- Oak Ridges moraine
- environmental protection
- O'Toole, 4415
- environmental protection
- Oakville Arts Council. see Arts and cultural organizations—Oakville Arts Council
- Oakville-Clarkson airshed. see Air quality—Oakville-Clarkson airshed
- Oakville power plant. see Gas power plants—proposed construction in Oakville
- Oakville Soccer Club. see Sports clubs—Oakville Soccer Club
- Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. see Hospital services—emergency—Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital
- Obesity
- OBRP. see Ministry of Transportation—Ontario bus replacement program (OBRP)—cancellation
- Occupational health and safety. see also Health and safety associations—oversight by Minister of Labour; Ontario Power Generation (OPG) hydroelectric generating stations—Sir Adam Beck generating station—occupational health and safety record; Workplace harassment and violence—Sir Adam Beck generating station—occupational health and safety record
- Fonseca, 2358, 3599
- Jaczek, 4261-4262
- Orazietti, 2357
- Rinaldi, 3599
- Sousa, 4261-4262
- agricultural labourers
- appointment of Chief Prevention Officer
- Bailey, 4721-4723, 4725
- Barrett, 6086
- Berardinetti, 4553, 4724, 4826, 4932, 6085, 6104
- Bisson, 4825, 4833
- Chudleigh, 4735
- Delaney, 4725
- Gélinas, 4777-4778
- Johnson, 4831
- Marchese, 4826-4827, 6092
- Miller, P., 4643
- Naqvi, 4717-4718
- O'Toole, 4601, 4936
- Ramal, 4827
- Smith, 6106-6107
- Sousa, 4551, 6083-6084
- construction industry workers
- creation of prevention council
- farmers
- firefighters
- impact of unionized workplace
- migrant workers and the underground economy
- reform
- Bailey, 4733
- Berardinetti, 4552-4553, 4646-4647, 4732, 4779, 6085
- Chudleigh, 4719-4720, 4734-4736
- Clark, 4933
- DiNovo, 4465, 4602
- Flynn, 4729-4731
- Hampton, 4647
- Hillier, 4464-4465, 4595-4597, 6088-6089
- Hoy, 4647
- Jones, 4724-4725
- Kormos, 4554-4555
- Leal, 4555
- Marchese, 4603
- McMeekin, 6105
- Miller, P., 4641-4642, 4646, 4648, 6103
- Naqvi, 4717-4718, 4721
- O'Toole, 4554, 4598-4600, 4603
- Rinaldi, 6087
- Smith, 6106, 6110
- Sousa, 4463-4464, 4549-4550, 6082-6083
- Tabuns, 4720
- Witmer, 4647
- administrative costs to business
- Clark, 6110
- regulation and enforcement
- worker protection against employer reprisals for reporting violations. see also Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O. 1—section 50 - Reprisals by Employer Prohibited - No discipline, dismissal, etc., by employer
- Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O. 1
- Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act (Scented Products), 2010 (Bill 64)
- first reading
- Levac, 1415
- first reading
- Occupational health and safety campaigns
- Occupational health and safety committees
- Occupational Health and Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2011 (Bill 160)
- general discussion
- first reading
- Sousa, 4463
- ministerial statement
- Sousa, 4463-4464
- second reading, 4549-4555, 4595-4603, 4641-4648, 4717-4736, 4777-4786, 4823-4834, 4931-4937
- Arnott, 4720-4721
- Bailey, 4721-4725, 4733, 4831
- Berardinetti, 4552-4554, 4602-4603, 4646-4647, 4720, 4724, 4728, 4732, 4779, 4785, 4826, 4830, 4932-4933, 4935-4936
- Bisson, 4823-4828, 4833
- Chudleigh, 4719-4720, 4732-4736
- Clark, 4933
- Delaney, 4725, 4728-4729
- Dickson, 4936
- DiNovo, 4602, 4934-4935, 4937
- Dunlop, 4828-4831
- Elliott, 4728
- Flynn, 4729-4733, 4782
- Gélinas, 4777-4780, 4783, 4785
- Gerretsen, 4783
- Hampton, 4647
- Hillier, 4595-4598
- Hoy, 4647, 4933-4934
- Johnson, 4780-4784, 4830-4831
- Jones, 4724-4725
- Kormos, 4554-4555
- Leal, 4555, 4729, 4733
- MacLeod, 4782-4786
- Marchese, 4603, 4785-4786, 4826-4827, 4831-4832, 4834
- McNeely, 4832-4833
- Miller, P., 4641-4648, 4827, 4830, 4933, 4936
- Munro, 4603
- Naqvi, 4717-4719, 4721
- O'Toole, 4554, 4598-4603, 4785, 4833, 4936
- Prue, 4931-4932, 4934
- Ramal, 4827, 4833-4834
- Sousa, 4549-4552, 4555
- Tabuns, 4720, 4724-4729
- Witmer, 4647
- division (carried), 4954-4955
- third reading, 6082-6093, 6103-6111
- Barrett, 6086
- Berardinetti, 6085-6086, 6090-6091, 6104, 6109-6110
- Clark, 6090, 6110
- Duguid, 6108-6109
- Hillier, 6087-6089, 6091
- Kormos, 6087, 6089-6090
- Leal, 6110
- Marchese, 6086, 6091-6093
- McMeekin, 6105
- Miller, P., 6103-6106
- Murray, 6090
- O'Toole, 6104-6105, 6109
- Rinaldi, 6086-6087, 6105
- Smith, 6106-6108, 6110-6111
- Sousa, 6082-6085, 6087
- amendments
- public consultation
- division (carried), 6124-6125
- Occupational health and safety training
- OCEB. see Electricity rebates—Ontario clean energy benefit (OCEB)
- OCWA. see Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA)
- ODB. see Ontario drug benefit program (ODB)
- OEPTC. see Tax credits—Ontario energy and property tax credit (OEPTC)
- Offenders
- Office of the Auditor General of Ontario Annual Report (2007). see Members/ministers quoting reports—Office of the Auditor General of Ontario Annual Report (2007)
- Office of the Auditor General of Ontario Annual Report (2008). see Annual reports—Office of the Auditor General of Ontario Annual Report (2008)
- Office of the Auditor General of Ontario Annual Report (2010). see Annual reports—Office of the Auditor General of Ontario Annual Report (2010); Members/ministers quoting reports—Office of the Auditor General of Ontario Annual Report (2010)
- Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee. see Power of attorney—registration with Public Guardian and Trustee
- Oil spills
- Old age security plan
- OLG's Employee Expense Practices (Jim McCarter, Auditor General of Ontario). see Members/ministers quoting reports—OLG's Employee Expense Practices (Jim McCarter, Auditor General of Ontario); Reports—OLG's Employee Expense Practices (Jim McCarter, Auditor General of Ontario)
- Olympic athletes. see Athletes—2010 Winter Olympics athletes
- Ombudsman Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.6
- Ombudsman Amendment Act (Designated Public Bodies), 2010 (Bill 131)
- first reading
- Marchese, 3339
- first reading
- Ombudsman Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 4)
- first reading
- Kormos, 67
- first reading
- Ombudsman of Ontario. see also Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.—Ombudsman of Ontario; Tarion Warranty Corporation—Ombudsman oversight
- broader public sector organizations oversight
- child protection organizations oversight
- children's aid societies oversight
- hospital oversight
- long-term-care facilities oversight
- public bodies oversight
- reappointment
- school boards oversight
- Ombudsman Statute Law Amendment Act (Designated Public Bodies), 2011 (Bill 183)
- Omnibus bills. see Government record—Liberal (2003-2011)—omnibus bills; Government record—PC (1995-2003)—omnibus bills
- On the Teeter-Totter: The Challenges and Opportunities for Licensed Child Care in Rural, Remote and Northern Ontario (Ontario Municipal Services Association) (Ontario Municipal Services Association). see Members/ministers quoting reports—On the Teeter-Totter: The Challenges and Opportunities for Licensed Child Care in Rural, Remote and Northern Ontario (Ontario Municipal Services Association)
- One Match Stem Cell and Marrow Network. see Canadian Blood Services—One Match Stem Cell and Marrow Network
- 1312510 Ontario Ltd. Act, 2011 (Bill Pr45)
- 1314596 Ontario Inc. Act, 2011 (Bill Pr36)
- 1518186 Ontario Inc. Act, 2011 (Bill Pr32)
- Online gambling. see also Gambling addiction treatment programs
- Ontario Agricultural Sustainability Coalition
- Ontario Award for Paramedic Bravery Act, 2010 (Bill 115)
- Ontario Barber Association Act, 2011 (Bill Pr44)
- first reading
- DiNovo, 4271
- first reading
- Ontario budget speech (25 March 2010)
- presented
- Duncan, 331-335
- responded to
- Arnott, 549, 553
- Arthurs, 447-452, 538, 549
- Barrett, 555-558
- Bisson, 464
- Brown, 557-558
- Chiarelli, 539-542
- Chudleigh, 537, 541
- Delaney, 537
- Dunlop, 561-562
- Gélinas, 534-538
- Hampton, 534, 541-542, 545-550, 553-554
- Horwath, 438-447
- Hudak, 356-360
- Klees, 460, 464-465
- Kormos, 454-455, 537-538, 545-546, 549, 562
- Leal, 455, 464, 554, 558
- Levac, 460, 554
- MacLeod, 450, 542-546
- Mangat, 541
- Mauro, 550-555
- McMeekin, 561
- Miller, N., 452-454, 456
- Miller, P., 450-451, 455-456
- Mitchell, 460-461
- Moridi, 550
- Munro, 451
- Murray, 451, 533
- Naqvi, 545
- O'Toole, 455
- Ouellette, 533-534
- Prue, 457-459, 461
- Ramal, 461-463, 465
- Rinaldi, 562
- Sterling, 541, 545, 558
- Tabuns, 557-563
- Yakabuski, 459-460, 463-467, 532-534
- division (carried), 632-633
- presented
- Ontario budget speech (29 March 2011)
- presented
- Duncan, 4955-4960
- responded to
- Arnott, 5082, 5099, 5131-5133
- Arthurs, 5099, 5139
- Berardinetti, 5090, 5098-5099
- Chan, 5100
- Chudleigh, 5071-5074, 5086
- Clark, 5139, 5142-5143
- Colle, 5138-5139
- Crozier, 5130
- Delaney, 5070, 5073, 5078-5079, 5082, 5086, 5095
- Dombrowsky, 5077
- Elliott, 5069, 5073-5074, 5094-5095
- Gélinas, 5090, 5095
- Hampton, 5129-5130
- Hillier, 5135
- Horwath, 4995-5002
- Hoy, 5134
- Hudak, 4992-4994
- Jaczek, 5086
- Johnson, 5074, 5091
- Jones, 5081, 5096-5098, 5100
- Leal, 5093-5094
- Marchese, 5134-5138, 5140, 5143
- Mauro, 5091-5093, 5095-5096
- McNeely, 5140-5141
- Meilleur, 5135
- Miller, N., 5131
- Miller, P., 5081, 5085-5091, 5098
- Moridi, 5095
- Murdoch, 5139-5140
- Naqvi, 5079-5081
- O'Toole, 5070, 5077, 5082-5087, 5090, 5130
- Pendergast, 5066-5071, 5077-5078, 5143
- Rinaldi, 5127-5128, 5130-5131
- Sandals, 5141-5142
- Sergio, 5077, 5081-5082
- Shurman, 5133-5135, 5143-5144
- Smith, 5128-5129
- Tabuns, 5069-5070, 5073-5078
- Wilson, 5129
- division (carried), 5165-5166
- presented
- Ontario Building Code
- Ontario bus replacement program (OBRP). see Ministry of Transportation—Ontario bus replacement program (OBRP)—cancellation
- Ontario Cattlemen's Association
- Ontario child benefit (OCB)
- Ontario Chiropractic Association
- Ontario clean energy benefit (OCEB). see Electricity rebates—Ontario clean energy benefit (OCEB)
- Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA)
- Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD). see Universities/colleges—Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD)—name change to Ontario College of Art and Design University
- Ontario College of Trades
- Ontario Craft Brewers
- Jaczek, 6127
- Ontario disability support program (ODSP) benefits
- Ontario disability support program (ODSP) recipients. see also Harmonized sales tax (HST)—impact on Ontario disability support program (ODSP) recipients
- Ontario drug benefit program (ODB)
- Ontario Early Years Centres
- York South–Weston
- Albanese, 4799
- York South–Weston
- Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation (OEFC)
- residual stranded debt from Ontario Hydro. see also Electricity bills—debt retirement charge
- Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation Annual Report (2010). see Members/ministers quoting reports—Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation Annual Report (2010)
- Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES)
- Ontario energy and property tax credit (OEPTC). see Tax credits—Ontario energy and property tax credit (OEPTC)
- Ontario Energy Board (OEB)
- Ontario Energy Board Act, S.O. 1998, c. 15, Sched. B
- Ontario Financing Authority (OFA)
- Ontario Forest Tenure Modernization Act, 2011 (Bill 151)
- general discussion
- first reading
- Gravelle, 4228-4229
- ministerial statement
- Gravelle, 4229-4230
- second reading, 4506-4545, 4576-4594, 4702-4717
- Arthurs, 4536
- Bailey, 4536, 4707
- Barrett, 4515-4518
- Bisson, 4510, 4519-4529, 4710, 4713, 4715
- Brown, 4528, 4530, 4532, 4535-4536, 4539, 4544, 4582, 4591, 4704, 4707, 4710, 4713
- Chudleigh, 4703-4704, 4712-4717
- Clark, 4576-4579, 4586
- Elliott, 4531-4532
- Flynn, 4529
- Gélinas, 4540, 4544, 4578-4583, 4590-4591
- Gravelle, 4506-4511, 4518, 4578-4579, 4707-4710, 4716
- Hampton, 4518, 4531, 4535, 4537-4541, 4710-4711, 4713-4714, 4716
- Hillier, 4511-4515, 4519, 4579
- Johnson, 4703
- Leal, 4531, 4586-4587, 4711-4712, 4714
- Marchese, 4703, 4706-4709, 4711
- Mauro, 4541-4545, 4583, 4591-4592
- Miller, N., 4587
- Miller, P., 4579, 4582-4583, 4586, 4592-4594
- Murdoch, 4716
- O'Toole, 4511, 4518-4519, 4528-4531, 4539-4540, 4544, 4582, 4587-4590, 4592
- Ouellette, 4510, 4529, 4532-4537
- Ramsay, 4510-4511
- Rinaldi, 4583-4587
- Shurman, 4591
- Smith, 4540, 4702-4704
- Yakabuski, 4704-4706, 4708
- public consultation
- division (carried), 4752
- time allocation motion, 5565-5576, 5621
- third reading, 6045-6054
- Ontario Greenhouse Alliance
- Ontario Harmonized Sales Tax: Are you ready for the transition (KPMG Canada). see Reports—Ontario Harmonized Sales Tax: Are you ready for the transition (KPMG Canada)
- Ontario health insurance plan (OHIP)
- Ontario health premium
- Ontario Health Quality Council
- Ontario home energy savings program. see Ministry of Energy—Ontario home energy savings program
- Ontario Hospital Association (OHA)
- Ontario Hydro. see Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation (OEFC)—residual stranded debt from Ontario Hydro
- Ontario Institute of the Purchasing Management Association of Canada Inc. Act, 2010 (Bill Pr35)
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. (OLG)
- Clark, 2080
- accountability for expenditures and employee expenses. see also Members/ministers quoting reports—OLG's Employee Expense Practices (Jim McCarter, Auditor General of Ontario); Reports—OLG's Employee Expense Practices (Jim McCarter, Auditor General of Ontario)
- 5% of gross revenue to municipalities hosting slot machines
- Miller, P., 6055
- insider fraud
- Poker Lotto
- Kormos, 2068-2069
- Ontario Lung Association
- Levac, 2610
- Ontario March of Dimes
- conductive education program
- Murray, 1043
- conductive education program
- Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS)
- Leal, 1507
- Ontario Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (ONPEA)
- Ontario Network of Excellence (ONE)
- Murray, 4459
- Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Amendment Act (Ombudsman's Powers), 2010 (Bill 98)
- first reading
- DiNovo, 1954
- first reading
- Ontario New Home Warranty Program. see Tarion Warranty Corporation
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission (ONTC)
- Ontario One Call Act, 2011 (Bill 180)
- Ontario One Call Ltd.
- Ontario Online Institute (post-secondary education). see Electronic learning programs—Ontario Online Institute (post-secondary education)
- Ontario Parliamentary Friends of Tibet
- Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
- electricity supply contracts
- Hampton, 2868
- FIT (feed-in-tariff) program (projects over 10 kilowatts)
- microFIT (feed-in-tariff) program (projects 10 kilowatts or less)
- Arnott, 2530
- Duguid, 4166-4167, 5582, 5639-5640
- Hillier, 5122
- Hudak, 4161, 5832-5833
- Johnson, 5582, 5639-5640
- McGuinty, 4164, 5832-5833
- Naqvi, 4913
- Rinaldi, 4166
- Yakabuski, 4164, 4167
- Habitat for Humanity participation
- McGuinty, 3700
- solar power project contracts signed with farmers
- solar power project contracts signed with producers
- status as transitional entity and increase in employees
- Ontario Power Generation (OPG) fossil-fuel generating stations
- Ontario Power Generation (OPG) hydroelectric generating stations
- Lower Mattagami project
- Sir Adam Beck generating station
- Ontario Power Generation (OPG) natural gas generating stations
- Ontario Power Generation (OPG) nuclear generating stations. see also Nuclear safety—disclosure of information re accidental radiation releases at Ontario Power Generation Darlington and Pickering nuclear power plants
- Darlington nuclear generating station
- environmental assessment process
- reactor construction
- reactor refurbishment
- new projects and potential cost overruns
- ownership of radioactive steam generators transferred to Bruce Power
- radiation protection staffing levels reduced
- Darlington nuclear generating station
- Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
- Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU)
- Ontario radon registry
- Ontario Realty Corporation (ORC)
- Ontario sales tax transition benefit (OSTTB)
- Ontario Securities Commission (OSC)
- Ontario senior homeowners' property tax grant
- Pendergast, 2503
- Ontario Seniors' Secretariat
- Ontario small waterworks assistance program. see Ministry of Infrastructure—Ontario small waterworks assistance program
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA). see Animal protection organizations—Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA)
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Act (Animal Protection Complaints Commissioner), 2011 (Bill 194)
- first reading
- Berardinetti, 5933
- first reading
- Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE)
- Ontario Society of Professional Engineers Act, 2011 (Bill 148)
- Ontario student assistance program (OSAP)
- Ontario summer jobs programs. see Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities—Ontario summer jobs programs
- Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan
- Leal, 2990
- Ontario Trillium Foundation
- grants
- Clark, 4774
- grants
- Ontario Wine Industry Bicentennial in 2011 Recognition Act, 2010 (Bill 127)
- first reading
- Hardeman, 3194
- first reading
- Ontario Works Amendment Act (Care Assistance), 2010 (Bill 87)
- first reading
- Miller, P., 1858
- first reading
- Ontario Works program benefits
- Ontario youth apprenticeship program (OYAP). see Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities—Ontario youth apprenticeship program (OYAP)
- ONTC. see Ontario Northland Transportation Commission (ONTC)—train ticket use policies
- Open for Business Act, 2010 (Bill 68)
- general discussion
- first reading
- Pupatello, 1550
- ministerial statement
- Pupatello, 1551-1552
- second reading, 1780-1807, 1809-1822, 1925-1926, 1950
- Arthurs, 1790
- Bailey, 1821
- Bentley, 1821
- Berardinetti, 1799-1803
- Brown, 1811
- Chudleigh, 1785-1786, 1798-1799, 1812
- Gerretsen, 1780-1783, 1786
- Hampton, 1785, 1790-1797, 1799, 1802
- Hardeman, 1803-1806
- Jaczek, 1812-1815, 1817
- Leal, 1803, 1816
- McMeekin, 1802-1803
- McNeely, 1785
- Miller, P., 1815-1816
- Munro, 1786-1791
- Murdoch, 1817-1821
- Murray, 1791, 1798
- Ouellette, 1784-1785, 1798, 1802
- Prue, 1820-1821
- Sousa, 1783-1784, 1797-1798, 1816-1817
- Sterling, 1790-1791, 1812, 1816
- Tabuns, 1809-1813
- time allocation motion, 1876-1884
- third reading, 2119-2131, 2835-2838
- Royal assent, 2933
- Open Ontario plan (economic development)
- Aggelonitis, 2293, 2486
- Arthurs, 275-276, 1152-1153
- Bailey, 186
- Berardinetti, 182
- Bisson, 293, 295-300, 302
- Brownell, 275
- Delaney, 160-164
- DiNovo, 1486-1487
- Duncan, 331-333
- Gravelle, 59
- Hoy, 275
- Jaczek, 46
- Johnson, 9-11
- Kwinter, 155
- Levac, 351
- Marchese, 48
- Mauro, 274-275
- Munro, 4454
- Murray, 526-527, 2101, 5057
- Naqvi, 2101
- Pendergast, 2501-2502, 5988
- Pupatello, 4454
- Ramal, 49, 462-463
- Ruprecht, 99
- Shurman, 288
- Smith, 163
- Sousa, 2126, 2485
- Van Bommel, 13
- Zimmer, 186, 193
- Opposition day motions
- Government contract
- Health care sector accountability
- Hydro charges
- presented
- responded to
- Delaney, 4437
- Gerretsen, 4431
- Hampton, 4433-4435
- Hillier, 3628
- Hudak, 4426-4427
- Jaczek, 4428-4429
- Johnson, 4432
- Jones, 3624-3625
- Kormos, 3620-3623
- Lalonde, 4433
- MacLeod, 3626-3627, 4431-4432
- Mauro, 3627-3628
- Miller, N., 4435-4436
- Munro, 4430-4431
- Naqvi, 3623-3624
- O'Toole, 3617-3618, 4429
- Pendergast, 3616-3617, 4427-4428
- Ramal, 3618-3619, 4429-4430
- Sandals, 3625-3626
- Tabuns, 3615-3616, 4436-4437
- Wilkinson, 4435
- Wilson, 4428
- Witmer, 4432-4433
- Yakabuski, 3619-3620
- division (lost), 3628-3629, 4438
- Mental health and addictions strategy
- Northern Ontario
- Ontario Power Authority
- Pension reform
- Pharmacists
- Severance payments
- Smart meters
- Taxation
- presented
- responded to
- Arthurs, 5907-5908
- Bailey, 3147
- Barrett, 5908-5909
- Bisson, 3149
- Clark, 3140-3142, 5901-5902
- Delaney, 3142-3143, 5910-5911
- Gélinas, 3149-3150
- Hampton, 5898-5900
- Hudak, 5897-5898
- Levac, 3135-3136
- MacLeod, 3136-3137, 5910
- Marchese, 5902-5905
- Mauro, 5900-5901
- Miller, P., 3137-3139
- Murray, 5909-5910
- Naqvi, 3146-3147
- O'Toole, 3143-3144
- Prue, 3144-3146
- Ramal, 5905-5906
- Savoline, 5906-5907
- Sousa, 3139-3140
- Yakabuski, 3147-3148
- Zimmer, 3148-3149
- division (lost), 3150, 5912
- Wind turbines
- Optometrists
- Oral questions
- Abattoirs
- Abitibi dams
- Aboriginal affairs
- Aboriginal children and youth
- Aboriginal housing
- Aboriginal land claims
- Aboriginal rights
- Academic testing
- Access to health care
- Access to information
- Access to public lands
- Accessibility for the disabled
- Adoption
- Affordable housing
- presented
- responded to
- Agency investigation
- Agency spending
- Aggregate extraction
- Agri-food industry
- Agricultural labour policy
- Air ambulance service
- Air quality
- Air-rail link
- Air transportation
- Animal protection
- Anti-bullying initiatives
- Anti-crime legislation
- Anti-Semitism
- Anti-smoking initiatives for youth
- Anti-smoking programs
- Appointments process
- Apprenticeship training
- Arbitration
- Arts and cultural funding
- Assistance to farmers
- Assistive devices
- Asthma treatment
- Autism treatment
- Automobile industry
- Automobile insurance
- Biodiversity
- Breast cancer
- Breastfeeding
- Budget security
- Building code
- Bus transportation
- Canadian census
- Cancer prevention
- Cancer screening
- Cancer treatment
- Caregivers
- Cellphones
- Cemeteries
- Chicken industry
- Child and family services
- Child care
- Child care centres
- Child poverty
- Child protection
- Children's aid societies
- Children's health services
- Children's mental health services
- Children's services
- Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency
- Clean technology
- Climate change
- Collective bargaining
- College funding
- responded to
- Milloy, 5733
- responded to
- Committee sittings
- Community care access centres
- Community colleges
- Community health centre
- Community health centres
- Community health services
- Community safety
- presented
- responded to
- Compensation for victims of crime
- Condominium legislation
- Conservation
- Construction industry
- Consultants
- presented
- responded to
- Consumer protection
- Convention centres
- Conversation
- Coroner's inquests
- Correctional facilities
- Correctional services
- Court backlog
- Court documents
- Court interpreters
- Credit counselling agencies
- Crime prevention
- Curriculum
- Cycling policies
- Darlington nuclear generating station
- Dental care
- Diabetes
- Diagnostic services
- Dialysis
- Disaster relief
- Disclosure of toxins
- Discrimination
- Doctor shortage
- Domestic violence
- Driver licences
- Duty-free shops
- presented
- Munro, 6120
- presented
- Eastern Ontario development
- Economic development
- Education
- Education funding
- Elder abuse
- Electoral reform
- Electricity infrastructure
- Electricity supply
- Electronic health information
- Emergency preparedness
- Employment practices
- Employment standards
- Employment supports
- Endangered species
- Energy conservation
- Energy policies
- presented
- Arthurs, 3701-3702, 3952, 5159-5160
- Bailey, 5920
- Barrett, 5921
- Brown, 2904, 5528-5529
- Clark, 5636-5637, 5920
- Crozier, 2551
- Delaney, 4882-4883, 5400-5401
- Dickson, 4839
- Elliott, 4683-4684, 6056-6057, 6145-6146
- Flynn, 3651-3652
- Hardeman, 6356-6357
- Horwath, 3535-3537, 3592-3593, 3699-3700, 3745-3746, 3814-3815, 3907-3908
- Hudak, 3533-3535, 3646-3648, 3743-3745, 3811-3813, 4161-4163, 4256-4258, 4301-4304, 4489-4491, 4742-4743, 5832-5833, 5960-5962
- Jaczek, 5440, 6060-6061
- Johnson, 5582
- Leal, 886
- McMeekin, 5965
- Munro, 4216
- Naqvi, 5115
- O'Toole, 3815-3816
- Ramal, 4839
- Rinaldi, 4166
- Shurman, 4841-4842, 5525, 5882, 5923-5924, 5965-5966, 6278-6279
- Sousa, 3748-3749
- Tabuns, 3862-3863
- Wilson, 4839-4840, 6146
- Yakabuski, 3287, 3540, 3594, 3650, 3912-3913, 4165, 4167, 4216, 4559-4560, 4684-4685, 4745, 4834-4836, 4883, 5635, 5921-5922, 5964, 6061-6062, 6146-6147, 6276-6277
- responded to
- Duguid, 886, 2551-2552, 2904-2905, 3287, 3651-3652, 3702, 3749, 3952-3953, 4165-4167, 4216-4217, 4256-4258, 4302-4304, 4490, 4560, 4683-4685, 4742-4746, 4834-4836, 4839-4840, 4882-4883, 5115, 5159-5160, 5440, 5525, 5528-5529, 5582, 5635, 5637, 5882, 5920-5922, 5924, 5960-5962, 5964-5966, 6061-6062, 6145, 6277, 6357
- Duncan, 3534-3537, 3540-3541, 4841-4842, 6145-6147
- McGuinty, 3592-3594, 3646-3648, 3650-3651, 3699-3700, 3743-3746, 3812-3816, 3862-3863, 3907-3908, 3912-3913, 4161-4163, 4491, 4683, 5832-5833, 6056-6057
- Pupatello, 6060-6061, 6278-6279
- Wilkinson, 5400-5401
- presented
- Energy rates
- Environmental protection
- Executive compensation
- presented
- responded to
- Family health teams
- Family law
- Family Responsibility Office
- Family services
- Farm safety
- Federal-provincial fiscal policies
- Festivals and events
- Financial literacy
- Financial services sector
- Fire safety
- Firefighters
- First Nations
- Fiscal responsibility
- Fish and wildlife management
- Flu immunization
- Food safety
- Foreign-trained professionals
- Forest industry
- presented
- responded to
- Freedom of information
- French-language education
- French-language services
- Full-day kindergarten
- presented
- responded to
- G20 summit
- Gasoline prices
- Government accountability
- Government appointments
- Government assets
- Government consultants
- Government contracts
- presented
- responded to
- Government investments
- Government record
- presented
- responded to
- Government regulations
- Government services
- Government spending
- Government's agenda
- Graduation rates
- Green power generation
- Greenbelt
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Growth planning
- Hazardous waste
- Health care
- presented
- Arnott, 2905
- Arthurs, 5055-5056
- Clark, 5401
- Elliott, 56-57, 108, 1987, 5113-5114
- Gélinas, 57, 4217, 4887, 4944-4945, 4978
- Hillier, 1728
- Horwath, 264-265, 1131-1132, 1767, 4011, 4165-4166, 4220-4221, 4411, 4456-4457, 4654, 4794, 5309, 5680-5682, 5734-5735
- Hudak, 1842, 2745-2746, 3948-3949
- Mangat, 4948-4949
- Naqvi, 5683-5684
- O'Toole, 21-22
- Sousa, 3065
- Van Bommel, 1947, 5251
- Witmer, 5732
- responded to
- Matthews, 21-22, 57, 108, 265, 1131-1132, 1728, 1767, 1842, 1947, 2905, 3065, 4011, 4166, 4217, 4220-4221, 4411, 4456-4457, 4654, 4887, 4948-4949, 4978, 5055-5056, 5113-5114, 5251, 5309, 5683-5684, 5732, 5734-5735
- McGuinty, 56-57, 264-265, 1987-1988, 2745-2746, 3948-3949, 4794, 4944-4945, 5401, 5680-5682
- presented
- Health care funding
- presented
- responded to
- Health care sector accountability
- Health care services
- Health promotion
- Hearn generating station
- Hepatitis C
- Heritage conservation
- High school students
- Highway construction
- presented
- responded to
- Highway improvement
- Home care
- Home warranty program
- Homelessness
- Hospital funding
- presented
- responded to
- Hospital governance
- Hospital services
- Human rights
- Human trafficking
- Hydro charges
- Hydro One
- Hydro rates
- presented
- Bisson, 112, 2604, 2803-2804
- Elliott, 4648-4650
- Hampton, 112, 2290-2291, 2397-2398
- Horwath, 1986-1987, 2048-2049, 2097-2099, 2145-2146, 2195-2197, 2243-2244, 2288-2289, 2351-2352, 2357, 2450, 2685-2686, 2691, 2746-2747, 2752-2753, 2852, 2907, 3117-3119, 3182-3184, 3188, 3397, 3493, 3498, 3949-3950, 5245, 5523-5524, 5633-5634, 5839-5840
- Hudak, 1198-1199, 2242, 2395-2397, 3395-3398, 3437-3439, 4212-4214, 4556-4558, 5110-5111, 5631-5633, 6275
- Jones, 3186
- Leal, 4371-4372
- MacLeod, 6354-6355
- Marchese, 2648
- Miller, P., 2294, 5398-5399
- Naqvi, 3957
- Prue, 2292, 2399-2400
- Savoline, 3335, 5251-5252
- Shurman, 2291-2292, 4653-4654, 5578-5579
- Tabuns, 471, 934-935, 2398-2399, 2550-2551, 3439-3441
- Wilson, 2401, 5682, 5839
- Yakabuski, 378-379, 1133, 2099, 2399, 3494, 5522-5523, 5577-5578
- responded to
- Bartolucci, 3957, 5251-5252
- Duguid, 112, 378-379, 471, 934-935, 1133, 2048-2049, 2097-2100, 2195-2196, 2290-2294, 2357, 2397-2401, 2551, 2604, 2648-2649, 2686, 2746-2747, 2752-2753, 2803-2804, 2852, 2907, 3117-3119, 3186, 3335, 3397, 3494-3495, 4213-4214, 4649-4650, 5245, 5523-5524, 5578-5579, 5682-5683, 5839-5840, 6275, 6355
- Duncan, 2450, 3182-3184, 3188-3189, 3395-3396, 3398, 3438-3439, 4372, 4653-4654
- McGuinty, 1198-1199, 1986-1987, 2048, 2097-2099, 2145-2146, 2196-2197, 2242-2244, 2288-2289, 2351-2352, 2395-2398, 2401, 2746-2747, 3437-3441, 3493-3494, 3498, 3949-3950, 4556-4558, 5110-5111, 5398-5399, 5522-5523, 5577-5578, 5632-5634
- Pupatello, 2691
- presented
- Identity theft
- Illegal drug operations
- Immigrant services
- Immigrants' skills
- Immigration policy
- Infrastructure Health and Safety Association
- Infrastructure program funding
- Infrastructure renewal
- Injured workers
- Insurance rates
- International medical graduates
- International students
- International trade
- Internet security
- Ipperwash Provincial Park
- Job creation
- Job security
- Justice system
- Laboratory services
- Labour dispute
- Labour relations
- Labour unions
- Land registration
- Landlord and tenant disputes
- Liquor control
- Liquor licensing
- Literacy and basic skills
- Lobbyists
- Local health integration networks
- presented
- responded to
- Long-term care
- presented
- responded to
- Lyme disease
- Manufacturing jobs
- presented
- responded to
- Medical research and innovation
- Member's comments
- Member's conduct
- Mental health and addictions strategy
- Mental health services
- Midwifery
- Minimum wage
- Mining industry
- presented
- responded to
- Ministerial conduct
- Ministers' expenses
- Ministry grants
- Ministry of Natural Resources
- Missing children
- Multiculturalism
- Multiple sclerosis treatment
- Municipal development
- Municipal elections
- Municipal finances
- Municipal funding
- Municipal planning
- Municipal restructuring
- Municipalities
- Narcotics safety
- Niagara Parks Commission
- Northern economy
- Northern health services
- Northern health travel grant
- Northern Ontario
- Northern Ontario access
- Northern Ontario development
- Northern Ontario economy
- Not-for-profit corporations
- Nuclear energy
- presented
- responded to
- Nuclear safety
- Nuclear waste
- Nurse practitioners
- Nurses
- Occupational health and safety
- Office of the Ombudsman
- Old age security payments
- Ontario artists
- Ontario budget
- Ontario disability support program
- Ontario drug benefit program
- Ontario economy
- presented
- responded to
- Ontario farmers
- Ontario film industry
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp.
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission
- Ontario Power Authority
- Ontario Provincial Police
- Ontario public service
- presented
- responded to
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- Optometrists
- Organ and tissue donation
- Patient safety
- Pay equity
- Pediatric forensic pathology inquiry
- Pension plans
- Pension reform
- Pest control
- Pesticides
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Pharmacists
- Photo identification cards
- Physiotherapy services
- Plant closure
- Police
- Police services
- Political contributions
- Post-secondary education
- Poverty
- Power plant
- Premier's record
- Prescription drug abuse
- Prescription drugs
- Privatization of public services
- Property taxation
- Protection for people with disabilities
- Protection of minors
- Protection of privacy
- Public health
- Public inquiry into Caledonia
- Public safety
- Public sector accountability
- Public transit
- presented
- Albanese, 1302
- Arthurs, 4499
- Balkissoon, 731, 5010-5011
- Colle, 5116-5117
- DiNovo, 319, 516, 837-838, 931, 984-985, 1034, 1405-1406, 3909, 3951-3952, 4016, 4066-4067, 5007
- Flynn, 1450, 2690
- Horwath, 373-375, 379, 425-426, 576-577, 622-623, 673, 725, 1083, 1204, 1252, 1300, 1672-1673, 1722-1723, 4016
- Klees, 380
- Kular, 5731-5732
- McMeekin, 1201-1202
- Murray, 1726
- Prue, 882, 3863-3864
- Ruprecht, 319-320
- Tabuns, 341
- Zimmer, 341-342
- responded to
- Duncan, 673
- McGuinty, 374, 380-381, 426, 576-577, 622-623, 673, 725-726, 1034, 1204, 1672-1673, 3863-3864, 5007
- Sousa, 5010-5011
- Wynne, 319-320, 341-342, 374-375, 379, 516, 731, 838, 882-883, 931, 985, 1083, 1201-1202, 1252, 1300, 1302-1303, 1405-1406, 1450, 1722-1723, 1726, 2690, 3909-3910, 3952, 4016, 4067, 4499-4500, 5117, 5731-5732
- presented
- Rail line
- Red tape reduction
- Renewable energy
- presented
- responded to
- Replacement workers
- Research and innovation
- Retirement homes
- presented
- responded to
- Road maintenance
- Road safety
- Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
- Rural health services
- Rural infrastructure
- School accommodation
- School boards
- School equity policy
- School fees
- School nutrition programs
- School safety
- School transportation
- School trustees
- Securities industry
- Senior citizens
- Seniors' health services
- Services for abused men
- Services for disabled children
- Services for the developmentally disabled
- Services for the disabled
- Severance payments
- Sex offenders
- Skilled trades
- Skills development and training
- Small business
- Smart meters
- presented
- responded to
- Smoking cessation
- Social assistance
- presented
- responded to
- Social services
- Social workers
- Soldiers' remains
- Special education
- Special investigations unit
- Special-needs students
- Speech and language services
- Sports funding
- Steel industry
- Stock exchange
- Student achievement
- Student assessment
- Student assistance
- Taxation
- presented
- Arnott, 1721
- Bailey, 791-792, 3120-3121
- Barrett, 1666-1667, 1850, 2689, 5011
- Bisson, 883-884
- Brownell, 1206-1207
- Clark, 625-626, 728-729
- Crozier, 1603
- Dunlop, 884-885, 1200-1201
- Elliott, 1443-1445, 1489-1490, 3181-3182, 4943-4944, 6188-6190
- Flynn, 1674-1675
- Gélinas, 1669
- Hampton, 837, 1727, 3447
- Hillier, 1942
- Horwath, 726, 1077-1078, 1137, 1199-1200, 1247-1248, 1298-1299, 1351-1352, 1402, 1445-1446, 1596-1597, 1668, 1722, 1761-1763, 1844-1845, 1896-1898, 1940-1942, 2445-2446, 3123, 3282-3283, 3396, 4163-4164, 4214-4216, 4258-4260, 4369-4370, 4406, 4685, 4744-4745, 4788-4789, 4836-4837, 4880-4881, 5157-5158, 5208-5209, 5245-5246, 5303-5304, 5634, 5728-5729, 6190-6191, 6273-6274, 6353-6354
- Hudak, 18, 1130-1131, 1349-1351, 1400-1401, 1759-1761, 1842-1843, 1894-1896, 2047-2048, 2286-2287, 2684-2685, 3115-3117, 3861-3862, 4604, 4879, 4972-4974, 5770-5771, 5876-5878, 6271-6273, 6351-6352
- Johnson, 5930
- Jones, 732, 1036, 1450
- Klees, 1720
- Kormos, 3018
- Leal, 1729
- Levac, 1769, 4264-4265
- MacLeod, 583, 1352, 1490-1493, 1665-1666, 1763-1764, 1898-1899, 2051-2052, 2289-2290, 3233-3234, 4218, 4881, 6057-6058
- McMeekin, 3538
- McNeely, 5970
- Miller, N., 676, 930-931, 1134-1135, 1248-1249, 1354, 1403-1404, 1670, 1765, 4609, 6059-6060, 6118-6119
- Munro, 316-317
- Murray, 931-932, 1254-1255, 1407-1408, 1899-1900
- O'Toole, 1405
- Prue, 1038-1039, 5397-5398
- Ramal, 1497
- Rinaldi, 1081-1082
- Sandals, 4217
- Savoline, 932, 1846, 2649-2650, 5009-5010
- Shurman, 515-516, 1450-1451, 1600-1601, 1939-1940, 1989
- Sousa, 1847
- Tabuns, 675, 1491, 1542-1543, 4262-4263, 4882, 5349
- Witmer, 1938-1939
- Yakabuski, 985-986, 1448-1449, 1545, 3184, 3441
- Zimmer, 1037-1038, 1136, 1943, 3068, 4689-4690, 5441
- responded to
- Aggelonitis, 3068, 3121, 3233-3234, 3447, 3538, 4217-4218, 4265, 4689-4690, 5009-5010, 5441, 5930, 5970
- Bentley, 1596-1597, 1727
- Best, 1669
- Bradley, 675, 932-933
- Broten, 1450-1451
- Dombrowsky, 316-317, 1721
- Duguid, 3115-3117, 3123, 3181-3182, 3184-3185, 3441
- Duncan, 18-19, 515-516, 676, 1403-1404, 1489-1491, 1545-1546, 1720-1721, 1759-1765, 1844, 1850, 1939-1940, 2445-2446, 3018, 3282-3283, 4214-4216, 4258-4260, 4262-4263, 4369-4370, 4406, 4604-4605, 4609, 4744-4745, 4788-4789, 4836-4837, 4972-4974, 5303-5304, 5349, 5397-5398, 5728-5729, 5770-5771, 5877-5878, 6057-6060, 6118-6119, 6271-6275
- Gerretsen, 1850
- McGuinty, 583, 837, 1077-1078, 1199-1200, 1247-1248, 1298-1299, 1349-1353, 1400-1402, 1443-1446, 1449, 1666-1668, 1670, 1894-1899, 1938-1942, 2047-2048, 2286-2290, 3396-3397, 3861-3862, 4163-4165, 4685-4686, 4789-4790, 4879-4881, 4943-4944, 5157-5158, 5209, 5246, 5634-5635, 6188-6192, 6351-6354
- Pupatello, 1942
- Wilkinson, 583, 626, 726, 728-729, 732, 791-792, 883-885, 930-932, 986, 1036-1039, 1081-1082, 1130-1131, 1134-1137, 1201, 1207, 1249, 1254-1255, 1354, 1405, 1408, 1444-1445, 1492-1493, 1497, 1543, 1600-1601, 1603, 1675, 1722, 1729-1730, 1769, 1843-1848, 1900, 1943, 1989, 2051-2052, 2649-2650, 2684-2685, 2689, 4881-4882, 5011
- Wynne, 1843, 1845, 4604
- presented
- Technology in schools
- Tenant protection
- Tendering process
- Tobacco control
- Toronto waterfront
- Tourism
- presented
- responded to
- Transportation infrastructure
- Transportation planning
- Tuition
- TVOntario
- Union certification
- University and college funding
- Use of tasers
- Veterans
- Veterans' licence plates
- Victims of crime
- Victims' services
- Violence against women
- Volunteers
- Waste disposal
- Waste diversion
- Waste management
- Water and sewer infrastructure
- Water quality
- presented
- responded to
- Water supply
- Wildlife management
- Wildlife protection
- Wind turbines
- presented
- responded to
- Winter highway maintenance
- Women's issues
- Workers' compensation
- Working Families Coalition
- Workplace safety
- presented
- responded to
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
- Youth employment
- Orders of the Day
- Accounting Professions Act, 2010 (Bill 158)
- Bahram & Hamid Inc. Act, 2011 (Bill Pr42)
- Better Tomorrow for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2011 (Bill 173)
- Big A Amusements Ltd. Act, 2011 (Bill Pr47)
- Big Bay Resort Association Act, 2010 (Bill Pr38)
- Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 (Bill 122)
- Building Families and Supporting Youth to be Successful Act, 2011 (Bill 179)
- Children's Activity Tax Credit Act, 2010 (Bill 99)
- Christopher’s Law (Sex Offender Registry) Amendment Act, 2011 (Bill 163)
- Concurrence in supply, 361-371, 411-417, 4761-4775
- Creating the Foundation for Jobs And Growth Act, 2010 (Bill 16)
- Election Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 231)
- Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 (Bill 235)
- Enhancement of the Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit for Seniors and Ontario Families Act, 2010 (Bill 109)
- Ensuring Integrity in Ontario Elections Act, 2011 (Bill 196)
- Excellent Care for All Act, 2010 (Bill 46)
- Far North Act, 2010 (Bill 191)
- Faradale Farms Ltd. Act, 2011 (Bill Pr46)
- Fire Protection and Prevention Amendment Act, 2011 (Bill 181)
- Franco-Ontarian Day Act, 2010 (Bill 24)
- Full Day Early Learning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 242)
- Good Government Act, 2011 (Bill 110)
- Government motions
- Government notice of motion
- Number 1 - Securities industry, 280-311, 1479-1488, 5336-5344, 5452-5453, 5831
- Number 2 - 2010 Ontario budget, 331-335, 356-360, 438-467, 532-563
- Number 29 - Immigrant services, 2340-2348
- Number 30 - Pension reform, 2787-2797
- Number 52 - Interim supply, 4201-4211
- Number 53 - Select Committee on the proposed transaction of the TMX Group and the London Stock Exchange Group, 4235-4246
- Number 55 - 2011 Ontario budget, 4955-4961, 4992-5002, 5066-5100, 5127-5144
- Number 74 - Taxation, 5988-6044
- Government order
- Government notice of motion
- Government order number 56
- Health Protection and Promotion Amendment Act, 2011 (Bill 141)
- Helping Ontario Families and Managing Responsibly Act, 2010 (Bill 135)
- Katelyn Bedard Bone Marrow Awareness Month Act, 2010 (Bill 80)
- third reading, 3322-3323
- Lowering Energy Costs for Northern Ontarians Act, 2010 (Bill 44)
- McMichael Canadian Art Collection Amendment Act, 2011 (Bill 188)
- Members' Integrity Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 50)
- Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act, 2010 (Bill 101)
- 917866 Ontario Inc. Act, 2011 (Bill Pr48)
- Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010 (Bill 65)
- Occupational Health and Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2011 (Bill 160)
- 1312510 Ontario Ltd. Act, 2011 (Bill Pr45)
- 1314596 Ontario Inc. Act, 2011 (Bill Pr36)
- 1518186 Ontario Inc. Act, 2011 (Bill Pr32)
- Ontario Forest Tenure Modernization Act, 2011 (Bill 151)
- Open for Business Act, 2010 (Bill 68)
- Pension Benefits Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 236)
- Post-secondary Education Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 43)
- Retirement Homes Act, 2010 (Bill 21)
- Securing Pension Benefits Now and for the Future Act, 2010 (Bill 120)
- Select Committee on Mental Health and Addictions, 2035-2045, 2213
- Sisters of St. Joseph of Peterborough Act (Tax Relief), 2010 (Bill Pr37)
- S.L. McNally Consulting Services Inc. Act, 2011 (Bill Pr40)
- Strong Communities through Affordable Housing Act, 2011 (Bill 140)
- Supply Act, 2010 (Bill 17)
- Supply Act, 2011 (Bill 167)
- Supporting Smoke-Free Ontario by Reducing Contraband Tobacco Act, 2011 (Bill 186)
- Throne speech debate, 9-17, 35-43, 45-53, 73-90, 93-103, 160-210
- Ticket Speculation Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 172)