Letter: B
Bail hearings
Bail hearings - Indigenous communities
- access
- Wong-Tam, 3338
- access
Bail program
Bail program - offenders
Bail program reform
Bail reform
- and non-compliance with court orders
- Kerzner, 3671
- and non-compliance with court orders
Bail verification and supervision
Ban iGaming Advertising Act, 2023 (Bill 126)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 4870
- first reading
Basic Income Pilot
- review
- Hunter, 212
- review
Basic Income Pilot cancellation
- general remarks
- Fraser, 1094
- general remarks
Basic income programs
Beef industry
Behaviour-specialized units
- urban boundary expansion
- internal communications
- Shaw, 5272
- internal communications
- urban boundary expansion
Bereavement industry
Bernardo, Paul.
see Correctional services, inmate transfers, Bernardo, PaulBetter Enforcement of the Tobacco Tax Act, 2023 (Bill 106)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 4137
- first reading
Better for Consumers, Better for Businesses Act, 2023 (Bill 142)
- first reading
- McCarthy, 5597
- committee process
- second reading, 5825–5855, 5857–5876, 5949–5967, 5977, 6003
- Armstrong, 5844, 5849–5853
- Babikian, 5844
- Bouma, 5874
- Burch, 5954, 5962
- Coe, 5848, 5864
- Cuzzetto, 5872–5874
- Downey, 5871
- Fife, 5950–5955, 5965
- Gallagher Murphy, 5960
- Gates, 5857–5861, 5864
- Gélinas, 5955–5958, 5960
- Glover, 5870–5871, 5875, 5954, 5958–5961
- Gretzky, 5853, 5861
- Harden, 5852, 5874
- Harris, 5955, 5958, 5963, 5965
- Hogarth, 5848, 5864
- Jones, T., 5865
- Kanapathi, 5965
- Kernaghan, 5834, 5867–5871, 5873, 5963
- Leardi, 5845, 5852–5853, 5860, 5865–5866, 5950–5951, 5957–5958, 5960–5961, 5963
- Mamakwa, 5958
- McCarthy, 5825–5834, 5844, 5855, 5957, 5962
- McMahon, 5853–5855
- Pang, 5833, 5870–5875
- Pasma, 5870
- Rae, 5849, 5852, 5855, 5861
- Rakocevic, 5833, 5835–5845, 5848–5849, 5860, 5864
- Riddell, 5845–5849, 5869–5870, 5953
- Sabawy, 5834, 5860–5865
- Sattler, 5875–5876, 5949–5951, 5960
- Saunderson, 5848
- Shaw, 5845, 5848, 5855, 5865
- Smith, L., 5873–5874, 5954, 5965–5967
- Stevens, 5950–5951, 5961–5963
- Taylor, 5848
- Vaugeois, 5957, 5963–5965
- West, 5834, 5844, 5977
- division (carried), 6003
- referred to Standing Committee on Justice Policy, 6003
- public consultation
- regulations
- statements by stakeholders
- Pasma, 6974
- third reading, 6937–6977
- Armstrong, 6957
- Bourgouin, 6965
- Bresee, 6975–6976
- Coe, 6946, 6970, 6974
- Dixon, 6962
- Gates, 6970–6971, 6975
- Gretzky, 6958, 6975
- Harden, 6946–6947, 6961–6962
- Hogarth, 6946–6947
- Hsu, 6976–6977
- Jones, T., 6969–6971
- Leardi, 6958
- McCarthy, 6937–6947, 6957, 6961–6962, 6966, 6968, 6971
- Pasma, 6946, 6971–6976
- Rae, 6958–6962
- Rakocevic, 6945, 6947– 6958, 6961–6962
- Saunderson, 6957, 6975
- Schreiner, 6967–6968
- Shaw, 6968, 6976
- Taylor, 6968, 6970–6971
- Wai, 6971
- Royal assent, 7069
- first reading
Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39)
- first reading
- Clark, 1379
- committee process
- Bell, 2037
- committee response
- McMahon, 2084
- democracy
- Begum, 1499
- second reading, 1437–1447, 1468–1508, 1537–1547, 1569–1581, 1583–1586, 1619–1620
- Anand, 1488–1492
- Andrew, 1575, 1585
- Armstrong, 1445, 1538, 1541, 1543
- Babikian, 1445, 1500, 1504
- Begum, 1499, 1546
- Bell, 1537–1542, 1573
- Blais, 1481, 1486–1488
- Bouma, 1537–1538, 1541–1543, 1577–1579
- Burch, 1446–1447, 1469–1477
- Byers, 1488
- Clark, 1437–1440, 1445–1446
- Coe, 1575, 1585–1586
- Crawford, 1476
- Dixon, 1497
- Dowie, 1477
- Fedeli, 1543–1547, 1569–1570
- Fife, 1444–1445
- Flack, 1445–1446, 1477, 1491, 1503
- French, 1570–1573
- Gates, 1477, 1481, 1485, 1492–1497
- Glover, 1488, 1491, 1496, 1500, 1508, 1576–1579, 1584–1585
- Gretzky, 1578
- Harden, 1482–1486, 1572, 1578, 1581
- Holland, 1442–1444
- Jordan, 1485
- Kanapathi, 1497–1500
- Ke, 1541, 1572, 1584
- Kernaghan, 1480
- Khanjin, 1504–1508, 1537–1538, 1569
- Kusendova-Bashta, 1481–1482, 1488
- Leardi, 1499
- Mantha, 1576
- McGregor, 1573–1576
- Oosterhoff, 1485
- Pang, 1573, 1585
- Parsa, 1440–1442
- Pierre, 1495, 1508
- Quinn, 1491, 1500, 1503–1504
- Rakocevic, 1574–1575, 1580
- Rasheed, 1580
- Romano, 1537
- Sabawy, 1579–1581
- Sattler, 1476, 1491, 1503
- Schreiner, 1542–1543
- Skelly, 1585
- Smith, Dave, 1480–1481, 1486, 1492
- Smith, L., 1546, 1572, 1578
- Stevens, 1546, 1583–1585
- Stiles, 1446, 1492, 1496, 1499, 1504
- Thanigasalam, 1575–1576
- Tibollo, 1477–1482
- Vanthof, 1570
- Vaugeois, 1542
- Williams, 1496
- Wong-Tam, 1500–1504
- division (carried), 1619–1620
- referred to Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy, 1619–1620
- general remarks
- Clark, 1965
- Indigenous consultation
- McGregor, 1576
- legislative process
- legislative timeline
- Gates, 1493
- municipal councils response
- municipal response
- public consultation
- public response
- statements by stakeholders
- third reading, 2049–2055, 2063–2101, 2103–2113, 2135–2139, 2169–2170
- Andrew, 2067–2075, 2092, 2096, 2099
- Armstrong, 2110, 2112
- Bailey, 2095
- Begum, 2136
- Bell, 2105, 2107–2110
- Bourgouin, 2077, 2109
- Burch, 2105–2107, 2109–2110
- Calandra, 2099–2101, 2103–2106
- Clark, 2049–2052, 2065–2066
- Coe, 2075–2078
- Flack, 2073–2074, 2084, 2087, 2093, 2095
- Fraser, 2074, 2135, 2137–2139
- French, 2135
- Gallagher Murphy, 2110
- Gates, 2109, 2111–2113, 2135–2137
- Gélinas, 2066, 2074, 2083–2084, 2094–2095, 2099
- Gill, 2106
- Glover, 2078–2083, 2091, 2095
- Harris, 2104–2105, 2109, 2139
- Holland, 2055, 2063–2065, 2082
- Hsu, 2085
- Jones, T., 2082
- Jordan, 2074
- Khanjin, 2083
- Leardi, 2066, 2077, 2085–2088, 2092, 2135–2136, 2138
- Mamakwa, 2087–2088
- Mantha, 2078, 2093, 2104
- Martin, 2112, 2136
- McMahon, 2083–2085
- Pang, 2077, 2091
- Parsa, 2052–2054, 2066–2067, 2088
- Piccini, 2105
- Pierre, 2110–2112
- Rakocevic, 2066, 2082, 2138
- Rasheed, 2093–2096
- Sattler, 2074, 2136
- Schreiner, 2092–2093
- Smith, L., 2066
- Thanigasalam, 2091, 2093, 2099
- Vanthof, 2065
- Wong-Tam, 2077, 2088–2092
- Yakabuski, 2109
- division (carried), 2169–2170
- Royal assent, 2170–2171
- first reading
Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98)
- amendments
- first reading
- Lecce, 3552
- committee process
- committee submissions
- second reading, 3595–3605, 3651–3662, 3679–3717, 3725–3735, 3752–3758, 3804–3805
- Armstrong, 3661, 3756
- Barnes, 3601–3604, 3686, 3695, 3701–3702
- Bouma, 3604
- Bresee, 3734–3735
- Byers, 3753
- Cho, S., 3694–3695
- Coe, 3757–3758
- Collard, 3725–3727, 3734
- Dowie, 3716
- Flack, 3697, 3705
- Fraser, 3710–3712
- French, 3706–3710, 3715
- Gallagher Murphy, 3661, 3680–3682, 3701, 3705
- Gates, 3731, 3733, 3754
- Gélinas, 3701, 3704, 3709, 3711, 3716, 3729–3732
- Ghamari, 3731–3735
- Gretzky, 3729, 3734
- Harden, 3605, 3682–3687, 3690–3691
- Harris, 3660–3662, 3679–3682, 3690, 3697–3698, 3708–3709, 3711
- Jama, 3731, 3735, 3756
- Jones, T., 3689–3691
- Jordan, 3729
- Karpoche, 3752–3754
- Kernaghan, 3604, 3660, 3694, 3702, 3715, 3754–3757
- Khanjin, 3727, 3757
- Leardi, 3754, 3757
- Lecce, 3595–3601, 3603–3605
- Mamakwa, 3716–3717
- Martin, 3681, 3687, 3691, 3698, 3701, 3705–3706, 3709, 3711–3713, 3716
- McCarthy, 3731, 3733–3734
- Pang, 3695–3698, 3710
- Pasma, 3603, 3605, 3651–3661, 3681, 3690
- Pierre, 3713–3716
- Rae, 3756
- Romano, 3682, 3702
- Sandhu, 3715–3716
- Sattler, 3691–3695, 3698, 3709
- Shaw, 3682, 3691, 3728–3729
- Smith, David, 3732
- Smith, L., 3604, 3660, 3687–3691
- Stevens, 3695, 3697, 3705
- Surma, 3703–3706
- Taylor, 3687
- Tibollo, 3755
- Vaugeois, 3695, 3698–3702
- Wai, 3691, 3715
- Williams, 3727–3729
- Yakabuski, 3686
- division (carried), 3804–3805
- referred to Standing Committee on Social Policy, 3804–3805
- scope of
- stakeholder consultation
- statements by stakeholders
- third reading, 4878–4894, 4901–4912, 4933–4954, 4961–4964, 4982–4983
- Barnes, 4880–4881
- Bell, 4910–4912
- Burch, 4908, 4937, 4952
- Coe, 4881, 4887
- Collard, 4951–4952
- Dixon, 4881–4882
- Dowie, 4946, 4961–4962
- Fife, 4946, 4952
- Flack, 4886
- Gallagher Murphy, 4909, 4937
- Glover, 4936
- Holland, 4887
- Jones, T., 4882–4883, 4887
- Kernaghan, 4904, 4909, 4937–4941
- Khanjin, 4942, 4944–4947, 4950
- Kusendova-Bashta, 4883–4885
- Leardi, 4904, 4933–4934, 4936–4937, 4943
- Lecce, 4878–4880
- MacLeod, 4941, 4950–4951
- Martin, 4904, 4941, 4952
- McCarthy, 4885–4887, 4936, 4940, 4950
- Pasma, 4887–4894, 4901–4905
- Pierre, 4908
- Rae, 4905, 4907–4910
- Sattler, 4942, 4947–4951
- Saunderson, 4934–4937
- Schreiner, 4941–4943, 4946–4947
- Shaw, 4905, 4909
- Skelly, 4943–4944, 4946–4947
- Smith, L., 4887
- Stevens, 4940, 4947, 4950
- Vaugeois, 4887, 4936, 4941, 4950, 4952–4954
- Wai, 4905–4906, 4908–4909, 4947
- Yakabuski, 4962–4964
- division (carried), 4982–4983
- Royal assent, 4983
- bike lanes
- e-bikes
- safety
- Vision Zero
- Harden, 9713–9714
- Vision Zero
Bicycles - bike lanes
Bill C-233 An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Judges Act (violence against an intimate partner)
Bills referred to committee
- Government bills
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 214), 10282
- Affordable Homes and Good Jobs Act, 2023 (Bill 134), 5304
- Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario Amendment Act, 2024 (Bill 155), 7126
- Better for Consumers, Better for Businesses Act, 2023 (Bill 142), 6003
- Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39), 1619–1620
- Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98), 3804–3805
- Building a Better Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 180), 8255–8256
- Building a Strong Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 85), 3259
- Building a Strong Ontario Together Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 146), 6181
- Building Infrastructure Safely Act, 2024 (Bill 153), 6671
- Building More Mines Act, 2023 (Bill 71), 2805–2806
- Convenient Care at Home Act, 2023 (Bill 135), 5659–5660
- Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185), 8487
- Enhancing Access to Justice Act, 2024 (Bill 157), 7051
- Enhancing Professional Care for Animals Act, 2024 (Bill 171), 7905
- Get It Done Act, 2024 (Bill 162), 7668–7669
- Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 136), 5985
- Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution), 2023 (Bill 112), 4576
- Homeowner Protection Act, 2024 (Bill 200), 9613
- Improving Real Estate Management Act, 2024 (Bill 151), 6445
- Keeping Energy Costs Down Act, 2024 (Bill 165), 7364–7365
- Legislative Assembly Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 51), 1968–1969
- Less Red Tape, More Common Sense Act, 2023 (Bill 139), 5791
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023 (Bill 91), 3523
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2023 (Bill 46), 1877
- More Convenient Care Act, 2024 (Bill 231), 10953
- Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 150), 6343
- Preventing Unethical Puppy Sales Act, 2024 (Bill 159), 8558
- Progress on the Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 36), 1462–1463
- Queen's Park Restoration Act, 2023 (Bill 75), 2842
- Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 (Bill 212), 10315
- Reducing Inefficiencies Act (Infrastructure Statute Law Amendments), 2023 (Bill 69), 2608
- Resource Management and Safety Act, 2024 (Bill 228), 10998–10999
- Safer Roads and Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 197), 10006
- Strengthening Accountability and Student Supports Act, 2024 (Bill 166), 7701
- Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust in the Public Sector Act, 2024 (Bill 194), 10006
- Strengthening Post-secondary Institutions and Students Act, 2022 (Bill 26), 1299
- Strengthening Safety and Modernizing Justice Act, 2023 (Bill 102), 4016–4017
- Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 (Bill 3), 228–229
- Support for Seniors and Caregivers Act, 2024 (Bill 235), 11114
- Supporting Children's Futures Act, 2024 (Bill 188), 8724
- Transportation for the Future Act, 2023 (Bill 131), 5192
- Working for Workers Act, 2023 (Bill 79), 3260
- Working for Workers Five Act, 2024 (Bill 190), 9246
- Working for Workers Four Act, 2024 (Bill 149), 6591
- Your Health Act, 2023 (Bill 60), 2496–2497
- Private bills
- Allied Contractors (Kitchener) Limited Act, 2024 (Bill Pr32), 6723
- Eastern Children of Israel Congregation Act, 2024 (Bill Pr36), 6723
- 405456 Ontario Limited Act, 2022 (Bill Pr2), 768
- Ice Hockey Resources Ltd. Act, 2023 (Bill Pr23), 4595
- Superior Corporate Services Limited Act, 2023 (Bill Pr25), 4272
- Private members' public bills
- Change of Name Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 138), 6041–6042
- Chinese Heritage Month Act, 2024 (Bill 183), 9148
- Croatian Heritage Day Act, 2024 (Bill 81), 3649
- Erin's Law (Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Reporting), 2024 (Bill 123), 5311
- Fairness for Road Users Act (Contraventions Causing Death or Serious Bodily Harm), 2022 (Bill 15), 1593
- Fixing Long-Term Care Amendment Act (Till Death Do Us Part), 2022 (Bill 21), 1354
- Garrett's Legacy Act (Requirements for Movable Soccer Goals), 2024 (Bill 99), 4153
- Group of Seven Day Act, 2023 (Bill 78), 3484
- Group of Seven Day Act, 2024 (Bill 158), 7642
- Growing Agritourism Act, 2024 (Bill 186), 8902
- Harvest Season Road Safety Week Act, 2023 (Bill 143), 7089
- Heart Valve Disease Awareness Act, 2024 (Bill 66), 3538
- Honouring Our Veterans Act, 2023 (Bill 65), 2846
- Improving Dementia Care in Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 121), 5255
- Injured Workers Day Act, 2024 (Bill 118), 9458
- Intimate Partner Violence Epidemic Act, 2024 (Bill 173), 8300
- Joshua's Law (Lifejackets for Life), 2023 (Bill 93), 3892
- Kids' Online Safety and Privacy Month Act, 2024 (Bill 133), 9665
- Maternal Mental Health Day Act, 2023 (Bill 33), 2226
- Ministry of Correctional Services Amendment Act (Parole), 2023 (Bill 96), 4051–4052
- Missing Persons Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 74), 3147
- Murray Whetung Community Service Award Act, 2024 (Bill 31), 2528
- Orthodox Christian Week Act, 2024 (Bill 167), 7813
- Planning for Your Silver Years Awareness Week Act, 2024 (Bill 137), 5920
- Protecting Ontarians by Enhancing Gas Station Safety to Prevent Gas and Dash Act, 2023 (Bill 88), 3780
- Protection from Coerced Debts Incurred in relation to Human Trafficking Act, 2023 (Bill 41), 2358
- Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Amendment Act, 2024 (Bill 193), 9411
- Retiree Experience Awareness Day Act, 2024 (Bill 217), 10632
- Seniors Month Act, 2024 (Bill 70), 2970
- Skilled Trades Week Act, 2023 (Bill 117), 5198
- Supporting Ontario's Community, Rural and Agricultural Newspapers Act, 2023 (Bill 73), 3176
- Test Your Smoke Alarm Day Act, 2024 (Bill 177), 8513
- Ukrainian Heritage Month Act, 2024 (Bill 215), 10688
- Government bills
- window collisions
- Glover, 1256
- window collisions
Bird-Safe Windows Act, 2023 (Bill 145)
- first reading
- Glover, 5889–5890
- first reading
Black community
- appreciation of
- Williams, 2194
- Black History Month
- Black youth action plan
- Ford, M., 7420
- community organizations
- community organizations,
- Wong-Tam, 7421
- community organizations, by region
- Oakville
- Crawford, 7195
- Oakville
- education and awareness
- Emancipation Month
- Gallagher Murphy, 23
- history of
- Little Jamaica
- Wong-Tam, 7421
- notable members
- appreciation of
Black Maternal Health and Reproductive Justice Month Act, 2024 (Bill 209)
- first reading
- Hazell, 9594
- first reading
Black Mental Health Day Act, 2022 (Bill 32)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 1223–1224
- first reading
Black Youth Action Plan
Blind River Huron Shores Family Health Team
- government funding
- Jones, S., 3912
- government funding
Blood and blood products - donation and collection
Blood disorders
- education and awareness
- Thalassemia Awareness Day
- Cuzzetto, 8916
- Thalassemia Awareness Day
- education and awareness
Board of Internal Economy
- administrative authority
- administrative authority, expansion
- Sattler, 2019
- legislative precinct. see also Legislative Assembly
- Sattler, 2047
- scope of
- authority of
- composition of
see Also Life jacketsBongo Studios Inc. Act, 2024 (Bill Pr34)
Border security
Boulet, Logan.
see Organ and tissue donationBowmanville Hospital
Bradford bypass
Bradford Bypass
Brampton Civic Hospital
- emergency department
- capacity and overcrowding
- Stiles, 8921
- capacity and overcrowding
- emergency department
Brantford General Hospital
Breast cancer
- construction and expansion
- inter-provincial bridges, Ontario/Quebec
- Kettle Island corridor
- Blais, 2237
- Kettle Island corridor
- Little Current Swing Bridge replacement
- Sarkaria, 10230
- construction timelines
- Mantha, 10229–10230
- maintenance and repair
- Argyle Street Bridge (Caledonia)
- Ginoogaming First Nation
British Home Children
- education and awareness
- British Home Child Day
- Wong-Tam, 9843
- British Home Child Day
- education and awareness
Broadband infrastructure
Broadband infrastructure development
- and agriculture industry
- funding
- Leardi, 31
- funding
- general remarks
- gigabyte symmetrical vs. 50/10
- Glover, 7171–7172
- government strategy
- northern and rural Ontario
- regional impact
- Leardi, 32
- regulatory reform
- rural Ontario
- Oosterhoff, 1832–1833
- through private sector
- in rural and remote areas
- French, 3460
- in rural and remote areas
- utility infrastructure data
- and agriculture industry
Broadband infrastructure development - funding
Broadband infrastructure development programs
- Improving Connectivity for Ontario (ICON)
- Surma, 4064
- Improving Connectivity for Ontario (ICON)
Broadband services
Broadband services - access to
Brock University
- Burlington campus, construction
- Pierre, 9917
- Burlington campus, construction
Budget 2022/2023
- children's health care integration
- Smith, Dave, 614–615
- climate change
- consultation
- Bowman, 617
- contingency and reserve funds
- cost of living
- decision making process
- education
- employment
- and equity
- Kernaghan, 609
- gender-based violence
- general remarks
- government strategy
- McCarthy, 1346
- health care
- Anand, 241
- Bell, 618
- Bethlenfalvy, 608, 1315
- Crawford, 79
- Cuzzetto, 2874
- Gates, 254–255
- Harris, 611
- Hunter, 211
- Jones, S., 1617
- Kernaghan, 191–192, 196
- Kusendova-Bashta, 238, 251–252
- Mantha, 620
- McCarthy, 201
- Pasma, 242
- Rickford, 213–214
- Sattler, 620
- Schreiner, 618–619
- Wong-Tam, 206–207
- health human resources
- Sarkaria, 2870
- resource allocation
- Fife, 1317
- statements by stakeholders
- McCarthy, 201
- home and community care
- housing
- Kernaghan, 197
- Indigenous affairs
- inflation
- Kernaghan, 609
- infrastructure
- legal aid
- Wong-Tam, 615–616
- long-term care
- Kernaghan, 196
- mental health and addictions
- Kusendova-Bashta, 251
- municipal affairs and housing
- Bell, 120
- northern and rural Ontario
- program allocation
- program spending
- Schreiner, 237–238
- skilled trades
- social assistance
- statements from stakeholders
- transportation
- tribunals
- Wong-Tam, 615
- children's health care integration
Budget 2023/2024
- accountability and transparency
- agriculture
- allocation by fiscal year
- 2022-2023
- Fife, 3102
- 2022-2023
- allocation of funds
- arts and culture
- autism services
- automotive
- broadband infrastructure development
- Rae, 3153
- business
- business - small- and medium-sized
- Smith, L., 4374
- businesses
- Bethlenfalvy, 4312
- carbon emissions
- Bowman, 3274
- child care
- Smith, L., 4375
- child protection system
- child welfare
- children and youth
- committee presentations
- community safety
- community services
- consumer protection
- contingency and reserve funds
- correctional services
- cost of living
- debt and deficit
- debt-to-GDP
- deficit
- developmental services
- housing
- Armstrong, 3274
- housing
- doctors
- education
- Andrew, 3288
- Begum, 3278, 4401, 4403
- Bell, 3179, 4376
- Bethlenfalvy, 4313
- Bowman, 3121
- Crawford, 4277
- Fife, 3239–3240
- Gallagher Murphy, 3205
- Ghamari, 3166
- Hunter, 3196–3197
- Kanapathi, 3154
- Karpoche, 3275
- Kernaghan, 3183, 4377, 4379
- Lecce, 3197, 3672
- Pang, 3361
- Rickford, 3182
- Shamji, 3275
- Smith, L., 4375–4376
- Vaugeois, 4403
- pre-budget submissions
- Kernaghan, 3183–3184
- school boards
- Karpoche, 3280
- school safety
- Kernaghan, 3181
- statements by stakeholders
- West, 3117
- education, post-secondary
- Bowman, 3273
- electricity rates
- Smith, Dave, 3126
- emergency management
- Crawford, 3061
- employment
- employment services
- energy
- environment
- food security
- gender-based budgeting
- statements by stakeholders
- Sattler, 4431
- statements by stakeholders
- gender-based violence
- general remarks
- Begum, 4400
- Bouma, 3211–3212
- Bowman, 4404
- Byers, 3299
- Crawford, 4276
- Cuzzetto, 4351–4352
- Fife, 3070–3071, 3109, 4481–4482
- Glover, 7542
- Grewal, 4304
- Kanapathi, 3245, 4340–4341
- Kernaghan, 4377–4378
- Martin, 4406
- McCarthy, 3243
- Oosterhoff, 3065
- Pang, 3359
- Pierre, 4378–4379
- Rakocevic, 3168–3169
- West, 3109
- geopolitical environment
- Sandhu, 4408
- health care
- Anand, 4414–4415
- Andrew, 3288
- Bell, 3177–3178
- Bethlenfalvy, 3071, 4314
- Bowman, 4404
- Burch, 4373, 4400
- Byers, 3118, 4275, 4379
- Crawford, 3060–3061
- Cuzzetto, 4349
- Gallagher Murphy, 3187
- Ghamari, 3165–3166, 4400
- Grewal, 4302
- Harris, 4351
- Jordan, 3277
- Kanapathi, 3154, 3274–3275, 4341
- Karpoche, 3279
- Khanjin, 3293
- Leardi, 3267
- Mantha, 4373
- McCarthy, 3265, 3267, 4340
- Pang, 4294
- Quinn, 3292
- Rickford, 3181
- Sabawy, 3283
- Sandhu, 4407
- Sattler, 4432
- Shamji, 3272–3273
- Shaw, 4294
- Triantafilopoulos, 3285–3286
- West, 3119
- health care workers
- hospitals, capital projects
- Coe, 3112
- independent health clinics
- Sattler, 3209
- infrastructure
- Coe, 4415
- neurocognitive conditions
- Fife, 4288
- northern Ontario
- pediatric
- Bethlenfalvy, 4312–4313
- statements by stakeholders
- Fife, 3105
- health care infrastructure
- Coe, 4415
- health care workers
- healthcare
- Bowman, 4404
- highway infrastructure
- highways
- Bowman, 4404
- home and community care
- housing
- Andrew, 3287
- Armstrong, 4361
- Begum, 4402
- Bell, 3178, 3180, 4371
- Bowman, 3120–3121, 3273, 4404
- Clark, 3252
- Fraser, 3163
- Harden, 4371
- Harris, 4350
- Karpoche, 3279
- Kernaghan, 3180, 4378
- McCarthy, 3267
- McMahon, 3366
- Rae, 4304
- Tangri, 3252
- Vaugeois, 3162
- affordable
- Karpoche, 3280
- construction starts
- McMahon, 3073
- statements by stakeholders
- Clark, 3142
- immigration
- independent health clinics
- Sattler, 3209
- Indigenous affairs
- Anand, 3167
- Indigenous communities
- Indigenous communities, on-reserve
- Begum, 4281
- Indigenous consultation
- Shamji, 3273
- Indigenous relations
- Mamakwa, 3131
- infrastructure
- infrastructure development
- long-term care
- manufacturing
- mental health and addictions
- mines and mining industry
- mining industry
- municipal affairs and housing
- municipal planning
- housing development
- statements by stakeholders
- Fife, 3106
- statements by stakeholders
- housing development
- municipalities
- natural resources and forestry
- Rickford, 3181
- northern Ontario
- palliative care
- police services
- pre-budget consultations
- program allocation
- statements by stakeholders
- Dowie, 3127–3128
- statements by stakeholders
- program spending
- public consultation
- public libraries
- Kernaghan, 4405
- public safety
- regional allocation
- rental housing
- residential schools
- rural Ontario
- Brady, 4320
- school facilities
- Smith, L., 4374–4375
- senior citizens
- skilled trades
- social assistance
- social assistance programs
- social assistance recipients
- Armstrong, 4362
- social services
- statements by stakeholders
- supportive housing
- Begum, 4401
- Bell, 3129
- Blais, 4411
- Clark, 3070, 3074, 3666
- Coe, 3113
- Crawford, 4278
- Cuzzetto, 4349
- Fife, 3241
- Flack, 4432
- Gallagher Murphy, 3662–3663, 4371
- Glover, 3185, 3298
- Harden, 4371
- Holland, 4346–4347
- Oosterhoff, 4292
- Rae, 3156, 4289, 4308
- Sabawy, 4302
- Sattler, 3185, 3209–3210, 4431–4432
- Shaw, 3156, 4347
- Skelly, 4360
- Smith, L., 4374
- Taylor, 3185
- Williams, 3301
- allocation per region
- Fife, 4283
- Indigenous communities
- McCarthy, 3132
- statements by stakeholders
- unhoused persons
- tax credits
- transit
- transit development
- Pang, 4292
- transportation
- unhoused persons
- veterinarians
- veterinary services
- victim services
- French, 4410
- water protection
- Fife, 4288
- women
Budget 2024/2025
- allocation by region
- Windsor—Tecumseh
- Dowie, 8052–8053
- Windsor—Tecumseh
- arts and culture
- Vaugeois, 8000
- child care
- Karpoche, 8008
- cost of living
- court administration
- Wong-Tam, 8050
- developmental services
- education
- Lecce, 8008
- emergency services
- factors affecting
- Crawford, 9077
- gender-based violence prevention
- Downey, 8058
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Crawford, 8054
- health care
- highways and roads
- Rae, 9096
- home and community care
- hospitals
- housing development
- infrastructure
- long-term care
- Cho, S., 8707
- mental health and addictions
- post-secondary education
- Schreiner, 9189
- pre-budget consultations
- by region
- Toronto
- Fife, 9082
- Toronto
- by region
- program allocation
- Bethlenfalvy, 9074
- public safety
- sexual violence and harassment
- Shaw, 9161
- stakeholder consultation
- Karpoche, 9192
- wildfire management
- allocation by region
Budget speech 2023 (March 23, 2023),
3236–3244, 3264–3303, 3359–3368, 3385–3388- presented
- Bethlenfalvy, 3047–3053
- responded to
- Andrew, 3286–3291, 3299
- Armstrong, 3267, 3274
- Begum, 3267, 3278
- Bell, 3285, 3290, 3295, 3364, 3367
- Bouma, 3367
- Bowman, 3273–3275
- Burch, 3367
- Byers, 3275, 3278, 3299
- Crawford, 3270, 3290
- Cuzzetto, 3286
- Dowie, 3282, 3290–3291
- Fedeli, 3386–3388
- Fife, 3236–3241
- Gates, 3267–3272, 3278
- Glover, 3285, 3296–3300
- Gretzky, 3271
- Harden, 3360–3365
- Jordan, 3271, 3276–3279
- Kanapathi, 3266, 3274–3275
- Karpoche, 3275, 3279–3282
- Kernaghan, 3360–3361
- Khanjin, 3293–3295
- Leardi, 3267, 3274–3276, 3278–3279, 3281, 3285
- McCarthy, 3243–3244, 3264–3267, 3299, 3365
- McMahon, 3365–3368
- Pang, 3289, 3359–3361, 3368
- Pasma, 3365
- Quinn, 3291–3292, 3294–3296
- Rakocevic, 3294, 3300
- Sabawy, 3282–3283, 3285
- Sattler, 3271–3272, 3279, 3282, 3286
- Saunderson, 3267, 3272, 3278
- Shamji, 3272–3275
- Skelly, 3360, 3364
- Smith, G., 3296
- Smith, L., 3282, 3294–3295, 3298–3299, 3367
- Tabuns, 3290, 3295
- Thompson, 3295, 3301–3302
- Triantafilopoulos, 3283–3286
- Vanthof, 3241–3243, 3266, 3281
- Wai, 3265–3266
- Williams, 3300–3301
- presented
Budget speech 2024 (March 26, 2024),
7981–7987, 8041–8050, 8068–8105, 8331–8343, 8364- presented
- Bethlenfalvy, 7981–7987
- responded to
- Anand, 8073, 8090, 8094, 8104–8105, 8338
- Andrew, 8094–8095, 8103
- Babikian, 8339
- Bell, 8090–8091, 8099–8104
- Bowman, 8074–8077
- Bresee, 8080, 8084, 8095
- Byers, 8048–8050, 8068–8071, 8077, 8086, 8339, 8342
- Cho, S., 8077, 8086, 8099, 8331–8335
- Crawford, 8076, 8102
- Cuzzetto, 8087, 8096–8099
- Fife, 8041–8048, 8070, 8076, 8083
- Fraser, 8076
- Gates, 8335–8340
- Glover, 8090, 8099, 8334
- Gretzky, 8335, 8342
- Hazell, 8341–8342
- Jones, T., 8099
- Jordan, 8069–8070, 8083, 8103
- Karpoche, 8073, 8077, 8079, 8334, 8339
- Kernaghan, 8083–8084, 8091–8096
- Mamakwa, 8071–8074, 8080
- McMahon, 8342
- Pierre, 8104
- Pirie, 8077–8080
- Rakocevic, 8086, 8098, 8103
- Sattler, 8081–8084, 8340
- Schreiner, 8084–8087, 8091
- Shamji, 8335, 8340–8342
- Smith, David, 8072, 8098
- Smith, G., 8079
- Stevens, 8069
- Tabuns, 8087, 8098
- Tangri, 8087–8091, 8334
- Vaugeois, 8070, 8073, 8084
- Wai, 8070, 8335
- Williams, 8080, 8091
- Wong-Tam, 8095
- division (carried), 8364
- presented
Building a Better Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 180)
- first reading
- Bethlenfalvy, 7987
- second reading, 8127–8165, 8167–8178, 8202–8222, 8231–8240, 8255–8256
- Anand, 8132–8136, 8150, 8154–8155, 8158, 8163, 8213, 8216, 8220, 8222
- Armstrong, 8151, 8207, 8216, 8218
- Bell, 8170
- Bethlenfalvy, 8127–8130
- Blais, 8204–8207
- Bourgouin, 8219
- Bowman, 8155–8159
- Brady, 8233–8234
- Burch, 8174
- Cho, R.S.J., 8159–8160
- Clancy, 8234–8236, 8238
- Coe, 8136, 8170
- Collard, 8207
- Crawford, 8130–8132, 8135–8137, 8145
- Cuzzetto, 8207
- Dixon, 8162
- Dowie, 8136, 8146, 8167, 8204
- Downey, 8171–8175
- Dunlop, 8212
- Fife, 8137–8146
- Fraser, 8158, 8162, 8205–8208, 8219
- French, 8135
- Gates, 8149, 8161
- Gélinas, 8203, 8212–8217, 8233, 8238
- Glover, 8175
- Gretzky, 8154
- Harden, 8150, 8158, 8231–8233, 8235
- Harris, 8236, 8238
- Jones, T., 8219
- Kernaghan, 8146, 8168, 8233
- Khanjin, 8203, 8208–8213
- Kusendova-Bashta, 8160–8163
- Leardi, 8150, 8157, 8232–8235, 8239–8240
- MacLeod, 8206, 8217–8220
- Mamakwa, 8174
- Mantha, 8236–8239
- McCarthy, 8147–8151
- Pang, 8168, 8175, 8215
- Pasma, 8175–8178, 8202–8204
- Rakocevic, 8206, 8212, 8220–8222
- Sattler, 8168–8169
- Saunderson, 8135, 8145
- Schreiner, 8169–8171
- Shamji, 8159
- Shaw, 8234
- Smith, L., 8170–8171, 8174, 8211–8212, 8221–8222
- Stevens, 8136
- Taylor, 8154–8155, 8162–8165, 8167–8169, 8204, 8211, 8222
- West, 8136, 8145, 8203
- Wong-Tam, 8151–8155, 8159
- Yakabuski, 8237
- division (carried), 8255–8256
- referred to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, 8255–8256
- third reading, 9072–9096, 9151–9161, 9180–9196, 9222–9223
- Anand, 9078–9082, 9096
- Bethlenfalvy, 9073–9075
- Bourgouin, 9096
- Byers, 9091–9092
- Crawford, 9075–9078, 9081–9082, 9183, 9190
- Dowie, 9091
- Fedeli, 9195–9196
- Fife, 9082–9092, 9095
- Flack, 9190
- French, 9184–9188
- Gates, 9081, 9095–9096
- Gélinas, 9184, 9190, 9193–9194
- Glover, 9183, 9188
- Harden, 9082, 9091
- Hogarth, 9081–9082
- Jones, T., 9096
- Kanapathi, 9081
- Karpoche, 9192–9195
- Kernaghan, 9159, 9187, 9194–9195
- Kerzner, 9156–9160, 9183
- Kusendova-Bashta, 9181–9184
- Leardi, 9090, 9193–9194
- Martin, 9187
- Mulroney, 9180–9181
- Oosterhoff, 9095
- Rae, 9092–9096
- Schreiner, 9188–9190
- Shaw, 9081, 9090–9091, 9159–9161
- Smith, David, 9188
- Smith, L., 9155–9156, 9187, 9194
- Stevens, 9182–9183
- Tabuns, 9155
- Vaugeois, 9190–9194
- Yakabuski, 9154, 9159
- division (carried), 9222–9223
- Royal assent, 9244
- first reading
Building a Strong Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 85)
- first reading
- Bethlenfalvy, 3053
- second reading, 3055–3064, 3101–3121, 3123–3133, 3150–3169, 3177–3187, 3204–3212, 3258–3259
- Anand, 3164–3168
- Armstrong, 3182
- Bailey, 3129
- Bell, 3129, 3177–3180, 3182
- Bethlenfalvy, 3055–3057
- Blais, 3161–3164
- Bouma, 3155, 3205, 3207, 3211–3212
- Bourgouin, 3166–3167
- Bowman, 3120–3121, 3123–3125
- Burch, 3063, 3130, 3179
- Byers, 3057–3059, 3063–3064, 3109–3110, 3118, 3123–3124, 3132
- Coe, 3064, 3112–3115
- Crawford, 3059–3064, 3185–3186
- Cuzzetto, 3167
- Dowie, 3126–3129
- Fedeli, 3159
- Fife, 3062–3063, 3101–3110
- Fraser, 3124, 3161–3163
- Gallagher Murphy, 3182, 3185–3187, 3204–3206
- Gélinas, 3206–3209
- Ghamari, 3165–3168
- Glover, 3110, 3113
- Harden, 3110, 3114, 3119, 3125, 3132
- Harris, 3179–3180, 3184
- Kanapathi, 3153–3155
- Kernaghan, 3124, 3180–3181, 3183–3186, 3204, 3208
- Khanjin, 3182
- Leardi, 3109, 3114–3115, 3179
- MacLeod, 3063, 3113–3114, 3179, 3183
- Mamakwa, 3130–3133, 3205, 3207, 3210
- Martin, 3206, 3208
- McCarthy, 3132, 3155
- McGregor, 3110–3112, 3114–3115, 3163
- Pang, 3151, 3168
- Pasma, 3128, 3132
- Pierre, 3205
- Rae, 3151–3153, 3155–3156, 3210
- Rakocevic, 3151, 3155, 3168–3169
- Rickford, 3180–3183
- Sabawy, 3110, 3119–3120
- Sattler, 3185, 3209–3211
- Schreiner, 3150–3151
- Shaw, 3119, 3156, 3163
- Skelly, 3129
- Smith, Dave, 3125–3126, 3129–3130
- Smith, David, 3063
- Smith, L., 3124–3125, 3162, 3167
- Tabuns, 3063
- Taylor, 3185, 3205
- Thanigasalam, 3160, 3163
- Thompson, 3151
- Vaugeois, 3162, 3210–3211
- Wai, 3211
- West, 3109, 3114–3120, 3154–3155, 3160, 3163
- Yakabuski, 3208, 3210
- division (carried), 3258–3259
- referred to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, 3259
- third reading, 4272–4299, 4301–4309, 4311–4321, 4339–4357, 4359–4362, 4369–4379, 4397–4415, 4417–4421, 4431–4435, 4450–4451
- Anand, 4413–4415
- Armstrong, 4293, 4299, 4308, 4341, 4359–4362, 4375
- Begum, 4281, 4400–4403, 4408, 4418
- Bell, 4371, 4376
- Bethlenfalvy, 4311–4315
- Blais, 4406, 4411–4413
- Bouma, 4317–4320, 4341–4342
- Bourgouin, 4342, 4355
- Bowman, 4403–4406, 4408
- Brady, 4319–4321
- Bresee, 4355–4358
- Burch, 4315–4319, 4371, 4373, 4400, 4405, 4413
- Byers, 4272–4276, 4280–4281, 4379, 4402
- Coe, 4399–4400, 4410, 4415, 4419–4421
- Crawford, 4276–4280, 4289–4290, 4299, 4308, 4357
- Cuzzetto, 4348–4352
- Dowie, 4351, 4354
- Dunlop, 4280
- Fife, 4281–4290, 4399, 4406, 4410, 4415
- Flack, 4432
- French, 4280, 4402, 4408–4411, 4419, 4432–4433
- Gallagher Murphy, 4371, 4399, 4405
- Gates, 4294–4299
- Gélinas, 4314, 4411, 4417–4419, 4432
- Ghamari, 4397–4400
- Glover, 4318
- Gretzky, 4294, 4305–4309, 4433
- Grewal, 4302–4305
- Harden, 4369–4372, 4376
- Harris, 4348, 4350–4352, 4402–4403, 4418
- Hogarth, 4280
- Holland, 4346–4347
- Jama, 4378
- Kanapathi, 4340–4342
- Kernaghan, 4280, 4289, 4313, 4377–4379, 4399, 4405, 4414–4415
- Khanjin, 4419
- Kusendova-Bashta, 4433–4435
- Leardi, 4370–4372, 4405, 4411
- Mantha, 4372–4374
- Martin, 4373–4374, 4376, 4406, 4412–4413, 4419
- McCarthy, 4314, 4318, 4320, 4339–4343, 4361–4362, 4378, 4433
- McGregor, 4342, 4361
- Oosterhoff, 4290–4294, 4297–4298, 4309
- Pang, 4292–4294, 4314, 4413
- Pierre, 4378–4379
- Pirie, 4272
- Rae, 4281, 4289, 4294, 4304–4305, 4308
- Rakocevic, 4348, 4352, 4356–4357
- Romano, 4290
- Sabawy, 4301–4302, 4304–4305
- Sandhu, 4406–4408
- Sattler, 4318, 4346, 4354, 4361, 4431–4433
- Saunderson, 4293, 4304
- Schreiner, 4347–4348, 4352
- Shaw, 4294, 4298, 4304–4305, 4343–4347, 4354, 4357, 4372, 4379
- Skelly, 4346, 4352, 4360
- Smith, L., 4313–4314, 4345, 4354, 4357, 4374–4377
- Taylor, 4303–4304
- Thanigasalam, 4355
- Vanthof, 4320
- Vaugeois, 4346, 4352–4355, 4361, 4403
- Wai, 4376, 4408, 4411
- West, 4290, 4298, 4304, 4309, 4342, 4351, 4357
- division (carried), 4450–4451
- Royal assent, 4459
- first reading
Building a Strong Ontario Together Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 146)
- first reading
- Bethlenfalvy, 6004
- second reading, 6017–6037, 6079–6099, 6101–6109, 6116–6139, 6181
- Anand, 6105–6108
- Armstrong, 6025–6026
- Bethlenfalvy, 6017–6020
- Bourgouin, 6125, 6136, 6139
- Bowman, 6086–6089
- Byers, 6022–6026, 6034
- Crawford, 6020–6022, 6025–6026, 6035–6036
- Cuzzetto, 6095–6099
- Dowie, 6098, 6105, 6125, 6135
- Fedeli, 6119–6121
- Fife, 6026–6036, 6080, 6133–6134
- French, 6081, 6085, 6094, 6101–6105, 6107, 6120–6121, 6130, 6136
- Gallagher Murphy, 6088, 6093, 6108, 6118, 6125, 6130
- Harden, 6034–6035
- Harris, 6087, 6092–6093, 6099, 6119–6120, 6136
- Kanapathi, 6084, 6107
- Kernaghan, 6092, 6104, 6118, 6127–6131, 6138
- Leardi, 6085, 6088, 6093–6095, 6104, 6124–6128, 6131, 6133–6134
- MacLeod, 6026
- Mamakwa, 6088, 6098–6099, 6133–6136, 6139
- Martin, 6128
- McCarthy, 6080, 6082–6085
- Pasma, 6089–6093, 6097, 6108
- Rae, 6127, 6130
- Sandhu, 6098, 6104
- Sattler, 6081, 6085, 6089, 6093, 6095, 6098, 6105, 6118, 6128
- Schreiner, 6093–6095
- Shamji, 6086, 6088–6089
- Shaw, 6035, 6081
- Smith, Dave, 6121
- Smith, L., 6025
- Stevens, 6084, 6088, 6107–6109, 6116–6119, 6124, 6131, 6135
- Taylor, 6026
- Thompson, 6118
- Vanthof, 6036–6037, 6079–6082
- West, 6025
- Wong-Tam, 6120–6125
- Yakabuski, 6131–6134
- division (carried), 6181
- referred to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, 6181
- third reading, 6702–6750, 6779–6780
- Anand, 6710–6711, 6726, 6733
- Armstrong, 6725, 6732, 6742–6746, 6749–6750
- Bethlenfalvy, 6702–6705
- Bouma, 6710, 6722, 6725–6726, 6728–6729, 6732, 6735, 6738–6742
- Bourgouin, 6722
- Bowman, 6726–6730
- Byers, 6707–6711, 6719, 6746, 6750
- Crawford, 6705–6707, 6710–6711
- Cuzzetto, 6720
- Dowie, 6735, 6750
- Fife, 6711–6720
- Gélinas, 6711, 6729, 6735, 6739, 6745–6750
- Hsu, 6730, 6736–6739, 6745
- Jones, T., 6720–6722
- Karpoche, 6722–6726, 6738, 6746
- Kerzner, 6720, 6739
- Kusendova-Bashta, 6729–6733
- Leardi, 6736, 6738
- Mamakwa, 6733–6736, 6749
- McGregor, 6742
- Rakocevic, 6710
- Shamji, 6729
- Shaw, 6719, 6726, 6729–6730, 6741
- Smith, L., 6741, 6746
- Taylor, 6742
- Vanthof, 6735
- West, 6709–6710, 6720
- division (carried), 6779–6780
- Royal assent, 6932
- first reading
Building Better Business Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 50)
Building Better Business Outcomes Act (Bill 50)
- general remarks
- Bowman, 2177
- general remarks
Building construction
Building Infrastructure Safely Act, 2023 (Bill 153)
Building Infrastructure Safely Act, 2024 (Bill 153)
- first reading
- McCarthy, 6447
- second reading, 6621–6671
- Armstrong, 6639, 6644–6648, 6651–6652, 6667
- Bailey, 6629, 6640–6644
- Blais, 6656
- Bourgouin, 6655, 6663–6665
- Bresee, 6660, 6667–6668, 6671
- Dowie, 6639, 6643
- French, 6630–6640
- Jordan, 6648
- Kernaghan, 6629
- Kerzner, 6657–6660
- Kusendova-Bashta, 6651–6652, 6667–6668
- Leardi, 6647
- Mamakwa, 6630, 6651, 6656, 6664, 6669–6671
- McCarthy, 6621–6625, 6629–6630, 6638–6640, 6643–6644, 6652, 6656, 6663
- Pang, 6630
- Pasma, 6643, 6652–6657, 6667
- Rae, 6655, 6670
- Riddell, 6648–6652
- Sabawy, 6647, 6665–6668
- Sandhu, 6628–6629
- Sarrazin, 6625–6628
- Shaw, 6660, 6664, 6670–6671
- Smith, L., 6651, 6656, 6659
- Taylor, 6639, 6644, 6648, 6651, 6668–6671
- Thompson, 6658–6660
- Vanthof, 6647, 6660
- Vaugeois, 6659
- West, 6629–6630
- referred to Standing Committee on Justice Policy, 6671
- third reading, 7127–7136, 7156–7175, 7215–7216
- Bresee, 7215–7216
- Dowie, 7168, 7172–7173
- Fife, 7216
- French, 7156–7166
- Gallagher Murphy, 7168, 7172
- Gates, 7135
- Glover, 7169–7173
- Harden, 7135
- Harris, 7136, 7166, 7173
- Kernaghan, 7165, 7172
- Leardi, 7169
- MacLeod, 7165
- Mantha, 7215–7216
- McCarthy, 7127–7136, 7165, 7173
- Riddell, 7166–7169
- Sabawy, 7173–7175
- Sattler, 7166
- Shaw, 7136
- Stevens, 7168
- Taylor, 7168
- Vaugeois, 7169, 7215
- West, 7173
- Yakabuski, 7135
- Royal assent, 7635
- first reading
Building More Homes by Ending Exclusionary Zoning Act, 2022 (Bill 44)
- first reading
- Schreiner, 1561
- first reading
Building More Homes on Major Streets and Transit Corridors Act, 2022 (Bill 45)
- first reading
- Schreiner, 1561–1562
- first reading
Building More Mines Act, 2023 (Bill 71)
- first reading
- Pirie, 2553–2554
- second reading, 2651–2659, 2675–2697, 2705–2714, 2737–2770, 2805–2806
- Anand, 2747–2750
- Andrew, 2684, 2692, 2695
- Armstrong, 2689, 2694, 2708
- Bailey, 2688, 2696–2697
- Bell, 2708
- Bouma, 2659, 2694, 2708, 2744, 2746–2747, 2750, 2754, 2758–2759, 2769
- Bresee, 2756, 2760–2762
- Burch, 2740
- Byers, 2689, 2692
- Cuzzetto, 2695–2696
- Dixon, 2754–2757
- Fife, 2659, 2749–2750, 2757, 2768–2770
- French, 2750–2754
- Gallagher Murphy, 2741, 2757
- Gates, 2753, 2756, 2759
- Gélinas, 2757–2759, 2762, 2765, 2767–2768
- Glover, 2741–2746
- Harris, 2709, 2737–2741, 2753, 2767
- Hsu, 2692–2695
- Karpoche, 2741
- Ke, 2659
- Kernaghan, 2658, 2713–2714, 2750, 2759, 2762
- Khanjin, 2745
- Leardi, 2654–2659, 2684–2685, 2691, 2694–2695, 2708, 2753–2754, 2761–2762, 2764–2765
- McCarthy, 2683, 2685–2686, 2688–2689, 2692
- Pang, 2658
- Pierre, 2740
- Pirie, 2651–2654
- Rakocevic, 2691
- Rickford, 2765–2768
- Romano, 2767–2768
- Sattler, 2765
- Saunderson, 2762, 2770
- Schreiner, 2746–2747
- Scott, 2686–2688
- Shaw, 2683–2684, 2705–2709, 2740, 2744–2745
- Skelly, 2684, 2688
- Smith, L., 2712, 2741, 2749, 2756, 2759, 2762, 2765
- Stevens, 2764, 2770
- Vanthof, 2659, 2688–2692
- Vaugeois, 2688, 2694–2695, 2712, 2756, 2763–2765
- Wai, 2745
- West, 2675–2685, 2745–2747, 2749, 2754, 2761, 2770
- division (carried), 2805–2806
- referred to Standing Committee on the Interior, 2805–2806
- Indigenous communities response
- Indigenous communities' response
- third reading, 4074–4111, 4113–4122, 4140–4148, 4173–4174
- Armstrong, 4097, 4110, 4146–4147
- Bailey, 4118
- Bouma, 4114, 4140–4141, 4146
- Burch, 4118
- Coe, 4082, 4105
- Dowie, 4097, 4106, 4111
- Fife, 4083
- Flack, 4115–4119, 4121
- Fraser, 4146–4147
- French, 4092
- Glover, 4119
- Harden, 4097, 4102, 4105–4106, 4110
- Hogarth, 4082
- Holland, 4118
- Jones, T., 4098
- Kernaghan, 4117–4118
- Kusendova-Bashta, 4148
- Leardi, 4078–4082, 4093, 4101–4102, 4110–4111, 4147
- Mamakwa, 4082, 4114, 4119–4122
- Mantha, 4113–4115
- McCarthy, 4093, 4098, 4106, 4110
- Oosterhoff, 4083, 4092, 4094–4098
- Pirie, 4074–4077, 4082–4083
- Sattler, 4121
- Schreiner, 4140–4141
- Shaw, 4098–4103, 4107
- Smith, Dave, 4103–4107
- Smith, L., 4121–4122
- Tabuns, 4121
- Taylor, 4145
- Vanthof, 4141
- West, 4083–4094, 4102, 4106, 4111
- Wong-Tam, 4093, 4098, 4107–4111
- division (carried), 4173–4174
- Royal assent, 4459
- first reading
Building Ontario For You Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 216)
- first reading
- Bethlenfalvy, 10050
- ministerial statement
- Bethlenfalvy, 10051–10053
- second reading, 10097–10107, 10124–10137, 10139–10163, 10202–10208, 10280–10281
- Allsopp, 10106, 10150, 10162
- Anand, 10147, 10204–10205, 10207
- Armstrong, 10146–10147, 10162–10163, 10202–10205
- Bell, 10105–10106, 10124–10127, 10131–10132
- Blais, 10205–10207
- Bourgouin, 10204
- Bowman, 10139–10142, 10151
- Bresee, 10204
- Crawford, 10157–10162
- Cuzzetto, 10106, 10141–10142
- Flack, 10132–10137
- Fraser, 10206–10207
- Gallagher Murphy, 10146–10151, 10161
- Gates, 10131, 10135, 10143–10147
- Glover, 10154, 10162
- Hamid, 10100–10102, 10106, 10132, 10155
- Harden, 10205
- Hogarth, 10135–10136
- Karpoche, 10127–10129, 10131, 10142
- Kernaghan, 10106
- Leardi, 10154
- Mamakwa, 10129–10132
- McGregor, 10131
- McMahon, 10107, 10142
- Piccini, 10097–10100, 10136, 10141
- Pierre, 10132, 10155
- Rakocevic, 10151, 10158, 10161
- Sattler, 10107
- Schreiner, 10155–10158
- Shaw, 10131–10132, 10141, 10146, 10154, 10161–10162, 10207
- Smith, Dave, 10102–10107, 10131, 10157–10158
- Smith, G., 10142
- Tabuns, 10150, 10157
- Vanthof, 10136–10137
- Wai, 10150
- West, 10147, 10155, 10204
- Wong-Tam, 10151–10155
- division (carried), 10280–10281
- legislative process, motions
- time allocation
- Clark, 10237
- time allocation
- time allocation motion, 10235–10245, 10276–10277
- presented
- Clark, 10235–10237
- responded to
- Vanthof, 10238–10245
- division (carried), 10276–10277
- presented
- third reading, 10281
- division (carried), 10281
- Royal assent, 10293
- first reading
Building Ontario Fund.
see also Ontario Infrastructure BankBuilding Universal and Inclusive Land Development in Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 175)
- first reading
- Shamji, 7788
- first reading
- corporate governance, digital administration
- corporate governance, virtual proceedings
- credit card payments
- transaction fees
- Blais, 818
- transaction fees
- debt load
- due to COVID-19
- Begum, 3520
- due to COVID-19
- development support organizations
- chambers of commerce
- awards and recognition
- Hardeman, 3307
- awards and recognition
- chambers of commerce
- employees, access to housing
- facilitation of
- government funding
- statements by stakeholders
- Khanjin, 1425
- statements by stakeholders
- northern Ontario
- washroom facilities access
- Begum, 2974
Business - COVID-19
- permanent closures
- Nickle Belt
- Gélinas, 432
- Nickle Belt
- permanent closures
Business - COVID-19, financial assistance
Business environment
Business investment
Business - local
- by region
- Simcoe-Grey
- Saunderson, 3791–3792
- Simcoe-Grey
- by region
Business - Main Street Recovery Plan
Business - small- and medium-sized
- closures
- Andrew, 9317
- commercial tenants protections
- Andrew, 9316–9317
- community impact
- Wong-Tam, 10321
- corporate tax rate
- phase-out range
- Bethlenfalvy, 3056
- phase-out range
- debt load
- Digital Main Street Program
- economic impact
- Wong-Tam, 10320
- education and awareness
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- government supports
- by region
- regulations, cost of
- Gill, 3413
- regulatory environment
- small businessenterprise centres (SBEC)
- Pinsonneault, 10950–10951
- Tangri, 10950–10951
- support programs
- Tangri, 6521
- veteran-owned
- Stevens, 928
- women
- Williams, 7672–7673
- closures
Business - small- and medium-sized
- succession planning
- Anand, 11092–11093
- Fife, 11091–11092
- Kernaghan, 11089–11091
- Sarrazin, 11091
- Wong-Tam, 11093–11094
- succession planning
Business - small-and medium-sized
- government strategy
- new and youth-led
- government supports
- Pierre, 10178–10179
- Tangri, 10178–10179
- government supports
- Ontario Business Registry
- taxation
- training programs
Business structures
Business structures
- employee-owned
- Kernaghan, 11089–11091
- West, 11093
- Wong-Tam, 11089–11091
- employee-owned
Business - taxation
- small and medium-sized
- economic impact
- government strategy
- reduction
- small business tax rate
- Anand, 1337–1338
- Bowman, 10319–10320
- Crawford, 1308
- statements by stakeholders
- Bowman, 10319, 10324–10325
- small business tax rate, phase out
- Rae, 1987
- small and medium-sized