Committee subject index

Letter: D

  • Debate

    • matters out of order
      • directing speech, criteria
  • Dementia and other cognitive conditions

  • Dementia and other neurocognitive conditions

    • community-based services
      • funding
    • general remarks
      • Kusendova-Bashta, HE964
    • government funding
    • treatment
  • Democracy

    • principles of
      • majority-rule
  • Dental care

    • general remarks
    • government funding
  • Dental care - senior citizens

  • Dentists

    • internationally trained
  • Developmental service workers

    • wages
  • Developmental services

  • Developmental services - adult

  • Developmental services - adults

    • Passport Program
      • benefit rates
  • Developmental services - by region

  • Developmental services - Passport Program

    • adults, reapplication
  • Developmental services professionals

    • wage parity
  • Developmental services - supportive housing

    • capital projects
      • by region
    • infrastructure, accessibility standards
  • Diabetes

    • patients, in-hospital costs
    • public awareness campaigns
      • Kusendova-Bashta, F936
    • type 1
      • prevalence of
  • Diagnostic imaging

    • mobile
    • mobile units
      • in long-term care homes
        • Triantafilopoulos, F254
  • Distilleries

    • spirits, and tourism promotion
    • spirits, sale in grocery stores
  • Divisions (recorded vote)

  • Divisions (recorded votes)

    • bills referred to committee
      • Keeping Energy Costs Down Act, 2024 (Bill 165)
      • Preventing Unethical Puppy Sales Act, 2024 (Bill 159)
      • Working for Workers Four Act, 2024 (Bill 149)
  • Doctors

  • Doctors - education and training

    • enrollment spaces
    • internationally trained
      • practice-ready assessment programs
    • medical schools
  • Doctors - education and training, medical schools

    • enrolment spaces
      • operational funding
    • general remarks
  • Doctors - family doctors

    • access to
      • impact on health care system
      • impact on patient health
    • administration
      • virtual assistants
    • administrative responsibilities
    • recruitment and retention
    • shortage
  • Doctors - recruitment and retention

    • family-health-organization physician models
    • internationall trained
    • northern and rural Ontario
    • northern Ontario
    • retention strategies
    • strategies
  • Dog train-and-trial facilities

  • Dogs

    • breeding
    • microchipping
  • Domestic violence

  • Douglas Memorial Hospital, Fort Erie

    • emergency department
      • service reduction
  • Drugs, generic - approvals

  • Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve

    • conservation of
    • creation of, history
      • municipalities (Pickering)
    • development on
    • geographical proximity, implications of
      • Rouge National Park
    • land purchases
    • use of
  • Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Act,

    2005, SO 2005, c 30

    • repeal of
      • consultation process
        • statements by stakeholders
      • Indigenous consultation
      • public response
      • referred to Integrity Commissioner
      • statements by stakeholders
    • repeal of, legislative process
      • Burch, HE312
      • McMahon, HE313
      • information sharing, transparency
  • Durham region

    • governance
Last updated