Letter: B
- Bailey, R. (PC, Sarnia–Lambton)
- Agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- Agricorp, 3389
- Air pollution
- impact on health in Sarnia–Lambton, 9548
- Animal Health Act, 2009 (Bill 204)
- Apprenticeship training
- Automobile industry
- layoffs, 4424
- Budget
- pre-budget consultations, 4223–4225
- Budget deficit, 3630, 6357
- Budget Measures and Interim Appropriation Act, 2008 (Bill 44)
- second reading, 844
- Budget Measures and Interim Appropriation Act, 2008 (No. 2) (Bill 114)
- Budget surplus
- transfer of funds to municipalities for infrastructure projects, 1293–1294
- Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, 7173
- Cen-Tower Investments Limited Act, 2009 (Bill Pr25)
- first reading, 7086
- China
- greenhouse gas emissions, 7327
- Colleges Collective Bargaining Act, 2008 (Bill 90)
- third reading, 2918–2919
- Colleges of applied arts and technology (CAATs)
- government funding, 2918–2919
- Congratulatory remarks
- Chopcian, Christopher and Llew Falla (award recipients, Canada Wide Science Fair), 2615
- Construction industry
- Construction workers
- Coroner inquests
- Dupont, Lori (murder victim), 6087
- Countering Distracted Driving and Promoting Green Transportation Act, 2009 (Bill 118)
- second reading, 4206
- Cross-border travel
- Sarnia–Lambton, 2424
- Debates re answers to oral questions
- Denmark
- Driving
- ban on use of cellular telephones and electronic entertainment devices while driving, 4206
- Economic conditions, 3388–3389, 3391, 5206
- Sarnia, 439
- Economic growth
- eHealth Ontario
- Electricity rates
- increase, 3389
- Employment creation, 7827–7828
- Employment Protection for Foreign Nationals Act (Live-In Caregivers and Others), 2009 (Bill 210)
- second reading, 8176
- Employment-related benefits
- Employment standards, 4984
- Employment Standards Amendment Act (Organ Donor Leave), 2009 (Bill 154)
- Employment Standards Amendment Act (Temporary Help Agencies), 2009 (Bill 139)
- Energy
- Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 (Bill 235)
- second reading, 9306–9307
- Environmental Protection Act (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading), 2009 (Bill 185)
- second reading, 7326–7329
- Farmers
- livestock farmers
- government funding, 157
- livestock farmers
- Federal-provincial partnerships
- municipal infrastructure, 4225
- Firefighters
- volunteer firefighters
- workers' compensation claims, 6860
- volunteer firefighters
- Foreign caregivers
- protection
- warrantless entry, 8176
- protection
- Fossil-fuel generating stations, 5353
- Full Day Early Learning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 242)
- Government debt
- Government expenditures, 3389, 4424
- increase, 5927
- Government orders
- Government record
- Government service transfer to municipal jurisdiction
- return to provincial jurisdiction, 1294
- Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009 (Bill 150)
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Harmonized sales tax, 5909, 5928–5929, 8762
- transition benefit
- $1,000 for single parents or couples, 5927
- transition benefit
- Healthy Food for Healthy Schools Act, 2008 (Bill 8)
- second reading, 308–209
- Highway improvement
- Highway 402 (Sarnia–Lambton), 439
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Speed-limiting Systems), 2008 (Bill 41)
- Home energy audits, 6819
- search warrant, 6817–6818
- Hospital construction
- Hospital services
- Hospitals
- Huron Web Printing and Graphics, 3390
- shutdown, 4424–4425
- Immigrants
- bridge training programs, 6950
- Industrial disease, 6342–6343
- Industry shutdowns
- Investing in Ontario Act, 2008 (Bill 35)
- Kindergarten
- Labour mobility
- skilled trades, 7373–7374
- Labour Relations Statute Law Amendment Act, S.O. 2005, c.15, 8121
- Lake Simcoe Protection Act, 2008 (Bill 99)
- second reading, 2758
- Layoffs, 4223–4224
- Campbell Soup Company, 1552
- Liberal Party
- election expenses, 8121–8122
- Livestock
- Local health integration networks (LHINs), 6410
- geographic boundaries
- McCabe, Allister case, 6385–6386
- geographic boundaries
- Manufacturing industry, 3389, 4225
- layoffs, 397
- Medical transplants
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 438–440
- Members/ministers quoting committee submissions
- Bazely, James (President, Ontario Home Builders' Association), 8197–8198
- Boadway, Ted (Citizens Panel on Increasing Organ Donations), 7005
- Drutz, Peter (president, Comfort Keepers), 6356
- Franklin, Linda (President and CEO, Colleges Ontario), 8197
- Jeewan, Peter (CEO and president, Lannick Group of Companies), 6358
- Levy, Gary (medical director, multi-organ transplant program, Toronto General Hospital), 7005
- Mueller, Nicolette (Adecco Employment Services Ltd.), 6356–6357
- Tremblay, Kathryn (owner, altisHR), 6356
- Wilson, Frank (president, The Employment Solution), 6355
- Members/ministers quoting electronic mail messages
- Bill 119, re, 3703–3705
- Members/ministers quoting letters
- Members/ministers quoting news media
- Bloomberg News, 7328
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Members/ministers quoting press releases
- McDonald, David (Open Shop Contractors Association), 3701
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Barnum, P.T. (American showman and founder, Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey Circus), 5927
- Bossy, Maurice Louis (former member, Chatham–Kent), 5959
- Canadian Chemical Producers' Association, 6542
- Canadian Electricity Association, 7844
- Franklin, Linda (president and CEO, Colleges Ontario), 8197
- Gunthorpe, Roger (business owner), 3870
- Ontario Cattlemen's Association, 8002, 8577–8578
- Ontario Farm Animal Council, 8003
- Ontario Livestock and Poultry Council, 8001
- Ontario Pork, 8001–8002, 8577
- Parrish, Carolyn (Mississauga city councillor), 1294
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Members' statements
- Assistance to farmers, 157
- Cash Rolls of Canada, 2787
- Health care, 4910
- Lambton generating station, 5888
- Ontario Greenhouse Alliance, 8828
- Renewable energy, 5086
- Sci-Tech Ontario, 2615
- Services for disabled children, 4389–4390
- Skills training, 7695–7696
- Small business, 3776
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, 6849
- Minimum wage
- Ministerial statements, responded to
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- Ontario cattle, hog and horticulture program, 3389
- Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
- Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
- second career strategy, 7996–7696
- Municipal infrastructure
- Natural gas generating stations
- Sarnia, 6572
- Occupational health and safety, 1551, 6343, 7089
- Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act (Violence and Harassment in the Workplace), 2009 (Bill 168)
- ministerial statement
- public consultation, 6087
- ministerial statement
- Occupational health and safety inspectors, 2730
- Ontario budget speech (25 March 2008)
- responded to, 667
- Ontario budget speech (26 March 2009)
- Ontario College of Trades, 7843–7844, 8121–8122
- board of governors
- composition of board
- ban on donors of Working Families Coalition, 8120
- composition of board
- board of governors
- Ontario College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act, 2009 (Bill 183)
- Ontario Greenhouse Alliance, 8828, 8830
- Ontario Labour Mobility Act, 2009 (Bill 175)
- Ontario Power Generation fossil-fuel generating stations
- Ontario Tax Plan for More Jobs and Growth Act, 2009 (Bill 218)
- second reading, 8762
- Opposition day motions, responded to
- Oral questions, presented
- Agency spending, 1817
- Driver examination centres, 8996
- Government services, 7433–7434
- Health care, 4821
- Health care funding, 9548
- Home health care supplies, 382–383
- Hospital funding, 76–77
- Job creation, 7827–7828
- Local health integration networks, 6385–6386
- Minimum wage, 4904
- Small business, 2730, 3766, 3768–3769, 3830, 3869–3870, 4052–4053
- Taxation, 3964
- Temporary employment agencies, 5466–5467
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, 690–691
- Organization for Literacy Sarnia-Lambton
- government funding, 5105–5106
- Pathways Health Centre for Children, 4389–4390
- PC Party
- economic summit, 3390
- Petitions
- Alma College, 2130
- Bluewater Health, 2396
- Environmental assessment, 2998
- Health care, 4827, 4913, 5044, 5093–5094, 5390, 5435, 5588, 5962, 6565–6566, 6814, 7091, 7240
- Hospital funding, 5518–5519
- Lord's Prayer, 2611
- Motorcycle safety, 4479, 4590, 6954
- Multiple myeloma, 6399, 6504
- Road safety, 7000
- Sale of domestic wines and beers, 7841, 8468, 9087
- Services for disabled children, 4396, 4587–4588
- Services for the developmentally disabled, 5743
- Taxation, 6567, 8741, 9006, 9086–9087, 9508–9509, 9588
- Photo Card Act, 2008 (Bill 85)
- Photo identification cards
- Pollara Inc., 8120
- Post-secondary education, 3390
- Poverty Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 152)
- second reading, 5206
- Private members' public business
- Labour Relations Amendment Act (Certification), 2008 (Bill 65)
- second reading, 1551–1552
- Literacy and basic skills
- responded to, 5105–5106
- Ontario College of Trades
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act (Firefighters), 2009 (Bill 169)
- second reading, 6859–6860
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
- Labour Relations Amendment Act (Certification), 2008 (Bill 65)
- Property tax increases
- St. Clair township, 3964
- Public education campaigns
- Public Sector Expenses Review Act, 2009 (Bill 201)
- Repetitive strain injuries, 5090
- Reports
- Road Safety Act, 2009 (Bill 126)
- general discussion
- public consultation, 4206
- general discussion
- ServiceOntario
- closure of private licence and permit offices
- Sarnia, 7433–7434
- closure of private licence and permit offices
- Small business, 2730, 4077
- regulation, 3390–3391
- Smoke-Free Ontario Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 69)
- second reading, 2073
- Smoking
- ban on smoking in cars with children present
- enforcement, 2073
- ban on smoking in cars with children present
- Speaker
- election (28 November 2007)
- congratulatory remarks, 76
- election (28 November 2007)
- Speed limiters, 1070
- impact on trade, 1086
- Strikes
- Tax increases
- authority of government to raise taxes, 8678
- Taxation, 3390
- Temporary help agencies, 4983–4986, 6351, 6360
- regulation, 6355–6358
- Temporary help agency employees
- Throne speech debate
- Time allocation motions
- Toxic substances
- reduction plan
- impact on industry, 6542
- reduction plan
- Toxics Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 167)
- Trades Qualification and Apprenticeship Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 233)
- first reading, 9131
- Tributes
- Bossy, Maurice Louis (former member, Chatham–Kent), 5958–5959
- Trillium Gift of Life Network, 7004
- Union certification
- Wind turbines
- health effects, 5356
- Workers
- Workers' compensation benefits
- Working Families Coalition, 8120–8122
- Workplace accidents/fatalities, 6342–6343
- Workplace harassment/violence, 6087
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 119)
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), 4077, 7089–7090
- Balkissoon, B. (LIB, Scarborough–Rouge River)
- Anniversaries
- Herbert Williams Fire Equipment 100th anniversary, 3535
- Art exhibitions
- Cradle of New Chinese Ink Painting Movement exhibition, 6557
- Black History Month Act, 2009 (Bill 207)
- first reading, 7836–7837
- Budget Measures and Interim Appropriation Act, 2008 (Bill 44)
- second reading, 784–785
- Children's nutrition programs
- government funding, 785
- Chiropody Act, S.O. 1996, c.20
- amended by Bill 179, 6898
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 4063
- Community safety, 4021
- Community safety programs
- Safer Communities - 1,000 Officers Partnership program, 4021
- Condolences
- Diplaros, Demetrios (Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan), 4527
- Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act, 2008 (Bill 64)
- Cosmetic surgery
- regulation, 4811
- Crime
- gun-related crime, 2536
- Crime prevention, 1608
- Debates re answers to oral questions
- Dental Hygiene Act, S.O. 1991, c.22
- amended by Bill 179, 6898
- Dentistry Act, S.O. 1991, c.24
- amended by Bill 179, 6898
- Diabetes, 3939–3940
- Dietetics Act, S.O. 1990, c.26
- amended by Bill 179, 6898
- Disaster relief
- Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.H.4
- amended by Bill 179, 6899
- Drug dispensing machines, 6899
- Electronic health records, 6920
- Environmental Assessment Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 123)
- first reading, 3836–3837
- Environmental assessment process
- Family health teams, 6920
- Full Day Early Learning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 242)
- second reading, 9635
- Government record
- Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area Transit Implementation Act, 2009 (Bill 163)
- second reading, 5725–5726
- Handguns, 2536
- Harmonized sales tax
- Health care, 5845
- Health Care Consent Act, S.O. 1996, c.2, Sched. A
- amended by Bill 179, 6898
- Health care funding
- Health professionals
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Child Passengers on Motorcycles), 2008 (Bill 117)
- second reading
- public consultation, 4488
- second reading
- Hospices (terminal care)
- government funding, 5844
- Hospital expansion
- Milton District Hospital, 9299
- Hospital funding
- government funding, 6418
- Hospital services
- emergency
- wait times, 5844
- emergency
- Hospitals
- reporting on patient safety indicators, 2905
- Housing
- affordable, 4155
- Immigrants
- Investing in Ontario Act, 2008 (Bill 35)
- second reading, 1025
- Kindergarten
- full-day, 9635
- Long-term-care facilities
- allowing residents to move into their home of choice, 4390
- Long-term-care funding
- government funding, 5844
- Medical Radiation Technology Act, S.O. 1991, c.29
- amended by Bill 179, 6898
- Members'/ministers' constituencies/constituency events
- Scarborough–Rouge River
- Malvern Bicycle Classic, 2399–2400
- Scarborough–Rouge River
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 119, 3939
- Members/ministers quoting letters
- Mellor, Katherine (parent), 4488–4489
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Toronto Sun, 8065
- Members/ministers quoting websites
- Ontario Black History Society, 8134
- Members' statements
- Affordable housing, 4155
- Art exhibition, 6557
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 4063
- Diplaros, Demetrios, 4527
- Disaster relief, 9505
- Herbert Williams Fire Equipment, 3535
- Long-term care, 4390
- Malvern Bicycle Classic, 2399–2400
- Public health, 2905
- Road safety, 7734
- School nutrition program, 495
- Taxation, 8654, 8949
- Workplace safety, 7582
- Youth opportunities strategy, 1502
- Metrolinx
- board of directors, 5726
- Minimum wage
- Ministry of Children and Youth Services
- youth opportunities strategy, 1502
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- aging-at-home strategy, 5844
- Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
- second career strategy, 3572
- Municipalities, 4863
- National/independence/memorial days
- Nurse practitioners
- expansion of scope of practice, 6898
- Occupational health and safety, 2524, 7582
- Oral questions, presented
- Patient safety, 4811–4813
- Pesticides/herbicides
- Petitions
- Pharmacists
- remote dispensing of drugs, 6899
- Pharmacy Act, S.O. 1991, c.36
- amended by Bill 179, 6898
- Physiotherapists
- expansion of scope of practice, 6898
- Physiotherapy Act, S.O. 1991, c.34
- amended by Bill 179, 6898
- Police services, 4021
- Positron emission tomography (PET), 2366
- Poverty reduction strategy
- student nutrition program, 495
- Private members' public business
- Black History Month Act, 2009 (Bill 207)
- Diabetes Awareness Month Act, 2008 (Bill 113)
- second reading, 3939–3940
- Diagnostic services
- responded to, 2366–2367
- Employment Standards Amendment Act (Raising the Minimum Wage), 2007 (Bill 7)
- second reading, 120
- Environmental Assessment Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 123)
- Handgun Manufacturers' and Importers' Liability Act, 2008 (Bill 82)
- second reading, 2536
- Health care
- responded to, 5844–5845
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Child Passengers on Motorcycles), 2008 (Bill 117)
- second reading, 4488–4489
- Public education campaigns
- Racial profiling, 8138
- Regulated health profession colleges
- Regulated Health Professions Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 141)
- Regulated Health Professions Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 179)
- Road safety, 7734
- Social housing, 4155
- Stewardship Ontario
- municipal hazardous or special waste program
- Do What You Can program, 4804
- municipal hazardous or special waste program
- Toronto
- Unlawful Firearms in Vehicles Act, 2008 (Bill 56)
- general discussion, 2536
- Waste management/programs
- hazardous products, 4804
- Workers
- injured workers, 2524
- York University Labour Disputes Resolution Act, 2009 (Bill 145)
- second reading, 4772
- Youth/student workers
- summer jobs, 6844
- Youth/students
- employment, 650
- Anniversaries
- Barrett, T. (PC, Haldimand–Norfolk)
- A. Swent and Sons Ltd., 2944
- Abilities First (community interest group), 2943–2944
- Aboriginal blockades
- Aboriginal communities
- illegal sale of tobacco products, 7546
- Aboriginal land claims, 5385–5386, 7037
- Ancaster fairgrounds, 1208
- Brantford, 2743
- police services, 422
- Caledonia, 678, 1115, 1572, 1922, 2743, 3659, 8867–8868, 8871, 9123, 9223
- Deseronto, 1498–1499
- development freeze on provincially owned lands, 1061
- Douglas Creek Estates, 1103, 8648–8649, 8668
- Haldimand Tract, 5493–5494
- transfer of former Burtch Correctional Centre to Haudenousaunee Six Nations, 6189–6190
- Aboriginal protests
- Deseronto
- arrest of protesters, 1469–1470
- Deseronto
- Administration of justice, 3639
- Agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- expenditures
- review by Integrity Commissioner, 7598
- expenditures
- Animal Health Act, 2009 (Bill 204)
- Animal protection
- Apprenticeship training
- ratio of tradespeople to apprentices, 3463
- Automobile dealers, 4595
- closure of dealership, 6333–6334
- Automobile industry, 4226–4227, 4595
- Automobiles
- provincial sales tax exemption on new car sales, 6334
- Banks, 3408
- Bisphenol A, 6295–6296
- Booklets
- Roll out the Barrel (Ontario Horticultural Association, Ontario Mutual Insurance Association), 6339
- Books
- All for a Beaver Hat (Ernest Drury), 2687
- Bottled water
- prohibition on sale, 3942
- Budget, 5228, 5732
- pre-budget consultations, 4226–4227
- Budget deficit, 3444, 3670–3672, 4595, 5808
- Budget Measures Act, 2009 (Bill 162)
- second reading, 5940–5941
- Budget Measures and Interim Appropriation Act, 2008 (Bill 44)
- second reading, 853–854
- Budget Measures and Interim Appropriation Act, 2008 (No. 2) (Bill 114)
- second reading, 3670–3673
- Business investment taxes, 4228
- Canadian authors
- Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, 7171
- Capital tax
- elimination, 390
- China
- Climatic changes, 6998
- Committees
- Concurrence in supply debate (December 2008)
- participation, 4594–4595
- Conferences/seminars/symposiums
- energy symposium, 3928
- Congratulatory remarks
- Coroners Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 115)
- second reading, 4377
- Corporate tax reduction, 5754–5755
- Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act, 2008 (Bill 64)
- Court cases/actions
- VanEvery, Donald (convicted gun runner), 3659
- Debates re answers to oral questions
- Deflation (finance), 4226–4227
- Demonstrations
- Niagara-region groups protesting health-care service cuts (29 April 2009), 6412–6413
- Earth Hour, 5667
- Economic conditions, 3406–3409, 3670–3673, 4594
- Economic growth
- 2007-2008, 391
- Economic policy, 391–392
- eHealth Ontario
- Election Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 231)
- second reading, 9673
- Electric lines
- Sudbury to Barrie
- aboriginal group share, 2134
- Sudbury to Barrie
- Electricity rates, 9261
- Employment Standards Amendment Act (Temporary Help Agencies), 2009 (Bill 139)
- Energy
- Energy conservation, 5164, 5167
- Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 (Bill 235)
- second reading, 9261
- Energy efficiency, 5167
- Environment industry, 6397
- regulations, 6397
- Environmental assessment process
- Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, 9497, 9540–9541
- Environmental Enforcement Statute Law Amendment Act, S.O. 2005, c.12, 5956–5957
- Environmental industry, 1052
- Environmental Protection Act (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading), 2009 (Bill 185)
- Farmers
- Farming
- fruit and vegetable farming, 853
- Federal government
- Forensic pathologists
- child-death investigations of Dr. Charles Smith, 4377
- Government accountability, 6013, 7605, 7666–7667, 8435–8436
- Government expenditures, 3444, 4226, 4594–4595
- increase, 677
- Government orders
- Government record
- Great Lakes Heritage Coast, 4309–4310
- Green economy, 5163, 5170–5171
- Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009 (Bill 150)
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Haldimand county
- Harmonized sales tax, 5785, 5940, 6376, 6516–6518
- Haudenousaunee Development Institute (HDI)
- Hazardous products
- chlorine, 7168
- Health care funding
- accountability and oversight
- investigation by Ombudsman, 8436
- accountability and oversight
- Healthy Food for Healthy Schools Act, 2008 (Bill 8)
- second reading, 216
- Highway improvement
- Highway 6 (Jarvis and Port Dover), 9650
- Highway tolls, 9216
- Home energy audits, 5167, 6778
- Hospital budget deficits
- Norfolk General Hospital, 6413
- Hospital services
- emergency
- West Haldimand General Hospital, 6413
- emergency
- India
- InStore Focus, 2944
- Invasive species
- Lake Simcoe
- Lake Simcoe Protection Act, 2008 (Bill 99)
- Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, 2686
- Lake Superior, 4309
- Land development
- aboriginal-housing developer consultation, 689
- Livestock
- Manufacturing industry
- Members'/ministers' constituencies/constituency events
- Haldimand–Norfolk
- Long Point, 4425
- Haldimand–Norfolk
- Members'/ministers' constituents
- congratulatory remarks, 6557
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 2944–2945, 3942, 5163–5165, 5167, 6527–6528, 6932
- Members/ministers quoting books
- Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town (Stephen Leacock), 2688
- Members/ministers quoting committee submissions
- Canadian Cancer Society, 7166
- Canadian Chemical Producers' Association, 7168, 7172
- Canadian Environmental Law Association, 7167
- Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters, 7167
- Canadian Paint and Coatings Association, 7170
- Canadian Petroleum Products Institute, 7169, 7171
- Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association, 7170
- Cement Association of Canada, St. Marys Cement Group, 7170–7171
- Church, Grant, 6776
- Environmental Defence, 7166–7167
- Ontario Mining Association, 7172
- Sarnia-Lambton Environmental Association, 7169
- Members/ministers quoting documents
- Members/ministers quoting electronic mail messages
- Members/ministers quoting letters
- Food and Consumer Products of Canada, 3942
- Members/ministers quoting magazine articles
- Members/ministers quoting news media
- Reuters, 7299
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Members/ministers quoting parables
- The Ant and the Grasshopper, 3670
- Members/ministers quoting plaques
- Members/ministers quoting press releases
- MREP Communications, 1843
- Members/ministers quoting reports
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, 1843
- Canadian Chemical Producers' Association, 6297
- Cement Association of Canada, 6297
- Chudy, Carol (co-chair, Clean, Affordable Energy Alliance), 6775–6776
- Detlor, Aaron (lawyer), 477
- Drummond, Don (chief economist, TD Bank Financial Group), 390
- Fleming, Doug (constituent, Caledonia), 1483
- Goodhand, Peter (chief executive officer, Canadian Cancer Society, Ontario division), 7180
- Health Canada, 1842
- Howcroft, Ian (vice-president, Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters), 6296
- Hume, Peter (Ottawa city councillor and president, Association of Municipalities of Ontario), 9393
- Industry Task Force II on 2,4-D Research Data, 1843
- Latta, Robert (Congressman, United States House of Representatives), 7299–7300
- Miller, Gord (Environmental Commissioner of Ontario), 9497, 9563
- Moore, Patrick (founder, Greenpeace), 1846
- Moreau, Elizabeth (director of communications and public education, Canadian Paediatric Society), 1843
- National Cancer Institute of Canada, 1843
- Ontario College of Family Physicians, 1842
- Ontario Federation of Agriculture, 1845
- Paton, Richard (president and CEO, Canadian Chemical Producers' Association), 6296
- Porter, Douglas (deputy chief economist, Bank of Montreal), 390
- Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, 6933
- Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (United Kingdom), 1842
- Scotts Canada, 1844, 1846
- Shimkus, John (Congressman, United States House of Representatives), 7300
- Souder, Mark (Congressman, United States House of Representatives), 7300
- Members/ministers quoting television programs
- Focus Ontario, 903
- Members/ministers quoting websites
- Environment Canada, 6295
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Members' statements
- Aboriginal affairs, 2743
- Aboriginal land dispute, 7037, 8871, 9223
- Assistance to farmers, 282, 3644
- Chicken Farmers of Ontario, 65
- Disaster relief, 5624
- Earth Hour, 5667
- Electricity transmission, 2134
- Energy symposium, 3928
- Government advertising, 3053
- Government record, 3835
- Health premiums, 822
- Highway maintenance, 9650
- Kellar, Becky, 9583
- Labour dispute, 8828–8829
- Long Point, 4425
- Marshall, David, 8922
- Native land dispute, 225–226
- Ontario economy, 3444
- Ontario Police Memorial, 6808–6809
- Pesticides, 4474, 4909, 5191
- Power plant, 7582–7583
- Rainwater collection, 6339
- Small business, 4063–4064
- Taxation, 5785, 5997–5998
- TenBrinke, Ranae, 6557
- Tobacco growers, 184
- Mining Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 173)
- Mining industry
- Ministerial responsibility, 7615, 8437
- Ministerial statements, responded to
- Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs
- new relationship fund, 2295
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- Ontario cattle, hog and horticulture program, 3644
- Ministry of Community and Social Services
- passport program, 2948
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- Ontario disaster relief assistance program (ODRAP), 5624
- Ministry of Natural Resources
- Natural disasters
- floods
- Grand River, 5624
- floods
- Northern Ontario
- economic development, 662
- Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act (Violence and Harassment in the Workplace), 2009 (Bill 168)
- second reading, 8020
- Ontario budget speech (25 March 2008)
- Ontario budget speech (26 March 2009)
- Ontario disability support program (ODSP) benefits
- clawback, 2943
- Ontario health insurance plan (OHIP)
- chiropractic/physiotherapy services
- delisting, 903
- chiropractic/physiotherapy services
- Ontario health premium, 822, 901–903
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. (OLG)
- reform, 7621
- Ontario Power Generation gas-fired generating station
- southwest GTA, 7582–7583
- Ontario Works program benefits
- temporary care assistance (TCA), 3858
- Opposition day motions, responded to
- Child care, 3857–3858
- Electronic health information, 8282–8283, 8629
- Government accountability, 6013
- Government spending, 5808
- Health care oversight, 8435–8437
- Hospital services, 6412–6414
- Ontario economy, 1114–1115, 3462–3463
- Rural schools, 2267–2268
- Taxation, 6517–6518
- Tobacco control, 1483–1484
- Violent crime, 3659
- Young offenders, 3018
- Oral questions, presented
- Aboriginal affairs, 2295
- Aboriginal land claims, 5385–5386, 6189–6190, 8648–8649, 8867–8868, 9123
- Assistance to farmers, 7963
- Automobile industry, 6333–6334
- Development fees, 377, 422, 477, 525–526, 689, 1208
- Environmental protection, 9497
- Government appointments, 9540–9541
- Gypsy moth infestation, 651
- Highway tolls, 9216
- Labour dispute, 9368
- Manufacturing jobs, 5228
- Native land disputes, 52, 1061, 1103, 1469–1470, 1572, 1608–1609, 1881, 1922
- Ontario economy, 5779
- Propane explosion, 4245
- Public transit, 5828–5829
- Smoking cessation, 6437
- Stelco, 5468–5469
- Taxation, 5732
- Tobacco industry, 837, 4862, 6550
- Toxics reduction, 8348–8349
- Violent crime, 3639
- Waste disposal, 8259
- Persons with disabilities
- Pesticides/herbicides, 4909
- Petitions
- Aboriginal land dispute, 8832
- Aggregate extraction, 6149–6150
- Assistance to farmers, 4870
- Cemeteries, 7092
- Cosmetic pesticides, 7239
- Driver licences, 302, 3653, 4589
- Emerald ash borer, 658–659
- Gypsy moths, 901
- Lord's Prayer, 839
- Native land dispute, 56, 201
- Nuclear energy, 6999
- Ostomy supplies, 1066
- Sale of domestic wines and beers, 8556, 8792
- Sales tax, 4830, 4871, 5197
- Taxation, 7972–7973, 8739
- Wind turbines, 7972
- Plea bargaining
- VanEvery, Donald (convicted gun runner), 3639
- Police memorials
- Ontario Police Memorial (Queen's Park), 6808
- Population growth
- Durham region, 2689
- Poultry industry, 65
- supply management, 65
- Private members' public business
- Climate Change Awareness Act, 2009 (Bill 208)
- second reading, 8326–8327
- Environmental Assessment Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 123)
- second reading, 4314–4315
- Lake Superior Day
- responded to, 4309–4310
- Signage to Promote Ontario Grown Agricultural Food Products Act, 2008 (Bill 98)
- second reading, 3062–3063
- Single-Use Bottled Water Ban Act, 2008 (Bill 112)
- second reading, 3942–3943
- Sustainable Water and Waste Water Systems Improvement and Maintenance Act, 2010 (Bill 237)
- second reading, 9392–9393
- Tire disposal
- responded to, 929
- Tobacco Tax Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 199)
- Truth About Caledonia Act, 2009 (Bill 146)
- Wind turbines
- responded to, 8333–8334
- Zero Waste Day Act, 2010 (Bill 247)
- second reading, 9562–9564
- Climate Change Awareness Act, 2009 (Bill 208)
- Propane explosions
- Sunrise Propane
- air/water quality tests, 4245
- Sunrise Propane
- Property rights, 7086
- Property Rights and Responsibilities Act, 2009 (Bill 190)
- first reading, 7086
- Provincial Animal Welfare Act, 2008 (Bill 50)
- general discussion, 5193–5194
- Public education campaigns
- Public inquiries
- Public Sector Expenses Review Act, 2009 (Bill 201)
- Rainwater, 6339
- Reports
- Rural Ontario
- transit funding, 5829
- School boards
- responsibility for student achievement, 7357
- School cafeterias
- ban on trans fat in food and beverages, 216
- Schools
- closure
- rural Ontario, 2267–2268
- closure
- Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008 (Bill 77)
- Signage
- promotion of agricultural food products
- farmers permitted to post seasonal, directional signs on land adjacent to highways, 3062–3063
- promotion of agricultural food products
- Simcoe county
- population growth, 2704–2705
- Single-Use Bottled Water Ban Act, 2008 (Bill 112)
- second reading
- public consultation, 3942
- second reading
- Small business
- tax reduction, 5760
- Smoke-Free Ontario Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 69)
- second reading, 1878
- Smoke shops
- Argyle Street (Caledonia), 6437
- Smoking, 6437, 6550
- ban on smoking in cars with children present, 1878
- Smoking cessation programs, 6437
- Steel industry, 5228
- Student Achievement and School Board Governance Act, 2009 (Bill 177)
- second reading, 7357
- Tax increases, 3408–3409
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 390–394
- Time allocation motions
- Tire tax, 929
- Tobacco industry, 184
- Tobacco products
- illegal sale, 1483
- Tobacco tax
- Tobacco Tax Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 199)
- first reading, 7282–7283
- Toxic substances
- Toxics Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 167)
- Transit systems
- Treaties
- Nanfan Treaty, 1208
- Tributes
- Marshall, David (judge, Ontario Superior Court of Justice), 8922
- Truth About Caledonia Act, 2009 (Bill 146)
- first reading, 4868
- Unemployment
- increase, 391
- United States
- United States Code
- Chapter 11, 4227
- U.S. Steel Canada
- Waste management/programs
- Water utilities
- regulation, 9391–9392
- Western Climate Initiative, 6998, 7295, 7299
- Wind turbines
- health effects
- moratorium on new projects pending review of health effects, 8333–8334
- health effects
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 119)
- Youth crime, 3018
- Zehrs Markets, 2944
- Bartolucci, Hon. R. (LIB, Sudbury)
- Aboriginal communities
- Aboriginal land claims
- Animal protection, 733–734, 1585–1586, 3150, 3152, 3154, 5193
- Anniversaries
- Ontario Provincial Police 100th anniversary, 5582–5583
- Annual reports
- Autopsy, 4369
- Bail hearings
- by video, 654
- Central East Correctional Centre
- Chief Coroner for Ontario
- disclosure of information, 4370
- Child pornography, 2780
- Christopher's Law (Sex Offender Registry) Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 16)
- Community safety, 172, 6227
- Community safety programs
- Coroner inquests
- death on premises of correctional institutions, 4371
- Goodwin, James and Ricardo Wesley (died in jail fire), 5384–5385
- Iroaga, Aju (missing tree planter), 1203–1204
- Kashechewan fire
- jury recommendations, 6888
- Liang, Shao-Fang; Vivian and Ivan Chau (murder victims), 4022, 4061
- Osidacz, Jared (murder victim), 1100, 1165, 1718, 2126, 2898, 5687
- power of Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services to hold inquest repealed, 3538, 4370–4372
- Coroners Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.C.37
- section 22 (Minister may direct coroner to hold inquest), 4022
- Coroners Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 115)
- Correctional centres, 5186
- construction, 5119
- Correctional services, 6990
- Court security
- costs, 53–54
- Crime, 478
- violent crime, 6227
- Crime prevention, 3136–3137, 3837, 8417–8418, 8501
- Death investigation oversight council, 3537–3538, 4370, 7652
- Death investigations
- aboriginal communities, 3045
- Diesel spills
- Attawapiskat First Nation, 5995
- Disaster relief
- Haiti earthquake victims (12 January 2010), 9447
- Drivers
- impaired drivers, 4392
- Emergency management, 1605, 6561–6562, 6643
- Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.E.9, 6562
- Emergency Management Ontario (EMO), 7524
- Emergency survival kit, 6643
- Fatalities
- Farlow, Annie (infant in hospital care), 7731–7732
- Federal government
- Fire safety, 502
- Fire sprinklers
- mandatory fire sprinkler systems in retirement homes, 8350–8351
- Firefighter memorials
- Queen's Park
- vandalism, 8996
- Queen's Park
- Firefighters
- Forensic pathologists
- registry, 4370
- Forensic pathology, 4370
- Government record
- Government service transfer to municipal jurisdiction
- return to provincial jurisdiction
- court security costs, 4025
- return to provincial jurisdiction
- Handguns
- ban, 772
- Highway safety
- aircraft enforcement program, 1970
- Highways
- naming highways in memory of fallen police officers, 5189
- Human smuggling, 8869
- Interprovincial Policing Act, 2009 (Bill 203)
- Kevin and Jared's Law (Child and Family Services Statute Law Amendment), S.O. 2006, c.24, 1100
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- wearing of pins/ribbons/buttons, 3150
- Members/ministers quoting press releases
- Canadian Police Association, 379
- Members/ministers quoting reports
- Office of the Auditor General of Ontario Annual Report (2007), 191
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Gandhi, Mahatma (spiritual and political leader), 3150
- MacDonald, Kate (chief executive officer, Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), 1063, 1586
- MacDonald, Shelagh (Canadian Federation of Humane Societies), 3151
- Tkachyk, Melissa (World Society for the Protection of Animals), 1586
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn, 5280
- Mental health care, 4061
- Ministerial statements, presented
- Animal protection, 733–734, 5193
- Coroner's office, 3537–3538, 7651–7652
- Crime Prevention Week, 3837, 8417–8418
- Emergency preparedness, 4031–4032, 6561–6562
- Impaired driving, 4391–4392
- Law enforcement, 7484–7485
- Ontario Police Memorial, 6446
- Ontario Provincial Police, 5582–5583
- Police Association of Ontario, 8609–8610
- Police services, 1412, 6277
- Police Week, 1829, 6811–6812
- Sex offender registry, 187–188
- Ministers redirecting oral questions, 478, 1971, 2390, 4061, 6941
- Ministry of Community and Social Services
- Constable Joe MacDonald Public Safety Officers' Survivors Scholarship Fund Committee, 5189
- Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
- Attendance Support Management Pilot Program for correctional officers, 8213–8214
- Natural disasters
- tornados (20 August 2009)
- government funding for affected communities, 7524
- tornados (20 August 2009)
- Offenders
- Office of the Chief Coroner
- Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police, 1412, 6277
- Ontario Association of Police Services Boards, 1412, 6277
- Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), 192, 5582–5583
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA), 3152, 5193
- affiliation of humane societies, 3152
- charge owner with causing and permitting distress to animal, 3151
- government funding, 1585
- immediate action if animal is in distress, 3152
- inspect and determine whether standards of care are met, 3151
- inspect premises where animals are sold, 3151
- investigation of Toronto Humane Society, 8916–8917
- warrantless entry for inspectors, 3151
- Oral questions, responded to
- Aboriginal land dispute, 9448
- Aboriginal programs and services, 6888
- Animal protection, 1515, 8916–8917
- Animal protection legislation, 1063, 1714
- Attawapiskat First Nation, 5995
- Child pornography, 2779–2780
- Child protection, 4999–5000
- Community policing, 498
- Coroner's inquest, 4022, 5384–5385
- Coroner's office, 3045, 7730–7731
- Correctional facilities, 654, 694, 2346, 4904–4905
- Correctional facility employees, 4573
- Correctional services, 2210, 2438, 6990, 7477
- Court security, 53–54
- Crime prevention, 478, 8501
- Disaster relief, 2390, 7524, 9447
- Disciplinary hearing, 5466
- Domestic violence, 1100–1101, 1165, 1718, 2126, 2898, 5687–5688
- Don jail, 5119, 5186–5187
- Electronic surveillance program, 4020–4021
- Emergency preparedness, 1605, 6643
- Fire safety, 502, 8350–8351
- Firearms control, 772
- Firefighters, 8995–8996
- Highway safety, 1970
- Human trafficking, 8869–8870
- Injured workers, 8213–8214
- Mental health services, 4061
- Municipal finances, 4025
- Native land disputes, 52, 1572
- Nuclear waste, 6883–6884
- Parole system, 166
- Police, 4021–4022, 8602
- Police officers, 172–173, 379, 3088–3089, 5189
- Sex offender registry, 167, 191–192, 195, 230–231
- Smoking cessation, 6437
- Special investigations unit, 8601
- Tobacco control, 740, 996, 1054–1055, 1211, 4572, 5279–5280, 5734, 7695
- Tobacco smuggling, 686, 4379
- Use of tasers, 4422–4423
- Violent crime, 3136–3137, 6227
- Volunteer firefighters, 55
- Workplace safety, 1203–1204
- Pathologists
- registry, 3538
- Pediatric autopsy, 4369
- Pediatric forensic pathology
- Police
- investigations by
- conduct of Dave Switzer and Doreen Henderson, 7477
- investigations by
- Police Association of Ontario, 8609–8610
- Police-government partnerships, 4021
- Police memorials
- Ontario Police Memorial (Queen's Park), 6446
- Police officers, 6437
- Police services, 498, 4572
- Provincial Animal Welfare Act, 2008 (Bill 50)
- Provincial-municipal partnerships
- provincial-municipal fiscal and service delivery review, 53–54
- Public education campaigns
- Public inquiries
- Reports
- RIDE (program), 4391–4392
- Sex offender registry, 187–188, 231, 698–700, 1339
- Sex offenders, 231, 2780
- registration, 187–188
- Smoking, 740
- reduction in smoking, 1054–1055
- Smoking cessation, 1054–1055
- Smuggling, 686, 740, 5734
- Solitary confinement
- Speaker
- election (28 November 2007)
- congratulatory remarks, 52
- election (28 November 2007)
- Supply Chain and Logistics Coordination Alliance, 6562
- Time allocation motions
- Interprovincial Policing Act, 2009 (Bill 203)
- presented, 8967–8968
- Interprovincial Policing Act, 2009 (Bill 203)
- Tobacco products
- Tobacco tax
- law enforcement, 4572
- Toronto Police Service
- Toronto anti-violence intervention strategy (TAVIS), 6227
- Uniform Law Conference of Canada, 7720
- Waste
- nuclear/radioactive waste
- Sudbury, 6883–6884
- nuclear/radioactive waste
- Bentley, Hon. C. (LIB, London West)
- Aboriginal blockades
- Highway 6 overpass, 1880–1881
- Aboriginal communities
- police services
- government funding, 7034
- police services
- Aboriginal land claims
- Aboriginal peoples, 4782, 9276–9277
- Accounting Professions Act, 2009 (Bill 158)
- first reading, 5517
- Administration of justice, 3771, 4102–4103, 4287, 4821–4822
- Apology, 3146–3147, 3501, 5392
- Apology Act, 2008 (Bill 59)
- general discussion, 5392
- Apology Act, 2009 (Bill 108)
- Appointments
- Anand, Raj (nomination as chair, Human Rights Legal Support Centre), 835–836
- Awards
- Victim Services Awards of Distinction, 6278
- Bail, 3634–3635, 3658, 3677, 3680
- O'Brien, Nathaniel (murder suspect), 3376
- British Columbia
- recovery of tobacco-related health care costs from manufacturers of tobacco products, 6827–6828
- Budget Measures and Interim Appropriation Act, 2008 (No. 2) (Bill 114)
- second reading, 3586
- Business
- regulation, 3399
- Casinos
- used to launder proceeds of crime, 2161–2162
- Child custody, 4890–4891
- criminal record checks, 6609
- Child protection, 2901, 6609
- Compensation
- Construction industry
- underground economy, 4087
- Consumer protection
- ticket resale practices, 6395–6396
- Coroner inquests
- Kashechewan fire
- jury recommendations, 7033–7034
- Kashechewan fire
- Court administration
- Court cases/actions
- Baltovich, Robert (re murder of Elizabeth Bain), 1246
- legal and consulting fees paid re Ontario Realty Corp. case, 4860
- O'Brien, Nathaniel (murder suspect), 3321
- Snobelen, John re firearm charges, 1420
- Varughese, Saramma and Susan John (murder victims), 3437–3438, 3676–3677, 3726, 4645
- victims of SARS, 5033
- Virgoe, David (street racing victim), 2292, 2394
- Court reporters, 7076
- Crime
- Crime prevention, 1608, 3567–3569, 3635, 3678–3679, 3728, 4287
- Criminal Code of Canada, 3567–3568
- section 293, 2208
- Criminal justice, 4574
- federal government responsibility, 3567–3568
- Discrimination, 4631
- Domestic violence, 4889–4890, 4964–4965
- access to restraining order, 6686
- Driving offences, 2344
- Economic conditions, 3396–3399
- Election Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 231)
- Elections/by-elections
- Electoral process reform, 9281–9282
- Families at risk, 4889
- Family law
- Family Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 133)
- Family support payments
- annual financial disclosure, 4891
- Fatalities
- Varughese, Saramma and Susan John (murder victims), 3376
- Federal government record
- Firearms
- smuggling, 2206
- Firearms control, 2205–2206
- Fishers
- harassment, 55
- French-language debates
- Déclarations ministérielles et réponses
- Droit de la famille, 4156
- Droits des peuples autochtones, 9276
- Loi sur la présentation d'excuses, 3146
- Profession de parajuriste, 5692
- Protection du consommateur, 6395
- Réforme électorale, 9133
- Saine gestion publique, 8220
- Semaine nationale de sensibilisation aux victimes d'actes criminels, 6278
- Victimes d'actes criminels, 984–985
- Loi de 2009 sur les professions comptables, projet de loi 158
- première lecture, 5517
- Déclarations ministérielles et réponses
- Gladue (Aboriginal Persons) Court Support Program, 4782
- Good Government Act, 2009 (Bill 212)
- Government accountability, 8220
- Government orders
- Ontario economy
- responded to, 3396–3399
- Ontario economy
- Government record
- Handguns, 3639
- Hate crime, 2126, 3965
- Human rights, 164, 2126, 4631
- Human Rights Code Amendment Act, S.O. 2006, c.30, 164
- Human Rights Legal Support Centre, 4631
- Increasing Access to Qualified Health Professionals for Ontarians Act, 2008 (Bill 97)
- third reading, 3986
- Industry
- London region, 3398
- Investing in Ontario Act, 2008 (Bill 35)
- second reading, 1035
- Judges
- unified family court judges, 4890
- Juries Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. J.3
- amended by Bill 212, 8220
- Jurors
- Jury rolls
- aboriginal representation, 2668
- Jury system, 6941–6942
- Justice
- Labour mobility
- public accountants, 7227
- Layoffs, 3397
- Legal aid
- government funding, 7479
- Liberal Party (federal)
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Dunnville Chronicle, 1917–1918
- Members/ministers quoting reports
- Modernizing Ontario's Electoral Legislation: Report of the Select Committee on Elections (2009), 9134
- Mining industry
- provincial-aboriginal relations, 615
- Ministerial statements, presented
- Aboriginal rights, 9276–9277
- Apology legislation, 3146–3147
- Consumer protection, 6395–6396
- Electoral reform, 9133–9134
- Family law, 4155–4156
- Good governance, 8219–8220
- National Victims of Crime Awareness Week, 6277–6279
- Paralegals, 5692
- Tobacco-related health care costs, 5240
- Victims of crime, 984–985
- Ministers redirecting oral questions, 55, 772, 1248, 1307, 5033, 5614
- Ministry of the Attorney General
- aboriginal community justice programs, 6279
- government funding, 5384
- aboriginal victims support grant program, 6279
- child victim/witness program, 6278
- domestic violence court program, 6278
- Justice on Target strategy, 4574–4575, 4577
- partner assault response (PAR) program, 6278–6279
- supervised access program, 6278
- SupportLink, 6278
- victim quick response program, 1167, 6278
- victim/witness assistance program (VWAP), 6278
- aboriginal community justice programs, 6279
- Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration
- grants to community organizations
- police investigation, 234
- grants to community organizations
- Municipal infrastructure
- government funding
- London, 1035
- government funding
- Occupational training programs, 3398
- Offenders
- Ontario Human Rights Code, 164
- Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
- disciplinary hearing against Alison Jevons and Ken MacDonald, 3919–3920
- Ontario Women's Directorate
- domestic violence action plan, 6686
- Opposition day motions, responded to
- Oral questions, responded to
- Aboriginal affairs, 4782, 5384
- Aboriginal land claims, 8867–8868
- Aboriginal land dispute, 9404, 9498–9499, 9544–9545
- Aboriginal programs and services, 7033–7034
- Aboriginal rights, 614–615
- Bain, Elizabeth, 1246, 1304
- Casinos, 2161–2162
- Child protection, 2901, 9074–9075
- Consumer protection, 5614
- Court reporters, 7076
- Court ruling, 1420
- Crime prevention, 478, 1608
- Domestic violence, 831–832, 892, 4248, 6685–6686, 8213
- Firearms control, 772, 2205–2206
- Hate crimes, 3965
- Human rights, 835–836, 2126–2127
- Infectious disease control, 5033
- Jury selection, 2668, 6941–6942
- Justice system, 4574–4575, 4577
- Labour mobility, 7227
- Legal aid, 7479
- Ministry of the Attorney General, 4821–4822, 4860
- Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration grants, 234
- Native land disputes, 1880, 1917–1918
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp., 7476
- OPP disciplinary hearing, 3919–3920
- Pediatric forensic pathology inquiry, 4419
- Polygamy, 2208
- Proceeds of crime, 836–837
- Protection from harassment, 55
- Public inquiry legislation, 8492–8493, 8496, 8786
- Release of psychiatric offender, 128
- Road safety, 2292, 2344, 2394
- Special investigations unit, 2992
- Taxation, 5687
- Truscott, Steven, 1925
- Victims of crime, 1167–1168, 7478, 7578–7579, 7693, 8212
- Violent crime, 3321, 3376, 3437–3438, 3567–3569, 3634–3635, 3637–3639, 3641, 3676–3680, 3726–3728, 3730, 3770–3771, 4102–4103, 4287, 4291, 4645
- Walkerton tragedy, 420
- Young offenders, 2989
- Youth crime, 2732–2733, 2778–2779, 3571–3572
- Paralegals
- regulation, 5692
- Police
- investigations by
- murder of Bailey Zaveda, 3567
- investigations by
- Police officers, 3658
- Post-secondary education
- Reaching Higher: The McGuinty Government Plan for Postsecondary Education, 3397
- Public education campaigns
- Public inquiries
- Public Inquiries Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.41
- Remedies for Organized Crime and Other Unlawful Activities Act, S.O. 2001, c.28, 836
- Reports
- Excessive Background Checks Conducted on Prospective Jurors: A Special Investigation Report (Information and Privacy Commissioner Ontario), 8361
- Oversight Unseen: Investigation into the Special Investigation Unit's Operational Effectiveness and Credibility (André Marin), 2992
- Report of the Review of Large and Complex Criminal Case Procedures (Patrick LeSage, Michael Code), 4575
- Review of the Roots of Youth Violence (Roy McMurtry, Alvin Curling), 3641
- Sentences (criminal procedure)
- Smoking, 5240, 5412
- Special investigations unit (SIU), 2992
- Supreme Court of Canada rulings
- Askov decision, 4574
- Task forces
- Ticket Speculation Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 172)
- Tickets
- Time allocation motions
- Good Government Act, 2009 (Bill 212)
- responded to, 8561–8562
- Good Government Act, 2009 (Bill 212)
- Tobacco Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act, 2009 (Bill 155)
- Tobacco products manufacturers
- Tobacco-related diseases, 5240
- United States
- recovery of tobacco-related health care costs from manufacturers of tobacco products, 6827–6828
- Victims of crime, 2779, 6278
- Victims of domestic violence, 4890
- Violence, 3641
- gun violence, 3678
- Violence against women, 4248
- Websites
- www.justiceontargetontario, 4577
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), 4087
- Young offenders, 2732, 2989
- Young Offenders Act, R.S. 1985, c.Y-1, 2733
- Youth Criminal Justice Act, S.C. 2002, c.1, 3021
- Youth/students
- government support, 3641
- Youth violence, 3571–3572
- Aboriginal blockades
- Berardinetti, L. (LIB, Scarborough Southwest)
- Animal protection
- Scarborough Bluffs cat colony, 8462
- Anniversaries
- Death of John Lennon 29th anniversary, 9041
- Athletes
- amateur athletes, 78
- Biomedical research
- government funding, 5923
- Birthdays
- Queen Elizabeth II, 6143
- Budget, 6275
- Budget Measures Act, 2009 (Bill 162)
- second reading, 6123–6125
- Capital works projects
- government funding, 6124
- Child and Family Services Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 103)
- Child care, 543–544
- government funding, 543–544
- Child poverty, 174, 5095–5096
- Climatic changes, 7311
- Colleges of applied arts and technology (CAATs)
- Centennial College
- apprenticeship training, 4910
- Centennial College
- Congratulatory remarks
- Smith, Nora (recipient, Volunteer Service Award), 886
- Conquest Vacations
- closure, 6077–6078
- Corporate tax reduction, 6809
- Debates re answers to oral questions
- Labour dispute
- participation, 9480–9481
- Labour dispute
- Early childhood education
- full-day learning for four- and five-year-old children, 5096
- Early childhood educators, 544
- Economic decline
- government response, 6123
- Employment insurance benefits
- Ontario workers, 283
- Employment Protection for Foreign Nationals Act (Live-In Caregivers and Others), 2009 (Bill 210)
- Energy
- Entertainment industry
- government funding, 5923
- Environmental Protection Act (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading), 2009 (Bill 185)
- second reading, 7311–7314
- Exercise, 78
- Federal government
- Festivals
- Durga Puja, 7648
- Foreign caregivers
- Good Government Act, 2009 (Bill 212)
- Government record
- Government service transfer to municipal jurisdiction
- return to provincial jurisdiction, 5088
- Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area Transit Implementation Act, 2009 (Bill 163)
- second reading, 5898–5899
- Green economy, 5358
- Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009 (Bill 150)
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- reduction
- cap and trade system (emissions trading), 7311–7312
- reduction
- Harmonized sales tax, 5924–5925, 6124, 6275
- transition benefit
- $1,000 for single parents or couples, 5924
- transition benefit
- Health care funding
- government funding, 6913–6914
- Health care reform, 6915
- Health professionals
- expansion of scope of practice, 6914
- Health promotion, 6917
- Healthy Food for Healthy Schools Act, 2008 (Bill 8)
- second reading, 310–313
- Holidays
- Family Day, 9273–9274
- Hospital funding
- government funding, 6914
- Housing
- affordable, 6443
- Income tax reduction, 5924
- Interprovincial Policing Act, 2009 (Bill 203)
- second reading, 7897–7901
- Investment in Ontario, 505
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 6915
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Toronto Star, 5925
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn, 8474
- Members' statements
- Animal protection, 8462
- Bangladesh, 5953
- Changa House, 7733
- City of Toronto, 5088
- Durga Puja, 7649
- Family Day, 9273–9274
- Federal-provincial fiscal policies, 283
- Guyana Independence Day, 6949
- Islam, Mohibul and Shamima Jesmin, 9177
- Lennon, John, 9041
- Mackey, James Page, 5286
- On-Track, 8152–8153
- Ontario budget, 6275
- Pan American Games, 8736
- Poverty, 6442–6443, 6559
- Providence Healthcare, 9323
- Public washrooms, 9
- Queen's birthday, 6143
- Rahman, Mehrub, 9002–9003
- Renewable energy, 4951
- Second Base Youth Shelter, 8311
- Skills training, 4910
- Tamil Canadian community, 6994–6995
- Taxation, 6809
- Variety Village, 493, 9453
- Volunteers, 886
- Weatherhead, David Bennington, 5516–5517
- Midwives
- expansion of scope of practice, 6914
- Ministry of Children and Youth Services
- youth opportunities strategy, 5096
- Ministry of Health Promotion
- Active 2010
- communities in action fund (CIAP), 78
- Active 2010
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- provincial rent bank program, 5096
- National/independence/memorial days
- Non-profit organizations
- Nurses
- hiring, 6914
- Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.O.1, 7728
- On-Track Career & Employment Services, 8152–8153
- Ontario budget speech (26 March 2009)
- responded to, 5923–5927
- Ontario child benefit (OCB), 5096, 6442–6443
- Opposition day motions, responded to
- Pension plans, 6711–6712
- Oral questions, presented
- Parenting and family literacy centres, 5096
- Pension plans
- reform, 6712
- Petitions
- Community mediation, 4957
- Driver licences, 1002
- Education funding, 1000
- Employment insurance, 483, 572, 657–658
- Federal electoral representation, 202, 241–242
- Hospital funding, 747
- Ontario budget, 5892, 6003–6005, 6149, 6286, 6451, 6815–6816, 6954
- Pope John Paul II, 4869, 4913–4914
- Post-secondary education, 7161, 7238
- Public washrooms, 82, 340, 385, 424–425, 507, 697, 838
- Physiotherapists
- expansion of scope of practice, 6914
- Police services
- cross-border policing, 7898–7901
- Poverty, 173–174, 5095–5096
- Poverty Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 152)
- Poverty reduction strategy, 5095–5096, 5101, 6442, 6559
- community hub program, 5096
- Private members' public business
- Providence Healthcare, 9323
- Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth, 4874
- Public education campaigns
- Ontario Human Rights Day, 9243
- Regulated Health Professions Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 141)
- third reading, 5590
- Regulated Health Professions Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 179)
- Reports
- Breaking the Cycle: Ontario's Poverty Reduction Strategy, 5095–5096
- School cafeterias
- ban on trans fat in food and beverages, 310–313
- Social assistance, 5096
- Social assistance benefits
- increase, 6443
- Social housing, 379
- Social Policy Institute, 5096
- Speaker
- election (28 November 2007)
- congratulatory remarks, 9
- election (28 November 2007)
- Sports competitions
- Pan American Games bid (2015)
- awarded to Toronto, 8736
- Pan American Games bid (2015)
- Tamil Canadians, 6994–6995
- Tax reduction, 6809
- Throne speech debate
- Toronto, 5088
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- Transit systems
- Eglinton rapid transit line, 5899
- Transportation infrastructure
- government funding, 5923–5924
- Travel Industry Council of Ontario (TICO), 6078, 6081
- Tributes
- Uniform Law Conference of Canada, 7898, 7900
- U.S. Steel Canada
- layoffs, 9480–9481
- Volunteers, 886
- Women's emergency shelters
- Changa House, 7733
- Youth shelters
- Second Base Youth Shelter, 8311
- Animal protection
- Best, Hon. M.R. (LIB, Scarborough–Guildwood)
- Aboriginal communities
- health care, 1309
- Athletes
- Automated external defibrillators (AED), 3921–3922
- Breastfeeding, 4418–4419
- Canadian Cancer Society
- Driven to Quit challenge, 1198–1199
- Canadian Olympic Committee
- Road to Excellence program, 2841
- Cancer
- skin cancer, 3141
- Coaches (athletics), 6185–6186
- Congratulatory remarks
- athletes, 2840–2841
- Debates re answers to oral questions
- Tobacco control
- participation, 3470
- Tobacco control
- Dental care, 5424
- Diabetes, 8551–8552
- Disease prevention, 3470
- Emancipation Day Act, 2008 (Bill 111)
- Government notice of motions
- Legislative reform
- responded to, 1321–1322
- Legislative reform
- Health promotion, 3136
- Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 5089–5090
- Heart disease, 5089–5090, 9372–9373
- Hospitals
- Hospital for Sick Children
- Motherisk program, 4418
- Hospital for Sick Children
- Legislative process
- family friendly reforms, 1321–1322
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Ministerial statements, presented
- Ministers redirecting oral questions, 740, 1054, 1060, 1105, 1211, 1372, 5279, 5428, 5734, 6437
- Ministry of Education/Ministry of Health Promotion
- healthy schools recognition program, 3690
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- Ministry of Health Promotion, 3136, 3470
- National/independence/memorial days
- Nicotine replacement therapy products, 5950
- retail sales tax, 769–770
- Oral questions, responded to
- Aboriginal health promotion, 1309
- Alcohol and drug treatment, 4152, 4331
- Amateur sport, 3827–3828, 8997
- Anti-smoking legislation, 2028–2029, 7644
- Anti-smoking programs, 7149–7150, 8782
- Breastfeeding, 4418–4419
- Dental care, 5424
- Health promotion, 3136, 7965
- Healthy eating, 9726–9727
- Healthy living, 78, 6846
- Heart disease, 3921–3922
- Ministry spending, 4469–4470
- Pan American Games, 2992–2993
- Smoking cessation, 769–770, 5950, 6437, 7961
- Sports and recreation funding, 1056, 1103–1104, 1367, 6185–6186, 6555, 7227–7228
- Sports funding, 9727
- Tanning salons, 3141
- Taxation, 6037–6038
- Tobacco control, 894, 954, 1101, 3324–3325
- Physical activity guidelines for children, 6846
- Private members' public business
- Public education campaigns
- Reports
- Review of the Roots of Youth Violence (Roy McMurtry, Alvin Curling), 4152
- Skin Cancer Prevention Act, 2008 (Bill 83)
- general discussion, 3141
- Smoke-Free Ontario Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 69)
- Smoke-Free Ontario Amendment Act (Cigarillos), 2008 (Bill 124)
- Smoking, 1101, 3324–3325, 3470, 4470, 6437, 7149
- Smoking cessation programs, 2557, 4470
- Speaker
- election (28 November 2007)
- congratulatory remarks, 78
- election (28 November 2007)
- Sports and recreation
- government funding, 1103–1104
- Sports and recreation facilities, 1056, 3828, 6186
- government funding, 6038
- Sports competitions
- Sports programs
- Own the Podium, 2841
- Tanning services/ultra-violet light treatment services
- sale or supply to persons under 19 prohibited, 3141
- Tobacco Control Statute Law Amendment Act, S.O. 2005, c.18, 2557, 3324–3325
- Tobacco products
- Tobacco-related diseases, 2562
- Toronto Emergency Medical Services
- cardiac safe city program, 3921
- Websites
- www.healthyontario.com, 5090
- Youth Action Alliance, 7149
- Aboriginal communities
- Bisson, G. (NDP, Timmins–James Bay)
- AbitibiBowater
- Aboriginal children
- education, 4249
- Aboriginal communities, 2170, 4430–4431, 5177–5178
- Agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- Agricultural industry, 8236
- Animal Health Act, 2009 (Bill 204)
- Animal protection
- Animal protection organizations
- use of term humane society restricted
- impact on Toronto Humane Society, 1686–1687
- use of term humane society restricted
- Anniversaries
- Smooth Rock Falls Hospital 60th anniversary, 6274
- Appreciation
- police officers, 8612
- Apprentices, 3262
- Apprenticeship and Certification Act, S.O. 1998, c.22
- amended by Bill 175, 8809
- Automobile industry
- Automobile insurance, 4457–4458
- Banks
- Bridge maintenance
- Bridges
- overpass collapse (Laval), 1056
- Budget, 4856
- budget speech rehearsal, 5622
- Budget deficit, 6521
- Budget Measures and Interim Appropriation Act, 2008 (No. 2) (Bill 114)
- Building codes
- revision, 6761–6762
- Bullying, 7067
- Business
- government assistance, 4599
- Cable/satellite providers
- requirement to broadcast legislative proceedings of the province or territory, 3255
- Canada-United States relations, 3909–3910
- Canadian Mass Transit Vehicles Act, 2008 (Bill 31)
- first reading, 328
- Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC), 3911–3912
- Capital investments, 4050
- Carpools, 4205–4206
- Casinos
- Casino Rama (Orillia)
- gambling-generated revenue, 351
- Casino Rama (Orillia)
- Charitable fundraising, 3835
- Child pornography
- Child sexual exploitation, 454
- Children's aid societies (CASs)
- Colleges Collective Bargaining Act, 2008 (Bill 90)
- third reading, 2971–2972
- Colleges of applied arts and technology (CAATs)
- collective bargaining
- successor rights, 2971–2972
- collective bargaining
- Commercial loans
- government to backstop loans, 4050
- Commercial vehicle operator's registration (CVOR), 2589
- Committee process
- Bill 218, 8974
- Committees
- Select Committee on Elections, 2498
- Concurrence in supply debate (December 2008)
- participation, 4595–4601
- Concurrence in supply debate (December 2009)
- participation, 9144–9148
- Conferences/seminars/symposiums
- 2010 OGRA/ROMA Annual Conference, 9406
- Congratulatory remarks
- National Students Against Impaired and Distracted Driving Day, 3448
- Conservation officers, 197
- Consumer credit, 4597–4598
- Consumer protection
- Coroner inquests
- Corporate income tax, 3227–3228
- Corporate tax exemptions
- Ontario tax exemption for commercialization (OTEC)
- eligibility for refund, 3109–3110
- Ontario tax exemption for commercialization (OTEC)
- Corporate taxes
- deferred payment for research and development, 4599
- Corporations
- accountability for government funding, 6015
- Corporations Tax Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.C.40, 4049
- Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act, 2008 (Bill 64)
- second reading, 2021
- Cosmetic surgery
- regulation, 4852
- Countering Distracted Driving and Promoting Green Transportation Act, 2009 (Bill 118)
- Court cases/actions
- Platinex Inc. v. Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation, 347
- Cross-border travel, 3909–3915
- requirement for passport/identity card
- impact on wait times for passports, 2281–2282
- requirement for passport/identity card
- Crown Forest Sustainability Act, 1994, S.O. 1994, c. 25, 8808–8809
- Death investigations
- aboriginal communities, 3045
- Dialysis, 2523–2524
- Diamond industry, 6535
- Diamond royalty, 414
- Diesel spills
- Doctor shortage
- Hearst, 2033
- Driver distractions, 3650, 4197–4199
- Driver education/training, 4033, 4213, 4455–4457, 4463
- Driver examinations
- northern Ontario, 7579
- Driver licences, 4457
- Driving
- Economic conditions, 3226, 3232, 3625, 4595–4596
- Economic decline
- northern Ontario, 2799–2800
- Education Amendment Act (Keeping Our Kids Safe at School), 2009 (Bill 157)
- third reading, 7067
- eHealth Ontario
- expenditures
- accountability, 7670
- expenditures
- Election finance reform, 9135
- Elections/by-elections
- returning officers
- appointment, 2322
- returning officers
- Electoral process reform, 9135–9136
- Electricity rates, 3225
- Employers
- requirement to contribute 1% of payroll amount to workforce training, 3261–3262
- Employment, 2991
- Employment creation, 463
- Employment Protection for Foreign Nationals Act (Live-In Caregivers and Others), 2009 (Bill 210)
- Employment standards, 4985
- Employment Standards Amendment Act (Temporary Help Agencies), 2009 (Bill 139)
- Endangered Species Act, 2007 (Bill 184)
- Energy
- Energy conservation, 6761–6762, 6765
- smart meters, 5173
- Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 (Bill 235)
- second reading, 9260
- Energy efficiency, 1012
- Enumerators/enumeration, 2498–2499, 9135
- Evacuation
- Kashechewan First Nation reserve, 1423
- Far North Act, 2009 (Bill 191)
- ministerial statement
- public consultation, 7158
- ministerial statement
- Farmers
- Fatalities
- George, Dudley (Ipperwash Provincial Park blockade (6 September 1995)), 4430
- Federal government
- Federal-provincial-municipal partnerships
- infrastructure, 4779–4780
- Federal-provincial relations, 359
- Fire sprinklers
- mandatory fire sprinkler systems in retirement homes, 9065–9066
- Firearms
- driving with unlawfully possessed firearm in motor vehicle prohibited, 1356–1357
- First Nations Technical Institute
- government funding, 644–645
- Flight training, 4456
- Foreign caregivers
- Foreign workers
- agricultural workers
- protection, 8186
- agricultural workers
- Forest industry, 3225
- Forest resources management, 8808–8809
- French-language debates
- Affaires d'intérêt public émanant des députés
- Loi de 2008 modifiant la Loi sur les relations de travail (accréditation), projet de loi 65
- deuxième lecture, 1556
- Loi de 2008 modifiant la Loi sur les relations de travail (accréditation), projet de loi 65
- Déclarations des députés
- Déclarations ministérielles et réponses
- Jour de l'opposition
- Taxation, 6520
- Loi de 2010 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne l'apprentissage des jeunes enfants à temps plein, projet de loi 242
- Loi de 2009 modifiant la Loi sur les normes d'emploi (agences de placement temporaire), projet de loi 139
- troisième lecture, 6347–6350
- Loi de 2009 modifiant la Loi sur les professions de la santé réglementées, projet de loi 141
- deuxième lecture, 4850
- Loi de 2008 modifiant le Code de la route (systèmes limiteurs de vitesse), projet de loi 41
- Loi de 2009 sur le règlement des conflits de travail à l'Université York, projet de loi 145
- deuxième lecture, 4771
- Loi de 2009 sur l'énergie verte et l'économie verte, projet de loi 150
- deuxième lecture, 5067–5068
- Loi de 2008 sur l'Office des télécommunications éducatives de langue française de l'Ontario, projet de loi 55
- Ordre du jour
- Heures de séance, 7068–7070
- Pétitions
- Questions orales
- Impôts fonciers, 5317
- Affaires d'intérêt public émanant des députés
- Full Day Early Learning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 242)
- Fundraising, 3834–3835
- Germany
- Globalization, 4600
- Good Government Act, 2009 (Bill 212)
- Goods and services tax (GST)
- reduction, 2801–2802
- Government accountability, 6014
- Government notice of motions
- Government orders
- Government record
- Government service transfer to municipal jurisdiction
- impact on municipal infrastructure, 670–671
- Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area Transit Implementation Act, 2009 (Bill 163)
- second reading, 5774
- Green economy, 5171, 5175–5176
- Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009 (Bill 150)
- Green industry, 5176
- Green technology, 5171
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Harmonized sales tax, 8859–8860, 9144–9146
- Health care funding
- accountability and oversight, 8438
- Healthy Food for Healthy Schools Act, 2008 (Bill 8)
- Highway improvement
- Highway 67 (Highway 11 to Highway 101), 998
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Speed-limiting Systems), 2008 (Bill 41)
- Home insurance
- rental home insurance, 8322–8323
- Homeless persons
- shelter
- Good Samaritan Inn (Timmins), 346–347
- shelter
- Hospital beds
- Ideas for the Future Act, 2008 (Bill 100)
- Imprisonment
- aboriginal protesters, 694
- India, 3910
- Industry shutdowns
- Shebandowan mine, 2972
- Infrastructure Canada
- municipal rural infrastructure fund (MRIF)
- Canada-Ontario municipal rural infrastructure fund (COMRIF), 1543
- municipal rural infrastructure fund (MRIF)
- Infrastructure Ontario
- municipal infrastructure investment initiative (MIII), 1543
- International trade agreements, 8808
- Japan, 3910
- Job protection commissioner, 3231
- Jordan's Principle, 6332–6333
- Kindergarten
- Korex Companies
- collective agreements, 2572–2573
- Labour mobility, 8806
- Lake Simcoe Protection Act, 2008 (Bill 99)
- second reading, 2758
- Land use planning
- Far North, 7158
- Law enforcement, 4202
- Legislative Assembly
- press gallery
- great northern getaway (fundraising for charities), 5667
- press gallery
- Legislative chamber
- accessibility, 5622
- Legislative procedure
- Legislative proceedings
- televised
- Ontario Parliament Network, 3255
- televised
- Legislative process, 8485–8486, 8488
- Legislature schedule/agenda, 4595–4596
- prorogation, 4601
- Liberal Party (federal)
- platforms
- carbon tax, 2990
- platforms
- Livestock
- protection, 1680
- Long-term-care facilities, 348–349
- Manitoba
- automobile insurance, 4458
- Manufacturing industry
- Marshall Plan (European recovery program), 3910
- Members'/ministers' expenditures
- review, 7671–7672
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 549, 3262, 3909–3910, 4033, 4198, 4771, 5627–5628, 9059, 9473–9474
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- wearing of pins/ribbons/buttons, 559
- Members/ministers quoting books
- Members/ministers quoting electronic mail messages
- Louttit, Stan (grand chief, Mushkegowuk Council), 9036
- Members/ministers quoting press releases
- Louttit, Stan (grand chief, Mushkegowuk Council), 694
- Members/ministers quoting reports
- Report of the Ipperwash Inquiry (Sidney Linden), 9591–9595
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- De Beers Canada, 414
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Members' statements
- Aboriginal children's services, 8829
- Aboriginal rights, 2170
- Arthritis, 2787–2788
- Children's aid societies, 8503
- Collective bargaining, 4475
- Driver examination centres, 8152
- Employment supports, 3143–3144
- Forest industry, 7651
- Fundraising, 3834–3835
- Great northern getaway, 5667
- Mining industry, 9126–9127
- Municipal finance, 8463
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission labour dispute, 38
- Pesticides, 324
- Smooth Rock Falls Hospital, 6274
- Mine workers
- occupational health and safety, 5627
- Mineral exploration
- Mining Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.14
- Mining Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 173)
- Mining Amendment Act (Resources Processed in Ontario), 2010 (Bill 243)
- first reading, 9324–9325
- Mining industry, 414, 505, 5627–5628
- consultation with First Nations, 694, 7795–7797
- Detour Lake mine, 5628
- Kamiskotia Lake mine, 5628, 6533–6534
- map staking, 6448, 7797, 8055–8056
- northern Ontario, 6532–6533
- occupational health and safety, 8442–8443
- provincial-aboriginal relations, 414, 8054–8055
- regulations, 6448, 6534
- revenue sharing, 6447
- royalties, 6535
- use of toxic chemicals, 6309–6311
- Ministerial statements, responded to
- Aboriginal affairs, 8267–8268
- Aboriginal rights, 9277–9278
- Consumer protection, 8357
- Crime Prevention Week, 8419
- Electoral reform, 9135–9136
- First Nations Technical Institute, 644–645
- George, Maynard Sam, 4430–4431
- Land development, 7157–7158
- Mining industry, 414, 5627–5628, 6447–6448
- National Tourism Week, 7157
- Photo cards, 2253
- Police Association of Ontario, 8612
- Road safety, 3448, 3650, 4033
- Seat belts, 1096–1097
- Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, 9596
- Ministry of Natural Resources
- Mortgages
- teaser rates, 3226–3227
- Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c. 25
- Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25, 3914
- Municipal Elections Act, S.O. 1996, c. 32
- amended by Bill 212, 8393
- Municipal government services
- government funding, 9406
- Municipal infrastructure
- Natural disasters
- floods
- water level monitors, 1208
- floods
- NDP (federal)
- platforms, 2990
- NDP documents/plans
- purchase of uranium in Elliot Lake, 458
- Northern Ontario
- grants
- northern health travel grant (NHTG) program, 2523–2524
- grants
- Occupational training programs, 4599–4600
- Ontario budget speech (25 March 2008)
- Ontario disability support program (ODSP) benefits
- Ontario innovation tax credit, 4049
- Ontario Labour Mobility Act, 2009 (Bill 175)
- second reading, 8806–8811
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. (OLG)
- expenditures
- accountability, 7670
- expenditures
- Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)
- Ontario Northland Railway, 5774
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission, 6392
- Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU)
- collective bargaining, 4475
- Ontario Securities Commission (OSC), 2990
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA)
- government funding, 1685–1686
- Ontario Tax Plan for More Jobs and Growth Act, 2009 (Bill 218)
- Opposition day motions, responded to
- Oral questions, presented
- Aboriginal affairs, 563–564, 4026
- Aboriginal children's services, 8820–8821, 9036, 9077
- Aboriginal education, 4249
- Aboriginal programs and services, 6888, 7033–7034
- Aboriginal rights, 694
- Agency spending, 7332–7333
- Attawapiskat First Nation, 5995, 6332–6333
- Bus transportation, 2738
- Children's aid societies, 8029, 8647, 8683
- Collective bargaining, 2572–2573
- Community policing, 498
- Conservation officers, 197
- Consumer protection, 1312–1313
- Coroner's office, 3045
- Doctors' services, 2033
- Driver education, 1822
- Driver examination centres, 8412
- Driver licences, 2086–2087, 2160, 7579
- Emergency evacuation, 1423
- Endangered species, 2295–2296
- Environmental assessment, 2609–2610, 3186
- Federal Liberal election promises, 2989–2990
- Financial institutions, 2990–2991
- Flooding, 1208
- Forest industry, 4648, 4696–4697, 5577
- Government services, 7339
- Health care, 173
- Information and Privacy Commissioner, 3440
- Infrastructure program funding, 4779–4780
- Labour dispute, 3376–3377, 3643, 3735
- Manufacturing and forestry sector jobs, 4857–4858, 7693–7694, 7828
- Manufacturing jobs, 4856–4857
- Mining industry, 505, 9123–9124, 9268, 9451–9452, 9548, 9580–9581
- Municipal finances, 8459, 9406
- Municipal funding, 8261–8262
- Municipal infrastructure, 998, 1056–1057
- Northern health travel grant, 2523–2524, 4753
- Ontario economy, 3230–3232
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission, 6392
- Property taxation, 5317
- Provincial purchasing policy, 561–562
- Public consultation, 2782–2783
- Road safety, 4212–4213, 4623–4624
- Taxation, 5619
- Trucking safety, 1769–1770
- Workers' compensation, 298
- Order of Ontario recipients
- George, Maynard Sam, 4430–4431
- Passports, 3911–3912
- security, 3911–3912
- Pension Benefits Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 236)
- Pension plans, 3227
- Pesticides/herbicides
- Petitions
- Child protection, 6759
- Clayton Brown Public School, 9586–9587
- Focus Community program, 7160
- Gasoline prices, 3883
- Home care, 529
- Long-term care, 3846–3847
- Lottery winnings, 243
- Pesticides, 339–340
- Road safety, 6698
- Taxation, 8315–8316, 9046
- University labour dispute, 4701, 4703, 4788–4790
- Wood harvesting, 8223
- Photo Card Act, 2008 (Bill 85)
- Photo identification cards, 2253, 2431, 3908
- basic photo cards, 2280
- children under age 16, 2280–2281
- combined photo cards, 2280
- cost, 2280–2281
- enhanced photo cards, 2280
- lost, 2276
- passport alternative for cross-border travel, 2278–2279
- photo comparison technology, 2281–2282
- privacy/security of information, 2286, 2427, 3908, 3911–3915
- radio frequency identification chip technology, 2283, 2426, 3914–3915
- regulations, 3913–3914
- public consultation, 3913–3914
- wait times, 2281–2282
- Photo radar, 4199–4200, 4455
- Police Association of Ontario, 8612
- Police services, 498
- Poultry industry, 8441
- Poverty Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 152)
- second reading, 5564
- Private members' public business
- Canadian Mass Transit Vehicles Act, 2008 (Bill 31)
- Child Pornography Reporting Act, 2008 (Bill 37)
- Children's aid societies
- responded to, 8525–8526
- Employment supports
- responded to, 3070
- Fire Protection and Prevention Amendment Act (Fire Sprinkler Retrofitting), 2009 (Bill 214)
- second reading, 9065–9066
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Senior Driver's Conditional Licence), 2009 (Bill 221)
- second reading, 9058–9060
- Labour Relations Amendment Act (Replacement Workers), 2009 (Bill 86)
- second reading, 7934–7935
- Legislative channel
- responded to, 3255
- Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Amendment Act (Assistance to Municipalities), 2008 (Bill 38)
- second reading, 1542–1543
- Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Rental Insurance), 2009 (Bill 209)
- second reading, 8322–8323
- Skills training
- responded to, 3261–3262
- Smoke-Free Ontario Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 42)
- second reading, 549
- Unlawful Firearms in Vehicles Act, 2008 (Bill 56)
- second reading, 1356–1357
- Private-public partnerships
- SuperBuild Growth Fund, 1543
- Property tax, 6521
- Property tax increases, 5317
- Protests
- aboriginal day of action, 563–564
- Provincial-aboriginal agreements, 1484
- revenue-sharing agreement, 2170
- Provincial Animal Welfare Act, 2008 (Bill 50)
- Provincial parks
- Psoriatic arthritis, 2787–2788
- Public education campaigns
- Public Sector Expenses Review Act, 2009 (Bill 201)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 7669–7672
- time allocation motion
- Regulated Health Professions Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 141)
- second reading, 4852
- Reports
- Research and innovation, 4049–4050, 4599
- Research in Motion Limited, 4599
- Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Rental Insurance), 2009 (Bill 209)
- second reading
- public consultation, 8323
- second reading
- Road maintenance, 1096–1097
- Road safety, 1096–1097
- new technologies in law enforcement, 4033
- Road Safety Act, 2009 (Bill 126)
- ServiceOntario
- closure of private licence and permit offices
- Kapuskasing, 7339
- closure of private licence and permit offices
- Small business, 4600
- Socialism, 4598
- Southern Ontario economic development agency, 2990
- Speed limiters, 1011–1012, 1016, 2588–2592
- driver/operator to set maximum speed at 105 kilometres per hour, 4623–4624
- highway safety, 2590
- impact on greenhouse gas emissions, 1005
- impact on trucking industry, 1005
- overtaking other vehicles, 1013–1014
- reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, 2588–2590, 2592–2593
- road safety, 2591, 2593
- tampering device prohibited, 2592
- vehicles originating outside Ontario, 1013
- Speed limits, 2591, 4441–4442, 4454–4455
- Standing Orders
- Strikes
- Supreme Court of Canada rulings
- British Columbia health care workers, 4770
- Tax increases
- authority of government to raise taxes, 8676
- Tax rebates
- gasoline tax rebate
- highway construction, maintenance or operation, 1542–1543
- gasoline tax rebate
- Taxpayer Protection and Balanced Budget Act, S.O. 1999, c.7, 8676
- Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA)
- role in occupational health and safety standards enforcement, 8481–8484
- Technical Standards and Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 187)
- Tembec Inc.
- Temporary help agencies, 4985
- Temporary help agency employees
- Throne speech debate
- Time allocation motions
- Mining Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 173)
- responded to, 7795–7798
- Public Sector Expenses Review Act, 2009 (Bill 201)
- responded to, 7669–7672
- Technical Standards and Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 187)
- responded to, 8636–8639
- York University Labour Disputes Resolution Act, 2009 (Bill 145)
- responded to, 4794–4795
- Mining Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 173)
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- 25% Canadian content in transit vehicles purchased in Ontario, 562
- Toxic substances
- Toxics Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 167)
- Transfer payments
- Transit systems, 5774
- Transportation services, 4205
- coordination, 5774
- Treaties
- James Bay Treaty (Treaty No. 9), 4249
- Treaty Commission of Ontario, 9591–9594
- Truck drivers
- training/licensing, 1822
- Trucking industry
- safety standards
- regulation and enforcement, 1769–1770
- safety standards
- Trucks
- speed limit capped at 105 km. per hour, 2588–2590
- United States
- Universities/colleges
- Voters' lists, 2498–2500
- accuracy, 2321
- Voters/voting
- advance polls in aboriginal communities, 2499
- Water supply
- contamination
- Kashechewan First Nation reserve, 1484
- contamination
- Workers
- Workers' compensation benefits
- Workers' rights
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 119)
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), 3725–3726
- Xstrata PLC
- York University Labour Disputes Resolution Act, 2009 (Bill 145)
- Bradley, Hon. J.J. (LIB, St. Catharines)
- Airports
- Automobile accidents/fatalities, 5978
- Automobile industry
- export, 418
- Automobile insurance
- uninsured drivers, 7641–7642
- Automobile safety devices
- seat belts, 1095
- Automobiles
- Bicycles
- electric bicycles, 4440
- Bridges
- government funding, 1057
- British Columbia
- secure driver licences, 2272
- Bus transportation
- Buses
- GO Transit buses, 475
- Capital works projects
- government funding, 5691
- Carpools, 3647–3648, 4093, 4215, 6172
- Climatic changes
- government response, 1002
- Congratulatory remarks
- Brock Badgers (winner, Canadian university men's basketball championship), 327–328
- Countering Distracted Driving and Promoting Green Transportation Act, 2009 (Bill 118)
- Court cases/actions
- Cross-border travel, 6944
- Department of Finance
- public transit capital trust, 567
- Domestic violence, 831–832
- Driver distractions, 2089, 2669, 4091–4093
- Driver education/training
- Driver examination centres
- fraudulent identification produced at DriveTest facilities, 7522–7523
- Driver examinations
- northern Ontario, 7579
- Driver licences, 192–193
- Drivers
- Driving
- Driving instructors, 193
- Driving schools, 193
- Election Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 231)
- second reading, 9680
- Elections/by-elections
- Haliburton–Kawartha Lakes–Brock, 4784–4785
- Employment creation, 4822
- Go Green Ontario, 1002
- Government procurement policy
- Government record
- Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area Transit Implementation Act, 2009 (Bill 163)
- Greenbelt plan
- 5th anniversary, 9579–9580
- Highway construction
- Highway improvement
- Highway 6 (Highway 403 and Highway 5), 2090
- Highway 6 (Mar to Tobermory), 2670–2671
- Highway 35 (Highway 115 to Lindsay), 5509–5510
- Highway 403 (King Street to Wilson Street), 2090
- Highway 406 (Port Robinson Road and East Main Street), 4472, 6046–6047
- Highway 417, 743, 8920
- federal government funding, 743
- Highway 407 east extension, 3138
- Highway maintenance, 5885
- Highway safety, 1971
- culverts on TransCanada highway west of Sudbury, 9171
- Highway service centres
- Highway tolls, 9216
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Speed-limiting Systems), 2008 (Bill 41)
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Use of Portable Equipment by Novice Drivers), 2006 (Bill 135), 2669
- Highways
- high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes
- Trafalgar Road and Guelph Line, 2090
- high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes
- Housing
- affordable, 9644–9645
- Infrastructure Ontario
- municipal infrastructure investment initiative (MIII), 567
- Legislative procedure
- Legislative process, 5977
- Licence plates
- Members'/ministers' constituents
- congratulatory remarks, 3380
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Christianson, Peter (president, Young Drivers of Canada), 4438
- Forgeron, Don (vice-president, Ontario, Insurance Bureau of Canada), 4438
- Grodziniski, Bill (commander, Ontario Provincial Police), 4439
- Miller, Margaret (president, Mothers Against Drunk Driving), 4066
- Mulcahy, Tim, 4438
- Murie, Andrew (CEO, MADD Canada), 4438
- Myers, Jason (president, Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters Association), 475
- Perry, Jan (Clarksburg), 4438
- Solomon, Rob (director, Mothers Against Drunk Driving), 4438
- Swinson, Carolyn (spokesperson, MADD Canada), 4438
- Metrolinx
- Ministerial statements, presented
- Ministers redirecting oral questions, 51, 2292, 5990, 6988, 8261
- Ministry of Transportation
- Municipal infrastructure
- government funding, 1057
- National Citizens Coalition, 9680
- Office of the Premier
- cabinet office, 4093–4094
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission
- Oral questions, responded to
- Accessibility for the disabled, 1210
- Affordable housing, 9644–9645
- Aggressive driving, 2994
- Air quality, 1251, 7523
- Air-rail link, 4780
- Automobile insurance, 7641–7642
- Border security, 503–504, 2348
- Bus transportation, 2738, 7432–7433, 7480, 8308–8309, 8547
- Buttonville airport, 5083, 5884–5885
- Carpooling, 4215
- Disclosure of medical information, 1057–1058
- Drinking and driving, 4329–4330, 6390–6391, 8786–8787
- Driver education, 192–193, 1822–1823
- Driver examination centres, 7522–7523, 7921–7922, 8150–8151, 8306, 8348, 8352, 9170
- Driver licences, 2086–2087, 2160, 4024, 6335, 6555–6556, 6944, 7077–7078, 7579–7581
- GO Transit, 239, 5686, 5996, 6271–6272, 6805–6806, 6986–6987, 7726–7727, 8031
- Government contracts, 8862, 8864, 8920
- Greenbelt, 9579–9580
- Gridlock, 2090–2091
- Highway 406, 4472
- Highway 407, 4784–4785, 8998–8999
- Highway construction, 743–744
- Highway improvement, 2670–2671, 5509–5510, 6046–6047
- Highway interchange, 6556
- Highway maintenance, 5885–5886
- Highway safety, 1971, 2089–2090
- Highway service centres, 4752–4753
- Highway tolls, 9216
- Information and Privacy Commissioner, 3440
- Licence plate review committee, 78–79, 174
- Low-speed vehicles, 742
- Manufacturing jobs, 418, 475–476
- Municipal finances, 51
- Municipal infrastructure, 1057
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission, 745
- Provincial purchasing policy, 562, 5422–5423, 5824–5825, 5989
- Public transit, 4822, 5125–5126, 5190, 5315–5316, 5468, 5513–5514, 5827, 5829–5830, 5949–5950, 6987, 7520–7521, 8651
- Public transportation, 2164–2165, 3528–3529
- Rail service, 381
- Road safety, 1163–1164, 1573–1574, 2292–2293, 3377, 4144–4145, 4213, 4383–4384, 4520, 4622–4624, 6440, 7691, 8146
- School bus safety, 997–998
- Secure driver licences, 170
- Transit funding, 523–524, 1207
- Transit services, 3875
- Transportation infrastructure, 567, 3138–3139, 9171
- Transportation policy, 476–477
- Trucking safety, 1371, 1769–1770, 5617–5618
- Vehicle safety, 1574
- Young drivers, 2669
- Photo Card Act, 2008 (Bill 85)
- Photo identification cards, 2250, 2274, 2348
- Poverty Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 152)
- second reading, 5256
- Public education campaigns
- Public service, 745
- Public Vehicles Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.54, 4215
- Railways
- Regional transportation plan (The Big Move)
- greater Toronto and Hamilton area, 5691–5692
- RIDE (program), 4329–4330
- Road maintenance, 5886
- Road safety, 1095, 1163, 2583–2584, 3446, 4030–4031, 4092–4093, 4329, 4437, 4439, 4520, 6440
- Road Safety Act, 2009 (Bill 126)
- Safer Roads for a Safer Ontario Act, S.O. 2007, c.13, 2292, 2994
- School bus safety, 998
- Speed limiters, 410–411, 1251, 2583–2584
- Strikes
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- Traffic congestion, 567, 2090
- Transit systems
- air-rail link between Union Station and Pearson airport, 5125
- 82% Ontario content in manufacture of transit vehicles, 5989
- gasoline tax funding, 1207, 5315–5316, 5829
- GO Transit, 4822, 5514, 5996
- commuter rail line between Toronto and Peterborough, 567
- electrification of rail lines, 6986–6987
- Georgetown south service expansion, 5125, 6987, 7520–7521, 7726–7727
- government funding, 239, 5513
- Hamilton Junction project, 4822
- noise reduction in west Toronto diamond project, 6271–6272, 6805–6806, 8030
- Peterborough, 2165, 5996
- Weston, 5126
- government funding, 239, 523–524, 1207, 1251, 2090, 2165, 5827
- Hamilton, 524
- Haliburton–Kawartha Lakes–Brock, 5510
- merging of GO Transit and Metrolinx, 5691, 5949–5950
- Move Ontario 2020 plan, 476, 3529
- purchase of mass transit vehicles
- made in Ontario, 562
- rapid transit action plan, 1251
- 25% Canadian content in transit vehicles purchased in Ontario, 5824–5825
- 25% Ontario content in transit vehicles purchased in Ontario, 5989
- Transportation, 3528–3529
- Transportation system
- government funding, 3529
- Tributes
- Truck drivers
- Trucking industry
- Trucks
- speed limit capped at 105 km. per hour, 2583–2584
- United States
- border security, 2272
- Western hemisphere travel initiative (WHTI), 2250
- Youth/students
- political engagement, 5983
- Broten, Hon. L.C. (LIB, Etobicoke–Lakeshore)
- Adoption disclosure
- disclosure veto, 7076
- Anniversaries
- Islington Junior Middle School 175th anniversary, 2352–2353
- Annual reports
- Apology, 3505
- Apology Act, 2009 (Bill 108)
- second reading, 3505
- Autism services
- intensive behavioural intervention (IBI)
- government funding, 8145–8146
- intensive behavioural intervention (IBI)
- Awards
- Ontario Senior Achievement Award, 3881
- Books
- Investing in a Sustainable World: Why Green is the New Color of Money on Wall Street (Matthew Kiernan), 6053
- Business education tax
- reduction, 3427
- C. difficile outbreaks
- public inquiries, 2456–2457
- Capital works projects
- government funding, 3428
- Cataract surgery
- wait times
- reduction, 1118
- wait times
- Cemeteries
- Lakeshore Asylum Cemetery, 5486
- Child abuse, 3381–3382
- prevention, 3734
- Child pornography
- Child Pornography Reporting Act, 2008 (Bill 37)
- Child poverty, 8781–8782
- Child protection, 456, 3734, 4505–4506, 8692
- Child sexual abuse, 4505–4506
- Child sexual exploitation, 450
- Children's aid societies (CASs)
- Children's mental health care
- Climatic changes
- government response, 1005
- Coalition for Music Education in Canada
- Music Monday, 1614–1615
- College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), 2651, 4039
- Colleges Collective Bargaining Act, 2008 (Bill 90)
- third reading, 2933
- Colleges of applied arts and technology (CAATs)
- collective bargaining
- inclusion of part-time and sessional employees, 2933
- collective bargaining
- Community Living, 2823
- Community safety, 772, 3347, 3761–3762
- Community service agencies, 3745
- Community support services, 3745
- Congratulatory remarks
- Courthouses
- Toronto West courthouse, 6234
- Crown wards
- services, 3734
- Denmark
- wind power, 6820
- Depression (1929), 6052
- Diabetes, 3938–3939
- Doctors
- Domestic violence, 4972–4973, 4977
- Economic conditions, 3427, 3429, 6052–6054
- Economic growth
- five-point economic plan, 3427–3429
- Education, 445–446
- Education funding
- government funding, 3429
- Electronic health records
- protection of privacy, 2224–2225
- Employment creation, 3070, 5154
- Energy
- Energy conservation, 5013, 6825
- Energy supply
- Epilepsy, 5738–5739
- Fairs
- 4th Annual Government and Community Services Fair, 2009, 5668
- Family law
- Family Service Ontario, 6598
- Family Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 133)
- Famines
- Ukraine (1932-1933), 1787
- Festivals
- Toronto International Film Festival
- government funding for completion of Toronto International Film Festival Bell Lightbox facility, 7281
- Toronto International Film Festival
- Film and television production industry, 5032
- Fire alarms
- visual fire alarms in public buildings, 5115–5116
- Food habits, 262
- French-language debates
- Affaires d'intérêt public émanant des députés
- Loi de 2008 sur le devoir de signaler les cas de pornographie juvénile, projet de loi 37
- deuxième lecture, 450
- Loi de 2008 sur le Mois de la sensibilisation au diabète, projet de loi 113
- deuxième lecture, 3939
- Loi de 2009 sur l'érection de panneaux dans les parcs provinciaux et à l'emplacement d'importantes attractions touristiques provinciales, projet de loi 21
- deuxième lecture, 1781
- Loi de 2008 sur le devoir de signaler les cas de pornographie juvénile, projet de loi 37
- Déclarations ministérielles et réponses
- Loi de 2008 sur le devoir de signaler les cas de pornographie juvénile, projet de loi 37
- première lecture, 368
- Loi de 2009 sur l'énergie verte et l'économie verte, projet de loi 150
- deuxième lecture, 5012–5014
- Loi de 2008 sur les services et soutiens favorisant l'inclusion sociale des personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle, projet de loi 77
- troisième lecture, 2821
- Loi de 2008 sur l'Office des télécommunications éducatives de langue française de l'Ontario, projet de loi 55
- Affaires d'intérêt public émanant des députés
- The Gatehouse, 4977
- Genocide
- Ukraine (1932-1933), 1787
- Government notice of motions
- Government orders
- Ontario economy
- responded to, 3427–3429
- Ontario economy
- Government record
- Liberal (2003-2010)
- health care, 1118–1119
- Liberal (2003-2010)
- Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009 (Bill 150)
- Handguns
- ban, 772
- Health care, 3746
- Health regulatory colleges, 3986–3988, 3990
- Healthy Food for Healthy Schools Act, 2008 (Bill 8)
- second reading, 261–265
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Speed-limiting Systems), 2008 (Bill 41)
- second reading, 1005
- Holiday messages, 122
- Home care, 4122
- government funding, 3745
- Home energy audits, 6569–6570
- Hospices (terminal care)
- Dorothy Ley Hospice, 3427–3428
- Hospital beds
- long-term-care beds
- Simcoe–Grey, 4122
- long-term-care beds
- Hospital services
- Hospitals
- Hurricane Hazel (1954), 1517
- Inactive Cemeteries Protection Act, 2009 (Bill 149)
- second reading
- preamble, 5486
- second reading
- Income tax reduction, 5806–5807
- Increasing Access to Qualified Health Professionals for Ontarians Act, 2008 (Bill 97)
- Investing in Ontario Act, 2008 (Bill 35)
- Kindergarten
- full-day, 8458–8459
- Landlord and tenant
- tenants' protection, 4523
- Legislative proceedings
- televised
- Ontario Parliament Network, 3257
- televised
- Legislative process
- family friendly reforms, 1259–1260
- Members'/ministers' constituencies/constituency events
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 261–264, 1787, 4122, 6052
- Members/ministers quoting books
- The Naked Corporation: How the Age of Transparency Will Revolutionize Business (Don Tapscott, David Ticoll), 6058
- The New Paradigm for Financial Markets: The Credit Crisis of 2008 and What It Means (George Soros), 6054
- Off-Ramps and On-Ramps: Keeping Talented Women on the Road to Success (Sylvia Ann Hewlett), 1260–1261
- Oh, The Places You'll Go! (Dr. Seuss), 8692
- Members/ministers quoting committee submissions
- Members/ministers quoting electronic mail messages
- Islington Junior Middle School, re, 445
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Canadian Diabetes Association, 3939
- Canadian Wind Energy Association, 5058–5059
- Cross, Pamela (legal consultant and advocate against violence against women), 4972
- deGroot-Maggetti, Greg (co-chair, 25 in 5 Network for Poverty Reduction), 8995
- Doncaster, Deborah (chair, Green Energy Act Alliance), 5058
- King, Mervyn (chair, board of directors, Global Reporting Initiative), 6058
- Lutes, Mark (David Suzuki Foundation), 6573
- MacQuarrie, Barbara (community director, Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children), 4972
- McGregor, Heather (CEO, YWCA Toronto), 4972
- Miller, David (mayor, Toronto), 820
- Schabas, Richard (medical officer of health, Hastings and Prince Edward counties), 2457
- Scheer, Hermann (general chairman, World Council for Renewable Energy), 5058
- Tellier, Nicole (director, Advocates' Society), 4972
- Zhan, Catherine (chair, diabetes expert panel), 3939
- Members' statements
- Child Abuse Prevention Month, 3381–3382
- Education Week, 1461
- Epilepsy, 5738–5739
- Events in Etobicoke–Lakeshore, 2903–2904
- Gems of the Lakeshore, 1980, 7038–7039
- Government and community services fair, 5667–5668
- Holiday season in Etobicoke–Lakeshore, 122
- Humber Valley Sharks, 5005
- Islington Junior Middle School, 2352–2353
- Lakeshore Lions Arena, 940
- Law, Don, 3881–3882
- Music Monday, 1614–1615
- Occupational health and safety, 3578
- Raise-a-Reader Day, 2789
- Remembrance Day ceremony, 4113
- Riding of Etobicoke–Lakeshore, 39
- Shop the Shore, 7583
- Tibetan Canadians, 5999
- Toronto International Film Festival, 7281
- Toronto West courthouse, 6233
- Ubisoft, 7482
- Women's Legal Education and Action Fund, 1359–1360
- Mental health care, 6598
- Metrolinx, 1699
- Mimico Waterfront Linear Park, 3428
- Ministerial statements, presented
- Ministers redirecting oral questions, 8995
- Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
- advanced manufacturing investment strategy (AMIS) program, 3429
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
- National/independence/memorial days
- Non-profit organizations
- Women's Legal Education and Action Fund, 1359–1360
- Obesity
- children, 263
- Occupational health and safety, 3578
- regulation and enforcement, 1940
- Ontario Securities Commission (OSC)
- to establish best practice corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting standards, 6052–6053
- Ontario Women's Directorate, 1997
- domestic violence action plan, 6686
- Opposition day motions, responded to
- Oral questions, presented
- Adoption disclosure, 7076
- Child protection, 3734
- Domestic violence, 6685–6686
- Firearms control, 772
- Mental health services, 6598
- Ontario film and television industry, 5032
- Property taxation, 741
- School boards, 1713–1714
- Tenant protection, 4523
- Toronto waterfront, 1516–1517
- Workplace insurance, 4148
- Workplace safety, 6140, 7433
- Oral questions, responded to
- Aboriginal children's services, 8820–8821, 9036, 9077
- Autism services, 8145–8146
- Child care, 9693
- Child poverty, 8781–8782
- Child protection, 8148–8149, 9122
- Children and youth, 9501
- Children's aid societies, 7959, 8029–8030, 8499–8501, 8601–8602, 8647–8648, 8683
- Children's mental health services, 9502–9503
- Crime prevention, 8501
- Domestic violence, 8870
- Full-day kindergarten, 8458–8459
- Poverty, 8993, 8995
- Payday loan industry
- regulation, 1582–1583
- Payday Loans Act, 2008 (Bill 48)
- second reading, 1582–1583
- Personal Health Information Protection Act, S.O. 2004, c.3, Sched. A
- review by Standing Committee on Social Policy, 2223
- Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, S.C. 2000, c.5, 2224
- Persons with disabilities
- Petitions
- Poverty reduction strategy, 8993–8995
- Private members' public business
- Assistance to the disabled
- responded to, 3745–3746
- Breast Cancer Screening Act, 2009 (Bill 200)
- second reading, 7446–7447
- Child Pornography Reporting Act, 2008 (Bill 37)
- Corporate reporting requirements
- Diabetes Awareness Month Act, 2008 (Bill 113)
- second reading, 3938–3939
- Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Electronic Sexual Material), 2009 (Bill 202)
- second reading, 7741–7742
- Employment supports
- responded to, 3070
- Fuel safety
- responded to, 3347
- Holodomor Memorial Day Act, 2008 (Bill 61)
- second reading, 1786–1787
- Holodomor Memorial Day Act, 2009 (Bill 147)
- second reading, 5307–5308
- Inactive Cemeteries Protection Act, 2009 (Bill 149)
- second reading, 5486
- Legislative channel
- responded to, 3257
- Long-term care
- responded to, 4122
- Lori Dupont Act (Domestic Violence Protection), 2008 (Bill 10)
- second reading, 1997–1998
- Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act, 2010 (Bill 106)
- second reading, 3761–3762
- Visual Fire Alarm System Act, 2009 (Bill 148)
- second reading, 5115–5116
- Assistance to the disabled
- Propane explosions
- Sunrise Propane, 3347
- Provincial-municipal relations, 820
- Public education campaigns
- Child Abuse Prevention Month, 3381, 3734
- Diabetes Awareness Month, 3938–3939
- Epilepsy Awareness Month, 5738–5739
- Flick Off, 964
- National Victims of Crime Awareness Week, 984
- Persons Day, 7968
- Purple Day, 5739
- Raise-a-Reader Day, 2789
- Universal Children's Day, 8692
- Woman Abuse Prevention Month, 8416–8417
- Women's History Month, 7968
- Remembrance Day, 4113
- Rent increases
- cap on rent increase, 4523
- Reports
- School breakfast programs, 262
- School cafeterias
- School vending machines
- ban on unhealthy food and beverages, 262–263
- Senior citizens, 446
- quality of life, 741
- Senior homeowners' property tax grants, 741
- Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008 (Bill 77)
- Smoke-Free Ontario Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 69)
- second reading, 1907
- Smoking, 1495
- ban on smoking in cars with children present, 1907
- Speaker
- election (28 November 2007)
- congratulatory remarks, 39
- election (28 November 2007)
- Sports and recreation facilities
- Lakeshore Lions Arena, 940
- Sports programs
- Future Team Canada program, 5005
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 445–447
- Tibetan Canadian Cultural Centre, 5999
- Tibetan Canadians, 5999
- Tobacco products
- illegal sale
- regulation and enforcement, 1495
- illegal sale
- Toronto Catholic District School Board
- school board trustees
- expenditures, 1714
- school board trustees
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- rehabilitation of Kipling subway station, 1700
- Toronto waterfront
- Trans fatty acids, 263
- Transit systems
- government funding, 3428
- Victims of domestic violence
- protection, 1997–1998
- Video gaming industry
- government funding
- Ubisoft, 7482
- government funding
- Violence against women, 1727, 4213, 4432, 8416–8417
- Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, 9044
- Websites
- www.gogreenontario.ca, 1005
- Wind turbines, 5013
- health effects, 5356
- Women in politics, 1261
- Workers' compensation benefits
- coverage for executive officers of construction companies, 4148
- Workplace harassment/violence, 1997, 6140, 7433
- Workplace injuries, 3578
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 119)
- general discussion, 4148
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- experience rating system, 1940
- Adoption disclosure
- Brown, M.A. (LIB, Algoma–Manitoulin)
- Agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- expenditures
- review by Integrity Commissioner, 7559
- expenditures
- Algoma University Act, 2008 (Bill 80)
- Anniversaries
- St. Joseph Island Plowmen's Association 75th anniversary, 8353–8354
- Automobile insurance
- Automobile insurance rates/premiums
- young drivers, 4442–4443
- Birth announcements
- granddaughter of Michael A. Brown (Algoma–Manitoulin), 5237
- Child care
- federal government funding, 9693
- Children's aid societies (CASs)
- government funding, 8149
- Colleges of applied arts and technology (CAATs)
- Confederation College, 3088
- Consumer protection
- Cormorants
- double-crested cormorants
- hunting, 1158
- double-crested cormorants
- Countering Distracted Driving and Promoting Green Transportation Act, 2009 (Bill 118)
- second reading, 4094–4095
- Cross-border travel
- requirement for passport/identity card, 3915
- Doctor shortage, 4057
- Driver distractions, 4094
- Driver education/training, 4535
- Driver licences
- Drivers
- Driving
- ban on use of cellular telephones and electronic entertainment devices while driving, 4094–4095
- Driving schools, 4535
- Employment-related benefits
- organ donor leave, 5225
- Employment Standards Amendment Act (Organ Donor Leave), 2009 (Bill 154)
- second reading, 5225
- Federal government
- transfer payments
- equalization program, 3191
- transfer payments
- Fires, 2292
- Fish and Wildlife Conservation Amendment Act (Double-Crested Cormorants), 2008 (Bill 62)
- first reading, 1158
- Go Green Ontario
- emissions reduction targets, 1003
- Government record
- Government service transfer to municipal jurisdiction
- roads/bridges, 1544
- Great Lakes, 3323
- protection, 3323
- Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009 (Bill 150)
- second reading, 5334
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Speed-limiting Systems), 2008 (Bill 41)
- Holiday messages, 282
- Hospital beds
- long-term-care beds, 3962
- Hospital closure
- Matthews Memorial Hospital, 5285
- Hunting/trapping licences
- moose tag lottery, 6083
- Infrastructure Ontario
- municipal infrastructure investment initiative (MIII), 1544
- Investing in Ontario Act, 2008 (Bill 35)
- second reading, 810
- Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation
- green ribbon beach program, 726
- Lake Superior, 4308–4309, 4312
- Legislative Assembly
- press gallery, 6666
- Legislative procedure
- motions
- time allocation motions, 7799
- motions
- Libraries/schools
- use of Internet filtering software, 7741–7742
- Local news media
- Long-term-care facilities, 3962
- Medical schools
- Northern Ontario School of Medicine, 3088
- Medical transplants
- organ and tissue donation, 5225
- Members'/ministers' constituencies/constituency events
- Members'/ministers' constituents
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 2119
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Members' statements
- Algoma University, 2135
- Certified General Accountants of Ontario, 6604
- Debassige, Augustine Timothy, 37
- Federal-provincial fiscal policies, 3191–3192
- Healthy schools, 3326
- Hornepayne sawmill, 1241
- Huron Central Railway, 7341
- Matthews Memorial Hospital, 5285
- Niska North mill, 6143
- Northern economy, 516
- Riding of Algoma–Manitoulin, 282
- Rural economic development, 9650
- St. Joseph Island Plowmen's Association, 8353–8354
- Mining Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.14
- reform, 7800
- Mining Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 173)
- Mining industry
- consultation with First Nations
- mining legislation and regulations, 6785–6787
- consultation with First Nations
- Ministry of Education
- healthy schools
- Eating Well Looks Good on You, 3326
- healthy schools
- Ministry of Health Promotion
- northern fruit and vegetable pilot project, 3326
- Municipal infrastructure
- Municipalities
- government funding, 1544–1545
- Niska North Inc.
- government funding, 6143
- Northern Ontario
- Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC)
- emerging technology program, 1715
- Ontario Energy Board Amendment Act (Door-to-door Electricity Retail), 2009 (Bill 230)
- first reading, 9083
- Opposition day motions, responded to
- Oral questions, presented
- Patients
- alternate level of care patients
- northern Ontario, 3962
- alternate level of care patients
- Pension Benefits Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 236)
- second reading, 9713
- Petitions
- Photo Card Act, 2008 (Bill 85)
- Photo identification cards, 2423, 3915
- Private members' public business
- Automobile insurance
- responded to, 7541–7542
- Canadian Mass Transit Vehicles Act, 2008 (Bill 31)
- second reading, 458–459
- Highway improvement
- responded to, 6664
- Lake Superior Day
- News media
- Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Amendment Act (Assistance to Municipalities), 2008 (Bill 38)
- second reading, 1544–1545
- Water quality
- responded to, 726
- Automobile insurance
- Public education campaigns
- Public Sector Expenses Review Act, 2009 (Bill 201)
- second reading, 7558
- Quebec
- procurement policy for mass transit, 458
- Railways
- Huron Central Railway, 7341
- Road safety, 1011, 2584–2585, 4094, 4441
- Road Safety Act, 2009 (Bill 126)
- Rural Ontario
- economic development, 9650
- Snowmobiling
- government funding, 1209
- Southern Ontario
- economic development program, 3192
- Speaker
- election (28 November 2007)
- congratulatory remarks, 37
- election (28 November 2007)
- Speed limiters, 1003–1004, 1178, 1188, 2584–2585
- Tax rebates
- gasoline tax rebate
- highway construction, maintenance or operation, 6664
- gasoline tax rebate
- Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA), 8086
- Technical Standards and Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 187)
- second reading, 8086
- Time allocation motions
- Mining Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 173)
- responded to, 7799–7800
- Mining Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 173)
- Tobacco Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act, 2009 (Bill 155)
- second reading, 6208
- Tobacco products manufacturers
- recovery of tobacco-related health care costs from manufacturers, 6208
- Transit systems
- gasoline tax funding, 1544
- Trillium Gift of Life Network
- program for reimbursing expenses of living organ donors (PRELOD), 5225
- Trucking industry
- safety standards, 1004
- Trucks
- Unemployment
- Agencies/boards/commissions/etc.