House subject index

Letter: N

  • Names, legal

    • changes to
      • publication
      • restriction on
    • restriction on
  • Nancy Rose Act (Paediatric Hospice Palliative Care Strategy), 2021 (Bill 31)

    • first reading
  • National Day of Mourning

  • National Housing Strategy

  • National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

    • calls for justice
    • government response to
      • general remarks
      • Pathways to Safety strategy
        • general remarks
  • Natural gas plants

    • capital projects
    • environmental impact
    • statements by stakeholders
  • Natural resource development.

    see also specific sector
    • northern Ontario
  • Natural resources development.

    see also specific resource
    • Indigenous participation
  • Navigation Project Management Inc. Act, 2022 (Bill Pr64)

    • first reading
    • second reading
    • third reading
    • Royal assent, 2793
  • New Democratic Party (NDP)

    • broadband infrastructure policy
    • education policy
    • election platform (2021-2022)
      • carbon pricing
      • child care
      • employment standards
      • environment and climate change
      • general remarks
      • home and community care
      • long-term care
      • mental health and addictions
      • mental health services
    • employment policy
    • fiscal policies
    • general remarks
    • health care, funding for
    • housing policy
    • infrastructure policy
    • labour policy
    • long-term care policy
  • New Democratic Party (NDP) caucus

    • notable members
  • New Edinburgh Property Management Service Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr55)

    • first reading
    • second reading
    • third reading
    • Royal assent, 1712
  • New home construction industry

    • builder accountability
    • building inspections
      • method of
    • consumer protection
  • News media

    • local newspapers
    • revenue generation
  • Niagara Health

    • general remarks
    • government funding
    • South Niagara site
      • general remarks
      • government funding
    • Welland site
      • emergency department
        • closure of
      • general remarks
      • government funding
      • long-term care beds
      • services
  • Niagara region

    • general remarks
  • 9-1-1 Everywhere in Ontario Act, 2021 (Bill 56)

    • first reading
  • No COVID-19 Evictions Act (Bill 90)

    • first reading
  • No Time to Waste Act (Plan for Climate Action and Jobs), 2022 (Bill 121)

    • first reading
  • Non-profit organizations

  • Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 9)

  • Northern Health Travel Grant

  • Northern Health Travel Grant Advisory Committee Act, 2021 (Bill 46)

    • first reading
      • Monteith-Farrell, 828
  • Northern Ontario.

    see also specific policy areas
  • Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corp.

    • broadband expansion funding
    • funding allocations
  • Northern Ontario School of Medicine

    • enrollment spaces
      • Miller, N., 2919
      • Monteith-Farrell, 2918
    • enrolment
    • government funding
    • as independent insitution
      • general remarks
    • students
      • recruitment
        • Monteith-Farrell, 2918
  • Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010,

    SO 2010, c 15

    • commencement date
  • Not-for-profit organizations

    • government funding
  • Nuclear energy

    • small modular reactors
      • government strategy
  • Nuclear energy industry

    • economic impact
    • government strategy
  • Nuclear generating facilities

    • refurbishment projects
  • Nuclear industry

  • Nuclear waste management

    • environmental impact
    • general remarks
  • Nurses

    • amount of
      • annual reports
    • compensation
    • education and training
      • internationally trained
        • statements by stakeholders
    • lay offs
      • general remarks
    • mental health
      • during COVID-19
    • recruitment and retention
      • Baber, 1628
      • by classification
        • nurse practitioners
      • Community Commitment Program for Nurses
      • general remarks
      • government funding
      • government strategy
      • impact of compensation
      • in Northern Ontario
        • Miller, P., 908
      • regional shortages
      • by specialty
        • community care
        • ICU nurses
      • statements by stakeholders
      • vacancy rate
    • shortage
    • training and education
      • BEGIN initiative: Bridging Educational Grant in Nursing
      • Community Commitment Program for Nurses
      • degree programs
      • French-language
        • government funding
      • government funding
      • Learn and Stay Program
      • Nursing Program Transformation in Ontario's Colleges
      • Ontario Learn and Stay Grant
      • regional availability
    • working conditions
      • statements by stakeholders
  • Nurses - COVID-19

  • Nurses - training and education

    • enrollment spaces
Last updated