Kevin Holland headshot

Kevin Holland

Current roles

  • Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Long-Term Care
  • Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Mines
  • Member, Standing Committee on Government Agencies
  • Member, Standing Committee on the Interior


Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario

Riding representation

Thunder Bay—Atikokan

43rd Parliament

– present

Dates of service

(General Election) – present

Career details

43rd Parliament (August 8, 2022 – present)

Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Long-Term Care
– present

Member, Standing Committee on the Interior
– present

Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Mines
– present

Member, Standing Committee on Government Agencies
– present

Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Indigenous Affairs

Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Northern Development

Member, Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy

Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Party affiliation(s)

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
– present

Member's expenses