Letter: O
Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan
- 15th anniversary of
- Munro, 3711
- 15th anniversary of
Occupational health and safety.
see also Farm safety- accreditation process for businesses
- awareness of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
- compliance rate after announced inspections
- Flynn, 242
- employer-mandated unsafe footwear
- enforcement
- general remarks
- Flynn, 7524
- in hospitals
- Hoskins, 5163
- inspections/proactive field visits
- in mental health sector
- privatization of
- French, 1864
- in skilled trades
- Gates, 1771
- Sterling Fuels
- Gretzky, 3372
- training
Occupational inequality.
see Employment inequalityOccupational training programs
see Domestic violence offendersOffenders, youth
Office of the Auditor General of Ontario
- annual report for 2016
- auditing of municipal councils
- power to audit public contractors
Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD).
see Ontario Policing Complaints AgencyOffice of the Integrity Commissioner
Office of the Legislative Assembly.
see Legislative AssemblyOfficers of the Legislature
see also Prescription drugsOHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare Program
- cost of
- Smith, 4230–4231
- coverage to age 25
- Baker, 3921, 3937, 4236
- Ballard, 4283
- Coteau, 4281–4282
- Fife, 4162
- Fraser, 4426, 4804
- French, 4150
- Gélinas, 4141
- Hoskins, 3897–3898, 4013, 4824–4825
- Kiwala, 4639–4640
- MacCharles, 3936
- Mangat, 4824
- Martins, 3897
- Matthews, 3961, 4013
- McGarry, 3935, 3938, 3991–3992
- Naqvi, 4153–4154
- Qaadri, 4172, 6239–6240
- Rinaldi, 4172
- Sandals, 3920, 4138
- Sousa, 4480
- Vanthof, 4057–4058
- Wynne, 4069
- vs. other prescription drug programs
- drug formulary
- Yurek, 7026
- general remarks
- McMahon, 7222–7223
- cost of
Oil spill in Gogama, Ontario
Ojibway Prairie Provincial Nature Reserve
150th anniversary of Confederation.
see Ontario1501049491 Ontario Inc. Act, 2017 (Bill Pr58)
1428501 Ontario Limited Act, 2017 (Bill Pr71)
1476283 Ontario Limited Act, 2017 (Bill Pr60)
1701423 Ontario Inc. Act, 2017 (Bill Pr73)
1729293 Ontario Inc. Act, 2017 (Bill Pr74)
Ontario Bioscience Innovation Organization (OBIO)
- recommendations by
- Fife, 5196
- recommendations by
Ontario Building Code
- fire safety measures
- McGarry, 3477–3478
- fire safety measures
Ontario Cannabis Retail Corp. (OCRC).
see also Cannabis, retail of- accountability of
- Hillier, 7013
- Consolidated Revenue Fund
- Walker, 6415
- general remarks
- market analysis
- Natyshak, 6351–6352
- online sales/delivery
- physical stores
- reporting requirements
- Sousa, 6148
- rollout timeline
- Sousa, 6147
- as subsidiary of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO)
- supply through federally licensed producers
- Sousa, 6148
- accountability of
Ontario Chamber of Commerce
Ontario Civilian Police Commission.
see Ontario Policing Discipline TribunalOntario Climate Change Solutions Deployment Corp.
Ontario College of Teachers, disciplinary committee.
see also Sexual abuse by teachers; Teacher misconduct- disclosure of information to the accused
- Gretzky, 1437–1439
- disclosure of teachers' personal information to regulators and police
- investigation process, timeline and efficiency
- membership requirements/restrictions
- notice of hearings
- notification of school boards
- public access to decisions
- registrar, fluency in English and French
- use of dispute resolution process
- Anderson, 743
- disclosure of information to the accused
Ontario College of Trades (OCOT)
Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF)
- government investment
- Chiarelli, 7176
- government investment
Ontario Craft Beer Week Act, 2017 (Bill 107)
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- application process
- Jaczek, 1528
- application process
Ontario disability support program (ODSP) recipients
Ontario drug benefit program (ODB)
Ontario Electricity Support Program
Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP)
Ontario Energy Board
Ontario Energy Board (OEB).
see also Local distribution companies (LDCs) —disconnections during winterOntario Fair Housing Plan
Ontario Forestry Industry Revitalization Act (Height of Wood Frame Buildings), 2017 (Bill 143)
- first reading
- Fedeli, 4736
- first reading
Ontario Forestry Revitalization Act (14 Storey Wood Frame Buildings), 2017 (Bill 169)
- first reading
- Fedeli, 5724
- first reading
Ontario Greenbelt
- expansion
- Bradley, 1307–1308
- expansion
Ontario health insurance plan (OHIP)
- Canadian residents new/returning to Ontario
- immediate coverage for end-of-life care
- Gretzky, 1022
- immediate coverage for end-of-life care
- Canadian residents new/returning to Ontario
Ontario history
Ontario Human Rights Code
- evolution of
- Des Rosiers, 5992
- evolution of
Ontario Human Rights Code amendments
Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. (OLG)
Ontario Mental Health and Addictions Advisory Council
- Hoskins, 5003
Ontario Mental Health Foundation
- dissolution of
- Fraser, 6949–6950
- dissolution of
Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)
- to be replaced by Local Planning Appeal Tribunal
- Bailey, 4972
- Baker, 5252–5253
- Berardinetti, 5150
- Coe, 5146
- Delaney, 5137
- Dong, 5146
- Gretzky, 5247
- Hardeman, 4976, 4979–4980, 5137–5138
- Hatfield, 5147
- Mauro, 4837
- Miller, N., 4846–4847
- Pettapiece, 4853
- Sattler, 4851–4852, 4854
- Thompson, 5259–5260
- public consultation
- transition process
- transition process, impact on City of London official plan
- de novo hearings
- Hatfield, 6877
- deference to local decision-making
- northern Ontario representation
- powers of
- reform
- reform, public consultations
- Hoggarth, 6888
- replacement by Local Planning Appeal Tribunal
- review
- in Toronto
- DiNovo, 6931
- to be replaced by Local Planning Appeal Tribunal
Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), appeal process
Ontario Northland Transportation Commission (ONTC)
- passenger rail service, northeastern Ontario
- Fedeli, 6905–6906
- passenger rail service, northeastern Ontario
Ontario Pay Equity Commission
Ontario Place
- as community space
- development of William G. Davis Trail
- privatization
- reopening of Cinesphere
- revitalization
- sale of lands
Ontario Policing Complaints Agency
- independence
- Naqvi, 6256–6257
- independence
Ontario Policing Discipline Tribunal
- general remarks
- Naqvi, 6257
- general remarks
Ontario Power Generation (OPG)
Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers (OPVG)
Ontario Rebate for Electricity Consumers Act, 2016 (Bill 13)
- first reading
- Thibeault, 134
- ministerial statement
- Thibeault, 135–136
- second reading, 204–223, 225–234, 305–330, 443
- Armstrong, 222–223
- Bailey, 233, 322
- Baker, 329
- Barrett, 322–326
- Cho, 321
- Coteau, 234
- Del Duca, 330
- Delaney, 207–212, 214
- Dong, 309
- Fife, 213
- Flynn, 233
- French, 309, 313
- Gélinas, 312, 321
- Gravelle, 316
- Gretzky, 221–222
- Hatfield, 325
- Hillier, 222, 310–313
- Hoggarth, 307–310
- Kiwala, 317
- Lalonde, 312
- MacLaren, 308–309
- Mauro, 317–322
- McDonell, 213
- McGarry, 222, 321–322
- McNaughton, 329
- Miller, N., 312–313
- Moridi, 213
- Naqvi, 306–307
- Natyshak, 326, 329–330
- Pettapiece, 309, 325–326
- Qaadri, 325
- Sattler, 233–234, 313–317
- Smith, 213–214
- Tabuns, 225–234
- Taylor, 317
- Thibeault, 204–207
- Vanthof, 326–330
- Walker, 316–317
- Yakabuski, 214–221, 223
- division (carried), 464
- time allocation motion, 345–355, 393–395
- third reading, 806–813
- Royal assent, 1323
- first reading
Ontario Retirement Pension Plan
Ontario Seniors' Public Transit Tax Credit
Ontario Service Dogs Act, 2016 (Bill 80)
- first reading
- Harris, 2141
- first reading
Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA)
- MacLeod, 6420
Ontario Special Investigations Unit.
see also Police services oversightOntario Student Assistace Program (OSAP)
- response rates
- Sandals, 7560
- response rates
Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP).
see also Student grants- eligibility
- Martins, 3208
- for family income of $160,000 or less
- free tuition
- interest relief
- online calculator
- eligibility
Ontario Student Grant.
see Student grants—for families earning less than $50,000Ontario Tire Stewardship
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program
see also Archives of OntarioOntario's Fair Hydro Plan
- advertisement of on hydro bills
- cost
- financing of
- Bisson, 2999–3000, 7555
- Brown, 5661, 5709–5711
- Clark, 4709–4710, 5897–5898
- Delaney, 5896–5897
- Fedeli, 4403, 4610–4611, 5719, 5904, 6281, 6531–6532
- Horwath, 5712–5713
- Leal, 5904
- MacLeod, 5715
- Miller, N., 4636
- Potts, 3190
- Sandals, 5711, 5713, 5715–5716, 5806, 5869–5870, 5901
- Sattler, 6481
- Smith, 4378–4379, 4382–4385, 4456–4457, 7221
- Sousa, 4611, 5806, 5926
- Tabuns, 4388–4389, 5662, 5925–5926
- Thibeault, 4373, 5661–5662, 5710, 5712, 5719, 5921–5922, 5925
- Vanthof, 7294
- Walker, 4377, 6439, 7311, 7561
- Wynne, 5662, 5710, 5712–5713
- Yakabuski, 7370–7371
- general remarks
- Brown, 4351, 7128
- Delaney, 3193–3194
- Duguid, 2671, 2674
- Hoggarth, 4410–4411
- Horwath, 3177, 4352
- Malhi, 2678
- Matthews, 2787
- McMahon, 7223
- Qaadri, 2841–2842
- Rinaldi, 4939
- Tabuns, 3702–3703
- Thibeault, 2608–2610, 2613–2614, 2616, 2738–2739, 2842–2843, 2958, 3009, 3094, 3205, 3303, 3564, 3610, 3702–3703, 4123–4124, 4191–4192, 4243, 4295, 4351–4352, 4354, 4358, 4724, 4939–4940, 5806–5807, 6387, 7129
- Vernile, 2671
- Wynne, 2608–2609, 2666–2668, 2738, 2951, 2958, 3009, 3205, 3571, 4351–4352, 4723, 4814–4816, 5870, 7128
- Zimmer, 3187
- government advertising
- government advertising, expenditures on
- Brown, 5450–5451
- Horwath, 5156––5157, 5229–5230
- Sandals, 5451
- Thibeault, 5156––5157, 5230–5231, 5281–5282
- Vanthof, 5281
- Wynne, 5229–5230
- impact on long-term energy costs
- Bailey, 4422
- Barrett, 4412
- Brown, 2666–2667, 4436–4437, 4606–4608, 4672–4673
- Duguid, 4672–4673
- Gretzky, 4414
- Harris, 6758–6759
- Hatfield, 4387
- Hillier, 4498
- Horwath, 4438–4439, 4493–4494, 4536–4538, 4610
- Martow, 7297
- Matthews, 4438
- Miller, P., 4407–4408
- Smith, 7220–7221, 7294
- Tabuns, 4390–4391, 4455, 4711, 4768–4769, 5764–5766, 5967–5968, 6016
- Thibeault, 4436–4439, 4498, 4536–4538, 4610, 4768, 5764–5765, 5970
- Vanthof, 4405, 7181
- Vernile, 5970
- Walker, 4401, 4406
- Wynne, 4493–4494, 4498, 4536–4537, 4610, 4768
- Yakabuski, 7371
- review by Financial Accountability Officer
- transparency and accountability
Open data.
see Government dataOpen for Business initiative
- public consultation
- Duguid, 5173
- public consultation
Open Government.
see Government dataOpen Government initiative
- general remarks
- Fraser, 5526–5527
- general remarks
Open Pharma campaign.
see Payments to health professionals/organizations, disclosure ofOpioid abuse.
see also Pill presses, for counterfeit opioid production, ban; Prescription drug abuse- data collection
- Yurek, 7632
- government response
- naloxone kits
- overdose deaths
- as public health emergency
- Armstrong, 5129–5130
- Brown, 3699–3700, 4882–4883
- DiNovo, 5284
- Fedeli, 4894, 5133
- Fife, 5332, 5489–5490
- Fraser, 2511, 5490
- Gélinas, 4538–4539
- Harris, 952, 3876, 5128
- Hoskins, 3699–3700, 4883, 5284, 5332, 5566, 5594
- MacLeod, 2449, 5131, 5566
- Oosterhoff, 4362–4363
- Tabuns, 5593
- Taylor, 5134
- Wynne, 4539, 4882–4883
- as public health emergency
- overdose treatment/prevention
- public awareness campaign, government funding for
- in rural and northern Ontario
- Romano, 7243
- treatment
- in youth
- in youth, treatment of
- MacLeod, 5591–5592
- data collection
OPP detachments.
see Police stationsOpportunity in the Sharing Economy Act, 2016 (Bill 10)
- first reading
- Hudak, 80
- first reading
Opposition day motions
- Energy contracts
- Energy policies
- presented
- responded to
- Clark, 381
- Delaney, 382–385, 1035–1038, 6477–6480
- Des Rosiers, 6486–6487
- Fedeli, 389, 6487–6488
- Forster, 6476–6477
- Fraser, 379–381
- Gates, 389–391, 1045–1046
- Gélinas, 6483–6485
- Gretzky, 378–379, 1042
- Hatfield, 1039–1040
- MacLeod, 377–378
- McNaughton, 1041–1042, 6488–6489
- Miller, P., 381–382
- Murray, 377, 1043
- Natyshak, 386–387
- Potts, 6488
- Sattler, 6481–6483
- Scott, 1043–1044, 6483
- Smith, 387–388, 1040–1041, 6480–6481
- Tabuns, 1033–1035
- Taylor, 376–377
- Thompson, 1044–1045, 6485–6486
- Vanthof, 388–389
- Yakabuski, 385–386, 1038–1039
- division (lost), 391, 1046–1047, 6489–6490
- Government accountability
- presented
- responded to
- Bisson, 5898–5899
- Clark, 4214–4216, 5897–5898
- Delaney, 4222–4224, 5895–5897
- Fedeli, 5904–5905
- Forster, 4216–4217
- Gélinas, 4225–4226
- Gretzky, 5893–5895
- Leal, 5903–5904
- MacLeod, 5901–5902
- Munro, 4224–4225
- Murray, 4217–4219
- Natyshak, 4221–4222, 5902–5903
- Sandals, 5899–5901
- Taylor, 4212–4213
- Walker, 5905–5906
- Yakabuski, 4219–4221, 5905
- Zimmer, 4213–4214
- division (lost), 4226–4227, 5906–5907
- Hospital funding
- Hydro rates
- presented
- responded to
- Bisson, 3191
- Delaney, 3178–3179
- Fedeli, 3188–3189
- Fraser, 1708–1710
- Gates, 1715–1717, 3190–3191
- Gretzky, 1702–1704
- Hatfield, 3190
- Horwath, 3191–3192
- Jones, 1714–1715
- Mantha, 3189
- Murray, 1704–1706, 3183–3185
- Potts, 1712–1714, 3189–3190
- Sattler, 3186–3187
- Scott, 1717–1718
- Singh, 1710–1712
- Smith, 3179–3182
- Tabuns, 1708, 3182–3183
- Walker, 1718–1719
- Wilson, 1710
- Yakabuski, 1706–1707, 3185–3186
- Zimmer, 3187
- division (lost), 1719, 3192
- Long-term care
- Mental health services
- Pharmacare
- Privatization of public assets
- presented
- responded to
- Berardinetti, 661–662
- Delaney, 652–655, 6748–6752
- Des Rosiers, 6754–6756
- Fedeli, 662–663, 6757–6758
- Fife, 6757
- Fraser, 657–658
- Gates, 665, 6761
- Gretzky, 657
- Harris, 6758–6759
- Horwath, 666, 6761–6762
- Martow, 6756–6757
- McDonell, 663–664, 6760–6761
- Munro, 664–665
- Nicholls, 660–661
- Rinaldi, 659–660
- Sattler, 659
- Smith, 658–659, 6752–6753
- Tabuns, 655–656, 6753–6754
- Yakabuski, 656–657
- division (lost), 666, 6762
- Provincial debt
- School closures
Oral questions
- Aboriginal land claim
- Academic testing
- Access to information
- Access to justice
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- Accessibility for the disabled
- Addiction services
- Adoption
- Advanced manufacturing
- Affordable housing
- presented
- responded to
- Aggregate extraction
- Agriculture industry
- Agri-food industry
- Air ambulance service
- Air quality
- Air-rail link
- Ambulance services
- Anti-bullying initiatives
- Anti-racism activities
- Anti-Semitism
- Appointment of Chief Scientist
- Archives of Ontario
- Artificial intelligence
- Arts and cultural funding
- Assistance to farmers
- Assistance to flood victims
- Assisted housing
- Autism treatment
- presented
- responded to
- Automobile insurance
- Automotive industry
- Automotive programs
- Basic income
- Bear control
- Beverage alcohol sales
- Birth certificates
- By-election in Sudbury
- presented
- Arnott, 1296
- Bisson, 1740, 1788
- Brown, 1241–1242, 1295, 1298, 1682–1683
- Cho, 1351
- Clark, 1244–1246, 1251, 1296, 1298, 1301, 1346–1347, 1409, 1478–1479, 1526, 1570–1571, 1683–1684, 1737–1738, 1788, 4987
- Coe, 1351
- Fedeli, 1300, 1690
- Fife, 1304, 1351, 4887, 4989
- Gélinas, 1299, 1305, 1349–1350, 4824
- Hardeman, 1296
- Horwath, 1242–1243, 1405–1406, 1472–1473, 1573–1574, 1738, 1786, 4816–4817
- Jones, 1249, 1299–1300
- MacLeod, 1296
- Martow, 1352
- Nicholls, 1354
- Pettapiece, 1352
- Singh, 1297–1298, 1302–1303, 1306, 1347–1349, 1522–1523, 1684–1686, 1844
- Smith, 1354
- Tabuns, 1352–1353, 1408
- Taylor, 5054–5055
- Vanthof, 1354–1355, 4820
- Wilson, 1247–1248, 1296
- Yakabuski, 1688
- responded to
- Matthews, 1682–1686, 1688–1691, 1788, 1844, 4987, 4989
- Naqvi, 1242–1244, 1246–1250, 1296–1300, 1302–1306, 1346–1355, 1405–1406, 1408–1409, 1473, 1478–1479, 1522–1523, 1526–1527, 1570–1571, 1573–1574, 1684, 1738, 1740, 1786, 1788–1789, 4817–4818, 4820, 4824, 4887
- Thibeault, 1353
- Wynne, 1241–1244, 1251, 1295–1297, 1346–1348, 1354, 1473, 1737–1738, 4816
- presented
- Cancer treatment
- Cannabis regulation
- Carbon monoxide
- Cardiac care
- Casinos
- Chan, Arnold
- Child and youth services
- Child care
- presented
- responded to
- Child care workers
- Child poverty
- Child protection
- Children's mental health
- Children's mental health services
- Children's services
- Children's treatment centres
- Christmas tree industry
- City of Toronto
- Clean technology
- Climate change
- presented
- responded to
- College students
- Colleges
- Community colleges
- Community newspapers
- Concussions
- Condominium legislation
- Conservation authorities
- Consumer protection
- presented
- responded to
- Co-operative corporations
- Correctional facilities
- Correctional services
- presented
- responded to
- Court facility
- Curriculum
- Cycling policies
- Dementia care
- Dental care
- Diabetes treatment
- Diagnostic services
- Digital government
- Disaster relief
- presented
- responded to
- Doctor shortage
- Domestic and sexual violence
- Domestic violence
- Drive Clean
- Driver examination centres
- Driver licences
- Early childhood education
- Economic development
- presented
- responded to
- Education
- Education funding
- presented
- responded to
- Electric vehicle rebates
- Electric vehicles
- Electricity supply
- Electronic health information
- Elevator maintenance
- Emergency management
- Emergency preparedness
- Employment
- Employment equity
- Employment practices
- Employment standards
- presented
- responded to
- Employment supports
- Endangered species
- Energy contracts
- Energy policies
- presented
- Armstrong, 2561–2562
- Bailey, 2614
- Barrett, 1013
- Bisson, 2287–2288
- Brown, 65–66, 356, 404–405, 454–456, 512, 630–631, 719–720, 784–785, 885–887, 1958–1959, 2179–2180, 2284–2285, 2438–2440, 2556–2557, 2606–2608, 2666–2667, 2837, 3092, 4606–4607, 4672–4673, 5050–5051, 5502–5503, 5965, 6503–6504, 7049, 7094–7095
- Campbell, 7132
- Fedeli, 2670, 4610–4611, 7129
- French, 2510
- Hillier, 2671–2672
- Hoggarth, 5926
- Horwath, 68, 1738–1739, 2285–2286, 2335, 2341, 2384, 4493–4494, 4609–4610, 4673–4674, 6613, 6678, 6727–6728, 6775–6776, 6994–6995, 7050–7051
- Jones, 7129
- MacLeod, 5160, 6954–6955
- Martins, 3821–3822
- McDonell, 3511
- McNaughton, 5104–5105, 5335
- Munro, 1013
- Natyshak, 2563–2564
- Potts, 6782
- Rinaldi, 2843–2844, 4939
- Singh, 1960–1961, 2508, 2559, 2608–2610
- Smith, 357, 2338, 2561, 2610, 4296, 5556–5557, 5966, 6205–6206, 6455–6457, 6725–6727, 6853–6854, 6904–6905, 6955–6956, 6992–6993, 7051–7052
- Tabuns, 22–23, 944, 1011–1012, 1849, 3821, 3869, 4123–4124, 4294–4295, 4611, 4722–4723, 5507, 5808, 6555–6556, 6817–6819
- Thompson, 25–26
- Vanthof, 6855–6857, 6907–6908, 6956–6958
- Vernile, 3612
- Walker, 4680–4681, 6019
- Yakabuski, 27–28, 356, 723–724, 2060, 2132–2133
- Yurek, 2614, 7129
- responded to
- Chiarelli, 2843–2844
- Duguid, 2440, 2670, 2672, 4672–4673, 5051, 5556–5557, 6853–6857, 6905, 6907–6908, 6954–6958
- Leal, 1958–1959
- Matthews, 4123, 4674–4675
- Murray, 26, 456, 2132–2133, 2837–2838, 3612
- Naqvi, 4672, 5160
- Sandals, 4673–4674
- Sousa, 2557, 4611
- Thibeault, 66–67, 356–357, 404–405, 455–456, 631, 720, 723–724, 784–785, 886–888, 944, 1011–1013, 1849, 1960–1961, 2060–2061, 2179–2181, 2284–2285, 2287–2288, 2338–2339, 2341, 2384, 2508, 2510–2511, 2557, 2559, 2561–2564, 2608–2611, 2614, 2837, 3092, 3511, 3612, 3821–3822, 3869, 4123–4124, 4294–4297, 4609–4612, 4680–4681, 4724, 4939–4940, 5104–5105, 5335, 5503, 5507, 5808–5809, 5926, 5966, 6019–6020, 6206, 6455–6457, 6503–6504, 6555–6556, 6613–6614, 6678–6679, 6725–6728, 6775–6776, 6782, 6817–6819, 6992–6995, 7049–7052, 7094–7095, 7129, 7132
- Wynne, 22–23, 25–28, 65–66, 68, 356, 404, 454–455, 512, 630–631, 720, 885–887, 1739, 2284–2287, 2335, 2438–2440, 2508, 2606–2609, 2666–2667, 3092, 4493–4494, 4607–4610, 4722–4723, 5502, 6205–6206, 6455
- presented
- Entrepreneurship programs
- Environmental protection
- Equal opportunity
- Executive compensation
- presented
- responded to
- Family Service Ontario
- Farm safety
- Financial literacy
- Fire safety
- Firefighters
- First responders
- Fiscal accountability
- Fish and wildlife management
- Flood prevention
- Flooding
- Forest industry
- presented
- responded to
- Forestry industry
- French-language education
- French-language post-secondary education
- responded to
- Matthews, 5154
- responded to
- French-language services
- responded to
- Hoskins, 5973
- responded to
- Fundraising
- Gasoline prices
- Genetic discrimination
- GO Transit
- Government accountability
- presented
- responded to
- Government accounting practices
- Government advertising
- presented
- responded to
- Chiarelli, 6017
- Duguid, 6909–6910
- Hoskins, 3159, 5455–5456
- Naqvi, 2950–2951, 3098, 3204, 3259
- Sandals, 2009–2010, 3097–3098, 3203, 3255, 5157, 5451, 5504, 6017, 6958–6959, 6962–6963
- Sousa, 1744
- Thibeault, 4492, 5156–5157, 5230–5231, 5281–5282
- Wynne, 1743, 2883–2886, 3003–3004, 3158, 3203, 3866, 4491, 4535–4536, 4608–4609, 5229–5230, 5503–5504
- Government contracts
- Government fiscal policies
- Government policies
- Government services
- Government spending
- Government's agenda
- Government's record
- presented
- Brown, 2054–2055, 5384–5385, 7128
- Clark, 3865–3866, 5384, 6729–6730, 6773–6774, 6859, 7133
- Coe, 5391
- Fedeli, 2008–2009, 5385
- Horwath, 2182, 2230–2231
- Jones, 5390
- MacLeod, 5385, 7129
- McNaughton, 5386
- Miller, N., 5393
- Natyshak, 2013
- Oosterhoff, 5388–5389
- Potts, 5455
- Qaadri, 6264–6265
- Scott, 7128–7129
- Smith, 69–70, 7132
- Thompson, 5392
- Walker, 7133
- Yakabuski, 7131
- Yurek, 5388
- responded to
- Ballard, 5392–5393, 6859
- Coteau, 5390–5391
- Del Duca, 2055
- Duguid, 5455, 7133
- Flynn, 7131–7132
- Hoskins, 5388–5389
- Hunter, 5391
- Matthews, 2013, 5384–5386, 6773–6774
- Naqvi, 6729–6730
- Sandals, 2008–2009
- Sousa, 5455, 6265, 7133
- Thibeault, 69–70, 7132
- Wynne, 2054–2055, 2182–2183, 2230–2231, 3865–3866, 7128–7129
- Zimmer, 5393
- presented
- Grandview Children's Centre
- Great Lakes water quality
- Green power generation
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Greenhouse industry
- Group homes
- Halloween safety
- Hamilton West–Ancaster–Dundas nomination
- Hate crimes
- Health care
- presented
- Armstrong, 3708
- Brown, 1471–1472, 2181–2182, 2382–2383
- Coe, 4300, 6863–6864
- Des Rosiers, 5716–5717
- DiNovo, 5056
- Fife, 6312
- Gélinas, 2011–2012, 2889, 2954–2955, 3007–3008, 3049–3050
- Gretzky, 2389–2390
- Horwath, 2007–2008, 6677, 6728–6729, 6776–6777
- Kiwala, 1480
- MacLeod, 843, 893–894, 2383
- Martins, 685
- Martow, 843
- Miller, N., 7323–7324
- Qaadri, 5930–5931
- Yurek, 787–788, 2010–2011, 2232–2233, 7268
- responded to
- presented
- Health care funding
- presented
- Armstrong, 843–844, 2342–2343, 5279–5280
- Bisson, 4770–4771
- Brown, 19–20, 289–290, 3204–3205
- French, 1744, 4125
- Gélinas, 890, 2184–2185, 3209
- Harris, 2134–2135, 3212
- Hoggarth, 842, 1791
- Horwath, 5329–5331, 6118–6119
- Jones, 3416–3417
- Kiwala, 27
- Martins, 5507–5508
- McNaughton, 845
- Miller, N., 847
- Munro, 841
- Pettapiece, 845
- Potts, 1848
- Rinaldi, 3365
- Sattler, 794
- Scott, 838–839
- Tabuns, 5279
- Taylor, 2391, 4300–4301
- Thompson, 841
- Walker, 838
- Wilson, 891–892
- Yurek, 838, 1789–1790, 2188, 2287, 2509–2510, 3007, 3206–3207, 6962, 7001–7002
- responded to
- Hoskins, 19–20, 27, 289–290, 838–839, 841–845, 847, 890–892, 1744, 1790–1791, 1848, 2134–2135, 2185, 2188, 2342–2343, 2391, 2510, 3007, 3205–3207, 3209, 3212–3213, 3365, 3417, 4125–4126, 4301, 4770–4771, 5279–5280, 5329–5331, 5508, 6119, 6962
- Matthews, 794, 7001–7002
- Wynne, 19, 2184–2185, 2287, 3204, 6118
- presented
- Healthy eating
- Highway construction
- Highway improvement
- Highway maintenance
- Highway safety
- Highway tolls
- HIV/AIDS strategy
- Home building industry
- Home care
- Home inspection industry
- Home ownership
- Home warranty program
- Homelessness
- Horse racing industry
- Hospice and palliative care
- Hospital funding
- presented
- Bisson, 5812
- Brown, 4011–4012
- Coe, 2234
- Fedeli, 2887
- Fife, 3900
- Forster, 4725, 7473–7474
- French, 5558–5559
- Gélinas, 24, 3161–3162, 3660, 3898–3899, 4014, 4243–4244, 4495, 4769, 5105, 5504–5505, 5659–5660, 6959, 7231–7232, 7431–7432, 7474–7475
- Harris, 1968–1969, 6997–6998
- Hoggarth, 1068
- Horwath, 2056–2057, 2129, 2183, 2231–2232, 3706, 3961–3962, 4068, 4679–4680, 4884–4885, 4991, 5604, 6261–6263, 6310–6311, 7095–7096, 7129–7131, 7188–7189, 7678–7679
- Jones, 3661–3662
- McDonell, 3768
- Miller, P., 1523–1524
- Oosterhoff, 1962, 4728–4729, 7436
- Potts, 5336–5337, 6914–6915
- Sattler, 464, 521–522, 7236–7237, 7430–7431
- Scott, 2786–2787
- Vanthof, 3896–3897
- Walker, 2956
- Wilson, 2956, 4776, 5235, 6316
- Yurek, 4728, 7475–7476
- responded to
- Damerla, 464
- Hoskins, 24–25, 521–522, 1068, 1523–1524, 1962–1963, 1968–1969, 2129–2130, 2184, 2231–2232, 2234–2235, 2786–2787, 2887, 2956, 3161–3162, 3660–3662, 3706–3707, 3768, 3897–3900, 4012–4014, 4069, 4495, 4679–4680, 4725, 4728–4729, 4769, 4776, 4885, 4991–4992, 5105, 5235, 5336–5337, 5504–5505, 5558–5559, 5604–5605, 5659–5661, 5812–5813, 6261–6263, 6310–6311, 6316, 6915, 6959, 7095–7097, 7130–7131, 7189, 7231–7232, 7237
- Jaczek, 7430–7432, 7436, 7474–7476, 7678–7679
- Matthews, 3961–3962, 6997–6998
- Wynne, 24, 2056–2057, 2183, 4068, 4243–4244, 4769, 4884, 5504, 5659, 6261, 6310, 6316, 7095, 7130, 7189, 7430–7431, 7474
- presented
- Hospital services
- presented
- Anderson, 1305–1306
- Armstrong, 5454, 7519–7520
- Fedeli, 7517–7518, 7627–7628
- Fife, 7320–7321
- Forster, 7576–7577
- French, 1847
- Gélinas, 5452–5453, 6012–6013, 6996, 7230–7231, 7316, 7520–7521
- Horwath, 5386–5388, 6075–6077, 6082, 6117–6118, 6153–6154, 6208–6209, 6214–6215, 6618–6619, 7052, 7266–7268, 7672–7673
- MacLeod, 1846–1847, 1966–1967
- Martow, 3164–3165
- Sattler, 7317, 7577
- Taylor, 6011–6012
- Vanthof, 6159
- Yurek, 6077–6078, 7518
- responded to
- Hoskins, 1305–1306, 1846–1848, 1966–1967, 3164–3165, 5386–5388, 5452–5455, 6011–6013, 6075–6078, 6082, 6118, 6154–6155, 6159, 6208–6209, 6214–6215, 6619, 7052, 7231, 7266–7268, 7316–7317, 7320–7321
- Jaczek, 7576–7577, 7628, 7672–7673
- Matthews, 6996–6997
- Naqvi, 7521
- Wynne, 6012, 6117–6118, 7230–7231, 7518–7521, 7627–7628
- presented
- Housing policy
- presented
- responded to
- Human rights
- Human trafficking
- presented
- responded to
- Hydro charges
- Hydro dam
- Hydro One
- Hydro rates
- presented
- Armstrong, 1185, 2233, 3571
- Bailey, 364, 3052
- Barrett, 360, 2616
- Bisson, 2386
- Brown, 18–19, 67, 122–123, 186, 235–236, 403–404, 677–678, 1009, 1058–1060, 1113–1114, 1470–1471, 1519–1520, 1785–1786, 1841, 2283, 2951–2952, 4350–4351, 4436–4437, 4814–4815, 5277–5278, 5661
- Campbell, 1577, 2841
- Clark, 357, 1011, 2957–2958, 4302
- Coe, 366, 1016, 1578–1579
- Fedeli, 358, 1018–1019, 3414–3415, 6079
- Fife, 1746, 2448, 3056, 3096, 3261
- Forster, 2843, 4249
- French, 894, 2337
- Gates, 2444, 2960, 3505–3506, 4360
- Gélinas, 639, 2446, 3048–3049
- Gretzky, 2062–2063, 2235, 2514
- Hardeman, 895, 1015, 2892–2893
- Hatfield, 2615, 3050–3051, 3417
- Hillier, 3010–3011, 4498
- Horwath, 1406–1407, 1572–1573, 1792–1793, 2006–2007, 2057–2058, 2130, 2335–2336, 2384–2385, 2440–2441, 2668, 2674–2675, 2738–2739, 2787–2788, 2886, 2952–2953, 3093–3095, 3159–3160, 3205–3206, 3254–3255, 4191–4192, 4352–4353, 4438–4439, 4536–4538, 5712, 5806–5807, 6612
- Jones, 1010, 2342
- MacLaren, 365
- MacLeod, 1015, 2953–2954
- Martins, 240, 2611–2612
- Martow, 241
- McDonell, 364, 1121
- McNaughton, 2959–2960
- Miller, N., 360, 2292, 2567
- Miller, P., 1919, 2613
- Munro, 3008–3009
- Nicholls, 2388
- Oosterhoff, 2342
- Pettapiece, 362, 1066–1067, 1792, 3260–3261
- Potts, 4775
- Qaadri, 2233–2234, 2841–2842
- Romano, 6079
- Sattler, 2512, 4356
- Scott, 129–130, 1918–1919, 2564–2565, 3304–3305
- Singh, 1913–1914, 2838–2839, 3658
- Smith, 1009–1010, 1793–1794, 2442, 2506, 2840–2841, 3459, 4194, 4353–4354, 6387
- Tabuns, 191–192, 724, 2442–2443, 3005–3006, 3303, 3564, 3610, 3702–3703, 4354, 4768–4769, 5662, 5967–5968, 6015–6016, 6392, 6459–6460, 6507
- Thompson, 357, 2292
- Vanthof, 458, 2515–2516, 3009, 4358
- Vernile, 2671, 5970
- Walker, 362, 584–585, 1017, 1850–1851, 2389, 2616
- Wilson, 1010, 1574–1575
- Yakabuski, 1009, 1175, 1403–1405, 1476–1477
- Yurek, 1019
- responded to
- Ballard, 1792–1793, 1919–1920, 2960
- Duguid, 584–585, 1015, 1019, 1113–1114, 1121, 1404–1405, 1792, 1794, 2130, 2293, 2342, 2389, 2671, 2674–2675, 2893
- Hoskins, 2952–2953, 3005–3007, 3048–3049, 3094, 3254–3255
- Leal, 585, 2565, 3096–3097, 3304–3305
- Matthews, 122–123, 130, 235–236, 1403–1404, 1406–1407, 2787–2788, 3050–3052, 3056, 3260–3261, 4438
- Mauro, 1017
- McMahon, 3056
- Sandals, 5662
- Sousa, 1850–1851, 2006–2007
- Thibeault, 192, 240–241, 357–358, 360, 362, 364–366, 404, 458–459, 639, 678–679, 724, 894–896, 1009–1011, 1015, 1017, 1019, 1060, 1067, 1175–1176, 1185, 1519–1520, 1574–1575, 1577–1579, 1746, 1841–1842, 1913–1915, 1919, 2057–2058, 2063, 2233–2235, 2292, 2337, 2342, 2386, 2388–2389, 2441–2446, 2448, 2506–2507, 2512, 2514, 2516, 2567, 2611–2613, 2615–2616, 2738–2740, 2839–2843, 2886–2887, 2892, 2952, 2954, 2958–2960, 3009–3011, 3094–3095, 3159–3160, 3205–3206, 3303, 3415, 3417, 3459–3460, 3505–3506, 3564, 3571, 3610, 3658, 3702–3703, 4191–4192, 4194–4195, 4249, 4302, 4351–4354, 4356, 4358, 4360, 4436–4439, 4498, 4536–4538, 4769, 4775–4776, 5278–5279, 5661–5662, 5712–5713, 5807, 5968, 5970–5971, 6016, 6079–6080, 6387–6388, 6392, 6459–6460, 6507, 6612–6613
- Wynne, 18–19, 67–68, 186–187, 403, 1009, 1059, 1113, 1121, 1175, 1470–1471, 1477, 1572–1573, 1577, 1785–1786, 2057, 2235, 2283–2284, 2335–2336, 2384–2385, 2440–2441, 2512, 2668–2669, 2738, 2839, 2951, 2958, 3009, 3094, 3159, 3205, 3571, 3658, 4350–4353, 4356, 4498, 4536–4537, 4768, 4814–4815, 5661–5662, 5712
- presented
- Hydro rebates
- Immigrant services
- Immigration and refugee policy
- Immigration policy
- Impaired drivers
- Inclusive education
- Indigenous affairs
- Indigenous arts and culture
- Indigenous children's services
- Indigenous economic development
- Indigenous education