Index des sujets traités

Letter: C

  • Cabinet ministers

  • Cabinet Office

  • Cadets

  • Cambie Surgeries Corporation v. British Columbia (Attorney General),

    2022 BCCA 245

    • judicial reasoning
      • health care services, wait times
  • Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement (CWELCC)

    • financial impact
    • funding allocation process
    • general remarks
      • Bethlenfalvy, F742
    • implementation
  • Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police

  • Canadian Charts of Rights and Freedoms

  • Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)

    • return or repayment
      • social assistance recipients
        • Kernaghan, F38
  • Canadian Mental Health Association

  • Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)

    • government funding
      • annual base rate
    • staff, recruitment and retention
      • factors affecting
  • Cancer

    • education and awareness
    • lung cancer
      • screening
  • Cancer - breast cancer

    • screening
      • at independent health facilities
  • Cannabis retail

    • physical stores
      • location regulations
      • location regulations, jurisdiction
  • Cap-and-trade cancellation

    • legal challenges to
  • Carbon capture and storage

  • Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)

    • in mining industry
  • Carbon pricing

    • government strategy (federal)
  • Carbon sequestration.

    see Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)
  • Carbon sequestration technology

  • Carbon tax

    • economic impact
    • economic impact - food prices
    • general remarks
  • Carbon tax (federal)

    • cost of, disclosure
      • on gas pumps
        • legal proceedings, cost of
  • Casinos and gaming sector

    • general remarks
    • money laundering, prevention strategies
      • reports and recommendations
        • Bethlenfalvy, F724
    • operating contracts, selection of
      • evaluation process
    • provincial revenue guarantee
    • reports
      • Value-for-Money Audit: Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation: Casinos, Lotteries and Internet Gaming (Auditor General, 2022)
    • slot machines
  • Casinos and gaming sector - iGaming sector

    • regulation of
  • Celiac disease

    • testing
      • availability of
      • cost of
  • Cervid populations

    • chronic wasting disease
  • Chair's statements

    • committee procedure
    • committee process
      • selection of estimates (2022-2023), SP47
    • Committee process
      • public engagement, PH77
    • legislative precinct
    • legislative precinct - rehabilitation and restoration
      • consultation with Indigenous communities, PH52
      • role of committee, PH55
      • stakeholder consultation, PH58
    • members'/ministers' remarks
      • withdrawal requested, SP179
    • regulations, creation of, SP365
    • speaking to the topic
      • clause-by-clause, SP316
    • witness appearances
      • representatives per organization, F672
  • Chair's statements on legislative procedure

  • Charities and non-profits

    • community support services
      • financing models
  • Child and youth services

    • wait-lists
  • Child care

    • Childcare Access and Relief from Expenses tax credit
      • Bethlenfalvy, F28
    • government strategy
  • Child care - funding

    • home child care
  • Child care funding

    • spaces, development of
  • Child care - staff

    • compensation
      • sector variation
  • Children and youth in care

    • government funding
      • reflection in estimates
    • housing
    • third-party placement providers
    • transfer payment agencies
      • accountability and oversight
    • transition out of care. see Also Children and youth in care - Ready, Set, Go Program
  • Children and youth in care - models of care

    • kinship families
  • Children and youth in care - Ready, Set, Go Program

  • Children and youth in care - transition out of care

    • post-care supports
      • government funding
  • Children's aid societies (CASs)

  • Children's treatment centres

    • funding allocation
      • northern Ontario
    • programs and services
      • Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI) and Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)
      • payment models
    • programs and services, access to. see Also Autism services — non-autism specific, access to
  • Chronic pain

  • City of Toronto Act, 2006, SO 2006, c 11, S A

  • Class sizes

    • average
  • Climate change

  • Climate change impact

  • Climate change mitigation

  • Coal-fired gas plants

    • closure of
      • Piccini
        • 1009
    • use of
  • Collective bargaining

  • College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO)

    • cross-jurisdictional registrations
  • Colleges and universities

    • capital projects
    • college programs
      • education and awareness
    • French-language
      • geographic accessibility
      • impact of
    • funding models
    • government funding
      • during COVID-19
      • operational grants
      • per-student funding
      • vs. rate of inflation
    • micro-credential programs
    • operational funding
    • private. see Private universities
    • public vs. private
      • community benefits
      • funding
    • revenue streams
      • tuition
    • tuition freeze
    • tuition gees
      • government strategy
  • Colleges and Universities.

    see also Post-secondary education
  • Colleges and universities - facilities

    • operational funding
  • Colleges and universities - faculty

    • employment models
      • temporary vs. permanent
  • Committee procedure

  • Committee process

    • broadcast of proceedings
      • French translation
      • Parlance app
      • recordings, access to
      • recordings, file formats
    • closed session
      • used for organizing of business
    • closed sessions
    • media asset management system
      • implementation timeline
    • National Conference of State Legislatures
    • public engagement
    • schedules and agendas
      • closed session, discussion of
      • Queen's Park Restoration Act, 2023 (Bill 75)
    • selection of estimates (2022-2023)
    • witnesses
  • Community health centres (CHCs)

    • services, impact on health care expenditures
    • staff recruitment and retention
  • Community Health Centres (CHCs).

    see Also Health care - primary care — service coordination, team based
    • access to
      • French-language services
      • impact on patient health
    • funding requests
      • by region
        • Peterborough
    • general remarks
    • operational funding
      • Gélinas, SP548
      • allocation of
        • Smith, David, F320
      • annual base funding
      • and staffing levels
    • service delivery
    • service delivery model
    • services
      • access to
    • structural stressors
      • Smith, David, F320
  • Community Health Centres (CHCs) - staff

    • compensation
      • factors affecting
    • doctors
      • employment model
      • recruitment and retention
    • hiring of
      • vacancy rate
    • recruitment and retention
  • Community housing

    • development of
      • community response
      • stakeholder recommendations
    • government strategy
  • Community Outreach and Support Teams (COAST)

  • Community service organizations

  • Community services

    • base funding
      • by site
    • food security programs
    • government funding
      • annual rate vs. rate of inflation
      • impact on service delivery
    • support programs
      • target populations
        • senior citizens
  • Conservation authorities

  • Conservation officers

  • Construction Act. R.S.O. 1990, Chapter C.30.

    • reform
  • Construction industry

    • building materials
      • inflation, impact on cost of
      • price indices
    • general remarks
    • occupational health and safety
    • personal protective equipment (PPE)
      • size variety
    • women
    • work sites
      • washroom facility access
  • Consumer protection

  • Consumption and treatment services

    • applications, number of
    • cap on
    • effectiveness
    • London
    • safe supply programs
      • Kernaghan, F377
      • by region
        • Ottawa
    • sites
      • impact of
  • Consumption and treatment services - funding

    • allocation
    • applications for, Greater Sudbury
    • by region
      • Sudbury
  • Consumption and treatment services - sites

  • Convenience stores

    • employment
      • recruitment and retention
    • retail services, taxation
  • Coroner inquests

    • Culleton, Kuzyk & Warmerdam Inquest (Renfrew)
  • Coroner's inquests

    • Culleton, Kuyk & Warmerdam Inquest
      • jury recommendations
  • Correctional centres

    • construction by region
  • Correctional facilities

    • capacity of
  • Correctional facilities - inmates

  • Correctional services

    • government funding
    • solitary confinement
      • racialized groups, representation of
  • Correctional services - staff

    • employment models
    • occupational health and safety
      • WSIB coverage
  • Correctional services - youth.

    see Also Youth justice
  • Cost of living

    • inflation
      • causes of
      • factors affecting
    • rate of inflation
      • causes of
      • support programs
        • Bethlenfalvy, F19
    • rate of inflation, impact on
    • support programs
      • Bethlenfalvy, F739
      • Triantafilopoulos, F739
  • Cost of Living

    • government strategy
      • Bethlenfalvy, F28
    • inflation
      • Bethlenfalvy, F27
  • Court administration

    • case backlog
      • prioritization, criteria of
        • Wong-Tam, P28
    • case backlog, resolution of
    • court documents
      • online platform
    • court rooms, operational usage
      • average vs. optimal
        • Wong-Tam, P20
    • data collection and tracking
      • digital
    • digital services
      • charges, e-filing
      • cybersecurity
      • documentation and record keeping
        • Smith, L., P31
      • electronic document delivery
      • online platform
      • outcomes of
      • user assistance
    • French-language services
    • hearings, virtual and hybrid
      • funding
      • general remarks
    • in-person proceedings
    • process efficiency
      • performance frameworks
        • in other jurisdictions
      • performance frameworks, verification of
        • Wong-Tam, P21
    • province-wide resource sharing
      • McCarthy, P17
      • acceptance and implementation
      • Superior Court of Justice
    • security requirements
    • staffing requirements
    • staffing shortages
    • virtual proceedings
      • funding programs
      • streaming and recording of
  • Court administration - civil

    • trial by jury vs. trial by judge
  • Court administration - criminal

    • case backlogs
      • Wong-Tam, JP129
      • per diem judges, use of
      • virtual proceedings, use of
  • Court administration - staff

    • absenteeism
      • assistance strategies
        • Wong-Tam, P26
    • attendance tracking strategies
    • recruitment and retention
  • Court cases/actions

    • R. v. Antic, 2017 SCC 27 (CanLII), [2017] 1 SCR 509
  • Court facilities

    • Ontario Court of Justice (Toronto)
  • Court houses

  • Courts of Justice Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.43

  • COVID-19

    • long COVID
      • government strategy
  • COVID-19 - economic recovery

    • variation by industry
      • Bethlenfalvy, F18
  • COVID-19 - equity-seeking groups

    • impact on senior citizens
  • COVID-19 - government response

    • general remarks
  • COVID-19 - testing

    • wastewater surveillance program
  • COVID-19 - vaccination

  • COVID-19 - vaccination, target populations

    • Indigenous communities
  • COVID-19 - variant strains

    • government response
  • Craft breweries

    • and industry partnerships
    • regulatory environment
    • retail expansion
    • taxation
  • Credit unions and caisse populaires

  • Crime

  • Crime prevention

  • Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46)

  • Criminal offences

  • Critical Minerals Innovation Fund

    • general remarks
  • Critical Minerals Strategy

  • Croatian Heritage Day Act, 2023 (Bill 81)

  • Curriculum

  • Curriculum - educational materials

    • textbooks, review of
  • Curriculum - elementary

    • skilled trades
  • Curriculum - French-language

  • Curriculum - Indigenous content

  • Curriculum - reform

  • Cybersecurity

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