Letter: M
- MacLeod, L. (PC, Nepean–Carleton)
- Affordable housing, 4042, 4058
- Agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- legislative committee to review expenditures and performance, 5237-5238
- Agricultural risk management programs (RMPs)
- as part of 2011 budget
- federal government support, 5344
- as part of 2011 budget
- Anniversaries
- Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- Appreciation
- Hughes, Lynn and Stacy Lamb (performing first aid at and Barrhaven Legion hall), 3959
- Banning Collusion in Electoral Advertising Act, 2011 (Bill 195)
- general discussion, 6300
- Birthdays
- Desjardins, Ray (chaplain, Royal Canadian Legion, Barrhaven Branch), 4225
- Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 (Bill 122)
- Children's Activity Tax Credit Act, 2010 (Bill 99)
- Chronic pain management, 2413
- Clandestine Drug Operation Prevention Act, 2010 (Bill 139)
- first reading, 3662
- Commission on the Reform of Ontario's Public Service
- Committees
- committee to review all government agencies proposed, 4977
- Condolences
- Atkins, Norm (senator), 2353-2454
- Condominium Act, S.O. 1998, c. 19
- reform, 2266-2267
- Congratulatory remarks
- Epp, Tammy (recipient, Teacher of the Year award), 1454-1455
- Hunter, Gord (on retirement as councillor, city of Ottawa ), 2107
- LeBreton, Marjory (senator), 2976-2977
- Maduk, Kayla (gold and silver medallist, Tae Kwon-Do World Championship), 4753
- McCracken, James (on retirement as director of education, Ottawa Catholic School Board), 1547
- Stuntman Stu (radio host and community activist), 4888-4889
- Creating the Foundation for Jobs And Growth Act, 2010 (Bill 16)
- second reading, 644-645
- Debates re answers to oral questions
- Disclosure
- eHealth Ontario
- Election advertising
- Electricity bills
- Electricity rates
- Employment-related benefits
- Ensuring Integrity in Ontario Elections Act, 2011 (Bill 196)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 6300-6303
- time allocation motion
- Excellent Care for All Act, 2010 (Bill 46)
- second reading, 1440
- Executive Council Amendment Act (Ministers’ Attendance at Question Period), 2010 (Bill 123)
- first reading, 2912
- Federal elections/by-elections
- complaints re corrupt practices
- 2 May 2011, 6116-6117
- complaints re corrupt practices
- Franco-Ontarian Day Act, 2010 (Bill 24)
- second reading, 952-953
- Freedom of information requests
- PC caucus request to Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services re correctional facilities, 5396-5397
- French-language debates
- Loi de 2010 sur le Jour des Franco-Ontariens et des Franco-Ontariennes, projet de loi 24
- deuxième lecture, 952
- Loi de 2010 sur le Jour des Franco-Ontariens et des Franco-Ontariennes, projet de loi 24
- Full Day Early Learning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 242)
- third reading, 965-969
- Full-day kindergarten, 730
- Gasoline tax rebate
- extended to rural communities for transportation infrastructure, 1320-1321
- Good Government Act, 2011 (Bill 110)
- second reading, 2826-2831
- Government contracts
- Government expenditures
- increase, 5052-5053
- Government notice of motions
- Government record
- Harmonized sales tax (HST)
- constituent information sessions, 1898-1899
- impact on alcoholic beverage costs, 1490-1491
- impact on cost of minor league hockey, 5995
- impact on doctors' operating costs, 1493-1494
- impact on financial services industry, 5343
- impact on gasoline prices, 1763, 5925, 6093-6094
- impact on home purchase, 3233-3234
- impact on low and middle-income families, 543-544, 1352, 4432
- impact on small business, 544
- impact on sport, recreation and physical activities, 1666, 2192
- increase, 583
- removal from electricity rates, 3136-3137
- revenue collected from electricity bills, 6057-6058
- Hazardous products and substances
- Hospitals
- Inmates
- access to amenities, programs and services while incarcerated, 5396-5397
- Landfill sites
- Township of Russell, 4017-4018
- Legislative procedure
- Local health integration networks (LHINs)
- Members'/ministers' constituencies/constituency events
- Ottawa Centre
- Twestival Ottawa, 4984
- Ottawa Centre
- Members'/ministers' expenditures
- Members/ministers quoting letters
- Ontario Hospital Association, 1331
- Members/ministers quoting news media
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Members/ministers quoting reports
- The ABCs of Rebuilding Public Trust: Restoring Accountability to Ontario's Agencies (André Marin, Ombudsman of Ontario), 1331
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Members'/ministers' record
- Liberal (2003-2011)
- McGuinty, Dalton (Ottawa South)
- as Ontario Premier, 5461
- McGuinty, Dalton (Ottawa South)
- Liberal (2003-2011)
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Members' statements
- Atkins, Norman, 2453-2454
- Baker, Walter, 3659-3660
- Barrhaven Legion, 3959
- Carleton Lodge and Manordale Public School, 1854-1855
- CTV Ottawa, 4797
- Desjardins, Ray, 4225
- Epp, Tammy, 1454-1455
- Government accountability, 797, 1043
- Hunter, Gord, 2107
- Jarrett, Anne, 6068-6069
- Keeping, Max, 273
- LeBreton, Marjory, 2976-2977
- Maduk, Kayla, 4753
- Mauler, Jeff, 4415
- McCracken, James, 1547
- Pharmacists, 937
- Stuntman Stu, 4888-4889
- Tutus for Tanner, 2253
- Twestival Ottawa, 4984
- Ministerial statements
- Consultants
- responded to, 2813-2814
- Consultants
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act, 2010 (Bill 101)
- National/independence/memorial days
- Niagara Parks Commission
- Occupational health and safety
- migrant workers and the underground economy, 4784
- Occupational Health and Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2011 (Bill 160)
- second reading, 4782-4786
- Ontario budget speech (25 March 2010)
- Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation (OEFC)
- Ontario Energy Board Act, S.O. 1998, c. 15, Sched. B
- section 26.1 - Assessment, Ministry conservation programs, etc.
- repeal, 3943
- section 26.1 - Assessment, Ministry conservation programs, etc.
- Ontario health premium, 5991
- Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
- status as transitional entity and increase in employees, 4901-4902
- Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU)
- Opposition day motions
- Oral questions
- Agency spending
- presented, 3402-3403
- Community safety
- presented, 2246-2247
- Consultants
- Consumer protection
- presented, 3865-3866
- Court documents
- presented, 5473-5474
- Electoral reform
- presented, 6116-6117
- Energy rates
- presented, 149
- Executive compensation
- Freedom of information
- presented, 5396-5397
- Full-day kindergarten
- presented, 730
- Gasoline prices
- presented, 5925
- Government appointments
- Government consultants
- presented, 4977
- Government record
- presented, 2482-2483
- Government spending
- presented, 5052-5053
- Hydro rates
- presented, 6354-6355
- Illegal drug operations
- presented, 3749-3750
- Local health integration networks
- Ministers' expenses
- Niagara Parks Commission
- presented, 3951
- Ontario public service
- Public sector accountability
- presented, 1296-1297
- School accommodation
- presented, 4951
- Severance payments
- presented, 312-313
- Taxation
- Waste disposal
- presented, 4017-4018
- Working Families Coalition
- presented, 5008
- Agency spending
- PC Party documents/plans
- Changebook, 6355
- Petitions
- Prescription pricing
- Private members' public business
- Agencies, Boards and Commissions Sunset Review Act, 2011 (Bill 168)
- second reading, 5237-5238
- Banning Collusion in Electoral Advertising Act, 2011 (Bill 195)
- second reading, 6176-6177
- Condominium Owners Protection Act, 2010 (Bill 79)
- second reading, 2266-2267
- Gasoline Tax Fairness for All Act, 2010 (Bill 40)
- second reading, 1320-1321
- Taxation
- responded to, 3941-3943
- Truth in Government Act, 2010 (Bill 39)
- Agencies, Boards and Commissions Sunset Review Act, 2011 (Bill 168)
- Public sector employees
- salaries over $100,000
- disclosure, 5237
- salaries over $100,000
- Public Works Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.55
- temporary regulatory changes during G20 protests, 2246-2247
- Reports
- Consultant Use in Selected Health Care Organizations (Jim McCarter, Auditor General of Ontario), 2955, 2957
- Expert Advisory Panel on Occupational Health and Safety: Report and Recommendations to the Minister of Labour (Expert Advisory Panel on Occupational Health and Safety), 4784
- Navigating the Journey to Wellness: The Comprehensive Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan for Ontarians (Select Committee on Mental Health and Addictions), 2430
- Ontario Harmonized Sales Tax: Are you ready for the transition (KPMG Canada), 1492-1493
- With Our Best Future in Mind: Report to the Premier by the Special Advisor on Early Learning (Charles Pascal), 730, 966
- Respect for Ontario Veterans, Soldiers and War Dead Act, 2010 (Bill 129)
- first reading, 3295
- School construction
- Securities industry
- common securities regulator
- located in Toronto, 5341-5342
- common securities regulator
- Smoking
- Standing Orders
- S.O. 71(b) Public Bills -Second reading delayed for reasoned amendment, 3846
- Strong Communities through Affordable Housing Act, 2011 (Bill 140)
- Supporting Smoke-Free Ontario by Reducing Contraband Tobacco Act, 2011 (Bill 186)
- Tax credits
- children's activity tax credit, 2191
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 48
- Time allocation motions
- Tobacco control
- Tobacco products
- Tributes
- Truth in Government Act, 2010 (Bill 39)
- Wind turbines
- municipal planning oversight and public consultation, 1051-1052
- Working Families Coalition (WFC), 1699, 6176-6177
- Mangat, A. (LIB, Mississauga–Brampton South)
- Diabetes, 4861-4862
- Diabetes Awareness Month Act, 2011 (Bill 162)
- first reading, 4617
- Doctors
- international medical graduates (IMGs)
- licence to practice in Ontario, 3442
- international medical graduates (IMGs)
- Employment creation, 3774
- Employment insurance (EI)
- reform, 5932
- Federal government transfer payments
- Canada health transfer (CHT), 5473
- Federal-provincial agreements/programs
- Canada-Ontario immigration agreement (COIA)
- renegotiation, 3809-3810
- Canada-Ontario immigration agreement (COIA)
- Full-day kindergarten
- Fundraising
- United Way of Peel Region, 4124
- Government orders
- Immigrant services
- responded to, 3809-3810
- Immigrant services
- Government record
- Liberal (2003-2011)
- education, 2108
- Liberal (2003-2011)
- Health care
- wait times, 4948-4949
- Helping Ontario Families and Managing Responsibly Act, 2010 (Bill 135)
- second reading, 3774
- Members'/ministers' constituencies/constituency events
- Members' statements
- Ontario budget speech (25 March 2010)
- responded to, 541
- Oral questions
- Ornge, 3660
- Post-secondary education
- Reaching Higher: The McGuinty Government Plan for Postsecondary Education, 109
- Private members' public business
- Public education campaigns
- Recycling industry
- Sims Recycling Solutions, 4314
- Reducing Automobile Insurance Premiums by Eliminating Fraud Act, 2011 (Bill 209)
- first reading, 6366-6367
- Retirement homes
- regulation, 1849
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 168
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- essential service designation, 4325
- Toronto Transit Commission Labour Disputes Resolution Act, 2011 (Bill 150)
- second reading, 4325
- Tributes
- Kaczynski, Lech (Polish President killed in plane crash) and Polish people, 736
- Trucking industry, 1952
- Marchese, R. (NDP, Trinity–Spadina)
- Aboriginal students
- government funding, 1276
- Addiction treatment programs and services, 2539
- Adoption subsidies
- Adult education
- government funding, 5176
- Advertising
- Affordable housing
- requirement for inclusionary housing in new developments, 1961-1962
- Agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- legislative committee to review expenditures and performance, 5238-5239
- Amateur sports programs
- government funding, 137-138
- Anniversaries
- Planned Parenthood 50th anniversary, 6283-6284
- Arts and cultural organizations
- Sketch (homeless and street youth), 5588
- Athletes
- amateur athletes, 137
- Autism services
- intensive behavioural intervention (IBI)
- government funding, 5175-5176
- intensive behavioural intervention (IBI)
- Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
- in public places, 1325-1326
- Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 (Bill 122)
- Broader public sector organizations
- Budget deficit, 772, 2440, 3162
- Building Families and Supporting Youth to be Successful Act, 2011 (Bill 179)
- Bullying
- Chief medical officer of health
- authority to issue directives in health-related emergencies, 4184
- Child and Family Services Review Board
- authority and mandate to review matters before courts, 5778
- Child care
- government funding, 476
- Children in care
- Children's Activity Tax Credit Act, 2010 (Bill 99)
- second reading, 2436-2440
- Chronic disease
- management strategy, 4864
- Co-operative education, 4851-4852
- Colleges of applied arts and technology (CAATs)
- Community organizations
- The Children's Storefront, 5971-5972
- Condominium Act, S.O. 1998, c. 19
- Condominium corporations
- reserve funds, 2269
- Condominium Owners Protection Act, 2010 (Bill 79)
- first reading, 1679-1680
- Condominium Review Board, 2262
- Consumer protection
- Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Protecting Children from Targeted Advertising of Unhealthy Food and Drink), 2011 (Bill 175)
- first reading, 5018-5019
- Corporate tax reduction, 5137-5138, 5143, 5902-5903
- impact on employment creation, 5903-5904
- Creating the Foundation for Jobs And Growth Act, 2010 (Bill 16)
- second reading, 770-775
- Curriculum
- sex education
- public consultation, 4458
- sex education
- Cycling
- provincial policy required, 6194
- Developmental service organizations
- government funding, 771
- Diabetes, 4863-4864
- aboriginal communities, 4864
- Disaster relief
- Doctors
- importance, 5230
- Election advertising
- ban on collusion with registered parties, constituency associations or candidates, 6172-6173
- Elections/by-elections
- Electricity rates
- Emergency management
- epidemics/pandemics
- H1N1 pandemic (swine flu), 4184
- epidemics/pandemics
- Energy agencies
- Energy infrastructure
- privatization, 5904-5905
- Enhancement of the Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit for Seniors and Ontario Families Act, 2010 (Bill 109)
- Ensuring Integrity in Ontario Elections Act, 2011 (Bill 196)
- Fashion industry, 479-480
- Federal elections/by-elections
- Federal-provincial agreements/programs
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), 5518
- Food banks
- Forest tenure reform
- market bidding to determine allocation of resources, 4705-4709
- French-language debates
- Pétitions
- Éducation en français, 5975
- Pétitions
- Full Day Early Learning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 242)
- Full-day kindergarten, 957-958
- Gasoline tax rebate
- extended to rural communities for transportation infrastructure, 1318-1319
- Good Government Act, 2011 (Bill 110)
- Government contracts
- accountability and disclosure
- online posting over $10,000, 1332-1333
- accountability and disclosure
- Government debt, 5136
- Government orders
- Immigrant services
- responded to, 3807-3809
- Immigrant services
- Government record
- Graduation rates
- secondary school, 4619
- Harmonized sales tax (HST), 2437, 2591-2592
- Health and safety associations
- independence, 4832
- Health promotion, 1326-1327
- Health Protection and Promotion Amendment Act, 2011 (Bill 141)
- Heritage conservation
- Highway safety
- requirement for one metre of paved shoulder on provincial secondary highways, 2176
- Ireland
- economic decline, 5140
- Jamaican Canadians
- economic, cultural and social contributions, 3936-3937
- Lowering Energy Costs for Northern Ontarians Act, 2010 (Bill 44)
- third reading, 1717-1718
- Members'/ministers' pension plans, 6173
- elimination, 1029-1030
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 2671-2672, 4831, 4856, 4871-4872
- Members/ministers quoting books
- Persistent Poverty: Voices from the Margins (Jamie Swift, Brice Balmer, Mira Dineen), 4110
- Members/ministers quoting committee submissions
- Cooper, Paula (owner, Secta Global Education Solutions), 1869-1870
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Toronto Star, 4109
- Members/ministers quoting reports
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Carney, Mark (governor, Bank of Canada), 773
- Dachis, Benjamin (policy analyst, C.D. Howe Institute), 918
- Essensa, Greg (Chief Electoral Officer of Ontario), 6176
- Fogler, Rubinoff LLP, 1869
- Kahnert, Paul (spokesperson, Ontario Electricity Coalition), 5904-5905
- Manwaring, John (professor, University of Ottawa), 919
- Marin, André (Ombudsman of Ontario), 997, 5761
- Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation, 4619
- Thomas, Warren "Smokey" (president, Ontario Public Service Employees Union), 1729
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Members'/ministers' salaries, 6173
- Members' statements
- Ministerial statements
- Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week
- responded to, 3456-3457
- International Adult Learners' Week
- responded to, 5176
- International Day Against Homophobia
- responded to, 6078
- National Co-operative Education Week
- responded to, 4851-4852
- National School Safety Week
- responded to, 2700
- Post-secondary education
- responded to, 996-997
- Student achievement
- Student assistance
- responded to, 353
- World Autism Awareness Day
- responded to, 5175-5176
- World Teachers' Day
- responded to, 2565
- Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week
- Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport
- Quest for Gold Ontario athlete assistance program, 137
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- Ontario long-term affordable housing strategy, 4109-4110
- Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
- second career strategy, 375-376
- Municipal elections/by-elections
- reduction in time within which recounts of votes must be completed, 6166
- Municipal officials
- commencement of term-of-offices date, 6165-6166
- Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act, 2010 (Bill 101)
- National/independence/memorial days
- Occupational health and safety
- Occupational Health and Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2011 (Bill 160)
- Ombudsman Amendment Act (Designated Public Bodies), 2010 (Bill 131)
- first reading, 3339
- Ombudsman of Ontario
- Ombudsman Statute Law Amendment Act (Designated Public Bodies), 2011 (Bill 183)
- first reading, 5483
- Ontario budget speech (29 March 2011)
- Ontario Forest Tenure Modernization Act, 2011 (Bill 151)
- Ontario One Call Ltd.
- call centre for underground utility location services
- costs, 5603
- call centre for underground utility location services
- Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE)
- formal incorporation, 4476
- Ontario student assistance program (OSAP)
- increased use, 1275
- Open Ontario plan (economic development), 48
- Opposition day motions
- Taxation
- responded to, 5902-5905
- Taxation
- Oral questions
- Child care
- Child protection
- presented, 5056-5057
- Children's aid societies
- presented, 5778
- Collective bargaining
- Community colleges
- presented, 3821
- Condominium legislation
- Curriculum
- presented, 4458
- Cycling policies
- presented, 6194
- Education funding
- Full-day kindergarten
- Heritage conservation
- presented, 5477-5478
- Hydro rates
- presented, 2648
- Office of the Ombudsman
- presented, 5731
- School equity policy
- presented, 4689
- Skills development and training
- presented, 375-376
- Special education
- presented, 1901
- Special-needs students
- presented, 5927-5928
- Technology in schools
- presented, 2152
- Tuition
- presented, 6151
- Pension Benefits Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 236)
- third reading, 1028-1031
- Pension plan reform
- Petitions
- Post-secondary education
- Post-secondary Education Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 43)
- Prescription drug abuse, 2546
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care database for tracking and disclosure of personal health information relating to prescription drugs dispensed, 2544-2545
- Preserving the Dignity of the Ontario Legislative Building Act, 2010 (Bill 95)
- first reading, 1954
- Private career colleges
- Private Career Colleges Act, S.O. 2005, c. 28, Sched. L, 1068
- amendments, 996-997
- Private members' public business
- Agencies, Boards and Commissions Sunset Review Act, 2011 (Bill 168)
- second reading, 5238-5239
- Banning Collusion in Electoral Advertising Act, 2011 (Bill 195)
- second reading, 6171-6173
- Condominium Owners Protection Act, 2010 (Bill 79)
- Defibrillator Access Act, 2010 (Bill 41)
- second reading, 1325-1327
- Diabetes Awareness Month Act, 2011 (Bill 162)
- second reading, 4863-4864
- Doctors' Day
- responded to, 5230-5231
- Dutch Heritage Month Act, 2011 (Bill 166)
- second reading, 4871-4872
- Essential Public Transit Services Act, 2010 (Bill 15)
- second reading, 917-919
- Gasoline Tax Fairness for All Act, 2010 (Bill 40)
- second reading, 1318-1319
- G20 Public Inquiry Act, 2010 (Bill 121)
- second reading, 3321
- Italian Heritage Month Act, 2010 (Bill 103)
- second reading, 2671-2672
- Jamaican Independence Day
- responded to, 3936-3938
- Municipal Elections Amendment Act (Commencement of Term of Offices Date), 2011 (Bill 153)
- second reading, 6165-6166
- Ombudsman Statute Law Amendment Act (Designated Public Bodies), 2011 (Bill 183)
- Ontario One Call Act, 2011 (Bill 180)
- Ontario Society of Professional Engineers Act, 2011 (Bill 148)
- second reading, 4476
- Planning Amendment Act (Enabling Municipalities to Require Inclusionary Housing), 2010 (Bill 58)
- second reading, 1961-1962
- Public sector accountability
- responded to, 2870-2871
- Public Sector Salary Disclosure Amendment Act, 2011 (Bill 177)
- second reading, 5608-5609
- Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 100)
- second reading, 2176
- Sports funding
- responded to, 137-138
- Taxation Amendment Act (Food Bank Donation Tax Credit for Farmers), 2010 (Bill 78)
- second reading, 2170-2171
- Towing Industry Act, 2011 (Bill 147)
- second reading, 5614-5616
- Truth in Government Act, 2010 (Bill 39)
- second reading, 1332-1333
- Ukrainian Heritage Day Act, 2011 (Bill 155)
- second reading, 4856
- Agencies, Boards and Commissions Sunset Review Act, 2011 (Bill 168)
- Public education campaigns
- Bike Month, 6194
- Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week, 3456-3457
- Diabetes Awareness Month, 4863
- Doctors' Day, 5230-5231
- International Adult Learners' Week, 5176
- International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, 6078
- Italian Heritage Month, 2671-2672
- National Co-operative Education Week, 4851-4852
- National School Safety Week, 2700
- World Autism Awareness Day, 5175-5176
- World Teachers' Day, 2565
- Public inquiries
- government and law enforcement action and spending in connection with G20 Summit, 3321
- Public sector employees
- Public transportation
- electrification of commuter trains, 6069
- Reports
- Consultant Use in Selected Health Care Organizations (Jim McCarter, Auditor General of Ontario), 3164
- The H1N1 Pandemic - How Ontario Fared: A Report by Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health (Arlene King, chief medical officer of health), 4184
- Navigating the Journey to Wellness: The Comprehensive Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan for Ontarians (Select Committee on Mental Health and Addictions), 2544
- With Our Best Future in Mind: Report to the Premier by the Special Advisor on Early Learning (Charles Pascal), 832, 955-956
- Raising Expectations (Expert Panel on Infertility and Adoption), 5519
- School board trustees
- not permitted to meet privately with parents, 4793-4794
- School fees, 4884
- School fundraising, 1989-1990, 2438, 4306-4307
- proposed guidelines, 3237
- Special education
- Special-needs students
- access to education, 5927-5928
- Sports competitions
- Pan American Games (2015), 138
- Strong Communities through Affordable Housing Act, 2011 (Bill 140)
- second reading, 4109-4111
- Student achievement, 229-230
- Student associations
- gay-straight alliances not permitted at St. Joseph Catholic secondary school (Mississauga), 4689
- Tarion Warranty Corporation
- Tax credits
- farmers' tax credit for food bank donations, 2170-2171
- Tax reform
- new credits, benefits and tax reduction measures, 2591-2592
- Teacher-librarians
- reduction, 5964-5965
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 48-49
- Ticket Speculation Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 172)
- Time allocation motions
- Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 (Bill 122)
- responded to, 3269-3271
- Post-secondary Education Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 43)
- responded to, 1869-1872
- Ticket Speculation Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 172)
- Toronto Transit Commission Labour Disputes Resolution Act, 2011 (Bill 150)
- responded to, 4399-4402
- Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 (Bill 122)
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- Toronto Transit Commission Labour Disputes Resolution Act, 2011 (Bill 150)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 4399-4402
- time allocation motion
- Towing industry
- regulation, 5615-5616
- Towing Industry Council of Ontario
- complaints committee
- power of investigator to enter business premises, 5615
- complaints committee
- Tributes
- Mitchell, Robert (former member, Carleton), 1261
- Tuition fees, 1274-1275
- Wireless phones, smart phones and data services
- students permitted to use in class, 2152
- Workers' rights
- protection, 4832
- Working Families Coalition (WFC), 6171-6172
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- transfer of prevention mandate to Ministry of Labour, 6086
- Youth shelters
- Eva's Phoenix, 5166
- Aboriginal students
- Martiniuk, G. (PC, Cambridge)
- Automated external defibrillators (AEDs), 63-64
- Budget deficit, 3683
- Building Families and Supporting Youth to be Successful Act, 2011 (Bill 179)
- second reading, 5670
- Children in care
- adoption reform, 5670
- Christopher's Amendment Act (Sex Offender Registry), 2010 (Bill 142)
- first reading, 3874
- Consumer protection
- entertainment tickets, 3255
- Education Amendment Act (Pupils With Diabetes), 2010 (Bill 51)
- first reading, 1259
- Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Electronic Sexual Material), 2010 (Bill 66)
- first reading, 1457
- Faradale Farms Ltd. Act, 2011 (Bill Pr39)
- first reading, 5315
- Faradale Farms Ltd. Act, 2011 (Bill Pr46)
- first reading, 5359
- Full Day Early Learning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 242)
- third reading, 968
- Government notice of motions
- Securities industry
- responded to, 5339-5340
- Securities industry
- Government record
- Harmonized sales tax (HST)
- Helping Ontario Families and Managing Responsibly Act, 2010 (Bill 135)
- Holodomor (man-made famine in Ukraine), 4855
- Immigration
- Ukrainian, 4855
- Long-term care
- Long-term care residents
- personal care hours, 1664
- Lowering Energy Costs for Northern Ontarians Act, 2010 (Bill 44)
- Members'/ministers' farewell speeches, 6327
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Toronto Sun, 570-571
- Members/ministers quoting websites
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Members' statements
- Ministerial statements
- National/independence/memorial days
- Northern Ontario energy credit, 1242
- Ontario Securities Commission (OSC)
- government funding, 5339-5340
- Pension Benefits Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 236)
- third reading, 1024
- Pension plan protection
- General Motors of Canada Ltd. employees, 1024
- Petitions
- Assistance to farmers, 5364
- Cambridge Memorial Hospital, 5700
- Diabetes treatment, 278
- Gasoline prices, 4620
- Hospital funding, 277, 437, 637, 1616-1617, 2001-2002, 2118, 2212, 3878-3879, 4082
- Ontario pharmacists, 1267, 1463, 1466
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 2765
- Taxation, 71-72, 278-279, 397, 438, 636, 1268, 1464-1465, 2002
- Tobacco control, 5701
- Private members' public business
- Protecting Children from Tobacco Addiction Act, 2010 (Bill 116)
- first reading, 2611
- Public education campaigns
- Retirement homes
- Retirement Homes Act, 2010 (Bill 21)
- Ticket Speculation Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 172)
- second reading, 3255
- Time allocation motions
- Retirement Homes Act, 2010 (Bill 21)
- responded to, 1661-1665
- Retirement Homes Act, 2010 (Bill 21)
- Tobacco products
- illegal sale, 6291
- Tributes
- Ukrainian Canadian Congress, 4855
- Ukrainian Canadians, 4854-4855, 4858
- Ukrainian Heritage Day Act, 2010 (Bill 149)
- first reading, 4078-4079
- Ukrainian Heritage Day Act, 2011 (Bill 155)
- first reading, 4380
- Water Opportunities and Water Conservation Act, 2010 (Bill 72)
- Matthews, Hon. D. (LIB, London North Centre)
- Bedbugs
- Blood analysis/tests
- performed locally, 1728
- Boards of public health
- establishment in Ottawa, 1903-1904
- Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 (Bill 122)
- Broader public sector organizations
- ban on use of lobbyists, 2953-2954
- C. difficile
- decrease in infection rate, 3186
- Canadian Cancer Society, 5061-5062
- Cancer Care Ontario (CCO)
- Cancer drugs
- Cancer screening programs
- Caregivers
- comprehensive strategy required, 6277-6278
- Chief medical officer of health
- Childhood cancer, 2248
- Children's health care
- Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI)
- treatment, 4375
- Collective agreements
- health professionals
- The Ottawa Hospital, 1498
- health professionals
- Community care access centres (CCACs)
- government funding
- Dufferin–Caledon area, 111-112
- government funding
- Community health centres (CHCs), 1080, 3870
- Diabetes
- Diabetes strategy, 840, 3401
- Dialysis services
- Disclosure
- Doctors
- eHealth Ontario, 2547
- Electronic health records, 472-473, 2601-2602, 5158
- Emergency management
- epidemics/pandemics, 4082-4085
- Excellent Care for All Act, 2010 (Bill 46)
- Family health teams
- Oakville, 5967
- Federal government transfer payments
- Canada health transfer (CHT), 5473
- Freedom of information, 2484
- Government accountability, 2848-2849
- Government consultants, 2550
- Government contracts
- out-of-country health care
- Canadian Medical Network, 21-22
- out-of-country health care
- Government record
- Health care, 57, 2359, 2484
- Health care reform, 1144-1145
- accountability measures, 2603
- Health insurance
- when travelling, 5250-5251
- Health Protection and Promotion Amendment Act, 2011 (Bill 141)
- Hepatitis C
- public awareness campaign, 1728
- Hip replacement surgery
- Home care
- Hospital administration
- Hospital administrators
- Hospital beds
- Hospital budget deficits
- York Central Hospital, 3652-3653
- Hospital cleaning/maintenance staff
- layoffs
- Women's College Hospital, 678-679
- layoffs
- Hospital expansion
- Hospital funding, 1254, 3399-3400
- Hospital redevelopment
- Peel Memorial Hospital, 4120-4121
- Hospital services
- Hospitals
- Immunization
- H1N1 influenza A (swine flu), 1764
- Lobbyists
- Local health integration networks (LHINs)
- accountability and public review, 338-339, 375, 423-424, 467-468, 471, 2748, 4654-4655
- effectiveness, 2906-2907, 4843-4844, 5114, 6193
- executive appointments
- Paquette, Louise (CEO, North East LHIN), 790
- executive salaries, 514, 577-578, 727, 5246-5247
- Monaghan, Barry (former CEO, Toronto Central LHIN), 373
- failure to meet community engagement mandate in decision-making process
- South East LHIN, 4949
- nomination for Bertelsmann Foundation's 2011 Reinhard Mohn Prize
- Mississauga Halton LHIN, 2291
- sole-sourced contracts, 372-373
- use of consultants, 2900-2902, 2967-2968, 3062
- Long-term care, 2449-2450
- Long-term-care facilities
- Long-term care residents
- reunification of married couples
- Springer, Marjory and Paul case, 5437-5438
- reunification of married couples
- Lyme disease
- out-of-province treatment, 2295-2296
- Medical laboratories
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 1499, 3071
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Members/ministers quoting reports
- Wait Times - A Comparison by Province (Canadian Institute for Health Information), 4949
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Closson, Tom (president, Ontario Hospital Association), 5522, 5580
- Eng, Susan (vice-president, CARP), 1041
- Ontario Hospital Association, 1929-1930
- Peer, Ian (deputy chief, London Police Service), 2301
- Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO), 1929
- Strasberg, Suzanne (former president, Ontario Medical Association), 5158
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn, 3443
- Mental health and addictions strategy, 4609, 4980, 5211
- Mental health care
- additional services for female inmates, 3956
- Midwives
- government support, 5733-5734
- Ministerial statements
- Community Health Week
- presented, 5538-5539
- Consultants
- presented, 2813
- Daffodil Month
- presented, 5061-5062
- Health care
- presented, 1144-1146
- International Nurses Day
- presented, 1460-1461
- Nursing Week
- presented, 5845-5846
- Organ and tissue donation
- presented, 852
- Prescription drugs
- presented, 2113-2114
- Public health emergency preparedness
- presented, 3828-3829
- Community Health Week
- Ministers redirecting oral questions, 2489, 3542, 5165, 5208, 5305
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- aging-at-home strategy, 2804-2805
- assistive devices program, 3443-3444
- Health Care Connect program, 1084
- Healthy Smiles Ontario, 2489
- Northern and Rural Recruitment and Retention initiative (NRRR), 1540
- review of provincial laboratories, 2359
- Sapsford, Ron (former Deputy Minister of Health and Long-Term Care)
- Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act, 2010 (Bill 101)
- Northern health travel grant (NHTG) program
- application response times, 220
- Nurse practitioners
- Nurses
- Ombudsman of Ontario
- hospital oversight, 1131-1132
- Ontario drug benefit program (ODB)
- Ontario health insurance plan (OHIP)
- inclusion of prostate-specific antigen test (PSA) as insured service, 5474
- Ontario Hospital Association (OHA)
- new bylaws for hospital administrators, 1491-1492
- Opposition day motions
- Pharmacists
- responded to, 862-863
- Pharmacists
- Optometrists
- Oral questions
- Access to health care
- responded to, 4309
- Access to information
- Air ambulance service
- Assistive devices
- responded to, 3443-3444
- Asthma treatment
- responded to, 1203
- Breast cancer
- Cancer screening
- responded to, 5474
- Cancer treatment
- Caregivers
- responded to, 6277-6278
- Children's health services
- responded to, 2248
- Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency
- responded to, 4375
- Community care access centres
- responded to, 112
- Community health centre
- responded to, 3125
- Community health centres
- Community health services
- responded to, 4749
- Consultants
- Dental care
- responded to, 2489
- Diabetes
- Diagnostic services
- responded to, 3543
- Dialysis
- responded to, 4219-4220
- Doctor shortage
- Electronic health information
- Executive compensation
- Family health teams
- responded to, 5967
- Flu immunization
- responded to, 1764
- Freedom of information
- French-language services
- Government consultants
- Government contracts
- responded to, 2750
- Health care
- Health care funding
- Health care sector accountability
- responded to, 2603
- Health care services
- responded to, 4121
- Health promotion
- responded to, 6198
- Hepatitis C
- responded to, 1728
- Home care
- Hospital funding
- Hospital governance
- Hospital services
- International medical graduates
- responded to, 3442
- Laboratory services
- Lobbyists
- responded to, 2483-2484
- Local health integration networks
- Long-term care
- Lyme disease
- responded to, 2295-2296
- Mental health and addictions strategy
- Mental health services
- responded to, 3956
- Midwifery
- responded to, 5733-5734
- Multiple sclerosis treatment
- responded to, 3866
- Northern health travel grant
- responded to, 220
- Nuclear safety
- responded to, 5311
- Nurse practitioners
- Nurses
- Ontario drug benefit program
- Optometrists
- responded to, 2969
- Organ and tissue donation
- Patient safety
- Pest control
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Pharmacists
- Physiotherapy services
- responded to, 2749
- Prescription drug abuse
- Prescription drugs
- Protection of privacy
- responded to, 3654
- Public health
- responded to, 1903-1904
- Rural health services
- responded to, 1539-1540
- Seniors' health services
- Speech and language services
- responded to, 1305
- Tobacco control
- responded to, 3747-3748
- Access to health care
- Organ and tissue donation
- Ornge
- Panorama (electronic health surveillance tool), 4084
- Patient safety
- Positron emission tomography (PET)
- availability in northeastern Ontario, 3543
- Prescription drug abuse
- Prescription pricing
- Metformin, 840
- reform
- compensation to pharmacists for professional services rendered, 625, 631, 862
- consultation and negotiation with pharmacists, 862, 1675
- impact on independent pharmacies/pharmacies in northern and rural Ontario, 579, 631, 1040, 1202, 1303
- impact on patient care and services, 579, 624
- pharmacists' advertising campaign, 1598
- professional allowance payments to pharmacists eliminated, 515, 517, 675-676, 839, 863-864, 1036
- reduced cost of generic drugs, 728, 839-840, 987-988, 1040-1041, 1250, 1543-1544, 1669-1670
- Public education campaigns
- Public sector employees
- salaries over $100,000
- disclosure, 5111-5113
- salaries over $100,000
- Radiation
- monitoring and safety measures
- elevated levels in food and water as result of Fukushima nuclear incident, 5311
- monitoring and safety measures
- Reports
- Consultant Use in Selected Health Care Organizations (Jim McCarter, Auditor General of Ontario), 2797-2798, 2807, 2845, 2847, 2849, 2851-2852, 2899-2902, 2953, 2957, 2967-2968
- The H1N1 Pandemic - How Ontario Fared: A Report by Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health (Arlene King, chief medical officer of health), 3828-3829, 4083
- Navigating the Journey to Wellness: The Comprehensive Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan for Ontarians (Select Committee on Mental Health and Addictions), 4609
- Rural and Northern Health Care Panel
- mandate and recommendations, 1539-1540
- Senior citizens
- Tobacco products
- illegal distribution of cigarettes to mental health patients in Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital emergency room, 3747-3748
- Tributes
- Smith, Monique (Nipissing), 6333
- Mauro, B. (LIB, Thunder Bay–Atikokan)
- Aboriginal youth
- protection, 4612
- Affordable housing
- government funding, 4059
- Anniversaries
- Automobile insurance premiums
- Better Tomorrow for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2011 (Bill 173)
- Bone marrow and tissue banks
- Bridges
- reopening of Pine River Bridge, 3823
- Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 (Bill 122)
- Budget
- government priorities, 5314
- Budget deficit, 5266
- Children's Activity Tax Credit Act, 2010 (Bill 99)
- second reading, 2394
- Children's treatment centres (disabilities and special needs)
- George Jeffrey Children's Centre, 848
- Community health centres (CHCs)
- importance
- in northern, rural and underserviced areas, 5526-5527
- importance
- Congratulatory remarks
- Creating the Foundation for Jobs And Growth Act, 2010 (Bill 16)
- Currency
- exchange rates
- Canadian dollar, 208
- exchange rates
- Disclosure
- Economic development
- Economic recovery, 5323
- Electricity rates
- Employment creation
- Enhancement of the Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit for Seniors and Ontario Families Act, 2010 (Bill 109)
- Far North Act, 2010 (Bill 191)
- Fire Protection and Prevention Amendment Act, 2011 (Bill 181)
- second reading, 5855-5859
- Firefighters
- Forest industry
- Forest industry shutdowns
- Forest tenure reform
- Full Day Early Learning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 242)
- third reading, 960-961
- Full-day kindergarten, 960-961
- Good Government Act, 2011 (Bill 110)
- second reading, 2779-2784
- Government notice of motions
- Taxation
- responded to, 6009-6012
- Taxation
- Government record
- Harmonized sales tax (HST), 820-821
- Health care
- Thunder Bay–Atikokan, 5267
- Helping Ontario Families and Managing Responsibly Act, 2010 (Bill 135)
- Hospital services
- Income tax reduction, 2524, 2526, 3783, 3785
- Local health integration networks (LHINs)
- Long-term care
- northern Ontario, 2553
- Lowering Energy Costs for Northern Ontarians Act, 2010 (Bill 44)
- second reading, 1217-1221
- Marathon races
- Thunder Bay marathon (Miles with the Giant), 2361
- Medical equipment industry
- Tornado Medical Systems
- new facility in Thunder Bay, 5357
- Tornado Medical Systems
- Members'/ministers' constituencies/constituency events
- Thunder Bay–Atikokan
- McKellar Place Retirement Living project, 2695-2696
- Thunder Bay–Atikokan
- Members/ministers quoting journal/magazine articles
- Northern Ontario Business, 5900-5901
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Toronto Star, 5550
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn, 6010
- Members' statements
- AbitibiBowater, 4379, 4889-4890
- Atikokan generating station, 2757-2758
- Atikokan Renewable Fuels, 4226
- Bombardier in Thunder Bay, 4754-4755
- Catholic Women's League, 633-634, 4569-4570
- Coal-fired generating stations, 3659
- George Jeffrey Children's Centre, 848
- Hospital services, 3709
- Job creation, 2808-2809
- Knights of Columbus, Council 1447, 223-224
- Lake Superior Centre for Regenerative Medicine, 4985
- Lakehead Thunderwolves, 4616-4617
- McKellar Place, 2695-2696
- Mining industry, 2609-2610
- Minor hockey, 993
- Northern economy, 274-275, 3872-3873
- Northern Ontario, 384
- Nurse-practitoner-led clinic, 3406
- Out of the Darkness Memorial Walk, 5121-5122
- Pine River Bridge, 3823
- Political contributions, 3241
- Public transit, 1607-1608, 3128
- Regional Food Distribution Association, 3338-3339
- Renewable energy, 6070
- Roads boards, 6364-6365
- Thunder Bay Community Foundation, 5482
- Thunder Bay economy, 5890
- Thunder Bay marathon, 2361
- Tornado Medical Systems, 5357
- Transit funding, 2407
- 2011 Ontario budget, 5314
- World junior baseball championships, 2558
- Mineral exploration
- Mining industry
- Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry
- Municipal infrastructure
- government funding
- northern Ontario, 45-46
- government funding
- Northern Ontario energy credit, 552, 2524-2525
- Nuclear energy, 3683, 3765
- Nurse practitioners
- nurse-practitioner-led clinic at former McKellar hospital site in Thunder Bay, 3406
- Ontario budget speech (25 March 2010)
- responded to, 550-555
- Ontario budget speech (29 March 2011)
- Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation (OEFC)
- residual stranded debt from Ontario Hydro, 2526-2527
- Ontario Forest Tenure Modernization Act, 2011 (Bill 151)
- Ontario Power Generation (OPG) fossil-fuel generating stations
- Open Ontario plan (economic development), 274-275
- Opposition day motions
- Oral questions
- Aboriginal children and youth
- presented, 4612
- Community health centres
- presented, 5526-5527
- Forest industry
- Local health integration networks
- presented, 6193
- Long-term care
- presented, 2553
- Mining industry
- Northern Ontario development
- presented, 6356
- Post-secondary education
- presented, 4978
- Renewable energy
- presented, 2355-2356
- Wildlife management
- presented, 796
- Youth employment
- presented, 268-269
- Aboriginal children and youth
- Pension Benefits Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 236)
- third reading, 1015
- Pension plan reform
- role of federal government, 1015
- Petitions
- Political contributions
- Post-secondary education
- government funding, 4978-4979
- Prescription pricing
- reform
- impact on independent pharmacies/pharmacies in northern and rural Ontario, 762
- reform
- Private members' public business
- Public education campaigns
- Out of the Darkness memorial walk (suicide prevention), 5121-5122
- Public transportation
- Quebec
- electricity rates, 2525
- Religious organizations
- Renewable energy projects
- Roads boards
- northern Ontario, 6364-6365
- Sports competitions
- World Junior Baseball Championships, 2558
- Strong Communities through Affordable Housing Act, 2011 (Bill 140)
- second reading, 4059
- Sustainable forest licences (SFLs)
- authority of Minister of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry to revoke, 4583
- Tax credits
- Tax reform
- Throne speech debate
- Time allocation motions
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- Wildlife management
- elk, 796
- Youth employment
- northern Ontario, 268-269
- Aboriginal youth
- McGuinty, Hon. D. (LIB, Ottawa South)
- An Act to perpetuate an ancient parliamentary right (Bill 1)
- first reading, 7
- Agricultural risk management programs (RMPs)
- as part of 2011 budget, 5004
- Air quality, 2483
- Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- Appreciation
- all candidates in federal election (2 May 2011), 5632
- Apprenticeship training programs
- tradespeople to apprentice ratios
- electrical trade, 4795-4796
- tradespeople to apprentice ratios
- Bedbugs
- infestation control, 3703
- Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 (Bill 122)
- general discussion, 3016
- Budget
- Budget deficit, 55
- Child care, 148
- Children's mental health care
- government funding, 4564
- Commission on the Reform of Ontario's Public Service
- creation and mandate, 5047-5048
- Condolences
- Japanese earthquake and tsunami victims (11 March 2011), 4686
- Congratulatory remarks
- Corporate tax reduction, 339, 6353-6354
- Crime prevention, 4168-4170
- Curriculum
- Driver licences
- fraud, 674-675
- Economic recovery, 3326-3327, 5246
- eHealth Ontario
- use of consultants, 2644-2646
- Electricity bills
- Electricity rates
- Electricity rebates
- Electricity supply, 2352
- Electronic health records, 2599-2600
- Employment-related benefits
- Enbridge Inc.
- solar energy facility in Sarnia, 2483
- Energy infrastructure
- Energy plans
- Energy policy, 3592-3593, 4161-4162, 4491, 5398-5399
- Far North Act, 2010 (Bill 191)
- general discussion
- consultation with aboriginal communities, 2147
- general discussion
- Farmers
- government funding and support, 2143
- Federal government transfer payments
- Canada health transfer (CHT), 5680-5681
- Federal members'/ministers' remarks
- Conservative (2006-2011)
- Baird, John (Ottawa West–Nepean), 2396
- Conservative (2006-2011)
- Freedom of information requests
- government compliance and process, 5833-5834
- French-language debates
- Questions orales
- Éducation en français, 5531
- Questions orales
- French-language education, 5531-5532
- Full-day kindergarten
- Gasoline prices
- government investigation into increases, 4405-4406
- Government accountability, 2548-2549
- Government contracts
- Government debt, 3491
- Government expenditures
- Government record
- Harmonized sales tax (HST)
- constituent information sessions, 1898-1899
- consumers prepaying for goods and services, 1077-1078
- impact on aboriginal communities/point-of-sale exemption, 837
- impact on doctors' operating costs, 1443-1444
- impact on employment, 3492
- impact on low and middle-income families, 1199-1200, 1247-1248, 1298-1299, 1349-1352, 1400-1402, 1445-1446, 1896-1897, 2047-2048, 3492-3493
- impact on senior citizens, 1197-1198
- impact on small business, 1897-1898
- impact on sport, recreation and physical activities, 1666, 1668
- impact on wedding costs, 1896
- increased economic competitiveness, 5634
- public consultation, 1670
- removal from electricity rates, 3439-3440, 3493, 3498, 3814-3815, 5398-5399
- Hazardous products and substances
- eco fees, 3861-3862
- Health care, 264-265
- northern and rural Ontario, 5640-5641
- Health care funding
- Highway privatization
- Highway 407, 54-55
- Home care, 2653-2654
- Hospital administrators
- salaries, 421
- Hospital funding, 421, 2972
- Hamilton Health Sciences McMaster University Medical Centre site, 1356
- Hospital services
- Hospitals
- Inmates
- access to amenities, programs and services while incarcerated, 5345
- Japan
- Lobbyists, 2646-2647
- Local health integration networks (LHINs)
- Long-term care, 4944
- Niagara region, 5639
- Manufacturing industry
- layoffs
- Hamilton, 3915
- layoffs
- Manufacturing industry shutdowns
- Siemens Canada, 2102
- Members'/ministers' conduct
- Members'/ministers' expenditures
- online posting, 5243-5245
- Members/ministers quoting documents
- Smart Metering Implementation Programme: Prospectus (Department of Energy and Climate Change, United Kingdom), 2349-2350
- Members/ministers quoting letters
- Duguid, Brad (Ontario Minister of Energy), 4686
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Members/ministers quoting poetry
- Basho (Japanese poet), 5223
- Members/ministers quoting press releases
- King, Arlene (chief medical officer of health), 5348
- Members/ministers quoting reports
- Caught in the Act: Investigation into the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services’ conduct in relation to Ontario Regulation 233/10 under the Public Works Protection Act (André Marin, Ombudsman of Ontario), 4065, 4112-4116
- Innovate or Perish (TD Economics special report), 1444
- Not a Tax Grab After All: A second look at Ontario's HST (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives), 1248, 1298, 1895, 6354
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Blair, Tony (former British Prime Minister), 4685, 5158
- Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, 3860
- Conference Board of Canada, 1402
- Darby, Dennis (CEO, Ontario Pharmacists' Association), 3023
- Gaudet, Kevin (Ontario director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation), 5244
- Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), 5524
- Keon, Wilbert Joseph (former heart surgeon and Canadian senator), 5401
- Madonna, Lou (reeve, Prince Township), 3700
- Miller, Gord (Environmental Commissioner of Ontario), 2287-2288, 2349
- White, Adam (president, Association of Major Power Consumers in Ontario), 3812-3813
- Zahn, Catherine (president, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health), 3023
- Members'/ministers' record
- PC (1995-2003)
- Hudak, Tim (Niagara West–Glanbrook)
- as Minister of Tourism, 576
- Hudak, Tim (Niagara West–Glanbrook)
- PC (1995-2003)
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Metrolinx
- 2010 budget reduction, 380
- Mining industry shutdowns
- Ministry of Energy
- Ontario home energy savings program, 3862-3863
- Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act, 2010 (Bill 101)
- general discussion, 3023
- Nuclear energy
- increased dependence, 3593-3595
- Nurses
- government funding for new positions, 1446-1447
- Ontario College of Trades
- work tax levied on tradespeople and employers, 6195-6196
- Ontario drug benefit program (ODB)
- coverage for Folotyn
- MacDonald, Mike case, 5587
- coverage for Folotyn
- Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation (OEFC)
- residual stranded debt from Ontario Hydro, 4403
- Ontario Energy Board (OEB)
- government funding for conservation efforts targeting consumers, 5051-5052
- Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
- Ontario Power Generation (OPG) fossil-fuel generating stations
- Ontario Power Generation (OPG) hydroelectric generating stations
- Sir Adam Beck generating station
- construction cost and time overruns, 4162
- Sir Adam Beck generating station
- Ontario Power Generation (OPG) nuclear generating stations
- Ontario sales tax transition benefit (OSTTB), 1351, 1940-1942, 1986-1987
- Oral questions
- Appointments process
- Apprenticeship training
- responded to, 4795-4796
- Budget security
- responded to, 4946
- Child care
- responded to, 148
- Community safety
- Compensation for victims of crime
- responded to, 4686-4687
- Consultants
- Curriculum
- Driver licences
- responded to, 674-675
- Electricity supply
- Electronic health information
- Energy conservation
- responded to, 5051-5052
- Energy policies
- Energy rates
- Executive compensation
- Fiscal responsibility
- responded to, 54
- Freedom of information
- responded to, 5833
- French-language education
- responded to, 5531-5532
- Full-day kindergarten
- responded to, 5247
- Gasoline prices
- responded to, 4405-4406
- Government accountability
- Government appointments
- Government assets
- Government contracts
- Government record
- Government spending
- Health care
- Health care funding
- responded to, 420-421
- Home care
- responded to, 2654
- Hospital funding
- Hydro charges
- responded to, 4403
- Hydro rates
- Infrastructure Health and Safety Association
- responded to, 1602
- Labour dispute
- responded to, 1447-1448
- Lobbyists
- Local health integration networks
- Long-term care
- responded to, 5639
- Manufacturing jobs
- Mental health services
- responded to, 4564
- Mining industry
- Ministerial conduct
- Ministers' expenses
- responded to, 5243-5245
- Narcotics safety
- responded to, 3023
- Northern health services
- responded to, 5640-5641
- Northern Ontario development
- responded to, 2147
- Nuclear energy
- Nuclear safety
- responded to, 5348
- Nurses
- responded to, 1446-1447
- Ontario budget
- Ontario drug benefit program
- responded to, 5587
- Ontario economy
- Ontario farmers
- responded to, 2143
- Ontario public service
- Organ and tissue donation
- responded to, 5642
- Pay equity
- responded to, 4558-4559
- Pension plans
- Pension reform
- Pest control
- responded to, 3703
- Pharmacists
- responded to, 835-837
- Physiotherapy services
- responded to, 3908-3909
- Political contributions
- Post-secondary education
- responded to, 627-628
- Premier's record
- Public sector accountability
- responded to, 1296-1298
- Public transit
- School equity policy
- responded to, 4689
- Senior citizens
- responded to, 1197-1198
- Severance payments
- Skilled trades
- responded to, 6195-6196
- Smart meters
- Social assistance
- Soldiers' remains
- responded to, 2556
- Student achievement
- responded to, 2481
- Taxation
- Technology in schools
- responded to, 2152-2153
- Veterans
- responded to, 1674
- Victims of crime
- responded to, 5345
- Wind turbines
- Working Families Coalition
- responded to, 5008
- Organ and tissue donation
- donor registration
- online, 5642
- donor registration
- Patient transfers and transportation
- international
- Leveille, Clayton case, 4794
- international
- Pay equity, 4558-4559
- PC Party documents/plans
- Pension Benefits Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 236)
- third reading, 1302-1303
- Pension plan protection
- Nortel employees, 2293-2294
- Pension plan reform, 266-267, 1353, 1402-1403, 1596
- defined benefit plans, 623-624
- Political contributions
- Tamblyn, George (president, Georgian College) to Ontario Liberal Party, 6058-6059
- Political fundraising
- Liberal Party dinner in Simcoe (29 May 2008), 55-56
- Post-secondary education, 627-628
- Prescription pricing
- Public assets
- Public sector employees
- Public transportation
- Public Works Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.55
- Radiation
- monitoring and safety measures
- elevated levels in food and water as result of Fukushima nuclear incident, 5348
- monitoring and safety measures
- Renewable energy projects
- Reports
- Consultant Use in Selected Health Care Organizations (Jim McCarter, Auditor General of Ontario), 2966-2967, 3014-3016
- The LHIN Spin: Investigation into the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Local Health Integration Network's use of community engagement in its decision-making process (André Marin, Ombudsman of Ontario), 2054
- Navigating the Journey to Wellness: The Comprehensive Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan for Ontarians (Select Committee on Mental Health and Addictions), 4943
- Not a Tax Grab After All: A second look at Ontario's HST (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives), 2352
- Smart meters, 2348-2350, 3863
- Social assistance benefits
- Steel industry shutdowns
- U.S. Steel Canada
- shutdown of blast furnace, 2488
- U.S. Steel Canada
- Strikes
- Vale Inco, 1447-1448
- Student associations
- gay-straight alliances not permitted at St. Joseph Catholic secondary school (Mississauga), 4689
- Tax credits
- Ontario energy and property tax credit (OEPTC), 2350-2351
- Tax reform
- Transit City
- Transit City (Toronto above-ground light rail projects)
- Tributes
- Veterans
- Victims of crime
- compensation
- Hoage, Liz case (mother of murdered child), 4686-4687
- compensation
- Water and sewer services
- taxation, 1666-1667
- Wind turbines, 3864
- Wireless phones, smart phones and data services
- students permitted to use in class, 2152-2153
- Women
- economic security, 4559
- Women in politics
- representation in provincial parliament, 4226-4227
- Working Families Coalition (WFC)
- election campaign advertisements and contributions, 5008
- An Act to perpetuate an ancient parliamentary right (Bill 1)
- McMeekin, T. (LIB, Ancaster–Dundas–Flamborough–Westdale)
- Affordable housing
- government funding, 3824
- Alzheimer Advisory Council, 1750
- Autism services
- intensive behavioural intervention (IBI), 475
- Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
- Automobile insurance premiums
- reductions for drivers using winter tires, 3724-3725
- Children's Activity Tax Credit Act, 2010 (Bill 99)
- third reading, 3423
- Congratulatory remarks
- Ellis, Ryan and Mark Visentin (winners, Ontario Hockey League, Max Kaminsky Trophy and Goaltender of the Year awards), 5843-5844
- Conservation areas
- creation of Cootes to Escarpment Park system, 735
- Consumer protection
- entertainment tickets, 3369
- Contests
- Creating the Foundation for Jobs And Growth Act, 2010 (Bill 16)
- second reading, 754
- Defibrillator Access Act, 2010 (Bill 41)
- first reading, 849
- Diabetes, 1101-1102, 4866-4867, 5060
- Diabetic students
- bill of rights, 492-493
- Economic decline
- government response, 754
- Economic development
- Hamilton, 5306
- Employment-related benefits
- severance/termination payments
- Ministry of Revenue employees transferred to Canada Revenue Agency, 401-402
- severance/termination payments
- Good Government Act, 2011 (Bill 110)
- third reading, 3970
- Government record
- Liberal (2003-2011), 3970
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- reduction
- student education programs, 933-934
- reduction
- Harmonized sales tax (HST)
- removal from electricity rates, 3538
- Health promotion
- promoting awareness of vital health statistics, 1101-1102
- Highway construction
- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)
- educational programs
- Hana's Suitcase (book and film), 2809-2810
- educational programs
- Immigration/settlement services, 2912
- International students
- Legislative procedure
- private members' public business, 4866
- Members'/ministers' farewell speeches, 6365
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 4866
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Members' statements
- Boich, John, 4848-4849
- Cootes to escarpment park system, 735
- Diabetes, 5060
- Earth Day, 1088
- Ellis, Ryan and Mark Visentin, 5843-5844
- Hana's Suitcase, 2809-2810
- Highway construction, 4379-4380
- Immigrant services, 2912
- Kraft Hockeyville 2010, 349, 585
- Member's farewell, 6365
- Mental Illness Awareness Week, 2655
- National Missing Children's Day, 1731
- Prostate cancer, 3339
- Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium, 1549
- Metrolinx
- The Big Move: Transforming Transportation in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA), 132-133
- Occupational health and safety
- reform, 6105
- Occupational Health and Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2011 (Bill 160)
- Ontario budget speech (25 March 2010)
- responded to, 561
- Open for Business Act, 2010 (Bill 68)
- second reading, 1802-1803
- Opposition day motions
- Severance payments
- responded to, 401-402
- Severance payments
- Oral questions
- Petitions
- Post-secondary Education Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 43)
- Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board (PEQAB), 1066
- Private career colleges
- Private Career Colleges Act, S.O. 2005, c. 28, Sched. L
- amendments, 1066-1067
- Private members' public business
- Alzheimer Advisory Council Act, 2010 (Bill 52)
- second reading, 1750
- Automobile insurance
- responded to, 3724-3725
- Bill of Rights for Pupils with Diabetes, 2010 (Bill 5)
- second reading, 492-493
- Defibrillator Access Act, 2010 (Bill 41)
- Diabetes Awareness Month Act, 2011 (Bill 162)
- second reading, 4866-4867
- Healthy living
- responded to, 1101-1102
- Protecting Vulnerable People Against Picketing Act, 2010 (Bill 83)
- second reading, 3091
- Public transit
- responded to, 132-133
- Alzheimer Advisory Council Act, 2010 (Bill 52)
- Prostate cancer, 3339
- Public education campaigns
- Public transportation
- Hamilton, 1201-1202
- Renewable energy projects
- employment creation, 5965
- Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (cardiac arrest and life-threatening trauma research), 1549
- Strikes
- ban on picketing homes for developmentally-disabled persons, 3091
- Strong Communities through Affordable Housing Act, 2011 (Bill 140)
- second reading, 4160
- Tax credits
- children's activity tax credit
- maximum of $100 for children with disabilities, 3423
- children's activity tax credit
- Ticket Speculation Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 172)
- second reading, 3369
- Tributes
- Universities/colleges
- Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD), 1067
- Affordable housing
- McNeely, P. (LIB, Ottawa–Orléans)
- Air quality, 2909
- Anti-smoking programs
- for youth, 1850
- Autism services
- intensive behavioural intervention (IBI)
- government funding, 5009
- intensive behavioural intervention (IBI)
- Awards
- Books
- Storms of My Grandchildren (James Hansen), 4913-4914
- Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 (Bill 122)
- Chief medical officer of health
- authority to issue directives in health-related emergencies, 5154
- Children's Activity Tax Credit Act, 2010 (Bill 99)
- second reading, 2390
- Climate change, 682, 687-689, 693-694, 1053-1054, 3237-3238, 4378
- government response, 83-84
- Climate Change Awareness Act, 2010 (Bill 6)
- first reading, 67
- Congratulatory remarks
- Consumer protection
- entertainment tickets, 2841
- CPR (first aid)
- training for students, 5889
- Debates re answers to oral questions
- Disclosure
- expense claims incurred by publicly funded health care organizations, 2954
- Electricity rates
- time-of-use, 2596
- Electronic health records
- importance in managing epidemics/pandemics, 5154
- Emergency management
- Energy conservation, 3910
- Engineers
- qualifications of foreign-trained recognized, 4793
- Enhancement of the Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit for Seniors and Ontario Families Act, 2010 (Bill 109)
- Freedom of information
- inclusion of all public agencies, boards and commissions, 3886-3887
- French-language debates
- Déclarations des députés
- Pétitions
- Questions orales
- Services en français, 518
- Good Government Act, 2011 (Bill 110)
- Government consultants
- Government notice of motions
- Taxation
- responded to, 6019-6020
- Taxation
- Government record
- Government service transfer to municipal jurisdiction
- return to provincial jurisdiction, 5255-5256
- Green Energy Act, S.O. 2009, c.12 , Sched. A, 83
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Harmonized sales tax (HST)
- federal government support, 5970
- Health care
- out-of-country
- Fernandes, Michelle case, 5194-5195
- out-of-country
- Health Protection and Promotion Amendment Act, 2011 (Bill 141)
- Helping Ontario Families and Managing Responsibly Act, 2010 (Bill 135)
- second reading, 3790
- Hospital services
- surgical
- Brockville General Hospital, 5193-5194
- surgical
- Immigration/settlement services, 2560, 2854
- IT Source (mobile information technology workforce for Ontario public service), 3054, 3885-3886
- Lobbyists Registration Act, S.O. 1998, c. 27, Sched., 2954
- Local health integration networks (LHINs)
- accountability and public review, 3885
- Members'/ministers' constituencies/constituency events
- Members/ministers quoting reports
- Consultant Use in Selected Health Care Organizations (Jim McCarter, Auditor General of Ontario), 3162
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), 2591
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn, 6020
- Members' statements
- Affordable housing, 3824
- Algonquin Thunder Women's Basketball, 4890
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training, 5889
- Climate change, 682, 4378
- Elite Martial Arts and Fitness Centre, 3405
- Environment industry, 1608
- Environmental protection, 6069
- Immigrants, 2560
- Leading Women, Building Communities Awards, 1414, 4614-4615
- Municipal government, 5255
- Orléans People's Choice Business Awards, 3822-3823
- Ottawa Bear Hug, 4501
- Pakistan Day, 5121
- Pakistan Independence Day, 2298
- Petrie Island, 1953
- Renewable energy, 2694
- St. Matthew Catholic High School, 3872
- Water quality, 3449-3450
- Ministry of the Environment
- certificates of approval
- risk-based management and electronic registration, 1785
- certificates of approval
- Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act, 2010 (Bill 101)
- second reading, 2309-2310
- National/independence/memorial days
- Occupational health and safety
- regulation and enforcement, 4833
- Occupational Health and Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2011 (Bill 160)
- second reading, 4832-4833
- Ontario budget speech (29 March 2011)
- responded to, 5140-5141
- Ontario Building Code
- conservation-based amendments and regular reviews of energy conservation provisions, 1139
- Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
- status as transitional entity and increase in employees, 4915
- Open for Business Act, 2010 (Bill 68)
- second reading, 1785
- Opposition day motions
- Oral questions
- Air quality
- presented, 2909
- Anti-smoking initiatives for youth
- presented, 1851
- Autism treatment
- presented, 5009
- Building code
- presented, 1139
- Climate change
- presented, 3237-3238
- Energy conservation
- presented, 3910
- Foreign-trained professionals
- presented, 4793
- Immigrant services
- presented, 2854
- Pesticides
- presented, 2296
- Police services
- presented, 3445-3446
- Renewable energy
- presented, 5685
- Road maintenance
- presented, 4693
- Taxation
- presented, 5970
- Tuition
- presented, 2198
- Water quality
- Wind turbines
- presented, 3286-3287
- Air quality
- Panorama (electronic health surveillance tool), 4195-4196
- Pesticides/herbicides
- ban on cosmetic use, 2296
- Petitions
- Police services
- government funding, 3445-3446
- Prescription drug abuse
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care database for tracking and disclosure of personal health information relating to prescription drugs dispensed, 2309-2310
- Private members' public business
- Public education campaigns
- Public transportation
- government funding
- Ottawa area, 5141
- government funding
- Recreation facilities/sites
- Petrie Island, 1953
- Renewable energy projects, 2694
- Reports
- Consultant Use in Selected Health Care Organizations (Jim McCarter, Auditor General of Ontario), 2954
- Roads
- spring maintenance, 4693
- Student achievement, 6019-6020
- Supporting Smoke-Free Ontario by Reducing Contraband Tobacco Act, 2011 (Bill 186)
- Tax credits
- Tax reform
- new credits, benefits and tax reduction measures, 5970
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 83-84
- Ticket Speculation Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 172)
- second reading, 2841
- Tobacco control
- police seizure of illegal or unmarked authorized tobacco, 5868
- Tuition fees
- increase, 2198
- United States
- energy policy, 4914
- Water and sewer infrastructure, 2236
- Water conservation and treatment industry
- Water Opportunities and Water Conservation Act, 2010 (Bill 72)
- Water quality, 2450-2451
- Wind turbines
- Meilleur, Hon. M. (LIB, Ottawa–Vanier)
- Anti-smoking programs
- Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 (Bill 122)
- second reading, 3166
- Child poverty
- government response, 988
- Community Living Ontario, 1203-1204, 6063, 6071
- Community Living Toronto, 1600
- Deaf-blind persons
- Developmental service organizations
- government funding, 6063
- Developmentally disabled persons
- Diabetes
- strategy to combat, 4371
- Domestic violence, 22-23
- Family Responsibility Office (FRO)
- Family Service Ontario, 1304, 1310, 5883
- Food banks
- increased usage, 3400
- Franco-Ontarian Day Act, 2010 (Bill 24)
- French-language debates
- Déclarations ministérielles et réponses
- Loi de 2011 appuyant la stratégie Ontario sans fumée par la réduction du tabac de contrebande, projet de loi 186
- deuxième lecture, 5815
- Loi de 2010 sur le Jour des Franco-Ontariens et des Franco-Ontariennes, projet de loi 24
- deuxième lecture, 945-946
- Questions orales
- Good Government Act, 2011 (Bill 110)
- Grandparents
- access rights to and financial support for grandchildren, 4376
- Hospital closures
- Hôpital Montfort Hospital, 5135
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 28, 3870
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn, 5276
- Ministerial statements
- Ministers redirecting oral questions, 795, 2295, 5688, 5884, 6063
- Ministry of Community and Social Services
- Ontario budget speech (29 March 2011)
- responded to, 5135
- Ontario disability support program (ODSP) recipients
- ability to retain employment earnings and assets
- Murchison, Joan case, 4657
- ability to retain employment earnings and assets
- Ontario sales tax transition benefit (OSTTB)
- cheques redirected to children and families waiting for support-ordered arrears, 2295
- Oral questions
- Accessibility for the disabled
- Child and family services
- responded to, 1304
- Child care
- responded to, 4376
- Child poverty
- responded to, 988
- Diabetes
- responded to, 4371
- Domestic violence
- responded to, 22-23
- Driver licences
- responded to, 3912
- Family Responsibility Office
- responded to, 2295
- Family services
- responded to, 5883
- Ontario disability support program
- responded to, 4657
- Poverty
- Protection for people with disabilities
- responded to, 3067
- Services for the developmentally disabled
- Services for the disabled
- Social assistance
- Social workers
- responded to, 4656
- PC Party documents/plans
- economic plan, 5135
- Persons with disabilities
- Poverty
- Hamilton, 582
- Poverty reduction strategy, 22
- Public education campaigns
- Smoking
- ban in public places
- Ottawa, 5803
- ban in public places
- Smoking cessation programs
- government funding, 5815
- Social assistance benefits
- Social Assistance Review Advisory Panel
- appointment and mandate to review system, 795-796
- Strikes
- ban on picketing homes for developmentally-disabled persons, 3067
- Supporting Smoke-Free Ontario by Reducing Contraband Tobacco Act, 2011 (Bill 186)
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- essential service designation, 4338
- Toronto Transit Commission Labour Disputes Resolution Act, 2011 (Bill 150)
- second reading, 4338
- Transparency in Public Matters Act, 2010 (Bill 25)
- first reading, 432
- Miller, N. (PC, Parry Sound–Muskoka)
- Accountants
- regulation, 247-248
- Accounting Professions Act, 2010 (Bill 158)
- second reading, 247-248
- Affordable housing
- shortage and wait lists
- Parry Sound, 4443
- shortage and wait lists
- Amateur sports programs
- government funding, 136-137
- Athletes
- 2010 Winter Olympics athletes
- Parry Sound–Muskoka, 136
- 2010 Winter Olympics athletes
- Automobile insurance benefits
- Automobile insurance premiums
- increase, 5188-5189
- Banning Collusion in Electoral Advertising Act, 2011 (Bill 195)
- Better Tomorrow for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2011 (Bill 173)
- Budget, 4762-4763
- government priorities, 4975
- Budget deficit, 287-288, 452, 648, 2511-2512, 3672, 5185
- Building Families and Supporting Youth to be Successful Act, 2011 (Bill 179)
- second reading, 5656
- Business
- regulations and service standards
- reduction/reform, 647
- regulations and service standards
- Canada pension plan (CPP)
- Children in care
- adoption reform, 5656
- Children's Activity Tax Credit Act, 2010 (Bill 99)
- Commission on the Reform of Ontario's Public Service
- Committees
- Concurrence in supply debate (March 2011)
- participation, 4762-4763
- Congratulatory remarks
- Ross, Olivia (recipient, Provincial Women's Hockey League top goaltender award), 1088
- Creating the Foundation for Jobs And Growth Act, 2010 (Bill 16)
- Domestic violence, 1142
- Economic recovery, 3678-3679, 3773-3774
- Election advertising
- Election Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 231)
- third reading, 973
- Electoral process reform, 973
- Electricity bills
- Electricity rates
- Electricity rebates
- Ontario clean energy benefit (OCEB), 3616
- Employment creation
- by private sector, 4762
- Employment-related benefits
- Endangered species
- woodland caribou designated, 1876
- Energy policy, 3677-3678
- Enhancement of the Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit for Seniors and Ontario Families Act, 2010 (Bill 109)
- Ensuring Integrity in Ontario Elections Act, 2011 (Bill 196)
- Far North
- Far North Act, 2010 (Bill 191)
- Fatalities
- Novak, Natalie (murder victim), 1142
- Federal elections/by-elections
- Federal government transfer payments
- equalization program, 5006
- Fire Protection and Prevention Amendment Act, 2011 (Bill 181)
- Firefighters
- Forest tenure reform, 4587
- France
- riots due to increase in retirement age, 2926
- Franchise businesses
- educational document provided by franchisors to prospective franchisees, 2270
- Freedom of information
- access to information from hospitals
- continuous quality improvement information excluded, 5824-5825
- access to information from hospitals
- Freedom of information requests
- government compliance and process, 5823-5824
- Full-day kindergarten, 454
- Good Government Act, 2011 (Bill 110)
- Government accountability, 2896
- Government contracts
- Government debt, 2512, 6013-6014
- Government expenditures
- Government notice of motions
- Government orders
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 6054-6055
- time allocation motion
- Government record
- Green Energy Act, S.O. 2009, c.12 , Sched. A, 652
- Harmonized sales tax (HST), 676, 1403-1404, 3563-3564
- impact on electricity rates, 6059-6060
- impact on financial services industry, 286, 1010
- impact on gasoline prices, 2091, 6059-6060
- impact on low and middle-income families, 1134-1135, 1248-1249, 1354
- impact on senior citizens, 3676-3677
- impact on sport, recreation and physical activities, 136, 1999, 3424, 3426
- increase, 6118
- public consultation, 930-931, 1670
- Hawkins Gignac Act (Carbon Monoxide Detectors), 2010 (Bill 69)
- Hazardous products and substances
- eco fees, 2511
- Health Protection and Promotion Amendment Act, 2011 (Bill 141)
- second reading, 4363-4364
- Helping Ontario Families and Managing Responsibly Act, 2010 (Bill 135)
- Highway safety, 1993
- Land titles
- electronic registration and transfer, 653-654
- Legislative procedure
- informing opposition of business of House, 1873-1874
- Legislature schedule/agenda, 1638
- Local health integration networks (LHINs)
- Lowering Energy Costs for Northern Ontarians Act, 2010 (Bill 44)
- Members'/ministers' pension plans
- elimination, 2925
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- Members/ministers quoting books
- House of Commons Procedure and Practice (Robert Marleau, Camille Montpetit), 522
- Members/ministers quoting committee submissions
- Members/ministers quoting documents
- Members/ministers quoting electronic mail messages
- Members/ministers quoting letters
- Beardy, Stan (grand chief, Nishnawbe-Aski Nation), 1874-1875
- Bell, Barry (president, Bell Transportation), 6284
- District Municipality of Muskoka, 2176
- Duncan, Dwight (Ontario Minister of Finance), 2791
- Flaherty, Jim (federal Minister of Finance), 2790-2791
- Municipal Property Assessment Corp. (MPAC) employees, 1006, 2925
- Nortel Retirees and former employees Protection Canada (NRPC), 2923
- Ontario disability support program (ODSP) recipients' ability to retain earnings and assets, 906
- Members/ministers quoting news media
- CBC News, 4242-4243
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Members/ministers quoting press releases
- Canadian Association of Retired Persons, 2507
- Members/ministers quoting reports
- Avoiding Abuse, Achieving a Balance: Tackling the Opioid Public Health Crisis (College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario), 2542
- Consultant Use in Selected Health Care Organizations (Jim McCarter, Auditor General of Ontario), 2889
- Looking Ahead - Projecting Ontario's Pension Benefits Guarantee Fund (Eckler Consultants and Actuaries), 2922
- Modernizing Ontario's Electoral Legislation: Report of the Select Committee on Elections (Select Committee on Elections), 6259
- Navigating the Journey to Wellness: The Comprehensive Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan for Ontarians (Select Committee on Mental Health and Addictions), 3739
- Office of the Auditor General of Ontario Annual Report (2010), 4028-4029
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Adams, Tom (executive director, Energy Probe), 3677-3678
- Brintnell, Joan (Lions McInnes House), 4762
- Callan, Eoin (Service Employees International Union), 5824
- Canadian Federation of Independent Business, 4762
- Closson, Tom (president, Ontario Hospital Association), 3698
- Di Matteo, Livio (economist), 3673, 3678-3679
- McSweeney, Michael (Cement Association of Canada), 4762
- Milway, Jim (executive director, Task Force on Economic Competitiveness), 3674
- Northern Mayors Task Force, 1875-1876
- Rea, Rob (Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce), 4762
- Russell, Ian (chief executive, Investment Industry Association of Canada), 3674
- Smitham, Tammy (spokesperson, Shopper's Drug Mart), 650
- Walker, Katherine (Sarnia Lambton Chamber of Commerce), 4762
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Members' statements
- Ministerial statements
- Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
- procurement process for boats, 4563
- Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry
- northern industrial electricity rate program, 1162-1163
- Municipal Property Assessment Corp. (MPAC)
- variances in property value assessments, 4028-4029
- Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act, 2010 (Bill 101)
- Northern Ontario energy credit, 1091, 1160, 1222-1223
- Northern Ontario Grown Bonds Corp.
- dissolution, 5190
- Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010 (Bill 65)
- second reading, 1637-1638
- Nuclear energy, 2507
- Ontario budget speech (25 March 2010)
- Ontario budget speech (29 March 2011)
- responded to, 5131
- Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation (OEFC)
- residual stranded debt from Ontario Hydro
- forensic audit to determine amount outstanding, 4435-4436
- residual stranded debt from Ontario Hydro
- Ontario Financing Authority (OFA)
- bonuses paid to staff members who failed to meet performance targets, 5477
- Ontario Forest Tenure Modernization Act, 2011 (Bill 151)
- second reading, 4587
- Ontario health premium, 2511, 6012
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. (OLG)
- Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
- Ontario Power Generation (OPG) fossil-fuel generating stations
- Opposition day motions
- Oral questions
- Automobile industry
- presented, 3187-3188
- Automobile insurance
- Executive compensation
- Financial services sector
- presented, 104
- Government appointments
- presented, 5115-5116
- Government record
- presented, 3231-3232
- Government spending
- Long-term care
- presented, 3697-3698
- Municipalities
- presented, 1304
- Ontario budget
- presented, 4975-4976
- Ontario economy
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp.
- presented, 2448
- Premier's record
- presented, 3014
- Securities industry
- presented, 103
- Severance payments
- presented, 1299
- Taxation
- Tendering process
- presented, 4563
- Automobile industry
- PC Party documents/plans
- Pension advisory committees, 1005
- Pension Benefits Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 236)
- third reading, 1004-1010
- Pension benefits guarantee fund (PBGF), 2922
- Pension plan protection
- Pension plan reform, 1007-1009, 2760-2761, 2929, 3201-3202
- Petitions
- Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency, 2568
- Health care, 119, 279, 436, 594
- Highway improvement, 2500-2501, 2702, 2765, 2913, 2981, 3029, 3300, 3614, 3667, 3711, 3831-3832, 3922, 4380, 4425, 4666, 5484, 5650, 5848, 6206-6207
- Ontario pharmacists, 1210-1211, 1416
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 3197
- Parkinson's disease, 2567
- Speed limits, 5896, 6205-6206
- Taxation, 998-999, 1092-1093, 2501
- Prescription drug abuse, 2543-2544, 3739
- OxyContin and oxycodone, 3739
- Prescription pricing
- Private members' public business
- Arthur Wishart Amendment Act (Franchise Disclosure), 2010 (Bill 102)
- second reading, 2270
- Capping Top Public Sector Salaries Act, 2010 (Bill 57)
- second reading, 1739-1740
- Enhancing the Ability of Income Support Recipients to be Financially Independent Act, 2010 (Bill 23)
- second reading, 906
- Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 100)
- Retirement Savings Plans for Employees and Self-Employed Persons Act, 2010 (Bill 54)
- second reading, 1508-1509
- Sports funding
- responded to, 136-137
- Vehicle safety
- responded to, 3717
- Arthur Wishart Amendment Act (Franchise Disclosure), 2010 (Bill 102)
- Public education campaigns
- Public sector employees
- Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 100)
- Renewable energy projects
- Reports
- Consultant Use in Selected Health Care Organizations (Jim McCarter, Auditor General of Ontario), 2888-2889
- A Fine Balance - Safe Pensions - Affordable Plans - Fair Rules (Report of the Expert Commission on Pensions), 1006
- The H1N1 Pandemic - How Ontario Fared: A Report by Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health (Arlene King, chief medical officer of health), 4363
- Looking Ahead - Projecting Ontario's Pension Benefits Guarantee Fund (Eckler Consultants and Actuaries), 2922
- Research Study on the Canadian Retirement Income System (Bob Baldwin), 2792
- Securing Our Retirement Future: Consulting with Ontarians on Canada's Retirement Future (Ministry of Finance), 3201-3202
- School board trustees
- code of conduct, 5189
- Securing Pension Benefits Now and for the Future Act, 2010 (Bill 120)
- Securities industry
- Seniors' property tax credit
- cancellation, 2511
- Smart meters, 2506, 2508-2509
- Standing Orders
- S.O. 56 Government Business - Business for ensuing week, 1874
- Strong Communities through Affordable Housing Act, 2011 (Bill 140)
- second reading, 4443
- Supply Act, 2011 (Bill 167)
- second reading, 4762-4763
- Tax credits
- Tax incentive zones
- cancellation, 2511
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 38-40
- Time allocation motions
- Tobacco products
- illegal sale, 654
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- essential service designation, 4387
- Toronto Transit Commission Labour Disputes Resolution Act, 2011 (Bill 150)
- second reading, 4387
- Tributes
- Vehicle safety
- all-terrain vehicles, bicycles and snowmobiles
- select committee appointed to study, 3717-3718
- all-terrain vehicles, bicycles and snowmobiles
- Waste management/programs
- recycling
- deposit-return system, 2511
- recycling
- Wind turbines
- offshore Lake Ontario projects cancelled, 5187-5188
- Working Families Coalition (WFC)
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- Accountants
- Miller, P. (NDP, Hamilton East–Stoney Creek)
- Accountants
- regulation, 247
- Accounting Professions Act, 2010 (Bill 158)
- second reading, 247
- Addiction treatment programs and services, 2413-2414
- Affordable housing
- Alternative medicine, 2426
- Appreciation
- legislative staff, 3872
- Brewing industry
- Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 (Bill 122)
- second reading, 3178
- Building Families and Supporting Youth to be Successful Act, 2011 (Bill 179)
- Canada pension plan (CPP)
- Child poverty
- Hamilton, 988
- Children in care
- Children's Activity Tax Credit Act, 2010 (Bill 99)
- Chronic pain management, 2412
- Commission on the Reform of Ontario's Public Service
- creation and mandate, 5089
- Committee process, 6232
- Community care access centres (CCACs)
- Congratulatory remarks
- Conservation areas
- Consumer credit reporting agencies
- regulation, 3793
- Consumer protection
- energy contracts, 877
- Corporate tax reduction, 5088
- Debates re answers to oral questions
- Economic decline
- impact on Hamilton, 450-451
- Economic development, 160-165
- Educational assistants (EAs)
- layoffs, 199
- Elections/by-elections
- Electricity rebates
- Energy agencies
- accountability and oversight, 2873
- Energy conservation, 3795
- Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 (Bill 235)
- third reading, 877
- Energy policy, 5098
- Ensuring Integrity in Ontario Elections Act, 2011 (Bill 196)
- Environmental protection
- regulation and enforcement, 1816
- Fire sprinklers
- Foreign-owned industry, 164-165, 173
- Forest industry
- government funding
- impact on international trade agreements, 4593-4594
- government funding
- Forest industry shutdowns
- France
- riots due to increase in retirement age, 2936
- Full Day Early Learning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 242)
- third reading, 780-781
- Full-day kindergarten
- rollout and site selection process, 781
- Gasoline prices
- government investigation into increases, 5922-5923
- Good Government Act, 2011 (Bill 110)
- Government consultants
- expenditures, 5089
- Government expenditures
- reduction, 5088
- Government orders
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 6098-6103
- time allocation motion
- Government record
- Government service transfer to municipal jurisdiction
- reimbursement for social service programs
- Hamilton, 4949-4950
- reimbursement for social service programs
- Grandparents
- Harmonized sales tax (HST), 6102
- Health and safety associations
- oversight by Minister of Labour, 4642
- Helping Ontario Families and Managing Responsibly Act, 2010 (Bill 135)
- Hospital expansion
- Groves Memorial Community Hospital, 2879-2880
- Hospital funding
- health-based allocation model (HBAM), 161
- International students
- increased enrolment in colleges and universities, 1287
- Landfill sites
- Taro landfill site (Hamilton), 1815-1816
- Legislative procedure
- Local forest management corporations (LFMCs), 4592
- Lockouts
- Long-term-care facilities
- personal support workers
- government funding, 5888
- personal support workers
- Lowering Energy Costs for Northern Ontarians Act, 2010 (Bill 44)
- Mandating Sprinklers in All Ontario Retirement Homes Act, 2010 (Bill 92)
- first reading, 1910
- Manitoba
- manufacturing investment tax credit, 6099
- Manufacturing industry
- Manufacturing industry shutdowns
- Members'/ministers' appreciation
- Sousa, Charles (Mississauga South)
- as Minister of Labour, 6105
- Sousa, Charles (Mississauga South)
- Members'/ministers' constituencies/constituency events
- Members/ministers quoting committee submissions
- Teichman, George, 6100
- Members/ministers quoting letters
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Members/ministers quoting reports
- Expert Advisory Panel on Occupational Health and Safety: Report and Recommendations to the Minister of Labour (Expert Advisory Panel on Occupational Health and Safety), 4643-4644
- A Housing Benefit for Ontario: One Housing Solution for a Poverty Reduction Strategy (Federation of Rental Housing Providers of Ontario, Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association, Greater Toronto Apartment Association, Daily Bread Food Bank, Metcalf Charitable Foundation, Atkinson Charitable Foundation), 5379
- Navigating the Journey to Wellness: The Comprehensive Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan for Ontarians (Select Committee on Mental Health and Addictions), 2412
- Raising Expectations (Expert Panel on Infertility and Adoption), 5516, 5520
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Dorrance, Bob (chairman and CEO, TD Securities), 6099-6100
- Housing Network of Ontario, 5382-5383
- Pascutto, Ermanno (founder and executive director, Canadian Foundation for Advancement of Investor Rights), 6099
- Sanger, Toby (senior economist, Canadian Union of Public Employees), 6099
- Tory, John (former leader, PC Party), 4349
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Members' statements
- Child care, 1855
- City of Hamilton, 3544-3545
- Day of mourning, 992
- Eramosa Karst, 4314
- Events in Hamilton East–Stoney Creek, 1455
- Events in Stoney Creek, 526
- Hamilton Toy Museum, 6125
- Injured workers, 6363-6364
- Legislative staff, 3872
- Long-term care, 5887-5888
- Mackenzie, Bob, 5218
- Manufacturing jobs, 5358
- Municipal elections, 3126
- Steel industry, 114, 2454
- Team 2056, Orchard Park Robotics, 4983-4984
- Unemployment, 3404-3405
- Mining industry
- resources processed in Ontario, 1115-1116
- Ministerial statements
- Museums
- Hamilton Toy Museum, 6125
- Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act, 2010 (Bill 101)
- NDP documents/plans
- Not-for-profit corporations
- regulation, 1462
- Occupational health and safety
- Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O. 1
- section 50 - Reprisals by Employer Prohibited - No discipline, dismissal, etc., by employer, 4644-4645
- Occupational Health and Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2011 (Bill 160)
- Ontario budget speech (25 March 2010)
- Ontario budget speech (29 March 2011)
- Ontario Forest Tenure Modernization Act, 2011 (Bill 151)
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. (OLG)
- 5% of gross revenue to municipalities hosting slot machines, 6055
- Ontario Securities Commission (OSC)
- regulation of derivatives trading, 3793
- Ontario Works Amendment Act (Care Assistance), 2010 (Bill 87)
- first reading, 1858
- Open for Business Act, 2010 (Bill 68)
- second reading, 1815-1816
- Opposition day motions
- Oral questions
- Child care
- presented, 4376
- Child poverty
- presented, 988
- Conservation
- presented, 1206
- Conversation
- presented, 5011-5012
- Fire safety
- Gasoline prices
- presented, 5922-5923
- Health care funding
- presented, 2693
- Hydro rates
- Injured workers
- Manufacturing jobs
- Pension plans
- Pension reform
- Political contributions
- presented, 5404-5405
- Public safety
- presented, 4613
- Retirement homes
- Social assistance
- presented, 3706
- Social services
- presented, 4949-4950
- Soldiers' remains
- Steel industry
- Veterans
- presented, 1674
- Workers' compensation
- presented, 3021
- Workplace safety
- presented, 5439
- Child care
- Pension Benefits Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 236)
- Pension benefits guarantee fund (PBGF), 2929, 2940, 2943-2944
- Pension plan protection
- Pension plan reform, 24, 151-152, 160, 266, 1009, 1013-1014, 2050, 2100, 2761-2762, 2932, 2940, 2993-2993, 3792
- Petitions
- Political contributions
- Research in Motion (RIM), 5404-5405
- Post-secondary Education Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 43)
- second reading, 1287
- Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day Act, 2010 (Bill 118)
- first reading, 2658
- Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day Act, 2011 (Bill 200)
- first reading, 6129
- Prescription drug abuse, 2411-2414
- Private career colleges
- regulation and enforcement, 1287
- Private members' public business
- Hospital funding
- responded to, 2879-2880
- Labour Relations Amendment Act (Replacement Workers), 2011 (Bill 45)
- second reading, 5037
- Mandating Sprinklers in All Ontario Retirement Homes Act, 2010 (Bill 92)
- Mining Amendment Act (Resources Processed In Ontario), 2010 (Bill 36)
- second reading, 1115-1116
- Protecting Employees’ Tips Act, 2010 (Bill 114)
- second reading, 3097
- Public sector accountability
- responded to, 2873
- Taxation Amendment Act (Food Bank Donation Tax Credit for Farmers), 2010 (Bill 78)
- second reading, 2168
- Hospital funding
- Public education campaigns
- Public Hospitals Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.40
- reform, 161-162
- Renewable energy projects
- Reports
- Expert Advisory Panel on Occupational Health and Safety: Report and Recommendations to the Minister of Labour (Expert Advisory Panel on Occupational Health and Safety), 4830, 5439, 6103
- A Fine Balance - Safe Pensions - Affordable Plans - Fair Rules (Report of the Expert Commission on Pensions), 151, 1011-1012, 2929, 2941-2942
- Retirement homes
- Retirement Homes Act, 2010 (Bill 21)
- Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority, 616
- Securing Pension Benefits Now and for the Future Act, 2010 (Bill 120)
- ServiceOntario
- privatization, 5089
- Social assistance benefits
- increase, 3706
- Steel industry shutdowns, 2776, 3544-3545
- Stock exchanges
- Strong Communities through Affordable Housing Act, 2011 (Bill 140)
- Sustainable forest licences (SFLs)
- Tax credits
- Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA)
- wait times for inspections
- impact on public safety, 4613
- wait times for inspections
- Throne speech debate
- Ticket Speculation Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 172)
- second reading, 3255-3256
- Time allocation motions
- Tips and gratuities
- servers not required to share with employers, 3097
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- Toronto Transit Commission Labour Disputes Resolution Act, 2011 (Bill 150)
- Tributes
- Unemployment rate
- Veterans
- Workers' compensation benefits
- Workers' Health and Safety Centre, 4642
- Workers' rights
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) funding review panel, 3021, 3049, 3792-3793
- Accountants
- Milloy, Hon. J. (LIB, Kitchener Centre)
- Anti-Semitism, 4655
- Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- Apprenticeship training programs
- tradespeople to apprentice ratios, 5776
- Co-operative education, 4850
- Colleges of applied arts and technology (CAATs)
- Creating the Foundation for Jobs And Growth Act, 2010 (Bill 16)
- time allocation motion
- presented, 805-806
- time allocation motion
- Employment centres
- closure
- Hamilton Jobs Action Centre, 6359
- closure
- Employment supports and training
- federal government funding, 2452-2453
- Freedom of information requests
- Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, 2358
- French-language debates
- Full-day kindergarten, 3066-3067
- Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, 2358
- International students
- Literacy programs
- Lobbyists
- employed by universities/colleges, 2549-2540
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 2203
- Members'/ministers' expenditures
- online posting, 5306
- Members'/ministers' record
- PC (1995-2003)
- Hudak, Tim (Niagara West–Glanbrook)
- expenditures, 5307
- Hudak, Tim (Niagara West–Glanbrook)
- PC (1995-2003)
- Ministerial statements
- Ministers redirecting oral questions, 3331
- Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
- Oral questions
- Anti-Semitism
- responded to, 4655
- Apprenticeship training
- responded to, 5776
- Collective bargaining
- responded to, 4218
- College funding
- responded to, 5733
- Community colleges
- responded to, 3821
- Employment standards
- responded to, 2453
- Employment supports
- Freedom of information
- responded to, 2358
- Full-day kindergarten
- responded to, 3066-3067
- Government appointments
- Injured workers
- responded to, 1599-1600
- International students
- Literacy and basic skills
- Lobbyists
- responded to, 2549-2550
- Ministers' expenses
- responded to, 5307
- Post-secondary education
- Skills development and training
- Student assistance
- Tuition
- University and college funding
- responded to, 5531
- Anti-Semitism
- Post-secondary education
- Post-secondary Education Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 43)
- Private career colleges
- Private Career Colleges Act, S.O. 2005, c. 28, Sched. L
- amendments, 995
- Public education campaigns
- Student assistance
- Ontario student assistance program (OSAP), 1990-1991
- Student employment, 1406, 5402
- Time allocation motions
- Tributes
- Tuition fees
- Universities/colleges
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- labour market re-entry (LMR) program
- use of private career colleges, 1599-1600
- labour market re-entry (LMR) program
- Mitchell, Hon. C. (LIB, Huron–Bruce)
- Agricultural fairs
- Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, 3402
- Agricultural industry, 2496-2497
- Agricultural risk management programs (RMPs)
- Agricultural subsidies
- for American-made apple harvest bins, 679-680
- Awards
- Debates re answers to oral questions
- Plant closure
- responded to, 3266-3267
- Plant closure
- Farmers
- Federal-provincial-territorial agreements/programs
- Growing Forward, 272
- Food
- Food and beverage processing industry
- Food and beverage processing industry closures
- Food safety
- Good Government Act, 2011 (Bill 110)
- second reading, 2830
- Government record
- Liberal (2003-2011), 2830
- Greenbelt plan
- sixth anniversary, 4420-4421
- Internet access
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Crews, Bette Jean (president, Ontario Federation of Agriculture), 5836
- Ministerial statements
- Ministers redirecting oral questions, 152, 732, 4565
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- Occupational health and safety
- Ontario budget speech (25 March 2010)
- responded to, 460-461
- Oral questions
- Abattoirs
- Agri-food industry
- Assistance to farmers
- Chicken industry
- responded to, 3869
- Farm safety
- responded to, 4564-4565
- Food safety
- Government regulations
- responded to, 5162
- Nuclear safety
- responded to, 5306
- Occupational health and safety
- responded to, 152
- Ontario farmers
- Plant closure
- responded to, 3122-3123
- Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
- responded to, 3402
- Rural infrastructure
- Wildlife management
- responded to, 2654
- Poultry processing industry
- marketing boards, 3869
- Public education campaigns
- Radiation
- monitoring and safety measures
- elevated levels in food and water as result of Fukushima nuclear incident, 5306
- monitoring and safety measures
- Summit meetings
- Premier's summit on agri-food, 580
- Tax credits
- farmers' tax credit for food bank donations, 2146-2147
- Tributes
- Murdoch, Bill (Bruce–Grey–Owen Sound), 6316
- Wildlife management, 2654
- Agricultural fairs
- Moridi, R. (LIB, Richmond Hill)
- Anniversaries
- Awards
- Jean Lumb Foundation Awards, 2696
- Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 (Bill 122)
- second reading, 3169
- Bullying
- prevention and reduction, 3504
- Climate change, 692-693
- Condolences
- McKay, Kevin (Private, Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan), 1549-1550
- Congratulatory remarks
- Creating the Foundation for Jobs And Growth Act, 2010 (Bill 16)
- second reading, 664
- Crime prevention, 3336
- Disclosure
- expense claims incurred by publicly funded health care organizations, 3169
- Doctors
- Electronic learning programs
- Ontario Online Institute (post-secondary education), 664
- Energy agencies
- accountability and oversight, 2873-2784
- Federal-provincial agreements/programs
- Canada-Ontario immigration agreement (COIA)
- renegotiation, 3803-3804
- Canada-Ontario immigration agreement (COIA)
- Full-day kindergarten
- expansion of program, 4464
- Good Government Act, 2011 (Bill 110)
- second reading, 3107-3109
- Government orders
- Immigrant services
- responded to, 3803-3804
- Immigrant services
- Government record
- Graduation rates
- secondary school, 1308
- Holidays
- Hospital administrators
- pay-for-performance awards for York Central Hospital CEO and chief of staff, 3818
- Immigrants
- Richmond Hill, 3803
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn, 3818
- Members' statements
- Baha'i community, 1088
- Carefirst, 734-735
- Doyle, Christina, 586-587
- Dutch liberation anniversary, 1208
- Education, 4848
- Energy policies, 2857
- Full-day kindergarten, 4463
- Girl Guides, 2253
- Han Park, 5972
- Health care funding, 3126-3127
- High school students, 1308
- Infrastructure program funding, 2057
- Lumb, Jean, 2696
- McKay, Kevin, 1549-1550
- Mehregan, 2657
- Nowruz, 156-157, 4696
- Petruccelli, Stephen, 3919
- Pleasantville Public School, 3545
- Republic of Azerbaijan, 1772
- School safety, 3504
- Wong, Tracy, 4659
- Ministry of Education
- safe schools strategy, 3504
- Municipal infrastructure
- government funding
- Pioneer Park stormwater management rehabilitation project, 2057
- government funding
- National/independence/memorial days
- Republic Day (Azerbaijan), 1772
- Ontario budget speech (25 March 2010)
- responded to, 550
- Ontario budget speech (29 March 2011)
- responded to, 5095
- Ontario radon registry, 5944
- Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE)
- formal incorporation, 4478
- Oral questions
- Persons with disabilities
- barrier-free access, 6198
- Petitions
- Post-secondary Education Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 43)
- second reading, 1278
- Private members' public business
- Public education campaigns
- Radon, 5943-5944, 5949
- Radon Awareness and Prevention Act, 2011 (Bill 182)
- first reading, 5447
- Religious holiday observance
- Ridván, 1088
- Renewable energy projects
- new approvals process, 4497-4498
- Senior citizens service agencies
- Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association, 734-735
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 177
- Tourism, 1358
- Tributes
- Doyle, Christina (bone cancer survivor), 586-587
- United Kingdom
- radon map, 5944
- United States
- education
- Wisconsin, 4848
- education
- Wind turbines
- municipal planning oversight and public consultation, 4497-4498
- Munro, J. (PC, York–Simcoe)