Letter: R
Rakocevic, T. (NDP, Humber River—Black Creek)
- Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245)
- Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
- Affordable housing
- and housing supply, 9380
- Aggregate industry
- reform, 5928
- Aggregate Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.8
- amendments to, 5928
- Alcohol policy
- government strategy, 5926
- Auditor General of Ontario
- government relationship with, 10819–10820
- Autism
- personal narratives, 3346
- Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
- Automobile insurance
- Automobile insurance rates
- affordability, 4511–4512
- based on driver record, 3728
- based on postal codes, 478, 883, 1891, 1931, 2691, 3728, 4512–4513
- during COVID-19, 8037–8038, 8416, 8824, 9380, 10103, 10321, 10603, 11317, 13788, 14145
- and credit history, 4512, 4866
- increase, 7163, 8824
- over-payment, 4313, 4511, 7163
- rate setting guidelines, 4512–4513
- Automobile insurance reform
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
- second reading, 5925–5930
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020 (Bill 213)
- Better Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 5)
- Budget speech 2019 (April 11, 2019)
- responded to, 4641
- Budget speech 2021 (March 24, 2021)
- responded to, 12503
- Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (Bill 171)
- second reading, 7186–7190
- Bullying and cyberbullying
- awareness and prevention, 7234–7235
- Business - COVID-19
- general remarks, 10321
- price gouging, 10639–10640, 13788
- supply chain management, 10321–10322
- Business - COVID-19, essential businesses
- Business - COVID-19, financial assistance
- Business - COVID-19, government response
- small and medium-sized, 12503
- Business - COVID-19, insurance
- Cancer treatment - take-home medication
- government funding, 6220
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
- training
- general remarks, 6030
- training
- Certificates of birth, marriage, and death
- Chief Medical Officer of Health
- COVID-19 response, 10821
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- public awareness
- general remarks, 6680–6681
- public awareness
- Combating Human Trafficking Act, 2021 (Bill 251)
- second reading, 13331, 13341, 13347–13348
- Commercial tenancies - Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA)
- Commercial tenancies - COVID-19
- Commercial tenancies - COVID-19, eviction moratorium
- Community centres
- Jane and Finch community, 9052
- Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
- Congregate care facilities
- Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175)
- Consumer protection
- price gouging
- enforcement, 13788
- price gouging
- COVID-19 - child benefits
- Support for Families program, 10957
- COVID-19 - community impact
- BIPOC communities, 8038–8039
- COVID-19 data collection
- COVID-19 - economic impact
- general remarks, 8037
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 197)
- COVID-19 - equity-seeking groups
- economic impact
- BIPOC communities, 11549
- economic impact
- COVID-19 - essential service workers
- infection control
- transmission risk, 12955
- infection control
- COVID-19 - financial supports
- allocation timeline, 9379
- COVID-19 - government response
- Auditor General report, 10820–10822
- general remarks, 9837
- government communications, 13787
- legislative agenda, 13627, 13789, 14151–14152
- COVID-19 - Health Command Table
- independence, 10820
- COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency (March 2020)
- report, 10320
- COVID-19 - public gatherings
- restrictions on
- penalties, 9375
- restrictions on
- COVID-19 - testing
- COVID-19 - transmission
- COVID-19 - transmission prevention
- isolation centres, 11317
- COVID-19 - travel restrictions
- international, 13787
- COVID-19 - vaccination
- COVID-19 - vaccination, administration locations
- COVID-19 - vaccination by population
- high-transmission communities, 12034, 12088, 12893–12894, 12938, 12942–12943
- COVID-19 - vaccines
- Crime
- victim services funding, 13331
- Crime prevention
- social determinants, 10506
- Criminal Injuries Compensation Board (CICB)
- Delegated administrative authorities (DAAs)
- transparency, 8845
- Development industry
- government relations, 11824–11825, 11840–11841, 13789
- Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
- cases and outbreaks, 11755
- class sizes, 9375–9376
- general remarks, 11755–11756
- government funding, 9136
- testing and contact tracing, 11755
- Education - COVID-19, online learning
- virtual classroom assignments, 9724
- Education - COVID-19, transportation services
- capacity and distancing, 11755
- Education reform
- Efficient Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 31)
- second reading, 974
- Egypt
- culture and history, 5619
- Egyptian community
- appreciation for, 5619
- Electricity system
- private vs. public, 4826
- Electronic products - right to repair
- general remarks, 4730–4731
- Emergency management
- government strategy, 10820
- Emergency Management Ontario
- COVID-19 response, 10821
- Emergency management - preparedness
- system maintenance, 10821–10822
- Employment - COVID-19, sick days
- Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB), 12955
- paid, 11317, 11755–11756, 12954–12955, 13627, 13789–13790
- Ending Automobile Insurance Discrimination in the Greater Toronto Area Act, 2018 (Bill 44)
- legislative history, 3728
- Environmental protection
- Executive Council Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 265)
- third reading, 13262
- Family law
- Fires
- in Humber River–Black Creek, 6470
- Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
- Foundations for Promoting and Protecting Mental Health and Addictions Services Act, 2019 (Bill 116)
- second reading, 6390
- French-language debates
- Pétitions
- Soins de longue durée, 13370
- Pétitions
- Getting Ontario Moving Act (Transportation Statute Law Amendment), 2019 (Bill 107)
- second reading, 5026–5027
- Government downsizing
- municipal level
- consultation, 974
- municipal level
- Government notices of motion
- Extension of emergency declaration
- amendment
- responded to, 8036–8039
- amendment
- Extension of emergency orders
- responded to, 13786–13790
- Legislative reform (as amended)
- responded to, 11317
- Report on Ontario's provincial emergency
- responded to, 13627–13628
- Report on Ontario's Provincial Emergency
- responded to, 10320–10322
- Situation in Nagorno-Karabakh
- responded to, 9878
- Extension of emergency declaration
- Government orders
- Reappointment of Chief Medical Officer of Health
- amendment
- responded to, 10819–10822
- amendment
- Reappointment of Chief Medical Officer of Health
- Government record
- Greek community
- Health care funding
- general remarks, 4413
- Health care services - delivery
- private vs. public, 4413
- Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 (Bill 204)
- Highway 407
- tolls, 5026
- Home insurance
- during COVID-19, 10321
- Home Warranties to Protect Families Act, 2019 (Bill 169)
- Hospitals by site
- Hospitals - COVID-19
- Housing
- and BIPOC persons, 11549
- Housing Supply Action Plan
- general remarks, 5088
- Human trafficking
- children and youth in care, 13347–13348
- legislative amendments, 13341
- Human trafficking - government strategy
- and community organizations, 13348
- Human trafficking - law enforcement
- justice system, 13347
- Hydro One
- purchase of Avista Corp.
- termination fee, 4833
- purchase of Avista Corp.
- Hydro One leadership
- CEO exit package, 4832–4833
- Indigenous communities - living conditions
- water quality, 12943–12944
- Infrastructure - roads and highways
- Insurance industry
- and COVID-19
- general remarks, 13627–13628
- and COVID-19
- Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
- Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) - hearings
- eviction orders, 8875
- Legal aid services
- Legislative procedure - Standing Orders
- Legislative process
- debate
- nature of, 3270
- general remarks, 3261, 7234
- government bills
- omnibus bills, 7398, 11993–11994
- legislative agenda, 14145–14146, 14151–14152
- debate
- Life insurance
- life settlements, 10149
- Light rail transit (LRT)
- Local Planning Appeal Support Centre (LPAT)
- closure, 5928
- Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT)
- appeal process, 5040–5041
- Long-term care - COVID-19 review commission
- general remarks, 8036
- Long-term care - public vs. private
- Long-term care - residents
- Long-term care - staff
- Long-term care - standards of care
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, emergency orders
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, fatalities
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, infection control
- facility outbreaks, 7862–7863
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, Ombudsman investigations
- initiation of, 8036
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, public vs. private
- general remarks, 13789
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, staff
- levels, 8036
- Lower Automobile Insurance Rates Act, 2019 (Bill 90)
- first reading, 3884
- Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
- Members' statements
- Autism treatment, 3346
- Automobile insurance, 478, 1931, 2691, 4313–4314, 8416
- Consumer protection, 5847–5848
- COVID-19 demographic data, 8882
- COVID-19 immunization, 12034, 12893–12894, 13265
- COVID-19 response, 9837–9838
- Crime prevention, 10506
- Educators, 6920–6921
- Fire in Toronto, 6470
- Government's agenda, 14151–14152
- Government's record, 3530–3531
- Jane and Finch community, 182
- Jane-Finch community hub, 9052
- Long-term care, 13705
- Public transit, 11508
- School nutrition programs, 4812–4813
- Victims and Survivors of Crime Week, 5272–5273
- York University, 3831
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 3259–3261
- Members'/ministers' personal narrative, 7186
- Members/ministers quoting
- Auditor General
- COVID-19 Preparedness and Management Special Report, 10820–10822
- constituent submissions
- Hansard
- political fundraising, 11824
- news media
- other members
- re Auditor General, 10819–10820
- realtors, 7236–7237
- stakeholder submissions
- real estate reform, 7237–7240
- Auditor General
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Mining industry
- Critical Minerals Strategy, 12944
- Ministerial statements
- Real estate industry
- responded to, 6130–6131
- Real estate industry
- Missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG)
- general remarks, 13347
- More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108)
- Moving Ontario Family Law Forward Act, 2020 (Bill 207)
- Municipal and regional governments
- wards, number of
- in other jurisdictions, 579
- wards, number of
- Municipal finances - provincial transfer payments
- changes to
- general remarks, 4641
- changes to
- Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, 9878
- Naloxone
- administration
- modalities, 6390
- administration
- Natural gas expansion
- Natural gas expansion - cost of
- funding source, 2659
- New home construction industry
- New home industry
- New home warranties
- Cunningham report (2016), 6131
- Nikola Tesla Day Act, 2021 (Bill 293)
- first reading, 13614–13615
- third reading, 14050–14051
- Ontario Building Code
- administrative authority
- development of, 8871
- administrative authority
- Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)
- relationship with developers, 5040
- Ontario Proud
- donor relationships, 11812
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Act (Interim Period), 2019 (Bill 117)
- second reading, 5354
- Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
- reform
- public response to, 4262
- reform
- Opioid manufacturers/wholesalers
- class-action lawsuit against
- general remarks, 6390
- class-action lawsuit against
- Opioids
- prescription opioids, 6390
- Opposition day motions
- Payday loans
- regulation
- general remarks, 8931
- regulation
- The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
- Personal information
- privacy breaches, 2749
- Personal information - financial
- Personal injury - slip-and-fall lawsuits
- Personal support workers (PSWs) - compensation
- wages, 12387–12388
- Pesticides Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.11
- amendments to, 5927–5928
- Pet ownership
- social impact, 5354
- Petitions
- Animal protection, 3934
- Assistive devices, 6586
- Autism treatment, 3434–3435, 3538
- Automobile insurance, 2527, 2695–2696, 2746
- Celiac disease, 893
- Climate change, 6792
- Conservation authorities, 11736
- Education funding, 3834, 4242–4243, 4316, 4410, 4505, 4630, 4817, 4819, 5080, 5476, 6132, 6185, 6372, 6475–6476, 7558, 7622–7623, 13778
- e-Learning, 5370
- Employment standards, 1934, 2002–2003, 2106–2107
- Equal opportunity, 5916
- Health care, 7838
- Indigenous affairs, 2644–2645
- Injured workers, 1285, 4317, 4820, 4927
- Legal aid, 4725–4726
- Library services, 6373–6374
- Long-term care, 5079, 5178, 7380–7381, 9424, 9516, 9851, 10089, 13369
- Mental health and addiction services, 3136
- Municipal elections, 483
- Municipal planning, 5569
- Pharmacare, 787–788, 2003, 4411–4412
- Public sector compensation, 5714, 5850–5851
- Public transit, 2870
- School facilities, 747, 3622–3623
- Social assistance, 6939–6940
- Veterans memorial, 7221–7222
- Police services - community relations, 3261–3262
- Police services oversight
- general remarks, 3270
- Political advertising - third-party
- impact on policy development, 11812, 11824–11825, 11840–11841
- relationship to political parties, 11824
- Political fundraising
- Political fundraising - personal donations
- Political parties
- leadership campaigns
- candidate self-donations, 11750
- leadership campaigns
- Private members' public business
- Accessible Parking and Towing Industry Review Committee Act, 2018 (Bill 39)
- second reading, 1905–1906
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training
- responded to, 6030
- Caregivers
- responded to, 11831
- Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Right to Repair Electronic Products), 2019 (Bill 72)
- second reading, 4730–4731
- COPD Awareness Day Act, 2021 (Bill 157)
- second reading, 6680–6681
- Education funding
- responded to, 9136
- Egyptian Heritage Month Act, 2019 (Bill 106)
- second reading, 5619
- Ending Automobile Insurance Discrimination in the Greater Toronto Area Act, 2018 (Bill 44)
- second reading, 2109–2110
- Ending Discrimination in Automobile Insurance Act, 2018 (Bill 42)
- second reading, 3728
- Filipino Heritage Month Act, 2021 (Bill 217)
- second reading, 12274–12275
- Hellenic Heritage Month Act, 2019 (Bill 77)
- second reading, 3946–3947
- Housing is a Human Right Act, 2021 (Bill 252)
- second reading, 11549
- Life Settlements and Loans Act, 2020 (Bill 219)
- second reading, 10149
- Lower Automobile Insurance Rates Act, 2019 (Bill 90)
- Nikola Tesla Day Act, 2021 (Bill 293)
- second reading, 14036–14038, 14041–14042
- Occupiers' Liability Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 118)
- second reading, 5612–5613
- Paid Personal Emergency Leave Now Act, 2021 (Bill 247)
- second reading, 12954–12955
- Registered Professional Planners Act, 2019 (Bill 70)
- second reading, 3358–3359
- Safeguarding our Information Act, 2018 (Bill 55)
- second reading, 2749–2750
- Safer School Buses Act, 2021 (Bill 246)
- second reading, 11756–11757
- Support Workers Pay Act, 2021 (Bill 266)
- second reading, 12387–12388
- Tenant protection
- responded to, 12074–12075
- Time to Care Act (Long-Term Care Homes Amendment, Minimum Standard of Daily Care), 2020 (Bill 13)
- second reading, 10112
- Accessible Parking and Towing Industry Review Committee Act, 2018 (Bill 39)
- Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019 (Bill 124)
- second reading, 5720
- Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 (Bill 307)
- second reading, 14130, 14143–14148
- general remarks, 14147
- Protecting Ontario Elections Act, 2021 (Bill 254)
- Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020 (Bill 184)
- Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
- third reading, 5282–5283
- Public education campaigns - community development
- Pink Shirt Day, 7234
- Public education campaigns - cultural
- Somali Heritage Week, 9492–9494
- Public education campaigns - culture
- Filipino Heritage Month, 12274–12275
- Public education campaigns - health
- COPD Awareness Day, 6680–6681
- Public education campaigns - historical/national
- Tamil Genocide Education Week, 13376–13377
- Public education campaigns - Indigenous
- Red Dress Day, 13347
- Public education campaigns - innovation and technology
- Nikola Tesla Day, 14036–14038, 14041–14042, 14050–14051
- Public education campaigns - violence, sexual violence, and harassment
- Victims and Survivors of Crime Week, 5272–5273
- Public health laboratories
- maintenance of, 10822
- Public Health Ontario
- COVID-19 response, 10821
- Public sector compensation increases - cap on
- general remarks, 5720
- Question period
- Automobile insurance
- Cancer treatment
- presented, 6220
- Consumer protection
- presented, 1384, 2816, 5363, 6874–6875, 10639–10640
- COVID-19 immunization
- COVID-19 response
- presented, 10174
- Education
- presented, 4261–4262
- Education funding
- presented, 9724
- Government accountability
- presented, 10957
- Government services
- presented, 3477
- Long-term care
- Municipal government
- presented, 579
- Small business
- presented, 13613
- Real Estate and Business Brokers Act, 2002, SO 2002, c 30, Sched. C
- title change, 7238
- Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO)
- Real estate industry
- Real estate market
- regional differences, 7235
- Real estate transactions
- Realtors
- Realtors - professional regulation
- Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159)
- Regional/district chairs
- selection method, 651
- Registered Professional Planners (RPPs)
- Regulations
- interprovincial harmonization, 12944
- Regulations - reduction
- Remembrance Day, 10320
- Rental housing
- Rental housing - COVID-19
- Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (Bill 195)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 8845
- time allocation motion
- Reports by committees
- Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
- third reading, 3850–3851
- Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
- third reading, 3627
- Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 32
- amendments to, 5927
- School buses - safety mechanisms
- School facilities - maintenance and repair
- general remarks, 3627
- Schools
- nutrition program funding, 4812–4813
- Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
- procedure, 13786
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
- SARS Commission, recommendation implementation, 10821
- Small Business Support Grant
- Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161)
- second reading, 7396–7399
- Snow removal industry
- liability insurance
- cost of, 5613
- liability insurance
- Somali community
- Somali Heritage Week Act, 2020 (Bill 180)
- third reading, 9492–9494
- Statements by stakeholders
- human trafficking, 13347–13348
- Nikola Tesla Day, 14041–14042
- Somali Heritage Week, 9493–9494
- taxi industry, 8037
- Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257)
- second reading, 11993–11994, 12008, 12028
- Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 (Bill 276)
- second reading, 12938, 12942–12945
- Tamil genocide
- commemoration, 13376–13377
- intergenerational trauma, 13376–13377
- Mullivaikal Massacre (2009), 13376
- Tamil Genocide Education Week Act, 2021 (Bill 104)
- third reading, 13376–13377
- Tarion
- Tarion reform
- Tarion Warranty Corp.
- Tarion Warranty Corp.- governance
- Tarion Warranty Corp. - reform
- Tarion Warranty Corp. - warranty administration
- claims process
- filing deadlines, 7238
- claims process
- Taxi industry
- Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA)
- role of, 8872
- Tesla, Nikola
- life and achievements, 14036–14038
- Nikola Tesla Educational Corporation (NTEC), 14041
- Ticket sales
- Time allocation motions
- Toronto
- Toronto City Council
- Toronto city councillors
- response to council downsizing, 651
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - acceleration
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Ontario Line
- general remarks, 7187
- Traffic congestion
- general remarks, 7189
- Transit
- Transit funding
- during COVID-19, 11508
- Trust in Real Estate Services Act, 2020 (Bill 145)
- Waste management
- e-waste, 4731
- Water protection
- general remarks, 5927–5928
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 238)
- York University
- general remarks, 3831
Rasheed, Hon. K. (PC, Mississauga East—Cooksville)
- Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
- Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario's Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283)
- second reading, 13246–13248
- general remarks, 13246
- Affordable housing
- and housing supply, 5044
- Aggregate industry
- resource revenue-sharing agreement, 2593
- Agriculture industry by region
- northern Ontario, 2208
- Anti-racism
- Appreciation
- Arts and culture industry
- economic impact, 8752
- Arts and culture industry - COVID-19
- Arts and culture industry - government funding
- Better Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 5)
- Budget 2018
- deficit, 2592
- Budget 2019
- Budget 2020
- and COVID-19, 10527
- debt and deficit, 10526–10527
- health care, 10613
- Budget 2021
- Budget speech 2019 (April 11, 2019)
- Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (Bill 171)
- Bullying and cyberbullying
- Business
- supply chain
- off-peak deliveries, 10873
- supply chain
- Business - COVID-19
- delivery model adjustments, 8743
- Business - Digital Main Street program
- general remarks, 10873
- Business - main street recovery plan
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- rights under
- presumption of innocence, 3203
- rights under
- Canadian Niagara Power Generating Station
- redevelopment
- government funding, 8265
- redevelopment
- Cannabis - regulatory framework
- stakeholder consultation, 1408
- Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 36)
- second reading, 1407–1408
- Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
- second reading, 622
- Carbon tax (federal)
- Charter buses
- International Registration Plan, 5034
- Chief Medical Officer of Health
- Dr. David Williams
- re-appointment of, 10828–10830
- Dr. David Williams
- Child care - Childcare Access and Relief from Expenses (CARE) tax credit
- eligibility, 4376
- Child care providers
- centre openings, 7656
- Child care spaces
- in schools, 7422
- Class sizes
- Climate change
- general remarks, 1791
- Climate change mitigation
- Combating Human Trafficking Act, 2021 (Bill 251)
- second reading, 12213
- Committee procedure
- Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
- Consumer protection
- Cost of living
- government strategy, 1791
- COVID-19
- use of technology during, 8584–8585
- COVID-19 - child benefits
- COVID-19 Child Benefit, 12380–12381
- Support for Learners program, 10527, 10529
- COVID-19 - economic impact
- consultation
- legislative committee study, 8795–8796
- consultation
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 197)
- COVID-19 - emergency orders
- general remarks, 8584
- COVID-19 - essential service workers
- appreciation, 10828–10829, 11035–11036
- general remarks, 10528
- COVID-19 - government response
- COVID-19 - government response, second wave
- lockdown
- general remarks, 10630–10631
- lockdown
- COVID-19 - provincial reopening, first wave
- COVID-19 - public gatherings
- COVID-19 - public response to, 7893, 8583, 13976
- COVID-19 - testing
- COVID-19 - transmission prevention
- general remarks, 9649
- COVID-19 - travel restrictions
- international, 13310, 13361, 13363, 13983–13984
- COVID-19 - vaccination
- COVID-19 - vaccination, administration locations
- pharmacies, 13152–13153
- COVID-19 - vaccines
- supply, 12382
- COVID-19 - variant strains
- Delta variant, 13983–13984
- government strategy, 11251
- Curriculum
- Curriculum - math
- general remarks, 2373
- Data strategy
- consultation, 5469
- Delegated administrative authorities (DAAs)
- oversight of
- reform, 7596
- oversight of
- Dental care - senior citizens
- Discrimination
- based on prohibited grounds
- under the Human Rights Code, 4148
- based on prohibited grounds
- Driver education
- Dutch reach, 4519
- Driving instructors
- Early childhood educators (ECEs) - sexual misconduct
- revocation of certificate of registration, 2373
- Economic conditions
- Economic conditions by region
- Mississauga, 7158
- Economic development
- government strategy, 2592–2593
- Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
- Education funding
- Education - math scores, 2373
- Education - online learning
- general remarks, 4577–4578
- Education reform
- general remarks, 4576–4577
- Efficient Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 31)
- second reading, 966–967
- Elections/by-elections
- general election 2018
- vote distribution, 2788
- general election 2018
- Electric vehicles
- Electric vehicles - charging stations
- Electricity billing
- transparency, 4057
- Electricity conservation
- target bonuses, 4056–4057
- Electricity conservation programs
- Electricity rates
- Electricity rates - impact by area
- industrial consumers
- consultation with, 4057
- industrial consumers
- Electricity rates - reduction
- business
- renewable energy contract subsidy, 10496
- business
- Electricity system
- emissions-free, 4057
- Electronic products - right to repair
- Emergency management - emergency orders
- extension of
- government accountability, 8727
- extension of
- Employment
- creation/loss, 5763
- Energy generation
- types, environmental impact, 1820
- Energy policy
- government strategy, 4376
- Film and television industry
- economic impact, 885
- Firefighters - volunteer
- professionals, protections for, 2638
- Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
- Food banks
- Forest industry
- resource revenue-sharing agreement, 2593
- French-language services
- health care, 1501
- Front-line and Essential Service Worker Week Act, 2021 (Bill 230)
- first reading, 10389
- third reading, 13975–13976
- Gas stations
- Getting Ontario Moving Act (Transportation Statute Law Amendment), 2019 (Bill 107)
- Government accountability and transparency, 2592
- Government debt
- Government downsizing
- Government finances
- Government finances - line-by-line review
- general remarks, 1180–1181
- Government notices of motion
- Legislative reform
- Legislative reform (as amended)
- responded to, 11315–11316
- Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
- amendment
- responded to, 8583–8585
- amendment
- Standing orders
- Government orders
- Reappointment of Chief Medical Officer of Health
- amendment
- responded to, 10828–10830
- amendment
- Reappointment of Chief Medical Officer of Health
- Government record
- Liberal (2003-2018)
- PC (1995-2003)
- recognized party status, 2788–2789
- PC (2018-present)
- general remarks, 4376
- racism and anti-racism, 13742–13743
- Government services
- reform, 6227
- Green Energy Act, 2009, SO 2009, c 12, Sched. A
- economic impact, 1746
- Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
- second reading, 1746
- Gun violence
- Gun violence by region
- Hate and hate speech
- Hate crimes
- in Mississauga East—Cooksville, 182–183
- Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority
- Health cards
- data collection
- linguistic, 1501
- data collection
- Health care funding
- general remarks, 4377
- Health care - primary
- unattached patients
- general remarks, 10613–10614
- unattached patients
- Health care services
- insured services
- payments, disclosure of, 6250
- insured services
- Health care services - delivery
- coordination of care, 3576
- Health care system
- funding source, 3575, 3577
- general remarks, 3575––3577
- government strategy, 2593
- Health care system - administrative centralization
- general remarks, 3579
- Health care system - COVID-19
- Health care system - reform
- Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 (Bill 204)
- second reading, 9361–9364
- Highways
- left-hand passing lane, 5033
- Home heating
- means of, environmental impact, 1820
- Homelessness - youth
- prevention programs, 6472
- Hospitals - beds
- Hospitals - capacity and overcrowding
- government strategy, 1592
- Hospitals - construction by site
- Hospitals - COVID-19
- Hospitals - COVID-19, medical procedures
- access to, 10527
- Hospitals - funding
- Hospitals - funding by site
- West Park Healthcare Centre (Toronto), 1592
- Housing
- government strategy
- general remarks, 2593
- government strategy
- Housing supply, 5044
- Human trafficking - government strategy
- Human trafficking - law enforcement
- police services, 12213
- Human trafficking - survivor services
- culturally responsive, 7665
- Immigration and refugee policy
- Indigenous communities - economic development
- revenue sharing agreements, 2593
- Infrastructure development
- Infrastructure development - funding
- Integrated Bilateral Agreement
- allocation, 1851
- Integrated Bilateral Agreement
- Infrastructure funding
- general remarks, 11071
- Islamophobia
- general remarks, 14097
- Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
- expansion of, 8765
- Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) - hearings
- eviction orders, 8741
- Legal aid services - delivery model
- reform of
- general remarks, 7014
- reform of
- Legal and identity documents
- online verification of, 7016
- Legislative Assembly
- composition of, 2788
- Legislative procedure
- Legislative procedure - COVID-19
- general remarks, 8585
- Legislative procedure - debate
- bills and substantive motions
- question and answer
- general remarks, 6405–6406
- question and answer
- bills and substantive motions
- Legislative procedure - independent members
- participation in proceedings
- question period, 9000
- participation in proceedings
- Legislative procedure - order and decorum
- Legislative procedure - private members' public business
- Legislative procedure - proceedings
- Legislative procedure - question period
- Legislative procedure - sessional day
- Legislative procedure - Standing Orders
- Legislative procedure - voting
- deferral
- slips, 11315
- deferral
- Legislative process - COVID-19
- general remarks, 9361
- Light rail transit (LRT) - Eglinton Crosstown
- west extension, 4402
- Light rail transit (LRT) - Hurontario line
- London, Ontario
- attack in (June 6, 2021), 14089–14091
- Long-term care - beds, development and redevelopment
- Long-term care - government funding
- Long-term care - staff
- recruitment and retention
- general remarks, 13247
- recruitment and retention
- Long-term care - standards of care
- Long-term-care facilities by region
- Mississauga, 10527
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, government response
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, infection control
- general remarks, 10527
- Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
- general remarks, 10874
- third reading, 10872–10874, 10891
- Marriage solemnization
- officiants
- choice of, 8368
- officiants
- Medical records
- digital access, 3577
- Members' statements
- Al-Qazzaz Foundation for Education and Development, 4456–4457
- Anti-bullying initiatives, 6180, 6665
- Anto, Rani, 6582–6583
- Artists in Momentum, 4980
- Arts and cultural funding, 12795
- Attack in New Zealand, 3672
- Attacks in Sri Lanka, 4628
- Border security, 13310, 13983–13984
- Child care, 7422, 7656
- COVID-19 immunization, 12729–12730
- COVID-19 response, 9451, 10630–10631
- COVID-19 response in Mississauga East–Cooksville, 7893, 9257–9258
- The Dam, 6472
- Eurowerx, 1845
- Events in Mississauga, 889
- Food banks, 3185–3186
- Government services, 6227
- Hate crimes, 182–183
- Holiday toy and food drive, 2820
- Home care, 1236–1237
- Hospital funding, 12463
- Hydro rates, 302
- Job creation, 5763
- Labour dispute, 2924
- Long-term care, 12217
- McCallion, Hazel, 11337
- Mississauga Cooksville Lions Club, 5604
- Mississauga Food Bank, 5218
- Mississauga Muslim Community, 7154–7155
- Pak Pioneers Community Organization, 2523
- Places of worship, 8414–8415
- Public health, 9649
- Ramadan, 5271–5272, 12691
- Red tape reduction, 5913
- Registered practical nurses, 4267
- Restaurant industry, 8743
- Ring of peace, 2146
- Salvation Army, 5961
- Scleroderma, 10507
- Student achievement, 4084
- Unity in the Community, 14152–14153
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Members'/ministers' personal narrative, 3576, 12379, 13246, 13977
- Members/ministers quoting
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Mental health and addictions services - funding
- general remarks, 12380–12382
- Mining industry
- Ministry of Transportation
- service delivery, 5034
- More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108)
- second reading, 5044
- Motorcycles
- Municipal and regional governments
- role of, 658
- Municipalities
- provincial jurisdiction over, 966
- Muslim community
- appreciation, 7154–7155
- Natural gas
- Natural gas - access to
- Natural gas expansion
- Natural gas expansion - cost of
- Natural gas expansion - rate protection program
- regulatory charge
- amount, 1851
- regulatory charge
- Natural Gas Grant Program (NGGP)
- program reach, 1821
- Natural gas rates
- impact of cap-and-trade cancellation, 1851
- New Zealand
- Northern Ontario
- tourism promotion, 2208
- Nuclear generation facilities
- small modular reactor development
- general remarks, 6874
- small modular reactor development
- Ontario Civilian Police Commission, 3220
- Ontario College of Teachers (OCT)
- governance structure reform, 2373
- Ontario Food Terminal
- product expansion, 10873
- Ontario Health
- general remarks, 3577
- Ontario Health teams
- Ontario Power Generation (OPG)
- operations shutdown/start-up
- timelines for, 3001
- operations shutdown/start-up
- Ontario Power Generation (OPG) - collective bargaining (2018)
- Ontario Rebuilding and Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 222)
- third reading, 11071
- Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan - refinancing
- Opposition day motions
- Peel District School Board (PDSB)
- anti-Black racism investigation
- general remarks, 6492
- anti-Black racism investigation
- The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
- Personal information - financial
- access/disclosure by government, 2750
- Personal support workers (PSWs)
- family relations, 13247–13248
- general remarks, 13247
- Personal support workers (PSWs) - recruitment and retention
- general remarks, 13248
- Personal support workers (PSWs) - regulation of
- general remarks, 13246–13248
- Petitions
- Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138)
- Police officers
- training, 3219
- Police services
- government strategy, 3183–3184
- Police services - community relations, 3219
- Police services oversight
- oversight bodies
- independence, 3219
- oversight bodies
- Police services oversight - reform
- Population growth
- Post-secondary education
- digital learning, 4577
- Post-secondary education - COVID-19
- tuition fees, 13364
- Private members' public business
- Anti-racism activities
- responded to, 6492
- Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Right to Repair Electronic Products), 2019 (Bill 72)
- second reading, 4731–4732
- Convenience Store Week Act, 2021 (Bill 262)
- second reading, 12170
- Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia Act, 2019 (Bill 83)
- second reading, 4140–4141
- Equity Education for Young Ontarians Act, 2021 (Bill 287)
- second reading, 13742–13743
- Firearms control
- responded to, 9645
- Front-line and Essential Service Worker Week Act, 2021 (Bill 230)
- second reading, 11035–11036, 11040
- Greenbelt
- responded to, 12880
- Health cards
- responded to, 1501
- Health care
- responded to, 10613–10614
- Health care funding
- responded to, 9329–9330
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Helmet Exemption for Sikh Motorcyclists), 2018 (Bill 41)
- second reading, 1709
- Nikola Tesla Day Act, 2021 (Bill 293)
- second reading, 14039–14040
- No Time to Waste Act (Plan for Climate Action and Jobs), 2020 (Bill 224)
- second reading, 10937
- Persian Heritage Month Act, 2021 (Bill 271)
- second reading, 12720–12721
- Prohibiting Hate-Promoting Demonstrations at Queen's Park Act, 2019 (Bill 84)
- second reading, 4148
- Protecting Ontarians by Enhancing Gas Station Safety to Prevent Gas and Dash Act, 2020 (Bill 231)
- second reading, 10543
- Reserved Parking for Electric Vehicle Charging Act, 2019 (Bill 123)
- second reading, 6482
- Safeguarding our Information Act, 2018 (Bill 55)
- second reading, 2750
- Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day Act, 2019 (Bill 154)
- Tamil Genocide Education Week Act, 2021 (Bill 104)
- second reading, 5195
- Teach the Reach Act, 2019 (Bill 89)
- second reading, 4518–4519
- Terrorist Activities Sanctions Act, 2018 (Bill 46)
- second reading, 2338
- Anti-racism activities
- Prostate cancer
- prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing, 9329–9330
- Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures), 2020 (Bill 229)
- second reading, 10496, 10526–10529
- Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020 (Bill 184)
- third reading, 8741
- Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 269)
- second reading, 12379–12382
- Public education campaigns - community development
- Front-line and Essential Service Worker Week, 13975–13976
- Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day, 6671–6672, 6676
- Public education campaigns - culture
- Persian Heritage Month, 12720–12721
- Public education campaigns - historical/national
- Tamil Genocide Education Week, 5195
- Public education campaigns - innovation and technology
- Nikola Tesla Day, 14039–14040
- Public education campaigns - occupations
- Front-line and Essential Service Worker Week, 11035–11036
- Public education campaigns - racism and discrimination
- Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia, 4141
- Public education campaigns - violence, sexual violence, and harassment
- Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week, 8967
- Public health units
- government funding
- Kingston, 10613
- government funding
- Public health units - restructuring
- general remarks, 4375–4376
- Quebec mosque shooting, 4141
- Question period
- Anti-racism activities
- Arts and cultural funding
- presented, 9687
- Arts and entertainment industry
- presented, 8751–8752
- Border security
- Celebrate Ontario
- presented, 2814–2815
- Community safety
- presented, 1379–1380
- COVID-19
- presented, 7897
- COVID-19 immunization
- presented, 13152–13153
- COVID-19 response
- Government accountability
- presented, 1180–1181
- Government fiscal policies
- presented, 2349
- Hospital funding
- presented, 1592–1593
- Housing
- presented, 5166
- Human trafficking
- presented, 7665
- Immigrant and refugee services
- presented, 330
- Immigration and refugee policy
- Labour dispute
- presented, 3001
- Long-term care
- presented, 12410
- Mississauga economy
- presented, 7158
- Municipal government
- presented, 471
- Northern economy
- presented, 2208
- Nuclear energy
- presented, 6874
- Police services
- presented, 4126
- Protection of privacy
- presented, 5469
- Public safety
- presented, 3183–3184
- Public transit
- Refugee and immigration policy
- presented, 733–734
- Student safety
- presented, 8942–8943
- Taxation
- Toronto International Film Festival
- presented, 885
- Tuition
- presented, 13364–13365
- Veterans
- Volunteer firefighters
- presented, 2638
- Racism
- Islamophobia, 14090–14091
- Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159)
- Refugees
- Refugees - resettlement
- Regional/district chairs
- selection method, 658
- Registered practical nurses
- general remarks, 4267
- Regulations - reduction
- as COVID-recovery strategy, 10873
- government strategy
- general remarks, 10872–10873
- targets, 2592
- Regulatory environment
- Religious symbols - Quebec restrictions on
- as discrimination, 6295–6296
- Rental housing - COVID-19
- rent freeze
- general remarks, 9364
- rent freeze
- Rental housing supply
- government strategy, 5166
- Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (Bill 195)
- Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
- Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57)
- Road safety - roadside workers
- general remarks, 5034
- Rural Ontario
- economic impact, 1851
- Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
- Safer Ontario Act, 2018, SO 2018, c 3
- SIU investigations, initiation criteria, 3219
- School board trustees
- electoral boundaries, change in
- operational assistance (2018 election), 657
- electoral boundaries, change in
- School buses - safety
- School facilities
- in schools, 8554
- Schools
- Scleroderma
- awareness, 10507
- Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
- creation of, 8584
- Senior citizens
- Service animals - in schools
- policies governing, 2374
- Skilled trades
- government strategy, 4377
- Small Business Support Grant
- second payment, 12380
- Smart cities
- data protection, 5468
- Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161)
- Soldiers' Aid Commission
- general remarks, 9218
- Soldiers' Aid Commission Act, 2020 (Bill 202)
- second reading, 9641
- Speaker's statements on legislative procedure
- commenting on members' attendance, 6405
- Sri Lanka
- attack in (April 21, 2019), 4628
- Statements by stakeholders
- Front-line and Essential Service Worker Week, 13976–13977
- police services oversight reform, 3220
- Toronto City Council downsizing, 967
- Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day Act, 2019 (Bill 146)
- first reading, 6180
- Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day Act, 2019 (Bill 154)
- first reading, 6473
- Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day Act, 2020 (Bill 154)
- third reading, 8965–8967
- Students - sexual abuse of
- Tamil genocide
- commemoration, 5195
- Tarion reform
- general remarks, 7597–7598
- Taxation - low-income individuals and families tax credit
- eligibility, 2592
- Taxi industry
- illegal operators
- general remarks, 10873
- illegal operators
- Teachers
- hiring vs. student enrolment rates, 4577
- Teachers - sexual misconduct
- revocation of certificate of registration, 2373
- Terrorism
- general remarks, 2338
- Terrorists - return to Ontario
- service restrictions
- general remarks, 2338
- service restrictions
- Tesla, Nikola
- life and achievements, 14039
- Ticket sales
- online
- consumer protection, 7596
- online
- Toronto City Council downsizing
- Toronto City Council - election (2018)
- Toronto city councillors
- response to council downsizing, 657–658
- Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), 885
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - acceleration
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Ontario Line
- general remarks, 7184
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - subway
- transfer to provincial jurisdiction
- and efficiency, 5033
- transfer to provincial jurisdiction
- Tourism industry
- government strategy, 2008
- Traffic congestion
- lost productivity, 7183
- Transit
- as environmental policy, 7184
- Transit infrastructure development
- government funding, 11071
- Transportation - Greater Toronto Area
- commute times, 658
- Trauma
- intergenerational transmission, 5195
- Tributes
- Afzaal family, 14090
- Trucks - commercial
- Urgent Priorities Act, 2018 (Bill 2)
- second reading, 218
- Vaccinations
- Vehicles
- off-road, 5034
- Veterans
- support services
- general remarks, 10384
- support services
Rickford, Hon. G. (PC, Kenora—Rainy River)
- Agriculture industry by region
- northern Ontario, 2208
- Airports
- Kenora, 1328
- Algoma Steel
- employment creation, 4232
- Batchewana First Nation
- economic development, 4232
- Broadband infrastructure development
- use of electricity infrastructure, 6830
- Business - COVID-19, government response
- Northern Ontario Recovery Program, 9419
- Cannabis - legalization
- consultation with Indigenous communities, 296
- Carbon tax (federal)
- Cat Lake First Nation
- Climate change
- provincial impact assessment, 4551
- Curriculum - Indigenous content
- Truth and Reconciliation
- writing workshops, cancellation of, 293
- Truth and Reconciliation
- Dalles First Nation
- business development centre, 1328
- Economic development
- by region
- Kenora, 1328
- by region
- Economic development - northern Ontario
- Electricity billing
- globe adjustment fee
- disclosure of, 3822
- globe adjustment fee
- Electricity conservation programs
- Electricity generation
- Electricity rates
- Electricity rates - COVID-19
- time-of-use (TOU) rates, 9163
- Electricity rates - impact by area
- Electricity rates - reduction
- Electricity rates - time-of-use (TOU) pricing
- general remarks, 9163
- Electricity supply
- Electricity transmission
- Emergency first responders
- Public Safety Radio Network (PSRN), 2204
- Employment standards
- enforcement
- workplace inspections, 5641
- enforcement
- Energy policy
- impact on business environment, 2858
- Energy rates
- affordability of, 3964
- Far North Act, 2010, SO 2010, c 18
- general remarks, 4258
- Film and television industry
- Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
- Forest industry
- government strategy, 4625
- French, Dean, 2200, 2204, 2254, 2350
- French-language debates
- Gasoline prices
- Government debt
- economic impact, 2352
- Government record
- Green Energy Act, 2009, SO 2009, c 12, Sched. A
- Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- from energy sector, 6459
- Greenhouse gas emissions - reduction
- outcomes, 4677
- Health care - Northern Health Travel Grant, 6684–6685
- Health care - northern Ontario
- recruitment, 6685
- Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 (Bill 204)
- time allocation motion
- presented, 9426
- time allocation motion
- Hydro One
- Hydro One leadership
- Hydro One leadership - change in
- Hydro One leadership - compensation reform
- Indigenous communities
- Indigenous communities - COVID-19
- Indigenous communities - economic development
- Indigenous communities - electricity
- Indigenous communities - health care
- Indigenous relations
- Indigenous relations - reconciliation
- government strategy, 6983
- Indigenous youth
- suicide, 6831
- Infrastructure development
- impact of federal Bill C-69 (2018), 5116–5117
- Innovation and technology industry
- Next Generation Network Program, 7616
- Internships and co-ops
- Northern Ontario Internship Program, 4338
- Justice - administration of
- equity of access, 296
- Kashechewan First Nation
- Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation
- supports for, 5063–5064
- Labour Relations Amendment Act (Protecting Ontario's Power Supply), 2018 (Bill 67)
- Medical isotopes
- supplied by Bruce Power, 81
- Members'/ministers' conduct
- member from Humber River–Black Creek, 9551
- Members'/ministers' personal narrative, 6684–6685
- Members/ministers quoting
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Mental health and addictions services
- Indigenous communities, 7216
- Mercury poisoning (Grassy Narrows and Wabaseemoong)
- Mining industry
- CENGN Smart Mining Testbed, 7616
- decline and recovery, 3527
- economic impact, 680–682, 3527–3528, 9009–9010
- government consultation with, 5703
- government funding, 7544–7545
- government strategy, 5365, 5704–5705
- Indigenous communities
- recruitment and retention, 7616
- regulatory environment, 9010
- regulatory reform, 1928
- working group, 3527, 4309
- Mining sites
- Ministry of Indigenous Affairs
- as standalone ministry, 14
- Miranda, Enrico, 5641
- Natural gas expansion
- general remarks, 7614–7615
- New Democratic Party (NDP)
- energy policy, 6515
- North Spirit Lake First Nation
- state of emergency, 5708
- Northern Ontario
- Northern Ontario Heritage Fund, 884, 3964, 4232
- Nuclear energy
- general remarks, 2254
- Nuclear generating facilities
- Nuclear generation facilities
- Nuclear generation facilities - refurbishment
- general remarks, 6169
- Nuclear medicine
- radioisotopes, 81
- Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, SO 1998, c 15, Schedule B
- amendment of
- re rates incorporating executive compensation, 187
- amendment of
- Ontario Energy Board (OEB)
- Ontario Energy Board (OEB) - governance reform
- Ontario Power Generation (OPG)
- Ontario Power Generation (OPG) - collective bargaining (2018)
- Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
- new detachments, 887
- Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan
- general remarks, 4162
- Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan - refinancing
- Palliative care
- in northern Ontario, 884
- Pikangikum First Nation
- Post-secondary education
- in northern Ontario, 2572
- Power Workers' Union (PWU)
- members, appreciation for, 2950
- Private members' public business
- Northern Health Travel Grant Advisory Committee Act, 2019 (Bill 144)
- second reading, 6684–6685
- Northern Health Travel Grant Advisory Committee Act, 2019 (Bill 144)
- Public assets - sale/lease of
- Public education campaigns - historical/national
- Treaties Recognition Week, 2206
- Question period
- Abortion
- responded to, 4918–4919
- Bruce nuclear generating station
- responded to, 81
- Climate change
- Community safety
- COVID-19 response in Indigenous and remote communities
- responded to, 9455–9456
- COVID-19 response in northern Ontario
- responded to, 9419
- Curriculum
- responded to, 293
- Energy contracts
- Energy policies
- Energy rates
- responded to, 2858
- Energy regulation
- responded to, 4257–4258
- Environmental protection
- Executive compensation
- Fire in Big Trout Lake
- responded to, 5063–5064
- Fire in Pikangikum
- responded to, 5359–5360
- Fire near Pikangikum First Nation
- responded to, 5465
- Forest industry
- responded to, 2889
- Gasoline prices
- responded to, 2770–2771
- Government accountability
- Government advertising
- Government contracts
- Government policies
- responded to, 5065
- Government spending
- responded to, 2204
- Government's agenda
- responded to, 377
- Hydro One
- responded to, 6830
- Hydro rates
- Indigenous affairs
- Indigenous economic development
- Indigenous health care
- responded to, 3120
- Indigenous health services
- responded to, 3176–3177
- Indigenous power project
- responded to, 1725
- Indigenous programs and services
- responded to, 3027
- Indigenous public health
- responded to, 7662
- Indigenous relations and reconciliation
- responded to, 2043–2044
- Kashechewan First Nation
- Labour dispute
- Mental health and addiction services
- responded to, 7216
- Mercury poisoning
- Mining industry
- North Spirit Lake First Nation
- responded to, 5708
- Northern airports
- responded to, 2520
- Northern economy
- Northern health services
- responded to, 884
- Northern highway improvement
- responded to, 2855
- Northern Ontario
- Northern transportation
- Nuclear energy
- Ontario economy
- responded to, 3292
- Ontario film and television industry
- responded to, 7666
- Ontario Power Generation
- responded to, 2254
- Pickering nuclear generating station
- Police services
- responded to, 2204
- Privatization of public assets
- Residential schools
- responded to, 14158–14159
- Ring of Fire
- responded to, 735
- Science North
- responded to, 4624
- Taxation
- responded to, 4228
- Tourism
- responded to, 4262
- Treaties recognition
- Youth suicide
- responded to, 6831
- Abortion
- Renewable energy contracts
- Renewable energy contracts - cancellation
- Renewable energy projects
- approval requirements, issue/renewal of, 1536
- Renewable energy projects - siting
- Residential schools
- human remains, search for
- government response to, 14158–14159
- human remains, search for
- Ring of Fire development
- Science North, 4624
- Sewage and wastewater management
- Statements by stakeholders
- Steel industry
- pension benefits, 1930
- Suicide - child and youth
- in Indigenous communities, 6831
- Time allocation motions
- Tourism industry
- Transportation infrastructure
- Transportation services
- in northern Ontario
- general remarks, 2520
- in northern Ontario
- Tributes
- Tyendinaga blockade
- Urgent Priorities Act, 2018 (Bill 2)
- Watershed management
- Experimental Lakes Area, 5268
- White Pines Wind Project
- White Pines Wind Project - cancellation
- Wind energy
- reliability, 6356
- Wind turbines
- siting of, 1230–1231
- York University strike
- York University strike - back-to-work legislation
- Agriculture industry by region
Roberts, J. (PC, Ottawa West—Nepean)
- Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245)
- second reading, 11486–11488, 11561
- Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
- Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario's Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283)
- second reading, 13184
- Agri-food premises - security from trespass
- vs. right to protest, 6820
- Animal protection system - reform
- Animal welfare
- critical distress in motor vehicle, 6105
- Animal welfare inspectors
- police and First Nations Constables powers, 6105
- Animal welfare offences
- reporting process
- hotline, 6103
- reporting process
- Animal welfare offences - penalties
- general remarks, 6105
- Appreciation
- Arthurs, Janet, 10672–10673
- Arthurs, Russ, 10672–10673
- Bennett, Claude, 6421
- Kalil, Dave, 13030–13031
- Keeping, Max, 13351
- Mackay, Russell, 9258
- Sicard, John, 9412
- Wooley, Sandra, 9499
- Arts and culture industry - COVID-19
- government supports
- financial assistance, 10709
- government supports
- Arts and culture industry - government funding
- Ontario Arts Council, 10709
- Autism
- Autism services
- applied behaviour analysis (ABA)
- wait-lists, 49
- applied behaviour analysis (ABA)
- Autism services - adults
- access to, 45–46
- Autism services - government funding
- general remarks, 6157
- Behaviour analysts
- regulation of
- general remarks, 13184
- regulation of
- Black Youth Action Plan
- government funding, 6396
- Broadband infrastructure development
- general remarks, 11906
- Broadband infrastructure development - government funding
- Broadband infrastructure development programs
- Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN), 10895
- Broadband services
- Broadband services - access to
- northern and rural Ontario, 10895
- Budget 2019
- Budget 2020
- Budget speech 2020 (November 5, 2020)
- responded to, 10697, 10704–10709
- Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (Bill 171)
- second reading, 7197–7198
- Bullying and cyberbullying
- Business - COVID-19
- Business - COVID-19, government response
- general remarks, 9458
- Business environment
- impact of United States tax reform, 2616
- Business - main street recovery plan
- personal protective equipment (PPE) grant
- general remarks, 10887
- personal protective equipment (PPE) grant
- Business - taxation
- employer health tax exemption, 10537
- Cancer treatment - take-home medication
- universal coverage, 2490
- Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 36)
- second reading, 1358
- Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
- Cap-and-trade
- environmental impact, 851
- Cap-and-trade - economic impact
- cost of living, 851
- Carbon pricing
- Carbon pricing - in other jurisdictions
- British Columbia, 851
- Caregiver Recognition Act, 2018 (Bill 59)
- first reading, 2424
- Caregivers
- Charities and non-profits
- general remarks, 13351
- Chief Medical Officer of Health
- Dr. David Williams
- re-appointment of, 10743–10746
- transparency, 10744
- Dr. David Williams
- Child care - COVID-19
- for essential workers, 8615–8616
- Children and youth in care - transition out of care
- general remarks, 12293
- Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)
- appreciation, 6876
- Climate change mitigation
- by private sector, 661
- Community Building Fund, 10709
- Condominium corporations
- accountability and oversight, 7654
- Congregate care facilities
- and COVID-19
- facility access restrictions
- essential caregivers, 9333–9334
- general remarks, 9462, 12414–12415
- facility access restrictions
- and COVID-19
- Consumer protection
- reform, 7652–7653
- Cost of living
- general remarks, 6156
- Court administration
- case backlog
- criminal trials, 7383
- case backlog
- Court administration - French-language services
- COVID-19 - child benefits
- Support for Learners program, 10537
- COVID-19 - economic recovery
- general remarks, 11369
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 197)
- COVID-19 - emergency orders
- general remarks, 8614–8615
- COVID-19 - equity-seeking groups
- economic impact
- women, 10708
- economic impact
- COVID-19 - government response
- COVID-19 - provincial reopening, first wave
- phase III, 8616
- COVID-19 - public response to, 7893–7894, 8614, 8616, 8744
- COVID-19 - testing
- COVID-19 - transmission
- case rates, 10746
- COVID-19 - vaccination by population
- Curriculum
- reform, consultation, 2375
- Daylight savings time
- Debates re answers to question period
- Poverty
- responded to, 6395–6396
- Youth justice system
- responded to, 11957–11958
- Youth services
- responded to, 13065–13066
- Poverty
- Delegated administrative authorities (DAAs)
- oversight of
- reform, 7653
- oversight of
- Developmental services
- Disaster relief
- tornadoes in Ottawa, 1114–1115
- Driving - stunt driving and street racing
- Economic development
- government strategy, 2616
- Education - COVID-19
- mental health supports, 12293
- Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
- government funding, 10537
- Education - French-language
- general remarks, 5312
- Electoral process
- flexibility of, 11807
- Electoral process - polling stations
- advanced polling days
- number of, 11794
- advanced polling days
- Electricity rates
- affordability, 2282
- Electricity rates - reduction
- business
- renewable energy contract subsidy, 10537, 10706–10707
- business
- Employment
- programs, 6396
- Employment - COVID-19
- Employment - COVID-19, infection control
- educational resources, 11368
- Employment services
- retraining programs
- skills training, 10537
- retraining programs
- Employment - youth
- program funding, 10708
- Energy generation
- types, environmental impact, 1866
- Estate administration - virtual service delivery
- during COVID-19, 11486–11487
- witnessing of documents, 11486–11487, 11561
- Family law reform
- appeals process, 9550
- Family law reform - digital services
- Child Support Service
- certified documents, 9545
- Child Support Service
- Financial crisis 2008
- government response, 10535–10536
- First Nations police services
- acting as animal welfare inspectors, 6105
- Foundations for Promoting and Protecting Mental Health and Addictions Services Act, 2019 (Bill 116)
- second reading, 6430–6431
- French-language debates
- Affaires d'intérêt public émanant des députées et députés
- Loi de 2018 sur la reconnaissance de l'apport des aidants naturels, projet de loi 59
- deuxième lecture, 2913
- Loi de 2018 sur la reconnaissance de l'apport des aidants naturels, projet de loi 59
- Débat sur le discours du trône
- participation, 45–46
- Déclarations des députées et députés
- Université de l'Ontario français, 7205
- Jour de l'opposition
- Services en français, 2701–2703
- Loi de 2019 sur les services provinciaux visant le bien-être des animaux, projet de loi 136
- deuxième lecture, 6107
- Loi de 2020 pour un système judiciaire plus efficace et plus solide, projet de loi 161
- deuxième lecture, 7384–7386
- Loi de 2021 soutenant l'expansion de l'Internet et des infrastructures, projet de loi 257
- deuxième lecture, 11946
- Loi de 2021 visant à accélérer l'accès à la justice, projet de loi 245
- deuxième lecture, 11486–11487
- Période de questions
- Affaires francophones, 7309–7310, 10775–10776
- Éducation en français, 5312, 9461
- Plan d'action du gouvernement, 174
- Affaires d'intérêt public émanant des députées et députés
- Gaming industry - charitable
- regulatory reform, 9703
- Gender-based violence
- and COVID-19, 8616
- Government debt
- Government debt - annual deficit
- Government finances
- Government finances (federal)
- credit rating, 2616
- Government notices of motion
- Reappointment of Chief Medical Officer of Health
- amendment
- responded to, 10743–10746
- amendment
- Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
- amendment
- responded to, 8614–8617
- amendment
- Reappointment of Chief Medical Officer of Health
- Government orders
- Legislative reform (as amended)
- amendment
- responded to, 9080–9083
- amendment
- Legislative reform (as amended)
- Government record
- PC (2018-present)
- economy, 7091
- PC (2018-present)
- Government record (federal)
- Government services - digital delivery
- general remarks, 4651
- Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
- Greenhouse gas emissions - reduction
- emissions reduction technologies, 662
- Gun violence
- government strategy, 4651
- Health care funding
- Health care policy, 4435
- Health care services - delivery
- Health care system
- general remarks, 3462
- Health care system - administrative centralization
- general remarks, 4437
- Health care system - COVID-19
- government funding, 10536
- Health care system - reform
- general remarks, 4436–4437
- Highways - speed limits
- increase, pilot, 6157
- Home heating
- means of, environmental impact, 1866
- Home renovation
- consumer protection, 7654
- Hospital administration
- Hospitals - capacity and overcrowding
- general remarks, 4436
- Hospitals - COVID-19
- Hospitals - COVID-19, medical procedures
- funding, 10536
- Hospitals - funding
- Hospitals - funding by site
- Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), 4651
- Justice - administration of
- access to justice
- in French, 11487
- access to justice
- Justice system - youth
- services, 13065–13066
- youth justice centres
- closure of, 13039, 13065–13066
- Land use planning - Transit-Oriented Communities Program
- general remarks, 8798
- Legislative procedure - debate
- Legislative procedure - motions
- Legislative procedure - order and decorum
- electronic devices
- use in Chamber, 9082
- electronic devices
- Legislative procedure - private members' public business
- Legislative procedure - proceedings
- Legislative procedure - question period
- referral of questions, 9082
- Legislative procedure - reasoned amendments
- Legislative procedure - sessional day
- Legislative procedure - Standing Orders
- reform, 2019, 9081
- Light rail transit (LRT) - Ottawa
- Long-term care
- Eldercare Foundation of Ottawa, 11910
- Long-term care - beds
- wait times, 4436
- Long-term care - beds, development and redevelopment
- Long-term care - government funding
- capital projects, 10536–10537
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, emergency orders
- Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
- third reading, 10887
- Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 (Bill 47)
- second reading, 2064
- Manufacturing industry - COVID-19
- operational reconfiguration
- as economic policy, 9063
- operational reconfiguration
- Members' statements
- Arthurs, Russ and Janet, 10672–10673
- Autism, 1493–1494
- Bennett, Claude, 6421
- Caregivers, 4135
- Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, 6876
- Clark, Justin, 11674
- COVID-19 response, 8744
- Daylight saving time, 12032
- Eldercare Foundation, 11910
- Gabriel Pizza, 7893–7894
- Gendron, Bruno, 10555
- Kalil, Dave, 13030–13031
- Keeping, Max, 9347
- Mackay, Russell, 9258
- Nepean, 2522
- Nepean Sailing Club, 6179
- Seniors in Isolation, 11337
- Services for persons with disabilities, 13358
- Sicard, John, 9412
- Tornadoes in Ottawa, 1122–1123
- Tweedale, Neil, 1528–1529
- Vanier, Jean, 4871–4872
- Wooley, Sandra, 9499
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 45–46
- Members'/ministers' personal narrative, 45, 2489, 2908, 6104–6105, 9080–9081, 9333
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- Mental health and addictions services
- Mental health and addictions services - funding
- general remarks, 2613
- Minimum wage
- in other jurisdictions, 2615
- Minimum wage increase - to $14
- Moving Ontarians More Safely Act, 2021 (Bill 282)
- Moving Ontario Family Law Forward Act, 2020 (Bill 207)
- Municipal elections
- October 22, 2018, 1685
- Municipal governments
- participation in, 1684
- Natural gas
- Natural gas expansion
- target communities, 1853
- New home industry
- consumer protection, 7654
- Northern Ontario Heritage Fund, 884
- Not-for-profit organizations - COVID-19
- WSIB premiums, 11367–11368, 11441
- Office of the Children's Lawyer
- reports
- admissibility in court, 11487
- voice of the child reports, 11487–11488
- reports
- Ontario Autism Program (2020-2021)
- Ontario Health teams
- Opposition day motions
- Cancer treatment
- responded to, 2489–2491
- Cancer treatment
- Organ and tissue donation
- shortage, 1102
- Palliative care
- in northern Ontario, 884
- Parliamentary system
- rules and procedures
- in other jurisdictions, 9080–9081
- rules and procedures
- Patient and Family Advisory Council, 4437
- The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Persons with disabilities - children
- children's treatment centres, 12468
- Petitions
- Pharmacare
- in other jurisdictions, 2490
- Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138)
- Political advertising - third-party
- Post-secondary education
- preparedness for, 2386
- Poverty
- and BIPOC communities, 6395–6396
- Prescription drugs - funding
- general remarks, 2490
- Private members' public business
- Broadband is an Essential Service Act, 2020 (Bill 226)
- second reading, 10895
- Caregiver Recognition Act, 2018 (Bill 59)
- Charitable gaming
- responded to, 9703
- Closing Oversight Loopholes for Home Care Clinics Act, 2019 (Bill 102)
- second reading, 4739
- Liability for Climate-Related Harms Act, 2018 (Bill 37)
- second reading, 1901–1902
- Long-Term Care Homes Amendment Act (Preference for Veterans), 2018 (Bill 51)
- second reading, 2329
- More Than a Visitor Act (Caregiving in Congregate Care Settings), 2020 (Bill 203)
- second reading, 9333–9334
- Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 285)
- second reading, 13351
- Organ donation
- responded to, 1102
- Services for children and youth
- responded to, 11952–11954
- Time Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 214)
- Broadband is an Essential Service Act, 2020 (Bill 226)
- Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures), 2020 (Bill 229)
- second reading, 10472, 10480–10481, 10535–10538
- Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 (Bill 307)
- second reading, 14123
- Protecting Ontario Elections Act, 2021 (Bill 254)
- Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 4649–4652
- time allocation motion
- Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 (Bill 136)
- Public education campaigns - accessibility
- Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month, 1493
- Public education campaigns - community development
- Public education campaigns - health
- Caregiver Recognition Day, 2909
- Question period
- Autism treatment
- Caregivers
- responded to, 12414–12415
- COVID-19 immunization
- presented, 11345, 13319–13320
- COVID-19 response
- presented, 9458–9459, 10560–10561
- Disaster relief
- presented, 1114–1115
- Forest firefighting
- presented, 10777–10778
- French-language education
- presented, 5312
- Government's record
- presented, 7091
- Lake Simcoe
- presented, 10779–10780
- Long-term care
- Manufacturing sector
- presented, 9063
- Municipalities
- presented, 1684–1685
- Northern health services
- presented, 884
- Public transit
- presented, 3820–3821
- Red tape reduction
- presented, 5512–5513
- Services for children and youth
- responded to, 12293
- Special-needs children
- responded to, 12468
- Veterans
- responded to, 9659
- Youth services
- responded to, 13039
- Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159)
- second reading, 7652–7655
- Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (Bill 195)
- Reports by committees
- Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57)
- Royal Canadian Legions
- charitable gaming, 9703
- Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
- School boards - directors of education
- qualifications, 8806
- School facilities
- Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156)
- second reading, 6820
- Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
- Senior citizens
- Seniors' Home Safety Tax Credit, 10480–10481, 10537, 10704–10706
- Senior citizens - COVID-19
- impact on, 11337
- Service animals
- general remarks, 6105
- Service animals - in schools
- policies governing, 3687
- Skilled trades
- government strategy, 10708
- Small business
- Small Business Support Grant
- general remarks, 11368
- Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161)
- Soldiers' Aid Commission
- support services reform, 9659
- Soldiers' Aid Commission Act, 2020 (Bill 202)
- Soldiers' Aid Commission - reform
- general remarks, 9233–9235
- Students - sexual abuse of
- general remarks, 3687
- Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257)
- second reading, 11907
- Taxation
- government strategy, 2615
- Taxation - low-income individuals and families tax credit
- Taxation reform
- as economic strategy, 2616
- Teacher candidates
- math proficiency assessment, 2387
- Throne speech debate
- Time allocation motions
- Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
- responded to, 4649–4652
- Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
- Time Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 214)
- first reading, 9623
- third reading, 10835–10837
- Tornadoes in Ottawa (September 2018), 1114–1115, 1122–1123
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
- impact on other communities, 7198
- Tourism industry - COVID-19
- Tributes
- Vaccinations
- Veterans
- Veterans - support services
- employment services, 9634
- Video game industry
- digital media tax credit, 5512–5513
- Water power
- benefits of, 1563
- Water protection
- Lake Simcoe, 10779–10780
- Wildfires
- government strategy, 10777–10778
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 238)
- second reading, 11365–11370, 11441
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- unfunded liability, 11368
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - COVID-19
- maximum insurable earnings
- for employee benefits, 11368–11369
- for employer premiums, 11365–11370, 11441
- premium payment deferral, 11367
- maximum insurable earnings
- Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245)
Romano, Hon. R. (PC, Sault Ste. Marie)
- Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
- Adoption
- general remarks, 6182
- Agriculture industry
- economic development projects, 2573–2574
- Algoma Steel
- Algoma University
- Algoma University Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 79)
- first reading, 3482
- Appreciation
- Attorney General of Ontario
- role of, 2530
- Auditor General of Ontario
- Review of the 2018 Pre-Election Report on Ontario’s Finances, 1248
- Autism services - government funding
- school-based services, 3899
- Autism services - providers
- Geneva Centre for Autism
- government funding, 3899
- Geneva Centre for Autism
- Autism services - reform
- consultation process, 3899
- Autism services - reform transition process
- impact on schools, 3900
- Autism services - school-based
- Budget 2017
- deficit, 1248
- Budget 2018
- deficit, 1248
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- rights under
- general remarks, 2531
- rights under
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s.33: notwithstanding clause
- general remarks, 970
- Cancer
- diagnosis of, 2487
- Cancer treatment
- government funding, 2486
- Cancer treatment - take-home medication
- universal coverage, 2487–2488
- Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
- Cap-and-trade
- Carbon tax (federal)
- general remarks, 666
- Cat Lake First Nation
- state of emergency
- government response to, 3321–3322
- state of emergency
- City of Toronto et al. v Ontario (Attorney General), 2018 ONSC 5151
- government response to, 970
- Colleges and universities
- Colleges and universities - COVID-19
- Colleges and universities - degree-granting authority
- process, 10231–10234, 10274–10275, 10291–10293, 10299, 10357–10359, 10453–10454, 10515–10516, 10561–10562, 10636–10637, 10649–10651, 10678–10679
- Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
- Constitution Act, 1982
- jurisdiction over, 2531
- Correctional facilities
- Thunder Bay Correctional Complex, 4558
- COVID-19
- research funding, 9015
- COVID-19 - government response