Index des intervenants

Letter: P

  • Pang, B. (PC, Markham—Unionville)

    • Affordable Homes and Good Jobs Act, 2023 (Bill 134), HE777–HE778
    • Affordable housing
      • "affordable," definition of, HE505
      • definition of, HE166
    • Affordable housing - development of
    • Anti-racism
      • government strategy, HE680
    • Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
      • Council of the College of Opticians of Ontario, A57
      • Council of the College of Optometrists of Ontario, A96
      • Custody Review Board, A234
      • Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario, A117
      • Invest Ontario, A120
      • Landlord and Tenant Board, A89, A186, A191–A192, A217, A269
      • Licence Appeal Tribunal, A82, A165
      • Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology board of governors, A169
      • Ontario Civilian Police Commission, A28
      • Ontario Financing Authority, A201
      • Ontario Honours Advisory Council, A245
      • Ontario Labour Relations Board, A141
      • Ontario Land Tribunal, A24, A101
      • Province of Ontario Council for the Arts, A78
      • Provincial Schools Authority, A222
      • Public Service Grievance Board, A106
      • Social Benefits Tribunal, A110
      • Species at Risk Conservation Trust, A206
      • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, A44
    • Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39), HE317, HE327, HE356–HE357, HE365
    • Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98), SP399–SP400, SP409
    • Building design and standards
    • Conservation authorities
      • role in development process
        • authority and jurisdiction, HE234
    • Croatian Heritage Day Act, 2023 (Bill 81), HE602
    • Education - student outcomes
      • performance metrics
    • Fairness for Road Users Act (Contraventions Causing Death or Serious Bodily Harm), 2022 (Bill 15), HE640–HE641
    • Film and television industry
      • government strategy, HE661
    • Greenbelt - development on
    • Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 (Bill 97), HE463
    • Housing development
      • community engagement, HE78
    • Housing development - approvals and permits
    • Housing development - by region
    • Housing development - densification
      • community response
    • Housing development - municipal charges
      • development charges
        • exemptions and discounts
          • impact on municipalities, HE984
      • development charges, exemptions and discounts
        • as development incentive, HE365
    • Housing supply
      • government strategy, HE356
    • Independent health facilities
      • surgical backlog remediation
        • in other provinces, SP253
    • More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23), HE78, HE143, HE162, HE166, HE180–HE181, HE234
    • Municipal governments
      • municipal structures, two-tier
    • Municipal restructuring - Niagara Region
    • Public education campaigns - cultural
      • Creation Heritage Day, HE602
    • Reducing Inefficiences Act (Infrastructure Statute Law Amendments), 2023 (Bill 69), HE405
    • Rental housing
      • purpose-built, redevelopment of
    • Rental housing - tenant protections
      • replacement bylaws, HE495
    • School boards - information sharing practices
    • Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 (Bill 3), HE28–HE29, HE49–HE50, HE57–HE58
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Scarborough subway extension
      • government strategy, HE561
    • Transit systems - by region
      • regional integration, HE727
    • Transportation for the Future Act, 2023 (Bill 131), HE714, HE719–HE720, HE731
    • Your Health Act, 2023 (Bill 60), SP253
  • Parsa, Hon. M. (PC, Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill)

    • Children and youth in care
      • government funding
        • reflection in estimates, SP599
      • transfer payment agencies
        • accountability and oversight, SP613
    • Children and youth in care - models of care
      • kinship families
    • Children and youth in care - Ready, Set, Go Program
    • Children's aid societies (CASs)
      • government funding, SP612
    • Coroner's inquests
      • Culleton, Kuyk & Warmerdam Inquest
        • jury recommendations, SP599
    • Developmental services
      • government funding
        • reflection in estimates, SP598
      • government strategy
      • reform
    • Developmental services - adults
      • Passport Program
    • Employment services - target populations
      • social assistance recipients
        • cross-ministry collaboration, SP608
    • Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
      • program allocation
        • reflection in estimates, SP597
      • role and mandate, SP597–598
    • Ontario Autism Program - AcessOAP
      • general remarks, SP601
      • transition timelines, SP607
    • Ontario Autism Program (OAP)
      • care coordinators
      • consultation process, SP602
      • core services
        • enrolment targets, SP606
      • government funding, SP599
        • reflection in estimates, SP606
        • Workforce Capacity Fund, SP607
      • services
    • Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
      • benefit rates, increase, SP601
        • and cost of living, SP611
    • Pediatric hospitals - capital projects
      • infrastructure funding
        • reflection in estimates, SP599
    • Pediatric hospitals - services
    • Persons with disabilities - children
      • programs and services
    • Poverty reduction
      • government funding
      • government strategy, SP600
    • Social assistance programs
      • benefit rates, increase, SP598
      • government funding
        • reflection in estimates, SP598
    • Social assistance programs - recipients
    • Soldier's Aid Commission
    • Veterans
      • support services
    • Youth justice
  • Pasma, C. (NDP, Ottawa West—Nepean)

    • Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients - transfer to long-term care facilities, non-preferred home
      • factors affecting, F339
    • Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
    • Apprenticeships
    • Autism spectrum disorder
      • variation in needs, SP416
    • Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98), SP377–381, SP383, SP386–387, SP390–391, SP398–SP399, SP402–SP403, SP407–SP410, SP415–SP416, SP418–SP419, SP421, SP426–429, SP444, SP446, SP450–451, SP453–454, SP460–461, SP464–465, SP470, SP474–475
    • Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement (CWELCC)
      • funding allocation process, SP85
    • Child care funding
      • spaces, development of, SP579
    • Colleges and universities
      • government funding
        • per-student funding, SP63
        • vs. rate of inflation, SP62
    • Colleges and universities - faculty
      • employment models
        • temporary vs. permanent, SP71
    • Community Health Centres (CHCs)
      • access to
    • Curriculum
      • employment readiness, SP487
      • ministerial review and revision
    • Curriculum - educational materials
      • textbooks, review of
    • Curriculum - French-language
    • Curriculum - Indigenous content
      • government funding, SP587
    • Doctors - family doctors
      • access to
        • impact on patient health, F309
    • Doctors - recruitment and retention
      • retention strategies, F308
    • Education
    • Education - Catholic
    • Education - COVID-19
      • government funding
        • tutoring support program
    • Education - French-language
    • Education funding
      • allocation
    • Education - funding
      • annual allocation, SP82
    • Education funding
    • Education - funding
      • mental health supports
        • program spending by school board, SP84
    • Education funding
      • student outcomes, SP453
    • Education funding - special education
      • and inflation, SP592
      • supports and services, SP429
    • Education - mental health
      • data collection and benchmarking, SP578
      • service funding, F367
      • services and supports, SP408
      • services, student access to
        • northern and rural Ontario, F356
      • students
        • impact on learning, SP387
    • Education policy
      • ministerial authority, SP426
    • Education - special education
      • funding formula, F367
      • K-12 Education Standards Development Committee, report (2022 )
    • Education - special education services
      • access to, SP429
      • special education classrooms, removal
    • Education - student outcomes
      • policies and guidelines
      • provincial priorities
        • accessibility and inclusion requirements, SP501
      • provincial priorities, implementation
      • student well-being
    • Education workers
      • recruitment and retention, SP84
      • shortage, SP427
    • Education workers - mental health professionals
      • in schools
      • in schools, French-Language
    • French-language debates
      • Loi de 2023 sur l’amélioration des écoles et du rendement des élèves, projet de loi 98, SP418–419, SP446
    • Health care workers
      • employment
        • temporary agencies, F350
      • occupational health and safety
      • violence against
    • Hospital services - surgical procedures
      • operating rooms, service capacity
    • Hospitals - staff
      • shortage, impact of
    • Independent health facilities
      • staffing models, regulations
        • impact on hospital staffing, F359
    • Indigenous communities - education
      • government funding
    • Long-term care - facilities
      • design standards
        • patient focused, F338
    • Long-term care - staff
      • recruitment and retention
        • compensation, impact of, F339
    • Mental health and addictions services - children and youth
      • wait times
        • impact on patient health, F356
    • Motions
      • estimates - assignment of ministries
        • time allotment
      • Ontario Place Corp., study of and public hearings for
        • responded to, A237
    • Ontario Autism Program (2016)
    • Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) - benefit rates
    • Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
      • funding programs
      • loan repayment
    • Ottawa Carleton District School Board
      • government funding, SP461
      • strategic planning
        • consultation process, SP461
    • Post-secondary education
      • decolonization approaches, SP113
    • Post-secondary education - facilities
      • maintenance backlog, SP71
        • funding allocation, SP71
    • Post-secondary education - faculty/staff
    • Post-secondary education - sexual violence and harassment
      • on campus vs. off campus, SP140, SP152
      • data collection and management, SP129
      • institutional data collection and management, SP96
      • institutional policies
      • prevention
        • public consultation, SP106
      • prevention education, SP148–SP149, SP158
      • reports and recommendations, stakeholders, SP123
      • reviews and recommendations, stakeholders, SP92–SP93
      • supports and services
    • Pre-budget consultations (2023), F308–F309, F321–F322, F327, F338–F339, F347–F348, F350, F356, F359, F366–F367
    • Public health units
      • funding formula
        • provincial-municipal formula, F309
    • Public sector compensation - increase cap
      • education workers
        • impact on recruitment and retention, F366
    • School board trustees
      • audit process
        • information sharing practices, SP429
      • code of conduct breach resolution
        • director of education, role of, SP526
        • integrity commissioner process, SP454
        • integrity commissioners, training requirements, SP421, SP474, SP527
      • training and code of conduct
    • School boards
    • School boards - directors of education
      • training and performance appraisal
    • School boards - expenditures
      • due to COVID-19, SP470
      • special education
        • ministerial authority, criteria, SP529
    • School boards - French-language
      • collaboration with municipalities, SP511–512
      • development of childcare
        • collaboration requirements, SP512
    • School boards - information sharing practices
    • School boards - strategic planning
    • School bus drivers
      • recruitment and retention
        • compensation, role of, SP410
    • School buses
      • government funding
        • disbursement model, SP410
    • School facilities
      • inventory, data collection and disclosure
      • repurposed uses, SP461
      • ventilation
    • School facilities - capital projects
      • government funding
      • planning process
        • ministerial authority, accessibility requirements, SP525
      • repair backlog
        • cost of, SP81
        • cost of, by region
    • School facilities - excess properties, sell of
    • School facilities - maintenance and repairs
    • Schools
    • Schools - libraries
    • Schools - provincial and demonstration schools
      • government funding
        • reflection in estimates, SP594
      • maintenance and repairs
        • government funding, SP593
    • Schools - violence in
      • prevention
    • Sexual violence and harassment
    • Standing Committee on Social Policy
      • committee business
        • selection of estimates (2023-2024), SP433
    • Strengthening Post-Secondary Institutions and Students Act, 2022 (Bill 26), SP92–SP93, SP95–SP96, SP103–SP106, SP112–SP113, SP115–SP116, SP120–SP121, SP123–SP124, SP129–SP130
    • Students - post secondary education
      • international students
        • public-private partnerships, college degrees, SP64
        • tuition, regulation of, SP63–SP64
    • Students - special needs
      • classroom exclusions
        • data collection and tracking, requirements, SP587
      • data collection, SP416
      • general remarks, SP415
      • right to education
    • Teachers
      • french language
      • non OCT-certified, SP580
      • professional development
        • literacy instruction, SP444
      • shortage
        • government strategy, SP580
      • technical education
    • Teachers - education and training
      • teaching methods
        • for students with disabilities, SP532
    • Teachers - French-language
  • Piccini, Hon. D. (PC, Northumberland—Peterborough South)

    • Climate change mitigation
    • COVID-19 - testing
      • wastewater surveillance program, IN208
    • Environmental protection
      • land conservation, IN207
    • Great Lakes
    • Greenhouse gas emissions - reduction
      • government strategy
        • manufacturing industry related, IN202
        • reduction targets, IN195, IN198
        • transportation related, IN201
    • Lake Scugog
      • water quality
    • Land use planning - environmental assessments
    • Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
      • climate change impact assessment
      • corporate management division, IN192–IN193
      • Emission Performance Standards Program, IN203
      • environmental assessment and permissions division, IN193
      • environmental sciences and standards division, IN194
      • land and water division, IN191–IN192
    • Provincial parks
    • Sewer and wastewater management
    • Species at Risk Conservation Fund
    • Water protection
  • Pierre, N. (PC, Burlington)

    • Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
      • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, A19
    • Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98), SP377, SP379, SP392, SP443, SP453, SP455
    • Education
      • mental health supports
        • government strategy, SP85
      • teaching methods
        • science of reading, SP392
    • Education - mental health
    • Education - skilled trades
      • instructors
    • Garrett's Legacy Act (Requirements for Movable Soccer Goals), 2023 (Bill 99), SP646
    • Independent health facilities
    • Independent health facilities - diagnostic and surgical procedures, expansion
    • Lung disease
      • Pulmonary Fibrosis
        • public awareness, F1023
    • Post-secondary education
      • research and innovation, SP66
    • Post-secondary education - faculty/staff
      • sexual misconduct against students
    • Post-secondary education - sexual violence and harassment
      • on campus vs. off campus, SP140
      • prevention
        • education, consent, SP124
      • prevention education, SP148
    • School boards - information sharing practices
      • financial reporting requirements, SP377
    • School facilities - excess properties, sell of
    • Sexual violence and harassment
    • Soccer goalposts - unanchored
      • risk of injury or death
        • education and awareness, SP646
    • Strengthening Post-Secondary Institutions and Students Act, 2022 (Bill 26), SP96, SP106, SP114, SP124, SP133
    • Teachers
      • certification timelines, SP443
    • Toronto Metropolitan University
      • name change from Ryerson University, SP96
    • Women
      • economic development
        • government strategy, SP603
    • Your Health Act, 2023 (Bill 60), SP171, SP184, SP227, SP250
  • Pirie, Hon. G. (PC, Timmins)

    • Agriculture industry
      • expansion
        • northern Ontario, F270
    • Building More Mines Act, 2023 (Bill 71), IN91–IN95, IN256
    • Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)
      • in mining industry, F282
    • Critical Minerals Innovation Fund
    • Critical Minerals Strategy
    • Energy rates
      • mitigation programs
        • commercial and industrial consumers
          • Northern Energy Advantage Program, IN30
    • Forest industry
      • employment
        • job creation/loss, F281
    • Highway construction and expansion
      • government strategy
        • northern Ontario, IN30
    • Indigenous communities
      • economic development, IN35
    • Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2022 (Bill 46), F270–F271, F281–F282
    • Libraries - public
      • government funding
        • jurisdiction over, F281
    • Mining industry
      • economic impact, IN32
      • government strategy, IN248–IN249
      • Indigenous communities
        • revenue sharing agreements, IN253
      • Indigenous economic development
        • general remarks, IN44
      • Indigenous employment in, IN87, IN94
      • Indigenous partnerships, F282
      • infrastructure development
        • camps vs. communities, responsibility over, IN41
      • regulatory environment, IN88–IN89, IN91–IN92
      • resource revenue sharing agreements
    • Mining industry - critical mineral strategy
      • government funding
        • technology and innovation, IN39
      • mine waste and tailings
        • reprocessing of, IN39
      • mineral supply
        • impact on manufacturing industry, IN37
      • ministerial responsibility, IN37
    • Mining industry - Indigenous consultation and consent, IN92–IN93, IN252
    • Mining sites - abandoned
      • provincial liabilities, IN255
    • Mining sites - closure plans
    • Mining sites - rehabilitation and remediation, IN251
    • Ministry of Mines
    • Pre-budget consultations (2023), F270–F271, F281–F282
    • Ring of fire development
      • operational costs
      • operational timeline, IN42
    • Ring of Fire development
      • federal-provincial agreement
        • Indigenous consultation, IN42
      • general remarks, IN255
      • government funding
        • allocation from ministry, IN40
        • infrastructure, IN46
      • Indigenous communities
        • funding agreements, IN34
      • tax credits, flow-through shares, F270–F271
    • Road maintenance
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