Index des sujets traités à la Chambre

Letter: V

  • Vaccines

    • clinical assessment process
  • Veterans

    • appreciation for
    • community events
    • financing assistance
    • general remarks
    • Highway of Heroes
    • housing
      • homelessness
      • Homes for Heroes
      • social housing
    • post-service employment
      • education and training
        • skilled trades
          • McNaughton, 686
    • Remembrance Day
    • Remembrance Week
      • poppies, wearing of
    • support services
      • general remarks
  • Veterans - commemoration

  • Veterinary services

    • clinics and hospitals
      • hours of operation
        • Hatfield, 541
    • facility services
      • species accreditation
    • specializations
      • large breeds
  • Video game industry

    • economic impact
    • education and training
      • government funding
  • Viewer Discretion Act (Images of Fetuses), 2021 (Bill 41)

    • first reading
      • Kernaghan, 639
  • Volunteers

    • criminal and judicial matters checks. see under Police services
    • economic impact
    • general remarks
    • International Volunteer Day
      • Thanigasalam, 1403
  • Vos Food Store Equipment Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr58)

    • first reading
    • second reading
    • third reading
    • Royal assent, 1712
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