Letter: M
- MacLeod, L. (PC, Nepean–Carleton)
- An Act to amend the Criminal Code, 2006 (Bill C-26), 1381
- Advertising
- ban on advertising of sexual images of children under 16 years of age, 4114
- Agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- Animal Health Act, 2009 (Bill 204)
- Appointment process, 480
- Appointments
- Anand, Raj (nomination as chair, Human Rights Legal Support Centre), 835–836
- Coyne, Deborah (Health Services Appeal and Review Board), 7667
- Curtis, Erica (North Simcoe Muskoka Local Health Integration Network), 942
- Graham, Barbara Lynn (Champlain Community Care Access Centre), 942
- Grossman-Ianni, Mina (Erie St. Clair Local Health Integration Network ), 942
- Lougheed, Joan (Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario board of directors), 942
- Lowe, Karen (Kincardine Police Services Board), 942
- Salamat, Gemma (Council of the College of Midwives of Ontario), 942
- Siddiquee, Yusra (Public Accountants Council for the Province of Ontario), 942
- Vinayagamoorthy, Sivam (Mississauga-Halton Community Care Access Centre), 480, 942
- Apprenticeship training
- ratio of tradespeople to apprentices, 7104–7105
- Apprenticeship training tax credit, 1368
- Autism services, 4190
- Awards
- Budget
- pre-budget consultations, 4190–4193
- Budget Measures Act, 2009 (Bill 162)
- Budget Measures and Interim Appropriation Act, 2008 (Bill 44)
- second reading, 782–786
- Budget Measures and Interim Appropriation Act, 2008 (No. 2) (Bill 114)
- Budget surplus
- Bullying
- Canada Elections Act, S.C. 2000, c.9, 3022
- Canadian Armed Forces, 6473
- Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, 6314
- Canadian Payday Loan Association, 2409
- Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)
- Ryan, Sid (president)
- comments re ban on Israeli professors from speaking, teaching or doing research work at Ontario universities, 4786
- Ryan, Sid (president)
- Centre Roberts/Smart Centre
- government funding, 6752
- Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Part 1, Constitution Act, 1982)
- section 15(1), 2088
- Child abuse, 6461
- Child abuse registry, 4114, 6461
- Child pornography
- reporting
- law enforcement, 451
- reporting
- Child protection, 450–451, 4112, 4927
- Child sexual abuse
- penalties, 451
- Children at risk, 4897–4898
- Children's fitness tax credit, 4191
- Children's Safety and Protection Rights Act, 2009 (Bill 130)
- Colleges Collective Bargaining Act, 2008 (Bill 90)
- Colleges of applied arts and technology (CAATs)
- Committee process
- Bill 218, 9129
- Committees
- Select Committee on the Economy, 6097
- Conflict of interest
- Grier, Jason (lobbyist), 8541
- Congratulatory remarks
- Forward, Brad (winner, National Driving Championship), 7037
- Conquest Vacations
- Consumer protection, 2358–2359
- electricity rates, 5121
- Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Payday Loans), 2007 (Bill 205), 1380
- Consumer reporting agencies
- Consumer Reporting Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 75)
- second reading
- public consultation, 2359
- second reading
- Consumer reports, 2358
- Corporate tax reduction, 3416
- Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act, 2008 (Bill 64)
- second reading, 2011
- Criminal Code of Canada
- section 293, 2208
- Debates re answers to oral questions
- Defendants
- detention of defendants, 4114
- Doctors
- Drug abuse
- Ottawa, 1209
- Drug abuse treatment programs, 337
- Ottawa, 1209–1210
- Economic conditions, 493–494, 2011, 3414–3416, 3609–3610, 4190–4191, 4927, 5162
- Economic decline, 782, 3414–3416, 6158
- Economic growth
- five-point economic plan, 3415
- Education Amendment Act (Keeping Our Kids Safe at School), 2009 (Bill 157)
- Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Electronic Sexual Material), 2009 (Bill 202)
- general discussion, 7896–7897
- eHealth Ontario
- Electricity rates
- Employment creation, 5427
- Employment insurance, 2796–2797
- Employment standards
- Employment Standards Amendment Act (Temporary Help Agencies), 2009 (Bill 139)
- Energy
- renewable energy projects
- cost increases for consumers, 6728
- renewable energy projects
- Family law
- reform, 4897–4898
- Family Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 133)
- second reading, 4897–4898
- Federal government
- Federal government record
- Liberal (1993-2006)
- Canada health and social transfer, 1030
- Liberal (1993-2006)
- French-language debates
- Déclarations des députés
- Heures de séance, 821
- Déclarations des députés
- Fundraising
- Dhadkan Group, 4331
- Government accountability, 9364–9365
- Government advertising
- Government debt, 5922–5923
- Government expenditures, 4526
- increase, 5919–5920
- Government notice of motions
- Government orders
- Government record
- Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009 (Bill 150)
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- reduction
- carbon tax, 2796
- reduction
- Harmonized sales tax, 5616–5617, 5913–5914, 5920–5921, 6515–6516, 7385, 7755–7756, 8552–8553, 8630, 8796–8798, 8854, 9155
- disclosure of documents re public meetings, 9035
- exemptions, 8642–8643
- impact on arts community, 9156–9157
- impact on condominium owners, 8915
- impact on doctors, 8666–8667
- impact on funeral services, 5882–5883
- impact on health care, 8839
- impact on investment industry, 7430
- impact on municipal government, 8838–8839
- impact on senior citizens, 8915
- impact on veterinary services, 8444, 8448
- public consultation, 8597–8598, 8679–8680, 8742–8744, 8940, 8947–8948, 8994
- Health care funding
- federal government funding, 1023
- Healthy Food for Healthy Schools Act, 2008 (Bill 8)
- second reading, 305–306
- Heart disease, 4331
- Heritage conservation
- Dickinson Square, 155
- Home energy audits, 5163
- Hospital funding
- government funding
- Ottawa, 9578
- government funding
- Hospitals
- Queensway Carleton Hospital, 9578
- Income tax
- income splitting between married or common-law couples, 2550–2552
- Increasing Access to Qualified Health Professionals for Ontarians Act, 2008 (Bill 97)
- Interim supply motions
- responded to, 155–156
- Interprovincial Policing Act, 2009 (Bill 203)
- Investing in Ontario Act, 2008 (Bill 35)
- Kindergarten
- full-day, 8935
- Labour mobility, 8810
- skilled trades, 7372
- Labour-sponsored investment funds, 1368
- Lake Simcoe Protection Act, 2008 (Bill 99)
- Layoffs
- Legislative procedure
- Legislative process
- Legislature schedule/agenda
- Libraries/schools
- Livestock
- disease prevention and control, 8448
- Long-term care, 350
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Manitoba
- payday loan industry regulation, 1384
- Manufacturing industry
- Members'/ministers' constituencies/constituency events
- Members'/ministers' constituents
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 4192, 4919, 4927
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- information regarding intended appointee, 731–732
- Members/ministers quoting committee submissions
- Members/ministers quoting documents
- Members/ministers quoting electronic mail messages
- Members/ministers quoting letters
- Members/ministers quoting magazine articles
- Canadian Travel Press, 6439
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Members/ministers quoting reports
- Special Report: Ontario's Electronic Health Records Initiative (Office of the Auditor General of Ontario), 8025
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Association of Canadian Search, Employment and Staffing Services, 5141
- Buzny, Wlodzimierz (grand knight, Knights of Columbus), 4919
- Canadian Federation of Independent Business, 8743
- Canadian Payday Loan Association, 1381
- Chivers, Doug (Oakville), 8852
- Coffrey, Charles S. (lawyer), 6462
- Coleman, Peter (president and CEO, National Citizens Coalition), 8743
- Collins, Thomas (archbishop, Toronto), 4920
- Cooke, Betty (Windsor), 8852
- Credit Union Central of Ontario, 1384–1385, 2407–2408
- Dalton, Warren (Scarborough–Rouge River), 8852
- Desroches, Steve (councillor, Gloucester-South Nepean), 1138
- Elman, Irwin (Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth), 6462
- Gallimore, Natalie (constituent, Ottawa), 2550
- Garchinski, Jim (spokesman, Public Sector Retiree Coalition), 8743
- Garner, Jack (Barrie), 9156
- Hallifax, Wulf (Mississauga), 9156
- Hannah, Scott (Credit Counselling Society), 1381
- Harder, Jan (councillor, Ottawa), 1138
- Harper, Stephen (Prime Minister of Canada), 2795
- Hindy, Aly Imam, 2214
- Hogben, Alia (executive director, Canadian Council of Muslim Women), 2088, 2214
- Holburn, Guy (Richard Ivey School of Business), 5340
- Horne, Les (Defence for Children International), 6462
- Keeping, Max (CTV news anchor), 6461
- Kelly, Doreen (Orillia), 8915
- Kennedy, Karyn (executive director, Boost), 6461
- Killens, Larry (Algoma–Manitoulin), 8852
- Landriault, Sara (president, National Family Childcare Association), 2551
- Leinweber, Paul A. (London), 8852
- Lynas, Art (Belleville), 8852
- Macdonald, John A. (Canada's first prime minister), 2798
- Marin, André (Ombudsman of Ontario), 6462
- Marzolini, Michael (chairman, Pollara), 1383
- McMillan, Christine (Chair, Council on Aging Network of Ontario), 8743–8744
- Mill, John Stuart (British philosopher and political theorist), 9156
- Ontario Association of Children Aid Societies, 6462
- Parrish, Carolyn (Mississauga city councillor), 810
- Post, Doris (Brant), 9156
- Priest, Doug (Haliburton–Kawartha Lakes–Brock), 9156
- Samuelson, Wayne (president, Ontario Federation of Labour), 5340
- Sinclair, William (Oakville), 9156
- Thompson, Clark and Jo-Ann (Timiskaming–Cochrane), 9156
- Weir, Gerry (president, Ontario Real Estate Association), 5163, 5340
- Wingle, James Matthew (bishop, St. Catharines), 4920
- Winson, Rick (Barrie), 8852
- Yip, Lisa (doctor), 2728
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Members' statements
- Child protection, 4112
- City of Ottawa, 1722
- CUPE resolution, 4786
- Czapnik, Eric, 9410
- Dhadkan Group, 4331
- Diagnostic services, 5003, 5237
- Employment, 1299
- Family friendly reforms, 123
- Forward, Brad, 7037
- Government appointments, 941–942
- Government spending, 4526
- Green, Hilliard, 729
- House sittings, 821
- Human rights, 982
- Legislative reform, 282
- Moodie, D. Aubrey, 2037
- Morris Newspaper Group, 4949
- Ontario economy, 493–494
- Polygamy, 2214
- Premier's petition, 2742–2743
- Public transit, 4686–4687
- Ross, Ken, 3278
- Sharma, Sunita and Neeta, 4389
- Small Business Week, 3379
- Taxation, 8947–8948
- Village on Manotick, 6143
- White, Tiffany, 8463
- Wind farms, 8152
- Minimum wage
- increase, 5232
- Ministerial responsibility, 7688
- Ministerial statements, responded to
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- Ontario cattle, hog and horticulture program, 8753
- Ministry of Government Services
- Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
- Municipal infrastructure
- National/independence/memorial days
- Pope John Paul II Day, 4919–4920
- Nepean
- history, 5919
- Nortel
- pension plans, 9339
- Nurse practitioners
- expansion of scope of practice, 8941
- Obituaries
- Dicks, Glen (advertising executive, Barrhaven Independent), 4949
- OC Transpo
- Ombudsman of Ontario
- power to investigate children's aid societies, school boards or hospitals, 4114
- One Step Travel
- Ontario budget speech (26 March 2009)
- Ontario College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act, 2009 (Bill 183)
- Ontario health premium
- exemption for Canadian Armed Forces personnel, 2798
- Ontario Labour Mobility Act, 2009 (Bill 175)
- Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)
- residential development in Manotick, 6143
- Ontario Securities Commission (OSC), 4191–4192
- Ontario Tax Plan for More Jobs and Growth Act, 2009 (Bill 218)
- Opposition day motions, presented
- Taxation, 8742–8744
- Opposition day motions, responded to
- Taxation, 6515–6516
- Oral questions, presented
- Agency spending, 7333
- Children's mental health services, 6752
- Diagnostic services, 5034–5035
- Drug treatment programs, 337, 1209–1210
- Electronic health information, 7268–7269, 7960–7961, 8025
- Employment standards, 6592–6593, 6600
- Government accountability, 9364–9365
- Government advertising, 2994–2995, 9266, 9405
- Government appointments, 480
- Government contracts, 7575, 8541
- Government record, 9213–9214
- Health care funding, 9578
- Human rights, 835–836
- Legislative reform, 1098–1099, 1162
- Ministerial responsibility, 7688
- Minister's record, 7873–7874
- Ministry spending, 4418, 4524
- Ontario economy, 1367–1368
- Polygamy, 2088, 2125–2126, 2208, 2240–2241
- Propane explosion, 2736
- Public transit, 4697–4698, 4946
- Public transportation, 4385, 4580
- Renewable energy and conservation, 5120–5121
- Sewage spill, 2200–2201
- Skills training, 524, 563
- Small business, 5232–5233, 5427
- Taxation, 5616–5617, 5882–5883, 7384, 7430, 8597, 8642–8643, 8679–8680, 8915, 8994, 9035
- Travel industry, 6269, 6335, 6439
- Water quality, 294–295
- Wildlife management, 3878–3879
- Organ donors, 5138
- Pamphlets
- Vote for Fairness Ontario, 2994–2995
- Payday loan industry
- Payday loans
- Payday Loans Act, 2008 (Bill 48)
- Pension Benefits Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 236)
- second reading, 9339
- Petitions
- Police services
- cross-border policing, 7888
- Polygamy, 2125–2126, 2208, 2240–2241
- Private members' public business
- Afghan family law
- responded to, 6473–6474
- Child Pornography Reporting Act, 2008 (Bill 37)
- second reading, 450–451
- Children's Safety and Protection Rights Act, 2009 (Bill 130)
- Consumer Reporting Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 75)
- second reading, 2358–2359
- Curriculum
- responded to, 4927–4928
- Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Electronic Sexual Material), 2009 (Bill 202)
- second reading, 7742–7743
- Fairness for Families Act, 2008 (Bill 88)
- second reading, 2550–2551
- Pope John Paul II Day Act, 2009 (Bill 25)
- second reading, 4919–4920
- Strandherd-Armstrong bridge
- Taxation
- responded to, 7755–7756
- Afghan family law
- Propane explosions
- Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth
- Public accounts, 7575
- Public education campaigns
- Public Sector Expenses Review Act, 2009 (Bill 201)
- Regulated Health Professions Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 141)
- third reading
- section 24, 8939
- third reading
- Regulated Health Professions Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 179)
- third reading, 8939–8940
- Remembrance Day, 3842
- Reports
- Road Safety Act, 2009 (Bill 126)
- School construction
- Riverside South Catholic school, 156
- School safety
- reporting of violent incidents, 4114
- School science strategy, 4927
- Science/technology, 4927
- Sewage spills
- Small business, 5427
- Ross, Ken case, 5427
- Speaker's rulings/statements quoted
- Speaker Fraser (House of Commons), 8677
- Standing Orders
- Strikes
- Amalgamated Transit Union Local 279, 4580
- Student Achievement and School Board Governance Act, 2009 (Bill 177)
- Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA), 7041, 8095
- Technical Standards and Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 187)
- second reading, 8095
- Temporary help agencies, 6367
- regulation, 6365–6366
- Temporary help agency employees
- continuance of employment, 6363
- Throne speech debate
- Tibet
- anti-Chinese protests, 982
- Time allocation motions
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- strike, 4580
- Toxics Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 167)
- second reading, 6314
- Transit systems
- government funding
- Ottawa, 4946
- government funding
- Transportation infrastructure
- Transportation master plan
- Ottawa, 4385
- Travel Industry Council of Ontario (TICO), 6269, 6439
- Tributes
- Unemployment, 1368, 5232
- Unemployment rate, 494, 785
- United States
- Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), 7742
- Universities/colleges
- York University
- strike, 4705
- York University
- Water quality
- schools, 294–295
- Websites
- www.bullyingcanada.ca, 6460
- Wildlife management
- coyotes, 3878–3879
- Workers
- job retraining
- government funding, 783
- job retraining
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 119)
- York University Labour Disputes Resolution Act, 2009 (Bill 145)
- second reading, 4705
- Mangat, A. (LIB, Mississauga–Brampton South)
- ABC CANADA Literacy Foundation
- Family Literacy Day, 9371
- Adoption
- international
- bankruptcy of Imagine Adoption, 7827
- international
- Anniversaries
- Coral Place 15th anniversary, 2839
- Automobile parts industry, 5848
- Awards
- Diversity Works awards (Peel Career Assessment Services), 4390–4391
- Birthdays
- McCallion, Hazel (mayor, Mississauga), 5005
- Bridges
- Confederation Parkway Bridge, 3241–3242
- Budget Measures Act, 2009 (Bill 162)
- second reading, 6030
- Child poverty, 5206
- Children's services
- Child Development Resource Connection Peel, 7923
- Colleges of applied arts and technology (CAATs)
- Condolences
- Morden, Gary (chief, Mississauga Fire Services), 3645
- Condominium corporations
- reserve funds
- requirements for adequate funding, 9582–9583
- reserve funds
- Corporate tax exemptions
- Ontario tax exemption for commercialization (OTEC)
- eligibility for refund, 3030–3031
- Ontario tax exemption for commercialization (OTEC)
- Diabetes, 3934–3935, 3940
- Diabetes Awareness Month Act, 2008 (Bill 113)
- first reading, 3445
- Doctors
- international medical graduates (IMGs)
- removing barriers, 2726
- international medical graduates (IMGs)
- Early childhood education
- full-day learning for four- and five-year-old children, 123
- Economic conditions, 5848
- Education funding
- Employment insurance
- resources for training for unemployed workers in manufacturing sector, 5848
- Employment insurance benefits
- Energy
- renewable energy, 5050
- Epilepsy Peel Region, 5431
- Farmers' markets
- Square One Farmers' Market, 1559
- Full Day Early Learning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 242)
- second reading, 9525
- Government notice of motions
- Legislative reform
- responded to, 1451
- Legislative reform
- Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009 (Bill 150)
- second reading, 5050
- Green industry, 5050
- Harmonized sales tax
- impact on business, 8409
- Holidays
- Family Day, 53
- Ideas for the Future Act, 2008 (Bill 100)
- second reading, 3030–3031
- Increasing Access to Qualified Health Professionals for Ontarians Act, 2008 (Bill 97)
- second reading, 2726
- Kindergarten
- full-day, 9525
- Legislative process
- family friendly reforms, 1451
- Members'/ministers' constituencies/constituency events
- Mississauga–Brampton South
- Steppin' Out for the Arts, 5387
- Mississauga–Brampton South
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 673–674
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 673
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- wearing of pins/ribbons/buttons, 3930
- Members/ministers quoting news media
- Canadian Press (CP), 1451
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Members' statements
- Child Development Resource Connection Peel, 7923
- Confederation Parkway Bridge, 3241–3242
- Coral Place, 2839
- Diversity Works awards, 4390–4391
- Education funding, 123, 1503
- Epilepsy Peel Region, 5431
- Family Literacy Day, 9371
- International Credit Union Day, 8264
- International trade, 9223
- Manufacturing jobs, 2676–2677
- McCallion, Hazel, 5005
- Member's family, 1615
- Morden, Gary, 3645
- Poverty, 1091
- Punjabi music, 2353
- Ryan, Susan, 4028–4029
- Sheridan College, 7198–7199
- Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, 729–730
- Small business, 8112
- Square One Farmers' Market, 1559
- Steppin' Out for the Arts, 5387
- Terrorist attacks, 4293
- Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
- skills to jobs action plan, 730
- Missing persons
- with dementia
- Silver Alert program, 8521
- with dementia
- New Hermes Limited/New Hermes Limitée Act, 2009 (Bill Pr24)
- first reading, 6996
- Ontario budget speech (25 March 2008)
- responded to, 673–674
- Oral questions, presented
- Petitions
- Pharmaceutical industry, 526–527
- Poverty Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 152)
- second reading, 5206
- Poverty reduction strategy, 1091
- Private members' public business
- Public education campaigns
- Research and innovation, 3489
- Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008 (Bill 77)
- second reading, 2065
- 6N Silicon Inc., 3030, 3489
- Teacher-student ratios, 1503
- Terrorist attacks
- Mumbai, India, 4293
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 447
- Trade missions
- India, 9223
- Tributes
- 2Source Manufacturing Inc.
- government loan, 2676–2677
- Unemployment, 5848
- ABC CANADA Literacy Foundation
- Marchese, R. (NDP, Trinity–Spadina)
- Aboriginal communities
- illegal sale of tobacco products, 1481
- Aboriginal land claims
- Caledonia, 1480–1482
- Aboriginal youth
- education, 2041
- Accommodation review committee (ARC), 3829
- Advanced Coronary Treatment Foundation
- government funding, 2909
- Advertising
- ban on advertising of food or drink for children under 13 years of age, 760
- Aftermarket brake pads
- ban on use of asbestos, 7254–7255
- Agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- Agreement on Internal Trade, 8931
- Algoma University Act, 2008 (Bill 80)
- third reading, 2154–2155
- American sign language (ASL), 2833
- Animal Health Act, 2009 (Bill 204)
- Anniversaries
- Chopin, Fryderyk's birth 200th anniversary, 9583–9584
- Appreciation
- teachers, 3099
- Apprenticeship training
- Apprenticeship training programs, 2476, 2853, 7115, 7126
- Apprenticeship training tax credit, 7110–7111
- Arts and culture
- federal government funding
- reduction, 2743
- federal government funding
- Asbestos, 7254
- Automated external defibrillators (AED), 2909
- Automobile insurance
- public, 6131
- Automobile insurance rates/premiums
- young drivers, 6132
- Awards
- Premier's Award for Teaching Excellence, 988
- Blind/visually-impaired persons
- access to books in suitable formats, 9568–9569
- Books
- The Secret History of the War on Cancer (Devra Davis), 6202–6203
- Bottled water, 3945–3946
- prohibition on sale, 3945
- Budget
- pre-budget consultations, 4187
- Budget deficit, 3629–3930
- Budget Measures Act, 2009 (Bill 162)
- Budget Measures and Interim Appropriation Act, 2008 (Bill 44)
- Budget Measures and Interim Appropriation Act, 2008 (No. 2) (Bill 114)
- second reading, 3629–3633
- Budget surplus
- transfer of funds to municipalities for infrastructure projects, 919
- Bullying
- Buy Ontario policy, 3403
- Cable/satellite providers
- requirement to broadcast legislative proceedings of the province or territory, 3253–3254
- Call centres, 7108, 7117
- Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB), 9568
- Cemeteries
- Child and Family Services Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 103)
- third reading, 4874–4880
- Child care, 542–543
- Child care centres
- for-profit sector, 543
- Children
- immigrant children
- access to education, 2604–2605
- immigrant children
- Colleges Collective Bargaining Act, 2008 (Bill 90)
- Colleges Collective Bargaining Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 68)
- first reading, 1461–1462
- Colleges of applied arts and technology (CAATs)
- Committee process
- Bill 183, 7846
- Committee schedules/agendas, 4187
- Committees
- Community health centres (CHCs), 4038
- Compensation
- Condominium corporations, 7256
- Condominium owners, 7039
- Condominium Owners Protection Act, 2009 (Bill 186)
- Condominium Review Board, 7257
- appointment of review officers, 7261
- Construction workers, 3718
- Consumer protection
- Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Advertising Food or Drink), 2008 (Bill 53)
- Coroner inquests
- power of Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services to hold inquest repealed, 4569–4571
- Coroners Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 115)
- Corporate tax reduction, 5864, 5905, 6099, 8799–8800
- Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act, 2008 (Bill 64)
- Cosmetic surgery
- regulation, 4812
- Court cases/actions
- Chen, David (store owner charged with kidnapping for apprehending thief), 8302–8303
- Curriculum
- Dairy Farmers of Ontario
- elementary school milk program, 3246
- Day Nurseries Amendment Act (Not for Profit Corporations), 2008 (Bill 26)
- general discussion, 632–633
- Diabetes, 5290–5291
- prevention, 4038–4040
- Discrimination, 6001
- Disease prevention, 5291–5292
- Doctor shortage, 4037–4038
- Doctors
- Driver education/training
- fraudulent driver education certificates sold, 6131
- Economic conditions, 3402, 3485, 3560, 3631, 5143–5144
- Economic decline
- 1990-1992
- government response, 2868–2869
- 1990-1992
- Economic growth
- five-point economic plan, 3401–3402
- Economic policy, 3632–3633
- Education, 4825
- streaming process, 8136
- Education Amendment Act (Keeping Our Kids Safe at School), 2009 (Bill 157)
- Education Amendment Act (Pupils with Diabetes), 2009 (Bill 137)
- second reading
- public consultation, 5291–5292
- second reading
- Education funding
- Education funding reform, 2255
- Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO)
- Educational assistants
- reduction, 5426
- eHealth Ontario
- consultants, 7616
- Election Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 231)
- Elections/by-elections
- Electoral constituencies
- renaming of Chatham–Kent–Essex to Chatham–Kent–Leamington, 3555
- Electoral process reform
- students vote in home riding or riding in which they attend school, 9680
- Electricity rates, 5153
- industrial rates, 3403
- Elementary school teachers, 3323
- Employers
- requirement to contribute 1% of payroll amount to workforce training, 3258–3259
- Employment creation
- transmission and distribution projects, 5031
- Employment insurance benefits
- Ontario workers, 5852–5853
- Employment Protection for Foreign Nationals Act (Live-In Caregivers and Others), 2009 (Bill 210)
- second reading, 8532–8536
- Employment-related benefits
- organ donor leave, 5452
- Employment Standards Amendment Act (Organ Donor Leave), 2009 (Bill 154)
- second reading, 5452
- Employment Standards Amendment Act (Temporary Help Agencies), 2009 (Bill 139)
- Energy
- Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 (Bill 235)
- Environmental assessment process, 4315
- Don Cousens Parkway, 4315–4316
- Farmers
- tobacco farmers
- government funding, 6205
- tobacco farmers
- Federal government
- senate reform
- elected senate, 8510–8512
- senate reform
- Foreign caregivers
- protection, 8533–8536
- French-language debates
- Full Day Early Learning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 242)
- second reading, 9512–9523
- Germany
- use of wind power, 2847
- Good Government Act, 2009 (Bill 212)
- Government expenditures
- decline, 921
- Government orders
- Government record
- Government role, 3265
- Green economy, 5155
- Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009 (Bill 150)
- Harmonized sales tax, 5452, 5802–5803, 5869–5873, 5905, 5913, 5921, 6100–6102, 6114, 6122, 8936, 9022, 9075
- Health care, 542
- Health regulatory colleges
- Healthy Food for Healthy Schools Act, 2008 (Bill 8)
- Heart disease, 2909
- Highway tolls, 2870–2871
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Speed-limiting Systems), 2008 (Bill 41)
- third reading, 2593–2594
- Holiday messages, 9411–9412
- Home economics, 5291
- Hospital beds
- long-term-care beds, 4120
- Housing
- Increasing Access to Qualified Health Professionals for Ontarians Act, 2008 (Bill 97)
- third reading, 4037–4040
- Ireland
- apprenticeship training programs, 7111
- Kindergarten, 100
- Labour mobility, 6563, 8662, 8936, 8939–8932, 8948
- Lactose intolerance, 3246–3247
- Lake Simcoe
- resort development, 2709
- Lake Simcoe Protection Act, 2008 (Bill 99)
- Language instruction
- Layoffs, 3401–3402
- Legislative procedure
- Legislative proceedings
- televised
- Ontario Parliament Network, 3253
- televised
- Legislative process
- Livestock
- Long-term-care facilities
- Manitoba
- manufacturing investment tax credit, 917–918
- Medical transplants
- organ and tissue donation
- presumed consent, 5452
- organ and tissue donation
- Members'/ministers' pension plans, 6098
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 4120–4121, 4303–4304, 6202, 7254, 8518
- Members/ministers quoting committee submissions
- Members/ministers quoting documents
- Members/ministers quoting letters
- John Howard Society, 3014
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Members/ministers quoting reports
- Environmental Assessment: A Vision Lost, 4315–4316
- Equitable Education? The Cost of Extracurriculars in Ontario's Schools (Jonathan Scott, director of policy, Ontario Student Trustees' Association), 7834
- Office of the Auditor General of Ontario Annual Report (2007), 6131
- Office of the Auditor General of Ontario Annual Report (2008), 7108–7110
- Ontario University Faculty Sound Warning Over Declining Quality (Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations), 5512
- With Our Best Future in Mind: Report to the Premier by the Special Advisor on Early Learning (Charles Pascal), 9220–9521
- A Review of the Colleges Collective Bargaining Act (Kevin Whitaker), 1248
- Review of the Roots of Youth Violence (Roy McMurtry, Alvin Curling), 6001
- The Road to Health: A Final Report on School Safety (School Community Safety Advisory Panel), 5541–5542
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Bischoff, Angela (Ontario Clean Air Alliance), 5157
- Brooks, Chris (senior adviser of road safety, Australian Transport Safety Bureau), 2594
- Cagney, Andrew (constituent, Toronto), 5157
- Colour of Poverty Campaign, 7079
- Corrado, Raymond (Centre for Restorative Justice, Simon Fraser University), 3015
- Genest, Paul (president, Council of Ontario Universities), 988
- Kaegh, Gwendolyn (constituent, Markham), 5157
- Lurie, Steve (executive director, Canadian Mental Health Association), 4493
- Magwood, Gary (constituent, Belleville), 5156
- Miller, Cameron (constituent, Toronto), 5157
- Milligan, John (mayor, Adelaide Metcalfe), 3829
- Ontario Cattlemen's Association, 7995
- Ontario Public School Boards' Association, 6944–6945, 7365–7367
- parents, school fundraising, re, 221
- Rostgaard, Tine (senior researcher, Danish National Centre for Social Research), 4121
- Thomas, Warren (president, Ontario Public Service Employees Union), 2508
- Tory, John (leader, PC Party), 5870
- Toxics Reduction Scientific Expert Panel, 6303
- Wingfield, Mark, 5157
- Members/ministers quoting websites
- Ontario Black History Society, 8135
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Members' statements
- Arts and cultural funding, 2743
- Catholic school trustees, 2095
- Chinese New Year, 9411–9412
- Chopin, Fryderyk, 9583–9584
- Community colleges, 8652
- Community colleges collective bargaining, 1460, 2530
- Condominium association, 6557–6558
- Electric trains, 8263
- Global Education Initiative, 3001
- Government record, 9222–9223
- Labour mobility, 8948
- Ontario budget, 516
- Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations, 886, 5580
- School extracurricular activities, 7834
- School pools, 5430
- Student achievement, 6947
- Taxation, 7436
- Teachers, 4825
- University labour dispute, 4426
- Youth violence, 3967
- Mental health care, 4492–4493
- reform, 4492–4493
- Midwives, 4038
- Milk, 3246–3247
- Minimum wage, 5143
- increase, 918–919
- Ministerial statements, responded to
- Algoma University College, 2041
- Community colleges collective bargaining, 2451–2452
- Education Week, 1414
- Franco-Ontarian flag, 2843
- Full-day kindergarten, 8314, 9328
- Healthy schools, 70–71, 2909, 3692
- Labour mobility, 6563–6564
- Portuguese Canadian community, 2451
- Premier's Awards for Teaching Excellence, 988
- School boards, 6650
- School safety, 4658–4659
- Skilled trades, 6813–6814
- Student achievement, 46, 6001–6002
- Student assistance, 944–945
- Student safety, 5475
- Teachers, 7779
- University funding, 988
- World Teachers' Day, 3099
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Education/Ministry of Health Promotion
- healthy schools recognition program, 3692
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- assistive devices program, 3951
- Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
- Missing persons
- with dementia
- Silver Alert program, 8518–8519
- with dementia
- Motor scooters
- regulation, 6132
- Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c. 25
- amended by Bill 212, 8394
- Municipal government
- governance, 5298–5299
- Municipal infrastructure
- government funding, 100
- National/independence/memorial days
- Black History Month, 8135–8137
- Nurse practitioners, 4038
- Nurses, 4038
- school nurses, 5291
- Office of the Chief Veterinarian
- authority, 7994–7995
- Ontario budget speech (25 March 2008)
- responded to, 595
- Ontario budget speech (26 March 2009)
- Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association, 2095
- Ontario College of Trades, 6813–6814, 7106–7107, 7848–7849, 8123, 8203, 8243–8244
- Ontario College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act, 2009 (Bill 183)
- Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations, 886
- Ontario Labour Mobility Act, 2009 (Bill 175)
- Ontario-Quebec agreements
- Ontario-Quebec Trade and Cooperation Agreement, 8930
- Ontario Tax Plan for More Jobs and Growth Act, 2009 (Bill 218)
- Opposition day motions, responded to
- Oral questions, presented
- Access to education, 2604–2605
- Apprenticeship training, 1473
- Community colleges collective bargaining, 235–236, 1248–1249, 4944–4945
- Conflict of interest, 7575–7576
- Education, 5883, 5991
- Education funding, 994–995, 2640–2641, 6190
- Elementary teachers, 3323
- Executive compensation, 4056–4057
- Green power generation, 5030–5031
- Health care, 3091
- Law enforcement, 8302–8303
- Post-secondary education, 501, 3485, 3874, 4902–4903, 8108
- Private career colleges, 7429, 9545
- Public transit, 6270
- School boards, 651
- School closures, 1163, 1366–1367, 2124, 3829
- School facilities, 7385
- School pools, 1058, 1105, 1572–1573
- School support staff, 5426
- Sign language in schools, 2833
- Skills training, 7475, 7520, 7727–7728, 8027, 8864–8865
- Special education, 9365
- Special-needs students, 7269
- Student achievement, 1569, 6886–6887, 6944–6945, 7035–7036, 7079, 7193–7194
- Student grants, 6491
- Taxation, 8733–8734, 9075
- Teachers' collective agreement, 4620
- Tuition, 610–611, 5950–5951, 6390, 8558
- University and college funding, 2670, 5125, 5512
- University labour disputes, 4382, 4651–4652
- Payday loans
- Payday Loans Act, 2008 (Bill 48)
- Pension benefits guarantee fund, 6098
- Pension plans
- Pesticides/herbicides
- Petitions
- Car culture, 2034
- Child safety, 6999–7000
- Community colleges collective bargaining, 1373, 1891, 2035
- Environmental protection, 1255–1256
- Harbord Collegiate, 2526
- Home care, 571
- Non-profit housing, 618
- Poverty, 4115
- Reconstructive surgery, 9228
- School pools, 1575
- Taxation, 7841–7842
- Tuition, 3498, 7092
- University labour dispute, 4659
- Physical education, 221–222
- Physical education teachers, 1414, 3692, 4039, 5291
- hiring, 2909
- Police officers
- Political contributions, 5299
- Politicians, 5299
- Post-secondary education, 3874
- Poverty, 3692, 4039–4040
- Poverty reduction strategy
- student nutrition program, 3246
- Private career colleges
- Private health clinics, 3091
- Private members' public business
- Accessibility for the disabled
- responded to, 9568–9569
- Anti-bullying initiatives
- responded to, 9387–9388
- Apprenticeship training
- responded to, 2852–2854
- Black History Month Act, 2009 (Bill 207)
- second reading, 8135–8137
- Condominium Owners Protection Act, 2009 (Bill 186)
- Cultural diversity
- responded to, 7060–7061
- Day Nurseries Amendment Act (Not for Profit Corporations), 2008 (Bill 26)
- second reading, 542–543
- Diabetes Awareness Month Act, 2008 (Bill 113)
- second reading, 3939
- Education Amendment Act (Pupils with Diabetes), 2009 (Bill 137)
- second reading, 5290–5292
- Electricity Amendment Act (Protection Against Security Deposits), 2009 (Bill 228)
- second reading, 9247
- Employment insurance
- responded to, 5851–5853
- Environmental Assessment Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 123)
- second reading, 4315–4316
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Amendment Act (Institutions), 2009 (Bill 227)
- second reading, 9232–9233
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Aftermarket Brake Pad Standards), 2009 (Bill 181)
- second reading, 7254
- Inactive Cemeteries Protection Act, 2009 (Bill 149)
- second reading, 5483–5484
- Lake Superior Day
- responded to, 4310
- Legislative channel
- responded to, 3253–3254
- Long-term care
- responded to, 4120–4122
- Mental health and addiction services
- responded to, 4492–4493
- Milk in schools
- responded to, 3246–3247
- Missing persons alert
- responded to, 8517–8519
- Municipalities
- responded to, 5298–5300
- Northern York Region Power Conservation Act, 2008 (Bill 79)
- second reading, 2847
- Ontario College of Trades
- responded to, 8122–8124
- Pension plans
- responded to, 7247
- Registered Retirement Savings Protection Act, 2010 (Bill 96)
- second reading, 3559–3560
- Representation Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 104)
- second reading, 3555
- Senators' Selection Act, 2009 (Bill 67)
- second reading, 8510–8512
- Seniors' Ombudsman Act, 2008 (Bill 102)
- second reading, 3549–3550
- Single-Use Bottled Water Ban Act, 2008 (Bill 112)
- second reading, 3945–3946
- Skills training
- Smoke-Free Ontario Amendment Act (Cigarillos), 2008 (Bill 124)
- second reading, 4303–4304
- Taxation Amendment Act (Equipment Purchased for Persons with Disabilities), 2008 (Bill 109)
- second reading, 3950–3951
- Towing Industry Act, 2008 (Bill 87)
- second reading, 2860–2861
- Truscott, Steven
- responded to, 1991
- Zero Waste Day Act, 2010 (Bill 247)
- second reading, 9564
- Accessibility for the disabled
- Private schools
- Pretty River Academy (Collingwood)
- government funding for new playing field, 7385
- Pretty River Academy (Collingwood)
- Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth, 4874–4875, 4878
- Provincial safety and equity officer, 6001–6002
- Public education campaigns
- Public housing
- government funding, 632
- Public libraries
- government funding, 9568–9569
- Public Sector Expenses Review Act, 2009 (Bill 201)
- Quebec
- Racial profiling, 8136
- Registered retirement savings plans
- protection from creditors, 3559–3560
- Regulated health profession colleges
- power to directly observe regulated health professionals, 4812
- Regulated Health Professions Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 141)
- second reading, 4812
- Reports
- Inquiry Into Pediatric Forensic Pathology in Ontario (Stephen Goudge), 4569–4570
- Ontario University Faculty Sound Warning Over Declining Quality (Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations), 5512, 5580
- A Review of the Colleges Collective Bargaining Act (Kevin Whitaker), 2478
- Review of the Roots of Youth Violence (Roy McMurtry, Alvin Curling), 3967
- The Road to Health: A Final Report on School Safety (School Community Safety Advisory Panel), 5475, 5540–5541, 5543–5544, 6001
- Shaping a Culture of Respect in our Schools: Promoting Safe and Healthy Relationships (Report on Gender-based Violence, Homophobia, Sexual Harassment and Inappropriate Sexual Behaviour in Schools), 4658, 6964–6965
- Road Safety Act, 2009 (Bill 126)
- third reading, 6130–6133
- Scandinavia
- quality of life, 917
- School board budgets
- budget deficits, 2256–2257
- School board trustees, 6650–6651
- School boards
- School cafeterias
- School closures, 1163, 1366–1367, 2124, 3692
- School fundraising, 221, 6650
- School principals, 4658
- School safety, 5475
- School vending machines
- Schools
- Senior citizens, 4121
- Shingwauk Education Trust, 2154
- Skilled trades, 7106
- Smoke-Free Ontario Amendment Act (Cigarillos), 2008 (Bill 124)
- second reading
- public consultation, 4304
- second reading
- Smoking, 1480, 4303–4304
- Special education, 1414, 6001
- Special-needs students, 6650
- Speed limiters
- Strikes
- University of Windsor faculty members, 2670
- Student achievement, 6650, 7361
- Student Achievement and School Board Governance Act, 2009 (Bill 177)
- Student debt, 944–945, 2920–2921, 3485
- Student enrolment
- decline, 2124
- Student evaluation
- standardized, 46
- Student grants
- Student user fees, 501, 611
- Students
- extracurricular activities, 7834
- Supply Act, 2008 (Bill 45)
- second reading, 631–633
- Swimming pools
- closure, 5430
- Tarion Warranty Corporation
- Tax credits
- Teacher collective agreements
- Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario, 4620
- Teacher collective bargaining
- Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario, 3323
- Teacher-librarians
- reduction, 5426
- Teacher-student ratios, 9519–9520
- Teachers, 4658, 5291
- English as a second language teachers, 1414
- Technical safety standards
- regulation, 8095
- Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA), 8090–8091
- appointment of directors, 8093–8094
- Technical Standards and Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 187)
- second reading, 8090–8096
- Temporary help agency employees, 5142–5145
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 98–102
- Time allocation motions
- Tobacco Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act, 2009 (Bill 155)
- Tobacco products
- Tobacco products manufacturers
- recovery of tobacco-related health care costs from manufacturers, 6202–6203
- Toronto District School Board
- Toronto District School Board-Future Shop agreements
- use of Future Shop colours in computer lab, 6190
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- purchase of streetcars from Bombardier
- government funding, 6270
- purchase of streetcars from Bombardier
- Towing industry
- regulation, 2860–2861
- Toxic substances
- Toxics Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 167)
- second reading, 6299–6305
- Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA), 8929–8930
- Training for Workers Act, 2008 (Bill 107)
- first reading, 3096
- Training programs, 3403–3404
- Transit systems
- Tributes
- Snow, James (former Minister of Transportation and Communications), 6282
- Truck drivers
- driving speed, 2594
- Trucks
- speed limit capped at 105 km. per hour, 2594
- Tuition fees, 98–99, 632, 2920, 3485
- United States
- Universities/colleges
- University presidents
- salaries/benefits, 4056–4057
- Voters/voting
- voter turnout, 5298–5299
- Waste
- nuclear/radioactive waste, 6728
- Waste management/programs
- recycling
- water bottles, 3945–3946
- recycling
- Workers
- Workforce skills development and recognition fund, 3096, 3258–3259
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 119)
- second reading, 3718
- Young offenders
- rehabilitation, 3014–3015
- Youth crime
- prevention, 4875–4880
- Youth justice system
- reform, 4876
- Youth/students
- political involvement, 6130–6131
- Youth violence, 3967, 5475
- Aboriginal communities
- Martiniuk, G. (PC, Cambridge)
- Agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- expenditures
- accountability, 7601–7602
- expenditures
- Anniversaries
- Stroke Recovery Association, Cambridge District 30th anniversary, 7835
- Automobile industry
- General Motors of Canada Ltd.
- pension plan, 7203
- General Motors of Canada Ltd.
- Blind Persons' Rights Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 70)
- first reading, 1724
- Budget
- early disclosure of budget documents, 921–922
- Budget deficit, 3476
- Budget Measures and Interim Appropriation Act, 2008 (Bill 44)
- Cancer drugs
- Avastin, 8920–8921
- Capital tax, 3476
- Christopher's Statute Law Amendment Act (Sex Offender Registry and Electronic Sexual Material), 2008 (Bill 128)
- first reading, 4065–4066
- Clubs
- Rotary International, 9322–9323
- Debates re answers to oral questions
- Diabetes, 8547
- type 1 diabetes, 5289–5290
- Doctors
- patient-to-doctor ratio, 160
- Dollar
- Canadian, 3474
- Economic decline, 2987
- Education Amendment Act (Pupils with Diabetes), 2009 (Bill 137)
- Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Electronic Sexual Material), 2009 (Bill 202)
- first reading, 7393
- Employment creation
- by government, 3476
- Employment-related benefits
- organ donor leave, 5221–5222
- Employment Standards Amendment Act (Organ Donor Leave), 2009 (Bill 154)
- second reading, 5221–5222
- Food banks
- Cambridge Self-Help Food Bank, 7696
- Full Day Early Learning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 242)
- second reading, 9525–9526
- Government accountability, 7609–7610, 7715
- Government debt, 3475–3476
- Government expenditures, 3475–3476
- Government orders
- Ontario economy
- responded to, 3474–3476
- Ontario economy
- Government record
- Liberal (2003-2010)
- hospitals, 921–922
- Liberal (2003-2010)
- Government revenue, 2609, 3475–3476
- Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009 (Bill 150)
- Harmonized sales tax, 7202
- Hospital beds
- Hospital expansion
- Cambridge Memorial Hospital, 6143–6144
- Hospital funding
- Hospital redevelopment
- Hospital services
- emergency
- reduction in Niagara region, 9363
- emergency
- Hospitals
- Cambridge Memorial Hospital
- downsizing to urgent care centre, 5382
- Cambridge Memorial Hospital
- Housing construction, 3476
- Ideas for the Future Act, 2008 (Bill 100)
- second reading, 2986–2987
- Income disparity, 3475
- Kindergarten
- full-day
- site selection process, 9525–9526
- full-day
- Legislative procedure
- members/ministers must be in own seats for recorded vote, 8944
- Libraries/schools
- Long-term-care facilities
- Long-term-care workers
- abuse, 3002
- Manufacturing industry
- layoffs, 3474–3475
- Members'/ministers' constituencies/constituency events
- Members/ministers quoting letters
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Members' statements
- Canada Day parade, 7150
- Diabetes, 8547
- Food banks, 7696
- Hospital funding, 6143–6144
- Long-term care, 3002
- Ontario budget, 5622–5623
- Portuguese Canadian community, 7527
- Remembrance Day, 8353
- Rotary clubs, 9322–9323
- Salvation Army, 8652
- Seniors' Education Day, 6995
- Stroke Recovery Association, 7835
- Television industry, 8263–8264
- Military reservists
- job-protected leave, 13
- Ministerial statements, responded to
- Seniors' Month, 7202–7203
- Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
- Next Generation of Jobs Fund, 3476
- Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
- second career strategy, 3475
- National/independence/memorial days
- Holodomor Memorial Day, 5307
- Ontario College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act, 2009 (Bill 183)
- second reading, 7212
- Opposition day motions, responded to
- Oral questions, presented
- Patient-to-Doctor Ratio Act, 2007 (Bill 13)
- first reading, 160
- Persons with disabilities
- right to access places with guide dogs, 1724
- Petitions
- Cambridge courthouse, 3283, 4299
- Diabetes treatment, 4255, 4434–4436, 4634–4635, 5196–5197, 5245, 5435
- Gasoline prices, 1721, 1926, 3780, 3885
- Hospital funding, 5629, 6003, 6198, 6200, 6398, 6607, 7001, 7210, 7881, 8359–8360, 8469
- Lord's Prayer, 426, 773, 1108, 1314–1315, 1892, 1927–1929
- Military families, 82–84
- Protection of minors, 5195–5196, 5244, 5433–5434, 5631, 6004, 6199–6200
- Reconstructive surgery, 9005
- Sexual reassignment surgery, 3284
- Stroke survivors, 2573–2574, 3142
- Stroke therapy, 3000, 3189
- Taxation, 6815, 7240, 7529, 7701, 7737–7738, 7842, 7880, 8078, 8269–8270, 8358, 8659, 8792–8793
- Poverty Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 152)
- Private members' public business
- Automobile insurance
- responded to, 7545
- Education Amendment Act (Pupils with Diabetes), 2009 (Bill 137)
- Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Electronic Sexual Material), 2009 (Bill 202)
- Holodomor Memorial Day Act, 2009 (Bill 147)
- second reading, 5307
- Tobacco Tax Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 199)
- second reading, 7549–7550
- Automobile insurance
- Public education campaigns
- Public Sector Expenses Review Act, 2009 (Bill 201)
- Pupils with diabetes
- Regulations, 3476
- Remembrance Day, 8353
- Salvation Army
- Christmas kettle campaign, 8652
- Senior citizens, 7202–7203
- Sex offender registry, 4066
- Television stations
- local
- closure, 8263–8264
- local
- Tobacco Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act, 2009 (Bill 155)
- Tobacco products
- Tobacco tax
- reduction, 7549–7550
- Toxic substances
- reduction plan
- definition of toxic substance, 7164
- reduction plan
- Toxics Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 167)
- third reading, 7164
- Unemployment rate, 3475
- United States
- mortgage industry, 5447
- Young offenders
- publication of names of young offenders convicted of violent crimes, 3019
- Youth/students
- smoking, 7549
- Agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- Matthews, Hon. D. (LIB, London North Centre)
- Aboriginal communities
- health care, 9725
- Aboriginal youth, 3164
- Adoption, 3837–3838
- international
- bankruptcy of Imagine Adoption, 7827
- international
- Air pollution
- impact on health in Sarnia–Lambton, 9548
- Autism, 5835–5836
- Autism services, 25, 79, 693
- Awards
- Stand Up for Kids Award
- Wilkes, Jim (recipient), 3734
- Stand Up for Kids Award
- Budget, 5509, 5615
- Cancer drugs
- Centre Roberts/Smart Centre
- government funding, 6752–6753
- Child abuse, 3147–3148
- Child and Family Services Review Board, 2638
- Child and Family Services Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 103)
- Child care, 134, 562–563, 3135, 4522, 4618, 4783, 5735
- Child care centres, 3273
- Child Development Institute
- Child pornography
- Child poverty, 174, 2779, 2828, 4519, 4862, 5041, 5198, 5271
- Child protection, 455–456
- Children in care
- Children's aid societies (CASs)
- Children's mental health care, 1425, 4864, 6273, 6487, 6753
- Children's nutrition programs
- government funding, 7389
- Children's services, 4863
- Children's treatment centres
- Community organizations, 3487
- Conferences/seminars/symposiums
- Geneva Centre for Autism International Symposium (2008), 5835
- Correctional centres
- Crown wards
- services, 3734–3735
- Domestic violence, 3690
- Early childhood education
- Early years centres
- government funding, 3046
- eHealth Ontario
- Electronic health records, 8685
- contract with Nightingale Informatix Corporation, 8453–8454
- Expert Panel on Infertility and Adoption, 6694–6695
- Family health teams, 9503
- Family law
- non-parental child custody applicants required to provide a sworn statement, Children's Aid Society record and police records check, 4212
- Fatalities
- Federal-provincial agreements/programs
- early learning and child care (ELCC) agreement, 3376
- Food banks
- usage, 4247–4248
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.F.31
- extension to hospitals, 8209–8210
- Government record
- Government service transfer to municipal jurisdiction
- hospital capital costs
- York region, 4942
- hospital capital costs
- Grants
- Promoting Healthy Equal Relationships grants program, 2251
- Health care
- Health care executives
- compensation, 8302
- Health care funding
- Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council, 8938
- HIV (virus)
- treatment, 8999
- H1N1 influenza A (swine flu)
- Home care
- competitive bidding, 9450
- Hospital beds
- long-term-care beds, 9494–9495
- Hospital closure
- Toronto Grace Hospital, 9269–9270
- Hospital expansion
- Hospital funding
- Hospital redevelopment, 9647–9648
- Hospital services
- Hospitals
- Housing
- Immunization
- H1N1 influenza A (swine flu), 8213, 8301, 9079–9080
- expanded to all children and senior citizens with underlying health conditions, 8544
- expanded to all citizens, 8684
- health care workers, 8495
- high-priority groups, 8342–8343, 8404–8405, 8452–8453, 8493
- inmates in jails and correctional centres, 8404
- lineups at clinics, 8301, 8303–8304, 8347–8348, 8451–8452, 8454
- number of doses administered, 8494–8495
- 24-hour immunization clinics, 8304
- H1N1 influenza A (swine flu), 8213, 8301, 9079–9080
- Income groups
- Infant death
- sleeping arrangements, 4941
- Infertility, 6694–6695
- Legislative procedure
- tabling of documents, 8827
- Local health integration networks (LHINs)
- Long-term-care facilities
- layoffs, 8543–8544
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Massacres
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 8461
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- Members/ministers quoting letters
- MacQuarrie, Barb (community director, Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children in London), 456
- Members/ministers quoting reports
- Special Report: Ontario's Electronic Health Records Initiative (Office of the Auditor General of Ontario), 8453
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Bielfeld, Arthur (June Callwood Campaign against Child Poverty), 4519
- Callwood, June (journalist and social activist), 688
- Capponi, Pat (mental health advocate), 4519
- Closson, Tom (president, Ontario Hospital Association), 8210
- Convery, Pat (executive director, Adoption Council of Ontario), 3838
- Kitts, Jack (ex-officio governor, Board of Governors, Ottawa Hospital), 9646
- Lankin, Frances (president and CEO, United Way Toronto), 4519
- Law, Marcus (family health team doctor), 8685
- McCarter, Jim (Auditor General of Ontario), 8102
- McCuaig, Kerry (former executive director, Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care), 500
- Mendelson, Michael (Caledon Institute of Social Policy), 688, 4519
- Murphy, Emily (first female police magistrate in the British Empire), 3382
- Nyberg, Gail (Daily Bread Food Bank), 688
- Oliphant, Michael (director or research and communications, Daily Bread Food Bank), 688
- Mental health care
- Minimum wage
- Ministerial statements, presented
- Adoption Awareness Month, 3837–3838
- Canadian Infertility Awareness Week, 6694–6695
- Child Abuse Prevention Month, 3147–3148
- Persons Day, 3382
- Poverty, 5041–5042
- Sexual Assault Prevention Month, 6497
- Sexual harassment, 2250–2251
- Sexual Harassment Awareness Week, 7155
- Woman Abuse Prevention Month, 3690
- Women's History Month, 3055
- World Autism Awareness Day, 5835–5836
- Young offenders, 2906–2907
- Ministers redirecting oral questions, 132, 379, 482, 608–609, 996, 1101, 1304, 1423, 1472, 2490, 3135, 3773, 3832, 6748
- Ministry of Children and Youth Services
- Ministry of Education
- Safe Schools Action Team, 2251
- Ministry of Education/Ministry of Children and Youth Services
- National child benefit supplement (NCBS)
- Ontario child benefit (OCB), 173–174, 456, 563, 608–609, 649, 1516, 2440, 2779, 3135, 3528, 3961–3962, 4104, 5683
- Ontario disability support program (ODSP), 4820
- Ontario disability support program (ODSP) benefits, 3732
- Ontario drug benefit program (ODB)
- cuts to seniors' drug benefits, 8143–8144
- Ontario health insurance plan (OHIP)
- inclusion of prostate-specific antigen test as insured service, 9080–9081
- Ontario Women's Directorate
- Ontario Works program benefits
- Oral questions
- Health care
- Special education, 8731–8732
- Health care
- Oral questions, presented
- Poverty, 2778
- Oral questions, responded to
- Aboriginal health care, 9725
- Access to information, 4325–4327, 4384
- Affordable housing, 3773
- AIDS treatment, 8999
- Assistance to farmers, 6748
- Assistance to the disabled, 5784
- Autism services, 25, 79, 482, 693, 996, 1471–1472, 1883–1884, 2090, 5826, 7383, 7692
- Cancer treatment, 7962, 8920–8921, 9035
- Child abuse, 3273
- Child care, 134, 500, 562–563, 1514–1515, 1925–1926, 3376, 3831–3832, 4618, 4783, 5508–5509, 5735
- Child poverty, 688–690, 2779, 3487–3488
- Child protection, 3734–3735, 4212, 4940–4942, 4947–4948, 5002–5003
- Children and youth services, 1886
- Children with special needs, 2491, 4808
- Children's aid societies, 2638, 7771–7772, 7831–7832
- Children's mental health services, 1425, 4863–4864, 6273, 6487–6488, 6553, 6752–6753
- Children's services, 3046, 7731
- Children's treatment centres, 1165–1166
- Composting, 8866–8867
- Diagnostic services, 9079–9081
- Electronic health information, 8027, 8302, 8453–8456, 8544–8545, 8685, 8783–8784, 8820, 8861
- Emergency services, 8345–8346
- Executive compensation, 8302
- Flu immunization, 8105, 8301, 8303–8304, 8342–8344, 8346–8347, 8403–8407, 8451–8454, 8458, 8493–8495, 8544, 8684, 9079–9080
- Flu pandemic preparedness, 8454–8455, 8460–8461, 8495–8496
- Freedom of information, 8209–8210
- Government record, 8102
- Health care, 8103–8104, 9269–9272, 9503, 9639, 9642–9643, 9695, 9725
- Health care funding, 8868, 9220, 9450–9451, 9548, 9578–9579, 9694–9695, 9722
- Home care, 9450
- Hospital funding, 8144, 8212–8213, 8349, 9360–9361, 9367, 9402–9403, 9646–9648
- Hospital services, 8308, 8346, 9080, 9575–9576
- International adoptions, 7827
- Local health integration networks, 9311–9312, 9314, 9359–9360
- Long-term care, 8543–8544, 9494–9495
- Low-income Ontarians, 608–609, 7389
- Minimum wage, 4247–4248
- National child benefit supplement, 649
- Northern and rural health services, 9448
- Ontario child benefit, 1516
- Ontario disability support program, 4820
- Ontario drug benefit program, 8143–8144
- Palliative care, 9547
- Patient safety, 9544, 9640–9641, 9690–9691, 9721
- Patient transfers, 7920
- Pay equity, 3877
- Poverty, 173–174, 336, 1470, 1605, 1712, 2088, 2491–2492, 2602–2603, 2643, 2827–2828, 3134–3135, 3180–3181, 3238, 3528, 3640, 3732, 3876, 3961–3962, 4104, 4149–4150, 4327, 4519, 4521–4522, 4750, 4781–4782, 4861–4862, 5032, 5423, 5615, 5683, 6077, 6599–6600
- Rural health services, 8407–8408
- School nutrition programs, 378–379
- Senior citizens, 8106
- Sewage sludge, 9216–9217
- Social assistance, 2440, 4289
- Student assistance, 2490
- Violence against women, 4213–4214
- Workplace safety, 7433
- Youth correctional facilities, 5661
- Youth crime, 3085
- Youth employment, 650–651
- Youth services, 2294, 3276–3277, 7640–7641
- Palliative care
- Ottawa area, 9547
- Patient safety
- Pay equity, 3877
- Positron emission tomography (PET)
- availability in northeastern Ontario, 9079
- Poverty, 173–174, 336, 3528, 4104, 4327, 4519, 5271
- social effects, 6425
- Poverty Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 152)
- Poverty reduction strategy, 651, 689–690, 2490, 2602–2603, 2778–2779, 2827–2828, 3134–3135, 3180–3181, 3238, 3487–3488, 3528, 3640, 3961, 4104, 4149–4150, 4289, 4327, 4519, 4521, 4750, 4781–4782, 4832, 4861, 5032, 5041, 5198–5199, 5202, 5423, 5615, 5683, 6077, 6599–6600
- Private members' public business
- Child Pornography Reporting Act, 2008 (Bill 37)
- second reading, 455–456
- Child Pornography Reporting Act, 2008 (Bill 37)
- Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth
- Public education campaigns
- Adoption Awareness Month, 3837–3838
- Canadian Infertility Awareness Week, 6694–6695
- Child Abuse Prevention Month, 3147, 3734, 7735
- Children's Mental Health Week, 6553
- Equality Rules, 2251, 3690
- International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, 4213
- International Women's Day, 5242
- Neighbours, Friends and Families public education campaign, 125, 2251, 3690, 5242
- Persons Day, 3382
- Sexual Assault Prevention Month, 1727, 6497
- Sexual Harassment Awareness Week, 2250–2251, 7155
- White Ribbon Campaign, 126
- Woman Abuse Prevention Month, 3690
- Women's History Month, 3055
- World AIDS Day, 8999
- World Autism Awareness Day, 5835–5836
- Quebec
- Regulated Health Professions Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 179)
- third reading, 8938–8939
- Reports
- Breaking the Cycle: Ontario's Poverty Reduction Strategy, 5041, 5198
- The Cost of Poverty: An Analysis of the Economic Cost of Poverty in Ontario (Ontario Association of Food Banks), 4104
- Hunger Count 2008: A Comprehensive Report on Hunger and Food Bank Use in Canada (Food Banks Canada), 424
- Report of the Paediatric Death Review Committee and Deaths Under Five Committee (Office of the Chief Coroner), 4941, 4947–4948
- Review of the Roots of Youth Violence (Roy McMurtry, Alvin Curling), 2907
- The Road Ahead: Poverty Reduction in Ontario (Campaign 2000), 688–689
- A Shared Responsibility: Ontario's Policy Framework for Child and Youth Mental Health (Ministry of Children and Youth Services), 6273, 6487
- Survivor Voices: Welcoming Women to Make Change, 4432
- 2008 Ontario Report Card on Child and Family Poverty (Campaign 2000), 4150
- Sewage spills
- South Castor River (Vernon), 9216–9217
- Sexual assault, 1727, 6497
- Sexual harassment, 2250–2251, 7155
- Special-needs children
- Telehealth Ontario
- increase in volume of calls due to H1N1 influenza A (swine flu), 8303–8304
- Violence against women
- Waste management/programs
- composting
- addition of sewage sludge, 8866–8867
- composting
- Websites
- Women, 5242
- Women's services
- abused women, 4214
- Working income tax benefit (WITB), 4781
- Workplace harassment/violence, 2251, 7433
- Young offenders
- Youth justice, 2294
- Youth justice centres, 3164, 4832
- Youth justice system
- Youth/students
- public consultation, 2294
- Youth violence, 4832
- Aboriginal communities
- Mauro, B. (LIB, Thunder Bay–Atikokan)
- Aboriginal communities
- Aboriginal housing trust, 6337
- Aboriginal students
- post-secondary education, 5233–5234
- An Act to amend the Canada Grain Act, Chapter 22 of the Statutes of Canada 1998 and Chapter 25 of the Statutes of Canada, 2007 (Bill C-39), 997
- Agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- Apology, 5398
- Apology Act, 2009 (Bill 108)
- third reading, 5398
- Appreciation
- Wicklund, Kent (Canadian Conference of Sheet Metal Workers competition), 7084
- Apprenticeship training programs
- Biomass energy, 5179
- British Columbia
- forest industry, 3422
- Budget, 600
- Budget deficit, 3421–3422, 7594
- Budget Measures Act, 2009 (Bill 162)
- second reading, 5934–5937
- Budget Measures and Interim Appropriation Act, 2008 (Bill 44)
- Business education tax, 659
- Buy in Canada for Mass Transit Vehicles Act, 2008 (Bill 39)
- first reading, 369
- C. difficile outbreaks, 2464
- public inquiries, 2465
- Cancer
- prostate cancer, 2904–2905
- Capital works projects
- Centre for Research and Innovation in the Bio-Economy (CRIBE), 896, 3032, 3424
- Citizens Panel on Increasing Organ Donations, 5225, 5367
- Colleges Collective Bargaining Act, 2008 (Bill 90)
- third reading, 2938–2941
- Colleges of applied arts and technology (CAATs)
- Community safety programs
- Compensation
- victims of Dr. Charles Smith's work in child-death investigations, 4419
- Concerts
- Rafiki Youth Choir, 6558
- Congratulatory remarks
- Consumer protection
- Corporate tax exemptions
- Ontario tax exemption for commercialization (OTEC)
- eligibility for refund, 3034
- Ontario tax exemption for commercialization (OTEC)
- Corporate tax reduction, 5934
- Correctional centres
- youth facilities, 5661
- Court security, 4132
- Courthouses
- Crime, 4126
- Crime against seniors
- elder abuse, 2301
- Crime prevention programs, 4126–4127
- Doctors, 5431–5432, 5513
- Drivers
- Economic conditions, 3421
- Economic growth
- five-point economic plan, 3424
- Elections/by-elections
- barrier-free access, 8568
- Electricity rates
- increase, 5178
- Electricity retailers/gas marketers
- Electronic health records, 8622
- Emergency management
- pandemic, 1819
- Employment creation, 3422–3423
- Employment-related benefits
- Employment Standards Amendment Act (Organ Donor Leave), 2009 (Bill 154)
- Energy
- Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 (Bill 235)
- second reading, 9261
- Environmental Protection Act (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading), 2009 (Bill 185)
- second reading, 7633
- Family health teams, 5432
- Federal government
- Federal-provincial agreements/programs
- Canada-Ontario affordable housing program agreement, 1210
- Festivals
- Thunder Bay Blues Festival, 4950
- Forest industry
- Full Day Early Learning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 242)
- Fundraising
- George Jeffrey Children's Centre, 1408
- Global Sticks Inc., 7649–7650
- Good Government Act, 2009 (Bill 212)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 8568–8570
- time allocation motion
- Government notice of motions
- Legislative reform
- responded to, 1261–1264
- Legislative reform
- Government orders
- Government record
- Government service transfer to municipal jurisdiction, 3421
- Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009 (Bill 150)
- second reading, 5178–5180
- GRK Fasteners
- Harmonized sales tax, 6512–6513
- Health care, 5513
- Health care funding
- High technology industries
- Tornado Medical Systems, 8263
- Hockey players
- Gatherum, Dave, 5688–5689
- Hospital funding
- government funding
- Thunder Bay–Atikokan, 4626
- government funding
- Hospitals
- Housing
- affordable
- northern Ontario, 1211
- affordable
- Ideas for the Future Act, 2008 (Bill 100)
- second reading, 3031–3034
- Increasing Access to Qualified Health Professionals for Ontarians Act, 2008 (Bill 97)
- second reading, 2722
- Investing in Ontario Act, 2008 (Bill 35)
- third reading, 1707
- Kindergarten
- Lac Seul First Nation
- all-season road, 3441
- Layoffs, 3422
- Legislative process
- family friendly reforms, 1261–1263
- Local health integration networks (LHINs), 6416
- Medical schools
- Medical transplants
- organ and tissue donation, 5367
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 3422
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Thunder Bay Source, 3033
- Members/ministers quoting television programs
- The Agenda, 3422
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Members' statements
- Apprenticeship training, 8949
- Atikokan generating station, 2967
- Breast cancer, 6891
- Cardiac care, 3444
- Concert in Thunder Bay, 6558
- Consumer protection, 2447
- Court facility, 5129
- Elder abuse, 2301
- Federal-provincial fiscal policies, 3145
- Fort Williams Redskins football team, 3190
- Full-day kindergarten, 9650–9651
- George Jeffrey Children's Centre, 1408
- Global Sticks, 7649–7650
- GRK Fasteners, 8789
- Health care, 1049
- Hockey, 5688–5689
- Infrastructure program funding, 6496
- Morrisseau, Norval, 157
- Nurse practitioners, 5431–5432
- Ontario budget, 600, 823
- Organ donation, 1196
- Prostate Cancer Awareness Week, 2904–2905
- Public transit, 6603–6604
- Research and innovation, 8263
- Run of the Cure, 8548
- School boards, 9697–9698
- Sibley Ski Tour, 408
- Sir Winston Churchill Collegiate and Vocational Institute, 4866, 6394
- Skilled trades, 7084
- Tamarack House, 5954
- Thunder Bay Blues Festival, 4950
- Thunder Bay paper mill, 3880
- Transfer payments, 4626–4627
- Transit vehicle contract, 6341
- Turner, Logan, 1460
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- rural economic development (RED) program, 997
- Ministry of Northern Development and Mines
- northern Ontario heritage fund, 3440
- Municipal elections/by-elections
- contribution limits of $5,000 per contributor, 8569
- Municipal infrastructure
- Natural disasters
- floods
- Thunder Bay, 2390
- floods
- Neskantaga First Nation
- multi-use complex, 3441
- Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC), 79–80, 660, 6945–6946
- Nurse practitioner-led clinics, 5431
- Nurses, 5513
- Occupational health and safety, 3831
- Occupational health and safety inspection, 3831
- Ontario budget speech (25 March 2008)
- responded to, 659–661
- Ontario child benefit (OCB)
- increase, 5934
- Ontario College of Trades, 7136
- Ontario College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act, 2009 (Bill 183)
- second reading, 7136
- Ontario health insurance plan (OHIP)
- Ontario health premium, 883–884, 912
- Ontario Power Generation fossil-fuel generating stations
- Atikokan generating station
- conversion to biomass, 2967
- Atikokan generating station
- Ontario Seniors' Secretariat
- Ontario's strategy to combat elder abuse, 2301
- Opposition day motions, responded to
- Oral questions, presented
- Aboriginal education, 5233–5234
- Aboriginal housing, 6336–6337
- Affordable housing, 1210–1211
- Centre for Research and Innovation, 896
- Consumer protection, 9217
- Disaster relief, 2390
- Employment, 997
- Health care, 615, 5513
- Manufacturing jobs, 8821
- Mining industry, 6945–6946
- Northern economy, 79–80, 653–654
- Northern health services, 5036
- Northern Ontario heritage fund, 3440–3441
- Pediatric forensic pathology inquiry, 4419
- Property taxation, 2294–2295
- Public health, 1819
- Road safety, 3377
- Workplace safety, 3831
- Youth correctional facilities, 5660–5661
- Organ donors
- compensation, 1196
- Payday loan industry
- regulation, 2447
- Payday Loans Act, 2008 (Bill 48)
- general discussion, 2447
- PC Party documents/plans
- health care funding, 2464
- Pension Benefits Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 236)
- second reading, 9708
- Pension plans
- reform, 9708
- Petitions
- Police officers
- hiring, 4125–4127
- Police services, 4125
- Poverty Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 152)
- Private members' public business
- Provincial land tax (PLT)
- unorganized municipalities/areas
- public consultation, 2295
- unorganized municipalities/areas
- Public education campaigns
- Public Sector Expenses Review Act, 2009 (Bill 201)
- Public transportation
- government funding, 7633
- Quebec
- forest industry, 3422
- Receivership
- Thunder Bay Fine Papers Inc., 3880
- Reports
- Research and innovation
- Thunder Bay–Atikokan, 3031–3032
- Road safety
- wildlife collisions, 3377
- Road Safety Act, 2009 (Bill 126)
- Savings and Restructuring Act, S.O. 1996, c.1, 8568
- School boards
- amalgamation in Northwest Catholic District School Board, 9697–9698
- Schools
- Senior citizens
- government funding, 659
- Senior homeowners' property tax grants, 823
- Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre, 615
- Skilled trades, 7136
- Small business, 3422
- Smart Systems for Health Agency (SSHA), 8622
- Smoke-Free Ontario Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 69)
- second reading, 1868
- Smoking
- ban on smoking in cars with children present, 1868
- Spelling bees
- Turner, Logan (winner, regional spelling bee), 1460
- Sports teams
- Fort William Hurricanes, 5688–5689
- TBayTel Tamarack House, 5954
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 397–398
- Time allocation motions
- Tobacco Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act, 2009 (Bill 155)
- second reading, 5414
- Tobacco products manufacturers
- recovery of tobacco-related health care costs from manufacturers, 5414
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- Transit systems
- Tributes
- Morrisseau, Norval (recipient, 2008 Lifetime Achievement Award), 157
- Trillium Gift of Life Network
- Workplace accidents/fatalities
- cost to business, 3831
- York University Labour Disputes Resolution Act, 2009 (Bill 145)
- second reading, 4764
- McGuinty, Hon. D. (LIB, Ottawa South)
- AbitibiBowater
- Aboriginal protests
- development sites in Brantford, 2121
- An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act, the Wage Earner Protection Program Act and Chapter 47 of the Statutes of Canada, 2005 (Bill C-12), 129–130
- An Act to perpetuate an ancient parliamentary right (Bill 1)
- first reading, 8
- Agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- Annual reports
- Environmental Commissioner of Ontario Annual Report, 2006-2007 (Reconciling Our Priorities), 49
- Office of the Auditor General of Ontario Annual Report (2007), 167
- Office of the Auditor General of Ontario Annual Report (2008), 4572
- Office of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth, 2007-2008 (90 Deaths, Ninety Voices Silenced), 4995
- Apprentices, 2086
- Apprenticeship training, 501, 519, 4243
- Apprenticeship training programs, 3268
- grants given to International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 793, 2484
- Automobile industry, 1710–1711, 2234, 2732, 2954–2955, 3958–3959, 4017, 4054–4055, 4245, 4857, 4900–4901, 5313, 5419–5421, 5569–5570, 5682–5683, 6991
- auto investment plan, 4324
- auto sector investment fund, 18–20, 48, 167, 1880–1883, 4244
- Big Three (automobile manufacturers)
- financial status, 4324
- federal government funding, 3957–3960, 4017
- federal-provincial partnership, 4244–4245
- Fiat Group, 1604, 1710
- financial assistance, 6076
- Ford Motor Company of Canada
- Flex crossover, 2290
- funding agreement with government, 2287–2289
- General Motors of Canada Ltd., 2234
- Beacon project, 2234–2236
- concession agreements with workers, 5313
- equity stake, 6330
- government funding, 2388, 4325, 6985
- job guarantee in return for government assistance, 2289
- layoffs, 1819, 1821–1822, 1879, 1881–1882, 1918–1919
- participation of Canadian Auto Workers required to access government loans, 4748
- plant shutdown, 2233
- government funding, 2484, 3194, 4054, 4209, 4857, 4901, 6224–6225
- Honda Canada, 6331
- government funding, 3194
- industry shutdowns
- economic impact, 4330
- investment, 2288–2290, 2387
- layoffs, 2025–2026, 3958
- Ontario automotive strategy fund, 1468
- pension plans, 6188
- Retire Your Ride program, 5570
- transitional support, 5682
- Automobile insurance
- use of credit score in granting insurance, 6886
- Automobile insurance benefits
- reduction of maximum benefit for serious injuries to $50,000, 8408–8409
- Automobile insurance rates/premiums
- Automobiles, 4245
- Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, R.S.C. 1985, c.B-3, 5572
- Bombardier Inc., 376
- Border crossings, 1603–1604
- Detroit River International Crossing Study (Windsor-Essex Parkway), 1604
- Breastfeeding, 2958–2959
- Budget, 331, 3177, 4207, 4855–4858, 4899, 5181, 5228, 5422, 5504–5506, 5510, 5569–5570, 5576–5577, 5610–5613, 5657–5659, 5663–5665, 5678–5682, 5727–5730, 5989, 6076, 6181, 6223–6224, 6329–6330, 6382, 6484–6486, 6880–6881, 6984–6985, 6992, 7220–7221
- Budget deficit, 496, 3432, 3485, 3524, 5180–5181, 5311, 5611, 5680, 7147, 8061–8062, 8205–8206, 8253, 9721–9722
- Budget Measures Act, 2009 (Bill 162)
- general discussion
- public consultation, 6223
- general discussion
- Budget surplus
- transfer of funds to municipalities for infrastructure projects, 1570–1571
- Bullying, 5031
- Business education tax
- reduction, 474
- Buy Ontario policy, 8209
- C. difficile, 2775–2776, 2953
- C. difficile outbreaks, 2082
- Canadian Mass Transit Vehicles Act, 2008 (Bill 31)
- general discussion, 377
- Cancer Care Ontario
- expenditures
- internal audit, 7915–7916
- expenditures
- Capital tax
- Capital works projects, 3193, 4210
- Capping Executive Compensation Act, 2009 (Bill 180)
- general discussion, 6799
- Child care, 6746
- Child poverty, 687–688, 4418
- Children's aid societies (CASs)
- government funding, 8787
- Children's mental health care, 1657
- Climatic changes, 171, 1246–1247
- Committees
- Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, 3316
- Conflict of interest
- Constitution Act, 2007 (Democratic representation) (Bill C-22), 179
- Construction workers
- occupational health and safety, 4053
- Consumer spending, 4323
- Coroner inquests
- Corporate income tax, 27
- Corporate tax exemptions
- Ontario tax exemption for commercialization (OTEC), 738
- Corporate tax reduction, 330, 332, 374, 474–475, 560–561, 737–738, 765, 1512, 2287, 2289, 2662, 2731, 2955, 3194, 3268, 5505–5506, 5508, 5778–5779, 6076, 6223, 6690, 8207, 8252–8255
- Corporate taxes, 561
- Corporations
- executive compensation caps for corporations receiving grant or loan from Ontario, 6800
- Correctional officers
- abuse of sick leave, 4572–4573
- Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act, 2008 (Bill 64)
- general discussion, 1710
- Court of Appeal for Ontario rulings
- agricultural labourers' right to unionize, 4021
- Demonstrations
- aboriginal groups (Queen's Park), 2122
- Dental care, 3435
- Diabetes registry, 9687–9688
- Doctors, 4322
- Drug abuse treatment programs
- Ottawa, 1209
- Eastern Ontario development fund, 4322
- Economic conditions, 764, 1202, 1658, 2662, 2729, 2952, 3133–3134, 3177–3178, 3192–3193, 3267–3268, 3432–3433, 3481–3482, 3524, 4018–4019, 5570–5571, 6223–6224
- Economic decline, 3134, 4899
- Economic growth, 18–21, 330–332, 496–498, 565, 736, 738, 767, 1508, 2287, 5076–5077, 5311
- Economic recovery, 5505
- Economic statement, 3177, 3432, 3481–3482
- Economic strength, 4323–4324, 5570–5572, 5610–5612, 5657, 5659, 5666, 5678–5680, 6182, 6548, 6799
- Education funding
- eHealth Ontario
- consultants, 7871
- contracts, 7686, 7955–7957, 7960–7961, 8022–8023, 8025, 8060, 8101, 8206–8207, 8253–8254, 8407
- expenditures, 7141–7144, 9034
- Hudson, Alan (former Chairman)
- appearance before Standing Committee on Public Accounts, 8646
- Kramer, Sarah (former CEO)
- review by Auditor General, 7141, 7143, 7189, 7220–7222, 8409
- review by PricewaterhouseCoopers, 7141, 7143, 7265–7266, 7270
- review by Standing Committee on Government Agencies, 7268–7269
- Electoral representation, 179
- Electricity rates, 168, 4993–4994, 5077
- Electricity rebates
- northern pulp and paper electricity transition program, 49
- Electronic health records, 7027, 7144, 7917, 8066
- Employment, 376–377, 5988
- Employment creation, 18–21, 292–293, 331–332, 374, 561, 647–648, 738, 765, 1600–1601, 1813–1814, 2732, 2895, 3526, 3961, 4855–4857, 4902, 5077, 5117, 5183, 5659, 6799
- Employment insurance, 27, 292, 6486
- Employment insurance benefits, 1510–1511
- Employment-related benefits
- severance/termination payments, 5572
- Employment standards
- Employment Standards Amendment Act (Wage Security), 2007 (Bill 6)
- general discussion, 130
- Energy
- Energy conservation, 4993–4994, 6184
- Environmental protection, 49, 200
- Everbrite Solar, 5657
- Fairness for Military Families Act (Employment Standards and Health Insurance), 2007 (Bill 2)
- Fatalities
- Coxon, Florence (nursing home resident), 1602–1603
- Federal government
- Federal members'/ministers' remarks
- Federal political parties
- platforms, 2893–2894
- Federal-provincial agreements/programs
- Canada-Ontario labour market development agreement, 333
- Federal-provincial relations, 3271
- Food banks
- usage, 4380
- Foot-and-mouth disease, 1711
- Foreign caregivers, 6681–6683
- Forest industry
- French-language debates
- Government accountability, 7268, 9030–9032, 9365
- Government advertising
- budget, 7221
- Government assets
- sale, 9316
- Government-business partnerships, 6799
- Diamond Aircraft, 3194
- Government consultants
- expenditures, 8024–8025
- Government contracts
- Government expenditures, 5505
- Government finance, 5076
- Government funding, 332, 375, 764–765, 4857, 5000–5001, 5311–5312, 5508, 5658–5659
- Government investments, 128–129, 6547
- Government notice of motions
- Federal electoral representation
- presented, 178–179
- Federal electoral representation
- Government orders
- Government policy, 3178
- Government record
- Government revenue, 1417
- reduction, 2729
- Government services, 829, 1202–1203, 2953, 3432, 3524, 3526, 5077, 5611, 5678, 5680
- Graduation (statistics), 5312
- Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009 (Bill 150)
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Hanwha group, 3960
- Harmonized sales tax, 5422, 5611–5612, 5664, 5678–5682, 5684, 5727–5728, 5730, 5777–5779, 5988, 6073–6074, 6330, 6484–6485, 6690, 6880, 6984, 6992, 7188, 7380–7381, 7385–7386, 7475, 8596–8597, 8727–8729, 8779–8880, 9033
- exemptions, 5683
- federal Liberal party support, 7382
- impact on construction jobs, 6548
- impact on consumers, 9444–9445
- impact on electricity rates, 8863–8864, 9444–9445
- impact on employment, 7332, 8103, 8209, 8255, 8597, 8642–8646
- impact on home heating costs, 7636–7637
- impact on homebuyers, 6075
- impact on housing industry, 5944, 6483–6485
- impact on low-income consumers, 7267, 8539–8541
- impact on rent rates, 7272–7273
- impact on senior citizens, 8781
- public consultation, 8725–8727, 8989–8992, 9032–9033
- transition benefit
- $1,000 for single parents or couples, 5728
- Hazardous waste management, 196, 292
- Health care, 4322, 5615–5616, 7222
- Health care costs, 567
- Health care funding
- H1N1 influenza A (swine flu), 6329, 6382– 6384
- Holidays
- Home care, 5662
- competitive bidding, 566–567
- Home care workers
- transportation compensation, 5662
- Home energy audits, 5028, 5189–5190, 6183
- Home energy rating report, 3333–3334
- Home insurance
- use of credit score in granting insurance, 6886
- Hospital beds
- closure, 889
- Hospital construction, 4321–4322
- Hospital funding
- Hospital housekeeping, 2960
- Hospital services
- Hospitals
- Housing
- Immunization
- Imprisonment
- aboriginal protesters, 2084
- Income tax reduction, 5944, 6073–6075, 6984, 7188
- Infrastructure Canada
- Building Canada Fund (BCF), 4902
- International trade, 5506–5507, 6182
- Investing in Ontario Act, 2008 (Bill 35)
- general discussion, 1570–1571
- Investment in Ontario, 375
- Job protection commissioner, 294, 3270
- John Deere
- shutdown, 2664
- Kellogg Canada Inc.
- Belleville manufacturing plant, 331
- Layoffs, 2664, 4210
- Dell Inc., 1467
- Legislative process
- family friendly reforms, 1097–1100
- Legislative sessions, 7220
- Legislature schedule/agenda
- family friendly hours, 1097–1099
- Liberal Party
- fundraising, 4018
- Live-In Caregiver Program (federal program), 6743
- Local health integration networks (LHINs), 6386
- Long-term-care facilities
- Manitoba
- manufacturing industry, 2731
- Manufacturing industry, 18–21, 25, 48–49, 2664–2665, 3435, 4577
- Members'/ministers' constituencies/constituency events
- Ottawa–Orléans
- Family Day, 4909–4910
- Ottawa–Orléans
- Members'/ministers' expenditures
- Pupatello, Sandra (Minister of International Trade and Investment), 4908
- Members/ministers quoting authors
- Webster, David Kenyon, 13
- Members/ministers quoting books
- Public Power: The Fight for Publicly Owned Electricity (Howard Hampton), 4055
- Members/ministers quoting letters
- Members/ministers quoting newspaper articles
- Members/ministers quoting press releases
- Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 9445
- Members/ministers quoting reports
- Building Prosperity in a Canada Strong & Free (Preston Manning and Mike Harris), 8990
- Navigating Through the Recovery: Task Force on Competitiveness, Productivity and Economic Progress Annual Report (Task Force on Competitiveness, Productivity and Economic Progress), 8727
- Office of the Auditor General of Ontario Annual Report (2007), 196
- Ontario Poised to Collect Equalization in 2010-11 (TD Economics Special Report), 2791
- Prevention and Control of Hospital-acquired Infections (Office of the Auditor General of Ontario), 2954
- RBC Economics Provincial Outlook, 737
- Rx for Ontario's Manufacturing Sector (Canadian Federation of Independent Business), 2955
- Special Report: Ontario's Electronic Health Records Initiative (Office of the Auditor General of Ontario), 7866–7868, 7915, 8022, 8061, 8101, 8254, 8407
- TD Economics Special Report - Ontario Poised to Collect Equalization in 2010-11 (Don Drummond, Derek Burleton), 1510, 1568
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- Blackstock, Sarah (Income Security Advocacy Centre), 5078
- Capponi, Pat (mental health advocate), 7382, 8102
- Cope, George (president and CEO, BCE), 5680
- Crispino, Len (president, Ontario Chamber of Commerce), 474, 2792
- Cunningham, Ian (president, Council of Ontario Construction Associations), 4053
- Hargrove, Buzz (former president, Canadian Auto Workers), 2484–2485
- Kitts, Jack (ex-officio governor, Board of Governors, Ottawa Hospital), 7387
- Low, Donald (medical director of laboratories, Ontario Public Health Agency), 6329
- Lyons, Jim (executive director, Heavy Construction Association of Windsor), 1604
- Mackenzie, Hugh (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives), 9033
- Martin, Roger (dean, Rotman School of Business, University of Toronto), 6484, 6881
- Massara, Paul (chair, Toronto Board of Trade), 5118
- McCarter, Jim (Auditor General of Ontario), 129
- Network for Poverty Reduction, 8540
- Nyberg, Gail (Daily Bread Food Bank), 7382–7383
- Provincial Building and Construction Trades Council of Ontario, 6485
- Schabas, Richard (medical officer of health, Hastings and Prince Edward counties), 2389, 2775
- Spence, Adam (executive director, Ontario Association of Food Banks), 5078, 6985
- Tory, John (former leader, PC Party), 8990
- Tory, John (leader, PC Party), 1916
- Warye, Kathy (chief executive, Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology), 2776
- Weiss, Gordon (United Nations spokesman), 6851
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- NDP (2003-2010)
- Gélinas, France (Nickel Belt), 9689
- PC (1995-2003)
- PC (2003-2010)
- Sterling, Norman (Carleton–Mississippi Mills), 8989
- Arnott, Ted (Wellington–Halton Hills), 8989
- Chudleigh, Ted (Halton), 8989
- Dunlop, Garfield (Simcoe North), 4899
- Hudak, Tim (Niagara West–Glanbrook), 8726, 8989
- Jones, Sylvia (Dufferin–Caledon), 8989
- Martiniuk, Gerry (Cambridge), 8989
- O'Toole, John (Durham), 5029
- Shurman, Peter (Thornhill), 8989
- withdrawn, 988
- NDP (2003-2010)
- Members'/ministers' resignations
- Members'/ministers' travel
- Mental health care
- government funding, 2395
- Migrant workers
- screening, 6383
- Military reservists
- job-protected leave, 13
- Minimum wage, 3483–3484
- Mining Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.14, 2084
- Mining industry
- Minister of International Trade and Investment, 2664
- Ministerial responsibility, 7688
- Ministerial statements, presented
- Humanitarian crisis in Sri Lanka, 6851–6852
- Ministry expenditures, 2952
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- rural economic development (RED) program, 3194
- Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
- Ministry of Finance
- OntarioBuys, 5944
- Ministry of Health Promotion
- Quest for Gold
- Ontario athlete assistance program
- military families exempted from one-year waiting period, 13
- Ontario athlete assistance program
- Quest for Gold
- Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, 4207–4208
- Multibrid GmbH, 3961
- Municipal infrastructure, 4210
- National housing strategy, 691
- NDP documents/plans
- provincial sales tax, 5612
- Niagara Health System
- government funding, 6386
- Niska North Inc., 6075
- Northern Ontario, 6486
- Nuclear generating stations
- Nuclear industry, 6185
- Nurse practitioners, 830
- Nurses
- Nursing students/graduates
- nursing job guarantee, 3529
- Office of the Premier
- expenditures, 4420
- Olympics
- Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics
- opening ceremonies, 2241
- Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics
- Ontario child benefit (OCB), 991–992, 1516, 1661, 3435, 3483–3484, 4617, 5613, 5658–5659
- Ontario disability support program (ODSP) benefits
- increase, 693
- Ontario drug benefit program (ODB)
- cuts to seniors' drug benefits, 8208
- Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES)
- waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) program, 3268
- Ontario Financing Authority, 128–129
- Ontario health insurance plan (OHIP)
- Ontario health premium, 896–897
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. (OLG)
- Ontario Power Authority (OPA), 829
- Ontario Power Generation fossil-fuel generating stations
- Ontario Power Generation nuclear generating stations
- Darlington nuclear generating station
- building of new reactors, 4215
- Darlington nuclear generating station
- Ontario Sheet Metal Workers Training Centre, 3961
- Ontario Superior Court of Justice rulings
- Justice Patrick Smith's rulings, 744
- Ontario Works program benefits
- temporary care assistance (TCA), 1518
- Oral questions, responded to
- Aboriginal affairs, 744
- Aboriginal land claims, 6189–6190
- Aboriginal rights, 479, 523, 1306, 2026–2027, 2084, 2122, 2488–2489
- Access to health care, 1923–1924
- Affordable housing, 565–566, 691
- Agency spending, 7331–7333, 7383, 7685, 9034
- Agricultural labour policy, 4021
- Air quality, 2482–2483
- Apprenticeship training, 501, 519, 1709, 2086
- Assistance to farmers, 8109–8110
- Auditor General's report, 7918
- Automobile industry, 1467–1468, 1916–1919, 2025–2026, 2233–2236, 2287–2288, 2387–2388, 2484–2485, 3957–3959, 4017, 4054–4055, 4209, 4243–4245, 4330, 4748, 4900–4901, 5420–5421, 5569–5571, 5682–5683, 6330–6331
- Automobile insurance, 8025–8026, 8028–8029, 8408–8409
- Breastfeeding, 2958–2959
- C. difficile, 2389, 2735, 2775–2777, 2953–2954, 2956
- Cancer Care Ontario, 7914–7915
- Child care, 1518, 6746
- Child poverty, 687–688
- Child protection, 4995–4996
- Children's aid societies, 8787
- Children's mental health services, 1204, 1657–1658
- Climate change, 171, 1246–1247
- Construction industry, 832
- Consumer protection, 6886
- Corporate tax, 1512, 8207
- Correctional facility employees, 4572–4573
- Diabetes registry, 9687–9688
- Domestic violence, 892, 4754–4755
- Drive Clean, 7143
- Driver examination centres, 8410
- Drug treatment programs, 1209
- Economic development, 6989–6990
- Education funding, 9718–9719
- Education labour dispute, 4025
- Electronic health information, 7027, 7036–7037, 7141–7144, 7189, 7221–7222, 7265–7270, 7686–7688, 7868–7869, 7871, 7916–7917, 7955–7961, 8022–8023, 8025, 8060–8061, 8066, 8101, 8206–8207, 8253–8254, 8347, 8407–8408, 8595, 8642, 8646
- Employee wage protection, 129–130
- Employment, 737–739, 765–766, 1202–1203
- Employment insurance, 5029–5030
- Employment supports, 4616, 7958
- Energy rates, 4993–4994, 6183–6184
- Environmental protection, 49–50
- Events in Tibet, 2241
- Executive compensation, 829, 6799–6800
- Family Day, 19–20
- Federal election, 3271
- Federal Liberal election promises, 2893–2895
- Federal-provincial fiscal policies, 3083–3085, 3269
- Flu immunization, 8344–8345, 8405–8406
- Forest industry, 4055
- Fundraising, 3961, 4018
- Gasoline prices, 6984–6985
- Government accountability, 7268, 9030–9031, 9365
- Government accounting practices, 1570–1571
- Government assets, 9316
- Government consultants, 8024–8025
- Government contracts, 8537–8539, 8541, 8543
- Government grants, 2483–2484
- Government investments, 128–129, 169
- Government record, 7220, 9031–9032, 9264–9266, 9315–9316, 9446, 9720–9722
- Government services, 4417–4420
- Government spending, 3316–3317, 7221, 7637–7638, 8062–8063
- Green power generation, 1247, 6487
- Hazardous waste, 196–197, 199–200, 292
- Health care, 168, 5615–5616, 7473, 7869–7870, 8024, 9688–9689
- Health care funding, 889, 2394–2395, 2899, 7957–7958, 8207–8208, 9312–9314, 9361–9362
- Health premiums, 896–897
- Home care, 566–567, 5662
- Hospital funding, 73, 4381, 4573–4574, 5512, 9363, 9689–9690
- Hospital services, 2960, 4322, 6386, 7386–7387
- Hospital spending, 7474–7475
- Human rights, 989–991
- Hydro rates, 2485
- Infectious disease control, 2082, 6329, 6382–6385
- International trade, 832–834, 891, 3135, 3183, 7148–7149
- Job creation, 561, 7635, 8209, 9443–9444, 9451
- Legislative reform, 1097–1100
- Local health integration networks, 9263–9264, 9311
- Long-term care, 1602–1603
- Manufacturing and forestry sector jobs, 3317–3318, 4857
- Manufacturing jobs, 20–21, 25, 167–168, 291–294, 331–332, 375–377, 521–522, 648, 766–767, 1510–1511, 1604–1605, 1815–1817, 1819, 1821–1822, 1881–1883, 2663–2665, 2731–2732, 2954–2956, 3270, 3434–3435, 3959–3961, 4577–4578, 4856–4857, 5182–5183, 5228–5231, 5313–5314, 6075–6076, 6991–6992
- Manufacturing sector, 48–49
- Medical evacuation, 6331
- Minimum wage, 650, 5681–5682
- Mining industry, 9268, 9451–9452
- Ministerial responsibility, 7688
- Minister's expenses, 4908
- Minister's record, 7913–7914
- Minister's resignation, 6879–6880
- Municipal taxation, 3180
- Native land disputes, 2121
- Northern Ontario, 6486
- Nuclear energy, 4214–4215, 6185, 6882, 7195–7196
- Nurses, 830, 3529
- Ontario budget, 496–498, 560–561, 692–693, 4855, 4858, 5510, 5576–5577, 5661, 5727–5728, 6076, 6223–6224
- Ontario child benefit, 1516
- Ontario economy, 18–19, 21–22, 27, 331, 474–475, 478, 736–737, 764–765, 1416–1417, 1467–1469, 1508–1509, 1565–1568, 1600–1602, 1658–1659, 1813–1814, 1879–1880, 2286–2290, 2662, 2729–2730, 2952–2953, 3176–3179, 3316, 3432–3433, 3481–3482, 3484–3485, 3490, 3524–3526, 4018–4019, 4207–4208, 4210, 4242, 4321–4325, 4855–4856, 4899–4900, 4902, 5000–5001, 5077, 5117–5118, 5180–5181, 5229, 5311–5312, 5504–5505, 6181–6182, 6547, 7636, 8061–8062
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp., 6184–6185, 6187, 7330–7331, 7380
- Ontario public service, 4423, 5775–5776, 9444
- Patient safety, 9689
- Pension plans, 6186, 6188–6189, 6222–6226, 6228, 6881–6882, 6985, 7142
- Pension reform, 9317–9318
- Plant closures, 1251
- Post-secondary education, 501, 4745–4747
- Poverty, 991–992, 1661, 2390, 2666–2667, 2777, 3133–3134, 3319–3320, 3435–3436, 3483–3484, 4380–4381, 5078, 5183–5184, 5949
- Premier's comments, 1710–1711
- Premier's record, 7866–7868, 7912–7913
- Property rights, 135
- Protection for workers, 6681–6684, 6743–6744, 6801
- Provincial debt, 8205–8206
- Provincial deficit, 8253
- Provincial purchasing policy, 746, 5418–5419, 5506–5507, 5943–5944, 6182–6183
- Public transit, 6549–6550
- Public transportation, 4385, 4580
- Renewable energy and conservation, 4999, 5027–5029, 5076–5077, 5118, 5186, 5189–5190
- Rural Ontario, 4578–4579
- School pools, 1058
- School safety, 2486
- Severance payments, 5572
- Sex offender registry, 167
- Skills training, 2388
- Small business, 4053–4054
- Social assistance, 4617, 8731
- Student grants, 6491
- Student safety, 5031
- Taxation, 330, 373–375, 473–474, 3267–3269, 4243, 5422, 5505–5506, 5508, 5571–5572, 5610–5613, 5657–5660, 5663–5666, 5678–5681, 5683–5684, 5728, 5776–5779, 5944, 5988–5989, 6073–6075, 6182, 6329–6330, 6483–6486, 6548, 6690, 6880–6881, 7188, 7267–7268, 7272–7273, 7332, 7380–7385, 7474, 7636–7637, 8102–8103, 8254–8255, 8539–8541, 8595–8597, 8642–8645, 8725–8729, 8777–8781, 8862–8864, 8989–8992, 9032–9033, 9444–9446
- Thunder Bay economy, 3179
- Tire disposal, 646–647
- Tobacco control, 4572, 4803
- Tourism, 2391
- Transfer payments, 3486
- Trillium drug program, 5665
- TVOntario, 6982
- Unemployment, 5620
- University labour disputes, 4748, 4775–4779, 4799–4803
- Uranium mine, 77–78
- Windsor border crossing, 1603–1604
- Women's issues, 5729–5730
- Workers' compensation, 5783
- Patient safety
- surgical errors and pathology results, 9689
- PC Party documents/plans, 764, 829, 5028, 5660
- Pension benefits guarantee fund, 6186, 6222, 6225, 6228
- Pension funds, 4619
- Pension plans, 6224, 6226, 6881–6882, 7142
- Political fundraising, 3961
- Post-secondary education, 4775, 4801–4803
- Poverty, 21–22, 693, 2666–2667, 2777, 3134, 3435–3436, 3483–3484, 5949
- Poverty Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 152)
- general discussion, 5078
- Poverty reduction strategy, 565–566, 650, 687, 2666, 2777, 3319–3320, 3435, 3483–3484, 4380–4381, 4617, 5078, 5183–5184, 5949
- Premier's travel, 3481–3482, 3490
- Property tax assessment
- granny flats, 3317
- Protectionism, 5943–5944
- Provincial-aboriginal relations, 1306, 2122
- Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth, 4995–4996
- Public service, 561, 3316–3317, 4423, 5001, 5730, 5776
- Quebec
- Regulations, 4900
- Rent increases, 6183
- Reports
- Big Hit on GTA Middle-Class Homebuyers with the Ontario Budget's HST Proposals (Frank Clayton), 6483
- Compulsory Certification Project (T.E. Armstrong), 2086
- A Fine Balance - Safe Pensions - Affordable Plans - Fair Rules (Report of the Expert Commission on Pensions), 6188–6189, 7142
- Navigating Through the Recovery: Task Force on Competitiveness, Productivity and Economic Progress Annual Report (Task Force on Competitiveness, Productivity and Economic Progress), 8726
- Ontario Economic Accounts (Ministry of Finance), 3177
- The Road Ahead: Poverty Reduction in Ontario (Campaign 2000), 687–688
- Special Report: Ontario's Electronic Health Records Initiative (Office of the Auditor General of Ontario), 7913–7914, 7918, 8347
- TD Economics Special Report - Time for a Vision of Ontario's Economy (Don Drummond, Derek Burleton), 2953
- Research and innovation
- government funding, 3193
- Rural Ontario, 134
- Safe Schools Act, S.O. 2000, c.12, 5031
- Saskatchewan, 2894
- School attendance
- raising compulsory school attendance to age 18, 1816
- School facilities
- retrofit, 6182
- School safety, 2486
- Senior homeowners' property tax credits, 5660, 5663
- Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 6329
- Sex offender registry
- misallocation of operational funds, 167
- 6N Silicon Inc.
- government funding, 3194
- Smoking, 4803
- Social assistance benefits, 3435, 4617
- Social assistance recipients
- increase, 8731
- Social housing, 5510
- Speaker
- election (28 November 2007)
- congratulatory remarks, 18
- election (28 November 2007)
- Sports competitions
- Pan American Games bid (2015)
- awarded to Toronto, 8731
- Pan American Games bid (2015)
- Sri Lanka
- humanitarian crisis, 6851–6852
- Starz Animation Toronto, 6989
- Steel industry, 5228, 5314
- Strikes
- Student assistance, 4776
- Ontario student assistance program (OSAP), 4776–4777
- Student dropouts, 3268, 4243
- Student grants, 501, 6491
- Tamil Canadians
- protests, 6851
- Tax credits
- Tax reduction, 331, 373–375, 474, 496–497, 737, 832, 1202, 1601, 2287, 2662, 2953, 5505–5506, 5679–5681, 5727–5728, 5777
- Taxation
- Taxes, 3267
- Tibet
- Tobacco products
- sale to underage children, 4803
- Tobacco tax
- law enforcement, 4572
- Toronto city council, 3180
- Toronto District School Board
- Toronto Public Transit Service Resumption Act, 2008 (Bill 66)
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- Tourism industry, 2391
- marketing campaign
- There's No Place Like This, 2391
- marketing campaign
- Trade missions
- Trade offices, 3194
- China, 891
- Training programs, 1203, 2287
- Transit systems
- Transportation master plan
- Ottawa, 4385
- Tributes
- Trillium drug program, 5665
- Unemployment, 5504, 6181
- Unemployment rate, 2732
- United States
- Universities/colleges, 501
- University graduates
- employment recruitment, 737–738
- U.S. Steel Canada, 5314
- Vehicle emission tests
- Drive Clean program
- audit, 7143
- Drive Clean program
- Victims of domestic violence
- Mowatt, Noellee
- imprisonment, 892
- Mowatt, Noellee
- Waste
- nuclear/radioactive waste, 6882
- Waste management/programs
- Websites
- Wind turbines, 3960–3961
- Women, 5729–5730
- Workers
- Workers' compensation benefits
- coverage for construction workers, 4053–4054
- Working Families Coalition
- meeting with Minister of Finance, 2483–2484
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- hiring of chief prevention officer, 5783
- Xstrata PLC
- shutdown of copper and zinc operations at Kidd Met site, 9451–9452
- Youth/student workers
- summer jobs, 6491
- McMeekin, T. (LIB, Ancaster–Dundas–Flamborough–Westdale)
- Appreciation
- staff, Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, 2401
- Automobile industry, 3042–3043
- Awards
- Bullying
- prevention, 9388–9389
- Business
- Capital works projects
- government funding, 3473
- Cemeteries
- Mount Pleasant Group of Cemeteries
- accountability of board of directors, 7479–7480
- Mount Pleasant Group of Cemeteries
- Consumer protection, 8355–8356
- Dominion Institute
- memory project, 3841
- Economic conditions, 3471–3472
- Economic growth
- five-point economic plan, 3472
- eHealth Ontario
- contracts
- IBM, 7872
- contracts
- Election Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 231)
- second reading, 9292–9293
- Elections/by-elections
- third-party advertising, 9292–9293
- Electoral process reform, 9292–9293
- students vote in home riding or riding in which they attend school, 9293
- Employment creation, 3473
- Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 (Bill 235)
- second reading, 9207–9210
- Fruit wines
- sale at farmers' markets, 6684–6685
- Full Day Early Learning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 242)
- second reading, 9610
- Government notice of motions
- Legislative reform
- responded to, 3122–3125
- Legislative reform
- Government orders
- Ontario economy
- responded to, 3471–3474
- Ontario economy
- Government vehicles
- vehicles purchased, leased or rented should be manufactured and assembled in Canada, 3043
- Green economy, 3473
- Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009 (Bill 150)
- third reading, 6581–6582
- Health care workers, 3963
- Kindergarten
- full-day, 9611
- Legislative procedure
- private members' public business, 3124
- Legislature schedule/agenda, 3122–3124, 8046
- Liquor licences
- by the glass service
- hours of sale and service, 3140
- by the glass service
- Manitoba
- Marijuana
- Members'/ministers' constituencies/constituency events
- Members/ministers quoting committee submissions
- Members/ministers quoting reports
- Members/ministers quoting statements
- McLean, Seaton (chair, Prince Edward County Winegrowers Association), 8026
- Members' statements
- Martin, Brad, 9551–9552
- Ministerial statements, presented
- Ministers redirecting oral questions, 480, 2208, 2564–2565, 2607
- Ministry of Government Services
- Oral questions, presented
- Oral questions, responded to
- Cemeteries, 7479–7480
- Consumer protection, 1888–1889, 2089, 2203–2204, 2436–2437, 2439, 7579–7580
- Environmental protection, 3642
- Gasoline prices, 2564
- Government regulations, 4822–4823, 6946
- Government services, 2960–2961
- Grape and wine industry, 6336, 7478, 8026
- Health care workers, 3963
- Manufacturing jobs, 3042–3043
- Minister's record, 7872
- Ministry spending, 4418, 4524
- Ontario public service, 3044, 7191
- Polygamy, 2088, 2125–2126, 2240–2241
- Provincial purchasing policy, 4805, 6043–6044
- Small business, 3575–3576, 5828
- Wine industry, 3140, 6684–6685
- Payday loan agreements, 603
- limit the cost of borrowing, 602–603
- Payday loan industry
- Payday Loans Act, 2008 (Bill 48)
- Pension Benefits Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 236)
- second reading, 9472
- Pension plans
- reform, 9472
- Polygamy, 2125, 2240–2241
- law and legislation, 2088
- Post-secondary education
- Reaching Higher: The McGuinty Government Plan for Postsecondary Education, 3472
- Poverty, 5214
- Poverty Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 152)
- second reading, 5214
- Private members' public business
- Propane explosions
- Propane facilities
- inspection, 8977
- Propane industry
- insurance as a condition of licensing, 8041
- Propane safety review panel, 8041
- Public education campaigns
- Public service, 3044, 3963
- Real estate fraud
- consumer protection, 2439
- Real estate industry
- phantom offers, 2439
- Regulated Health Professions Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 141)
- third reading, 5588
- Remembrance Day, 3840–3842
- Reports
- Report of the Propane Safety Review Panel (Michael Birk, Susana Katz), 8041
- Research and innovation
- government funding, 3473
- ServiceOntario, 2960–2961
- Social workers, 9724
- Student dropout rate
- reduction, 9645
- Tarion Warranty Corporation
- Technical safety standards, 8040
- Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA)
- Technical Standards and Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 187)
- Tributes
- Veterans' memorials
- Queen's Park, 3841
- Wine
- Wine industry, 3140, 6336
- Working Families Coalition, 9292
- Appreciation
- McNeely, P. (LIB, Ottawa–Orléans)
- Appraisal Institute of Canada
- Renova survey, 3335
- Awards
- Books
- Keeping Our Cool (Andrew Weaver), 3334
- Bridges
- Budget Measures and Interim Appropriation Act, 2008 (No. 2) (Bill 114)
- second reading, 3615–3616
- Building codes, 3341
- Canadian Hydro Components (CHC), 7769
- Climate Change Awareness Act, 2009 (Bill 208)
- first reading, 7878
- Climatic changes, 566, 2171, 7031, 8216, 8324–8325
- Conferences/seminars/symposiums
- 2009 OGRA/ROMA Annual Conference, 5034
- Congratulatory remarks
- Consumer protection
- energy contracts, 9211
- Corporate tax exemptions
- Ontario tax exemption for commercialization (OTEC)
- eligibility for refund, 3034
- Ontario tax exemption for commercialization (OTEC)
- Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act, 2008 (Bill 64)
- Court security, 5034
- Doctors
- Earth Hour, 566
- Economic conditions, 3615–3616
- Economic growth, 5011
- Education
- parental involvement in education, 422–423
- Employment insurance benefits
- Endangered species
- polar bear, 7434–7435
- Energy
- Energy conservation, 5012, 5162, 6727, 6765, 9306
- Energy Conservation Leadership Act, S.O. 2006, c.3, Sched. A, 3335
- Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 (Bill 235)
- Energy efficiency, 3334
- Environmental education, 1461
- Environmental protection, 5129
- Environmental Protection Act (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading), 2009 (Bill 185)
- third reading, 9029
- Fairness for Military Families Act (Employment Standards and Health Insurance), 2007 (Bill 2)
- Federal government
- transfer payments
- equalization program, 3096
- transfer payments
- French-language debates
- Déclarations des députés
- Association française des municipalités de l'Ontario, 7483
- Centre de services à la famille, 5954
- Changement de climat, 2171
- Communauté d'Orléans, 5238
- Drapeau franco-ontarien, 2967, 7878
- Ordre de la Pléiade, 6233
- Prix décerné par la Fondation Trillium, 158–159
- Rendement scolaire, 5432
- Savoie, Gérald, 6995
- Loi de 2008 sur l'Office des télécommunications éducatives de langue française de l'Ontario, projet de loi 55
- deuxième lecture, 1956
- Questions orales
- Déclarations des députés
- Full Day Early Learning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 242)
- second reading, 9534–9538
- Government service transfer to municipal jurisdiction
- return to provincial jurisdiction, 4327–4328
- Green economy, 5058, 5176
- Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009 (Bill 150)
- general discussion, 9211
- second
- Appraisal Institute of Canada