36th Parliament, 1st Session

No. 96 No 96

Votes and



Legislative Assembly

of Ontario

Assemblée législative

de l'Ontario

1st Session,

36th Parliament

1re session,

36e législature


June 27, 1996


27 juin 1996


10:00 A.M.


10 H

The House resolved itself into a Committee to consider a certain Bill.

L'Assemblée se constitue en Comité plénier pour étudier un projet de loi.

After some time, the Committee rose and reported the following Bill as amended:-

Après quelque temps, le comité lève la séance et fait rapport sur le projet de loi suivant avec des amendements:-

Bill 47, An Act to cut taxes, to stimulate economic growth and to implement other measures contained in the 1996 Budget.

Projet de loi 47, Loi visant à réduire les impôts, à stimuler la croissance économique et à mettre en oeuvre d'autres mesures mentionnées dans le budget 1996.

Ordered, That the report be now received and adopted.

Il est ordonné que ce rapport soit maintenant reçu et adopté.

A debate arose on the motion for Third Reading of Bill 47, An Act to cut taxes, to stimulate economic growth and to implement other measures contained in the 1996 Budget.

Il s'élève un débat sur la motion portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 47, Loi visant à réduire les impôts, à stimuler la croissance économique et à mettre en oeuvre d'autres mesures mentionnées dans le budget 1996.

And the debate having continued until 12:00 noon,

With unanimous consent, the House agreed to continue to meet from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. for the purpose of continuing consideration of government business and, at 1:30 p.m., to proceed to consideration of Routine Proceedings as prescribed in the Order of the House of June 26, 1996.

The debate continued and,

After some time, pursuant to the agreement of the House of today's date, the motion for the adjournment of the debate was deemed to have been made and carried .


1:30 P.M.


13 H 30

Following Question Period, at 3:15 p.m., the deferred vote on the motion for Third Reading of Bill 36, An Act to amend certain Acts administered by the Ministry of Natural Resources was carried on the following division:-

Après la période des questions, à 15 h 15, la motion portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 36, Loi modifiant certaines lois appliquées par le ministère des Richesses naturelles, mise aux voix sur le vote différé, est adoptée par le vote suivant:-

AYES / POUR - 68

Arnott Grimmett Preston

Baird Guzzo Rollins

Barrett Hardeman Ross

Bassett Harnick Sampson

Beaubien Harris Saunderson

Boushy Hastings Shea

Brown Hudak Sheehan

(Scarborough West) Jackson Skarica

Carr Johnson Smith

Carroll (Brantford) Snobelen

Chudleigh Johnson Spina

Clement (Don Mills) Sterling

Cunningham Johnson Stewart

Danford (Perth) Tascona

DeFaria Jordan Tilson

Doyle Klees Tsubouchi

Ecker Leach Turnbull

Elliott Marland Vankoughnet

Eves Martiniuk Wettlaufer

Fisher Maves Witmer

Ford Munro Wood

Fox Newman (London South)

Froese Ouellette Young

Galt Palladini

Gilchrist Parker


Bartolucci Gravelle Morin

Bisson Hoy Phillips

Bradley Kennedy Pouliot

Caplan Kormos Pupatello

Christopherson Kwinter Ruprecht

Churley Lalonde Sergio

Colle Lankin Silipo

Conway Laughren Wood

Crozier Marchese (Cochrane North)

Curling McGuinty

And the Bill was accordingly read the third time and was passed.

En conséquence, ce projet de loi est lu une troisième fois et adopté.

At 3:25 p.m., the deferred vote on the motion for Third Reading of Bill 46, An Act to amend or revoke various statutes administered by or affecting the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and to enact other statutes administered by the Ministry was carried on the following division:-

À 15 h 25, la motion portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 46, Loi modifiant ou abrogeant diverses lois appliquées par le ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation et des Affaires rurales, ou qui touchent ce ministère, et visant à édicter d'autres lois appliquées par le ministère, mise aux voix sur le vote différé, est adoptée par le vote suivant:-

AYES / POUR - 70

Arnott Grimmett Parker

Baird Guzzo Preston

Barrett Hardeman Rollins

Bassett Harnick Ross

Beaubien Harris Sampson

Boushy Hastings Saunderson

Brown Hudak Shea

(Scarborough West) Jackson Sheehan

Carr Johnson Skarica

Carroll (Brantford) Smith

Chudleigh Johnson Snobelen

Clement (Don Mills) Spina

Cunningham Johnson Sterling

Danford (Perth) Stewart

DeFaria Jordan Stockwell

Doyle Klees Tascona

Ecker Leach Tilson

Elliott Marland Tsubouchi

Eves Martiniuk Turnbull

Fisher Maves Vankoughnet

Ford Munro Wettlaufer

Fox Murdoch Witmer

Froese Newman Wood

Galt Ouellette (London South)

Gilchrist Palladini Young


Bartolucci Hoy Morin

Bisson Kennedy Phillips

Bradley Kormos Pouliot

Caplan Kwinter Pupatello

Christopherson Lalonde Ruprecht

Churley Lankin Sergio

NAYS / CONTRE - Continued

Conway Laughren Silipo

Crozier Marchese Wood

Curling Martel (Cochrane North)

Gravelle McGuinty

And the Bill was accordingly read the third time and was passed.

En conséquence, ce projet de loi est lu une troisième fois et adopté.



Petition relating to Postponing Tax Cuts (Sessional Paper No. P-33) (Tabled June 27, 1996) Mr B. Vankoughnet.

Petition relating to The Dellcrest Children's Centre (Sessional Paper No. P-100) (Tabled June 27, 1996) Mr T. Ruprecht.

Petition relating to the Leamington Driver Exam Centre (Sessional Paper No. P-123) (Tabled June 27, 1996) Mr B. Crozier.

During presentation of "Petitions", Mr Christopherson moved the adjournment of the House, which motion was lost on the following division:-

Ayes - 8 Nays - 71

Mr Turnbull then moved that the House do now proceed to "Introduction of Bills", which motion was carried on the following division:-

Ayes - 58 Nays - 15



On motion by Mr Harnick, Bill 79, An Act to improve Ontario's court system, to respond to concerns raised by charities and their volunteers and to improve various statutes relating to the administration of justice was introduced and read the first time on the following division:-

Sur la motion de M. Harnick, le projet de loi 79, Loi visant à améliorer le système judiciaire de l'Ontario, à répondre aux préoccupations exprimées par les oeuvres de bienfaisance et leurs bénévoles, et à améliorer diverses lois relatives à l'administration de la justice est présenté et lu une première fois à la suite du vote suivant:-

AYES / POUR - 77

Baird Gilchrist Rollins

Barrett Grimmett Ross

Bartolucci Guzzo Ruprecht

Beaubien Hastings Sampson

Bisson Hudak Saunderson

Boushy Johnson Sergio

Bradley (Brantford) Shea

Brown Johnson Sheehan

(Scarborough West) (Don Mills) Silipo

Caplan Jordan Skarica

Carr Kennedy Smith

Carroll Kormos Snobelen

Christopherson Lalonde Spina

Chudleigh Leach Sterling

Churley Marchese Stewart

Clement Marland Stockwell

Colle Martel Tascona

Cunningham Martiniuk Tilson

Danford Maves Turnbull

DeFaria Munro Vankoughnet

Doyle Murdoch Wettlaufer

Ecker Newman Wood

Elliott Ouellette (Cochrane North)

Eves Parker Wood

Fisher Phillips (London South)

Ford Pouliot Young

Froese Preston

Galt Pupatello


On motion by Mr Brown (Scarborough-West), Bill 80, An Act to curtail Repeat Offences by Juvenile Delinquents was introduced and read the first time on the following division:-

Sur la motion de M. Brown (Scarborough-Ouest), le projet de loi 80, Loi visant à inciter les jeunes délinquants à ne pas récidiver est présenté et lu une première fois à la suite du vote suivant:-

AYES / POUR - 70

Baird Gilchrist Pupatello

Barrett Grimmett Rollins

Beaubien Guzzo Ross

Boushy Hardeman Ruprecht

Bradley Hastings Sampson

AYES / POUR - Continued

Brown Hudak Saunderson

(Scarborough West) Johnson Sergio

Caplan (Brantford) Shea

Carr Johnson Sheehan

Carroll (Don Mills) Skarica

Chudleigh Jordan Smith

Clement Kells Snobelen

Colle Kennedy Spina

Cunningham Lalonde Sterling

Danford Leach Stewart

DeFaria Marland Stockwell

Doyle Martiniuk Tascona

Ecker Maves Tilson

Elliott Munro Turnbull

Eves Murdoch Vankoughnet

Fisher Newman Wettlaufer

Ford Ouellette Wood

Fox Parker (London South)

Froese Phillips Young

Galt Preston


Bisson Marchese Silipo

Christopherson Martel

Kormos Pouliot



Debate was resumed on the motion for Third Reading of Bill 47, An Act to cut taxes, to stimulate economic growth and to implement other measures contained in the 1996 Budget.

Le débat reprend sur la motion portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 47, Loi visant à réduire les impôts, à stimuler la croissance économique et à mettre en oeuvre d'autres mesures mentionnées dans le budget 1996.

After some time, the motion was declared carried and the Bill was accordingly read the third time and was passed.

Après quelque temps, la motion est déclarée adoptée et en conséquence, ce projet de loi est lu une troisième fois et adopté.

A debate arose on the motion for Third Reading of Bill 54, An Act to provide for the delegation of the administration of certain designated statutes to designated administrative authorities and to provide for certain limitation periods in those statutes.

Il s'élève un débat sur la motion portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 54, Loi prévoyant la délégation de l'application de certaines lois désignées à des organismes d'application désignés et prévoyant certains délais de prescription dans ces lois.

After some time, the motion was declared carried and the Bill was accordingly read the third time and was passed.

Après quelque temps, la motion est déclarée adoptée et en conséquence, ce projet de loi est lu une troisième fois et adopté.

The following Bill was read the third time and was passed:-

Le projet de loi suivant est lu une troisième fois et adopté:-

Bill 71, An Act to encourage the financial support of Public Institutions by Individuals and the Private Sector through the establishment of Crown Foundations.

Projet de loi 71, Loi visant à encourager le soutien financier des établissements publics par les particuliers et le secteur privé grâce à la création de fondations de la Couronne.

With unanimous consent, debate on the motion for Second Reading of Bill 70, An Act to provide Co-operative Education and Film Industry Tax Credits, to create Economic Growth, to implement other measures contained in the 1996 Budget and to amend certain Acts administered by the Minister of Finance was deemed to have been concluded and the request to put the question forthwith was deemed to have been made.

The question then having been put was declared carried and the Bill was accordingly read the second time and Ordered for Third Reading.

The following Bills were read the second time and Ordered for Third Reading:-

Les projets de loi suivants sont lus une deuxième fois et ordonnés pour la troisième lecture:-

Bill Pr34, An Act respecting the City of Ottawa.

Bill Pr45, An Act respecting Anglo Canada General Insurance Company.

Bill Pr47, An Act respecting the City of Ottawa.

Bill Pr48, An Act respecting the City of Ottawa.

Bill Pr54, An Act respecting the City of Toronto.

Bill Pr55, An Act respecting the City of Toronto.

Bill Pr58, An Act respecting the Lions Foundation of Canada.

Bill Pr59, An Act respecting the City of Kingston.

Bill Pr60, An Act respecting the City of Brantford.

Bill Pr61, An Act respecting the Town of Richmond Hill.

Bill Pr62, An Act to revive Delzap Construction Limited.

The following Bills were read the third time and were passed:-

Les projets de loi suivants sont lus une troisième fois et adoptés:-

Bill Pr34, An Act respecting the City of Ottawa.

Bill Pr45, An Act respecting Anglo Canada General Insurance Company.

Bill Pr47, An Act respecting the City of Ottawa.

Bill Pr48, An Act respecting the City of Ottawa.

Bill Pr54, An Act respecting the City of Toronto.

Bill Pr55, An Act respecting the City of Toronto.

Bill Pr58, An Act respecting the Lions Foundation of Canada.

Bill Pr59, An Act respecting the City of Kingston.

Bill Pr60, An Act respecting the City of Brantford.

Bill Pr61, An Act respecting the Town of Richmond Hill.

The question having been put on the motion for Third Reading of Bill Pr62, An Act to revive Delzap Construction Limited was carried on the following division:-

AYES / POUR - 46

Baird Guzzo Rollins

Bassett Hardeman Ross

Bisson Harnick Sampson

Boyd Johnson Shea

Bradley (Brantford) Sheehan

Brown Johnson Silipo

(Scarborough West) (Don Mills) Skarica

Caplan Klees Smith

Carr Leach Snobelen

Christopherson Marchese Spina

Chudleigh Martel Stewart

AYES / POUR - Continued

Clement Maves Stockwell

Danford Munro Tascona

Doyle Murdoch Turnbull

Elliott Parker Wettlaufer

Eves Pouliot

Grimmett Pupatello


And the Bill was accordingly read the third time and was passed.

En conséquence, ce projet de loi est lu une troisième fois et adopté.

With unanimous consent, the following motions were moved without notice:-

On motion by Mr Eves,

Sur la motion de M. Eves,

Ordered, That the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly review and report on the matter of Referenda as set out in the Ministry of the Attorney General document to be filed with the Clerk of the Committee.

On motion by Mr Eves,

Sur la motion de M. Eves,

Ordered, That the Standing Committee on General Government review and report on the matter of Rent Control as set out in the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Consultation Paper to be filed with the Clerk of the Committee.

On motion by Mr Eves,

Sur la motion de M. Eves,

Ordered, That the following committees be authorized to meet during the Summer Adjournment in accordance with the schedule of meeting dates agreed to by the 3 Party Whips and tabled with the Clerk of the Assembly to examine and enquire into the following matters:-

Standing Committee on Administration of Justice to consider Bill 75, An Act to regulate alcohol and gaming in the public interest, to fund charities through the responsible management of video lotteries and to amend certain statutes related to liquor and gaming;

Standing Committee on General Government to consider the matter of Rent Control pursuant to the order of the House dated June 27, 1996 and Bill 52, An Act to promote resource development, conservation and environmental protection through the streamlining of regulatory processes and the enhancement of compliance measures in the Aggregate and Petroleum Industries;

Standing Committee on Government Agencies to review intended appointments in the public sector;

Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly to consider the matter of Referenda pursuant to the order of the House dated June 27, 1996;

Sub-committee of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts to adjourn to Victoria, British Columbia to attend the annual meeting of the Canadian Council of Public Accounts Committees;

Standing Committee on Resources Development to consider Bill 49, An Act to improve the Employment Standards Act;

Standing Committee on Social Development to consider Bill 76, An Act to improve environmental protection, increase accountability and enshrine public consultation in the Environmental Assessment Act.

On motion by Mr Eves,

Sur la motion de M. Eves,

Ordered, That the committees be authorized to release their reports during the Summer Adjournment by depositing a copy of any report with the Clerk of the Assembly, and upon the resumption of the meetings of the House the Chairs of such committees shall bring any such reports before the House in accordance with the Standing Orders.

On motion by Mr Eves,

Sur la motion de M. Eves,

Ordered, That notwithstanding Standing Order 6(a)(ii), when the House adjourns today, it shall stand adjourned until Tuesday, September 24, 1996.

His Honour the Lieutenant Governor of the Province entered the Chamber of the Legislative Assembly and took his seat upon the Throne.

The Speaker addressed His Honour as follows:

"May it please Your Honour:

The Legislative Assembly of the Province has, at its present meetings thereof, passed certain bills to which, in the name and on behalf of the said Legislative Assembly, I respectfully request Your Honour's assent."

The Clerk Assistant and Clerk of Committees then read the titles of the bills that had passed as follows:

"The following are the titles of the bills to which Your Honour's assent is prayed:

Bill 30, An Act to establish the Education Quality and Accountability Office and to amend the Education Act with respect to the Assessment of Academic Achievement.

Projet de loi 30, Loi créant l'Office de la qualité et de la responsabilité en éducation et modifiant la Loi sur l'éducation en ce qui concerne l'évaluation du rendement scolaire.

Bill 31, An Act to establish the Ontario College of Teachers and to make related amendments to certain statutes.

Projet de loi 31, Loi créant l'Ordre des enseignantes et des enseignants de l'Ontario et apportant des modifications connexes à certaines lois.

Bill 34, An Act to amend the Education Act.

Projet de loi 34, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'éducation.

Bill 36, An Act to amend certain Acts administered by the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Projet de loi 36, Loi modifiant certaines lois appliquées par le ministère des Richesses naturelles.

Bill 38, An Act to amend the Toronto Islands Residential Community Stewardship Act, 1993.

Projet de loi 38, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1993 sur l'administration de la zone résidentielle des îles de Toronto.

Bill 45, An Act to repeal the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Act and transfer assets to the University of Toronto.

Projet de loi 45, Loi abrogeant la Loi sur l'Institut d'études pédagogiques de l'Ontario et transférant l'actif de l'Institut à l'Université de Toronto.

Bill 46, An Act to amend or revoke various statutes administered by or affecting the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and to enact other statutes administered by the Ministry.

Projet de loi 46, Loi modifiant ou abrogeant diverses lois appliquées par le ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation et des Affaires rurales, ou qui touchent ce ministère, et visant à édicter d'autres lois appliquées par le ministère.

Bill 47, An Act to cut taxes, to stimulate economic growth and to implement other measures contained in the 1996 Budget.

Projet de loi 47, Loi visant à réduire les impôts, à stimuler la croissance économique et à mettre en oeuvre d'autres mesures mentionnées dans le budget 1996.

Bill 54, An Act to provide for the delegation of the administration of certain designated statutes to designated administrative authorities and to provide for certain limitation periods in those statutes.

Projet de loi 54, Loi prévoyant la délégation de l'application de certaines lois désignées à des organismes d'application désignés et prévoyant certains délais de prescription dans ces lois.

Bill 55, An Act to promote road safety by implementing commercial trucking reforms, drinking and driving countermeasures and other aspects of Ontario's comprehensive road safety plan.

Projet de loi 55, Loi visant à promouvoir la sécurité routière pour la mise en oeuvre de mesures de réforme du camionnage, de contremesures visant l'alcool au volant et d'autres aspects du programme général de sécurité routière de l'Ontario.

Bill 59, An Act to provide Ontario drivers with fair, balanced and stable automobile insurance and to make other amendments related to insurance matters.

Projet de loi 59, Loi visant à offrir une assurance-automobile équitable, équilibrée et stable aux conducteurs ontariens et à apporter d'autres modifications portant sur des questions d'assurance.

Bill 71, An Act to encourage the financial support of Public Institutions by Individuals and the Private Sector through the establishment of Crown Foundations.

Projet de loi 71, Loi visant à encourager le soutien financier des établissements publics par les particuliers et le secteur privé grâce à la création de fondations de la Couronne.

Bill Pr34, An Act respecting the City of Ottawa.

Bill Pr45, An Act respecting Anglo Canada General Insurance Company.

Bill Pr47, An Act respecting the City of Ottawa.

Bill Pr48, An Act respecting the City of Ottawa.

Bill Pr54, An Act respecting the City of Toronto.

Bill Pr55, An Act respecting the City of Toronto.

Bill Pr58, An Act respecting the Lions Foundation of Canada.

Bill Pr59, An Act respecting the City of Kingston.

Bill Pr60, An Act respecting the City of Brantford.

Bill Pr61, An Act respecting the Town of Richmond Hill.

Bill Pr62, An Act to revive Delzap Construction Limited."

To these Acts the Royal Assent was announced by the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly in the following words:

"In Her Majesty's name, His Honour the Lieutenant Governor doth assent to these bills."

«Au nom de Sa Majesté, Son Honneur le lieutenant-gouverneur sanctionne ces projets de loi.»

His Honour was then pleased to retire.

Mr Eves moved, That the House do now adjourn.

M. Eves propose que l'Assemblée ajourne les débats maintenant.

The question, having been put on the motion, was declared carried.

Cette motion, mise aux voix, est déclarée adoptée.

The House then adjourned at 9:25 p.m. until Tuesday, September 24, 1996.

À 21 h 25, la chambre a ensuite ajourné ses travaux jusqu'au mardi 24 septembre 1996.

le président

Allan K. McLean


Sessional Papers Presented Pursuant to Standing Order 39(c):-

Documents Parlementaires Déposés Conformément à l'article 39(c) du Règlement:-


Bill 79, An Act to improve Ontario's court system, to respond to concerns raised by charities and their volunteers and to improve various statutes relating to the administration of justice (No. 204) (Tabled June 27, 1996).

Ministry of Economic Development and Trade / Ministère du développement économique et du commerce, Annual Report 1994/1995 (No. 200) (Tabled June 27, 1996).

Ortech International, Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 1995 (No. 201) (Tabled June 27, 1996).

Part-time appointments re intended Order-in-Council dated June 26, 1996 (No. 203) (Tabled June 27, 1996).

Public Opinion Survey:

Educational Issues (No. 202) (Tabled June 27, 1996).

St. Lawrence Parks Commission / La Commission des Parcs du Saint-Laurent, Annual Report 1994/1995 (No. 199) (Tabled June 27, 1996).

Questions Answered (see Sessional Paper No. 5):-

Interim Answers to Question Numbers: 468 - 488.



(Government and Private Members')



(Gouvernement et Députés)

Advocacy, Consent and Substitute Decisions

Statute Law. Hon. C. Harnick 19

Aggregate and Petroleum Resources Statute Law. Hon. C. Hodgson 52

Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (see Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs)

Alcohol, Gaming and Charity Funding Public Interest. Hon. N. Sterling 75

Audit. Mr B. Grandmaître 74

Automobile Insurance. Mr M. Sergio 29

Automobile Insurance Rate Stability. Hon. E. Eves 59

Charity Funding (see Alcohol, Gaming and Charity Funding Public Interest)

Charter of Rights for Victims of Crime. Ms A. Castrilli 12

Children's Law Reform. Mr J. Hastings 27

Citizens Assembly Project. Mr R. Chiarelli 18

College of Teachers (see Ontario)

Commercial trucking reforms (see Road Safety)

Consent to Treatment (see Advocacy)

Construction Workforce from Quebec. Mr J.-M. Lalonde 60

Consumer Statutes Administration (see Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration)

Co-operative Education (see Tax Credits and Economic Stimulation)

Corporations Information. Hon. N. Sterling 6

Courts Improvement. Hon. C. Harnick 79

Crown Foundations. Hon E. Eves 71

Delegation of the administration of certain designated statutes (see Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration)

Drinking and driving countermeasures (see Road Safety)

Drop the Penny. Mr D. Tilson 9, 14

Economic Stimulation (see Tax Credits and Economic Stimulation)

Education. Hon. J. Snobelen 34

Education (Co-operation Among Boards). Mr B. Wildman 37, 58

Education Quality and Accountability Office. Hon. J. Snobelen 30

Election. Mr D. McGuinty 2

Election. Hon. E. Eves 44

Employees Association Financial Accountability (see Labour Union and Employees Association) Employees Association Financial Disclosure (see Trade Union and Employees Association) Employment Standards Improvement. Hon. E. Witmer 49

Endangered, Threatened and Vulnerable Species. Mr B. Wildman 62

Environmental Approvals Improvement. Hon. B. Elliott 57

Environmental Assessment and Consultation Improvement. Hon. B. Elliott 76

Environmental Protection (see Importation of Waste Statute Law)

Environmental Protection Statute Law. Mr B. Wildman 24

Executive Council. Hon. E. Eves 1

Expropriations (see Property Rights)

Film Industry Tax Credits (see Tax Credits and Economic Stimulation)

Financial Accountability (see Labour Union and Employees Association)

Financial Disclosure (see Trade Union and Employees Association)

Financial support of Public Institutions (see Crown Foundations)

Franchises. Mr T. Martin 13

Freezing of Compensation for Members of the Assembly. Hon. E. Eves 32

Fuel Tax Agreement Implementation (see International Fuel Tax Agreement Implementation)

Gaming (see Alcohol, Gaming and Charity Funding Public Interest)

Government Process Simplification (Ministry of the Attorney General).

Hon. C. Harnick 61

Government Process Simplification (Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and

Recreation). Hon. M. Mushinski 63

Government Process Simplification (Ministry of Consumer and

Commercial Relations). Hon. N. Sterling 64

Government Process Simplification (Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and

Tourism). Hon. W. Saunderson 65

Government Process Simplification (Ministry of Environment and

Energy). Hon. B. Elliott 66

Government Process Simplification (Ministry of Health). Hon. J. Wilson 67

Government Process Simplification (Ministry of Northern Development and

Mines). Hon. C. Hodgson 68

Government Process Simplification (Ministries of the Solicitor General and

Correctional Services). Hon. R. Runciman 69

Highway Improvement (see Public Transportation)

Highway Traffic. Mr P. Kormos 72

Highway Traffic. Mr P. Hoy 78

Highway Transport Board (see Ontario Highway Transport Board)

Human Rights Code (see Property Rights)

Importation of Waste Statute Law. Mr D. Ramsay 56

Indemnities and Allowances of Members of the Assembly (see Freezing of Compensation)

International Fuel Tax Agreement Implementation. Hon. D. Johnson (Don Mills) 48

Job Quotas. Hon. M. Mushinski 8

Juvenile Delinquents (Ontario). Mr J. Brown (Scarborough West) 80

Labour Relations and Employment Statute Law. Hon. E. Witmer 7

Labour Union and Employees Association Financial Accountability. Mr S. Gilchrist 53

Land Use Planning and Protection. Hon. A. Leach 20

Law Society. Mr R. Chiarelli 4

Legislative Assembly. Mr J. Flaherty (Blocked) 33

Legislative Assembly Oath of Allegiance. Mr D. Agostino 22

Locksmiths Licensing. Mr J. Hastings 40

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Statute Law. Hon. N. Villeneuve 46

Ministry of Natural Resources Statute Law. Hon. C. Hodgson 36

Motor Vehicle Fuel Pricing. Mr R. Chiarelli 10

MPPs Pension and Compensation Reform. Hon. E. Eves 42

Municipal. Mr T. Ruprecht. 51

Municipal (Expense Allowances). Mr D. Shea 73

Municipal (Simcoe Day). Mr S. Gilchrist 28

Natural Resources (see Ministry of Natural Resources)

Occupational Health and Safety (see Workers' Compensation)

Ontario College of Teachers. Hon. J. Snobelen 31

Ontario Highway Transport Board and Public Vehicles. Hon. A. Palladini 39

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Hon. J. Snobelen 45

Ontario Water Resources (see Environmental Protection)

Patients' Bill of Rights. Mrs E. Caplan 41

Pension and Compensation Reform (see MPPs Pension and Compensation Reform)

Personal Property Security. Hon. N. Sterling 35

Pesticides (see Environmental Protection)

Petroleum Resources Statute Law (see Aggregate and Petroleum Resources Statute Law)

Property Rights Statute Law. Mr T. Barrett 11

Public Hospital Foundations. Mr J. Hastings 21

Public Transportation and Highway Improvement. Mr M. Gravelle 16

Public Sector Restructuring (see Savings and Restructuring)

Public Vehicles (see Ontario Highway Transport Board)

Realty Tax Freeze Statute Law. Mr G. Carr 17

Remembrance Day. Mr D. Boushy 25

Rights of Persons receiving Health Services (see Patients' Bill of Rights)

Road Safety. Hon. A. Palladini 55

Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration. Hon. N. Sterling 54

Savings and Restructuring. Hon. E. Eves 26

Shortline Railways. Hon. A. Palladini 5

Solicitors. Mr R. Chiarelli 3

Substitute Decisions (see Advocacy)

Supply. Hon. E. Eves 43

Tax Credits and Economic Stimulation. Hon. E. Eves 70

Tax Cut and Economic Growth. Hon. E. Eves 47

Toronto Islands. Hon. A. Leach 38

Trade Union and Employees Association Financial Disclosure. Mr D. Shea 50

Victims' Bill of Rights. Hon. C. Harnick 23

Victims of Crime (see Charter of Rights)

Waste Management (see Importation of Waste Statute Law)

Workers' Compensation and

Occupational Health and Safety. Hon. E. Witmer 15

Workers' Pension Bill of Rights. Mr H. Hampton 77



1092040 Ontario Inc. Mr D. McGuinty Pr43

Anglo Canada General Insurance Company. Mr B. Wood (London South) Pr45

Association of Ontario Road Superintendents. Mr T. Arnott Pr53

Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario. Mrs M. Marland Pr56

Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company. Ms I. Bassett Pr63

Brampton, City of. Mr T. Clement Pr9

Brantford, City of. Mr R. Johnson (Brantford) Pr60

Canadian Life Line Limited. Mr M. Kwinter Pr39

Canadian Niagara Power Company, Limited. Mr T. Hudak Pr12

Delzap Construction Limited. Mr C. Stockwell Pr62

Kingston, City of. Mr J. Gerretsen Pr59

Lions Foundation of Canada. Mr G. Carr Pr58

Milton, Town of. Mr T. Chudleigh Pr50

Mississauga, City of. Mr R. Sampson Pr37

National Ballet of Canada. Ms I. Bassett Pr64

Nepean, City of. Mr J. Baird Pr13, Pr14

Oshawa (Oshawa Transit Commission), City of. Mr J. Flaherty Pr49

Ottawa, City of. Mr G. Guzzo Pr42

Ottawa, City of. Mr B. Grandmaître. Pr34, Pr47, Pr48

Ottawa Civic Hospital. Mr R. Patten Pr35

Richmond Hill, Town of. Mr F. Klees Pr61

Scarborough, City of. Mr D. Newman Pr41

Sidney, Township of. Mr D. Rollins Pr46

TD Trust Company. Mr R. Marchese Pr24

Toronto, City of. Ms I. Bassett Pr55

Toronto (Traffic Calming), City of. Ms I. Bassett Pr54

Waterloo County Board of Education. Mr G. Leadston Pr11

Waterloo-Guelph Regional Airport. Mr G. Leadston Pr38

York, City of. Mr M. Colle Pr44



Bill 1, Executive Council Amendment Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 modifiant la Loi sur le Conseil exécutif. Hon. E. Eves (Deputy Premier). First Reading September 27, 1995.

Bill 2, Election Amendment Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 modifiant la Loi électorale. Mr D. McGuinty (L./Ottawa South). First Reading September 28, 1995. Second Reading November 23. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Bill 3, Solicitors Amendment Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 modifiant la Loi sur les procureurs. Mr R. Chiarelli (L./Ottawa West). First Reading October 2, 1995.

Bill 4, Law Society Amendment Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 modifiant la Loi sur le Barreau. Mr R. Chiarelli (L./Ottawa West). First Reading October 2, 1995.

Bill 5, Shortline Railways Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les chemins de fer d'intérêt local. Hon. A. Palladini (Minister of Transportation). First Reading October 3, 1995. Second Reading December 13. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House. Considered and reported as amended December 13. Third Reading December 13. Royal Assent December 14. S.O. 1995, Chapter 2.

Proclaimed to come into force July 1, 1996. O.C. 1207/96 dated June 26, 1996.

Bill 6, Corporations Information Amendment Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 modifiant la Loi sur les renseignements exigés des personnes morales. Hon. N. Sterling (Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations). First Reading October 3, 1995. Second Reading December 13. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House. Considered and reported as amended December 13. Third Reading December 13. Royal Assent December 14. S.O. 1995, Chapter 3.

Bill 7, Labour Relations and Employment Statute Law Amendment Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne les relations de travail et l'emploi. Hon. E. Witmer (Minister of Labour). First Reading on division October 4, 1995. Second Reading debated October 18, 19, 23, 24. Carried on division October 26. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House pursuant to the Order of the House of October 25. Considered and reported as amended October 31. Third Reading carried on division October 31. Royal Assent November 10. S.O. 1995, Chapter 1.

Bill 8, Job Quotas Repeal Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 abrogeant le contingentement en matière d'emploi. Hon. M. Mushinski (Minister of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation). First Reading October 11, 1995. Second Reading debated October 26, 30; November 1, 2. Carried on division November 2. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Considered November 16, 17, 23, 24, 27, 30. Reported as amended November 30. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated December 12. Carried on division December 13. Royal Assent December 14. S.O. 1995, Chapter 4.

Bill 9, Drop the Penny Act, 1995. Mr D. Tilson (P.C./Dufferin-Peel). First Reading on division October 16, 1995. Ruled out of order and removed from Order Paper October 17.

Bill 10, Motor Vehicle Fuel Pricing Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur l'établissement des prix du carburant pour véhicules automobiles. Mr R. Chiarelli (L./Ottawa West). First Reading October 17, 1995.

Bill 11, Property Rights Statute Law Amendment Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne les droits de propriété. Mr T. Barrett (P.C./Norfolk). First Reading October 30, 1995. Second Reading November 2. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Administration of Justice.

Bill 12, Charter of Rights for Victims of Crime, 1995/Charte des droits des victimes d'actes criminels de 1995. Ms A. Castrilli (L./Downsview). First Reading October 30, 1995.

Bill 13, Franchises Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les franchises. Mr T. Martin (N.D./Sault Ste. Marie). First Reading October 30, 1995. Second Reading lost on division November 16.

Bill 14, Drop the Penny Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur l'abandon des pièces d'un cent. Mr D. Tilson (P.C./Dufferin-Peel). First Reading October 30, 1995.

Bill 15, Workers' Compensation and Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 modifiant la Loi sur les accidents du travail et la Loi sur la santé et la sécurité au travail. Hon. E. Witmer (Minister of Labour). First Reading November 1, 1995. Second Reading debated November 14, 15, 16, 17. Carried on division November 17. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Resources Development. Considered November 27; December 4, 6, 11. Reported without amendment December 12. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated December 12. Carried on division December 13. Royal Assent December 14. S.O. 1995, Chapter 5.

Bill 16, Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Amendment Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 modifiant la Loi sur l'aménagement des voies publiques et des transports en commun. Mr M. Gravelle (L./Port Arthur). First Reading November 1, 1995. Second Reading lost on division November 16.

Bill 17, Realty Tax Freeze Statute Law Amendment Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 modifiant des lois et visant à geler les impôts fonciers. Mr G. Carr (P.C./Oakville South). First Reading November 14, 1995. Second Reading lost November 30.

Bill 18, Citizens Assembly Project Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur le projet d'assemblée de citoyens. Mr R. Chiarelli (L./Ottawa West). First Reading November 14, 1995.

Bill 19, Advocacy, Consent and Substitute Decisions Statute Law Amendment Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne l'intervention, le consentement et la prise de décisions au nom d'autrui. Hon. C. Harnick (Attorney General). First Reading November 15, 1995. Second Reading debated November 22, 27. Carried November 27. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Administration of Justice. Considered February 5, 1996; February 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29. Reported as amended March 18. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated March 20, 21, 25, 26. Carried on division March 26. Royal Assent March 28. S.O. 1996, Chapter 2.

Proclaimed to come into force March 29, 1996. O.C. 517/96 dated March 28, 1996.

Bill 20, Land Use Planning and Protection Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur la protection et l'aménagement du territoire. Hon. A. Leach (Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing). First Reading November 16, 1995. Second Reading debated December 13, 14. Carried on division December 14. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Resources Development. Considered February 12, 1996; February 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29. Reported as amended March 18. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated March 26, 27, 28; April 1. Carried on division April 1. Royal Assent April 3. S.O. 1996, Chapter 4.

Subsections 8(1), 19(2), (3) and (4), 28(1), (2), (3), (4), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), and (15), and Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 54 and 66 proclaimed to come into force May 22, 1996. O.C. 763/96 dated May 8, 1996.

Bill 21, Public Hospital Foundations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les fondations pour les hôpitaux publics. Mr J. Hastings (P.C./Etobicoke-Rexdale). First Reading November 16, 1995.

Bill 22, Legislative Assembly Oath of Allegiance Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur le serment d'allégeance des députés à l'Assemblée législative. Mr D. Agostino (L./Hamilton East). First Reading November 20, 1995. Second Reading carried on division December 14. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly. Considered April 10, 1996; April 17. Reported without amendment April 18. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Bill 23, Victims' Bill of Rights, 1995/Charte de 1995 des droits des victimes d'actes criminels. Hon. C. Harnick (Attorney General). First Reading November 23, 1995. Second Reading December 13. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House. Considered and reported as amended December 13. Third Reading December 14. Royal Assent December 14. S.O 1995, Chapter 6.

Proclaimed to come into force June 11, 1996. O.C. 1006/96 dated June 5, 1996.

Bill 24, Environmental Protection Statute Law Amendment Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 modifiant des lois sur la protection de l'environnement. Mr B. Wildman (N.D./Algoma). First Reading November 23, 1995. Second Reading May 9, 1996. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Resources Development.

Bill 25, Remembrance Day Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur le jour du Souvenir. Mr D. Boushy (P.C./Sarnia). First Reading November 28, 1995. Second Reading December 14. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Administration of Justice.

Bill 26, Savings and Restructuring Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur les économies et la restructuration. Hon. E. Eves (Minister of Finance). First Reading on division November 29, 1995. Second Reading debated December 5, 11, 12. Carried on division December 12. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Considered December 18, 19, 20, 21, 22; January 8, 1996; January 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. Reported as amended January 29. Ordered for Third Reading pursuant to the Order of the House of December 12, 1995. Third Reading January 29. Royal Assent January 30. S.O. 1996, Chapter 1.

Schedule E proclaimed to come into force March 6, 1996. O.C. 348/96 dated February 28, 1996.

Parts I, II, III and V of Schedule F and subsection 6(4) and Section 12 of Schedule G proclaimed to come into force March 1, 1996. O.C. 371/96 dated February 28, 1996.

Part IV of Schedule F proclaimed to come into force April 1, 1996. O.C. 373/96 dated February 28, 1996.

Schedule H except subsections 1(1), 35(3), sections 9, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and subsections 18(3) and 18(8) of the Health Insurance Act as set out in section 13 of Schedule H proclaimed to come into force May 1, 1996. O.C. 373/96 dated February 28, 1996.

Section 2 of Schedule N proclaimed to come into force March 29, 1996. O.C. 508/96 dated March 27, 1996.

Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6(1), 6(3), 6(5), 6(6), 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15(1), 15(2), 15(3), 15(4), 15(6), 15(7), 15(8), 15(9), 15(10), 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 of Schedule G proclaimed to come into force May 27, 1996. O.C. 746/96 dated May 8, 1996.

Section 1 of Schedule N proclaimed to come into force May 17, 1996. O.C. 835/96 dated May 15, 1996.

Sections 28 and 29 of Schedule G repealed May 29, 1996. O.C. 869/96 dated May 29, 1996.

Bill 27, Children's Law Reform Amendment Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 modifiant la Loi portant réforme du droit de l'enfance. Mr J. Hastings (P.C./Etobicoke-Rexdale). First Reading December 11, 1995. Second Reading June 6, 1996. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Bill 28, Municipal Amendment Act (Simcoe Day), 1995/Loi de 1995 modifiant la Loi sur les municipalités (fête de Simcoe). Mr S. Gilchrist (P.C./Scarborough East). First Reading December 11, 1995.

Bill 29, Automobile Insurance Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur l'assurance-automobile. Mr M. Sergio (L./Yorkview). First Reading December 12, 1995. Second Reading lost on division April 11, 1996.

Bill 30, Education Quality and Accountability Office Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur l'Office de la qualité et de la responsabilité en éducation. Hon. J. Snobelen (Minister of Education and Training). First Reading December 14, 1995. Second Reading April 4, 1996. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Development. Considered April 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 30; May 1, 2. Reported as amended May 2. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading June 12. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill 31, Ontario College of Teachers Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur l'Ordre des enseignantes et des enseignants de l'Ontario. Hon. J. Snobelen (Minister of Education and Training). First Reading December 14, 1995. Second Reading debated April 1, 1996; April 3, 4. Carried on division April 4. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Development. Considered April 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 30; May 1. Reported as amended May 2. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated June 12. Carried on division June 17. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill 32, Freezing of Compensation for Members of the Assembly Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 gelant la rétribution des députés à l'Assemblée. Hon. E. Eves (Minister of Finance). First Reading March 25, 1996. Second Reading and Third Reading March 25. Royal Assent March 28. S.O. 1996, Chapter 3.

Bill 33, Legislative Assembly Amendment Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 modifiant la Loi sur l'Assemblée législative. Mr J. Flaherty (P.C./Durham Centre). First Reading March 25, 1996. Second Reading blocked April 11.

Bill 34, Education Amendment Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 modifiant la Loi sur l'éducation. Hon. J. Snobelen (Minister of Education and Training). First Reading March 28, 1996. Second Reading debated April 10, 11, 17, 18, 22, 23. Carried on division April 23. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Development. Considered May 6, 8, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29. Reported as amended May 29. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated June 18. Carried on division June 19. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill 35, Personal Property Security Amendment Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 modifiant la Loi sur les sûretés mobilières. Hon. N. Sterling (Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations). First Reading April 3, 1996. Second Reading and Third Reading April 3. Royal Assent April 3. S.O. 1996, Chapter 5.

Bill 36, Ministry of Natural Resources Statute Law Amendment Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne le ministère des Richesses naturelles. Hon. C. Hodgson (Minister of Natural Resources). First Reading April 3, 1996. Second Reading debated May 2, 6; June 18. Carried on division June 19. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House. Order of the House referring Bill to Committee of the Whole House discharged and Bill Ordered for Third Reading June 26. Third Reading debated June 26. Carried on division June 27. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill 37, Education Amendment Act (Co-operation Among Boards), 1996/Loi de 1996 modifiant la Loi sur l'éducation (collaboration entre conseils). Mr B. Wildman (N.D./Algoma). First Reading April 3, 1996. Order for Second Reading discharged and Bill withdrawn May 30.

Bill 38, Toronto Islands Amendment Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 modifiant la loi sur les îles de Toronto. Hon. A. Leach (Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing). First Reading April 4, 1996. Second Reading debated May 1, 2. Carried May 2. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House. Considered and reported as amended May 2. Third Reading debated June 12. Carried on division June 17. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill 39, Ontario Highway Transport Board and Public Vehicles Amendment Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 modifiant la Loi sur la Commission des transports routiers de l'Ontario et la Loi sur les véhicules de transport en commun. Hon. A. Palladini (Minister of Transportation). First Reading April 4, 1996. Second Reading debated April 24, 25, 29, 30. Carried on division May 1. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Resources Development. Considered May 13, 15. Reported without amendment May 16. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated May 29. Carried on division May 30. Royal Assent May 30. S.O. 1996, Chapter 9.

Bill 40, Locksmiths Licensing Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur la délivrance de permis de serrurier. Mr J. Hastings (P.C./Etobicoke-Rexdale). First Reading April 4, 1996.

Bill 41, Patients' Bill of Rights, 1996/Charte des droits des patients de 1996. Mrs E. Caplan (L./Oriole). First Reading April 9, 1996. Second Reading carried on division April 25. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Bill 42, MPPs Pension and Compensation Reform Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 portant réforme de la rétribution et du régime de retraite des députés. Hon. E. Eves (Minister of Finance). First Reading April 10, 1996. Second Reading April 18. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House. Considered and reported as amended April 23. Third Reading April 23. Royal Assent April 25. S.O. 1996, Chapter 6.

Bill 43, Supply Act, 1996/Loi de crédits de 1996. Hon. E. Eves (Minister of Finance). First Reading April 16, 1996. Second Reading and Third Reading April 16. Royal Assent April 25. S.O. 1996, Chapter 8.

Bill 44, Election Amendment Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 modifiant la Loi électorale. Hon. E. Eves (Deputy Premier). First Reading April 17, 1996. Second Reading April 18. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading April 22. Royal Assent April 25. S.O. 1996, Chapter 7.

Bill 45, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Repeal Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 abrogeant la Loi sur l'Institut d'études pédagogiques de l'Ontario. Hon. J. Snobelen (Minister of Education and Training). First Reading April 29, 1996. Second Reading June 12. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading June 17. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill 46, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Statute Law Amendment Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne le ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation et des Affaires rurales. Hon. N. Villeneuve (Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs). First Reading May 2, 1996. Second Reading debated June 10, 18. Carried on division June 19. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House. Considered and reported as amended June 26. Third Reading debated June 26. Carried on division June 27. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill 47, Tax Cut and Economic Growth Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur la réduction d'impôts et la croissance économique. Hon. E. Eves (Minister of Finance). First Reading May 7, 1996. Second Reading debated May 14, 15, 16; June 19. Carried on division June 24. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House. Considered and reported as amended June 27. Third Reading June 27. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill 48, International Fuel Tax Agreement Implementation Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 mettant en oeuvre l'accord appelé International Fuel Tax Agreement. Hon. D. Johnson (Chair of the Management Board of Cabinet). First Reading May 8, 1996. Second Reading debated May 27, 29. Carried May 29. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading May 29. Royal Assent May 30. S.O. 1996, Chapter 10.

Bill 49, Employment Standards Improvement Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur l'amélioration des normes d'emploi. Hon. E. Witmer (Minister of Labour). First Reading May 13, 1996. Second Reading debated May 30; June 3, 6. Carried on division June 10. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Resources Development.

Bill 50, Trade Union and Employees Association Financial Disclosure Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur la divulgation des renseignements financiers par les syndicats et les associations d'employés. Mr D. Shea (P.C./High Park-Swansea). First Reading May 13, 1996.

Bill 51, Municipal Amendment Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 modifiant la Loi sur les municipalités. Mr T. Ruprecht (L./Parkdale). First Reading May 14, 1996. Second Reading lost on division May 30.

Bill 52, Aggregate and Petroleum Resources Statute Law Amendment Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne les ressources en agrégats et les richesses pétrolières. Hon. C. Hodgson (Minister of Natural Resources). First Reading May 14, 1996. Second Reading debated June 19. Carried on division June 24. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Resources Development. Order of the House referring Bill to the Standing Committee on Resources Development discharged and Bill Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government June 25.

Bill 53, Labour Union and Employees Association Financial Accountability Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur la responsabilité financière des syndicats et des associations d'employés. Mr S. Gilchrist (P.C./Scarborough East). First Reading May 14, 1996. Second Reading carried on division May 30. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Considered June 27.

Bill 54, Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur l'application de certaines lois traitant de sécurité et de services aux consommateurs. Hon. N. Sterling (Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations). First Reading May 16, 1996. Second Reading debated June 17. Carried on division June 18. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Administration of Justice. Considered June 24, 25. Reported as amended June 26. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading June 27. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill 55, Road Safety Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur la sécurité routière. Hon. A. Palladini (Minister of Transportation). First Reading May 27, 1996. Second Reading June 11. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading June 25. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill 56, Importation of Waste Statute Law Amendment Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne le transfert de déchets. Mr D. Ramsay (L./Timiskaming). First Reading May 28, 1996. Second Reading lost on division June 13.

Bill 57, Environmental Approvals Improvement Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur l'amélioration du processus d'autorisation environnementale. Hon. B. Elliott (Minister of Environment and Energy). First Reading June 3, 1996.

Bill 58, Education Amendment Act (Co-operation Among Boards), 1996/Loi de 1996 modifiant la Loi sur l'éducation (collaboration entre conseils). Mr B. Wildman (N.D./Algoma). First Reading June 3, 1996.

Bill 59, Automobile Insurance Rate Stability Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur la stabilité des taux d'assurance-automobile. Hon. E. Eves (Minister of Finance). First Reading June 4, 1996. Second Reading debated June 13, 17. Carried on division June 18. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading debated June 25. Carried on division June 26. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill 60, Construction Workforce from Quebec Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur la main-d'oeuvre de la construction du Québec. Mr J.-M. Lalonde (L./Prescott and Russell). First Reading June 4, 1996. Second Reading June 20. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Bill 61, Government Process Simplification Act (Ministry of the Attorney General), 1996/Loi de 1996 visant à simplifier les processus gouvernementaux au ministère du Procureur général. Hon. C. Harnick (Attorney General). First Reading June 5, 1996. Second Reading June 25. Ordered for Third Reading.

Bill 62, Endangered, Threatened and Vulnerable Species Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur les espèces vulnérables menacées ou en voie de disparition. Mr B. Wildman (N.D./Algoma). First Reading June 5, 1996.

Bill 63, Government Process Simplification Act (Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation), 1996/Loi de 1996 visant à simplifier les processus gouvernementaux au ministère des Affaires civiques, de la Culture et des Loisirs. Hon. M. Mushinski (Minister of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation). First Reading June 5, 1996. Second Reading June 25. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Bill 64, Government Process Simplification Act (Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations), 1996/Loi de 1996 visant à simplifier les processus gouvernementaux au ministère de la Consommation et du Commerce. Hon. N. Sterling (Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations). First Reading June 5, 1996. Second Reading June 25. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Bill 65, Government Process Simplification Act (Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism), 1996/Loi de 1996 visant à simplifier les processus gouvernementaux au ministère du Développement économique, du Commerce et du Tourisme. Hon. W. Saunderson (Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism). First Reading June 5, 1996. Second Reading June 25. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Bill 66, Government Process Simplification Act (Ministry of Environment and Energy), 1996/Loi de 1996 visant à simplifier les processus gouvernementaux au ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Énergie. Hon. B. Elliott (Minister of Environment and Energy). First Reading June 5, 1996. Second Reading June 25. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Bill 67, Government Process Simplification Act (Ministry of Health), 1996/Loi de 1996 visant à simplifier les processus gouvernementaux au ministère de la Santé. Hon. J. Wilson (Minister of Health). First Reading June 5, 1996. Second Reading June 25. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Bill 68, Government Process Simplification Act (Ministry of Northern Development and Mines), 1996/Loi de 1996 visant à simplifier les processus gouvernementaux au ministère du Développement du Nord et des Mines. Hon. C. Hodgson (Minister of Northern Development and Mines). First Reading June 5, 1996. Second Reading June 25. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Bill 69, Government Process Simplification Act (Ministries of the Solicitor General and Correctional Services), 1996/Loi de 1996 visant à simplifier les processus gouvernementaux aux ministères du Solliciteur général et des Services correctionnels. Hon. R. Runciman (Solicitor General and Minister of Correctional Services). First Reading June 5, 1996. Second Reading June 25. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Bill 70, Tax Credits and Economic Stimulation Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 créant des crédits d'impôt et visant à stimuler l'économie. Hon. E. Eves (Minister of Finance). First Reading June 6, 1996. Second Reading debated June 26. Carried June 27. Ordered for Third Reading.

Bill 71, Crown Foundations Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur les fondations de la Couronne. Hon. E. Eves (Minister of Finance). First Reading June 11, 1996. Second Reading June 19. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading June 27. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill 72, Highway Traffic Amendment Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 modifiant le Code de la route. Mr P. Kormos (N.D./Welland-Thorold). First Reading June 11, 1996.

Bill 73, Municipal Amendment Act (Expense Allowances), 1996/Loi de 1996 modifiant la Loi sur les municipalités en ce qui concerne les indemnités pour dépenses. Mr D. Shea (P.C./High Park-Swansea). First Reading June 11, 1996.

Bill 74, Audit Amendment Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 modifiant la Loi sur la vérification des comptes publics. Mr B. Grandmaître (L./Ottawa East). First Reading June 12, 1996.

Bill 75, Alcohol, Gaming and Charity Funding Public Interest Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 régissant les alcools, les jeux et le financement des organismes de bienfaisance dans l'intérêt public. Hon. N. Sterling (Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations). First Reading June 13, 1996. Second Reading debated June 24, 25. Carried on division June 26. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Adminstration of Justice.

Bill 76, Environmental Assessment and Consultation Improvement Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 améliorant le processus d'évaluation environnementale et de consultation publique. Hon. B. Elliott (Minister of Environment and Energy). First Reading June 13, 1996. Second Reading debated June 24. Carried on division June 25. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Development.

Bill 77, Workers' Pension Bill of Rights, 1996/Charte des droits des travailleurs en matière de retraite de 1996. Mr H. Hampton (N.D./Rainy River). First Reading June 13, 1996.

Bill 78, Highway Traffic Amendment Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 modifiant le Code de la route. Mr P. Hoy (L./Essex-Kent). First Reading June 19, 1996.

Bill 79, Courts Improvement Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur l'amélioration des tribunaux. Hon. C. Harnick (Attorney General). First Reading on division June 27, 1996.

Bill 80, Juvenile Delinquents Act (Ontario), 1996/Loi de 1996 sur les jeunes délinquants (Ontario). Mr J. Brown (P.C./Scarborough West). First Reading on division June 27, 1996.



Bill Pr9, Brampton Act, 1995 - City of. Mr T. Clement (P.C./Brampton South). First Reading October 10, 1995. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported as amended November 29. Second Reading and Third Reading December 14. Royal Assent December 14. S.O. 1995, Chapter Pr1.

Bill Pr11, Waterloo County Board of Education Act, 1995. Mr G. Leadston (P.C./Kitchener-Wilmot). First Reading October 10, 1995. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment November 29. Second Reading and Third Reading December 14. Royal Assent December 14. S.O. 1995, Chapter Pr2.

Bill Pr12, Canadian Niagara Power Company, Limited Act, 1995. Mr T. Hudak (P.C./Niagara South). First Reading October 11, 1995. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment November 29. Second Reading and Third Reading December 14. Royal Assent December 14. S.O. 1995, Chapter Pr3.

Bill Pr13, Nepean Act, 1995 - City of. Mr J. Baird (P.C./Nepean). First Reading October 10, 1995. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered November 22. Reported without amendment November 23. Second Reading and Third Reading December 14. Royal Assent December 14. S.O. 1995, Chapter Pr4.

Bill Pr14, Nepean Act, 1995 - City of. Mr J. Baird (P.C./Nepean). First Reading October 10, 1995. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered November 22. Reported as amended November 23. Second Reading and Third Reading December 14. Royal Assent December 14. S.O. 1995, Chapter Pr5.

Bill Pr24, TD Trust Company Act, 1996. Mr R. Marchese (N.D./Fort York). First Reading December 11, 1995. Referred to the Commissioners of Estate Bills. Reported March 18, 1996 and referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment March 27. Second Reading and Third Reading March 28. Royal Assent March 28. S.O. 1996, Chapter Pr1.

Bill Pr34, Ottawa Act, 1996 - City of. Mr B. Grandmaître (L./Ottawa East). First Reading May 13, 1996. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment May 29. Second Reading and Third Reading June 27. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill Pr35, Ottawa Civic Hospital Act, 1996. Mr R. Patten (L./Ottawa Centre). First Reading April 4, 1996. Referred to the Commissioners of Estate Bills.

Bill Pr37, Mississauga Act, 1995 - City of. Mr R. Sampson (P.C./Mississauga West). First Reading October 11, 1995. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered November 22. Reported without amendment November 23. Second Reading and Third Reading December 14. Royal Assent December 14. S.O. 1995, Chapter Pr6.

Bill Pr38, Waterloo-Guelph Regional Airport Act, 1995. Mr G. Leadston (P.C./Kitchener-Wilmot). First Reading October 10, 1995. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered December 6. Reported without amendment December 11. Second Reading and Third Reading December 14. Royal Assent December 14. S.O. 1995, Chapter Pr7.

Bill Pr39, Canadian Life Line Limited Act, 1995. Mr M. Kwinter (L./Wilson Heights). First Reading November 1, 1995. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered April 24, 1996.

Bill Pr41, Scarborough Act, 1996 - City of. Mr D. Newman (P.C./Scarborough Centre). First Reading December 11, 1995. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment March 27, 1996. Second Reading and Third Reading March 28. Royal Assent March 28. S.O. 1996, Chapter Pr2.

Bill Pr42, Ottawa Act, 1996 - City of. Mr G. Guzzo (P.C./Ottawa-Rideau). First Reading March 20, 1996. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and recommended that the Bill be not reported April 3.

Bill Pr43, 1092040 Ontario Inc. Act, 1996. Mr D. McGuinty (L./Ottawa South). First Reading March 18, 1996. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment March 27. Second Reading and Third Reading March 28. Royal Assent March 28. S.O. 1996, Chapter Pr3.

Bill Pr44, York Act, 1995 - City of. Mr M. Colle (L./Oakwood). First Reading November 23, 1995. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered December 6. Reported without amendment December 11. Second Reading and Third Reading December 14. Royal Assent December 14. S.O. 1995, Chapter Pr8.

Bill Pr45, Anglo Canada General Insurance Company Act, 1996. Mr B. Wood (P.C./London South). First Reading April 15, 1996. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment May 1. Second Reading and Third Reading June 27. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill Pr46, Sidney Act, 1995 - Township of. Mr D. Rollins (P.C./Quinte). First Reading December 11, 1995. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills.

Bill Pr47, Ottawa Act, 1996 - City of. Mr B. Grandmaître (L./Ottawa East). First Reading May 13, 1996. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment May 29. Second Reading and Third Reading June 27. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill Pr48, Ottawa Act, 1996 - City of. Mr B. Grandmaître (L./Ottawa East). First Reading May 13, 1996. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment May 29. Second Reading and Third Reading June 27. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill Pr49, Oshawa Act (Oshawa Transit Commission), 1995 - City of. Mr J. Flaherty (P.C./Durham Centre). First Reading December 11, 1995. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills.

Bill Pr50, Milton Act, 1996 - Town of. Mr T. Chudleigh (P.C./Halton North). First Reading March 18, 1996. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment April 17. Second Reading and Third Reading April 18. Royal Assent April 25. S.O. 1996, Chapter Pr4.

Bill Pr53, Association of Ontario Road Superintendents Act, 1996. Mr T. Arnott (P.C./Wellington). First Reading March 19, 1996. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment April 17. Second Reading and Third Reading April 18. Royal Assent April 25. S.O. 1996, Chapter Pr5.

Bill Pr54, Toronto Act (Traffic Calming), 1996 - City of. Ms I. Bassett (P.C./St. Andrew-St. Patrick). First Reading May 2, 1996. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment May 15. Second Reading and Third Reading June 27. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill Pr55, Toronto Act, 1996 - City of. Ms I. Bassett (P.C./St. Andrew-St. Patrick). First Reading May 2, 1996. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment May 15. Second Reading and Third Reading June 27. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill Pr56, Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario Act, 1996. Mrs M. Marland (P.C./Mississauga South). First Reading March 18, 1996. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment April 17. Second Reading and Third Reading April 18. Royal Assent April 25. S.O. 1996, Chapter Pr6.

Bill Pr58, Lions Foundation of Canada Act, 1996. Mr G. Carr (P.C./Oakville South). First Reading May 6, 1996. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered May 15; June 19. Reported without amendment June 19. Second Reading and Third Reading June 27. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill Pr59, Kingston Act, 1996 - City of. Mr J. Gerretsen (L./Kingston and The Islands). First Reading June 17, 1996. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment June 26. Second Reading and Third Reading June 27. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill Pr60, Brantford Act, 1996 - City of. Mr R. Johnson (P.C./Brantford). First Reading April 22, 1996. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment May 1. Second Reading and Third Reading June 27. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill Pr61, Richmond Hill Act, 1996 - Town of. Mr F. Klees (P.C./York-Mackenzie). First Reading May 29, 1996. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported as amended June 19. Second Reading and Third Reading June 27. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill Pr62, Delzap Construction Limited Act, 1996. Mr C. Stockwell (P.C./Etobicoke West). First Reading June 18, 1996. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported as amended June 26. Second Reading June 27. Third Reading carried on division June 27. Royal Assent June 27.

Bill Pr63, Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company Act, 1996. Ms I. Bassett (P.C./St. Andrew-St. Patrick). First Reading June 18, 1996. Referred to the Commissioners of Estate Bills.

Bill Pr64, National Ballet of Canada Act, 1996. Ms I. Bassett (P.C./St. Andrew-St. Patrick). First Reading June 26, 1996. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills.