process
- Autism services - wait-lists
- Basic Income Pilot
- Basic Income Pilot cancellation
- Basic income programs
- Better Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 5)
- second reading, 721
- Boating, recreational
- Budget 2019
- ministerial budgets, 4641
- Budget speech 2019 (April 11, 2019)
- Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (Bill 171)
- second reading, 7202
- Bullying and cyberbullying
- Business - COVID-19, government response
- consultation, 9573
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s.33: notwithstanding clause
- and parliamentary supremacy, 984
- Child care - Childcare Access and Relief from Expenses (CARE) tax credit
- general remarks, 4641
- Child protection
- Child protection system
- Children and youth in care
- Children and youth in care - models of care
- Children's aid societies (CASs)
- Civil liability exemption - COVID-19
- application
- youth and amateur sport, 10414
- application
- Combating Human Trafficking Act, 2021 (Bill 251)
- third reading, 13700–13702
- Concussion prevention and management
- Consumption and treatment services
- review
- deadline, 1377–1378
- review
- Consumption and treatment services - sites by region
- London, extension approval, 810
- COVID-19 - economic impact
- consultation
- legislative committee study, 8116
- general remarks, 13002–13003
- consultation
- COVID-19 - equity-seeking groups
- economic impact
- women, 9421
- economic impact
- COVID-19 - government response
- consultation
- virtual roundtables, 8326
- consultation
- COVID-19 - provincial reopening, first wave
- COVID-19 - public response to, 8032–8033
- Curriculum - health and physical education (2015)
- public opinion, 80
- Curriculum - health and physical education (2015), repeal of
- general remarks, 229
- Curriculum - health and physical education (2019)
- Debates re answers to question period
- Social assistance
- responded to, 2027–2028
- Social assistance
- Desmond, Viola, 3534
- Diversity
- general remarks, 1521
- Down Syndrome, 3673–3674
- École Polytechnique massacre (December 6, 1989)
- commemoration, 2876–2877
- Education funding
- Education reform
- impact on course offerings, 5061–5062
- Efficient Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 31)
- second reading, 983–984
- Employment
- Farms - security from trespass
- general remarks, 6816
- Film and television industry
- Floyd, George
- death of
- public response to, 8033
- death of
- Food banks
- usage rates, 2815
- Food Day Canada in Ontario (in Honour of Anita Stewart) Act, 2021 (Bill 163)
- third reading, 14084–14085
- Foundations for Promoting and Protecting Mental Health and Addictions Services Act, 2019 (Bill 116)
- second reading, 6439
- Gender equality
- in education, 1442–1443
- Gender-based violence
- Government downsizing
- as fiscal policy, 721
- Government notices of motion
- Extension of emergency declaration
- amendment
- responded to, 8032–8034
- amendment
- Extension of emergency declaration
- Government record
- Liberal (2003-2018)
- developmental services, 3524
- Liberal (2003-2018)
- Government record (federal)
- PC (1984-1993)
- environment, 104
- PC (1984-1993)
- Green Energy Act, 2009, SO 2009, c 12, Sched. A
- Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
- Hospitality industry - COVID-19
- government supports, 12412
- Hubley, Jamie, 4269
- Human trafficking
- general remarks, 473, 1283, 1845, 2425
- prevalence, 13700–13701
- Human trafficking - awareness of
- identification and reporting, 3618–3619
- Human trafficking - government strategy
- Human trafficking - hotels
- general remarks, 13700
- Human trafficking - sex trafficking
- Human trafficking - survivor services
- government funding, 3619
- Immigration and refugee policy
- Immigration - francophone
- Income security
- and employment, 176
- Indigenous children
- Indigenous communities - health care
- Justice system - youth
- youth justice centres
- government funding, 5208
- youth justice centres
- Legions
- general remarks, 8752–8753
- Legislative grounds
- Legislative pages
- program history, 3533
- Legislative procedure - order and decorum
- Legislative procedure - order of business
- Orders and Notices
- answers to written questions, 5910
- Orders and Notices
- Legislative procedure - sessional day
- night sittings, 1283
- LGBTQ+ community
- Literacy
- and poetry, 6906
- Members'/ministers' apologies
- MacLeod, Lisa as Minister of Children, Community and Social Services, 3237
- Members'/ministers' conduct
- remarks by official opposition re Attorney General, 1003–1004
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 740
- Members'/ministers' personal narrative, 14804
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- Members/ministers quoting
- other members
- autism services, 3471
- other members
- Members'/ministers' record
- Scott, Laurie (Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock), 473
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Mental health and addictions services - children and youth
- Mental health and addictions services - funding
- Military personnel
- appreciation for, 4239
- Ministerial statements
- Anti-bullying initiatives
- presented, 4269–4270
- Child Abuse Prevention Month
- presented, 1845–1846
- Children and Youth in Care Day
- presented, 5075
- Concussions
- presented, 9463–9466
- Down syndrome
- presented, 3673–3674
- Gender Equality Week
- presented, 1282–1284
- Holodomor
- presented, 2474
- Human Trafficking Awareness Day
- presented, 3131–3132
- International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
- presented, 5173–5174
- International Day of the Girl
- presented, 1442–1443
- International Women's Day
- presented, 3532–3534
- National Child Day and Trans Day of Remembrance
- presented, 2424–2426
- Ontario Heritage Week
- presented, 6991–6992
- Poverty
- presented, 1598–1599
- Pride Month
- presented, 5521–5522
- Sexual violence and harassment
- presented, 5221–5222
- Social workers
- presented, 3617–3619
- Toronto Newcomer Day
- presented, 5173–5174
- Vimy Ridge Day
- presented, 4238–4239
- Woman Abuse Prevention Month
- presented, 2356–2357
- World Autism Awareness Day
- presented, 4040–4041
- Anti-bullying initiatives
- Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
- Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries
- Missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG)
- Not-for-profit organizations
- government funding, 9509
- Nova Scotia
- mass shooting (April 2020), 7804
- Ontario Autism Program (2016)
- Ontario Autism Program (2019)
- Ontario Child Benefit
- Ontario Day Act, 2021 (Bill 173)
- third reading, 13002–13005
- Ontario Ombudsman
- Ontario Place redevelopment
- general remarks, 8825
- Opioid addiction
- overdoses and fatalities, 6439
- Opioid addiction - government strategy
- general remarks, 1378
- Opposition day motions
- Autism treatment
- responded to, 3902–3904
- Autism treatment
- Opposition parties
- support for government policy, 2511
- Pay equity - gender wage gap
- government strategy, 3473–3474
- Poet Laureate
- Ontario
- creation of, 6906
- Ontario
- Poet Laureate of Ontario Act (In Memory of Gord Downie), 2019 (Bill 6)
- third reading, 6905–6906
- Political advertising - third-party
- regulation of
- general remarks, 14121
- regulation of
- Political fundraising
- emails, content of, 3825
- Poverty
- Poverty reduction
- Private members' public business
- Progressive Conservative (PC) Party
- caucus
- diversity of, 15
- caucus
- Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 (Bill 307)
- second reading, 14121
- Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth
- Public education campaigns - accessibility
- Public education campaigns - children
- Public education campaigns - community
- Public education campaigns - community development
- Public education campaigns - culture
- Public education campaigns - historical/national
- Public education campaigns - occupations
- World Social Work Day, 3617–3619
- Public education campaigns - racism and discrimination
- Public education campaigns - violence, sexual violence, and harassment
- Public education campaigns - women
- Question period
- Abortion
- responded to, 4972
- Amateur sport
- Anti-racism activities
- responded to, 1521
- Arts and cultural funding
- responded to, 6620, 8182–8183, 9507, 9687, 10637–10638, 12193, 13990–13991
- Arts and culture sector
- responded to, 13992–13993
- Arts and entertainment industry
- responded to, 8752
- Assistance to tourism industry
- Autism
- responded to, 3072–3081
- Autism treatment
- Child abuse
- responded to, 1883–1884
- Child advocate
- Child poverty
- responded to, 1030
- Child protection
- Children and youth
- responded to, 5209
- Children's aid societies
- responded to, 3561
- Children's mental health services
- responded to, 1178
- Children's services
- Christmas Cheer Breakfast
- responded to, 6661–6662
- City of Ottawa
- responded to, 12417
- Concussions
- COVID-19 response
- responded to, 8265–8266, 8326, 10513–10514
- Curriculum
- Discrimination
- responded to, 1003–1004
- Economic reopening and recovery
- Employment standards
- responded to, 1884
- Employment supports
- responded to, 2881–2882
- Francophone immigration
- responded to, 472
- Fundraising
- responded to, 3825
- Government fiscal policies
- Health care
- responded to, 3022
- Human trafficking
- Immigrant and refugee policy
- responded to, 3003–3004
- Immigrant and refugee services
- Immigration and refugee policy
- Indigenous mental health services
- responded to, 1083
- Indigenous relations and reconciliation
- responded to, 2043
- Multiculturalism
- responded to, 9618–9619
- Municipal finances
- responded to, 4706
- Ontario Child Benefit
- responded to, 5207
- Ontario film and television industry
- Opioid abuse
- Pay equity
- responded to, 3473–3474
- Poverty
- Professional and amateur sport
- Recreational boating industry
- responded to, 6515–6516
- Refugee and immigration policy
- Refugee and immigration services
- responded to, 634
- Refugees
- Royal Canadian Legion Halls
- responded to, 8752–8753
- School nutrition programs
- responded to, 4557
- Senior poverty
- responded to, 2815
- Seniors
- responded to, 2635–2636
- Services for children and youth
- Services for persons with disabilities
- Sexual assault crisis centres
- Social assistance
- Sports and recreation funding
- responded to, 10518
- Sports funding
- responded to, 6219–6220
- Tourism
- Tourism and hospitality industry
- Trans Day of Remembrance
- responded to, 2416–2417
- Veterans
- responded to, 10384–10385
- Violence against Indigenous women and girls
- Violence against women
- Volunteers
- responded to, 6616
- Women's services
- Women's shelters
- YMCA of Northeastern Ontario
- responded to, 9509
- Abortion
- Racism
- general remarks, 8033
- Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159)
- second reading, 7648
- Refugees - resettlement
- Rowan's Law (Concussion Safety), 2018, SO 2018, c 1, 9420
- Schools
- nutrition program funding, 4557
- Scottish community
- heritage day, 9618
- Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156)
- second reading, 6816
- Senior citizens
- poverty, 2815
- Sexual violence and harassment
- Shelters
- capacity and overcrowding, 1435–1436
- Skilled trades
- recruitment and retention
- women, 1283
- recruitment and retention
- Social assistance programs
- Social assistance programs - performance measures
- Social assistance recipients
- Social assistance reform
- Social workers
- role of, 3618
- Somali community
- heritage month, 9619
- Special Services at Home program, 3126
- Special Services at Home (SSAH)
- Sporting events
- Sports
- and COVID-19
- athlete maintenance, 9065
- and COVID-19
- Sports and recreation
- Sports and recreation - COVID-19
- Sports and recreation programs
- government funding, 6219–6220
- Statements by stakeholders
- Tarion Warranty Corp.
- 2019 Special Report: Tarion Warranty Corp. (Auditor General of Ontario), 7648
- Taxation - low-income individuals and families tax credit
- Throne speech debate
- Tibetan community
- heritage month, 9619
- Tornadoes in Ottawa (September 2018), 1112
- Tourism industry
- Tourism industry - COVID-19
- consultation, 10518
- economic impact
- government funding, 13924
- government strategy, 13004–13005
- government supports, 10513–10514, 12412, 12417
- Ontario Tourism and Travel Small Business Support Grant, 13608, 13923
- tax credit, 10566
- travel incentive, 13924
- Tourism industry - COVID-19, government response
- Tourism industry - COVID-19. government response
- consultation, 8557
- Transgender persons
- Transition Child Benefit
- Tributes
- Veterans
- Veterans - support services
- general remarks, 8753
- Violence against women
- Volunteers
- service awards, 6616
- War in Afghanistan
- Ontario monument, 8753
- Women
- Women in politics
- Women's shelters
- Abortion services
Mamakwa, S. (NDP, Kiiwetinoong)
- Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario's Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283)
- Airports
- Animal welfare inspectors
- police and First Nations Constables powers, 6095
- Bearskin Lake First Nation
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
- Broadband infrastructure development
- government strategy
- general remarks, 2333
- government strategy
- Broadband services
- general remarks, 2333–2334
- Broadband services - access to
- Budget 2020
- Indigenous communities, 11195
- Budget 2021
- general remarks, 12814
- Bullying and cyberbullying
- general remarks, 8982–8983
- Business - COVID-19, government response
- Campgrounds and cabins
- COVID-19
- closure of, 13796
- COVID-19
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s.33: notwithstanding clause
- use of
- general remarks, 14133
- use of
- Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
- second reading, 864
- Cap-and-trade cancellation
- impact on green program funding, 1773
- Cat Lake First Nation
- Children and youth in care
- Climate change impact
- Combating Human Trafficking Act, 2021 (Bill 251)
- Committees - legislative
- standing committees
- Indigenous Relations (proposed), 7511
- standing committees
- Community housing - maintenance and repair
- retrofit programs, 1773
- Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
- second reading, 3314–3316
- Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175)
- second reading, 7581–7583
- Correctional facilities - inmates
- Correctional services
- general remarks, 8261
- COVID-19
- fatalities, 12939
- COVID-19 - government response
- legislative agenda, 14115
- COVID-19 - provincial reopening, first wave
- Indigenous participation in, 9061
- COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency (April 2021)
- emergency orders
- outdoor amenities, 13796
- emergency orders
- COVID-19 - transmission
- high-transmission communities, 13708
- Indigenous communities, 14132–14133, 14190
- COVID-19 - vaccination
- vaccine hesitancy, 13641–13642
- COVID-19 - vaccination by population
- Indigenous communities
- general remarks, 13641–13642, 13797–13798
- off-reserve, 12037
- Operation Remote Immunity, 11909–11910, 13641–13642
- Indigenous communities
- COVID-19 - vaccination, data collection
- disclosure to ministry
- geographic distribution, 13218
- disclosure to ministry
- COVID-19 - vaccines
- geographic allocation, 13708
- Curriculum
- colonialism, 13746
- Curriculum - Indigenous content
- Debates re answers to question period
- Eabametoong First Nation
- Eabametoong First Nation v Minister of Northern Development and Mines, 2018 ONSC 4316
- government response to, 1275
- housing, 11979, 12291–12292
- Eabametoong First Nation v Minister of Northern Development and Mines, 2018 ONSC 4316
- Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
- general remarks, 12813
- Efficient Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 31)
- second reading, 988
- Electricity transmission
- Environmental assessments
- Family law reform
- Indigenous consultation, 9603–9604
- Far North Act, 2010, SO 2010, c 18
- Farms - security from trespass
- consultation with Indigenous communities, 6954–6956
- First Nations
- as colonial constructs, 12940
- First Nations police services
- Gasoline prices
- Genocide
- of Indigenous peoples, 4930
- Government notices of motion
- Extension of emergency orders
- responded to, 13796–13798
- Report on Ontario's provincial emergency
- responded to, 13641–13642
- Extension of emergency orders
- Government record
- PC (2018-present)
- racism and anti-racism, 13746
- PC (2018-present)
- Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
- second reading, 1772–1773
- Green Ontario Program (GreenON) cancellation
- wood-heating programs, 1772–1773
- Greenhouse Gas Reduction Account (GGRA)
- use for school repairs, 1773
- Health care funding
- Health care - northern Ontario
- Health care services
- Health care services - delivery
- virtual services
- broadband requirements, 2333
- virtual services
- Health care system
- and systemic racism, 12900
- Health care system - reform
- Home and community care
- in Indigenous communities, 7581–7582
- Home and community care - reform
- service agreements with indigenous organizations, 7582
- Home heating
- Homelessness
- Hospitals - COVID-19
- triage protocol, 12900
- Hospitals - COVID-19, medical procedures
- backlog, 12813
- Hospitals - funding
- base operational funding, 12813
- Housing Supply Action Plan
- Indigenous consultation, 4863
- Human trafficking
- Indian Act, RSC 1985, c I-5
- repeal, calls for, 7511
- Indigenous communities
- Indigenous communities - COVID-19
- Indigenous communities - economic development
- Indigenous communities - education
- Indigenous communities - electricity
- access to, 1725
- Indigenous communities - Far North
- Indigenous communities - health care
- elder care
- culturally-appropriate services, 13226
- equity of access, 3650, 4439–4440, 13797
- general remarks, 4439, 4441
- jurisdiction regarding, 3120, 4439, 4442, 13796–13797, 14131
- long-term care, 13320
- mental health, 4440, 8883
- mental health and addictions services, 145, 12816
- nursing stations vs. hospitals, 146
- palliative care, 5387
- self-governance, 145, 4440
- treatment services
- dialysis, 14131
- elder care
- Indigenous communities - justice
- Indigenous communities - living conditions
- Indigenous communities - water and sewer infrastructure
- access to potable water, 5875, 13397–13398, 13403, 14102
- boil-water advisories
- government funding, 12814–12816, 12842
- jurisdiction regarding, 12814–12815, 13398, 13403
- Indigenous Culture Fund, 3244
- Indigenous languages
- preservation of, 4669
- Indigenous relations
- Indigenous relations - land claims
- Six Nations of the Grand River, 12846
- Indigenous relations - reconciliation
- Indigenous youth
- Infrastructure - roads and highways
- Far North communities
- ice roads, 13641
- Far North communities
- Inherent Right to Safe Drinking Water Act, 2021 (Bill 286)
- first reading, 13210
- Justice - administration of
- Justice system
- Justice system - youth
- youth justice centres
- closure of, 12191
- youth justice centres
- Kamloops Indian Residential School
- Kashechewan First Nation
- COVID-19 outbreak, 14132–14133, 14190
- flooding in, 4498
- living conditions, 4553
- relocation of, 4553
- Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation
- Labour Relations Amendment Act (Protecting Ontario's Power Supply), 2018 (Bill 67)
- second reading, 2956–2957
- Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
- Duffins Creek, 11979
- and Indigenous rights, 11940, 11979–11980
- Legal aid services
- in Indigenous communities, 9604
- Legislative procedure - sessional day
- Legislative process
- government bills
- omnibus bills, 9060
- legislative agenda, 14102, 14131–14132
- government bills
- Long-term care
- Long-term care - beds, development and redevelopment
- Long-term care - by region
- Long-term-care facilities
- in Indigenous communities, 13320
- Macdonald, Sir John A.
- Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
- Members' statements
- Airports in northern Ontario, 2355
- Climate change, 1894
- Conditions in Bearskin Lake, 1386
- COVID-19 immunization, 11909–11910
- Indigenous affairs, 3296, 6279, 7087, 7366, 12846
- Indigenous economic development, 3766
- Indigenous graduates, 5273–5274
- Indigenous languages, 4669
- Indigenous mental health services, 1087, 8883
- Indigenous relations and reconciliation, 9451
- Indigenous rights, 6876–6877
- Indigenous services, 13310–13311
- National Indigenous History Month, 8320
- Northern economy, 10946
- Riding of Kiiwetinoong, 339–340
- Sir John A. Macdonald statue, 782
- Treaties recognition, 5796, 5959–5960, 9104–9105, 10163, 11127, 13704–13705
- Violence against Indigenous women and girls, 5470–5471
- Water quality, 12083
- Wikwemikong High School robotics team, 4313
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 144–146
- Members/ministers quoting
- John A. Macdonald
- residential schools, 13838
- John A. Macdonald
- Mental health and addictions
- Indigenous communities
- role of living conditions, 13398
- Indigenous communities
- Mental health and addictions services
- Indigenous communities, 12816
- Mental health and addictions services - children and youth
- Mercury poisoning (Grassy Narrows and Wabaseemoong)
- Mining industry
- Ministerial statements
- International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
- responded to, 3719
- International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
- Ministry of Indigenous Affairs
- Missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG)
- Motions
- Committee sittings (carried), 2693–2694
- Moving Ontarians More Safely Act, 2021 (Bill 282)
- third reading, 13752–13753
- Moving Ontario Family Law Forward Act, 2020 (Bill 207)
- second reading, 9602–9604
- Neskantaga First Nation
- 911 services
- access in northern Ontario, 4935
- North Spirit Lake First Nation
- state of emergency, 5707–5708
- Northern Ontario
- Oombash, Nashie, 3120
- Opposition day motions
- Palliative care
- general remarks, 5387
- Palliative care - pediatric
- access to, 5387
- The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
- Personal identification documents
- indigenous persons, 12081
- Petitions
- Education funding, 13721
- Pikangikum First Nation
- Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138)
- second reading, 6158
- Police services
- intersectionality of, 3314–3315
- Police services oversight
- general remarks, 3316
- Police services oversight - reform
- and First Nations police services, 3315
- Policy development
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- in indigenous communities, 596
- Private members' public business
- Awenen Niin Act (Who Am I) Respecting Identity Documents, 2021 (Bill 256)
- second reading, 12081
- Broadband service
- responded to, 2333–2334
- Equity Education for Young Ontarians Act, 2021 (Bill 287)
- second reading, 13745–13746
- Genocide Awareness, Commemoration, Prevention and Education Month Act, 2019 (Bill 97)
- second reading, 4930
- Homelessness
- responded to, 12284
- Indigenous affairs
- responded to, 7511
- Inherent Right to Safe Drinking Water Act, 2021 (Bill 286)
- second reading, 13397–13398, 13402–13403
- Internet access
- responded to, 11835
- Making Northern Ontario Highways Safer Act, 2019 (Bill 125)
- second reading, 6020
- Nancy Rose Act (Paediatric Hospice Palliative Care Strategy), 2019 (Bill 114)
- second reading, 5387
- 9-1-1 Everywhere in Ontario Act, 2019 (Bill 75)
- second reading, 4935
- Northern Health Travel Grant Advisory Committee Act, 2019 (Bill 144)
- second reading, 6686
- PTSD Awareness Day Act, 2018 (Bill 9)
- second reading, 596
- United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, 2019 (Bill 76)
- Awenen Niin Act (Who Am I) Respecting Identity Documents, 2021 (Bill 256)
- Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures), 2020 (Bill 229)
- third reading, 11195
- Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019 (Bill 124)
- second reading, 5679
- Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 (Bill 307)
- second reading, 14102, 14115, 14131–14133
- Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 269)
- third reading, 12813–12817, 12842
- Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth
- Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 (Bill 136)
- second reading, 6095
- Provincial parks
- closure due to COVID-19, 13796
- Public education campaigns - cultural
- National Indigenous History Month, 8320
- Public education campaigns - Indigenous
- Public education campaigns - national/historical
- Genocide Awareness, Commemoration, Prevention and Education Month, 4930
- Public education campaigns - racism and discrimination
- International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, 3725
- Public health - Far North
- Question period
- Access to justice
- presented, 9660
- Child advocate
- presented, 3566–3567
- Child protection
- presented, 2634–2635
- Correctional services
- presented, 8261
- COVID-19 response
- COVID-19 response in Indigenous and remote communities
- Curriculum
- presented, 5212
- Environmental protection
- presented, 4863
- Fire in Big Trout Lake
- presented, 5063–5064
- Indigenous affairs
- Indigenous children and youth
- presented, 12191
- Indigenous economic development
- Indigenous health care
- Indigenous housing
- presented, 12291–12292
- Indigenous long-term care
- presented, 13320
- Indigenous mental health services
- presented, 1082–1083
- Indigenous power project
- presented, 1725
- Indigenous programs and services
- Indigenous public health
- Kashechewan First Nation
- Mercury poisoning
- North Spirit Lake First Nation
- presented, 5707–5708
- Northern airports
- presented, 2520
- Police services
- presented, 2203
- Residential schools
- Ring of Fire
- presented, 7375–7376
- Treaties recognition
- Violence against Indigenous women and girls
- presented, 5506–5507
- Water quality
- presented, 5595, 10080, 11096–11097, 11209
- Youth suicide
- Access to justice
- Racism
- Residential schools
- Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
- Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57)
- second reading, 2602
- Ring of Fire development
- Road maintenance in winter - northern Ontario
- and safety, 6020
- Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
- second reading, 2383
- School facilities - maintenance and repair
- funding sources, 1773
- Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156)
- second reading, 6954–6956
- Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161)
- St. Anne's Indian Residential School
- legal action, federal government, 14066
- Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
- hearings in Indigenous communities, 2693–2694
- Statements by stakeholders
- Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day Act, 2020 (Bill 154)
- third reading, 8982–8983
- Suicide - child and youth
- Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257)
- second reading, 11940
- Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 (Bill 276)
- second reading, 12924, 12939–12942, 12946
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 144–148
- Thunder Bay Jail
- Tourism industry - COVID-19
- economic impact by region
- northern Ontario, 12815
- economic impact by region
- Tourism industry - COVID-19, government response
- Transportation
- northern Ontario
- fly-in communities, 13752–13753
- northern Ontario
- Transportation services
- Treaties with First Nations
- recognition of, 5796, 5950, 5959, 6005, 10155, 11127, 12941–12942
- Robinson-Huron Treaty, 13704–13705
- recognition of, 5796, 5950, 5959, 6005, 10155, 11127, 12941–12942
- Tributes
- Tyendinaga blockade
- United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, 2019 (Bill 76)
- first reading, 3481
- United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), 3472, 6876–6877, 9603
- Water quality - drinking water
- safety standards, 13398
Mantha, M. (NDP, Algoma—Manitoulin)
- Abuse Prevention Week Act, 2021 (Bill 298)
- first reading, 13717
- Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245)
- Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
- second reading, 1457
- Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario's Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283)
- Agricultural land
- stray current, protection from, 13194–13195
- Agriculture industry - support programs
- risk management programs
- cap on, 7988
- risk management programs
- Alcohol policy
- government strategy, 5488
- Alcohol retail
- in northern Ontario, 5488
- Alcohol retail - expansion
- Algoma University
- degree-granting authority, 3734
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 5563
- Animal protection system
- government funding, 6106
- Appreciation
- Auditor General of Ontario
- Review of the 2018 Pre-Election Report on Ontario’s Finances, 1211–1212
- Autism services
- in northern Ontario, 3184
- Autism services - adults
- employment programs, 48
- Beer Store, The - master framework agreement cancellation
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
- Biomass electricity generation
- Bringing Choice and Fairness to the People Act (Beverage Alcohol Retail Sales), 2019 (Bill 115)
- Broadband infrastructure development
- Broadband services
- Broadband services - access to
- general remarks, 11833–11834
- northern and rural Ontario, 11833
- Budget 2019
- general remarks, 4470
- Budget 2021
- Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (Bill 171)
- second reading, 7118
- Business
- Business - COVID-19, financial assistance
- Business - COVID-19, government response
- general remarks, 10143
- Business - COVID-19, insurance
- rate increases, 12762–12763
- Campgrounds and cabins
- COVID-19
- closure of, 13814
- COVID-19
- Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
- general remarks, 12794
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s.33: notwithstanding clause
- use of
- general remarks, 14132
- use of
- Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
- Cap-and-trade cancellation - economic impact
- general remarks, 662–663
- Child care
- affordability, 4480
- Climate change mitigation
- Combating Human Trafficking Act, 2021 (Bill 251)
- Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
- COVID-19 - economic impact
- general remarks, 7989
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 197)
- COVID-19 - essential service workers, compensation
- pandemic pay
- eligibility, 8486–8487
- pandemic pay
- COVID-19 - government response
- accountability, 13813
- general remarks, 7987, 8796, 10143
- government communications, 12760–12761, 12911
- legislative agenda, 7987–7989
- stakeholder consultation, 13812–13813
- COVID-19 - government response, third wave
- lockdown
- impact on business, 12892–12893, 12910–12911, 12928
- lockdown
- COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency (April 2021)
- emergency orders
- outdoor amenities, 13599–13600
- emergency orders
- COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency (March 2020)
- COVID-19 - transmission
- high-transmission communities, 13708
- COVID-19 - vaccination
- booking portals
- registration process, 12794
- booking portals
- COVID-19 - vaccination, administration locations
- geographic allocation, 13813
- COVID-19 - vaccination by population
- essential workers, 12846–12847
- COVID-19 - vaccines
- geographic allocation, 12183, 13259–13260, 13262, 13708
- Curriculum - health and physical education (2015), repeal of
- general remarks, 44
- Curriculum - Indigenous content
- Truth and Reconciliation
- writing workshops, cancellation of, 98
- Truth and Reconciliation
- Cycling safety
- dooring collisions, 13676–13677
- Delegated administrative authorities (DAAs)
- oversight of
- reform, 7597
- oversight of
- Developmental support workers (DSWs)
- Doctors
- Driver education
- general remarks, 13692
- Driver examination centres
- E-bikes
- Economic development - northern Ontario
- government funding, 4337–4338
- Education - COVID-19
- Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
- government strategy, 8807
- Education - COVID-19, online learning
- general remarks, 13814
- Education funding
- northern and rural Ontario, 7098
- Electricity billing
- unit sub-metering companies
- consumer protection, 3227
- unit sub-metering companies
- Electricity conservation programs
- cancellation, 4094
- Electricity rates
- Electricity rates - factors affecting
- Electricity rates - impact by area
- Electricity rates - reduction
- financing for, 564
- Electricity rates - time-of-use (TOU) pricing
- general remarks, 4095
- Electricity supply
- and future demand, 2285
- Electricity system
- private vs. public, 4203
- Elliot Lake Inquiry (2014), 445
- Employment - COVID-19, sick days
- Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB), 12759
- COVID-19 Worker Income Protection Benefit, 13262
- paid, 8487, 11373, 12760, 12842–12843, 12846–12847, 12873
- Energy policy
- long-term, 4093
- Executive Council Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 265)
- third reading, 13259–13262
- Family law
- parentage terminology in French, 11430
- Firefighters - volunteer
- appreciation, 12032
- Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
- Flooding
- by region
- in Algoma–Manitoulin, 1528
- by region
- Forest industry
- Francophone community
- flag, 9186–9187
- French-language debates
- Affaires d'intérêt public émanant des députées et députés
- Attribution de temps
- Débat sur le discours du trône
- Déclarations des députées et députés
- Jour de l'opposition
- Loi de 2018 abrogeant la Loi sur l'énergie verte, projet de loi 34
- troisième lecture, 2284
- Loi de 2019 pour protéger l'essentiel (mesures budgétaires), projet de loi 100
- deuxième lecture, 4480
- Loi de 2019 sur les soins de santé pour la population, projet de loi 74
- deuxième lecture, 3598
- Loi de 2020 modifiant la Loi sur l'emblème franco-ontarien, projet de loi 182
- troisième lecture, 9186–9187
- Loi de 2020 sur l'accès public aux défibrillateurs et leur enregistrement, projet de loi 141
- troisième lecture, 7890–7891
- Loi de 2021 sur la protection des élections en Ontario, projet de loi 254
- deuxième lecture, 11841–11842, 11892–11894
- Loi de 2021 sur le Jour de l'Ontario, projet de loi 173
- troisième lecture, 12725
- Loi de 2021 sur le Mois du rétablissement, projet de loi 250
- troisième lecture, 13381
- Loi de 2021 visant à protéger la population ontarienne (mesures budgétaires), projet de loi 269
- troisième lecture, 12819, 12890–12891
- Motions
- Motions du gouvernement
- Avis de motions émanant du gouvernement
- Numéro 11 – Attribution de temps (adoptée), 1577–1579
- Avis de motions émanant du gouvernement
- Motions du gouvernement
- Ordres émanant du gouvernement
- Comité spécial sur la transparence financière
- Amendement, 1215–1216
- Comité spécial sur la transparence financière
- Période de questions
- Accès à la justice, 11921
- Pétitions
- Affaires autochtones, 748
- Éducation postsecondaire de langue française, 12806–12807, 12909–12910, 13620
- Normes d'emploi, 185
- Prévention du tabagisme chez les jeunes, 184–185, 343
- Sclérose en plaques, 6626
- Services de santé dans le Nord, 1738
- Services d'urgence, 5768–5769, 6477
- Services en français, 3189, 3303, 3771, 4460–4461, 9732, 10523
- Soins de longue durée, 2580, 10139–10140, 12149, 13369
- Soins de santé dans le Nord, 2582
- Government contracts
- cancellation of
- general remarks, 5488
- cancellation of
- Government debt
- general remarks, 4544
- Government finances - line-by-line review
- mandate, 275
- Government notices of motion
- Extension of emergency orders
- responded to, 13812–13814
- Order of business
- amendment
- responded to, 7987–7989
- amendment
- Select Committee on Financial Transparency
- amendment
- responded to, 1211–1213
- amendment
- Standing orders
- time allocation motion (on the amendments to the main motion)
- responded to, 1579
- time allocation motion (on the amendments to the main motion)
- Extension of emergency orders
- Government orders
- Government policies
- responded to, 444–447
- Legislative reform (as amended)
- amendment to the amendment
- responded to, 12067–12069
- amendment to the amendment
- Government policies
- Government policy development
- influences on, 1211
- Government record
- Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
- Green Ontario Program (GreenON) cancellation
- Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority
- stakeholder consultation, 13231
- Health care funding
- general remarks, 3598–3599
- Health care - Northern Health Travel Grant, 6686
- Health care services - delivery
- virtual services
- broadband requirements, 2335
- virtual services
- Health care system - reform
- Health care workers - COVID-19
- mental health and addictions
- general remarks, 13812
- mental health and addictions
- Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 (Bill 204)
- Highway classification
- Trans-Canada highway, 6347
- Home and community care
- service availability
- northern Ontario, 13214
- service availability
- Home heating
- Hospitals
- Blind River District Health Centre, 3931
- Hospitals - COVID-19
- liability insurance
- coverage exclusions, 8792
- liability insurance
- Human trafficking - survivor services
- Hydro One privatization
- general remarks, 4093
- Hydro One shares
- Indigenous communities - living conditions
- Indigenous communities - water and sewer infrastructure
- Indigenous relations
- Indigenous relations - reconciliation
- government strategy, 44
- Infrastructure funding
- in northern Ontario, 4338
- Judicial appointments
- reform, 12263
- Justice - administration of
- Legislative procedure
- general remarks, 12067–12068
- Legislative procedure - COVID-19
- Legislative procedure - order of business
- House leaders meetings, 12068–12069
- Legislative procedure - Standing Orders
- reform
- general remarks, 11338
- reform
- Legislative process
- general remarks, 12067–12068
- public participation, 1579
- Legislative staff
- Clerks
- appreciation, 12068
- Clerks
- Lobbyists
- government relationship with, 13206–13207
- Long-term care - government funding
- per resident
- daily food diet, 7988–7989
- per resident
- Long-term care - public vs. private
- staff working conditions, 13255
- Long-term care - staff
- recruitment and retention
- government strategy, 10529
- recruitment and retention
- Long-term care - standards of care
- and staffing levels, 10529
- Long-term-care facilities
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, fatalities
- residents, 7988
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, government response
- general remarks, 9051–9052
- Lyme disease
- Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
- Member appreciation
- Mamakwa, Sol (Kiiwetinoong), 13402
- Members' statements
- Climate change, 5271
- COVID-19, 12462
- COVID-19 immunization, 12183–12184
- COVID-19 response, 12794, 12846–12847
- Decoration Day, 5451
- École Notre-Dame-du-Sault robotics teams, 340
- Firefighters, 12032
- Flooding in Algoma–Manitoulin, 1528
- Government's agenda, 11338
- Hospital evacuation, 3931
- Hospital for Sick Children, 9307–9308
- Lefrançois, Eddy, 5563
- Long-term care, 9051–9052, 10075
- Lyme disease, 4717
- Mandamin, Josephine, 3297
- Mantha, Matthieu and Roch, 4235
- McLean, Roland, 12032
- Northern transportation, 21
- Opening of mine, 1893
- Peltier, Autumn, 9498
- Poenn, Dieter, 2862–2863
- Red Dress Day, 13311
- Season's greetings, 6838
- Winter highway maintenance, 2577, 10556
- Women in Song, 13601
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 5550
- Members'/ministers' personal narrative, 12462, 12873, 13380–13381
- Members/ministers quoting
- Mental health and addictions - COVID-19
- Mental health and addictions services
- access to, 13813
- family services, 13382
- general remarks, 13382–13383
- service capacity
- by geography, 13382–13383
- wait times, 13381–13382
- Mental health and addictions services - by region
- Mental health and addictions services - funding
- Mental health and addictions services - providers
- geographic distribution, 13382–13383
- Oaks Centre (Elliot Lake), 13382
- Mining industry
- Mining sites
- Sugar Zone gold mine, 1893
- Missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG)
- awareness and education, 13311
- Moving Ontarians More Safely Act, 2021 (Bill 282)
- third reading, 13650, 13676–13677, 13688, 13691–13692, 13757–13758, 13823
- Municipal elections
- ranked ballot procedure
- restrictions on use, 9990
- ranked ballot procedure
- New Democratic Party (NDP)
- Newspapers
- 911 services
- access in northern Ontario, 4937
- Northern Ontario
- government strategy, 96–97
- Northern Ontario School of Medicine - as independent institution
- general remarks, 12760, 12801–12802
- Ontario Civilian Police Commission, 3306
- Ontario Day Act, 2021 (Bill 173)
- third reading, 12723–12725
- Ontario Energy Board (OEB)
- appointment of Jenni Byrne, 4094
- Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan
- Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan - refinancing
- general remarks, 4094
- Opioid addiction
- community supports, 13381–13382
- deaths and hospitalizations due to, 13381–13382
- government strategy
- general remarks, 13381
- Opposition day motions
- Opposition parties
- support for government policy, 2274
- The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- supply, 7988
- Personal support workers (PSWs)
- Personal support workers (PSWs) - education and training
- tuition supports
- impact on developmental support workers, 13236
- tuition supports
- Petitions
- Abuse awareness and prevention, 5278, 6524, 9225, 9979
- Affordable housing, 14204
- Autism treatment, 4272
- Climate change, 9470
- Driver examination centres, 10178–10179, 11737, 12359
- Education funding, 12149–12150
- Emergency services, 5650
- Energy policies, 91, 183–184, 748–749
- French-language services, 3303–3304
- Gasoline prices, 2582
- Indigenous affairs, 584, 1338, 1647–1648, 1737, 2269, 3190
- Injured workers, 3302, 3933, 4458–4459
- Legal aid, 4675
- Library services, 4769, 4874, 5123, 5325, 5476
- Long-term care, 6845, 6994, 8495–8496, 9071, 9469, 12148, 12360
- Northern health services, 6995
- Northern Health Travel Grant, 7670, 9071–9072, 9125, 10524, 11737
- Northern Travel Health Grant, 10240
- Optometry services, 12861
- School boards, 685–686, 747–748, 1194, 1646–1647
- School facilities, 14206
- Veterans memorial, 5968, 6477, 6996
- Water quality, 9123
- Wearing of poppies, 585, 646–647, 688, 891–892, 1736, 2782–2783, 3090, 4461–4462
- Winter highway maintenance, 7102, 7495, 9072, 9469–9470, 10180, 10360
- Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 6345–6348
- time allocation motion
- Police services
- outsourcing, 3306
- Political fundraising
- Private members' public business
- Algoma University Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 79)
- second reading, 3734
- Broadband service
- responded to, 2335–2336
- Convenience Store Week Act, 2021 (Bill 262)
- second reading, 12167–12168
- COVID-19 response
- responded to, 13598–13599
- Fairness in Petroleum Products Pricing Act, 2018 (Bill 7)
- second reading, 904–905
- Ground current
- responded to, 13194–13195
- Inherent Right to Safe Drinking Water Act, 2021 (Bill 286)
- second reading, 13402
- Internet access
- presented, 11833–11835
- responded to, 11838
- Lyme disease
- Making Northern Ontario Highways Safer Act, 2019 (Bill 125)
- second reading, 6019
- 9-1-1 Everywhere in Ontario Act, 2019 (Bill 75)
- second reading, 4936–4937
- Northern Health Travel Grant Advisory Committee Act, 2019 (Bill 144)
- second reading, 6686
- Supporting Ontario's Community, Rural and Agricultural Newspapers Act, 2019 (Bill 78)
- second reading, 3939
- Algoma University Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 79)
- Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures), 2020 (Bill 229)
- Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 (Bill 307)
- second reading, 14132
- Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 269)
- second reading, 12373–12374, 12381
- third reading, 12816, 12842–12843, 12890–12893, 12910–12912
- Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
- Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 (Bill 136)
- second reading, 6106
- Provincial parks
- closure due to COVID-19, 13814
- Public education campaigns - community development
- Ontario Day, 12723–12724
- Public education campaigns - health
- ALS Awareness Month, 5563
- Lyme Disease Awareness Month, 4717
- Recovery Month, 13380–13382
- Public education campaigns - Indigenous
- Red Dress Day, 13311
- Public education campaigns - national/historical
- Decoration Day, 5451
- Question period
- Autism treatment
- presented, 3184
- Broadband infrastructure
- presented, 9459
- Commercial insurance
- presented, 12903–12904
- COVID-19 response
- Doctors' services
- presented, 5792
- Education funding
- presented, 7098
- Energy conservation
- presented, 236–237
- Forest industry
- Government accountability
- presented, 13206–13207
- Government services
- presented, 2858–2859
- Highway maintenance
- presented, 6517
- Long-term care
- presented, 7948
- Northern economy
- presented, 1996
- Northern Ontario
- presented, 4337–4338
- Northern transportation
- presented, 1185
- Personal support workers
- presented, 8486–8487
- Post-secondary education
- presented, 12801–12802
- Tourism industry
- presented, 11686
- Autism treatment
- Rail service
- Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159)
- second reading, 7597
- Recovery Month Act, 2021 (Bill 250)
- third reading, 13380–13383
- Renewable energy contracts
- Renewable energy projects - siting
- Rental housing - COVID-19
- evictions
- general remarks, 7989
- evictions
- Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (Bill 195)
- and collective bargaining rights, 13812
- Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
- Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57)
- second reading, 2590
- Ring of Fire development
- Indigenous consultation
- general remarks, 98
- Indigenous consultation
- Road maintenance in winter
- Road maintenance in winter - northern Ontario
- Road safety
- infrastructure, 13688
- Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
- School board trustees
- removal of, 447
- School facilities - maintenance and repair
- funding sources, 97
- Select Committee on Financial Transparency
- official opposition members, participation, 1212
- Service animals
- training, 6106
- ServiceOntario
- operating hours, northern Ontario, 2858–2859
- Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig, 3734
- SickKids (The Hospital for Sick Children)
- general remarks, 9307–9308
- Small Business Support Grant
- disbursement, 12891–12892, 12911
- eligibility, 11686, 12890–12892, 12911, 13814
- second payment, 12761
- Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161)
- second reading, 7004–7005
- Social assistance programs
- private delivery, 12762
- Soldiers' Aid Commission Act, 2020 (Bill 202)
- Soldiers' Aid Commission - reform
- general remarks, 10253
- Statements by stakeholders
- Strikes
- back-to-work legislation
- impact on bargaining process, 275
- back-to-work legislation
- Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257)
- second reading, 12031
- Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218)
- second reading, 9990
- Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 (Bill 276)
- second reading, 12759–12763, 12772, 12928, 12941, 12947
- Teachers
- appreciation, 340
- Throne speech debate
- Time allocation motions
- Bringing Choice and Fairness to the People Act (Beverage Alcohol Retail Sales), 2019 (Bill 115)
- responded to, 5488–5489
- Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
- responded to, 1784–1785
- The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
- responded to, 3809–3810
- Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138)
- responded to, 6345–6348
- Standing orders (on the amendments to the main motion)
- responded to, 1579
- Bringing Choice and Fairness to the People Act (Beverage Alcohol Retail Sales), 2019 (Bill 115)
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - acceleration
- environmental assessment
- general remarks, 7118
- environmental assessment
- Tourism industry
- domestic tourism
- promotion of, 12912
- domestic tourism
- Tourism industry - COVID-19
- economic impact
- general remarks, 12891–12892
- government funding, 11686
- insurance rates, 12904
- reopening process, 12892–12893, 12910–12911
- economic impact
- Tourism industry - COVID-19, government response
- Towing industry
- Transit by region
- northern and rural Ontario, 97
- Transportation services
- Tribunal proceedings
- virtual, recording of, 12763
- Tribunals
- Tributes
- Trucks - commercial
- insurance rates, 12903–12904
- Urgent Priorities Act, 2018 (Bill 2)
- second reading, 275
- Water power
- Water power generating facilities
- Pic Mobert, 2284
- Waterpower Day Act, 2021 (Bill 268)
- first reading, 12196–12197
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 238)
- second reading, 11334–11335, 11362, 11373, 11445
- third reading, 12177
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - COVID-19
- Abuse Prevention Week Act, 2021 (Bill 298)
Martin, R. (PC, Eglinton—Lawrence)
- Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
- second reading, 1863–1866
- Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario's Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283)
- second reading, 13138–13143, 13170, 13180, 13235, 13239, 13241–13242, 13244–13245, 13247–13250
- general remarks, 13138, 13170, 13180, 13242, 13856, 13860, 13875–13876, 13881
- third reading, 13855–13861, 13868, 13872, 13875–13877, 13881, 13887–13889
- Aggregate extraction
- environmental protection, 6177
- Aggregate industry
- reform, 6176
- Agri-food industry
- economic impact, 1864
- Alcohol consumption
- Alcohol retail - expansion
- hours of sale, 4478–4479
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 13984
- Applied behaviour analysis, 13141, 13858
- Appreciation
- Apprenticeships
- journeyperson-to-apprentice ratio, 13971
- Arts and culture industry
- impact on health and well-being, 13860
- Arts and culture industry - COVID-19
- live performance sector
- livestreaming, 13859–13860
- live performance sector
- Assessment Amendment Act (Areas in Transition), 2020 (Bill 179)
- first reading, 7379
- Assistive Devices Program (ADP)
- Auditor General of Ontario
- Review of the 2018 Pre-Election Report on Ontario’s Finances, 1243
- Autism services
- diagnostic services
- funding, 3898
- diagnostic services
- Autism services - government funding
- general remarks, 14122
- Autism services - providers
- regulation of, 3898
- Autism services - reform
- Autism services - reform transition process
- service extension for current recipients, 3898
- Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
- Automobile insurance reform
- Behaviour analysts
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
- second reading, 5925
- Better Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 5)
- Black community
- appreciation of, 4670
- Broadband infrastructure development
- northern and rural Ontario, 11067
- Broadband infrastructure development - government funding
- provincial, 10310
- Budget 2019
- Budget 2021
- Budget speech 2021 (March 24, 2021)
- responded to, 12425, 12546, 12549–12551, 12561
- Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021 (Bill 288)
- Bullying and cyberbullying
- Business - main street recovery plan
- Business - taxation
- property tax rates
- general remarks, 7154
- property tax rates
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s.33: notwithstanding clause
- Cancer
- lung cancer, 3034–3035
- Cancer Care Ontario
- general remarks, 3655–3656
- Cancer treatment
- government funding, 2481
- Cancer treatment - take-home medication
- Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 36)
- second reading, 1359
- Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
- Cap-and-trade cancellation
- compensation, 857
- Cardiac arrest
- survival rates, 6238
- Caregivers
- recognition of
- by government, 2912
- recognition of
- Chief Electoral Officer
- procedural recommendations
- political advertising, monitoring of, 14130
- procedural recommendations
- Chief Medical Officer of Health
- Dr. David Williams
- appreciation, 13908
- re-appointment of, 10738–10740
- Dr. Kieran Moore
- appointment of, 13908–13910
- independence of, 10738–10739
- in other jurisdictions, 10976
- role of, 10975–10976
- statements by stakeholders, 10976
- Dr. David Williams
- Child care
- special needs children
- program planning, 10269
- special needs children
- Child care - Childcare Access and Relief from Expenses (CARE) tax credit
- Child care - regulatory reform
- provider-to-child ratios
- home-based providers, 4476
- provider-to-child ratios
- Child care spaces
- in schools, 4477
- Child protection system
- government strategy, 1883
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- public awareness
- general remarks, 6679
- public awareness
- Civil liability - COVID-19
- general remarks, 9923
- Climate change mitigation
- by private sector, 663
- College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario
- Combating Human Trafficking Act, 2021 (Bill 251)
- Committee procedure
- membership
- substitutions, 6590
- membership
- Compassionate Care Act, 2020 (Bill 3)
- third reading, 10969–10971
- Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
- second reading, 3318
- Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175)
- Constituency offices
- security of, 5145–5146
- Consumption and treatment services
- government strategy, 6382–6383
- Consumption and treatment services - sites
- eligibility requirements
- rehabilitation services, 5781–5782
- eligibility requirements
- Cost of living
- general remarks, 424
- Council on Improving Healthcare and Ending Hallway Medicine
- reports
- Hallway Health Care: A system under strain (January 2019), 8410
- reports
- COVID-19
- in other jurisdictions, 8643
- COVID-19 - child benefits
- COVID-19 Child Benefit, 12333, 12432–12433
- COVID-19 - emergency orders
- COVID-19 - essential service workers
- appreciation, 11037–11038
- COVID-19 - essential service workers, compensation
- pandemic pay
- eligibility, 12387
- pandemic pay
- COVID-19 - government response
- general remarks, 8643, 13856
- public health officials, consultation, 10739–10740, 12288–12289
- response framework and criteria, 10349–10350
- transparency, 11228–11229
- COVID-19 - government response, second wave
- second-wave planning
- Keeping Ontarians Safe: Preparing for Future Waves of COVID-19, 11090
- second-wave planning
- COVID-19 - provincial reopening, first wave
- COVID-19 - provincial reopening, third wave
- indicators and framework, 13859
- COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency (March 2020)
- declaration of, 8643
- COVID-19 - public gatherings
- restrictions on
- penalties, 8693
- restrictions on
- COVID-19 - public response to, 7873
- COVID-19 - testing
- capacity, 10353, 10356–10357
- capacity by region
- Peel Public Health, 9127
- contact tracing
- government funding, 12431
- government strategy, 12288
- rapid testing, 10955, 12431
- results
- delivery timeline, 10351–10354, 10955
- testing locations
- mobile clinics, 9127
- COVID-19 - transmission
- aerosol transmission, 10982–10983
- COVID-19 - vaccination
- government funding, 12431
- high-transmission communities
- vaccine allocation, 13180
- rollout strategy, 12392, 12608–12609
- task force, 11229
- vaccination rates, 12289–12290, 12294, 12431, 12606, 13140, 13170, 13859
- vaccine hesitancy, 13142–13143
- COVID-19 - vaccination, administration locations
- mobile and pop-up clinics, 13180
- COVID-19 - vaccination by population
- high-transmission communities, 12601–12602, 12605–12606, 12610
- priority communities, 11229
- COVID-19 - vaccination, data collection
- COVID-19 - vaccines
- general remarks, 13139–13140
- geographic allocation, 12561
- safety of, 11229
- supply, 12289–12290, 12392, 12431
- Curriculum
- food literacy, 9822–9823
- Curriculum - math
- Cycling safety
- Debates re answers to question period
- COVID-19 immunization
- responded to, 12686–12687
- COVID-19 response
- responded to, 10982–10983, 12392
- Health care
- responded to, 6812–6813
- Long-term care
- Member's conduct
- responded to, 5145–5146
- Mental health and addiction services
- responded to, 7465–7466
- COVID-19 immunization
- Defibrillator Registration and Public Access Act, 2020 (Bill 141)
- Delegated administrative authorities (DAAs)
- quality marks, 13140
- Dental care - senior citizens
- Diabetes
- Diabetes - glucose monitoring
- Driver education
- Dutch reach, 4520
- Early childhood educators (ECEs)
- training
- in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), 10269
- training
- Early childhood educators (ECEs) - sexual misconduct
- revocation of certificate of registration, 3680
- EarlyON child and family centres
- services
- special needs, 10269
- services
- Eating disorders
- awareness of, 11083–11084
- Eating Disorders Awareness Week Act, 2020 (Bill 61)
- third reading, 11083–11084
- Education - COVID-19
- Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
- government funding, 9136
- Education funding
- general remarks, 8266
- Education - math scores, 2250, 3681, 3683
- Education reform - consultation
- Efficient Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 31)
- second reading, 952
- Electricity billing
- transparency, 4090
- Electricity conservation programs
- Electricity rates
- residential, indexed to inflation, 4090
- Electricity supply
- blackouts/brownouts
- impact on public safety, 2970–2971
- blackouts/brownouts
- Emergency management - emergency orders
- Employment - COVID-19
- government strategy, 9012–9013
- Ontario Jobs Training Tax Credit, 12433
- temporary layoffs
- as infectious disease emergency leave, 11241–11242
- termination and severance trusts, 11242
- training and retraining programs, 9013
- Employment - COVID-19, infection control
- Supporting Ontario's Safe Employers, 11242
- WSIB Health and Safety Excellence, 11242–11243
- Employment - COVID-19, sick days
- Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB), 12550–12551
- paid, 13070
- Employment standards - annual leave days
- documentation supporting, 2072
- Estate administration
- small estate
- reform, 7283
- small estate
- Family law reform
- Family law reform - alternative dispute resolution
- dispute resolution officer program, 10308
- Family law reform - digital services
- Family law reform - terminology and definitions
- Farms - security from trespass
- and biosecurity, 6047
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
- Financial services
- history of, 12652
- Fire safety
- government strategy, 5839
- Firefighters
- injuries sustained by, 5838
- Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
- Foundations for Promoting and Protecting Mental Health and Addictions Services Act, 2019 (Bill 116)
- French-language debates
- Période de questions
- Affaires francophones, 12089–12090
- Construction routière, 8820
- Transports en commun, 7312
- Période de questions
- Government debt
- Government downsizing
- Government expenditures - budget allocation
- health care
- administration, 3647
- health care
- Government finances
- reporting timelines
- Accountability Guarantee, 4478
- reporting timelines
- Government notices of motion
- Appointment of Chief Medical Officer of Health
- responded to, 13908–13910
- Reappointment of Chief Medical Officer of Health
- amendment
- responded to, 10738–10740
- amendment
- Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
- amendment
- responded to, 8642–8645
- amendment
- Appointment of Chief Medical Officer of Health
- Government orders
- Government record
- Government services - digital delivery
- general remarks, 4477
- Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
- third reading, 2274
- Gun violence
- government strategy, 79
- Gun violence by region
- Hate and hate speech
- Hate crimes
- Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority
- code of ethics, 13140–13141
- complaints investigations
- general remarks, 13140–13141, 13857
- education and training standards
- financial management
- French Language Services Act, adherence to, 13857
- general remarks, 13140, 13242
- implementation timeline, 13143
- membership
- professions included under, 13857
- register of information
- registration process
- vs. regulatory college, 13241, 13860
- regulatory framework
- general remarks, 13140, 13856–13857, 13860
- stakeholder response, 13140, 13142
- Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority - governance structure
- Health care by region
- Brampton, 5864
- Health care funding
- Health care - Northern Health Travel Grant, 6685
- Health care - northern Ontario
- access to, 6685–6686
- Health care system - reform
- Health care workers
- professional regulation, 13242
- Health service organizations
- Holocaust
- memorial, 12847–12848
- Home and community care
- Home and community care - reform
- Homelessness
- services
- government funding, 12282–12283
- services
- Hospitals - capacity and overcrowding
- general remarks, 4277
- Hospitals - capacity and overcrowding by region
- Brampton, 5866
- Hospitals - construction by region
- Hospitals - construction by site
- Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, 12432
- London Health Sciences
- stem cell transplant unit, 12432
- Peel Memorial Centre, 12293–12294, 12431, 12433
- Hospitals - COVID-19
- Hospitals - COVID-19, medical procedures
- backlog, 12431
- Hospitals - funding
- Hospitals - funding by site
- Hospitals - private
- Housing
- as a human right, 8866
- Housing supply, 2350
- Human trafficking - awareness of
- educational resources, 11119
- Human trafficking - government strategy
- and community organizations, 11119–11120
- general remarks, 1884, 7283
- Human trafficking - hotels
- guest registries, 13343
- Human trafficking - survivor services
- general remarks, 13327
- Immigrants
- employment, 424
- Independent Financial Commission of Inquiry
- mandate, 1243
- Indigenous communities - electricity
- conservation programs, 4090
- Infrastructure development
- Infrastructure - roads and highways
- government strategy, 8820
- Italian community
- heritage month, 5318
- Kamloops Indian Residential School
- human remains, discovery of, 13983
- Legal aid services
- Legal aid services - delivery model
- reform of
- general remarks, 7277
- reform of
- Legal proceedings
- class actions
- legal fees, 7281
- class actions
- Legislative drafting
- regulations, 13343
- Legislative grounds
- Legislative procedure
- accessibility accommodations, 6567–6568
- Legislative procedure - COVID-19
- committees
- virtual meetings, 9050
- committees
- Legislative procedure - debate
- Legislative procedure - independent members
- Legislative procedure - motions
- time allocation
- restrictions on, 6589
- time allocation
- Legislative procedure - order and decorum
- Legislative procedure - order of business
- Legislative procedure - private members' public business
- Legislative procedure - proceedings
- Legislative procedure - question period
- answers by parliamentary assistants, 6589–6590
- Legislative procedure - reasoned amendments
- Legislative procedure - sessional day
- Legislative procedure - Standing Orders
- Legislative process
- order and decorum, 9049
- LGBTQ+ community
- Pride Month, 13983
- Light rail transit (LRT) - Eglinton Crosstown
- Long-term care - beds
- sector capacity, 5865
- Long-term care - beds, development and redevelopment
- Long-term care - residents
- abuse and neglect
- general remarks, 10063
- abuse and neglect
- Long-term care - staff
- Long-term care - standards of care
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, government response
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, infection control
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, staff
- compensation
- pandemic pay, 12387
- compensation
- Lupus
- general remarks, 6026
- Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
- second reading, 10146
- Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 (Bill 47)
- second reading, 2072
- Manufacturing industry
- worker retraining, 9013
- Medical records
- digital access, 3440
- Members' statements
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 13984
- Anti-Semitism, 2266, 10124
- Bank Act of 1871, 12652
- COVID-19 response, 7873, 8883–8884
- D'Amico, Anne Marie, 6581–6582
- Disaster relief, 1034
- Education funding, 10227
- Halloween, 5712
- Harry Jerome Awards, 4670
- Health care, 3481
- Heart and Stroke Foundation, 7424
- Holocaust memorial, 12847–12848
- Italian Heritage Month, 5318
- Jewish Heritage Month, 13311–13312
- Lung disease, 3034–3035
- Ontario budget, 5121
- Passover, 12285–12286
- Property taxation, 7154
- Public transit, 4265
- Small business, 10945
- Stanford, Shane, 9779
- Stroke, 13835–13836
- Wilson, Tom, 582
- Workplace safety, 13078
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Eglinton–Lawrence, 424
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 422–425
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- Members/ministers quoting
- Chief Medical Officer of Health
- COVID-19, 10982–10983
- jurists
- Dickson, Chief Justice Brian
- religious freedom, 6290
- Dickson, Chief Justice Brian
- Chief Medical Officer of Health
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn, 2900
- Mental health and addictions
- Mental Health and Addictions Centre of Excellence
- Mental health and addictions - COVID-19
- Mental health and addictions services
- Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)