Tuesday 17 November 1992

Subcommittee report


*Chair / Président: Cooper, Mike (Kitchener-Wilmot ND)

*Vice-Chair / Vice-Président: Morrow, Mark (Wentworth East/-Est ND)

*Akande, Zanana L. (St Andrew-St Patrick ND)

*Carter, Jenny (Peterborough ND)

*Chiarelli, Robert (Ottawa West/-Ouest L)

*Curling, Alvin (Scarborough North/-Nord L)

*Harnick, Charles (Willowdale PC)

Mahoney, Steven W. (Mississauga West/-Ouest L)

*Malkowski, Gary (York East/-Est ND)

*Runciman, Robert W. (Leeds-Grenville PC)

*Wessenger, Paul (Simcoe Centre ND)

*Winninger, David (London South/-Sud ND)

*In attendance / présents

Clerk / Greffière: Freedman, Lisa

Staff / Personnel: Swift, Susan, research officer, Legislative Research Service

The committee met at 1546 in room 228.


The Chair (Mr Mike Cooper): I call this meeting of the standing committee on administration of justice to order. My apologies for being tardy. We'll deal with the subcommittee's report first.

"Your subcommittee met on Thursday, 5 November 1992, and recommended the following:

"1. The next order of business for the committee will be Bill 15, An Act to amend the Human Rights Code.

"2. Letters of invitation to submit written briefs and/or request an oral appearance will be sent to relevant groups.

"3. Reimbursement of expenses incurred to travel to Toronto for groups who lack sufficient funds shall be considered.

"4. The hearings shall commence on 23 November 1992.

"5. Ads shall be placed in daily newspapers in Toronto, London, Windsor, Kingston, Ottawa, North Bay, Thunder Bay and Sault Ste Marie.

"6. A press release will be sent to all daily and weekly newspapers across Ontario."

For the committee's information the supplementary witness list has been handed out to each of you. Any questions or comments? Mr Winninger.

Mr David Winninger (London South): I would respectfully submit that perhaps we could dispense with number 5 of the subcommittee report, given that we do have a very extensive list of potential witnesses and we can't accommodate all of them anyway. Also, in light of number 6, which will provide for press releases to go out, perhaps we could avoid the costly expenditure for ads.

The Chair: Comments?

Ms Anne Swarbrick (Scarborough West): Sounds good.

The Chair: A motion to delete. All those in favour of the motion to delete number 5? Carried. Further comments, questions?

Mr Alvin Curling (Scarborough North): Number 1: Am I to understand that after this one we will be dealing with Bill 15? Is that what it's saying?

The Chair: That's our next order of business.

Mr Curling: Yes, okay. I just wondered.

Ms Swarbrick: I'm just noticing a tiny thing as I try and hunt through the list to see who maybe should be added. All I've noticed so far is that "Motors of Canada" I presume really means "General Motors of Canada."

Mr Charles Harnick (Willowdale): Good point.

Mr Winninger: Also, Mr Chair, I had a discussion with our researcher, and perhaps we should also add on the faculty associations, which are quite distinct from the university administration.


Mr Winninger: Pardon? We're abolishing the exemption from age discrimination for those people over 65.

The Chair: Duly noted.

Mr Winninger: Is CUPE in on this?

The Chair: It's just invitations. They'll determine who they want to send or whether they want representation.

Mr Harnick: They're the ones who started all this.

The Chair: Further comments? Seeing no further comments, all those in favour of the subcommittee's report? Opposed? Carried.

Any further business before the committee? Seeing no further business before the committee, we stand adjourned until November 23.

The committee adjourned at 1549.