36th Parliament, 1st Session

No. 210 No 210

Votes and



Legislative Assembly

of Ontario

Assemblée législative

de l'Ontario

1st Session,

36th Parliament

1re session,

36e législature


June 24, 1997


24 juin 1997


1:30 P.M.


13 H 30

The Speaker addressed the House as follows:-

I beg to inform the House, I have today laid upon the Table the Annual Report of the Office of the Integrity Commissioner / Bureau du commissaire à l'intégrité for the period April 1, 1996 to March 31, 1997 (Sessional Paper No. 523) (Tabled June 24, 1997).

The House paid tribute and expressed its condolence on the death of Larry Grossman, member for the Electoral District of St. Andrew-St. Patrick from September 18, 1975 to July 31, 1987.



Petition relating to North York Branson Hospital (Sessional Paper No. P-15) (Tabled June 24, 1997) Mr M. Kwinter.

Petition relating to Workers Health and Safety Centre and Occupational Health Clinics (Sessional Paper No. P-118) (Tabled June 24, 1997) Mr D. Christopherson.

Petition relating to Demanding public hearings on the Review of the Occupational Health and Safety Act discussion paper (Sessional Paper No. P-249) (Tabled June 24, 1997) Mr D. Christopherson.

Petition relating to Ontarians with physical or mental disabilities (Sessional Paper No. P-258) (Tabled June 24, 1997) Mr F. Miclash.

Petition relating to Establishing a Dialysis treatment facility in Cornwall (Sessional Paper No. P-266) (Tabled June 24, 1997) Mr J. Cleary.

Petition relating to Support for all current forms of black bear hunting (Sessional Paper No. P-275) (Tabled June 24, 1997) Mr G. Stewart.

Petition relating to Noise barrier in Sarnia along Highway 402 (Sessional Paper No. P-280) (Tabled June 24, 1997) Mr D. Boushy.

Petition relating to Traffic signals at intersection of Highway 12 and Couchiching Point Road in Orillia (Sessional Paper No. P-281) (Tabled June 24, 1997) Mr A. McLean.

Petition relating to Religious instruction in public schools during lunch periods (Sessional Paper No. P-282) (Tabled June 24, 1997) Mr E. Doyle.

Petition relating to Rescinding Bill 7 which allows hiring of "replacement workers" (Sessional Paper No. P-283) (Tabled June 24, 1997) Mr D. Christopherson.

Petition relating to Court ruling on female toplessness in all public places (Sessional Paper No. P-284) (Tabled June 24, 1997) Mr F. Miclash.



The following Bills were introduced and read the first time:-

Les projets de loi suivants sont présentés et lus une première fois:-

Bill 143, An Act to authorize the payment of certain amounts for the Public Service for the fiscal year ending on March 31, 1997. Hon. E. Eves.

Projet de loi 143, Loi autorisant le paiement de certaines sommes destinées à la fonction publique pour l'exercice se terminant le 31 mars 1997. L'hon. E. Eves.

Bill 144, An Act to amend the City of Toronto Act, 1997. Ms F. Lankin.

Projet de loi 144, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la cité de Toronto. Mme F. Lankin.

The following Bill was introduced, read the first time and referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills:-

Le projet de loi suivant est présenté, lu une première fois et déféré au Comité permanent des règlements et des projets de loi privés:-

Bill Pr69, An Act respecting the City of Sarnia. Mr D. Boushy.



The House resolved itself into a Committee to consider a certain Bill.

L'Assemblée se constitue en Comité plénier pour étudier un projet de loi.

After some time, the proceedings of the Committee of the Whole House were suspended.

Après quelque temps, les délibérations en Comité plénier sont suspendues.

At 5:55 p.m., the deferred vote on the Amendment to the motion for Adoption of amendments to the Standing Orders was carried on the following division:-

À 17 h 55, l'amendement à la motion pour l'adoption des modifications au Règlement, mise aux voix sur le vote différé, est adopté par le vote suivant:-

AYES / POUR - 54

Baird Guzzo Ouellette

Bassett Harnick Parker

Beaubien Hastings Pettit

Boushy Jackson Rollins

Brown Johns Ross

(Scarborough West) Johnson Sampson

Carroll (Don Mills) Shea

Clement Johnson Smith

Cunningham (Perth) Snobelen

Danford Jordan Spina

Doyle Kells Sterling

Ecker Klees Stewart

Elliott Leach Turnbull

Eves Leadston Vankoughnet

Fisher Marland Villeneuve

Fox Martiniuk Wettlaufer

Froese Munro Wood

Galt Murdoch (London South)

Gilchrist Newman

Grimmett O'Toole


Bartolucci Gerretsen Martel

Bisson Grandmaître McLeod

Boyd Gravelle Morin

Bradley Hampton Patten

Castrilli Hoy Phillips

Christopherson Kennedy Pouliot

Cleary Kormos Pupatello

Colle Lalonde Sergio

Conway Lankin Wildman

Crozier Laughren Wood

Duncan Marchese (Cochrane North)

The House again resolved itself into a Committee to resume consideration of a certain Bill.

L'Assemblée se constitue une fois de plus en Comité plénier pour reprendre l'étude d'un projet de loi.

After some time, the Committee rose and reported progress on the following Bill:-

Après quelque temps, le comité lève la séance et fait rapport de l'état du projet de loi suivant:-

Bill 129, An Act to stimulate job growth, to reduce taxes and to implement other measures contained in the 1997 Budget.

Projet de loi 129, Loi visant à stimuler la croissance de l'emploi, à réduire les impôts et à mettre en oeuvre d'autres mesures mentionnées dans le budget de 1997.

Ordered, That the report be now received and adopted.

Il est ordonné que ce rapport soit maintenant reçu et adopté.

The House again resolved itself into a Committee to consider a certain Bill.

L'Assemblée se constitue une fois de plus en Comité plénier pour étudier un projet de loi.

After some time, the Committee rose and reported the following Bill without amendment:-

Après quelque temps, le comité lève la séance et fait rapport sur le projet de loi suivant sans amendement:-

Bill 129, An Act to stimulate job growth, to reduce taxes and to implement other measures contained in the 1997 Budget.

Projet de loi 129, Loi visant à stimuler la croissance de l'emploi, à réduire les impôts et à mettre en oeuvre d'autres mesures mentionnées dans le budget de 1997.

Ordered, That the report be now received and adopted.

Il est ordonné que ce rapport soit maintenant reçu et adopté.

With unanimous consent, the following Bill was read the third time and was passed:-

Bill 129, An Act to stimulate job growth, to reduce taxes and to implement other measures contained in the 1997 Budget.

Avec le consentement unanime, le projet de loi suivant est lu une troisième fois et adopté:-

Projet de loi 129, Loi visant à stimuler la croissance de l'emploi, à réduire les impôts et à mettre en oeuvre d'autres mesures mentionnées dans le budget de 1997.

Mr Johnson (Don Mills) moved,

M. Johnson (Don Mills) propose,

That, notwithstanding Standing Order 6(a), when the House adjourns on Thursday, June 26, 1997, it stand adjourned until Monday, August 18, 1997 which date commences the fall sessional period.

After some time, the question having been put, the motion was declared carried.

Après quelque temps, la motion, mise aux voix, est déclarée adoptée.

The House then adjourned

at 12:00 o'clock midnight.

À minuit, la chambre a ensuite

ajourné ses travaux.

le président

Christopher M. Stockwell


Sessional Papers Presented Pursuant to Standing Order 39(c):-

Documents Parlementaires Déposés Conformément à l'article 39(c) du Règlement:-

Part-time appointments re intended Order-in-Council dated June 18, 1997 (No. 524) (Tabled June 24, 1997).

Questions Answered (see Sessional Paper No. 5):-

Final Answers to Question Numbers: 1546, 1547, 1561, 1793, 1794, 1869 to 1874 and 1876.

Interim Answer to Question Number: 1877.

Responses to Petitions:-

Réponses aux Pétitions:-

Petitions relating to TVOntario (Sessional Paper No. P-117):

(Tabled June 10, 1997) Mr B. Crozier.

(Tabled June 9, 10, 16, 1997) Mr M. Gravelle.

(Tabled June 11, 1997) Mrs L. McLeod.

Pétition ayant rapport aux Bibliothèques Publiques (Sessional Paper No. P-223):

(Tabled June 10, 1997) Mr J.-M. Lalonde.

Petitions relating to Northern Vehicle Registration Tax (Sessional Paper No. P-259):

(Tabled June 9, 10, 1997) Mr R. Bartolucci.

Pétition ayant rapport à TVOntario (Sessional Paper No. P-264):

(Tabled June 16, 1997) Mr J.-M. Lalonde.

Petition relating to Windsor Regional Hospital Western Campus Emergency Unit (Sessional Paper No. P-265):

(Tabled May 29, 1997) Mrs S. Pupatello.

Petitions relating to a Variance allowing only standby chlorination to be used in Milton's water delivery system (Sessional Paper No. P-269):

(Tabled June 9, 12, 17, 1997) Mr T. Chudleigh.