Letter: M
- MacCharles, T. (LIB, Pickering–Scarborough East)
- Accepting Schools Act, 2012 (Bill 13)
- Accessibility for disabled persons, 2507, 2593
- Ambulance Amendment Act (Air Ambulances), 2012 (Bill 50)
- second reading, 3478
- Anti-bullying initiatives, 1348, 1458, 1491–1492
- Appreciation
- Carr, Annaleise (long distance swimmer), 3141–3142
- Automobile registration/fees
- increase, 1156–1157
- Budget, 1664, 1754–1755
- Bullying, 1348, 1492
- punitive measures, 1491–1492
- Cancer
- breast cancer, 4191
- Cancer prevention, 4191
- Child abuse
- prevention, 1906
- Childbirth
- birthing centres, 1255
- Children
- nutrition, 638
- Children's health care
- inherited heart rhythm disorder (IHRD), 2495
- Committee procedure
- use of dilatory tactics, 1938
- Construction industry
- job creation, 1539–1540
- Economic productivity, 2376
- Emergency services
- quality of care, 958
- Endangered Species Act, S.O. 2007, c. 6
- amendments, 2284
- Family caregiver leave, 1519–1520
- Family Caregiver Leave Act (Employment Standards Amendment), 2012 (Bill 30)
- Firefighters, 958
- Forest firefighting, 3780
- Frenchman's Bay harbour entrance project (Pickering), 485–486, 492
- G20 summit
- request for public inquiry, 1075
- Government record
- Government service transfer
- from municipal to provincial jurisdiction, 1402
- Government-business relations, 55
- Graduation rates
- increase, 3091
- Great Lakes
- conservation, 2841
- Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit Act, 2012 (Bill 2)
- Home renovation tax credit, 3115–3118, 3498–3499, 3547–3548
- affordability, 3547
- Jobs and Prosperity Council, 2376
- Kindergarten, full-day, 3406
- Legislative process, 1458, 1491
- LGBTQ youth/students
- gay-straight alliances (GSAs), 1493
- Local health integration networks (LHINs), 3513–3514
- Long-term care
- senior citizens, 3117
- Members' privileges, 3868–3871
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 3411
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 4156
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- access to documents re cancelled power plants, 3868–3871
- Members'/ministers' salaries
- wage freeze, 1754–1755
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- air ambulance service, oversight of, 3478
- Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association (OECTA)
- memorandum of understanding with Ministry of Education, 3214–3215
- Opposition day motions
- Oral questions
- Accessibility for the disabled
- Breast cancer
- presented, 4191
- Business support programs
- presented, 2375–2376
- Construction industry
- presented, 1539–1540
- Economic development
- Education
- Firefighters
- presented, 958
- Forest firefighting
- presented, 3780
- Health care
- presented, 3513–3514
- Home care
- presented, 1938
- Municipalities
- presented, 1402
- Ontario public service
- presented, 1754–1755
- Pan Am Games
- presented, 2466
- Post-secondary education
- presented, 1664
- Protection of Great Lakes
- presented, 2841
- User fees
- presented, 1156–1157
- Ornge
- whistle-blower protection, 3478
- Pan American Games 2015
- Personal support workers, 3499
- Persons with disabilities
- Petitions
- Pickering, City of
- Police screening, 1906
- Post-secondary education, 1664
- tuition grant for undergraduates, 1664
- Private members' public business
- Childhood obesity
- responded to, 638
- Children and Youth in Care Day Act, 2012 (Bill 90)
- second reading, 3648
- Endangered Species Amendment Act, 2012 (Bill 73)
- second reading, 2284
- First Responders Day Act, 2012 (Bill 123)
- second reading, 4156–4157
- Infrastructure program spending
- Inherited Heart Rhythm Disorders Awareness Act, 2012 (Bill 81)
- second reading, 2495
- Municipal Amendment Act (Election of Chair of York Region), 2012 (Bill 60)
- second reading, 3270
- Ontario Public Service
- responded to, 3639
- Protection of Minors in Amateur Sports Act, 2012 (Bill 24)
- second reading, 1906
- Services for the developmentally disabled
- responded to, 3752–3753
- Childhood obesity
- Provincial-municipal relations
- re transit system expansion in Toronto, 931
- Public education campaigns
- Public sector employees
- pay-for-performance programs, 3639
- Public Services for Ontarians: A Path to Sustainability and Excellence, 2012, 3406
- Putting Students First Act, 2012 (Bill 115)
- Reports
- My REAL Life Book (report from the Youth Leaving Care Hearings, Ontario), 3648
- Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Rent Increase Guideline), 2012 (Bill 19)
- second reading, 2414
- Schools in rural Ontario, 3213
- Security for Courts, Electricity Generating Facilities and Nuclear Facilities Act, 2012 (Bill 34)
- second reading, 1075
- Senior citizens, 4199
- Standing Orders
- S.O. 23(b) Rules of debate - Matters out of order in debate - Directs speech to other matters, 3500
- Strong Action for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2012 (Bill 55)
- second reading, 2447
- Students/graduates
- training program in specialist skills, 2880
- Teacher salaries
- wage freeze, legislated, 3405
- Teachers
- Tributes
- Pickering–Scarborough East, 2681
- Wildlife protection
- economic and social impact, 2284
- Wireless Services Agreements Act, 2012 (Bill 82)
- second reading, 4211–4212
- York, Regional Municipality of
- election of chair, 3270
- MacLaren, J. (PC, Carleton–Mississippi Mills)
- Aging population, 597
- Air ambulance services
- patient deaths, 3759
- Alcoholic beverages
- illegal sale in unlicensed establishments, 2862–2863
- Ambulance Amendment Act (Air Ambulances), 2012 (Bill 50)
- second reading, 3759–3762
- Animal protection
- Apprenticeship training programs
- reform, 598
- Committee membership, 3960
- Court cases/actions
- Tijssen, Marc, 374–375
- Currency exchange rates
- Canadian dollar, 130
- Dog owners
- liability, 644–645
- Energy rates, 598
- global adjustment charge, 2364
- Engineering associations
- advocacy vs. regulatory role, 2477–2478
- Family Caregiver Leave Act (Employment Standards Amendment), 2012 (Bill 30)
- second reading, 608–611
- Gas-fired power plants, cancellation in Oakville and Mississauga, 3957
- cost, 3958–3959
- Government spending, 599
- health care, 598
- Harmonized sales tax (HST)
- impact on small business, 2213
- Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit Act, 2012 (Bill 2)
- second reading, 596–599
- Home renovation tax credit
- affordability, 596–597
- Landlord and tenant, 2212
- Landlord and Tenant Board, 2213
- Medical records
- electronic records, 3760
- Members' privileges, 3957–3960
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 609–611
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn, 3958
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
- animal protection, 1375
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- air ambulance service, oversight of, 3760–3762
- Non-Profit Housing Co-operatives Statute Law Amendment Act, 2012 (Bill 65)
- second reading, 4082
- Ombudsman of Ontario
- air ambulance service, oversight of, 3760
- Ontario Electricity System Operator Act, 2012 (Bill 75)
- Ontario health premium (OHP), 3760
- Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
- merger with Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), 4117–4118
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Act, 2012 (Bill 37)
- first reading, 626
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Act, 2012 (Bill 47)
- first reading, 1052–1053
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA), 1374
- Ornge
- Petitions
- Pit bull terriers
- Private members' public business
- Comprehensive Public Sector Compensation Freeze Act, 2012 (Bill 92)
- second reading, 2641–2642
- Liquor Licence Amendment Act (Serving Liquor in Certain Places), 2012 (Bill 93)
- second reading, 2862–2863
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Act, 2012 (Bill 47)
- Ontario Society of Professional Engineers Act, 2012 (Bill 15)
- second reading, 2477–2478
- Public Safety Related to Dogs Statute Law Amendment Act, 2012 (Bill 16)
- second reading, 644–645
- Comprehensive Public Sector Compensation Freeze Act, 2012 (Bill 92)
- Public Services for Ontarians: A Path to Sustainability and Excellence, 2012, 597
- implementation, 597
- Rent increases
- Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Rent Increase Guideline), 2012 (Bill 19)
- Slaughtering and slaughterhouses
- for private consumption, 374–375
- Southwestern Ontario Development Fund, 597
- Strong Action for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2012 (Bill 55)
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 130
- Youth mental health care, 427
- MacLeod, L. (PC, Nepean–Carleton)
- Accepting Schools Act, 2012 (Bill 13)
- Air ambulance services
- Alcoholic beverage industry
- home delivery service regulations, 167
- Ambulance Amendment Act (Air Ambulances), 2012 (Bill 50)
- Anti-Bullying Act, 2012 (Bill 14)
- Anti-Bullying Act, 2012 (Bill 80)
- first reading, 2040–2041
- Anti-bullying initiatives, 225, 1265–1266, 1268–1272, 1385, 1490, 2057, 2694–2696
- Appreciation
- Brain injuries
- concussions, 915
- Bullying, 1265–1267, 2692–2693
- remediation, 2693–2694
- Bullying, cyberbullying, 1267
- Bullying, definition of, 2691
- Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), 2774
- Children's mental health care
- Consumer prices
- impact of harmonized sales tax (HST), 2418–2419
- Co-operative education programs, 1211–1212
- Coroner inquests
- Leighton, Eric (grade 12 student), 3620
- Energy rates
- French-language debates
- Pétitions
- Industrie des courses de chevaux, 1770
- Pétitions
- Gambling
- mental health risks, 3272
- Gas-fired power plants, cancellation in Oakville and Mississauga, 3881
- Government debt, 2443, 3094
- Government deficit, 3170–3171, 3464–3465
- Green Energy Act, S.O. 2009, c. 12, Sched. A, 3009
- Harmonized sales tax (HST)
- removal of provincial portion from home heating, 3701
- Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit Act, 2012 (Bill 2)
- Home renovation tax credit, 3554, 3701
- Horse racing industry, 3273
- job losses, 2443
- Job losses, 161, 167
- Kindergarten, full-day, 3170–3177
- Legislative procedure
- Legislative process, 1266–1267, 1270–1271, 1274
- LGBTQ youth/students
- anti-bullying initiatives, 1266
- Lobbyists, 1837–1838
- Members' privileges, 3878–3881
- Members' statements
- Avon Maitland District school board, 3676
- Bahro, Joe; Albert Corace, 583–584
- Barrhaven Food Cupboard, 753
- Bullying, 4199
- Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa, 2228–2229
- Campbell, Hélène, 2598
- Hubley, Jamie, 27–28
- John George Lynch-Staunton, 3374
- Newman, John, 1114–1115
- Paxton, Dawn, 2072
- Pigott, Jean, 533–534
- School transportation, 2888
- Suicide prevention, 913
- Vernon Women's Institute, 3455
- Wind turbines, 1006–1007
- Members'/ministers' appreciation
- Members'/ministers' conduct
- Matthews, Deb (London North Centre), 1205
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 3698
- Members/ministers imputing motive, 947
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Ministerial statements
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- Occasional teachers
- Ontario Electricity System Operator Act, 2012 (Bill 75)
- Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association (OECTA)
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. (OLG), 3272–3273, 3279
- Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
- Oral questions
- Air ambulance service
- Education funding
- presented, 1631
- Government spending
- presented, 54
- Healthy schools
- presented, 2176–2177
- Ontario public service
- presented, 3362–3363
- Power plants
- presented, 4089–4090
- Red tape reduction
- presented, 167–168
- School accommodation
- presented, 1586
- School boards
- presented, 3453
- School safety
- presented, 3620
- School transportation
- presented, 528–529
- Teachers' contracts
- Women's shelter
- presented, 2882–2883
- Ornge
- Petitions
- Private members' public business
- Public education campaigns
- Public sector employees
- Public Services for Ontarians: A Path to Sustainability and Excellence, 2012
- Putting Students First Act, 2012 (Bill 115)
- Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Rent Increase Guideline), 2012 (Bill 19)
- School board accountability, 1586, 1631
- School board trustees
- travel expenses, 1631
- School bus transportation
- School cafeterias
- healthy food options, 2176–2177
- Schools
- overcrowding, 1172
- Security for Courts, Electricity Generating Facilities and Nuclear Facilities Act, 2012 (Bill 34)
- Special education teachers
- restraints, use of, 3285–3286
- Standing Orders
- S.O. 23(h) Rules of debate - Matters out of order in debate - Allegations against member, 372
- S.O. 23(i) Rules of debate - Matters out of order in debate - Imputes false or unavowed motives, 372
- S.O. 23(j) Rules of debate - Matters out of order in debate - Deliberate falsehood, 372
- S.O. 23(k) Rules of debate - Matters out of order in debate - Abusive or insulting language, 372
- S.O. 56 Government business - Business for ensuing week, 1516
- S.O. 94 Private bills - Notice required to dispense with Standing Order, 2037
- Strong Action for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2012 (Bill 55)
- Student evaluation, 3151–3152, 3155–3156
- Supply Act, 2012 (Bill 46)
- second reading, 1171–1173
- Teacher salaries
- Tributes
- Lynch-Staunton, George (former Senator), 3374
- Wind turbines
- moratorium, 1006
- Wireless phones, smart phones and data services
- consumer protection legislation, 2774
- Wireless Services Agreements Act, 2012 (Bill 82)
- second reading, 2774
- Women's emergency shelters
- Nelson House, temporary closure of, 2882–2883
- Working Families Coalition, 54
- Workplace accidents/fatalities
- Ottawa Catholic District School Board, 3620
- Youth/students
- Mangat, A. (LIB, Mississauga–Brampton South)
- Accepting Schools Act, 2012 (Bill 13)
- third reading, 2711
- Anti-bullying initiatives, 2711
- Automobile industry
- recovery, 4189
- Automobile insurance
- Automobile insurance rates/premiums
- territorial rating, 2866
- Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), 3604
- Child care, 3188–3189
- Children's mental health care, 2471
- grants, 669
- Consumer protection
- condominium owners, 2296–2297
- Education funding, 2341–2342
- Excavation safety
- Government record
- Liberal (2003–2012)
- education, 1707
- Liberal (2003–2012)
- Health care funding, 2342
- Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit Act, 2012 (Bill 2)
- third reading, 3691
- Home renovation tax credit, 3691
- International investment
- foreign direct investment (FDI), 394
- Kindergarten, full-day, 3189
- implementation, 393
- LGBTQ youth/students
- gay-straight alliances (GSAs), 2711
- Members' statements
- Oral questions
- Automotive industry
- presented, 4189
- Automotive industry
- Private members' public business
- Insurance Amendment Act (Risk Classification Systems for Automobile Insurance), 2012 (Bill 45)
- second reading, 2866
- Ontario One Call Act, 2011 (Bill 8)
- third reading (carried), 3030–3032
- Property Owners’ Protection Act, 2012 (Bill 72)
- second reading, 2296–2297
- Reducing Automobile Insurance Premiums by Eliminating Fraud Act, 2012 (Bill 41)
- Insurance Amendment Act (Risk Classification Systems for Automobile Insurance), 2012 (Bill 45)
- Putting Students First Act, 2012 (Bill 115)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 3341–3342
- time allocation motion
- Reducing Automobile Insurance Premiums by Eliminating Fraud Act, 2012 (Bill 41)
- first reading, 964–965
- Strong Action for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2012 (Bill 55)
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 393–394
- Tributes
- victims of Oak Creek Sikh Temple shooting, 3090
- Unions
- Canadian Auto Workers (CAW), 4189
- Wireless phones, smart phones and data services
- Wireless Services Agreements Act, 2012 (Bill 82)
- Accepting Schools Act, 2012 (Bill 13)
- Mantha, M. (NDP, Algoma–Manitoulin)
- Accepting Schools Act, 2012 (Bill 13)
- Air ambulance services
- Ambulance Amendment Act (Air Ambulances), 2012 (Bill 50)
- Anti-bullying initiatives, 1484, 1490
- Appreciation
- Children's mental health care
- suicide, 1484
- Committees
- Legislative committees
- to review policies that impact northern Ontario, 818
- Legislative committees
- Consumer prices
- increase, 3695
- Corporate tax reduction, 83
- Crown land
- Energy rates
- Environmental protection
- Family caregiver leave, 1477
- Family Caregiver Leave Act (Employment Standards Amendment), 2012 (Bill 30)
- Forest industry
- lumber mills, closure, 1714–1715
- French-language debates
- Affaires d'intérêt public émanant des député(e)s
- Loi modifiant la Loi sur la taxe de vente au détail pour prévoir un remboursement de la composante ontarienne de la taxe de vente harmonisée à l'égard de certains frais de chauffage domestique, projet de loi 4, 83
- Loi de 2012 sur la Société d'exploitation du réseau d'électricité de l'Ontario, projet de loi 75
- deuxième lecture, 3657–3658
- Loi de 2012 sur le crédit d'impôt pour l'aménagement du logement axé sur le bien-être, projet de loi 12
- troisième lecture, 3684–3685
- Loi modifiant la Loi de 2000 sur les normes d’emploi en ce qui concerne le congé familial pour les aidants naturels, projet de loi 30
- deuxième lecture, 1477
- Pétitions
- Questions orales
- Services d'ambulance aérienne, 1248
- Affaires d'intérêt public émanant des député(e)s
- Gasoline prices
- regional variances, 2404–2405
- Government record
- PC (1995–2003)
- energy industry, 3018
- PC (1995–2003)
- Government services
- Harmonized sales tax (HST)
- Health care
- travel support
- grant for northern Ontario, 2948
- travel support
- Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit Act, 2012 (Bill 2)
- Highway maintenance
- northern Ontario, 169
- Home renovation tax credit, 3556–3557, 3695
- Hospital funding
- northern Ontario, 1542
- Housing, affordable, 1645
- Income tax
- tax bracket for incomes over $500,000, 2346
- Legislative process, 1490–1491, 3698–3699
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 82–84, 322–325
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 323–325
- Members'/ministers' votes/voting
- free vote on Retail Sales Tax Amendment Act, 2011, 56
- Mineral exploration
- Mineral resources
- Mining industry accidents
- ore pass accident at Vale Ltd.'s Stobie Mine in Sudbury, 747
- Ministerial statements
- Mining industry
- responded to, 3525–3526
- Mining industry
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- air ambulance service, oversight of, 2808–2810
- Ministry of Natural Resources
- employees, purchase of crown land, 4190
- Non-Profit Housing Co-operatives Statute Law Amendment Act, 2012 (Bill 65)
- second reading, 4082
- Northern Ontario, 818
- grants
- health travel grant, 2948
- grants
- Nuclear generating stations
- refurbishment, 3014
- Ontario Electricity System Operator Act, 2012 (Bill 75)
- Ontario Electricity System Operator (OESO)
- public consultation process, 4110–4113
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission (ONTC)
- privatization, 1331
- Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
- Opposition day motions
- Gasoline prices
- responded to, 2404–2405
- Gasoline prices
- Oral questions
- Access to public lands
- Air ambulance service
- presented, 1248
- Family health teams
- presented, 3722–3723
- Hospital funding
- presented, 1542
- Mining industry
- Ministry spending
- presented, 4141–4142
- Northern health travel grant
- presented, 2948
- Northern Ontario
- presented, 1331
- Taxation
- presented, 56
- Workplace safety
- presented, 747–748
- Ornge
- PC Party documents/plans
- Paths to Prosperity, 3022
- Petitions
- Primary health care
- family health teams
- government funding, 3722–3723
- family health teams
- Private members' public business
- Renewable energy projects, 3022, 3585
- cost, 3014
- Rent control
- middle-income groups, impact on, 1644
- Rental housing
- affordability, 1526
- Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Rent Increase Guideline), 2012 (Bill 19)
- Retail Sales Tax Amendment Act (HST Rebate For Home Heating), 2011 (Bill 4)
- first reading, 31
- Senior citizens
- ServiceOntario
- Social assistance benefits
- community start-up and maintenance benefit (CSUMB), 2534
- Strong Action for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2012 (Bill 55)
- Throne speech quoted, 83–84
- Water quality
- North Shore, Township of, 582
- Wireless phones, smart phones and data services
- Wireless Services Agreements Act, 2012 (Bill 82)
- Youth/students
- suicide prevention, 1827
- Marchese, R. (NDP, Trinity–Spadina)
- Accepting Schools Act, 2012 (Bill 13)
- Aggregate resources management
- Niagara Escarpment, 3258
- Anti-Bullying Act, 2012 (Bill 14)
- Anti-bullying initiatives, 1385–1386, 1489
- Appreciation
- Apprenticeship training programs
- Attracting Investment and Creating Jobs Act, 2012 (Bill 11)
- Budget deficit, 149
- Bullying
- punitive measures, 1489
- Canadian history
- blacks in Ontario and Canada, 588
- Casino gambling, 2091
- Condominiums
- Consumer prices
- increase, 2208
- Consumer protection
- Corporate subsidies, 561, 563
- Corporate tax credits
- job creation tax credit, 2903–2906
- Corporate tax reduction, 173–174, 561–563, 566, 2899, 2901, 3638
- Drugs, generic
- patents in proposed Canada-EU comprehensive economic and trade agreement (CETA), 1995
- Eastern Ontario Development Fund (EODF), 2024, 2902, 2904
- Economic development, 2900
- Economic growth
- projections, 54–55
- Economic inequality, 1386, 1489
- Education funding, 1386
- Eglinton-Scarborough Crosstown transit line
- Elections/by-elections, 3637
- Energy agencies, 2935
- Energy conservation, 2942
- Family caregiver leave
- job protection and, 1145
- Family Caregiver Leave Act (Employment Standards Amendment), 2012 (Bill 30)
- second reading, 1145
- Federal government
- sales tax reduction, 2899
- Feed-in tariff (FIT) program
- cost, 2942
- Freedom of information, 3634
- General Motors of Canada Ltd.
- plant closure in Oshawa, 2674
- Government consultants
- Don Drummond (former chief economist, TD Bank), 564
- Government record
- Government revenue, 2852, 2899
- Harmonized sales tax (HST)
- Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit Act, 2012 (Bill 2)
- Home care funding, 350, 434
- Home renovation tax credit, 3638
- Housing, affordable, 2208
- Human rights
- gender identity, 2291
- Income tax
- International trade agreements
- Canada-European Union comprehensive economic and trade agreement (CETA), 1995
- Job creation, 527, 564–565, 568
- Job creation by private sector
- government funding, 173
- Job losses, 2901
- Kindergarten, full-day
- childcare centres, impact on, 3243
- Landlord and Tenant Board, 2214
- Legislative procedure
- Legislative process, 148–149, 242, 1488–1489, 2025, 2896, 2902
- LGBTQ youth/students, 1489
- Members' statements
- Mineral resources
- processing within northern Ontario, 2900
- Ministerial statements
- Ministry of Consumer Services, 1556
- Niagara Escarpment
- land conservation, 3258
- Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC), 566
- Nuclear generating stations
- Darlington nuclear station, 2936
- Ombudsman Amendment Act (School Boards), 2012 (Bill 112)
- first reading, 2958
- Ombudsman of Ontario
- children's aid societies, oversight of, 4175
- Ontario Electricity System Operator Act, 2012 (Bill 75)
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. (OLG)
- Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)
- Toronto exemption, proposed, 962
- Ontario Place Corp.
- Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
- Ontario Public Service (OPS)
- job losses, 567
- Opposition day motions
- Oral questions
- Aggregate extraction
- presented, 3258
- Condominium legislation
- presented, 2883
- Consumer protection
- presented, 2177–2178
- Economic development
- presented, 1628–1629
- Economic outlook and fiscal review
- presented, 54–55
- Generic drug industry
- presented, 1995
- Job creation
- presented, 527
- Manufacturing jobs
- presented, 2673–2674
- Ontario Place
- presented, 1407
- Public transit
- presented, 3778
- Aggregate extraction
- Payroll taxes
- programs in Quebec, 2900
- Petitions
- Private members' public business
- Addressing Ontario’s Debt Through Alternatives to Public Sector Layoffs and Program Cuts Act, 2012 (Bill 94)
- second reading, 2851–2852
- Anti-Bullying Act, 2012 (Bill 14)
- second reading, 1385–1386
- Comprehensive Public Sector Compensation Freeze Act, 2012 (Bill 92)
- second reading, 2642
- Condominium dispute resolution
- responded to, 1556–1557
- Ensuring Local Voices in New Casino Gambling Development Act, 2012 (Bill 76)
- second reading, 2091–2092
- Jewish Heritage Month Act, 2012 (Bill 17)
- second reading, 651
- Ombudsman Amendment Act (Children's Aid Societies), 2012 (Bill 110)
- second reading, 4175
- Ontario Public Service
- responded to, 3637–3639
- Property Owners’ Protection Act, 2012 (Bill 72)
- Protection of Minors in Amateur Sports Act, 2012 (Bill 24)
- second reading, 1903–1904
- Registered Retirement Savings Protection Plan Act, 2012 (Bill 120)
- second reading, 4167–4168
- Toby’s Act (Right to be Free from Discrimination and Harassment Because of Gender Identity or Gender Expression), 2012 (Bill 33)
- second reading, 2291
- Transparency in Government Bills Act, 2012 (Bill 109)
- second reading, 3633–3634
- Addressing Ontario’s Debt Through Alternatives to Public Sector Layoffs and Program Cuts Act, 2012 (Bill 94)
- Property Owners’ Protection Act, 2012 (Bill 72)
- first reading, 1847–1848
- Public education campaigns
- Public sector employees
- Public Works Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.55
- temporary regulatory changes during G20 protests, 786
- Putting Students First Act, 2012 (Bill 115)
- Registered retirement savings plan (RRSP)
- exemption from claims by creditors, 4168
- Renewable energy projects
- cost, 3633–3634
- Rent control
- Rent increases
- capped at 2.5 per cent annually, 2214
- Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Rent Increase Guideline), 2012 (Bill 19)
- Salaries, 566
- Security for Courts, Electricity Generating Facilities and Nuclear Facilities Act, 2012 (Bill 34)
- Security measures
- in public buildings, 786
- Senior citizens
- poverty, 434
- Small business
- Southwestern Ontario Development Fund, 565, 2024, 2902, 2904, 2909
- Sports organizations
- for children under 18 years
- background checks for staff and volunteers, 1903–1904
- for children under 18 years
- Statements by stakeholders
- Screening of volunteers in amateur sports, 1903–1904
- Subsidies, 561, 563
- Teacher collective bargaining, 3223–3224, 3226
- Teacher salaries
- wage freeze, legislated, 3637–3638
- Throne speech debate
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- subway system
- expansion, 927
- subway system
- Transfer payments
- equalization program, 2851
- Tuition fees, 3638
- Unions, 3637
- Wireless phones, smart phones and data services
- Wireless Services Agreements Act, 2012 (Bill 82)
- second reading, 2769–2772
- Matthews, Hon. D. (LIB, London North Centre)
- Aboriginal communities
- Air ambulance service
- responded to, 3041
- Air ambulance services
- audit, 525, 574–575, 789–790, 839, 905, 955, 1044, 1109, 1165, 1201, 1363, 1837
- emergency dispatch system, 2593, 2785, 2990
- paramedics, availability of, 2881
- patient safety, 2264–2266
- performance agreement, 1364, 2425
- amendments, 1855–1856
- quality of care, 694–695, 745–746, 793, 837, 839, 908, 957, 1109, 1202, 1204, 1855–1856, 2034, 2223–2224, 2376–2377, 2592–2593
- reform, 1855–1857, 2780–2781
- transparency and accountability, 576–577, 619, 658–659, 692, 747, 839–841, 955–957, 1166, 1856, 1935, 2066
- Ambulance Amendment Act (Air Ambulances), 2012 (Bill 50)
- Asthma
- primary care asthma programs, 1992
- Bedbugs
- Blood and blood products, 1632
- Canadian Blood Services
- closure of Thunder Bay clinic, 1632
- Cancer
- breast cancer, 3784–3785
- Cancer care, 1893–1894, 2428
- Cancer drugs, 1894
- Cancer prevention
- Charitable fundraising
- Canadian Cancer Society, 1893–1894
- Childbirth
- birthing centres
- government funding, 2041–2042
- birthing centres
- Children's mental health care
- school supports, 2267
- Committee witnesses
- protections, immunities and rights, 3182
- Community care access centres (CCACs)
- Doctor fees/salaries
- two-year pay freeze, 2733
- Doctor shortage
- Doctors
- alternate funding plan (AFP), 419
- Drug abuse
- OxyContin, 840
- Drugs, generic
- cost reduction, 2269
- Elder abuse
- Emergency rooms
- Emergency services
- Federal-provincial agreements/programs
- health care funding, 163
- Freedom of information
- Government contracts
- restrictions on hiring external lobbyists in the public sector, 1856
- Government record
- Government spending
- expense and procurement rules in the health and broader public sectors, 1856
- Health care, 1201, 1308–1309
- Health care funding, 1856
- Health care reform, 746–747, 790–791, 3447–3448
- HIV/AIDS treatment/research, 268
- Home care
- Home care funding, 164, 1002, 1106–1107, 1756, 2435–2436, 3405, 3448–3449
- Hospital administrators
- Hospital construction
- Vaughan, 3669
- Hospital expansion
- Hospital funding, 2842, 3616
- Hospital redevelopment
- West Lincoln Memorial Hospital, 2036
- Hospital services
- Hospitals
- Shouldice Hospital, sale to Centric Health Corp., 3776
- Legal aid clinics, 4002
- Legislative procedure
- Lobbyists, 1856
- Local health integration networks (LHINs), 3509–3510
- Long-term care
- senior citizens, 907
- Long-term care beds
- shortage, 749
- Long-term care facilities
- Medical records
- Medical transplants
- Members' privileges, 4004–4005
- Members'/ministers' conduct
- Matthews, Deb (London North Centre), 1203
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 665, 1444–1446, 2536, 2662, 2783
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Mental health care
- Mental health treatment centres
- Center for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), 4039
- Midwifery, 2031
- education and training, 2041
- Ministerial statements
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- Northern Ontario
- grants
- health travel grant, 2948
- grants
- Nurse practitioners
- Nurses
- Obesity in children
- Healthy Kids Panel, 2786
- Ontario health insurance plan (OHIP)
- out-of-country coverage, 2555–2556
- Oral questions
- Addiction services
- AIDS treatment
- responded to, 268
- Air ambulance service
- responded to, 525–527, 574–578, 615–621, 658–661, 692–695, 743–747, 788–794, 796, 835, 837–841, 904–906, 908, 955–957, 959, 999–1000, 1044, 1108–1110, 1198–1206, 1331, 1363–1364, 1466–1469, 1500, 1584–1585, 1628, 1836–1837, 1935–1936, 1991, 1993, 2062–2063, 2066, 2219–2220, 2223–2224, 2264–2266, 2376–2377, 2424–2426, 2505, 2552, 2554, 2671–2673, 2675–2677, 2734–2738, 2780–2781, 2783, 2836–2838, 2879, 2881, 2945, 2947–2949, 2992–2993, 3039, 3041, 3067, 3253, 3367
- Ambulance services
- responded to, 2506–2507
- Arbitration
- responded to, 2733
- Asthma
- responded to, 1992
- Bedbug infestation
- responded to, 2951–2952
- Blood donation
- responded to, 1632
- Breast cancer
- responded to, 4191
- Cancer treatment
- Childhood obesity
- responded to, 2786
- Children's mental health services
- responded to, 2267
- Committee witnesses
- Community care access centres
- responded to, 3448
- Diabetes
- responded to, 219
- Doctor shortage
- Doctors' services
- responded to, 2950
- Drug shortage
- responded to, 1045–1046
- Electronic health information
- responded to, 3673–3674
- Emergency services
- Executive compensation
- responded to, 691–692
- Family health teams
- Family Service Ontario
- responded to, 2220–2221
- Firefighters
- responded to, 958
- Government record
- responded to, 3036–3037
- Health care
- Health care funding
- Health promotion
- responded to, 264–265
- Home and community care
- responded to, 3405
- Home care
- Hospital funding
- Hospitals
- responded to, 102
- Local health integration networks
- Long-term care
- Mental health and addiction services
- responded to, 4039
- Mental health services
- responded to, 2173–2174
- Midwifery
- responded to, 2031
- Northern health travel grant
- responded to, 2948
- Nurse practitioners
- responded to, 796
- Nurses
- Obstetrical care
- responded to, 3721
- Ontario public service
- responded to, 2629
- Organ and tissue donation
- responded to, 1842–1843
- Organ donation
- responded to, 2064
- Patient transfers
- responded to, 2034
- Pest control
- responded to, 1939
- Pharmacists
- responded to, 4089
- Prescription drug abuse
- responded to, 840
- Prescription drugs
- responded to, 2269
- Privatization of public services
- responded to, 2877–2878
- Public health
- responded to, 306
- Salary disclosure
- responded to, 301–302
- Senior citizens
- responded to, 1002
- Seniors' health services
- responded to, 3411
- Tobacco control
- responded to, 2628
- Whistle-blower protection
- responded to, 791
- Ornge
- board of directors, 744, 793, 906, 1204, 1468, 1628, 1837, 2062–2063
- criminal investigation, 525, 527, 575, 617, 693, 835, 837, 839, 905, 956, 1044, 1109
- executive management, 788, 1108, 2736
- as federally regulated charity, 1364
- for-profit entities, 1936
- freedom of information (FOI) requests, 659, 743, 789–790, 956, 1000
- funding amendment, 3039, 3041
- investigation by select committee, 789, 794, 796, 835
- investigation by Standing Committee on Public Accounts, 1331, 1466, 1836–1837, 2424, 3129, 3182, 3253
- committee witnesses, 2736
- London flight base
- spot investigation, 2674–2675
- operational decisions, 693, 2426
- staffing, 2220, 2836, 2945, 2947–2948
- whistle-blower protection, 2780
- Paramedics
- certification requirements, 2629
- Personal support workers, 2435–2436
- registry, 3000–3001
- Pharmacists, 4089
- Physician recruitment
- Prescription drugs
- Primary health care
- Public education campaigns
- Public health care, 306
- funding in Toronto, 2952
- Public health care programs
- Public sector employees
- salaries over $100,000
- disclosure, 301
- salaries over $100,000
- Putting Students First Act, 2012 (Bill 115)
- second reading, 3225–3226
- Renewable energy projects
- health benefits, 1992
- Reports
- Senior citizens
- health care, 3411
- Students/graduates
- Ontario compared to other jurisdictions, 3225–3226
- Water quality, 306
- Water supply
- contamination in Walkerton, 306
- Mauro, B. (LIB, Thunder Bay–Atikokan)
- Aboriginal youth, 4043
- Right to Play program, 4042
- Ambulance Amendment Act (Air Ambulances), 2012 (Bill 50)
- second reading, 1969–1970
- Appreciation
- Attracting Investment and Creating Jobs Act, 2012 (Bill 11)
- third reading, 2909
- Budget
- balanced budget
- by 2017-2018, 2195
- balanced budget
- Budget deficit, 399
- Committee witnesses, 1970
- Corporate subsidies, 2196
- Corporate tax credits
- job creation tax credit, 2195–2196
- Currency exchange rates
- Canadian dollar, 127
- Economic decline
- northern Ontario, impact on, 126
- Education funding, 1746
- Electricity rebates
- Emergency Management Ontario (EMO)
- Kashechewan and Fort Albany
- evacuation, 1305–1306
- Kashechewan and Fort Albany
- Energy infrastructure
- transmission lines, 3580
- Energy rates, 3580
- Forest industry
- Government debt, 129
- Government record
- Government service transfer
- Green Energy Act, S.O. 2009, c. 12, Sched. A, 233
- Harmonized sales tax (HST), 193
- removal of provincial portion from home heating, 139
- Health care funding, 128, 2343
- northern Ontario, 1746
- Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit Act, 2012 (Bill 2)
- Highway construction
- Highway 11/17 expansion, 1744–1745
- Home renovation tax credit, 193, 3557
- Hospital funding
- Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, 1845
- Hospital services
- Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, 128
- Infrastructure
- government funding, 2195
- Job creation, 2196
- Jobs and Prosperity Council, 2195
- Legislative procedure
- use of dilatory tactics, 1743
- Long-term care
- senior citizens, 339
- Members' privileges, 3881–3885
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Mineral exploration
- Mineral resources
- processing within northern Ontario, 1745
- Mining industry
- northern Ontario, 1228
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- air ambulance service, oversight of, 1969–1970
- Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
- Second Career Ontario program, 2196
- Natural disasters
- Northern Ontario
- education, 2224
- Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC), 1744, 2195, 2909
- Northern Ontario, land development
- consultation with Aboriginal communities, 1228–1229
- Ontario budget speech (27 March 2012)
- Ontario Building Code reform
- wood frame mid-rise buildings, construction up to six storeys
- safety standards, 1720
- wood frame mid-rise buildings, construction up to six storeys
- Ontario Electricity System Operator Act, 2012 (Bill 75)
- Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
- Ontario's Wood First Act, 2012 (Bill 61)
- first reading, 1507
- Opposition day motions
- Job creation
- responded to, 2195–2196
- Job creation
- Oral questions
- Ornge
- investigation by Standing Committee on Public Accounts, 1970
- Petitions
- Canadian Blood Services, 2962
- Physician recruitment
- northern Ontario, 1746
- Private members' public business
- Public education campaigns
- Public transportation
- government funding, 143
- Rural Ontario
- local road boards (LRB), 2955–2956
- Senior citizens
- Small business
- grants for northern Ontario, 2909
- Speaker's rulings
- quoted
- Speaker Levac (Ontario), 3882
- quoted
- Strong Action for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2012 (Bill 55)
- Subsidies, 2196
- Teachers, 1781
- Throne speech debate
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- contracts
- with Bombardier Inc. for new subway cars, 139
- contracts
- Transit systems
- GO Transit
- bi-level commuter train cars, purchase, 2599
- GO Transit
- Tributes
- Miller, Eleanor (first female mayor of the amalgamated City of Thunder Bay), 534
- Aboriginal youth, 4043
- McDonell, J. (PC, Stormont–Dundas–South Glengarry)
- Accepting Schools Act, 2012 (Bill 13)
- second reading, 1286–1287
- Ambulance Amendment Act (Air Ambulances), 2012 (Bill 50)
- Anti-Bullying Act, 2012 (Bill 14)
- general discussion, 1286–1287
- Appreciation
- Stormont–Dundas–South Glengarry, 1809
- Attracting Investment and Creating Jobs Act, 2012 (Bill 11)
- Budget, 2147, 2924
- pre-budget consultations
- delay in striking committees, impact on, 2527
- pre-budget consultations
- Business
- regulations, reduction in, 2925
- Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), 2719, 2723, 2725
- Cemeteries
- land owners' responsibilities, 1505
- Condominiums
- boards and owners
- dispute resolution, 1555
- boards and owners
- Consumer prices
- increase, 1450
- Consumer protection
- Eastern Ontario Development Fund (EODF), 2897, 2909–2910, 2921
- Economic conditions, 2897, 2924
- Energy industry
- surplus power, 2924
- Energy infrastructure
- transmission lines, 3989
- Energy rates
- Engineering associations
- advocacy vs. regulatory role, 2480–2481
- Gas-fired power plants, cancellation in Oakville and Mississauga
- cost, 3988–3989
- Gasoline price regulation
- Government credit rating, 2147
- by Moody's, 3637
- Government debt, 2152, 3636–3637
- Government deficit, 2923
- Government record
- Liberal (2003–2012)
- government spending, 2923
- Liberal (2003–2012)
- Government regulation
- presented, 3042–3043
- Government revenue
- from horse racing industry, 2518
- Government spending, 725, 2147, 2153, 2927, 3636–3637, 3642
- Harmonized sales tax (HST), 2923
- Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit Act, 2012 (Bill 2)
- Home renovation tax credit
- Horse racing industry, 3278–3279
- Housing, affordable
- Human rights
- G20 summit, 857
- Immigration, 2925
- Job losses, 3636
- Landlord and Tenant Board, 1615
- Legislative procedure
- use of dilatory tactics, 2527
- Legislative process, 1286–1287
- Members' privileges, 3987–3990
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 3537
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 2717–2718
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 856, 3790
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn, 2527
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- Ontario Electricity System Operator Act, 2012 (Bill 75)
- Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF), 2923–2924
- Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
- merger with Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), 4069–4070
- Opposition day motions
- Ornge
- Petitions
- Air ambulance service, 1415–1416, 1711–1712, 1815, 1899, 2046–2047, 2440–2441
- Animal protection, 3004
- Cornwall Community Hospital, 2606
- Disability insurance, 2513–2514
- Health care funding, 3331–3332, 3378, 3459
- Horse racing industry, 2277, 2324–2325, 2685–2686, 3005–3006
- Lyme disease, 1058
- Ontario College of Trades, 3145, 3377, 4207
- Seniors' health services, 1416, 1598–1599, 1853, 3628
- Skilled trades, 313, 483–484, 758, 1056, 1258
- Wind turbines, 801, 2128, 2326, 2442, 2748–2749, 2891, 3731–3732, 3789
- Police conduct, 855–856
- Police screening, 1907
- Private members' public business
- Condominium dispute resolution
- responded to, 1555
- Inherited Heart Rhythm Disorders Awareness Act, 2012 (Bill 81)
- second reading, 2497
- Legislative Oversight of Regulations Act, 2012 (Bill 62)
- second reading, 2490
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. (OLG)
- responded to, 3277–3278
- Ontario Public Service
- Ontario Society of Professional Engineers Act, 2012 (Bill 15)
- second reading, 2480–2481
- Property Owners’ Protection Act, 2012 (Bill 72)
- second reading, 2297–2298
- Protection of Minors in Amateur Sports Act, 2012 (Bill 24)
- second reading, 1906–1907
- Water testing
- responded to, 3738
- Wireless Phone, Smart Phone and Data Service Transparency Act, 2011 (Bill 5)
- second reading, 286–287
- Condominium dispute resolution
- Property tax, 2923
- Public education campaigns
- Health
- Parkinson SuperWalk, 3623–3624
- Health
- Public sector employees
- Public Services for Ontarians: A Path to Sustainability and Excellence, 2012, 725
- Public Works Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.55
- Putting Students First Act, 2012 (Bill 115)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 3339–3340
- time allocation motion
- Regulations
- reduction, 2897
- Renewable energy projects, 2923
- Rent control
- exemptions
- for units constructed/first occupied after November 1991, 1615
- exemptions
- Rent increases
- cost of repairs passed onto tenants, 1615
- Rental housing
- shortage, 1445
- Reports
- Caught in the Act: Investigation into the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services' conduct in relation to Ontario Regulation 233/10 under the Public Works Protection Act, 2010 (André Marin, Ombudsman of Ontario), 855
- Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Rent Increase Guideline), 2012 (Bill 19)
- Security for Courts, Electricity Generating Facilities and Nuclear Facilities Act, 2012 (Bill 34)
- Security measures
- human rights and, 854
- Senior citizens
- accessibility and mobility in the home, 315–316
- Small business
- Southwestern Ontario Development Fund, 2897
- Speaker
- election (21 November 2011), 375
- Strong Action for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2012 (Bill 55)
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 134–135
- Tuition fees, 2927
- Unemployment rate, 2921
- Water quality tests
- user fees waived for non-profit organizations, 3738
- Wildlife protection, 2351
- Wireless phones, smart phones and data services, 2720
- Wireless Services Agreements Act, 2012 (Bill 82)
- Accepting Schools Act, 2012 (Bill 13)
- McGuinty, Hon. D. (LIB, Ottawa South)
- An Act to perpetuate an ancient parliamentary right (Bill 1)
- first reading, 7
- Air ambulance services
- Ambulance Amendment Act (Air Ambulances), 2012 (Bill 50)
- Animal protection
- marine mammals, 3255
- Anti-Bullying Act, 2012 (Bill 14)
- general discussion, 218
- Anti-bullying initiatives, 217
- Appreciation
- Bradley, Hon. James J. (St. Catharines), 2829–2830
- Apprenticeship training programs, 158–159, 209, 4181
- Arbitration
- reform, 3664–3666
- Automobile industry
- Automobile insurance
- anti-fraud task force, 418
- Automobile insurance rates/premiums
- increase, 417
- Budget, 1462, 1579–1581, 1623–1624, 1626, 1800, 2501–2502
- Budget deficit, 615, 1242
- Building permits, 2308
- Business
- technology-based, 3365
- Capital tax
- elimination, 1104
- Collective bargaining, 2623–2624
- Collective bargaining process, 1397–1399
- public sector wages, 2670
- Community care access centres (CCACs)
- closure, proposed, 3443–3445
- Construction industry
- Consumer prices, 418
- Consumer protection
- gasoline prices, 2372
- Corporate subsidies
- Corporate tax credits
- Corporate tax reduction, 20, 574, 689–690, 742–743, 1104, 1461
- Cycling strategy, 2268
- Doctor shortage
- Kitchener-Waterloo, 3079
- Economic conditions, 1105, 2309, 3364
- Education funding, 1463, 1497, 2507, 3076–3078
- Elections/by-elections, 3408
- campaign strategies, 3319–3320
- Electricity exports, 416
- Electricity rebates
- Ontario clean energy benefit (OCEB), 261
- Employment, 3364
- Energy agencies
- Energy industry
- Energy rates
- northern Ontario, 2310
- Family caregiver leave, 3249
- Feed-in tariff (FIT) program, 952
- Financial services industry
- job creation, 469
- Gas-fired power plants, cancellation in Oakville and Mississauga, 19–20, 4036–4037
- General Motors of Canada Ltd.
- Government credit rating, 1930–1931, 1987
- Government debt, 1040
- Government record
- Government revenue, 1581
- Government service transfer
- from municipal to provincial jurisdiction, 260
- Government services
- deregulation, 3065
- Government spending, 613–614, 1040, 1580–1581, 3401
- Government-business relations, 1800
- Gross domestic product (GDP), 3364
- Harmonized sales tax (HST), 1104, 2309
- Health care, 1245
- Health care funding, 1358, 1360, 1497, 3364
- Highway safety
- signage, 2270
- Home care funding, 1360, 1464, 2111
- Home renovation tax credit, 20, 259–261, 299–300, 3249
- Horse racing industry, 1104–1105, 1243
- job losses, 614
- Hospital administrators
- Hydro electric power
- transmission line maintenance, 1989–1990
- Income tax
- tax bracket for incomes over $500,000, 2502
- Infrastructure
- International trade
- exports, 2308
- Job creation, 160–161, 300, 524, 1244, 1324, 1326, 1360, 1399–1400, 1582, 1799, 1932, 2027, 2308, 3668–3669
- Jobs and Prosperity Council, 1932, 2028–2029, 2309
- Kindergarten, full-day, 1244, 3180–3181
- Legislative procedure
- Legislative process, 468, 1622–1624, 1836, 2501–2502, 3258, 3362, 4183
- LGBTQ youth/students
- anti-bullying initiatives, 217
- Local health integration networks (LHINs)
- closure, proposed, 3443–3445
- Long-term care facilities
- fire safety, 2503–2504
- Manufacturing industry
- job creation, 2833
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- Members'/ministers' resignations
- Witmer, Elizabeth (Kitchener–Waterloo), 1928–1929
- Members'/ministers' travel, 3319
- Mineral exploration
- Mineral resources
- Mining industry
- job creation, 2262
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- Natural disasters
- floods
- Thunder Bay
- Ontario disaster relief assistance program (ODRAP), 2737
- Thunder Bay
- floods
- Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC), 1400
- Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM)
- government funding, 1400
- Ontario child benefit (OCB)
- Ontario College of Trades
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission (ONTC)
- Ontario Power Generation (OPG)
- Niagara Plant Group, 2421
- Ontario Public Service (OPS), 18–19
- Opposition parties
- Leader of the Opposition, 1836
- Oral questions
- Aboriginal land dispute
- responded to, 2730–2731
- Air ambulance
- responded to, 3323
- Air ambulance service
- Ambulance services
- responded to, 2311
- Animal protection
- responded to, 3255
- Anti-bullying initiatives
- responded to, 217–218
- Apprenticeship training
- Automobile insurance
- responded to, 2946
- Collective bargaining
- responded to, 2670–2671
- Economic development
- responded to, 211–212
- Education funding
- responded to, 2507
- Energy policies
- Executive compensation
- responded to, 959
- Fire safety
- responded to, 2503–2504
- Gasoline prices
- responded to, 2372
- Government appointments
- Government policies
- responded to, 1243–1245
- Government policy
- responded to, 3562
- Government record
- Government spending
- Government's agenda
- Health care
- responded to, 1360–1361
- Hydro rates
- Job creation
- Local health integration networks
- responded to, 3444–3445
- Manufacturing jobs
- Members' privileges
- responded to, 4036–4037
- Mining industry
- Municipal planning
- responded to, 259–260
- Northern Ontario
- responded to, 1400–1401
- Ontario budget
- Ontario economy
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission
- Ontario public service
- Ontario Public Service
- responded to, 3561
- Ontario's credit rating
- responded to, 1930–1932
- Power plant
- responded to, 19–20
- Power plants
- Privatization of public services
- responded to, 3064–3065
- Provincial debt
- Public services
- Public transit
- responded to, 900–901
- Renewable energy
- responded to, 2027–2028
- Road safety
- responded to, 2268
- School boards
- responded to, 3177–3180
- Severance payments
- responded to, 1251
- Social assistance
- responded to, 1365
- Taxation
- Teachers
- responded to, 1003
- Teachers' contracts
- Wage rates
- responded to, 2833–2834
- Aboriginal land dispute
- Ornge
- PC Party documents/plans, 3401
- Post-secondary education
- Provincial-municipal relations, 3316
- Public sector employees
- Public Services for Ontarians: A Path to Sustainability and Excellence, 2012, 521–522, 571–573, 614, 3401
- Renewable energy industry, 259–260
- Reports
- School board accountability, 3178–3179
- ServiceOntario
- privatization, 3064
- Social services
- government funding, 1497
- Southwestern Ontario Development Fund, 161
- Subsidies
- to automobile industry, 2668–2669
- Tax reduction, 2876
- Tax reforms
- Budget 2010, 261
- Teacher collective bargaining, 3076–3078, 3127, 3403
- Teacher salaries, 959, 1003
- Teachers, 1003
- Telecommunications industry, 2834
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- subway system
- expansion, 900–901
- subway system
- Tributes
- victims of VIA Train 92 crash in Burlington, 655–656
- Video game industry, 162
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- appointments
- Elizabeth Witmer, chair, 1991–1992
- appointments
- An Act to perpetuate an ancient parliamentary right (Bill 1)
- McKenna, J. (PC, Burlington)
- Accepting Schools Act, 2012 (Bill 13)
- Air ambulance services
- performance agreement, 3768–3769
- Ambulance Amendment Act (Air Ambulances), 2012 (Bill 50)
- second reading, 3768–3769
- Anti-Bullying Act, 2012 (Bill 14)
- general discussion, 2701–2703
- Anti-bullying initiatives, 1352–1353, 2701–2703
- Appreciation
- Automobile safety
- aftermarket brake pads standards and specifications, 1567
- Budget, 1757
- Budget deficit, 989–990
- Bullying, 1353
- punitive measures, 1826
- Children
- crown wards
- age of support, 2322
- crown wards
- Children's mental health care
- Children's mental health treatment centres
- closure of Thistletown Regional Centre for Children and Adolescents, 1208–1209
- Condominiums
- boards and owners
- dispute resolution, 1558
- boards and owners
- Diseases/disorders/conditions
- inherited heart rhythm disorder (IHRD), 2491–2492
- Elections/by-elections
- campaign strategies, 3475
- Energy industry
- surplus power, 4061–4062
- Energy rates
- Family caregiver leave
- Family Caregiver Leave Act (Employment Standards Amendment), 2012 (Bill 30)
- Firearms control
- police conduct, 669–670
- Government spending, 3475
- Harmonized sales tax (HST)
- Hazardous products
- asbestos, 1567
- Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit Act, 2012 (Bill 2)
- Home renovation tax credit
- affordability, 3555–3556
- Hospital expansion
- Housing, affordable, 1646–1647
- shortage, 1530
- Human rights
- Inherited Heart Rhythm Disorders Awareness Act, 2012 (Bill 81)
- first reading, 2041
- Interim supply motions
- responded to, 969–970
- Job creation, 3556
- Legislative procedure
- Liberal Party campaigns/conventions
- Long-term care
- senior citizens, 334
- Medical transplants
- Members' privileges, 3936–3938
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' appreciation
- Alexander, Lincoln M. (former Lieutenant Governor of Ontario), 1633
- Members'/ministers' constituents, 1810
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 969–972
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 1825–1826
- Members'/ministers' privileges, 1810–1811
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Ministerial statements
- Children's Mental Health Week
- responded to, 2124–2125
- Education Week
- responded to, 2274–2275
- International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
- responded to, 1167
- Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
- responded to, 627–628
- World Autism Awareness Day
- responded to, 1412
- Youth services
- responded to, 2322
- Children's Mental Health Week
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- air ambulance service, oversight of, 3768–3769
- Obesity, 636
- Ombudsman of Ontario
- children's aid societies, oversight of, 4172
- Ontario Electricity System Operator Act, 2012 (Bill 75)
- second reading, 4060–4063
- Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
- Oral questions
- Ornge
- Petitions
- Private members' public business
- Childhood obesity
- responded to, 636
- Children and Youth in Care Day Act, 2012 (Bill 90)
- second reading, 3648
- Children’s Law Reform Amendment Act (Relationship with Grandparents), 2012 (Bill 67)
- second reading, 2657–2658
- Condominium dispute resolution
- responded to, 1558
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Brake Pad Standards), 2012 (Bill 51)
- second reading, 1567
- Inherited Heart Rhythm Disorders Awareness Act, 2012 (Bill 81)
- Ombudsman Amendment Act (Children's Aid Societies), 2012 (Bill 110)
- second reading, 4172
- Organ and tissue donation
- responded to, 1394–1395
- Toby’s Act (Right to be Free from Discrimination and Harassment Because of Gender Identity or Gender Expression), 2012 (Bill 33)
- Childhood obesity
- Public education campaigns
- Public sector employees
- Public Works Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.55
- Putting Students First Act, 2012 (Bill 115)
- Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee medal, 627
- Regulations
- reduction, 3707
- Reports
- Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Rent Increase Guideline), 2012 (Bill 19)
- Security for Courts, Electricity Generating Facilities and Nuclear Facilities Act, 2012 (Bill 34)
- Senior citizens, 3558
- poverty, 3556
- ServiceOntario
- security violation at kiosk locations, 2841–2842
- Speaker's rulings
- Special education
- needs assessment caps, 2275
- Standing Orders
- S.O. 21(c) Privilege - Notice to Speaker, 1810
- Strong Action for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2012 (Bill 55)
- Tax reduction
- capital investment and, 2454
- Teacher collective bargaining, 3474
- Teacher salaries
- wage freeze, legislated, 3474
- Tributes
- Wine industry
- icewine production standards, 2952
- Wireless phones, smart phones and data services
- Wireless Services Agreements Act, 2012 (Bill 82)
- second reading, 3707
- McMeekin, Hon. T. (LIB, Ancaster–Dundas–Flamborough–Westdale)
- Agriculture funding, 4091
- Agriculture industry, 2601
- Agriculture programs
- Agri-food industry
- responded to, 3042
- Animal protection
- farm animals, 1380
- Farm products
- Farming
- fruit farming
- damaged crops, 2315–2316
- fruit farming
- Farming programs
- risk management, 1405–1406
- Federal-provincial agreements/programs
- agriculture funding, 3183
- Gas-fired power plants, cancellation in Oakville and Mississauga, 3971–3972
- Government record
- PC (1995–2003)
- municipal government restructuring, 3972
- PC (1995–2003)
- Green Energy Act, S.O. 2009, c. 12, Sched. A, 3014
- Horse racing industry, 3082
- International trade agreements
- Trans-Pacific partnership (TPP), 660
- Job creation by private sector
- government funding, 664–665
- Members' privileges, 3971–3973
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 1408
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 3014, 3972–3973
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- contempt of Parliament
- Bentley, Chris (London West), 3971
- contempt of Parliament
- Ministerial statements
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
- Occupational health and safety
- agriculture industry, 960
- Ontario Electricity System Operator Act, 2012 (Bill 75)
- second reading, 3014–3015
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. (OLG)
- closure of slot machines at racetracks, 3082
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA), 1380
- accountability and oversight, 1380–1381
- Oral questions
- Agriculture and agri-food industry
- responded to, 1703–1704
- Agriculture and agri–food industry
- responded to, 1703–1704
- Agri-food industry
- Assistance to farmers
- Assistance to flood victims
- responded to, 370
- Farm safety
- responded to, 960
- Fruit growers
- responded to, 2315–2316
- Greenbelt
- responded to, 2464
- Horse racing industry
- Icewine industry
- responded to, 2952
- Manufacturing jobs
- responded to, 664–665
- Ministry grants
- responded to, 2468–2469
- Supply management
- responded to, 660
- Water supply
- responded to, 3182–3183
- Agriculture and agri-food industry
- Private members' public business
- Promoting Local Food Act, 2012 (Bill 130)
- Provincial-municipal relations
- re rural Ontario, 3439–3440
- Public education campaigns
- Agriculture
- Agriculture Week in Ontario, 4091
- Agriculture
- Rural Ontario, 370
- McNaughton, M. (PC, Lambton–Kent–Middlesex)
- Appreciation
- Apprenticeship training programs, 517
- Attracting Investment and Creating Jobs Act, 2012 (Bill 11)
- Budget, 1660, 2193, 2253, 2761, 2763
- Budget deficit, 146, 148
- Construction industry
- Consumer prices
- Corporate subsidies, 511–519, 1660, 2192–2193, 2256–2258, 2895–2896
- Corporate tax credits
- job creation tax credit, 2192–2193
- Corporate tax rates
- Corporate tax reduction
- Driver examinations
- truck drivers over age 65, 1255
- Driver licences
- senior commercial driver's licence, 4096–4097
- Eastern Ontario Development Fund (EODF), 2256
- Economic conditions, 2258, 2894
- Economic decline, 2255
- international, 515
- Energy rates, 2193, 2255, 3653
- Ensuring Local Voices in New Casino Gambling Development Act, 2012 (Bill 76)
- first reading, 1892
- Family caregiver leave, 1481
- Family Caregiver Leave Act (Employment Standards Amendment), 2012 (Bill 30)
- second reading, 1481–1482
- Feed-in tariff (FIT) program, 516
- Gas-fired power plants, cancellation in Oakville and Mississauga
- General Motors of Canada Ltd.
- job losses, 2894
- Government credit rating, 2193, 2253–2255, 2258
- Government debt, 513, 515, 518, 521, 2762, 3653–3654
- Government deficit, 516
- Government record
- Government spending, 517–518, 555, 2253–2256, 2259, 2894–2897
- Government-business relations, 2259
- Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit Act, 2012 (Bill 2)
- Home renovation tax credit, 2760, 2764
- affordability, 2761–2762
- Housing, affordable
- electricity rate increase contributing to rent increase, 1924
- Job creation, 2192, 2761
- Job creation by private sector
- government funding, 172
- Job losses, 172–173, 521, 1660, 2894
- Caterpillar Inc., 512
- Landlord and tenant
- Legislative procedure
- use of dilatory tactics, 1794
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 145–146
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 4149
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Ministerial statements
- Municipal government, 2090
- Municipal Property Assessment Corp. (MPAC)
- expenditures, 3654
- Ontario Electricity System Operator Act, 2012 (Bill 75)
- second reading, 3653–3655
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. (OLG)
- Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
- merger with Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), 3653–3655
- Ontario Public Service (OPS)
- job creation, 3451
- Opposition day motions
- Oral questions
- Agency spending
- presented, 3560–3561
- Air ambulance service
- Casinos
- presented, 2314–2315
- Energy policies
- presented, 2374–2375
- Government spending
- presented, 1659–1660
- Horse racing industry
- Members' privileges
- presented, 3618
- Ontario Public Service
- presented, 3451
- Power plants
- Red tape reduction
- presented, 57–58
- Agency spending
- Ornge
- investigation by select committee, 1481–1482
- Petitions
- Private members' public business
- Provincial-municipal relations
- re wind turbines, 2090
- Public education campaigns
- Professional associations/occupations
- Small Business Month in Ontario, 4149–4150
- Professional associations/occupations
- Public sector employees
- Public Services for Ontarians: A Path to Sustainability and Excellence, 2012, 518, 2255–2256
- implementation, 513
- Public vs. private sector, 2529
- Regulations, 2259
- reduction, 2896
- Regulatory requirements, 57–58
- Rent increases
- capped at 2.5 per cent annually, 2206
- Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Rent Increase Guideline), 2012 (Bill 19)
- Safety inspection, 2257
- Small business
- regulatory requirements, 57–58
- Southwestern Ontario Development Fund, 511–519, 2256
- accountability and oversight, 520
- Strong Action for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2012 (Bill 55)
- Subsidies, 511–519, 1660, 2192–2193, 2256–2258, 2895–2896
- Throne speech debate
- Unemployment, 2192–2193, 2374, 2762
- Wind turbines, 2432
- McNeely, P. (LIB, Ottawa–Orléans)
- Air ambulance services
- Air quality management, 3987
- Ambulance Amendment Act (Air Ambulances), 2012 (Bill 50)
- Appreciation
- Attracting Investment and Creating Jobs Act, 2012 (Bill 11)
- Budget
- Children's aid societies (CASs)
- accountability, 4171–4172
- Climate change, 140–141, 1544–1545, 2824
- Coal-fired generating stations
- closure, 2826
- Corporate tax reduction, 2326
- Currency exchange rates
- Eastern Ontario Development Fund (EODF), 361, 714–715, 718, 2921
- job creation, 2904
- Economic conditions, 2921
- Electrical utility privatization
- Energy rates, 2822
- reduction, 1666
- Environmental assessment
- risk-based, 1048–1049
- Environmental hazards
- greenhouse gas emissions, 1586
- Environmental protection
- Green Provincial Report Card, 2012, 2950–2951
- Excellent Care for All Act, S.O. 2010, c. 14, 1960, 1966
- Feed-in tariff (FIT) program
- French-language debates
- Déclarations des députés
- Pétitions
- Questions orales
- Gas-fired power plants, cancellation in Oakville and Mississauga, 3984–3985
- cost, 3134
- Government record
- Graduation rates
- increase, 2333
- Harmonized sales tax (HST)
- impact on job creation, 2333
- Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit Act, 2012 (Bill 2)
- Home care funding, 2333
- Home renovation tax credit, 140, 3397–3398
- Horse racing industry
- job losses, 2786–2787
- Human rights
- G20 summit, 853
- Hydro One Inc., 2427, 2824
- Hydro Ottawa Ltd., 2823–2824
- Job creation, 716, 2333
- Job creation by private sector
- Job losses, 184, 189, 715–716
- Kindergarten, full-day, 1778, 2332
- Labour relations, 2087–2088
- Manufacturing industry, 2826
- Medical transplants
- organ donor registration, 3431
- Members' privileges, 3984–3987
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 2009
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 1777–1778
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- contempt of Parliament
- Bentley, Chris (London West), 3984–3987
- contempt of Parliament
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Ministry of Consumer Services
- delegated administrative authorities (DAAs), 1844
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- Municipal Property Assessment Corp. (MPAC)
- expenditures, 3560–3561
- Oil sands, 2824
- Ombudsman of Ontario
- children's aid societies, oversight of, 4171–4172
- Ontario budget speech (27 March 2012)
- responded to, 1777–1779
- Ontario Building Code reform
- energy efficiency requirements, 1997
- Ontario child benefit (OCB)
- Ontario Electricity System Operator Act, 2012 (Bill 75)
- Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB), 2087
- Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
- Ontario Power Generation (OPG)
- Opposition day motions
- Air ambulance service
- responded to, 1131–1132
- Air ambulance service
- Oral questions
- Ornge
- Pesticides
- Petitions
- Climate change, 538, 589–590, 672, 2803
- Eastern Ontario development, 482, 1476, 2081
- Education funding, 671, 703, 756, 849, 917–918, 968, 1122, 1372–1373, 1415, 1512, 1553, 1710, 1771, 1852–1853, 2007
- Job relocation, 384–385, 431
- Transportation infrastructure, 3097–3098, 3143, 3376, 3415, 3458–3459, 3528, 3575, 3626, 3679, 4103–4104
- Private members' public business
- Labour Relations Amendment Act (Fairness For Employees), 2012 (Bill 77)
- second reading, 2087–2088
- Ombudsman Amendment Act (Children's Aid Societies), 2012 (Bill 110)
- second reading, 4171–4172
- Organ or Tissue Donation Statute Law Amendment Act, 2012 (Bill 58)
- second reading, 3431
- Pesticides Amendment Act (Licence for Cosmetic Purposes), 2012 (Bill 88)
- second reading, 2649–2650
- Provincial debt
- responded to, 1730–1731
- Labour Relations Amendment Act (Fairness For Employees), 2012 (Bill 77)
- Public education campaigns
- Agriculture
- Egg Farmers of Ontario, 14th annual breakfast at Queen's Park, 2180
- Agriculture
- Public Services for Ontarians: A Path to Sustainability and Excellence, 2012, 546
- Putting Students First Act, 2012 (Bill 115)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 3340–3341
- time allocation motion
- Reports
- Report of the Review of the Public Works Protection Act, 2011 (Hon. R. Roy McMurtry), 851
- Security for Courts, Electricity Generating Facilities and Nuclear Facilities Act, 2012 (Bill 34)
- second reading, 851–855
- Security measures
- Small business
- taxes, 2326–2327
- Smart meters, 3581
- Social assistance
- government funding, 2349
- Southwestern Ontario Development Fund, 361, 715–716, 718, 2921
- Statements by stakeholders
- Strong Action for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2012 (Bill 55)
- Teachers
- right to strike, 3341
- Throne speech debate
- Union certification, 2087
- Workers' rights, 2087–2088
- Meilleur, Hon. M. (LIB, Ottawa–Vanier)
- Accepting Schools Act, 2012 (Bill 13)
- second reading, 1285–1286
- Ambulance Amendment Act (Air Ambulances), 2012 (Bill 50)
- Animal protection, 2184, 3255
- marine mammals, 3255
- Anti-bullying initiatives, 1286
- Appreciation
- Police Association of Ontario, 2434–2435
- Bullying, 1285
- Children's mental health care
- suicide, 1286
- Community safety, 3083
- Coroner inquests
- death of woman at Rainbow Suites fire in Timmins, 581
- Correctional centre workers
- Correctional centres, 961
- Criminal Code of Canada
- conditional sentencing
- reform under Safe Streets and Communities Act, 2012 (Bill C-10), 795
- conditional sentencing
- Emergency Management Ontario (EMO)
- Kashechewan and Fort Albany
- relief, 1333
- Kashechewan and Fort Albany
- Emergency preparedness, 2184–2185
- Firearms control, 1804
- Toronto anti-violence intervention strategy (TAVIS), 1804
- French-language debates
- French-language services
- request for designation by Durham-Peterborough, 1504
- Gas-fired power plants, cancellation in Oakville and Mississauga, 3961–3962
- Legislative procedure
- use of dilatory tactics, 2312
- Legislative process, 688
- Long-term care facilities
- Members' privileges, 3960–3962
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn, 3720
- Ministerial statements
- Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
- Safer and Vital Communities Grant program, 1805
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- air ambulance service, oversight of, 3489
- Natural disasters
- floods
- northern Ontario, 2592
- floods
- Occupational health and safety
- firefighters, 958
- Ontario Association of Police Service Boards, 1053–1054
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA), 3406
- Oral questions
- Animal protection
- responded to, 3255
- Assistance to flood victims
- responded to, 2592
- Community safety
- Correctional facilities
- Correctional facility employees
- Correctional services
- responded to, 3674
- Emergency evacuation
- responded to, 1333
- Fire safety
- Firefighters
- responded to, 958
- Forest fires
- responded to, 2555
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- responded to, 3406
- Public safety
- Victims of crime
- responded to, 2468
- Youth services
- responded to, 3083
- Animal protection
- Ornge
- Police services
- cost, 1503
- Public education campaigns
- Public sector employees
- salaries over $100,000
- disclosure, 3406
- salaries over $100,000
- Public Works Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.55
- Putting Students First Act, 2012 (Bill 115)
- second reading, 3301
- Reports
- Caught in the Act: Investigation into the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services' conduct in relation to Ontario Regulation 233/10 under the Public Works Protection Act, 2010 (André Marin, Ombudsman of Ontario), 683
- Report of the Review of the Public Works Protection Act, 2011 (Hon. R. Roy McMurtry), 683
- Security for Courts, Electricity Generating Facilities and Nuclear Facilities Act, 2012 (Bill 34)
- Security measures
- Teachers
- Victims of crime
- services, 2673
- Wireless Services Agreements Act, 2012 (Bill 82)
- Accepting Schools Act, 2012 (Bill 13)
- Miller, N. (PC, Parry Sound–Muskoka)
- Air ambulance services
- performance agreement, 1363
- Annual reports
- Appreciation
- Parry Sound–Muskoka, 2791
- Apprenticeship training programs
- reform, 320
- Attracting Investment and Creating Jobs Act, 2012 (Bill 11)
- third reading, 2917
- Budget process, 2518
- Committee witnesses
- Committees
- Legislative committees
- to review policies that impact northern Ontario, 815
- Legislative committees
- Consumer protection
- condominium owners, 2300
- Economic conditions
- Parry Sound, 815
- Endangered Species Act, S.O. 2007, c. 6
- amendments, 2284–2285
- Energy rates
- Far North Repeal Act, 2012 (Bill 44)
- first reading, 965
- Forest industry, 2284–2285
- Government deficit, 2342
- Government record
- Liberal (2003–2012)
- energy rates, 2938
- Liberal (2003–2012)
- Harmonized sales tax (HST)
- Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit Act, 2012 (Bill 2)
- Highway safety, 108
- Home renovation tax credit
- Interest rates
- increase, 2519
- Job losses
- Global Sticks, Inc., 214–15
- Landlord and tenant
- landlord's rights
- eviction rights, 1433
- landlord's rights
- Legislative procedure
- Medical procedures
- cataract surgery
- decrease in provincial allocation, 3413–3414
- cataract surgery
- Medical transplants
- organ and tissue donation, 1761
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' conduct, 1766–1767
- Members'/ministers' privileges, 1766–1767
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Liberal (2003–2007)
- as Minister of Natural Resources
- Ramsey, David (Timiskaming–Cochrane), 2284
- as Minister of Natural Resources
- Liberal (2003–2007)
- Mineral exploration
- Mineral resources
- Mining industry, 1004–1005
- Ministerial statements
- Mining industry
- responded to, 3524–3525
- Mining industry
- Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC), 2917
- Northern Ontario, land development
- Ontario Electricity System Operator Act, 2012 (Bill 75)
- Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
- Oral questions
- Petitions
- Private members' public business
- Endangered Species Amendment Act, 2012 (Bill 73)
- second reading, 2284–2285
- Far North Repeal Act, 2012 (Bill 44)
- Northern Ontario
- responded to, 815
- Organ or Tissue Donation Statute Law Amendment Act, 2012 (Bill 58)
- second reading, 3431
- Performance Pay and Bonuses in the Public Sector Act (Management and Excluded Employees), 2012 (Bill 118)
- second reading, 3423–3424
- Property Owners’ Protection Act, 2012 (Bill 72)
- second reading, 2300
- Endangered Species Amendment Act, 2012 (Bill 73)
- Public education campaigns
- Health
- National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week, 1761
- Health
- Public sector employees
- wage freeze, 320
- Public Services for Ontarians: A Path to Sustainability and Excellence, 2012, 2519
- Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Amendment Act, 2011 (Bill 9)
- first reading, 108
- Public Works Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.55
- Renewable energy industry, 330
- Renewable energy projects
- Rent increases
- capped at 2.5 per cent annually, 1433
- Reports
- Report of the Review of the Public Works Protection Act, 2011 (Hon. R. Roy McMurtry), 868
- Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Rent Increase Guideline), 2012 (Bill 19)
- second reading, 1433
- Security for Courts, Electricity Generating Facilities and Nuclear Facilities Act, 2012 (Bill 34)
- Security measures
- police powers, 869
- Small business
- regulatory requirements, 3424
- Speaker's rulings
- quoted
- Speaker Boudreau (New Brunswick), 1766
- quoted
- Statements by stakeholders
- Land development in northern Ontario, 1224–1225
- Strong Action for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2012 (Bill 55)
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 120–121
- Tributes
- First Special Service Force (World War II), 478
- Unemployment
- seasonal employment, 2917
- Wireless Services Agreements Act, 2012 (Bill 82)
- Air ambulance services
- Miller, P. (NDP, Hamilton East–Stoney Creek)
- Accepting Schools Act, 2012 (Bill 13)
- second reading, 1458
- Ambulance Amendment Act (Air Ambulances), 2012 (Bill 50)
- second reading, 3798–3799
- Appreciation
- Carr, Annaleise (long distance swimmer), 3140–3141
- Apprenticeship training programs
- journeyman-to-apprentice ratios, 2337
- Attracting Investment and Creating Jobs Act, 2012 (Bill 11)
- Automobile insurance rates/premiums
- Budget
- job creation, 2517
- Bullying, 1458
- Canadian history
- War of 1812
- bicentennial, 2960
- War of 1812
- Child care
- government funding, 2340–2341
- Corporate subsidies
- accountability and oversight, 713
- Correctional centre workers
- safety, 3325–3326
- Correctional centres
- overcrowding, 3326
- Drivers
- impaired drivers, 2869
- Economic inequality, 2138
- Excavation
- Excavation safety
- Excavation-related fatalities/injuries, 3029
- Fire Protection and Prevention Amendment Act (Retrofitting of Retirement Homes with Automatic Sprinklers), 2012 (Bill 54), 1587
- first reading, 1256
- Fire sprinklers
- Harmonized sales tax (HST)
- and Healthy Homes Renovation tax credit, 458
- Health care
- out-of-province services, 2885
- Health promotion
- Ontario Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance (OCDPA), 623
- Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit Act, 2012 (Bill 2)
- Highway construction
- QEW overpass renovation, 3408
- Hockey
- labour dispute, 3565
- Home renovation tax credit
- Horse racing industry, 2366, 3276
- Hospital redevelopment
- Housing, affordable, 1601–1602
- electricity rate increase contributing to rent increase, 1607
- Income tax
- tax bracket for incomes over $500,000, 2138
- Land conservation
- transfer of Eramosa karst feeder lands to Hamilton Conservation Authority, 168
- Landlord and tenant
- licensing of landlords, 1601
- Legislative pages
- appreciation, 4162
- Legislative procedure
- Long-term care facilities
- Manufacturing industry
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 4159–4160
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn, 3159
- Ministerial statements
- Ombudsman of Ontario
- expansion of mandate, 3067–3068
- Ontario Electricity System Operator Act, 2012 (Bill 75)
- second reading, 2164–2165
- Ontario Place Corp.
- Opposition day motions
- Oral questions
- Conservation
- presented, 168
- Correctional facility employees
- presented, 3325–3326
- Fire safety
- Health care funding
- presented, 2885
- Highway improvement
- presented, 3408–3409
- Hospital funding
- presented, 2036
- Labour dispute
- presented, 3565
- Ontario budget
- presented, 3067–3068
- Ontario Place
- presented, 1407
- Pan Am Games
- Privatization of public services
- Soldiers' remains
- presented, 424
- Conservation
- Pan American Games 2015
- Petitions
- Police conduct, 856–857, 862
- G20 summit, 1062
- Private members' public business
- Fire Protection and Prevention Amendment Act (Retrofitting of Retirement Homes with Automatic Sprinklers), 2012 (Bill 54)
- First Responders Day Act, 2012 (Bill 123)
- second reading, 4159–4160
- Insurance Amendment Act (Risk Classification Systems for Automobile Insurance), 2012 (Bill 45)
- second reading, 2869
- Jewish Heritage Month Act, 2012 (Bill 17)
- second reading, 649–650
- Major-General Sir Isaac Brock Day Act, 2012 (Bill 35)
- second reading, 1016–1017
- Municipal Amendment Act (Election of Chair of York Region), 2012 (Bill 60)
- second reading, 3269
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. (OLG)
- responded to, 3275–3277
- Ontario One Call Act, 2011 (Bill 8)
- Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012 (Bill 8)
- Performance Pay and Bonuses in the Public Sector Act (Management and Excluded Employees), 2012 (Bill 118)
- second reading, 3421–3423
- Public education campaigns
- Cultural/religious
- Jewish Heritage Month, 649
- Cultural/religious
- Public sector employees
- pay-for-performance programs, 3421–3423
- Public-private partnerships
- Infrastructure Ontario, 3408
- Putting Students First Act, 2012 (Bill 115)
- second reading, 3158–3159
- Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee medal, 3781
- Rent control
- Rent increases
- cost of repairs passed onto tenants, 1601
- Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Rent Increase Guideline), 2012 (Bill 19)
- Security for Courts, Electricity Generating Facilities and Nuclear Facilities Act, 2012 (Bill 34)
- Security measures
- ServiceOntario
- Southwestern Ontario Development Fund
- accountability and oversight, 713
- Sports
- Strong Action for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2012 (Bill 55)
- Subsidies
- accountability and oversight, 713
- Throne speech debate
- Tourism industry
- northern Ontario
- information centres, closure of, 2960
- northern Ontario
- Veterans
- burial of War of 1812 veteran in Stoney Creek, 424
- Wireless Services Agreements Act, 2012 (Bill 82)
- York, Regional Municipality of
- election of chair, 3269
- Youth/students
- unemployment, 2510
- Accepting Schools Act, 2012 (Bill 13)
- Milligan, R.E. (PC, Northumberland–Quinte West)
- Accepting Schools Act, 2012 (Bill 13)
- Air ambulance services
- patient deaths, 3488
- Alcoholic beverage industry
- inter-provincial importation, 3191
- Alternative schools
- curriculum, 2224–2225
- Ambulance Amendment Act (Air Ambulances), 2012 (Bill 50)
- second reading, 3487–3490
- Animal protection
- elephants, 2102
- Animals
- exotic animals in captivity
- elephants, 2102
- exotic animals in captivity
- Anti-bullying initiatives, 1485
- Bill 13 and Bill 14
- comparison of, 1655–1656
- Bill 13 and Bill 14
- Appreciation
- Northumberland–Quinte West, 3413
- Attracting Investment and Creating Jobs Act, 2012 (Bill 11)
- second reading, 568
- Committee witnesses
- protections, immunities and rights, 810–811
- Consumer prices
- increase, 2208
- Correctional centres
- closure, 1007
- Elections/by-elections
- campaign strategies, 3471
- Energy rates
- increase, 2207
- Family caregiver leave
- leave increments of one week, 1149
- Family Caregiver Leave Act (Employment Standards Amendment), 2012 (Bill 30)
- Gas-fired power plants, cancellation in Oakville and Mississauga
- cost, 3954
- Government debt, 3470
- Government deficit, 2207
- Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit Act, 2012 (Bill 2)
- Home renovation tax credit, 3505
- affordability, 3698
- Horse racing industry, 3454
- Hydro electric power, 452–453
- Inter-Provincial Importation of Wine and Beer Act, 2012 (Bill 117)
- first reading, 3190–3191
- Job creation, 2207
- Job losses, 2209
- Northumberland–Quinte West, 453
- Legislative procedure
- use of dilatory tactics, 3488
- Legislative process, 568, 1485
- London St. Patrick's Day riot, 1058
- Medical transplants
- Members' privileges, 3952–3954
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' conduct
- Matthews, Deb (London North Centre), 3488
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 451–454
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- Ontario Electricity System Operator Act, 2012 (Bill 75)
- second reading, 4066–4069
- Ontario Electricity System Operator (OESO)
- public consultation process, 4067
- Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
- salaries
- executive salaries, 4067
- salaries
- Oral questions
- Organ or Tissue Donation Statute Law Amendment Act, 2012 (Bill 58)
- first reading, 1370–1371
- Ornge
- Petitions
- Private members' public business
- Committee witnesses
- responded to, 810–811
- Elephant Protection Act, 2012 (Bill 69)
- second reading, 2102
- Major-General Sir Isaac Brock Day Act, 2012 (Bill 35)
- second reading, 1020–1021
- Organ and tissue donation
- responded to, 1391
- Organ or Tissue Donation Statute Law Amendment Act, 2012 (Bill 58)
- Performance Pay and Bonuses in the Public Sector Act (Management and Excluded Employees), 2012 (Bill 118)
- second reading, 3421
- Committee witnesses
- Public sector employees
- Public Works Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.55
- enacting regulation 233/10
- transparency, 1059
- enacting regulation 233/10
- Putting Students First Act, 2012 (Bill 115)
- Rent increases
- capped at 2.5 per cent annually, 2207
- Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Rent Increase Guideline), 2012 (Bill 19)
- second reading, 2207–2209
- School cafeterias
- healthy food options, 2464–2465
- Security for Courts, Electricity Generating Facilities and Nuclear Facilities Act, 2012 (Bill 34)
- second reading, 1058–1061
- Security measures
- in nuclear power plants
- northern Ontario, 1061
- in nuclear power plants
- Student evaluation, 3470
- Teachers
- hiring, 3471
- Unemployment, 3471
- Water resources management, 452
- Milloy, Hon. J. (LIB, Kitchener Centre)
- Accepting Schools Act, 2012 (Bill 13)
- Accessibility for disabled persons, 2508
- Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, S.O. 2005, c. 11, 307, 664–665, 1206, 2507–2508
- Aggregate resources management
- Aggregate Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.8
- public consultation, 2119
- Aggregate Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.8
- Air ambulance services
- Ambulance Amendment Act (Air Ambulances), 2012 (Bill 50)
- Anti-Bullying Act, 2012 (Bill 14)
- general discussion, 1274
- Anti-bullying initiatives
- Attracting Investment and Creating Jobs Act, 2012 (Bill 11)
- second reading, 355
- Budget, 1667
- statements by third parties, 1880–1881
- Children with disabilities
- autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
- group homes, 1405
- autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
- Committee witnesses, 1627
- Co-operative housing
- dispute resolution, 4130
- Domestic violence, 423
- G20 summit
- role of federal government, 1096–1097
- Gas-fired power plants, cancellation in Oakville and Mississauga, 3100–3101, 3781, 4041, 4087, 4090, 4134, 4142–4143, 4180
- Government record
- Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit Act, 2012 (Bill 2)
- second reading, 151
- Housing, affordable, 2627
- community homelessness prevention initiative, 4140
- Integrity Commissioner, 1838
- Interim supply motions
- presented, 969
- Kindergarten, full-day, 2449, 3167
- Legislative procedure
- Legislative process, 1273, 1515–1516, 1843, 1880–1881, 1883, 1887, 4038
- Liberal Party campaigns/conventions
- automated telephone calls, 1811
- Lobbyists, 1838, 1843
- Members' privileges, 3834–3838
- Members'/ministers' conduct
- Bentley, Chris (London West), 4190
- Members'/ministers' constituents, 1811
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 1332, 2665, 4179–4180
- Members'/ministers' privileges, 1253, 1768–1769, 1811
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Mental health care
- government funding, 2221
- Ministerial statements
- Ministry of Community and Social Services
- developmental services, 306
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- Non-Profit Housing Co-operatives Statute Law Amendment Act, 2012 (Bill 65)
- second reading, 4130
- Oral questions
- Accessibility for the disabled
- Aggregate extraction
- responded to, 2118–2119
- Air ambulance service
- responded to, 1107–1108, 1154, 1159, 1246–1248, 1251, 1328–1330, 1332–1333, 1361–1362, 1403–1404, 1465, 1498–1503, 1535, 1627, 1755–1756, 1802, 1804, 1837–1843, 1880–1887, 1935–1936, 1988–1989, 1993, 2030–2032, 2067–2068, 2173, 2221–2222, 2313, 2379, 2459–2462, 2503, 2505–2506, 2553, 2588–2589, 2591–2592, 2625–2626, 2783–2784, 2986–2988, 3320, 3369, 3566–3567
- Autism treatment
- responded to, 1405
- Committee sittings
- Energy policies
- responded to, 4087
- Family Service Ontario
- responded to, 2221
- Long-term care
- responded to, 306
- Members' privileges
- Poverty
- Power plants
- Services for the developmentally disabled
- responded to, 4188–4189
- Social assistance
- Violence against women
- responded to, 423
- Women's shelter
- responded to, 2882–2883
- Ornge
- board of directors, 1842
- conflict of interest, 1993, 2031, 2068, 2221–2222
- government response, 2783–2784
- executive management
- for-profit entities, 1884
- investigation by select committee, 1108
- investigation by Standing Committee on Public Accounts, 1154, 1159, 1247–1248, 1251, 1328–1329, 1361–1362, 1403–1404, 1465, 1535, 1802, 1804, 1838–1839, 1841, 1880–1883, 1887, 1935–1936, 2030, 2313, 2379, 2459–2462, 2503, 2505, 2553, 2588, 2625, 3320, 3366, 3369, 3566–3567
- investigation reports, request for, 2986–2987
- operational decisions, 2460–2461, 2503, 2588–2589, 2591, 2626
- Persons with disabilities
- Public education campaigns
- Putting Students First Act, 2012 (Bill 115)
- time allocation motion
- presented, 3332–3333
- time allocation motion
- Rent increases
- Reports
- Special Report on Ornge Air Ambulance and Related Services, 2012 (Auditor General of Ontario), 1883–1884
- Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Rent Increase Guideline), 2012 (Bill 19)
- Security for Courts, Electricity Generating Facilities and Nuclear Facilities Act, 2012 (Bill 34)
- Social assistance
- Social assistance benefits
- Social services
- Speaker's rulings
- Standing Orders
- Strong Action for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2012 (Bill 55)
- Supply Act, 2012 (Bill 46)
- second reading, 1171
- Time allocation motions
- Putting Students First Act, 2012 (Bill 115)
- presented, 3332–3333
- Putting Students First Act, 2012 (Bill 115)
- Tributes
- victims of VIA Train 92 crash in Burlington, 666
- Women's emergency shelters
- Nelson House, temporary closure of, 2882–2883
- Moridi, R. (LIB, Richmond Hill)
- Aerospace industry
- growth, 2116
- Air ambulance services
- Ambulance Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.19, 1972
- Ambulance Amendment Act (Air Ambulances), 2012 (Bill 50)
- Appreciation
- Richmond Hill, 1633–1634
- Apprenticeship training programs
- journeyman-to-apprentice ratios, 1465–1466
- Budget
- balanced budget
- by 2017-2018, 2341
- balanced budget
- Coal-fired generating stations
- closure, 2826
- Committee procedure
- right to request documents, 3940
- Electrical infrastructure
- government funding, 2054
- Energy agencies, 4113
- Energy conservation, 3593, 3660
- Energy industry, 2050
- review, 4065
- Energy policy, 4070–4071
- Energy rates, 4118–4119
- Engineering associations
- advocacy vs. regulatory role, 2480
- Excellent Care for All Act, S.O. 2010, c. 14, 1973
- Feed-in tariff (FIT) program, 2052–2053
- two-year review, 2052
- Gas-fired power plants, cancellation in Oakville and Mississauga, 3162–3163, 3166
- Gasoline price regulation
- in other provinces, 2393
- Gasoline prices
- federal government oversight by the Competition Bureau, 2392
- Government record
- Graduation rates
- secondary school, 1047
- Green Energy Act, S.O. 2009, c. 12, Sched. A, 294, 2051–2052
- Hospital funding, 3616
- Hydro electric power, 3577
- Immigration/settlement services
- federal government funding decrease, 308
- Members' privileges, 3938–3941
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' appreciation
- Bentley, Hon. Christopher (London West), 3938–3939
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- Municipal Amendment Act (Election of Chair of York Region), 2012 (Bill 60)
- first reading, 1473–1474
- Nuclear generating stations, 3939
- Darlington nuclear station
- refurbishment, 3593
- Darlington nuclear station
- Ontario Building Code
- glass balconies on high-rise buildings, 3187
- Ontario Electricity System Operator Act, 2012 (Bill 75)
- Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
- Ontario Power Generation (OPG)
- Ontario Works program, 3409
- Opposition day motions
- Oral questions
- Aerospace industry
- presented, 2116
- Apprenticeship training
- presented, 1465–1466
- Education
- presented, 1046–1047
- Hospital funding
- presented, 3616
- Immigrant services
- presented, 308
- Job creation
- presented, 1330
- Poverty reduction
- presented, 2839
- Public safety
- presented, 3187
- Social assistance
- presented, 3409
- Aerospace industry
- Ornge
- for-profit entities, 1972
- Petitions
- Private members' public business
- Affordable Energy and Restoration of Local Decision Making Act, 2012 (Bill 42)
- second reading, 1217–1218
- First Responders Day Act, 2012 (Bill 123)
- second reading, 4160
- Local Municipality Democracy Act, 2011 (Bill 10)
- second reading, 294
- Municipal Amendment Act (Election of Chair of York Region), 2012 (Bill 60)
- Ontario Society of Professional Engineers Act, 2012 (Bill 15)
- second reading, 2480
- Wind turbines
- responded to, 1023–1024
- York Region Transit Labour Disputes Resolution Act, 2011 (Bill 7)
- second reading, 80–81
- Affordable Energy and Restoration of Local Decision Making Act, 2012 (Bill 42)
- Provincial-aboriginal agreements
- Aerospace industry