Kevin Holland headshot

Kevin Holland

Current roles

  • Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Long-Term Care
  • Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Mines
  • Member, Standing Committee on Government Agencies
  • Member, Standing Committee on the Interior


Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario

General email address

Constituency office

Unit 3
101 Main St. W
Atikokan, ON P0T 1C0
Tel.: 807-623-6702
Fax: 807-623-8921
Toll free: 833-743-1684

Constituency office

774 James St. N (Main office)
Thunder Bay, ON P7C 5N3
Tel.: 807-623-6702
Fax: 807-623-8921
Toll free: 833-743-1684

Ministry office

Ministry of Northern Development
Room 5501
5th Floor
99 Wellesley St. W
Toronto, ON M7A 1W3