Letter: M
Macdonald, Sir John A.
Magna Carta
- Armstrong, 10844–10845
- Khanjin, 10845–10847
- McKenna, 10842–10843
Magna Carta Day Act (In Memory of Julia Munro, MPP), 2020 (Bill 201)
- first reading
- McKenna, 9015
- second reading, 9138–9143
- referred to Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills, 9143
- third reading, 10841–10849
- Armstrong, 10843–10845
- Khanjin, 10845–10847
- McKenna, 10841–10843
- Thompson, 10847–10848
- Royal assent, 10941
- first reading
Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
- first reading
- Sarkaria, 9662
- committee consultation
- Shaw, 10877
- second reading, 9733–9778, 10065–10074, 10090–10106, 10141–10147
- Baber, 9751, 10099
- Bailey, 9772–9777
- Begum, 9767–9768, 9772, 9777–9778
- Bell, 10144–10147
- Berns-McGown, 9740–9741
- Bourgouin, 9776
- Burch, 9771, 9775–9776, 10093, 10099, 10102
- Calandra, 9733
- Cho, S., 9771–9772, 9777, 10145
- Coe, 9760–9761, 9771, 10071, 10090–10094, 10105
- Crawford, 9752–9757, 10097
- Cuzzetto, 9741, 10073, 10096–10100
- Fedeli, 10065–10069
- Fee, 9741–9742
- Fife, 9742–9752
- French, 9756–9757
- Gates, 9755, 9760, 9763, 9767, 10094, 10096–10097, 10099, 10101–10103
- Gélinas, 10106
- Ghamari, 9776, 10068, 10073, 10094, 10102
- Gretzky, 10093, 10100–10103
- Harris, 9736–9738, 9741, 9767, 10093, 10097, 10100, 10103
- Hunter, 9761–9764, 9768
- Kanapathi, 10068, 10072, 10092–10094, 10103
- Karpoche, 10145–10146
- Ke, 9738–9740, 9752
- Kernaghan, 10094–10097, 10105
- Khanjin, 9750–9751, 9762–9763, 9772, 10071
- Kramp, 9764–9768, 10105–10106
- Mamakwa, 10072, 10144
- Mantha, 10143, 10146
- Martin, 10146
- Miller, N., 10142–10143, 10146
- Monteith-Farrell, 9742, 10068–10072
- Morrison, 10068
- Parsa, 9756
- Piccini, 9775–9776
- Rakocevic, 10100, 10103
- Sattler, 9769–9772, 10067, 10071, 10073
- Schreiner, 10072–10073
- Shaw, 9741, 9752
- Singh, S., 9751, 9756, 9760
- Skelly, 9733–9736, 9741–9742, 9755, 9760, 9764, 10143
- Smith, D., 10096, 10103–10106
- Stevens, 9772
- Tabuns, 10141–10144
- Taylor, 10073–10074
- West, 9751, 9757–9761, 9763
- general remarks
- Bailey, 9774–9775
- Bell, 10146–10147
- Burch, 10099
- Collard, 10880–10881
- Kanapathi, 10092–10093
- Rasheed, 10874
- Schreiner, 10073
- West, 9757, 9759
- third reading, 10867–10892
- Armstrong, 10878
- Babikian, 10887–10888
- Barrett, 10868–10869
- Begum, 10888–10892
- Berns-McGown, 10874, 10879, 10887, 10891
- Coe, 10874
- Collard, 10880–10882
- Khanjin, 10879–10881
- McKenna, 10875
- Mitas, 10890
- Monteith-Farrell, 10874, 10891
- Morrison, 10883–10888
- Oosterhoff, 10879, 10882, 10891
- Pang, 10871–10872
- Pettapiece, 10886
- Rasheed, 10872–10874, 10891
- Roberts, 10887
- Sarkaria, 10867–10868, 10874–10875
- Sattler, 10881–10882, 10886–10887
- Shaw, 10875–10880
- Stevens, 10875
- Tangri, 10869–10871
- Taylor, 10881
- Wai, 10878
- Royal assent, 10941
- first reading
Main street recovery plan.
see Business - main street recovery planMaking Northern Ontario Highways Safer Act, 2019 (Bill 125)
Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 (Bill 47)
- first reading
- second reading, 1954–1973, 2004–2025, 2056–2073, 2168–2169
- Andrew, 2063–2064, 2072
- Armstrong, 2013
- Baber, 1962, 2024, 2067–2068
- Babikian, 2063
- Bailey, 2020
- Bell, 2015–2016
- Berns-McGown, 2024
- Bisson, 2059–2060, 2067
- Bouma, 1972
- Burch, 2007, 2021, 2060
- Cho, S., 1971
- Coteau, 2061–2065
- Downey, 2060
- Fife, 1963–1973
- Fullerton, 2065–2068
- Gates, 1971–1972, 2056–2060, 2068
- Ghamari, 2008
- Gill, 2021–2025
- Harris, 2016–2017
- Kernaghan, 2017–2021
- Kusendova, 2012–2013
- Martin, 2072
- Martow, 2020
- McDonell, 2012, 2024
- McKenna, 1963
- Miller, P., 2008, 2012, 2016
- Natyshak, 2064
- Oosterhoff, 2007–2008, 2068
- Parsa, 1954–1957, 1963
- Piccini, 2071–2072
- Roberts, 2064
- Romano, 2059
- Scott, 2004–2009
- Singh, S., 2072–2073
- Skelly, 2013–2015, 2017
- Stiles, 2068–2071, 2073
- Taylor, 1962–1963
- Thanigasalam, 2016
- West, 1962, 1972, 2009–2013, 2020, 2023
- Wilson, 1957–1962
- division (carried), 2168–2169
- time allocation motion, 2075–2086, 2127–2131, 2144–2145
- third reading, 2432–2447, 2449–2451
- Royal assent, 2478
Making the Patient Ombudsman an Officer of the Assembly Act, 2021 (Bill 302)
- first reading
- Fraser, 13996
- first reading
Malton Black Development Association
- Anand, 3083
Managing Transformation: A Modernization Action Plan for Ontario (2018)
- findings
- recommendations
- general remarks
- government response to
- re education
- re pension treatment
- Fraser, 1219
- re public assets, sale/lease of
Mandamin, Josephine.
see Water conservation—public education campaigns—Mother Earth Water WalkersMandatory Blood Testing Act, 2006,
SO 2006, c 26.
see also Public health—infection control—mandatory blood testingMandatory Police Training Act, 2019 (Bill 105)
Mandeep Singh Cheema Charitable Foundation
- Anand, 8283–8284
Manufacturing industry
- decline
- economic impact
- employment
- general remarks
- government strategy
- impact of Canadian dollar
- Gates, 4196
- Ontario Made program
- plant closures
- Harris, 308
- recovery rate
- shift to high-tech models
- Glover, 1944
- shipbuilding
- Skelly, 10906
- vacancies
- McNaughton, 13429
- worker recruitment
- Piccini, 13655
- worker retraining
Manufacturing industry - COVID-19
- government supports
- operational reconfiguration
Marmora Freezing Corp.
see Fiera FoodsMarriage solemnization
Maternal Mental Health Act, 2021 (Bill 176)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 7166–7167
- second reading, 12711–12716, 12741–12742
- first reading
Math skills
McClintic, Terri-Lynne.
see also Correctional servicesMcClure,
R v,
2001 SCC 14.
see under Solicitor-client privilegeMcVety, Charles.
see Canada Christian CollegeMeasles
Meat processing facilities
Meat processing industry
see also News media- tax credits
- Tibollo, 5513
- tax credits
Media literacy
- Kernaghan, 4941
Medical emergencies abroad
Medical imaging
Medical isotopes
Medical laboratory services.
see also Public health laboratories- Penetanguishene
- Dunlop, 3766
- private delivery
- Gélinas, 10288–10289
- service quality
- Penetanguishene
Medical Officers of Health - COVID-19
- section 22 orders
- Peel
- Bell, 13810
- Calandra, 12796
- Horwath, 12796–12797
- Sattler, 12792, 12807
- Singh, S., 12850–12851, 12867
- Yarde, 13093
- Toronto
- Peel
- section 22 orders
Medical records
Medical research
- in London
- Kernaghan, 5762–5763
- in London
Medical residents
- unmatched
- Kernaghan, 10614
- unmatched
Medical supplies at home
- funding for
- gastrostomy tube (G-tube)
- Gélinas, 4084
- gastrostomy tube (G-tube)
- funding for
Member appreciation
- Fraser, John (Ottawa South)
- Kwinter, Monte (York Centre)
- Liberal (1985-2018)
- Baber, 13804
- Liberal (1985-2018)
- Mamakwa, Sol (Kiiwetinoong)
- Mantha, 13402
- McDonell, Jim (Stormont–Dundas–South Glengarry
- Walker, 14049–14050
- Rasheed, Kaleed (Mississauga East—Cooksville)
- Smith, T., 474
- Wynne, Kathleen (Don Valley West)
- Dunlop, 7553
Members' introduction
Members of Provincial Parliament (MPP)
- compensation
- Baber, 11325
- Calandra, 11324–11325
- investment restrictions
- compensation
Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs)
- compensation
- demographics and diversity
- election campaigns. see Political campaigning
- fundraising. see Political fundraising
- independent members
- general remarks
- Downey, 11716–11717
- and legislative procedure. see Legislative procedure
- general remarks
- oaths and affirmations
- Bisson, 6918
- social media accounts
- regulation of
- Downey, 11716, 12589–12590, 14098–14099
- Gill, 12053
- Khanjin, 12049
- Miller, N., 11789, 12624
- Park, 11805
- Skelly, 12640–12641
- Taylor, 12048–12049
- regulation of
- staff
Members' statements
- 5n2
- Hunter, 12970
- 360°kids
- Pang, 9683
- Aaniin Community Centre and Library
- Kanapathi, 2523
- ABB Burlington
- Abilities Centre
- Abortion
- Harden, 5072
- AboutFace
- Parsa, 5170–5171
- Abrigo Centre
- Stiles, 2522
- Access to justice
- Access to Justice Week
- Park, 1843–1844
- Access to natural gas
- Skelly, 2891
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- Acromegaly
- Lalonde, 816
- Across U-hub
- Pang, 2641
- Adamson Barbecue
- Hillier, 10772
- Addiction services
- Adoption
- Tangri, 6581
- Advance care planning
- Skelly, 4406
- Advocis
- McDonell, 1596
- Aerospace industry
- Anand, 9155
- Affordable housing
- Andrew, 3969–3970
- Armstrong, 88, 6580
- Barrett, 9345
- Collard, 10629–10630, 11383, 12286–12287
- Cuzzetto, 9105
- Fife, 12285
- French, 11449
- Gates, 13551
- Gretzky, 14057–14058
- Harden, 2942–2943, 6876
- Hassan, 4170, 11199–11200
- Kernaghan, 6278, 13552
- Morrison, 11768
- Sattler, 5848–5849
- Singh, S., 9683
- Stevens, 6978
- Taylor, 6518–6519
- Agricultural colleges
- Bouma, 12728
- Agricultural labour policy
- Barrett, 12529–12530
- Agriculture industry
- Piccini, 6179–6180
- Agri-food industry
- Ahmadiyya Muslim community
- Lecce, 20–21
- Air cadets
- Crawford, 3247
- Airplane tragedy
- Parsa, 6923
- Airports in northern Ontario
- Mamakwa, 2355
- Alcohol addiction
- Anand, 3671
- Alexander, Philip
- Hatfield, 742
- Allward, Walter
- Hatfield, 4234–4235
- Alma Mater Society of Queen's University
- Arthur, 3033
- Al-Nadwa Educational Islamic Centre iftar
- Martow, 5218
- Alnwick/Haldimand Fire Department
- Piccini, 11086–11087
- Al-Qazzaz Foundation for Education and Development
- Rasheed, 4456–4457
- Alzheimer Society
- Kernaghan, 7244
- Ambulance services
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Anaphylaxis
- Kusendova, 5073–5074
- Ancaster arts centre
- Shaw, 3882
- Ancaster Community Food Drive
- Shaw, 11622
- Anderson, Farel
- Wilson, 13264
- Andy's House
- Miller, N., 7152–7153
- Anglican Church of St. Paul, L'Amoreaux
- Babikian, 2641
- Animal protection
- Anniversary of 9/11
- Baber, 8936–8937
- Anniversary of attack in Toronto
- Cho, S., 4502, 12895–12896
- Anniversary of Rwandan genocide
- Lindo, 4236–4237
- Anniversary of Sikh massacre
- Singh, G., 5369
- Anniversary of the Great Fire of Windsor
- Hatfield, 4339
- Antaya, Ken and Ron McDermott
- Natyshak, 2472
- Anti-Asian racism
- Babikian, 13198
- Karpoche, 12216–12217
- Anti-bullying initiatives
- Anti-racism activities
- Anti-Racism Directorate
- Coteau, 2355
- Anti-Semitism
- Anti-smoking initiatives for youth
- Gélinas, 1388
- Anti-vaping initiatives for youth
- Triantafilopoulos, 8657
- Anto, Rani
- Rasheed, 6582–6583
- Apollo Restaurant
- West, 7087–7088
- Apple industry
- Gill, 1186
- Aquaculture
- Walker, 1843
- Armenian community
- Baber, 1529
- Armenian genocide anniversary
- Babikian, 4627, 12969–12970
- Armenian Independence Day
- Babikian, 9257
- Armstrong, George
- Smith, D., 11675
- Arsenault, Fred
- Begum, 7541
- Arthurs, Russ and Janet
- Roberts, 10672–10673
- Artists in Momentum
- Rasheed, 4980
- Arts and after-school programs
- Morrison, 5319–5320
- Arts and cultural funding
- Arts and culture
- Arts and culture businesses
- Downey, 2891
- Arts and culture sector
- Andrew, 8415
- Arulpirarangah, Abivarman
- Thanigasalam, 3570
- Ashley, Joanne
- Coe, 2147
- Asian Heritage Month
- Wai, 4812
- Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie
- Kusendova, 3883
- Assistance to farmers
- Vanthof, 7875
- Assistance to persons with disabilities
- French, 8374
- Harden, 9002
- Sattler, 10849–10850
- Stiles, 10629
- Athar, Abdul Rashid
- Coteau, 9306–9307
- ATS Automation Tooling Systems
- Karahalios, 891
- Attack in Egypt
- Sabawy, 2422
- Attack in New Zealand
- Rasheed, 3672
- Attack in Pittsburgh
- Attacks in Israel
- Khanjin, 13527–13528
- Attacks in Sri Lanka
- Attacks in the Philippines
- Baber, 3082–3083
- Autism
- Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month
- Taylor, 1529
- Autism treatment
- Andrew, 3032
- Armstrong, 11908
- Bell, 8375
- Berns-McGown, 3529–3530
- Bisson, 3429
- Burch, 11126
- Fife, 3034, 3530
- Fraser, 3186
- French, 3185
- Gélinas, 2742–2743, 3380, 13835
- Gretzky, 3671
- Hassan, 3247
- Monteith-Farrell, 3345, 4265
- Pang, 5562
- Rakocevic, 3346
- Taylor, 2000, 3431
- Wai, 3883
- West, 3480, 9962
- Yarde, 3480–3481
- Autistics 4 Autistics
- Taylor, 4037
- Autofest Oshawa
- French, 741
- Automobile insurance
- Automotive industry
- Baden Corn Festival
- Harris, 480
- Baku massacre
- Babikian, 7708
- Bangladesh Independence Day
- Begum, 3830
- Bank Act of 1871
- Martin, 12652
- Basketball
- Cho, S., 5473
- Battaglia, Roberta
- Cuzzetto, 8547
- Battle of Britain
- Downey, 1035
- Battle of Crysler's Farm
- McDonell, 6837
- Battle of the Atlantic
- Battle of Vimy Ridge
- Nicholls, 12597
- Battochio, Lou
- Bisson, 2210–2211
- Bayview Yards
- Ghamari, 4037–4038
- Bazinet, François
- McDonell, 4405–4406
- Beamsville and District Lions Club food drive
- Oosterhoff, 9206–9207
- Bear control
- Vanthof, 8658
- Bells of Peace
- Bennett, Claude
- Roberts, 6421
- Benson, Gerry
- McDonell, 2640
- Bethesda House
- Park, 9683–9684
- Better Beginnings, Better Futures
- West, 5518
- Betty's Restaurant
- Gates, 10125
- Beverage alcohol sales
- Kernaghan, 781
- Bhatt, Dipak
- Anand, 1332
- Bicycle safety
- Bell, 136
- Big Brothers Big Sisters
- Harris, 7424
- Bigelow, Jane
- Kernaghan, 14058
- Bite of Brant
- Bouma, 12530
- Black History Month
- Black July
- Singh, G., 8549
- Black youth in care
- Lindo, 3715
- Blais, Jody and Nicole
- Bourgouin, 3570
- Blenheim Youth Centre
- Nicholls, 4871
- Blind Hockey Night
- Cuzzetto, 7657
- Blood donation
- Bloom, Howard
- Downey, 137
- Bob Rumball Canadian Centre of Excellence for the Deaf
- Wynne, 6787
- Bollywood Monster Mashup
- Tangri, 340–341
- Bone marrow donation
- Anand, 4668
- Border security
- Piccini, 13265–13266
- Rasheed, 13310, 13983–13984
- Sabawy, 13356
- Sandhu, 13357
- Boughton, Mike
- Gill, 581
- Boys and Girls Club of Brantford
- Bouma, 11296–11297
- Boys and Girls Club of East Scarborough
- Hunter, 11511
- Boys and Girls Club of Peel
- Sarkaria, 2864
- Boys and Girls Clubs of North Simcoe
- Dunlop, 2212
- Bozzo, Natale
- Hogarth, 12184
- Braley, David
- Skelly, 10126–10127
- Brampton Centre youth council
- Singh, S., 4406
- Brampton university
- Yarde, 2099
- Branson Ambulatory Care Centre
- Baber, 7088
- Brantford Blessing Centre
- Bouma, 10376
- Breast cancer
- British home children
- Morrison, 1438
- Broadband infrastructure
- Brooklin Spring Fair
- Coe, 5072
- Brotech Precision
- Khanjin, 6723
- Bruce Power
- Parsa, 3767
- Buchanan, Blair
- Coe, 3429–3430
- Building Bridges event in Guelph
- Schreiner, 3129
- Building Something Amazing
- Coe, 841–842
- Bullen, Fayne
- Dunlop, 3346–3347
- Bullying
- Miller, P., 5796–5797
- Burgoyne Bridge
- Stevens, 4340
- Burl's Creek Event Grounds
- Downey, 781
- Business awards gala
- Skelly, 4135
- Business improvement areas
- Morrison, 4266
- Businesses in Carleton
- Ghamari, 2577
- Businesses in Windsor–Tecumseh
- Hatfield, 11969–11970
- Cadets
- Bouma, 5519
- Caffeine
- Khanjin, 3532
- Ke, 6922
- Caledonia
- Barrett, 11296
- Cambridge athletes
- Karahalios, 6280
- Cambridge North Dumfries Ontario Health Team
- Karahalios, 7366
- Cambridge Rivers' Edge Gardeners
- Karahalios, 5121–5122
- Cambridge Scottish Festival
- Karahalios, 380
- Campbell, Judith Anne
- Ghamari, 9003–9004
- Canada Day celebrations
- Tangri, 8416–8417
- Canadian Cancer Survivor Network
- Canadian Celebration of Women in Computing
- Anand, 6278–6279
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Canadian International AutoShow
- Harris, 3249
- Canadian Open golf tournament
- Crawford, 181
- Canadian Police Memorial Ride to Remember
- Sarkaria, 1235
- Canadian Regional Parliamentary Seminar
- Anand, 1642
- Canadian soldiers
- Canadian Women's Hockey League
- Park, 4169
- Canal Days
- Burch, 180
- Cancer treatment
- Caplan, David
- Coteau, 5960
- Careers day
- Kusendova, 2642
- Caregivers
- Caribana
- Singh, S., 581–582
- Caring Card campaign
- Khanjin, 7894
- Carrousel of the Nations
- Gretzky, 9411–9412
- Cavanagh, Thomas
- Ghamari, 6787
- Celebrity Chef—Men Who Cook
- Singh, S., 3381
- Celiac disease
- Martow, 5171
- Celtic culture
- McDonell, 5273
- Centre culturel La Ronde
- Bisson, 5643
- CFB Trenton
- Kramp, 7658
- Chai Lifeline Canada
- Martow, 20
- Chakraborty, Arka
- Andrew, 6010–6011
- Challenger Baseball
- Smith, D., 6980
- Challenger baseball in Whitby
- Coe, 782–783
- Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre
- Coe, 11297
- Chatham Coloured All-Stars
- Nicholls, 5847
- Child advocate
- Child care
- Child Welfare Immigration Centre of Excellence
- Anand, 9103–9104
- Childhood cancer
- Walker, 1280–1281
- Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
- Children and youth
- Burch, 3766
- Children and youth in care
- Children and Youth in Care Day
- Anand, 4982
- Children's colouring contest
- Khanjin, 3084
- Children's health services
- Vanthof, 9963
- Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
- Roberts, 6876
- Children's mental health services
- Children's services
- Kernaghan, 10026
- Children's Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent
- Children's Vision Month
- Fraser, 9562–9563
- Chinese Canadian Head Tax Redress Day
- Ke, 5603–5604
- Chinese community
- Sabawy, 4814
- Chinese New Year
- Wai, 6922–6923
- Chinese-Canadian relations
- Pang, 1844–1845
- Christmas
- Mitas, 10849
- Christmas Baskets
- Bouma, 2819–2820
- Christmas concert
- Bouma, 6666
- Christmas Cop Shop
- Smith, D., 2891–2892
- Christmas in Paris
- Bouma, 5798
- Christmas wish list
- Hatfield, 6786
- Church-Wellesley Village
- Morrison, 7940
- Cinemas
- Arthur, 10286–10287
- City of Brampton
- City of Markham
- Martow, 181–182
- City of Richmond Hill
- Civilian oversight of police
- Morrison, 13264
- Clarington Sports Hall of Fame
- Park, 2051–2052
- Clark, Justin
- Roberts, 11674
- Clarke, Daphne
- Hatfield, 4626
- Class size
- Schreiner, 6012
- Clēan Works and Pure Life Machinery
- Oosterhoff, 9054
- Climate change
- Coach John Leadership and Community Engagement Initiative
- Thanigasalam, 13147
- Colaco, Ronald
- Cuzzetto, 1688
- Coldest Night of the Year
- Coldest Night of the Year walkathon
- Parsa, 7087
- College standards and accreditation
- Colours of Love International Concert
- Kusendova, 1999
- Comegna, Arturo
- Romano, 3881
- Commercial tenant protection
- The Common Table Free Farmers Market
- Coteau, 380
- Community associations
- Collard, 13030
- Community Care Durham Community Food Box program
- Coe, 7825
- Community Care St. Catharines and Thorold
- Stevens, 5369
- Community grants
- Coe, 12531
- Community Healing Call-In
- Andrew, 6581
- Community organization funding
- Crawford, 13837
- Community safety
- Community services
- Burch, 12128–12129
- Coe, 12729
- Crawford, 2522
- Community support agencies
- Gretzky, 1797–1798
- Como Foundation
- Cuzzetto, 10163–10164
- Compassionate care visits
- Hatfield, 9103
- Conditions in Bearskin Lake
- Mamakwa, 1386
- Conflict in Middle East
- Harden, 13600–13601
- Conners, Corey
- Pettapiece, 4170
- Conservation authorities
- Conservative Party of Canada
- Karahalios, 9257
- Consideration of Bill 156
- Vanthof, 6519–6520
- Constituency staff
- Burch, 6665
- Consumer protection
- Contaminated soil
- Skelly, 4813
- Cooperation for Justice and Peace conference
- Babikian, 6128
- Co-operative housing
- Morrison, 1930
- Coptic community
- Sabawy, 3932
- Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre
- Piccini, 7656–7657
- Correctional facilities
- Correctional officers
- Ghamari, 5071–5072
- Correctional services
- Taylor, 5472
- Country Heritage Park
- Gill, 10126
- Covia
- Smith, D., 4922
- COVID-19
- COVID-19 demographic data
- Rakocevic, 8882
- COVID-19 immunization
- Armstrong, 12727
- Babikian, 13837
- Bailey, 11509, 12529, 12651–12652
- Begum, 11844, 12649–12650, 13145, 13409
- Berns-McGown, 13410
- Bourgouin, 12344–12345
- Burch, 12405–12406, 12845–12846
- Cuzzetto, 13199
- Fraser, 11675
- French, 12345, 13653
- Gates, 11564, 11770, 12690–12691
- Harris, 11622, 12847
- Hassan, 12650–12651, 13029
- Hogarth, 14058
- Hunter, 12794–12795
- Kanapathi, 12970
- Kernaghan, 11337–11338
- Kramp, 11510–11511
- Mamakwa, 11909–11910
- Mantha, 12183–12184
- McKenna, 11722–11723
- Miller, N., 11676
- Oosterhoff, 12693
- Pang, 13264
- Park, 11449
- Rakocevic, 12034, 12893–12894, 13265
- Rasheed, 12729–12730
- Sabawy, 13145, 14059
- Sandhu, 13914–13915
- Sattler, 11723
- Stiles, 11565
- Tangri, 14151
- Yarde, 13030
- COVID-19 in India
- Tangri, 13357–13358
- COVID-19 response
- Anand, 8001–8002, 13836, 14060
- Andrew, 10628, 12215
- Armstrong, 10944
- Baber, 11449, 12184–12185, 12346, 12652, 12895, 13601–13602, 13983
- Babikian, 9104, 12287
- Bailey, 8109
- Begum, 9345, 12405
- Bell, 9609, 12727–12728
- Berns-McGown, 12082–12083
- Blais, 8003
- Bouma, 8086–8087
- Bourgouin, 13914
- Cho, S., 9309
- Coe, 10447, 11843
- Crawford, 8003
- Cuzzetto, 7874–7875
- Fee, 8548
- Fife, 12596–12597, 13076
- Fraser, 12033
- French, 12792–12793
- Gates, 9449
- Gélinas, 10772–10773, 12345–12346
- Ghamari, 8658–8659, 10998
- Gill, 8744, 8882, 12599
- Glover, 11968–11969, 12793, 13263
- Harden, 12728
- Hogarth, 8257, 9154–9155
- Kanapathi, 7939
- Karahalios, 9713, 11970, 12692, 13410–13411
- Karpoche, 12691, 13551–13552
- Ke, 8085, 8373, 10997, 11127, 13312–13313
- Kernaghan, 8175, 9256–9257
- Khanjin, 12129
- Kramp, 7938, 9053, 10997–10998, 11383
- Mantha, 12794, 12846–12847
- Martin, 7873, 8883–8884
- Martow, 8175, 8882–8883
- Miller, N., 8002, 8319–8320, 11508–11509, 11623–11624, 11970–11971
- Monteith-Farrell, 9345–9346, 10556–10557, 11621, 12083–12084
- Morrison, 11621–11622
- Natyshak, 8255–8256, 11509, 12530
- Nicholls, 8175–8176
- Oosterhoff, 8255
- Pang, 8375
- Rakocevic, 9837–9838
- Rasheed, 9451, 10630–10631
- Roberts, 8744
- Sabawy, 10850
- Sandhu, 7939–7940
- Sattler, 9153
- Simard, 12130
- Singh, G., 10945
- Skelly, 8320
- Stiles, 8478, 12729
- Tabuns, 9902, 10344, 11623, 13198–13199
- Tangri, 11127–11128, 13146
- Taylor, 9713, 12970
- Thanigasalam, 7940, 12345
- Triantafilopoulos, 7940, 8256, 10556
- Vanthof, 8256, 10507
- West, 9610–9611, 12084–12085
- Wynne, 10125–10126
- Yarde, 10630
- COVID-19 response in Beaches–East York
- Berns-McGown, 9410
- COVID-19 response in Burlington
- McKenna, 7825–7826
- COVID-19 response in Kitchener–Conestoga
- Harris, 7802
- COVID-19 response in Milton
- Gill, 7801–7802
- COVID-19 response in Mississauga East–Cooksville
- COVID-19 response in Niagara West
- Oosterhoff, 7892
- COVID-19 response in Scarborough Centre
- Mitas, 9308
- COVID-19 response in Toronto–St. Paul's
- Andrew, 9308
- COVID-19 testing
- Miller, N., 13704
- Wai, 6365–6366
- Crabtree, Marilyn
- McDonell, 11383–11384
- Craft brewers
- Hogarth, 4134
- Credit River bridge
- Cuzzetto, 5172
- Crime prevention
- Cripps, Jason
- Fee, 2979–2980
- Crnec, Steve
- Hatfield, 9561
- Crohn's disease
- Gates, 2315–2316
- Crowell, George Harvey
- Armstrong, 683
- Cruickshank, Les
- McDonell, 2776
- Cruikshank, Stewart
- Tabuns, 12847
- Cultural celebrations
- Kanapathi, 3717
- Cultural facilities
- Burch, 9779
- Curriculum
- Cycling infrastructure
- Fife, 339
- Cyprus Independence Day
- Cystic fibrosis
- Cho, S., 9562, 13602–13603
- Wilson, 5797
- Dacosta, Dominic
- Karahalios, 10506–10507
- The Dads of Milton
- Gill, 9052
- Dalai Lama
- Karpoche, 4314
- The Dam
- Rasheed, 6472
- D'Amico, Anne Marie
- Martin, 6581–6582
- Dance Evolution
- West, 6519
- Dancey, Ronald
- Karahalios, 1237
- Danforth neighbourhood
- Ghamari, 239–240
- Darlington refurbishment project
- Park, 2264–2265
- Daylight saving time
- Roberts, 12032
- Daynes, Bernie
- Smith, D., 13473–13474
- Debate tournament
- Ke, 7709
- Decoration Day
- Mantha, 5451
- Decorum in chamber
- Lindo, 180–181
- Depratto, Michel
- McDonell, 8318
- Deter, Barb
- Natyshak, 4760
- Developmental Service Worker Appreciation Day
- Gretzky, 8318–8319
- Developmental service workers
- Fraser, 11769
- Diab, Marc
- Tangri, 1087
- Diabetes
- DiCaire, Véronic
- Simard, 10163
- Dickinson, Faith
- Smith, D., 6877
- Dietary supplements
- Fife, 4561
- Dillon, Dave
- Barrett, 6126–6127
- Dingwall, Floyd
- McDonell, 8085–8086
- Disaster relief
- Martin, 1034
- Discrimination
- Diwali
- Dockstader, Karl
- Burch, 9410
- Doctor shortage
- Arthur, 2315
- Doctors' Day
- Kusendova, 4628
- Don Valley North community barbeque
- Ke, 1087
- Doors Open Richmond Hill
- Wai, 5073
- Doucette, Sarah
- Karpoche, 889
- Down syndrome
- Down Syndrome Awareness Fun Walk
- Driver examination centre
- Kusendova, 1036
- Driving instructors
- Anand, 12969
- Drumm, Joe
- Coe, 1085
- DSV Global Transport and Logistics
- Gill, 9780–9781
- Dudley-Hewitt Cup
- Vanthof, 4236
- The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award
- Wai, 13263
- Dunn, James L.
- Hatfield, 7300
- Durham Region Hospice–Clarington
- Piccini, 7205
- Durham Wellness Hub
- Coe, 4405
- Dwyer, Will
- Khanjin, 7086–7087
- Dysautonomia
- Romano, 2265
- Earth Day
- Earth Hour
- Tangri, 12345
- Earth Week
- Triantafilopoulos, 4871
- Easter
- Mitas, 12347
- Easter Seals Telethon
- Smith, D., 4313
- Eastern Ontario Local Food Conference
- McDonell, 5960–5961
- École Notre-Dame-du-Sault robotics teams
- Mantha, 340
- Economic development
- Economic reopening and recovery
- Sabawy, 12217–12218
- Skelly, 8549
- Thanigasalam, 14152
- Wai, 8658
- EcoSikh
- Anand, 5797
- Eczema Society of Canada
- Karahalios, 2353–2354
- Ed's House
- Piccini, 4719
- Education
- Education funding
- Armstrong, 7539, 9206
- Arthur, 7086
- Bell, 3930, 4501, 8656–8657, 9207
- Berns-McGown, 5071, 5761, 7153, 8742–8743
- Bisson, 7154
- Collard, 9207–9208
- Fraser, 8658
- French, 3615, 6666–6667, 7204, 13263
- Gates, 7205
- Gélinas, 8257
- Glover, 4626
- Gretzky, 9001
- Harden, 7422
- Karpoche, 3932, 8884
- Kernaghan, 3670, 4405
- Lindo, 6278
- Martin, 10227
- Oosterhoff, 3431
- Sattler, 2421–2422, 6921
- Schreiner, 8814
- Shaw, 4134, 13654
- Singh, G., 4503
- Singh, S., 13760
- Skelly, 7153
- Stiles, 2925
- Taylor, 9346
- Triantafilopoulos, 3034
- Vanthof, 4135
- Wynne, 1733
- Yarde, 4921–4922
- Education on intolerance
- Simard, 9498
- Educational assistants
- Armstrong, 6012–6013
- Educators
- Rakocevic, 6920–6921
- Egyptian Heritage Month
- Sabawy, 8415
- El Masry, Fadi
- Fraser, 11769
- Eldercare Foundation
- Roberts, 11910
- eLearn.fyi
- Martow, 10125
- Electoral reform
- Triantafilopoulos, 14150
- Elliot, Walt
- Gill, 8111
- Elmira Maple Syrup Festival
- Elmvale Maple Syrup Festival
- Downey, 4082–4083
- Emancipation Day
- Emergency services
- Employment
- Barrett, 7154
- Employment services
- Employment standards
- Energy companies in Oakville
- Crawford, 8815
- Energy policies
- Engineering graduates
- Triantafilopoulos, 1035–1036
- Engineers
- Cho, S., 11509–11510
- Environmental assessment
- Gill, 11245
- Environmental initiatives
- Shaw, 13197–13198
- Environmental initiatives in Kingston and the Islands
- Arthur, 4456
- Environmental protection
- Arthur, 3569, 3881, 7801
- Fife, 10849
- Fraser, 12847
- French, 10287–10288, 10906–10907
- Gretzky, 6722, 10907
- Shaw, 12894
- Etobicoke-Lakeshore Santa Claus parade
- Hogarth, 2741–2742
- Eurowerx
- Rasheed, 1845
- Eva's Satellite
- Cho, S., 1644
- Events in Aurora–Oak Ridges–Richmond Hill
- Events in Barrie–Innisfil
- Khanjin, 10229
- Events in Black River-Matheson
- Vanthof, 12529
- Events in Burlington
- McKenna, 8319
- Events in Carleton
- Ghamari, 7365
- Events in Chatham-Kent–Leamington
- Nicholls, 90
- Events in Glengarry–Prescott–Russell
- Simard, 3297
- Events in Haldimand–Norfolk
- Barrett, 5761–5762
- Events in Kingston and the Islands
- Arthur, 2641–2642
- Events in King–Vaughan
- Lecce, 2892
- Events in Markham–Stouffville
- Calandra, 3831
- Events in Markham–Unionville
- Pang, 7875
- Events in Milton
- Gill, 6921
- Events in Mississauga
- Rasheed, 889
- Events in Mississauga–Lakeshore
- Cuzzetto, 6011
- Events in Niagara West
- Oosterhoff, 10505–10506
- Events in Orléans
- Events in Orléans and Toronto
- Lalonde, 5319
- Events in Ottawa
- Lalonde, 2819
- Events in Ottawa–Vanier
- Lalonde, 4084
- Events in Parry Sound
- Miller, N., 139
- Events in Parry Sound–Muskoka
- Miller, N., 3479–3480
- Events in Perth–Wellington
- Pettapiece, 13552–13553
- Events in Peterborough–Kawartha
- Smith, D., 3130
- Events in Richmond Hill
- Events in Scarborough–Rouge Park
- Thanigasalam, 10557
- Events in Simcoe North
- Dunlop, 1894
- Events in Sri Lanka
- Events in Stormont–Dundas–South Glengarry
- McDonell, 303
- Events in Toronto–St. Paul's
- Andrew, 1595–1596
- Events in York South–Weston
- Hassan, 741–742
- Extraordinary Education Centre
- Ke, 9838
- Face Off for Mental Health
- Bailey, 3430
- Fairall, Dennis
- Hatfield, 10673
- Fairview Mall
- Ke, 4313
- Family caregivers
- Fraser, 7939
- Family violence
- Farm Boy
- Triantafilopoulos, 6723–6724
- Farm education
- Pettapiece, 11563–11564
- Farmers
- Vanthof, 12970
- Farmers in India
- Singh, S., 11564
- Farmers' mental health services
- Pettapiece, 11339
- Federal-provincial public infrastructure funding
- Babikian, 12083
- Ferrochrome plant
- Romano, 88
- Fierté Simcoe Pride
- Downey, 415
- Fight Like Mason
- Natyshak, 2892
- Filipino community
- Fraser, 13915
- Filipino Heritage Month
- Fine Arts Society of Milton
- Gill, 4171
- Fire in Arthur
- Pettapiece, 532
- Fire in Richmond Hill
- Wai, 9611
- Fire in Toronto
- Rakocevic, 6470
- Fire services
- Coe, 13525
- Firefighters
- Firefighting in northern Ontario
- First Nations policing
- Monteith-Farrell, 815
- First responders
- FishAbility
- Piccini, 2742
- Flaherty, Jim
- Coe, 6368
- Flemingdon Park basketball courts
- Coteau, 1187–1188
- Flemingdon Park Ministry
- Coteau, 7874
- Flooding
- Nicholls, 7710
- Flooding in Algoma–Manitoulin
- Mantha, 1528
- Flu immunization
- Foley, Mike
- Fraser, 2863
- Food and toy drive
- Nicholls, 10628
- Food banks
- Food drive
- Ghamari, 10287
- Food drive in Scarborough Centre
- Mitas, 9651
- Food for Life
- Gill, 10228
- Food literacy
- Kramp, 9838–9839
- FoodShare Toronto
- Hassan, 1796–1797
- Foote, John Weir
- Kramp, 10289
- Ford Motor Company
- Cuzzetto, 2777
- Foreign-trained doctors
- Begum, 11566
- Fort Erie Race Track
- Foster care
- Taylor, 8177
- Fournier, Rebecca
- Skelly, 12893
- Fox 40 International Inc.
- Nicholls, 12793–12794
- Fox, Terry
- Kramp, 10127
- Franco-Ontarian Day
- Kusendova, 9307
- Franklin Horner Community Centre
- Hogarth, 8659
- Freedom of religion
- Sabawy, 1998
- Freedom of speech
- Baber, 13356–13357
- French-language services
- West, 2576–2577
- Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center
- Baber, 1281
- Front-line workers
- Armstrong, 7891
- Bouma, 7824
- Crawford, 7803
- Gates, 13076–13077
- Gretzky, 8001
- Lindo, 7824
- McDonell, 10506
- Pettapiece, 13761
- Schreiner, 13077–13078
- Singh, G., 10445
- Skelly, 13759–13760
- Stevens, 8176
- Tabuns, 13761
- Fryer, Erica and Kylie Masse
- Natyshak, 3345–3346
- Fur Ball Gala
- Smith, D., 3615
- Fur industry
- Barrett, 5912–5913
- Fusion Pharmaceuticals
- Skelly, 4237
- Future Possibilities for Kids
- Kanapathi, 6422
- Gabriel Pizza
- Roberts, 7893–7894
- Gaidatsis, John
- Cho, S., 7655
- Gas theft
- Gasoline prices
- Gendron, Bruno
- Roberts, 10555
- Genevra House
- West, 4921
- Georgian Bay Hunters and Anglers
- Dunlop, 4759
- Gies Family Centre
- Harris, 1187
- Gillian's Place
- Stevens, 10772
- Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
- Wynne, 9411
- Giving Tuesday
- Yarde, 6580
- Glen Abbey Golf Club
- Crawford, 12971
- Global Coptic Day
- Global Entrepreneurship Week
- Parsa, 2146
- GlobalMedic
- Parsa, 11087
- GO Transit
- Go Transit maintenance facility
- Coe, 4813
- Goodwill, the Amity Group
- McKenna, 9208
- Gordie Howe International Bridge Indigenous art project
- Hatfield, 9307
- Gordy, Jason
- Barrett, 4170–4171
- Government accountability
- Government and community services fair
- Hogarth, 5217
- Government fiscal policies
- Kernaghan, 5217–5218
- Government investments
- Kusendova, 3616–3617
- Government policies
- Government services
- Government's agenda
- Government's record
- Governor General's medals and honours
- Simard, 8478
- Graduations
- Harris, 8256–8257
- Graham, Frank Edward
- Dunlop, 182
- Grand River Champion of Champions Powwow
- Bouma, 302
- Grandview Children's Centre
- French, 1527–1528
- Grape and wine industry
- Gates, 8937–8938
- Gratkowska, Joanna
- Kusendova, 13312
- Greek community
- Triantafilopoulos, 532
- Greek Independence Day
- Greenbelt
- Gretzky, Walter
- Bouma, 11971
- Gretzky, 11842–11843
- Grey Cup
- Skelly, 3617
- Guelph and District Multicultural Festival
- Schreiner, 5563
- GuelphGives
- Schreiner, 10945–10946
- Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis
- Schreiner, 2051
- Guild Festival Theatre
- Hunter, 181
- Guildwood Tennis Club
- Hunter, 9105
- Gun violence
- Guru Nanak Dev Ji Gurpurab
- Sandhu, 5847
- Habitat for Humanity Halton-Mississauga
- Gill, 1797
- Halloween
- Martin, 5712
- Halloween events in Milton
- Gill, 5796
- Halloween events in Spadina–Fort York
- Glover, 5711
- Hamilton Naturalists' Club
- Shaw, 5910
- Hamilton Tiger-Cats
- Skelly, 6179
- Hanover and District Hospital Auxiliary
- Walker, 88
- Hanukkah
- Martow, 11086
- Harden, Rosemary
- Harden, 10554–10555
- Hardman, Ron and Stefan Schultz
- Bouma, 8814
- Harlev, Guy
- Cho, S., 6580
- Harris, Lawren
- Parsa, 9902
- Harry Jerome Awards
- Martin, 4670
- Hatch
- Cuzzetto, 2355–2356
- Hate crimes
- Hatfield, Pearl
- Hatfield, 6226–6227
- Hauth, Sylvie
- Monteith-Farrell, 2470–2471
- Haven on the Queensway
- Hogarth, 7479
- Hays, Christine
- Natyshak, 1491
- Health care
- Health care funding
- Andrew, 5518
- Bailey, 11295
- Gates, 5644–5645, 13982–13983
- Sabawy, 5912, 12217–12218
- Sandhu, 12218
- Health care in Brampton
- Singh, G., 7657–7658
- Health care workers
- Health issues
- Ke, 2423
- Heart and Stroke Foundation
- Martin, 7424
- Heart disease
- Cuzzetto, 3571
- Heart Month
- Khanjin, 11564–11565
- Heartbeat of the Yellow River
- Pang, 2818
- Heddle Shipyards
- Skelly, 10906
- Hellenic Heritage Month
- Triantafilopoulos, 7540–7541, 12215–12216
- Hellenic Heritage Month Act
- Babikian, 4085
- Hellenic Home for the Aged
- Mitas, 6011
- Helmond, Jason
- Herbert's Boots and Western Wear
- Khanjin, 1331
- Heritage conservation
- Morrison, 11297
- Heritage Hockey Sticks
- Bouma, 10773
- Heron Gate
- Harden, 1281
- HERstory
- Armstrong, 815–816
- Hiatus House
- Gretzky, 5171–5172
- High-tech industry
- Pang, 3930–3931
- Highway improvement
- Highway of Heroes
- Hatfield, 3570–3571
- Highway of Heroes cleanup
- Piccini, 12034
- Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign
- Piccini, 3479
- Highway safety
- Highway tolls
- Hike for Hospice
- Fraser, 5120–5121
- Hindu Heritage Month
- Triantafilopoulos, 10674
- His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
- Miller, N., 12651
- Hockey 4 Youth
- Fraser, 7028
- Hockey for Humanity Khalsa Cup
- Sarkaria, 380–381
- Hockey tournament
- Ghamari, 3187
- Holiday activities
- Miller, N., 2743
- Holiday season
- Parsa, 11127
- Holiday toy and food drive
- Rasheed, 2820
- Holocaust memorial
- Martin, 12847–12848
- Holodomor
- Home builders
- Khanjin, 5319
- Home care
- Home James
- Nicholls, 7301
- Home Runs for Hospice
- Bouma, 9611
- Homelessness
- Homophobia and transphobia
- Morrison, 4759–4760
- Hooper, Lorne Nelson
- Fraser, 6878
- Horse racing industry
- Hatfield, 5762
- The Hospice Face to Face campaign
- Hatfield, 10228
- Hospice palliative care
- Hospital evacuation
- Mantha, 3931
- Hospital for Sick Children
- Mantha, 9307–9308
- Hospital funding
- Hospital services
- Oosterhoff, 13551
- Hospitality industry
- Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Centre
- Burch, 1235
- Housing
- Berns-McGown, 10374–10375
- Housing in Chatham–Kent–Leamington
- Nicholls, 9498–9499
- Hum, Ed
- Smith, D., 9902–9903
- Human rights
- Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
- Des Rosiers, 2777–2778
- Human trafficking
- Hunter, Bill
- Hassan, 7478
- Hunting and fishing licences
- Harris, 2820–2821
- Hydro rates
- Arthur, 10995–10996
- Bisson, 11676
- Oosterhoff, 4626–4627
- Rasheed, 302
- Stevens, 9208
- Ice storm
- McDonell, 2943
- Illegal drugs
- Nicholls, 9609
- Immunization
- Karpoche, 11200
- Impaired drivers
- Gates, 6178
- Impaired driving
- Cuzzetto, 9713–9714
- Incident in Spadina–Fort York
- Glover, 378
- Indigenous affairs
- Indigenous economic development
- Mamakwa, 3766
- Indigenous graduates
- Mamakwa, 5273–5274
- Indigenous languages
- Mamakwa, 4669
- Indigenous mental health services
- Indigenous programs and services
- Indigenous public health
- Bourgouin, 7708
- Indigenous relations and reconciliation
- Indigenous rights
- Mamakwa, 6876–6877
- Indigenous scholarship award
- Shaw, 7477–7478
- Indigenous services
- Mamakwa, 13310–13311
- Indus Community Services
- Anand, 13197
- Infrastructure funding
- Injured workers
- Insurance industry
- Bisson, 9837
- Insurance rates
- International Association of Business Communicators awards
- Bailey, 9901
- International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance
- Martow, 10076
- International Mother Language Day
- International Plowing Match
- Nicholls, 1235
- International trade
- International Women's Day
- Invasive species
- Investing in Women's Futures program
- Morrison, 3829
- Investments in Sarnia–Lambton
- Bailey, 8813
- Islamic Heritage Month
- Israeli Independence Day
- Martow, 4920–4921
- Italian Heritage Month
- Martin, 5318
- Jackson, Albert
- Hatfield, 3247
- James, Lois
- Thanigasalam, 5848
- Jane and Finch community
- Rakocevic, 182
- Jane-Finch community hub
- Rakocevic, 9052
- Japanese-Canadian relations
- Nicholls, 1493
- Jenkins, Ferguson Arthur
- Nicholls, 13475
- Jewish community in Thessaloniki
- Triantafilopoulos, 12346
- Jewish Heritage Month
- Martin, 13311–13312
- Jewish High Holy Days
- Job creation
- John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport
- Skelly, 7826
- Johnstone, Audrey
- Skelly, 13553
- Jones, Trevor
- Smith, D., 13760
- June 27 Miracle Project
- Hatfield, 8547
- Kagan, Keira
- Martow, 8939
- Kalil, Dave
- Roberts, 13030–13031
- Kaneff, Ignat
- Cuzzetto, 8815
- Kapuskasing
- Bourgouin, 12650
- Kashechewan First Nation
- Bisson, 4562
- Keeley-Meloche, Ann
- Bouma, 8937
- Keeping, Max
- Roberts, 9347
- Keeso, Jared
- Pettapiece, 4314
- Kell, Larry
- Khanjin, 341
- Kelly, Leonard Patrick (Red)
- Kelly, Leonard "Red"
- Dunlop, 1733
- Kelly-Pemberton, Jackie and Steven Pemberton
- McDonell, 11622–11623
- Kemp family charitable donation
- Park, 137
- Kempenfest
- Downey, 4669
- KF Aerospace
- Skelly, 3032
- Khalra, Jaswant Singh
- Singh, G., 1086
- Kids Country Club
- Sattler, 3830–3831
- Kids with Incarcerated Parents
- Hogarth, 7027
- Kilpatrick, Tom
- Hatfield, 1842–1843
- Kim, Albert
- Cho, S., 7027
- Kimberly-Clark
- Miller, N., 13526
- Kindness Week
- Fraser, 6979
- King Street transit pilot
- Baber, 2689–2690
- Kingston WritersFest
- Arthur, 1186
- Kishkon, Elizabeth
- Hatfield, 1034
- Kiwanis Club of Brantford
- Bouma, 4562
- Klein, Stephanie
- Ke, 2691
- Kleinburg Binder Twine Festival
- Lecce, 890
- Kniaziew, Richard and Pauline
- Nicholls, 6519
- Kohoutová, Věra Marie
- Hunter, 6581
- Korean Harvest Festival
- Cho, S., 9411
- Kroupa, Milan
- Wilson, 9838
- Kurdian, Sirvard
- Babikian, 2212–2213
- Laboratory services
- Bisson, 11724
- Gélinas, 10288–10289, 10850, 11674
- Labour dispute
- Ladies of the Lake
- Khanjin, 11448–11449
- LaHay, Gerry
- Kernaghan, 9562
- Lakeridge Health Bowmanville Hospital
- Park, 2863–2864
- Lakeshore Mardi Gras
- Hogarth, 581
- Lakeside Process Controls
- Tangri, 5601–5602
- Lalonde, Martin
- Dunlop, 4339
- Land use planning
- Andrew, 11125
- Bell, 12033
- Berns-McGown, 11722
- Blais, 11085–11086
- Glover, 13759
- Karpoche, 11449–11450
- Schreiner, 11910
- Landfill
- Lane, Julia
- Natyshak, 6878
- Lansdowne Children's Centre
- Bouma, 5472
- Laurentian University
- Gélinas, 12529, 13028–13029
- West, 6012, 12598–12599
- Laurier Brantford YMCA
- Bouma, 2471–2472
- Layoffs at Bombardier
- Miller, N., 6665–6666
- Leashes by the Lake
- Hogarth, 1188
- Lefebvre, Tysen
- Ghamari, 1894
- Lefrançois, Eddy
- Mantha, 5563
- Legal aid
- Legislative reform
- Harris, 6470
- Legislative staff
- Simard, 10907
- Leu, Abigail
- Coteau, 11296
- LGBTQ community
- Kernaghan, 1330–1331
- Library services
- West, 4457
- Life insurance
- Cuzzetto, 10908
- Life Sciences Ontario
- Tangri, 3480
- Life Sciences Ontario Scholarship Program
- Tangri, 5172–5173
- LifeLabs
- Dunlop, 3766
- Lighthouse program
- Crawford, 12085
- Lights and Sirens toy drive
- Kernaghan, 6722–6723
- Lights at Glenhyrst
- Bouma, 2925
- Lincoln M. Alexander Awards
- Ke, 3186
- Lindsay-Noel, Taylor
- Cho, S., 10772
- Lions Clubs
- Pettapiece, 10851–10852
- Lisi, Sarah Lynn and Connor Mahoney
- McKenna, 3971
- Lista, Aldo
- Cuzzetto, 12971
- Literacy and basic skills
- Fife, 11675
- Lobsinger, Abigayle
- Fife, 6126
- Local business
- London community organizations
- Armstrong, 3033
- London-Middlesex Suicide Prevention Council
- Sattler, 1437–1438
- Long-term care
- Armstrong, 7938–7939, 9963, 10447
- Babikian, 10375
- Begum, 8742
- Bourgouin, 11908
- Burch, 2211, 3083, 7204
- Cuzzetto, 6979
- Gates, 10771
- Gill, 12184
- Glover, 10075–10076
- Harris, 2423, 10908–10909
- Karpoche, 9497–9498
- Ke, 8177
- Mantha, 9051–9052, 10075
- Miller, N., 11084–11085
- Monteith-Farrell, 9104
- Oosterhoff, 7423
- Pang, 10446, 12461
- Pettapiece, 8320, 9256
- Rakocevic, 13705
- Rasheed, 12217
- Sattler, 8477
- Shaw, 10074–10075, 10446
- Stiles, 9682
- Taylor, 11085
- Triantafilopoulos, 9497
- Wai, 12346–12347, 14059–14060
- West, 8111
- López, Saúl Arias
- Andrew, 13982
- The Love Lettering Project
- Karpoche, 7478
- Lum, Foon Hay
- Bell, 7802
- Lunar new year
- Pang, 12131
- Lunar New Year
- Lung disease
- Martin, 3034–3035
- Lupus Awareness Day
- Pang, 14187
- Lyme disease
- Mantha, 4717
- MacDonald, Joan and Coleman
- McDonell, 10629
- MacDonell, Archibald
- McDonell, 3082
- MacEachern, Don
- McKenna, 8884
- Macfie, John
- Miller, N., 2210
- Mackay, George Leslie
- Lecce, 3715–3716
- Mackay, Russell
- Roberts, 9258
- Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital
- Martow, 7539–7540
- Made in Dundas Box
- Shaw, 9610
- Made in York Region
- Pang, 1734
- Madonna robotics team
- Baber, 303
- Malton Black Development Association
- Anand, 3083–3084
- Mandamin, Josephine
- Mantha, 3297
- Mandarin MS Walk
- Crawford, 4761
- Mann Cup
- Smith, D., 6623
- Mantha, Matthieu and Roch
- Mantha, 4235
- Manufacturing jobs
- Yarde, 7605–7606
- Manufacturing sector
- Maracle, Henry
- Karahalios, 1440
- March Mudness
- Dunlop, 4315
- Markdale Hospital
- Pettapiece, 11770
- Markham African Caribbean Canadian Association
- Kanapathi, 11126
- Markham Fair
- Calandra, 1087–1088
- Markham Greek Summer Festival
- Calandra, 479
- Markham-Milliken Children's Festival
- Kanapathi, 780–781
- Markham–Unionville community barbeque
- Pang, 842
- Maternal mental health
- Karpoche, 6061
- May 16th Miracle
- Nicholls, 7891–7892
- Maynard, Ken
- Parsa, 12462–12463
- McCallion, Hazel
- Rasheed, 11337
- McDonald, Larry
- Nicholls, 9153
- McKay, Audrey
- Burch, 6060
- McLean, Roland
- Mantha, 12032
- McNeill, Wilma
- Meals on Wheels
- Gates, 3616
- Medical hub
- Wynne, 2265
- Mehrab, Karima
- Bell, 11245–11246
- Member for Ottawa–Vanier
- Collard, 8883
- Member's comments
- Harden, 5712
- Member's conduct
- Burch, 5072
- Member's grandchildren
- Nicholls, 11450
- Members of provincial parliament
- Tangri, 5761
- Mengistab, Abel
- Harden, 8319
- Men's mental health
- Baber, 10946–10947
- Menstrual Hygiene Day
- Karpoche, 5217
- Menstrual products
- Stiles, 5471
- Mental health
- Mental health and addiction services
- Mental health funding
- Tabuns, 480
- Mental health services
- Merritton Legion
- Stevens, 3381–3382
- Métis Nation of Ontario Legacy Preservation Project
- Kusendova, 13982
- Smith, D., 13355–13356
- Mid-Autumn Festival
- Pang, 1331
- Mid-Autumn Moon Festival
- Wai, 9497
- Migrant workers
- Hatfield, 8109–8110
- Mikhael, Maya and Brian Hogan
- Gretzky, 6224–6225
- Millikin, Douglas
- Miller, N., 13526
- Mills, Carl
- Ke, 1595
- Milton Good Neighbours Community Day
- Gill, 4760
- Milton's Walk of Fame
- Gill, 3249
- Minimum wage
- Mining exploration
- Bourgouin, 3614–3615
- Mining industry
- Vanthof, 3531–3532
- Minister's comments
- Tabuns, 6471–6472
- Minister's conduct
- Coteau, 3033–3034
- Ministry hiring
- Gélinas, 4627
- Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
- McKenna, 6128
- Miracle on Main Street
- Gill, 10946
- Missing children
- Sabawy, 7478
- Missing persons
- responded to
- Lalonde, 5524–5525
- responded to
- Mission Services of London
- Sattler, 3185
- Mississauga Cooksville Lions Club
- Rasheed, 5604
- Mississauga Food Bank
- Rasheed, 5218
- Mississauga Muslim Community
- Rasheed, 7154–7155
- Mississauga Santa Claus parade
- Sabawy, 2864
- Moeser, Ron
- Thanigasalam, 1493
- Moffat, Helen
- Pettapiece, 3766–3767
- Mohammad, Aslam Mahida
- Hassan, 11382
- Moharram Ventures
- Kernaghan, 10996–10997
- Mohawk College
- Shaw, 1492
- Moose tags
- Gélinas, 6060–6061
- Moreira-Laidlow, Beatrice
- Cuzzetto, 10076
- Mother's Day
- Cho, S., 13411–13412
- Collard, 13311
- Mitas, 13078–13079
- Move to Give
- Khanjin, 4870
- Movember
- Baber, 5911
- Multiculturalism
- Multiple myeloma
- Piccini, 1894–1895
- Multiple sclerosis
- Gélinas, 6179
- Municipal development
- Municipal elections
- Municipal finances
- Municipal funding
- Harris, 3830
- Municipal government
- Wynne, 415
- Municipal planning
- Municipal social services funding
- Bailey, 10027
- Municipal taxation
- Anand, 12083
- Municipalities
- Triantafilopoulos, 5645–5646
- Music festivals in Simcoe North
- Dunlop, 533
- Music Hall Concert Theatre
- French, 8743
- Musicians from Chatham-Kent–Leamington
- Nicholls, 9682
- Muskoka Watershed Advisory Group
- Miller, N., 9962
- Muslim community
- Hassan, 1331
- Muslims for Remembrance Day
- Lecce, 2211
- Musson, Doug
- McKenna, 2944
- Myalgic encephalomyelitis
- Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Association of Ontario
- Kusendova, 5120
- Nadeau, Tim, Cody and Chase
- Smith, D., 10028
- Names
- Singh, G., 4813–4814
- Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day
- Ke, 6879
- National Child Day
- Karahalios, 2421
- National Day of Mourning
- McKenna, 13079
- National Forest Week
- Barrett, 9155
- National Indigenous History Month
- National Nursing Week
- National Poetry Month
- Hatfield, 12893
- Natural gas
- Oosterhoff, 14151
- NDP Black caucus
- Lindo, 4405
- Nemesvary, Mike
- Ghamari, 13654
- Nepean
- Roberts, 2522
- Nepean Sailing Club
- Roberts, 6179
- New Circles Community Services
- Coteau, 3882
- Newman, Stephen
- Gill, 2577
- Niagara firefighters
- Gates, 1033
- Niagara Folk Arts Multicultural Centre
- Burch, 4561
- Niagara Grape and Wine Festival
- Stevens, 1188
- Niagara region
- Burch, 1688
- Niagara-on-the-Lake Candlelight Stroll
- Gates, 6721–6722
- Nixon, Robert "Bob"
- Bouma, 180
- Noise pollution
- Morrison, 9003
- Non-profit organizations
- Crawford, 10075
- Non-profit veterinary clinics
- Noonan, Pat
- Hatfield, 780
- Nordion
- Ghamari, 4814
- Norfolk County Fair and Horse Show
- Barrett, 1282
- Noront ferrochrome facility
- Bisson, 4812
- North York Central Library
- Cho, S., 8814–8815
- Northern air service
- Monteith-Farrell, 10028
- Northern economy
- Northern health services
- Gélinas, 20
- Northern Health Travel Grant
- Monteith-Farrell, 7422
- Northern municipalities
- Bourgouin, 7939
- Northern Ontario
- Northern transportation
- Northumberland United Way
- Piccini, 11201
- Northumberland.io Producer Alliance
- Piccini, 7875
- Norwest, Henry
- Barrett, 2050
- Notebomer, Julia
- Pettapiece, 9451
- Now Magazine Readers' Choice awards
- Karpoche, 2147
- Nowruz
- Nuclear energy
- Park, 10447
- Nunney, Claude
- McDonell, 1387
- Nurses
- Oak Ridges Community Clean Up
- Parsa, 4922
- Oakville Awards for Business Excellence dinner
- Crawford, 3972
- Oakville Community Foundation
- Crawford, 6278
- Oakville Hospital Foundation
- Crawford, 12085
- Oakvillegreen Conservation Association
- Triantafilopoulos, 5318
- Offutt, John
- Bell, 11084
- Bisson, 8813–8814
- Oktoberfest
- Harris, 1388
- Oldham, Megan
- Miller, N., 4236
- Ontario 55+ Winter Games
- Ontario Action of Litter Day
- Khanjin, 7803
- Ontario Agriculture Week
- Ontario artists
- Khanjin, 13705
- Ontario budget
- Ontario Christian Gleaners
- Karahalios, 4668–4669
- Ontario Day
- Parsa, 13916
- Ontario Disability Support Program
- Ontario economy
- Piccini, 1033–1034
- Ontario farmers
- Barrett, 9561–9562
- Ontario film and television industry
- Skelly, 11909
- Ontario Fire College
- Bisson, 11246
- Ontario Health Team–Northumberland
- Piccini, 6837
- Ontario Legislature virtual tour
- Pang, 13264
- Ontario Library Service–North
- Monteith-Farrell, 4759
- Ontario Parasport Games
- Park, 3297–3298
- Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences
- Coe, 2316
- Ontario Tech University
- French, 4134
- Ontario Trial Lawyers Association
- Romano, 1438–1439
- Ontario Trillium Foundation
- Crawford, 8111
- Ontario Volunteer Service Awards
- Babikian, 6520
- Ontario's Best Butter Tart Festival
- Dunlop, 5563–5564
- Oosterhoff, Jake
- Oosterhoff, 12460–12461
- Opening of mine
- Mantha, 1893
- Opioid abuse
- Optometrists
- Bouma, 4980
- Optometry services
- Burch, 13652–13653
- Order of Ottawa recipients
- Ghamari, 2470
- Organ and tissue donation
- Organ donation
- Orillia Perch Festival
- Dunlop, 4982
- Orléans Bengals football club
- Osgoode Care Centre
- Ghamari, 3931–3932
- Osgoode Youth Association
- Ghamari, 10028–10029
- Ottawa police and first responders
- Ghamari, 6126
- In Our Fathers' Footsteps
- Martow, 6061
- Out of the Cold program
- Stevens, 6470–6471
- Owner-operator truck drivers
- Bourgouin, 13145
- Oxi Day
- Oyawoye, Raufikat
- Gill, 12692–12693
- Paddle the Don
- Wynne, 4760
- Pak Pioneers Community Organization
- Rasheed, 2523
- Palliative care
- Paniccia, Domenico
- Hassan, 10227
- Papple, Randy
- Bouma, 3380
- Paramedic services
- Harris, 11382
- Kusendova, 12287–12288
- Parasport
- Oosterhoff, 5959
- Parkdale Community Legal Services
- Karpoche, 2981
- Parry Sound–Muskoka athletes
- Miller, N., 7422–7423
- Participation House
- Kernaghan, 3248
- Passover
- Baber, 4456
- Martin, 12285–12286
- Pasta it Forward
- Kusendova, 9258
- Patchett, Bill
- Piccini, 4981
- Patterson, Alex
- Gélinas, 6837
- Pediatric cancer treatment
- Berns-McGown, 6622
- Pediatric palliative care
- Shaw, 5368–5369
- Peel Learning Foundation
- Anand, 4718
- Peetabeck Inninuwuk Community Culture and Recreation Centre project
- Bourgouin, 11199
- Pelham Summerfest
- Oosterhoff, 239
- Peltier, Autumn
- Mantha, 9498
- Persaud, Girmalla
- Thanigasalam, 14058
- Personal protective equipment
- Khanjin, 8375–8376
- Personal support workers
- Persons Day
- Persons with disabilities
- Fraser, 10997
- Peterborough Cares
- Smith, D., 1797
- Peterborough Lakers
- Smith, D., 843
- Peterborough Porch Pirates for Good
- Smith, D., 12894
- Peterborough Regional Health Centre
- Smith, D., 12692
- Peterborough Strong COVID-19 fundraiser
- Smith, D., 7826–7827
- Pharmacare
- Phone It Forward campaign
- Downey, 2264
- Pipeline
- Barrett, 11724–11725
- Pipelines
- Bailey, 13409–13410
- Places of religious worship
- Places of worship
- Rasheed, 8414–8415
- Play for a Cure
- Natyshak, 7424
- Poenn, Dieter
- Mantha, 2862–2863
- Poet laureate
- Hatfield, 2354
- Poet Laureate of Ontario
- Hatfield, 13197
- Polar Bear Express
- Bourgouin, 5317–5318
- Police
- Police auxiliary units
- Bouma, 3187
- Police Week
- Ghamari, 5272
- Polish community
- Kusendova, 1799
- Polish Independence Day
- Poole, Dr. Robin
- McDonell, 11969
- Pope John Paul II
- Port Perry
- Park, 13265
- Portugal Day
- Armstrong, 5601
- Post-secondary education
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Yarde, 2640
- Poverty
- Gretzky, 11336–11337
- Lindo, 6059
- Power, Cressida
- Mitas, 6471
- Pre-budget consultations
- Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day
- Karahalios, 1643
- Prescription drugs
- Tangri, 13914
- Pride Month
- Private member's bills
- Hatfield, 301–302
- Probation and parole officers
- Skelly, 5517–5518
- Professional engineers
- Project Spotlight
- Wai, 6621
- Property taxation
- ProResp
- Nicholls, 12130–12131
- Prostate cancer
- Anand, 2423
- Protection for workers
- Protests in India
- Singh, G., 11200–11201
- Yarde, 11970
- Provincial debt
- Kramp, 5073
- Public health
- Public Heroes Awards
- Wai, 4626
- Public libraries
- French, 4560
- Public safety
- Sattler, 4267
- Public service employees
- Public space
- Public transit
- Queen's Career Apprenticeship program
- Arthur, 12032
- Quinn, Lee-Anne
- Smith, D., 10347
- Race-based data
- Hassan, 8084
- Racial discrimination
- Racism
- Radon
- Blais, 11724
- Rail safety
- Triantafilopoulos, 1280
- Raitt, Lisa
- Gill, 5713
- Ramadan
- Realtors
- Hillier, 4981
- Recovery Day Ottawa
- Des Rosiers, 933–934
- Recreational facilities
- Piccini, 11566
- Red Dress Day
- Mantha, 13311
- Red tape reduction
- Reed, George and Audrey
- Smith, D., 339
- Reena Foundation
- Martow, 1438
- Regent Park
- Morrison, 379–380
- Registered practical nurses
- Rehhorn, Angela
- Dunlop, 3569–3570
- Religious communities
- Cho, S., 8086
- Religious minorities in Afghanistan
- Anand, 534
- Remembrance Day
- Renewable energy
- Dunlop, 5602
- Research and development
- Kramp, 13602
- Research and innovation
- Réseau des jeunes parlementaires
- Simard, 6127–6128
- Residential schools
- Blais, 13836
- Bourgouin, 13914
- Fife, 13835
- Singh, G., 13915
- West, 13836–13837
- Restaurant industry
- Rasheed, 8743
- Retirement homes
- Wai, 10674
- Richardson, Mike and Jennifer
- Khanjin, 11246
- Richmond Santa Claus Parade
- Ghamari, 11200
- Riding of Beaches–East York
- Berns-McGown, 137–138
- Riding of Brampton Centre
- Singh, S., 414
- Riding of Cambridge
- Karahalios, 5644
- Riding of Hamilton West–Ancaster–Dundas
- Shaw, 414
- Riding of Hastings–Lennox and Addington
- Riding of Kiiwetinoong
- Mamakwa, 339–340
- Riding of Kingston and the Islands
- Arthur, 89
- Riding of Kitchener–Conestoga
- Harris, 138
- Riding of London West
- Sattler, 1643–1644
- Riding of Mushkegowuk–James Bay
- Bourgouin, 138
- Riding of Niagara West
- Oosterhoff, 89
- Riding of Orléans
- Lalonde, 238–239
- Riding of Scarborough Southwest
- Begum, 89–90
- Riding of Spadina–Fort York
- Glover, 7873–7874
- Riding of Thunder Bay–Atikokan
- Monteith-Farrell, 379
- Riding of Toronto–St. Paul's
- Andrew, 87
- Riding of York South–Weston
- Hassan, 301
- Ring of Fire
- Kramp, 7367
- Ring of peace
- Rasheed, 2146
- Road improvement
- Oosterhoff, 3716
- Road safety
- Robarts Research Institute
- Kernaghan, 5762–5763
- Robert Mulligan Invitational
- Arthur, 9256
- Roberts, Wayne
- Schreiner, 11622
- Robinson, Linda and Keith
- McDonell, 9410
- Rohmer, Richard
- Collard, 10446–10447
- Rose, Nicola
- Tangri, 478–479
- Rotary Club of Milton
- Gill, 11768
- Rotary Park
- Oosterhoff, 9681–9682
- Royal Botanical Gardens
- McKenna, 5643–5644
- Royal Canadian Legion Branch #136—Milton
- Gill, 5471
- Royal Canadian Legion halls
- Stevens, 7893
- Ruffalo, Mario
- Schreiner, 6922
- Rural Ontario
- Vanthof, 9053–9054
- Rural Ottawa South Support Services
- Ghamari, 11382
- Rural Rascals, Cockwombles and Legends
- Hillier, 6838
- Russell, Regan
- Shaw, 8815
- Rutledge, Barry
- Khanjin, 381
- Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic church
- Sabawy, 1530
- Saint Luke's Place
- Fee, 2691–2692
- Salvation Army
- Rasheed, 5961
- Samis, Reg and Liz
- Pettapiece, 6838
- Sarnia Shoebox Project
- Bailey, 6786
- Saulnier, Bridget and Shawn
- Gill, 6127
- Sault Area Hospital
- Romano, 1236
- Saunders, Pat
- Taylor, 10446
- Scarborough
- Babikian, 6471
- Scarborough Business Association
- Hunter, 10850
- Scarborough Health Network
- Scarborough Ribfest
- Mitas, 9563–9564
- Scarborough York Region Chinese Business Association
- Wai, 2741
- School bus safety
- School facilities
- School nutrition programs
- Rakocevic, 4812–4813
- Scleroderma
- Scleroderma Awareness Month
- Parsa, 8176
- Season's greetings
- Second Harvest
- Baber, 7299
- Secord Elementary School
- Berns-McGown, 2689
- Security guards
- Yarde, 7825
- Self-Employment for Persons with Disabilities program
- Pang, 2316
- Senior citizens
- Seniors
- Seniors and Kids Intergenerational Programs
- Bouma, 11725
- Seniors Community Grant Program
- Triantafilopoulos, 6280
- Seniors' dental care
- Harris, 6421
- Seniors events in Simcoe North
- Dunlop, 1644
- Seniors' health services
- Lindo, 9609–9610
- Seniors in Isolation
- Roberts, 11337
- Seniors' Light Tour
- Downey, 2980
- Seniors' Month
- Kusendova, 5472–5473
- Seniors' services
- Park, 12462
- Services for children and youth
- Bell, 12216
- Services for children with disabilities
- Phillips, 12597
- Services for persons with disabilities
- Services for seniors
- Lindo, 11674
- Services for victims of violence
- Wynne, 2422–2423
- Seva Food Bank
- Anand, 7479
- Sexual assault crisis centres
- Sexual violence and harassment
- Blais, 11843–11844
- Des Rosiers, 3831
- Lindo, 1387
- Shangrow, Richard Arthur
- Hogarth, 6520
- Sharma, Pravin Lata
- Crawford, 237–238
- Shaw, Andrea
- Coe, 5216
- Shelter services
- Fife, 9153
- Sheraton Ottawa Hotel
- Harden, 12183
- Sicard, John
- Roberts, 9412
- Sickle cell disease
- Sickle cell disease and thalassemia
- Phillips, 12032–12033
- Sikh community
- Sikh genocide
- Singh, G., 9838, 10227, 14058–14059
- Yarde, 6011
- Sikh Genocide Awareness Week
- Singh, G., 7245
- Sikh Heritage Month
- Sikh massacre
- SilverScenes Film Festival
- Martow, 9780
- Simcoe Christmas Panorama River of Lights
- Simcoe, John Graves
- Barrett, 238
- Simpson, Robin
- West, 1595
- Sindh Music Festival
- Kusendova, 6878–6879
- Sindhi community
- Kusendova, 782
- Sir John A. Macdonald statue
- Mamakwa, 782
- Sistema Toronto
- Hunter, 1086–1087
- Situation in Nagorno-Karabakh
- Miller, P., 10506
- Skeen, Dora
- Hunter, 12217
- Skilled trades
- Skills training
- Coe, 9839
- Skydiving landing zone
- Wilson, 8085
- Sledge hockey challenge
- Smith, D., 6422
- Small business
- Andrew, 7655–7656, 7801
- Bell, 7826, 10505
- Berns-McGown, 9778–9779
- Coe, 10907
- Collard, 9780
- Crawford, 10907–10908
- French, 7824
- Gates, 12461
- Glover, 9649, 10908
- Gretzky, 13077
- Hunter, 7825
- Kanapathi, 9837, 10996
- Kernaghan, 12691–12692
- Khanjin, 10944–10945
- Martin, 10945
- Miller, N., 11200
- Oosterhoff, 10445–10446
- Pettapiece, 12650
- Piccini, 12848
- Sattler, 12794
- Singh, G., 12530–12531
- Singh, S., 9207, 11769, 13312
- Stiles, 9154, 13602
- Thanigasalam, 8477
- Wai, 13029
- West, 13029–13030
- Small Business Week
- Parsa, 1687
- Small truck business operators
- Bourgouin, 9306
- Smith, Dave
- Fraser, 8938
- Smith, Edward
- Pettapiece, 12598
- Smith, Harry Leslie
- Harden, 2470
- Smith, Maddie
- McKenna, 2000
- Snowmobiling
- Vanthof, 2052
- Social assistance
- Social issues in Windsor and Essex county
- Hatfield, 1331
- Social services
- Social services funding
- Bailey, 11199
- Somali Hope Academy
- Ghamari, 8110
- Special Olympic World Games
- Smith, D., 3382
- Special Olympics
- Special Olympics World Summer Games
- Special-needs children
- Wai, 2642
- Special-needs students
- Gélinas, 9450
- Speech from the throne
- Des Rosiers, 89
- Speech-language pathologists and audiologists
- Oosterhoff, 7301–7302
- Spinal muscular atrophy
- Stevens, 4039
- Spirit of Christmas dinner
- Stevens, 6723
- Sport a Rainbow
- Smith, D., 13655
- Sports and recreation infrastructure
- Sports funding
- Anand, 9307
- Sri Varasiththi Vinaayagar Hindu Temple Chariot Festival
- Babikian, 478
- SSE Care Solutions
- Pang, 10851
- St. Jacobs Farmers' Market
- Harris, 8002–8003
- Stafford, Ed
- Hogarth, 3130
- Stanford, Shane
- Martin, 9779
- Staples, Tammie
- Piccini, 11247
- State of emergency
- Hillier, 7802
- Steel industry
- Skelly, 843
- Stewart, Anita
- Ke, 10289
- Stratford Festival
- Pettapiece, 11723
- Stratford Perth Rotary Hospice
- Pettapiece, 21
- Stray current
- Nicholls, 13762
- Strickland, Donna
- Fife, 1387
- Stroke
- Martin, 13835–13836
- Stryker Canada
- Skelly, 4502–4503
- Student achievement
- Rasheed, 4084
- Student assistance
- Student Choice Initiative
- Bell, 6836
- Student fundraising
- Hogarth, 4562
- Student literacy
- Fife, 5602
- Student Nutrition Program
- Sattler, 13356
- Student safety
- Student unions
- Glover, 3186–3187
- Sudbury Workers Education and Advocacy Centre
- West, 2098–2099
- Suicide prevention
- Stevens, 2944
- Sunnen, Marian
- Nicholls, 11910
- Supportive housing
- Natyshak, 5847
- Schreiner, 13760–13761
- Supports for seniors
- Bisson, 137
- Syl Apps Youth Centre
- Fraser, 13146
- Tamil community
- Kanapathi, 12185
- Tamil Genocide Education Week
- Hunter, 13654–13655
- Kanapathi, 13653
- Tamil Heritage Month
- Thanigasalam, 6722
- Taste of Brampton
- Taxation
- Taxi insurance
- Sattler, 7301
- Teachers
- Teachers' labour dispute
- Teachers' professional development
- Glover, 6922
- TEC Hub
- Monteith-Farrell, 1893–1894
- Technology sector
- Harris, 5274
- Teeyan Da Mela
- Anand, 5563
- Temagami Country Christmas
- Vanthof, 2864
- Tenant protection
- Terrorist attacks
- Fraser, 4562
- Terry Fox Run
- Thanksgiving
- Collard, 9682
- Theatre Scarborough
- Hunter, 1643
- Thomson, Murray
- Harden, 5172
- Thunder Bay generating station
- Monteith-Farrell, 2891
- Thunder Bay Police Service
- Gravelle, 5712–5713
- Tibet
- Hogarth, 6788
- Tinsley, Peter
- Kramp, 4719–4720
- Tiny township charity golf tournament
- Dunlop, 22
- Together We Stand Foundation
- Khanjin, 1893
- Tornadoes in Ottawa
- Toronto Blockchain Week
- Downey, 4719
- Toronto Blue Jays
- Cho, S., 3972
- Toronto Raptors
- Tourism
- Tow truck operators
- French, 6127
- Town of Innisfil
- Khanjin, 8479
- Traffic fatality
- Harden, 5172
- Trans community
- Kernaghan, 3931
- Trans Day of Remembrance
- McKenna, 10555–10556
- Morrison, 2421
- Transgender rights
- Transportation infrastructure
- Cho, S., 10346–10347
- Sandhu, 5562
- Stiles, 5911
- Treaties recognition
- Karpoche, 10228
- Mamakwa, 5796, 5959–5960, 9104–9105, 10163, 11127, 13704–13705
- Morrison, 10673–10674
- Tree preservation
- Harden, 742
- Trucking industry
- Bourgouin, 6665
- Trucking licensing
- 5n2