Letter: C
C. difficile outbreaks
- Niagara (2011)
- and hospital cleaning service
- Burch, 5870
- and hospital cleaning service
- Niagara (2011)
Cabinet ministers
Campaign financing.
see Political fundraisingCampbell, D'Andre
- death of
- Singh, G., 8115
- death of
Campbell, Gordon.
see also Independent Financial Commission of InquiryCampgrounds and cabins
Canada Christian College.
see also Colleges and universities - degree-granting authority- degree expansion
- Andrew, 10646–10647, 10678–10679
- Arthur, 9869–9870
- Begum, 14168
- Bell, 10597
- Berns-McGown, 9926, 10515, 10589, 10651–10652
- Bisson, 10691
- Bourgouin, 10007
- Burch, 10626
- Collard, 10669
- Fife, 9828, 9830–9831, 9833–9834, 9906, 10692–10693, 11107–11109, 14014
- Fraser, 10233–10234, 10273–10274, 10454, 10658–10659, 10664–10665, 11109, 11136
- Glover, 10162, 10291–10292, 10656, 11117–11118
- Gretzky, 10345, 10658
- Hassan, 10654
- Hatfield, 10594
- Hunter, 10595–10596, 10691
- Kernaghan, 10293, 10591–10593, 10647, 11094–11095, 11112–11113
- Kramp, 9869–9870
- Lindo, 9784–9785, 9970, 10032–10033, 10453, 10561, 10636, 10646, 13608, 13709
- Morrison, 10659
- Natyshak, 10231–10232
- Piccini, 9784–9785, 9906–9907
- Sattler, 10608–10609, 10668–10669, 11114–11116
- Schreiner, 10600, 10654, 10671, 11113–11114
- Shaw, 9857
- Simard, 10359
- Singh, S., 10601
- Stiles, 9860, 10660
- Taylor, 10594
- Vanthof, 10661
- West, 10012, 10661
- Wynne, 9907, 10035, 10357, 10647–10648, 11116–11117
- PEQAB review
- Kernaghan, 13841–13842
- Lindo, 13924
- Piccini, 13924
- degree expansion
Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA)
- eligibility criteria
- Begum, 10889
- eligibility criteria
Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
Canada Health Act,
RSC, 1985, c C-6
Canadian Bill of Rights,
SC 1960, c 44
- Des Rosiers, 2529
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- application
- Burch, 3320
- and Canadian identity
- Sattler, 976
- duty to protect
- general remarks
- and policing
- rights
- rights under
- role in policy development
- structure of
- Downey, 14101
- application
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- s.33: notwithstanding clause.
see also Statements by stakeholders- and democracy
- general remarks
- inclusion of
- and judicial review
- and parliamentary privilege
- Smith, T., 964–965
- and parliamentary supremacy
- rights exempt from
- Hassan, 14108
- rights subject to
- statements by stakeholders
- Berns-McGown, 978
- Burch, 969–970
- French, 970
- Lindo, 14170–14171
- Martow, 983
- Monteith-Farrell, 14106–14108
- Mulroney, 949
- Sattler, 976
- Schreiner, 14120
- Singh, S., 992
- Stiles, 14110–14111
- Triantafilopoulos, 14150
- threshold for use
- use of
- Bill 31, Efficient Local Government Act, 2018. see Toronto City Council downsizing - use of notwithstanding clause
- Bill 307, Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021. see Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 (Bill 307)
- future use
- general remarks
- Armstrong, 1005
- Arthur, 14169–14170
- Baber, 14168–14169
- Begum, 841
- Bell, 888–889
- Bisson, 924–925, 939, 980, 2531, 6526
- Burch, 838, 969
- Collard, 14194
- Coteau, 14115
- Des Rosiers, 980, 982
- Downey, 14115
- Fraser, 836–837, 14123–14124
- Glover, 884
- Horwath, 832–833, 14188
- Hunter, 962, 987, 14167
- Karpoche, 836
- Lalonde, 975
- Lindo, 889–890
- Mamakwa, 14133
- Mantha, 14132
- Sattler, 976
- Schreiner, 1000, 14120
- Singh, S., 2533
- Smith, T., 939–940
- Stiles, 840
- Vanthof, 989
- Walker, 1019
- Yarde, 1006
- historically
- legality of
- Baber, 883
- in other jurisdictions
Canadian Chinese School of Theology Act, 2019 (Bill Pr16)
- first reading
- Wai, 5763–5764
- first reading
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)
- Ke, 13379
Canadian National Exhibition (CNE)
- cancellation
- Glover, 13715–13716
- cancellation
Canadian Niagara Power Generating Station
- redevelopment
- government funding
- Rasheed, 8265
- government funding
- redevelopment
Canadian Women's Hockey League (CWHL)
- dissolution of
- Park, 4169
- dissolution of
Canadian-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).
see under International trade agreementsCancer.
see also specific typesCancer Act,
RSO 1990, c C.1
- Fraser, 3464
Cancer Care Ontario
Cancer - pediatric
Cancer treatment
Cancer treatment - take-home medication
- and driving. see Driving - drug-impaired
- education
- campaign format and reach
- Smith, T., 1623–1624
- content
- Smith, T., 1623–1624
- implementation timeline
- for public
- in schools. see Curriculum - cannabis
- campaign format and reach
- equity of access
- secondary product development
- Singh, S., 1357
- second-hand exposure to
- strains
- Harden, 1404
- transportation
- Singh, S., 1355
- and youth. see Cannabis - youth consumption
Cannabis consumption
- and addiction
- Des Rosiers, 1409
- as gateway to smoking
- Gélinas, 1412
- health effects
- impact of increased availability
- Des Rosiers, 1409
- intake methods
- intoxication, detection of. see also Driving - drug-impaired
- Kernaghan, 1415
- normalization of. see also Cannabis users—stigmatization
- permit-but-discourage model
- and addiction
Cannabis consumption - location restrictions
- alignment with tobacco regulations
- enforcement
- Fedeli, 1650
- general remarks
- Hillier, 1418
- impact on equity of access
- multi-unit dwellings
- penalties
- Coe, 1413
- prohibited locations. see also Home care - workers—cannabis and; Occupational health and safety—cannabis and
- and stigmatization of users. see Cannabis users—stigmatization
- vehicles and boats. see also Driving - drug-impaired
- via municipal bylaw
Cannabis consumption - youth.
see also Cannabis users- addictions counselling
- Singh, S., 1354–1355
- age restrictions
- criminalization
- education. see Curriculum - cannabis
- general remarks
- health effects
- prevention
- research, need for
- Hillier, 1419
- in school settings
- Lindo, 1399
- addictions counselling
Cannabis - legalization
- consultation with Indigenous communities
- Rickford, 296
- vs. decriminalization
- Gates, 1365
- federal jurisdiction
- general remarks
- implementation timeline
- in other jurisdictions
- prior criminal convictions. see Cannabis users—possession convictions, pre-legalization
- products
- consultation with Indigenous communities
Cannabis Licence Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 235)
- first reading
- Stiles, 10785
- first reading
Cannabis lounges.
see also Cannabis retail - physical stores- consumption limits
- Singh, S., 1353
- consumption limits
Cannabis - medicinal
Cannabis producers
Cannabis production.
see also Cannabis retail - licensing- home cultivation
- market competition
- Harden, 1626–1627
- regulation of
- supply shortage
- Fedeli, 5132
- wholesale and distribution. see Cannabis retail - Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS)—as exclusive wholesaler
Cannabis - regulatory enforcement
- funding
- general remarks
- impact on BIPOC communities
- police resources
Cannabis - regulatory framework
Cannabis retail.
see also Cannabis retail - Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS); Cannabis retail - physical stores- access options
- Fedeli, 3961
- dispensaries operating pre-legalization
- illicit market. see Cannabis retail - unlicensed dispensaries
- implementation timeline
- in Indigenous communities
- market analysis, data sources
- market competition, promotion of
- packaging
- pricing
- private market model
- products
- Downey, 1362
- public-ownership model
- staff training
- access options
Cannabis retail - licensing
- application process
- applicant review
- implementation timeline
- licence components
- notification and consultation period
- enforcement
- facility requirements
- fees
- Singh, S., 1356
- oversight by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO)
- provincial jurisdiction
- Coe, 1413
- quantity caps
- unlicensed dispensaries. see Cannabis retail - unlicensed dispensaries
- application process
Cannabis retail - Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS)
- customer service
- deliveries via Canada Post
- delivery requirements. see also Cannabis retail—in Indigenous communities
- as exclusive online retailer
- as exclusive wholesaler
- general remarks
- Downey, 1361
- governance structure
- online platform
- operating contracts
- order volume
- product labeling
- Singh, S., 2135
- products
- Fedeli, 1649–1650
- supply
- Fedeli, 1650
Cannabis retail - physical stores.
see also Cannabis lounges- advertising
- Harris, 1415
- concentration caps
- general remarks
- Coe, 3961
- in Indigenous communities. see Cannabis retail—in Indigenous communities
- licensing. see Cannabis retail - licensing
- location restrictions
- municipal opt-out
- operations timeline. see Cannabis retail - licensing—application process—implementation timeline
- advertising
Cannabis retail - unlicensed dispensaries
Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 36)
- first reading
- Mulroney, 1282
- second reading, 1342–1371, 1392–1416, 1469, 1490–1491
- Babikian, 1398
- Bisson, 1367, 1392–1395, 1397, 1408
- Bouma, 1350, 1368–1371
- Calandra, 1402–1403
- Coe, 1412–1414, 1416
- Des Rosiers, 1408–1412
- Downey, 1350, 1359–1362, 1364
- Fedeli, 1345–1349, 1351
- Fife, 1362–1363, 1396, 1398, 1403
- French, 1349–1350
- Gates, 1364–1368
- Gélinas, 1412, 1415
- Ghamari, 1363–1364, 1407
- Harden, 1404–1408
- Harris, 1415
- Hatfield, 1350
- Hillier, 1403, 1411
- Kernaghan, 1414–1415
- Kusendova, 1398
- Lindo, 1399
- Martin, 1359
- Miller, N., 1415–1416
- Miller, P., 1411
- Monteith-Farrell, 1402
- Mulroney, 1342–1345
- Pang, 1367
- Park, 1363
- Rasheed, 1407–1408
- Roberts, 1358
- Sabawy, 1367–1368
- Schreiner, 1397–1399
- Singh, S., 1351–1359, 1396–1397
- Skelly, 1411
- Smith, T., 1399–1404
- Tabuns, 1407
- Taylor, 1358
- Thompson, 1395–1396
- West, 1359, 1363, 1368
- Yakabuski, 1396
- division (carried), 1490–1491
- time allocation motion, 1417–1424, 1437
- third reading, 1621–1630, 1648–1654
- Royal assent, 1664
- first reading
Cannabis users.
see also Cannabis - youth consumptionCannabis users - possession convictions
Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
- first reading
- Phillips, 341–342
- second reading, 485–503, 536–569, 621–630, 661–671, 850–867, 869–878, 1448
- Anand, 667–668, 670, 857–858
- Andrew, 537–538, 541
- Armstrong, 623, 871
- Baber, 861
- Babikian, 626–627, 866
- Bell, 543–547
- Berns-McGown, 494
- Bisson, 554–555, 670–671, 850–852, 860
- Bourgouin, 669, 873, 875, 877
- Burch, 666, 869–872
- Calandra, 622, 876–877
- Coe, 877–878
- Crawford, 550–551
- Cuzzetto, 876
- Des Rosiers, 567–569
- Downey, 669, 851–855
- Fee, 538–542
- Fife, 625–626
- Fraser, 550
- French, 627–630
- Gélinas, 551–556, 851, 854–855, 858, 861, 870–871, 877
- Ghamari, 536–537, 623–625, 627
- Glover, 493–494
- Harden, 537, 550, 561
- Harris, 863–864
- Hatfield, 565–566, 663–665, 667–669, 854, 857, 866
- Hogarth, 566
- Karahalios, 491–493, 565, 666, 854, 866–867
- Ke, 870
- Kernaghan, 561–562
- Khanjin, 487–491, 863
- Kusendova, 626
- Lecce, 874
- Lindo, 542, 861–864
- Mamakwa, 864
- Mantha, 562–567, 662–663, 873–874, 876
- Martin, 561, 663, 857
- Martow, 872–875
- McKenna, 545, 663–664
- Natyshak, 546
- Oosterhoff, 547–551, 855
- Pang, 541–542, 873
- Parsa, 494–495
- Phillips, 485–487, 495
- Piccini, 546, 554
- Rasheed, 622
- Roberts, 542, 661–662, 664, 851
- Romano, 665–666, 858–861
- Sarkaria, 555, 669–670, 860, 864–865, 867
- Sattler, 855–858, 865–866
- Schreiner, 621–623
- Skelly, 562
- Smith, D., 537, 871
- Stevens, 626
- Tabuns, 495–503, 538
- Tangri, 494
- Vanthof, 852, 863
- Walker, 556–562
- West, 545–546, 551, 555, 566, 622
- time allocation motion, 1310–1318, 1373–1374, 1416, 1436–1437
- third reading, 1975–1985, 2029–2037, 2049
- Royal assent, 2049–2050
- first reading
- as carbon tax
- cost of
- environmental impact
- vs. federal carbon tax
- Tabuns, 13777
- general remarks
- Greenhouse Gas Reduction Account (GGRA). see Greenhouse Gas Reduction Account (GGRA)
- impact on business environment
- market incentive
- Arthur, 1977–1978
- in other jurisdictions
- United States
- Arthur, 1977
- United States
- public consultation
- Parsa, 494
- public response to
- Yakabuski, 141–142
- purchase of credits from Quebec and California
- revenue from May 2018 auction
- Des Rosiers, 568
- statements by stakeholders
- French, 629–630
Cap-and-trade cancellation
- compensation
- consultation. see also Environmental Bill of Rights
- cost of
- fiscal impact
- Arthur, 1978–1979
- Baber, 99, 1862
- Bell, 544–545
- Burch, 870
- Elliott, 173
- Fedeli, 972, 2914, 3740, 5972
- Fee, 2311
- Fife, 41, 5729
- Ford, 10
- Fraser, 101
- French, 628
- Horwath, 368–369
- Khanjin, 2033, 2497
- Kusendova, 1789–1790
- Lecce, 1456, 1880, 2239
- Natyshak, 326
- Phillips, 12, 369, 411, 476, 526, 1584–1586, 1633–1634, 1637, 1677, 1723, 1790, 2095, 2465, 4988–4989, 5963
- Sattler, 855
- Surma, 1671
- Tabuns, 1790
- general remarks
- and Hospital Energy Efficiency Program
- impact on gasoline prices
- impact on green program funding
- legal challenges to
- legal framework
- process and timeline
- public response
- Lalonde, 1980
- review by Financial Accountability Officer
Cap-and-trade cancellation - economic impact
Cap-and-trade cancellation - environmental impact
Cap-and-trade - economic impact
Capital Markets Tribunal
- creation of
- Cho, S., 12318
- creation of
- and living standards
- Oosterhoff, 551
- and living standards
Car dealerships.
see Motor vehicle dealersCarbon markets
- in other jurisdictions
- Bisson, 1777
- in other jurisdictions
Carbon pricing
- economic impact
- fee and dividend
- general remarks
- government strategy
- impact on business environment
- impact on cost of living
- impact on emissions
- impact on energy rates
- impact on gasoline prices
- Khanjin, 489
- implementation
- Harden, 1780–1781
- Industrial Emission Performance Standards
- jurisdiction over
- Ghamari, 639
- and Paris Agreement targets
- Harden, 795
Carbon pricing - in other jurisdictions
Carbon tax (federal)
- adjustment for businesses
- cost of
- cost of, disclosure
- on energy bills
- on gas pumps
- general remarks
- economic impact
- federal media campaign
- general remarks
- Baber, 4378–4379
- Babikian, 3665
- Bethlenfalvy, 4031
- Downey, 3750
- Fedeli, 2514, 4323
- Fee, 2311
- Ford, 4029
- Gill, 2262, 2584
- Hogarth, 527–528, 1838, 4029
- Kanapathi, 2465
- Karahalios, 778
- Ke, 870
- Lecce, 1455, 2559, 3427
- Parsa, 4130
- Phillips, 528, 2095, 2262, 2313, 3427, 4130
- Rasheed, 4377
- Romano, 666
- Shaw, 294
- Simard, 12228
- Smith, D., 1312–1313
- Tabuns, 538, 1790
- Tangri, 1788–1789
- Wai, 2095
- as general revenue source
- Oosterhoff, 548
- government response to
- Cuzzetto, 4332
- Downey, 853
- Dunlop, 1028
- Fedeli, 2320
- Fee, 574
- Fife, 359
- Ford, 5063
- Ghamari, 2604
- Gill, 2262
- Karahalios, 12415
- Kusendova, 1790
- Lecce, 1455, 2209
- McDonell, 2045
- Miller, N., 1489, 1637
- Nicholls, 2809
- Park, 681, 1586
- Parsa, 3567, 5063
- Phillips, 134–135, 176–177, 528, 638, 681, 775, 1489, 1637, 1790, 2045–2046, 2095, 2209, 2465
- Rasheed, 176
- Smith, D., 775
- Tabuns, 12290
- Walker, 997
- government response to, other provinces
- impact on agriculture industry
- impact on auto industry
- impact on business
- impact on cost of living
- impact on emissions
- Downey, 1837
- impact on gasoline prices
- impact on hospitals
- impact on natural gas rates
- Fedeli, 4465
- impact on post-secondary institutions
- impact on public services
- impact on senior citizens
- legal challenge to
- cost of
- general remarks
- public response
- Shaw, 5141
- Supreme Court decision
- Schreiner, 12226
- Simard, 12228
- Tabuns, 12220–12221
- Yurek, 12416
- provincial media campaigns
- public response to
- rebate
- Saskatchewan legal challenge, participation in
Cardiac arrest
Cardiac Fitness Institute (London)
- Kernaghan, 259
- and BIPOC persons
- constitutionality of
- general remarks
- public consultation
- Lindo, 51
- and racism
- as response to gun violence
- Yarde, 171
- vs. street checks
- Tulloch report (2018). see Independent Street Checks Review (Tulloch, 2018)
- use of
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Cardiovascular health
- Khanjin, 381, 11564–11565
Career colleges
Caregiver and Homeworker Protection Act, 2020 (Bill 242)
- first reading
- Baber, 11214
- first reading
Caregiver Recognition Act, 2018 (Bill 59)
- access to congregate care facilities. see under Congregate care facilities
- consultation with
- Gretzky, 9332
- COVID-19 testing
- Armstrong, 10351–10352
- Collard, 10955
- Elliott, 9692
- Fullerton, 10567, 10955
- Kernaghan, 10566–10567
- Lindo, 9691
- Stiles, 9682
- economic impact
- Roberts, 4436–4437
- recognition of
Caribbean Heritage Month Act, 2019 (Bill 134)
- first reading
- Coteau, 5647–5648
- first reading
Caribbean Heritage Month Act, 2019 (Bill 139)
- first reading
- Singh, S., 5962
- first reading
Carleton University
- administration
- Harden, 698
- administration
Case management masters.
see Judicial officers–
associate judgesCasinos
Castleform Developments Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr40)
- first reading
- Cho, S., 11521–11522
- second reading
- Cho, S., 14034
- third reading
- Cho, S., 14034
- Royal assent, 14080
- first reading
Castleform Holdings Inc. Act, 2020 (Bill Pr36)
Cat Lake First Nation
- living conditions
- Oombash, Nashie. see Oombash, Nashie
- state of emergency
Celebrate Ontario grants.
see under Arts and culture industry - government fundingCeliac disease
- Martow, 5171
Celtic culture
- McDonell, 5273
Centering Youth in Pandemic Recovery Act, 2021 (Bill 297)
- first reading
- Stiles, 13717
- first reading
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
- Ke, 13379
Certificates of birth, marriage, and death.
see also Names, legalCervid populations.
see also Wildlife management; Wildlife protectionChakraborty, Arka.
see also Bullying and cyberbullying- Andrew, 6010–6011, 6674, 12968–12969
Change of Name Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 206)
Charities and non-profits
- economic impact
- funding model
- donations
- Yarde, 6580
- fundraising
- Wai, 13350
- government funding
- French, 13350–13351
- Wai, 13354
- grants
- Crawford, 6278
- donations
- general remarks
- Hatfield, 13389–13390
- Park, 13354
- Roberts, 13351
- Triantafilopoulos, 13353
- Wai, 13349–13350
- government funding
- statements by stakeholders
- French, 13351
- statements by stakeholders
- public education
- Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week. see under Public education campaigns - community development
Charities and non-profits - COVID-19
- civil liability. see Civil liability - COVID-19
- fundraising
- Natyshak, 11742–11743
- general remarks
- government funding
- Triantafilopoulos, 13353–13354
- insurance
- Hunter, 9762
Charter buses
Charter Rights Transparency Act, 2018 (Bill 49)
Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
- general remarks
- Downey, 12125–12126
- oversight functions
- general remarks
Chemical industry
Cherry Hill Orchards Pelham Limited Act, 2020 (Bill Pr23)
Chief Coroner of Ontario
- investigation requests
- long-term-care deaths
- Shaw, 13638
- long-term-care deaths
- investigation requests
Chief Electoral Officer
- appointment, suspension, and termination of
- procedural recommendations
- advanced polling
- Miller, N., 11787–11788, 12621–12622
- general remarks
- political advertising, monitoring of
- voting technology
- Downey, 12590
- Karahalios, 11802
- Miller, N., 11786–11787, 11802
- advanced polling
- special report on election administration (2020)
Chief Medical Officer of Health
- appointment process
- Bisson, 10735
- Fraser, 13935
- Gélinas, 13911–13913, 13931
- Lindo, 13938–13940
- Natyshak, 13936
- Schreiner, 13938
- communications by
- COVID-19 response
- Rakocevic, 10821
- decision making
- Schreiner, 10792
- Dr. David Williams
- appreciation
- Elliott, 13905
- Fraser, 13935
- Gélinas, 13932–13933
- Lindo, 13940
- Martin, 13908
- re-appointment of
- Begum, 10740–10741
- Bisson, 10735–10736
- Burch, 10828
- Calandra, 10718–10720, 10728–10730, 10775, 10853
- Cho, S., 10833–10834
- Coe, 10748–10750
- Elliott, 10731, 10733, 10775
- Fraser, 10736–10737
- Gélinas, 10721, 10725, 10727
- Gretzky, 10814
- Hassan, 10830–10831
- Hogarth, 10823–10825
- Khanjin, 10817–10819
- Lecce, 10811, 10813
- Martin, 10738–10740
- McKenna, 10753–10755
- Rasheed, 10828–10830
- Roberts, 10743–10746
- Schreiner, 10743
- Vanthof, 10775, 10853
- Wai, 10758–10759
- West, 10757
- Yarde, 10746
- appreciation
- Dr. Kieran Moore
- appointment of
- Elliott, 13905–13908
- Fraser, 13934–13935
- Gélinas, 13912–13913, 13931, 13933
- Lindo, 13938, 13940
- Martin, 13908–13910
- Natyshak, 13936
- Schreiner, 13938
- appointment of
- independence of
- Bisson, 10735–10736
- Calandra, 10728
- Gates, 10752
- Gélinas, 10721–10727
- Hassan, 10831
- Lindo, 13939–13940
- Martin, 10738–10739
- Natyshak, 13937–13938
- Schreiner, 13938
- Yarde, 10748
- as officer of the Legislative Assembly
- Bell, 10978
- Fraser, 10977
- Gélinas, 10973–10974, 10979
- Glover, 10979
- Harden, 10978–10979
- Karpoche, 10976–10977
- Sattler, 10978
- Stiles, 10978
- Taylor, 10979
- West, 10979
- in other jurisdictions
- Bisson, 10735–10736
- Calandra, 10728
- Gélinas, 10725–10726, 10974
- Martin, 10976
- role of
- Gélinas, 10721–10722
- Martin, 10975–10976
- statements by stakeholders
- Gélinas, 10974–10975
- Martin, 10976
- transparency
- Roberts, 10744
- appointment process
Chief Scientist (Ontario)
- dismissal of
- Fife, 19
- dismissal of
Child abuse.
see Child protectionChild and spousal support.
see also under Family law reform - digital servicesChild and youth services
- Boys and Girls Club of Peel
- Sarkaria, 2864
- during COVID-19
- Ghamari, 10028–10029
- Boys and Girls Club of Peel
Child care
- access to. see Child care spaces—availability
- administrative costs
- Thompson, 4750–4751
- affordability
- as economic policy
- Coe, 12843–12844
- Fife, 8782, 11968
- as equity policy
- Bell, 8795
- fatalities
- federal program
- government strategy
- Ontario Ombudsman report
- in other jurisdictions
- Fife, 3053
- parental choice
- public consultation
- Wynne, 4766
- special needs children
- program planning
- Martin, 10269
- program planning
- statements by stakeholders
- and women's employment
Child Care and Early Years Amendment Act (Not-for-Profit Corporations), 2018 (Bill 45)
Child care - Childcare Access and Relief from Expenses (CARE) tax credit
- benefit rates
- Crawford, 4388
- Cuzzetto, 4530
- Fedeli, 4335, 4463, 5131–5132
- Fife, 4356, 12365
- Ford, 4329, 4662, 4750
- Horwath, 4329, 4750
- Karahalios, 4654
- Lecce, 4528
- Martin, 4477
- McDonell, 5284
- Morrison, 4530
- Shaw, 4350–4351, 4591
- Skelly, 4386
- Stiles, 4479
- Thompson, 4453–4454, 4763, 4802–4803, 5314
- Wai, 5296
- Wynne, 4766
- eligibility
- enhancement
- general remarks
- Babikian, 10801
- Fedeli, 4329, 5129
- Fife, 3053
- Ghamari, 5251
- Gill, 37, 6257
- Karahalios, 4335, 4654
- Lecce, 5640, 6514, 7433–7434, 8886, 13485
- MacLeod, 4641
- Martow, 4544
- McKenna, 4453
- Miller, N., 7668
- Phillips, 5963, 7667–7668, 10366
- Shaw, 4591, 5135
- Stevens, 12382
- Stiles, 4479
- Thompson, 4335, 4710, 4772
- Wai, 5314
- benefit rates
Child care - COVID-19
- availability of
- before-/after-school care
- Armstrong, 9206
- and economic recovery
- Begum, 13504
- Bethlenfalvy, 12200–12201
- Blais, 13486
- Fife, 12329–12330, 12396
- Fraser, 13563–13564
- Glover, 12342
- Hunter, 14069
- Karpoche, 12227
- Parsa, 12136
- Sattler, 12340, 12780
- Shaw, 12780
- Stevens, 12382
- Wynne, 13418
- for essential workers
- facility closures
- fee increases
- restrictions on
- Lecce, 8560
- restrictions on
- general remarks
- Collard, 11855
- government funding. see also COVID-19 - financial supports—by industry
- government strategy
- Dunlop, 12535
- McDonell, 12534–12535
- hold fees
- provincial reopening, impact on
- Coteau, 7833
- regulatory reform
- staff
- summer camps
Child care - COVID-19, reopening of
Child care funding
- allocation
- Lecce, 5793
- before- and after-school programs
- Hunter, 13367
- Canada-Ontario Early Learning and Child Care Agreement
- capital funding
- Begum, 5112–5113
- federal vs. provincial
- Hatfield, 12774–12775
- Lecce, 12137
- fee stabilization funding
- general remarks
- for low-income earners
- Begum, 1028–1029
- management of, by municipalities
- municipal transfer payments
- for private operators
- return-on-investment
- Wage Enhancement Grant. see under Child care workers—compensation
- allocation
Child care providers
Child care - regulations
Child care - regulatory reform
Child care spaces
- availability
- government funding
- Lecce, 8885–8886
- new
- in schools
Child care workers
Child custody and visitation.
see also Office of the Children's LawyerChild protection
- abuse and neglect
- bullying and cyberbullying. see Bullying and cyberbullying
- child/youth advocacy centres
- general remarks
Child protection system
Children and youth
Children and youth in care.
see also Ontario Ombudsman; Social services - children and youthChildren and youth in care - models of care
Children and youth in care - transition out of care
- during COVID. see under Children and youth in care—and COVID-19
- general remarks
- Roberts, 12293
- post-care supports
- protection of privacy
- Armstrong, 12831
- Bailey, 12829–12830
- Dunlop, 12833–12834
- Skelly, 12831–12832
- Stiles, 12832–12833
Children with disabilities.
see also Developmental servicesChildren's aid societies (CASs)
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)
Children's treatment centres.
see Developmental service providersChinese community
- Sabawy, 4814
Chinese-Canadian relations
- Pang, 1844–1845
Choudry, Ejaz
Christopher's Law (Sex Offender Registry) Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 281)
- first reading
- Smith, D., 12907
- second reading, 13405–13409
- referred to Standing Committee on Justice Policy, 13409
- first reading
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- diagnosis and treatment
- Gélinas, 14044–14045
- Kanapathi, 14043
- environmental modification
- Kanapathi, 14043–14044
- general remarks
- Kanapathi, 14043–14044
- and lung cancers
- Gélinas, 14044
- prevalence
- prevention
- smoking cessation
- Kanapathi, 14043
- smoking cessation
- public awareness
- risk factors
- diagnosis and treatment
Cider and cideries
- flavoured, ban on
- Gélinas, 1575–1576
- flavoured, ban on
City of Toronto Act, 2006,
SO 2006, c 11, Schedule A.
see also Municipal Act, 2001, SO 2001, c 25; Toronto city council- governing principles
- re provincial-municipal relationship
- Tabuns, 618
- re provincial-municipal relationship
- governing principles
City of Toronto et al. v Ontario (Attorney General),
2018 ONSC 5151
- appeal of
- community response to
- Clark, 945
- government response to. see also Toronto City Council downsizing - use of notwithstanding clause
- and parliamentary privilege
- quoted
- Tabuns, 954–955
- stay of decision. see Toronto (City) v Ontario (Attorney General), 2018 ONCA 761
- stay of decision, request for
- Toronto City Council downsizing
City planning.
see Land use planningCivil forfeiture of property
- Hillier, 2625
Civil forfeiture - proceeds of crime
- court orders
- Downey, 13699
- expansion of
- to fund victim supports
- court orders
Civil liability
Civil liability - COVID-19
- consultation process
- Calandra, 10350–10351
- Vanthof, 10350–10351
- contractual standard
- Berns-McGown, 9926, 9934
- Bisson, 9930–9933, 10048–10049
- Collard, 9933–9934, 10405
- Downey, 9890–9891, 9894, 9898, 10397–10398
- Fife, 10051, 10411
- Fraser, 9983
- French, 10413
- Gates, 10004
- Gill, 9924–9925
- Harris, 10015
- Hatfield, 9922, 9989
- Hunter, 9983, 10417
- Piccini, 9937
- Sattler, 9997
- Shaw, 9996
- Singh, G., 9940–9942, 9946, 9948–9949
- Skelly, 9993
- Smith, D., 9984–9985
- Tabuns, 9922–9924
- Taylor, 10416
- West, 10014
- cost awards
- general remarks
- Berns-McGown, 9932
- Bisson, 9931–9933
- Bourgouin, 10008
- Coe, 9995
- Collard, 9933–9934
- Downey, 9889–9890, 9895–9896, 9898–9899, 10396–10397, 10399, 10402–10403
- Fife, 10411
- Fraser, 9984, 10412
- Gates, 10414
- Ghamari, 10001–10003
- Gill, 9924–9927
- Harris, 9999, 10003, 10015
- Hatfield, 9923, 9988–9990
- Hillier, 10053
- Hunter, 9981, 9983–9984, 10417
- Ke, 10006
- Khanjin, 10008–10011
- Martin, 9923
- Martow, 9899
- Miller, N., 9933, 9949
- Monteith-Farrell, 10008
- Parsa, 10005, 10013
- Piccini, 9937
- Sattler, 9997, 10000
- Schreiner, 9991, 10410
- Shaw, 10005–10006
- Singh, G., 9946–9947, 9949
- Skelly, 9926–9927, 9932, 9934, 9949–9950, 9986, 9993–9996
- Smith, D., 9983, 9986
- Stiles, 10415
- Tabuns, 9923–9924
- Taylor, 10416
- West, 9999, 10003, 10011, 10013–10014
- insurance. see under specific industry
- intentional misconduct
- organizations under closure order
- in other jurisdictions
- registered actions
- stakeholder consultation
- Armstrong, 10056
- Bisson, 10048–10049
- Downey, 9891, 9894, 10399
- Fife, 10050–10051
- Ghamari, 10001
- Hunter, 10417
- Schreiner, 10050
- West, 10054
- stakeholder response
- vicarious liability
- Downey, 10398–10399
- work-related transmission
- consultation process
Civil liability exemption - COVID-19
- application
- agriculture
- Downey, 9893
- business
- Crown liability
- health care workers
- long-term care. see also Long-term-care facilities—civil liability
- Armstrong, 8331, 10055, 10404–10405, 10450
- Arthur, 10457–10458
- Bisson, 9930–9931, 10048–10049
- Bourgouin, 10008
- Burch, 10801
- Collard, 9933
- Downey, 9839–9841, 9890–9891, 9903–9905
- Fife, 9986, 9991, 9995, 10051, 10411
- Fraser, 10412, 13512
- French, 8489, 9841
- Gates, 9898–9899, 10000, 10004–10006, 10414
- Gélinas, 10418
- Ghamari, 10003
- Gretzky, 10797, 11537
- Harden, 10413–10414
- Harris, 10007
- Hatfield, 9991
- Horwath, 8178–8179, 8258–8259, 9839–9841, 9903–9905, 10030, 10379, 13656–13658
- Hunter, 9981–9982
- Karpoche, 9923
- Park, 10379, 10450, 10458, 10677
- Sattler, 9997–10000, 10408, 10668
- Schreiner, 9991–9992, 10410
- Shaw, 10467
- Singh, G., 9940–9942, 9945–9948, 9950
- Singh, S., 10677
- Skelly, 9994
- Smith, D., 9986
- Tabuns, 9920–9923
- Taylor, 10416
- West, 10003, 10011, 10014
- municipalities
- nonprofits and charities
- retirement homes
- volunteers
- youth and amateur sport
- agriculture
- constitutionality of
- Tabuns, 9921
- as economic policy
- impact on court resources
- retroactive application
- application
Civil Remedies Grant Program
Class sizes
- average
- by board
- York Region District School Board
- Horwath, 4584
- York Region District School Board
- cap on
- in colleges and universities
- and COVID-19. see under Education - COVID-19
- in Florida (US)
- Coe, 4579
- general remarks
- in other provinces
- in primary grades
Class sizes - adjustment
- class stacking
- consultation process
- and equity
- Berns-McGown, 3642
- general remarks
- Bailey, 3628
- Bell, 3627
- Calandra, 7302–7303
- Fife, 3640, 5289
- Ford, 4160, 7426
- Fraser, 7034
- Gates, 4381
- Gretzky, 3684
- Hassan, 4365
- Horwath, 3659, 4253–4254, 4568, 4584, 6356, 7425–7426
- Kernaghan, 3670
- Lecce, 5738, 6508, 7426–7428
- Lindo, 4128, 9532
- Pang, 4599
- Shaw, 4588
- Singh, G., 4074, 4503
- Singh, S., 3558, 4578
- Stiles, 3628, 3759, 3887, 4572
- Taylor, 4066
- Thompson, 3711, 3760, 4128, 4229, 4254, 4569–4570
- Vanthof, 4583–4584
- West, 4360–4361
- Wynne, 3760, 7429
- impact on course offerings
- impact on employment
- impact on staff. see under Education reform
- impact on student outcomes
- public response
- and student well-being
- Wynne, 5310
- and vulnerable students
Clean technology industry.
see also Green economyClean Trains Now Act, 2021 (Bill 303)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 13996–13997
- first reading
Climate change
- anthropogenic
- Tabuns, 6459–6460
- and building code adaptation
- Nicholls, 4993
- communities vulnerable to
- Tabuns, 2031
- and equity
- Andrew, 4998
- Fridays for Future
- general remarks
- Arthur, 1045, 2497
- Bell, 221, 1642, 2826
- Berns-McGown, 5815
- Fraser, 2238
- French, 1566–1567
- Gates, 1757–1758, 2609–2610
- Gélinas, 552, 877
- Karpoche, 3555
- Kernaghan, 1855
- Phillips, 487, 1232
- Rasheed, 1791
- Sabawy, 1231–1232
- Sattler, 856
- Schreiner, 12393
- Singh, G., 2829, 3546–3547
- Stiles, 5001
- Tabuns, 203, 503, 5471–5472
- Taylor, 1568
- Vanthof, 3141
- Wynne, 1740
- The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate
- Unlocking the Inclusive Growth Story of the 21st Century: Accelerating Climate Action in Urgent Times (2018)
- Schreiner, 1763
- Unlocking the Inclusive Growth Story of the 21st Century: Accelerating Climate Action in Urgent Times (2018)
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- anthropogenic