Letter: P
Palliative care
Palliative care beds
Pancreatic cancer treatment
PANDAS/PANS Awareness Day Act, 2016 (Bill 43)
Pan/Parapan American Games 2015, sports facilities
see also Firefighter-paramedic pilot projectParamedics and paramedic services.
see also Emergency service providersParental leave.
see also Leaves of absence- extension for municipal councillors
- Arnott, 1152–1153
- Ballard, 1150–1151
- Coe, 2433–2434
- Colle, 2499, 2503
- Coteau, 3044
- Des Rosiers, 2502
- Fife, 1149–1150
- Gretzky, 2502, 2979–2980
- Hardeman, 4575–4576, 4646
- Harris, 1148–1149
- Hatfield, 2423
- Hoggarth, 2779
- MacCharles, 1153
- Martow, 1151–1152
- Matthews, 2499
- Mauro, 1945
- Milczyn, 1152, 2428
- Rinaldi, 1949, 4652
- Sattler, 2427, 3040
- Tabuns, 2777
- Vernile, 1146–1148, 1153, 1743, 2001
- Wong, 2974
- extension for municipal councillors
Parental recognition
- for dead parent of posthumously-conceived child
- Naqvi, 594
- for multiple co-parents
- for parents using a surrogate
- reform
- for same-sex co-parents
- for dead parent of posthumously-conceived child
Parental rights
Paris Agreement
Paternity leave.
see Parental leavePathways to Post-secondary Excellence Act (Post-secondary Educational Report), 2016 (Bill 76)
- first reading
- Baker, 1854–1855
- first reading
Patient ombudsman
Patient safety.
see Sexual abuse of patientsPatients
- alternate level of care (ALC) designation
- Yurek, 6552
- alternate level of care (ALC) designation
Patients First Act, 2016 (Bill 41)
- first reading
- Hoskins, 691–692
- second reading, 823–833, 927–940, 958–996, 1079–1098
- Albanese, 1097–1098
- Armstrong, 978–979, 989, 1081, 1087–1088, 1092
- Barrett, 962–966
- Bradley, 988
- Cho, 1087
- Coe, 1085–1086, 1088
- Del Duca, 976–977, 979–980
- Delaney, 984
- DiNovo, 934, 939
- Duguid, 1082–1083, 1085
- Fedeli, 1081
- Flynn, 990–992, 994
- Fraser, 828–831, 833, 974, 979, 1081, 1084, 1090–1093
- French, 1084, 1094–1096
- Gates, 1088–1089, 1091
- Gélinas, 966–975
- Gretzky, 961, 974–975, 1079–1082, 1093
- Hatfield, 985–990
- Hillier, 1091–1094
- Hoskins, 824–828
- Jaczek, 990, 1080–1081
- Jones, 1096
- Kiwala, 975, 977–978
- Lalonde, 961–962, 992
- Leal, 938–939
- MacLaren, 988–989
- MacLeod, 1083–1084
- Martow, 1090, 1093
- Matthews, 977
- McDonell, 831–832
- McGarry, 960–961, 1087
- McNaughton, 961, 974, 994–996
- Miller, N., 979, 993–994
- Miller, P., 985, 993
- Murray, 832, 939–940
- Naqvi, 823–824, 965
- Natyshak, 832, 965
- Nicholls, 832–833, 1095
- Pettapiece, 962, 992–993
- Potts, 934–935, 959–960
- Qaadri, 958–959, 962, 993
- Rinaldi, 975–976, 989
- Singh, 984, 1087, 1090, 1095–1096
- Tabuns, 935–938, 940
- Thompson, 935, 939, 1084–1085
- Vanthof, 966
- Walker, 965–966, 978, 980–985
- Wong, 1089–1090
- Yurek, 927–936, 984–985
- division (carried), 1123–1124
- time allocation motion, 2094–2110
- third reading, 2167–2175
- Royal assent, 2240
- first reading
Pay equity.
see also Equal Pay Coalition; Ontario Pay Equity Commission- gender wage gap
- general remarks
- government initiatives
- pay transparency
- Flynn, 7635
- for work of equal value
Pay Equity Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.7
- review
- Flynn, 3576
- review
Pay Transparency Act, 2018 (Bill 203)
- first reading
- Flynn, 7588–7589
- first reading
Payday loan borrowers
Payday loans and lenders
Payments to health care professionals/organizations
Payments to health care professionals/organizations, disclosure of
- general remarks
- in other jurisdictions
- public database
- regulations and enforcement
PC leadership race
- Arnott, 7593
PC Party
- environmental policy
- Thompson, 7617–7618
- environmental policy
PC Party election platform
- People's Guarantee
- Wilson, 6693–6694
- affordable housing
- Hardeman, 6809
- budget
- cap and trade
- Smith, 6727
- carbon tax
- child care
- climate change
- energy
- energy rates
- fiscal plan
- general remarks
- health care
- Martow, 6797
- income tax
- Potts, 7169
- long-term care
- MacLeod, 7551
- mental health
- Coteau, 7607
- mental health and addictions
- MacLeod, 7551
- mental health care
- mental health care funding
- Coe, 7501
- mental health funding
- northern Ontario
- Miller, N., 6933
- taxation
- transit
- People's Gurantee
- general remarks
- Clark, 7133
- general remarks
- People's Guarantee
Pension Benefits Guarantee Fund (PBGF)
Pension plans
Pension plans, funding
Peres, Shimon
- death of
- Wynne, 317
- death of
Personal health information
Personal Injury and Accident Victims Protection Act, 2017 (Bill 103)
- first reading
- Colle, 2799
- first reading
Personal Injury and Accident Victims Protection Act, 2017 (Bill 165)
- first reading
- Colle, 5517
- first reading
Personal services
Personal support workers
Persons with developmental disabilities
Persons with disabilities.
see also Accessibility for persons with disabilitiesPersons with mental illness
Persons with traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
Peter Kormos Act (Repealing the Safe Streets Act), 2016 (Bill 48)
- first reading
- DiNovo, 899
- first reading
Peter Kormos Memorial Act (Trillium Gift of Life Network Amendment), 2017 (Bill 117)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 3265
- first reading
- Abortion facility legislation
- MacLaren, 5889–5890
- Abuse awareness and prevention
- Baker, 4690–4691
- Access to justice
- Accessibility for the disabled
- Accident benefits
- Acquired brain injuries
- Clark, 7596
- Addiction services
- Aggregate extraction
- Barrett, 4689
- Agriculture industry
- Agri-food industry
- Air quality
- Air-rail link
- DiNovo, 1750–1751
- Algo Centre Mall
- Mantha, 1422
- Alzheimer's disease
- Animal protection
- Anti-Semitism
- Armstrong, 7202
- Anti-smoking initiatives for youth
- Armstrong, 6518, 7114, 7485
- Arnott, 2146, 6520
- Barrett, 6225
- Bradley, 4691, 7112
- Clark, 5888–5889
- DiNovo, 2198
- Gélinas, 4834, 5110, 5242, 5397, 5941, 6091–6092, 6324, 6473–6474, 7532
- Hardeman, 3978
- Martow, 6566, 6625
- Matthews, 7485–7487, 7689
- McMeekin, 5070
- Miller, P., 7444
- Pettapiece, 2680–2681
- Sattler, 4997
- Taylor, 7327–7328
- Walker, 4999, 5111–5112
- Yurek, 4784
- Anti-smoking intiatives for youth
- Apraxia
- Autism treatment
- Automobile insurance
- Automotive dealers
- Bruce Power
- Cancer treatment
- Cardiac care
- Charitable gaming
- Bailey, 7149
- Child and youth care
- Bailey, 7484–7485
- Child care
- Child protection
- Children's immunization program
- Yurek, 2149
- Climate change
- Coffee pods
- Miller, N., 7008
- Colleges
- Sattler, 5068–5069
- Columbus Centre
- Colle, 7148
- Consumer protection
- Cormorants
- Walker, 4833
- Correctional services
- Natyshak, 7643
- Criminal justice policies
- Crown attorneys
- Curriculum
- Dementia
- Dental care
- Anderson, 3471
- Armstrong, 2025
- Bailey, 7203
- Bradley, 2572–2573
- Des Rosiers, 3879–3880
- Dong, 3422–3423
- Gates, 692
- Gélinas, 900, 1363, 2024, 3312, 6092, 6322
- Hardeman, 3269–3270, 3831–3832
- Hoggarth, 2970
- Kiwala, 4451
- Martins, 4834, 5169, 5341, 5399, 5620, 5622–5623, 5674, 5776, 5939, 6026
- Martow, 6168
- McDonell, 4737
- Natyshak, 694
- Nicholls, 3220, 3833, 4945, 6137
- Potts, 3218–3219, 4136, 5110
- Rinaldi, 3516, 5342, 5577
- Sattler, 4784, 6835, 7149
- Scott, 2522–2523, 4028
- Smith, 3831, 4027–4028, 4257
- Vernile, 3065
- Walker, 6027–6028
- Wilson, 1926
- Wong, 3374
- Yakabuski, 1490, 1975, 2754, 3017
- Yurek, 526
- Diabetes glucose monitoring
- Dietitians
- Thompson, 7396–7397
- Disaster relief
- Doctor shortage
- Smith, 6742
- Dog ownership
- Domestic violence and sexual violence
- Driver licences
- Eating disorders
- Education funding
- Electric vehicles
- Potts, 3778
- Elevator maintenance
- Baker, 2521
- Bradley, 3424, 5522, 6092–6093, 6472
- Crack, 3626
- Delaney, 3719
- Des Rosiers, 3108, 5889
- Dong, 3624, 3881, 5468, 5728, 5941
- Fraser, 5673
- Hoggarth, 4080, 5576
- Kiwala, 2454, 3312–3313, 5981–5982
- Martins, 3669–3670, 5622
- Milczyn, 3268–3269, 3472
- Potts, 4452, 5820, 6027, 6225
- Qaadri, 5941–5942
- Rinaldi, 3065–3066, 4027, 5776–5777
- Wong, 2452, 4134–4135, 6274, 6690
- Employment standards
- Armstrong, 83
- Bradley, 2200, 6092–6093, 6833–6834, 7486
- Des Rosiers, 5890
- DiNovo, 1424, 3977, 4255, 5292–5293
- Fife, 3017–3018, 4027
- Forster, 2148, 2802, 3374, 5241, 5294
- French, 3718–3719
- Gates, 7689
- Gélinas, 471, 1422–1423, 2454, 3108, 3905–3906
- Gretzky, 7397
- Hatfield, 250, 421–422, 2303, 2397, 7397
- Hoggarth, 7113
- Kiwala, 5983, 6028, 6924, 7065–7066
- Mantha, 2571, 3470–3471
- Martins, 4365, 4626–4627, 5819, 6518
- Miller, P., 525, 3106, 6872
- Potts, 2077
- Qaadri, 5940, 6136–6137, 6566–6567
- Rinaldi, 6474, 6923
- Sattler, 303
- Taylor, 736, 1191
- Vernile, 6834
- Energy conservation
- Energy contracts
- Energy policies
- Energy storage
- Environmental protection
- Epigenetic research
- Qaadri, 4255
- Family Responsibility Office
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
- Yurek, 7596
- Film and television industry
- Hatfield, 6226
- Fishing and hunting regulations
- Yurek, 7532–7533
- Freedom of religion and conscience
- Oosterhoff, 3064
- Fundraising
- Gasoline prices
- GO Transit
- Anderson, 1029
- Baker, 3581
- Bradley, 5242–5244, 5524
- Delaney, 1030, 2522, 3625
- Des Rosiers, 3880, 4997–4998, 5071
- Dickson, 3580–3581
- Dong, 4257, 4550–4551, 5112, 5293, 5468, 5523, 5729–5730
- Hoggarth, 3019–3020, 3672
- Kiwala, 4367, 4944, 6626–6627, 6832–6833
- Martins, 1188–1189, 3106
- Martow, 5522, 5574, 5622
- McMeekin, 3218
- Milczyn, 2902, 4082
- Potts, 1803–1804, 2968, 4899, 7150
- Qaadri, 139–140, 5400
- Rinaldi, 1751, 3314, 4738–4739, 4833, 4943
- Wong, 3833, 3904, 4208
- Government accounting practices
- Government advertising
- Government anti-racism programs
- Government services
- Grandview Children's Centre
- Gravel pit
- Yurek, 7486–7487
- Green power generation
- Guide and service animals
- Hazel McCallion
- Mangat, 1698
- Health care
- Health care funding
- Hepatitis C treatment
- Highway improvement
- Highway ramps
- Home care
- Home inspection industry
- Hospital funding
- Armstrong, 804–805, 857, 1077, 1129–1130, 1491–1492, 1539, 1626, 2025–2026, 2076–2077, 2396–2397, 5523, 5576, 7113
- DiNovo, 1127, 4551
- Fife, 3063, 4550
- Forster, 3471–3472, 3903, 4308, 4549–4550
- French, 2904, 4136
- Gélinas, 203–204, 422, 901–902, 1855–1856, 3904, 7203, 7251
- Gretzky, 803, 1803, 3219
- Hatfield, 598–599, 5292, 5343, 6744, 6790
- Oosterhoff, 3880–3881, 5775
- Sattler, 201, 735, 6690
- Taylor, 2453, 4626, 4945–4946
- Thompson, 4690
- Walker, 3017, 3719
- Wilson, 33, 598, 735, 805, 1491, 1698, 1928, 2755, 3313, 3374–3375, 3581–3582, 3776–3777, 3978–3979, 4082, 4899–4900, 5243, 5467, 5469, 5671–5672, 6090–6091, 6093–6094, 6225–6226, 6322, 6473, 6689–6690, 6871–6872, 6874, 7202–7204, 7396, 7595
- Hospital services
- Human trafficking
- Scott, 202
- Hunting and fishing licences
- Hunting and fishing revenues
- Hydro rates
- Anderson, 3270
- Arnott, 32, 140, 249, 469–470, 693, 733, 899, 1129–1130, 1257, 1363, 1585, 1803, 2023, 2200, 2302, 2901–2902, 3105–3106, 3470, 4134, 7006
- Bailey, 803, 855, 1189, 1257, 2023, 7283
- Barrett, 1422, 1801, 1974, 2454, 2622
- Bradley, 3019, 3582, 3831, 4783
- Campbell, 2855
- Clark, 2854
- Coe, 902
- Des Rosiers, 4551–4552
- Dickson, 2756
- Dong, 3979, 4026, 4081, 4552
- Fedeli, 34–35, 82–83, 201, 251, 1258, 1929, 4510
- Fraser, 2624
- Gates, 3270–3271
- Gretzky, 250–251
- Hardeman, 734, 803–804, 857–858, 2147–2148, 2245, 2302–2303, 2621, 2756
- Harris, 5982–5983
- Hatfield, 1030–1031, 1587, 2968, 3173–3174, 5777, 6788
- Hoggarth, 2622–2623
- Jones, 138, 422, 1540, 2198, 2451–2452, 6171, 6566–6567, 7643
- Kiwala, 2801
- MacLaren, 3517
- MacLeod, 856
- Malhi, 2680
- Martins, 3718, 3878–3879
- Martow, 139, 421, 1128–1129, 1491, 1586–1587, 1804, 2147, 2246–2247
- McDonell, 35, 735–736, 2969, 7329
- McNaughton, 1189–1190, 3107
- Milczyn, 2622, 2800, 3978
- Miller, N., 303, 423, 468–469, 597, 804, 955–956, 1076, 1313–1314, 1750, 1856, 2244–2245, 2452, 3313–3314, 3516, 3625, 4081
- Munro, 1362
- Natyshak, 1492–1493
- Nicholls, 2352, 4739
- Oosterhoff, 2397, 3671, 4308–4309, 5341–5342
- Pettapiece, 526–527, 956
- Potts, 2623, 2682, 3375–3376, 4306–4307, 4454
- Qaadri, 4366–4367
- Rinaldi, 3107
- Scott, 857, 1076–1077, 1315, 1492, 2148, 2303
- Smith, 471, 1130, 1586, 7597
- Thompson, 137–138, 805–806, 899–900, 1028, 1492, 2304, 3175, 3672, 4453, 6136, 6691
- Vernile, 2903, 3377, 3517
- Walker, 304, 420–421, 423–424, 958, 1857, 2520, 2681–2682, 3904–3905, 4627–4628, 4835, 5110, 5167–5168, 5576
- Wilson, 1031, 1128, 1493, 2023–2024, 6092
- Yakabuski, 803, 1129, 1361, 1697, 2197–2198, 2350–2351, 3018
- Ice machines
- Inclusiveness
- Injured workers
- Invasive species
- Anderson, 3017
- Komoka Provincial Park
- Lactation services
- Sattler, 3581
- Lake Nipissing walleye fishery
- Fedeli, 2800
- Landfill
- LCBO outlet
- Long-term acre
- Gélinas, 5889
- Long-term care
- Coe, 5983–5984, 6170
- Fedeli, 3019
- Fife, 4897, 4999, 6228, 6276, 6519, 6743, 7203, 7446
- Gélinas, 83, 1031, 1491, 1700, 1927, 2198–2199, 2302, 2304, 2623–2624, 2800, 2902, 3421–3422, 3469–3470, 3671–3672, 3779, 3881, 3980, 4307, 4691, 5111–5113, 5170, 5242, 5621, 5672, 5817–5818, 5939, 6027, 6091, 6136, 6169, 6275–6276, 6323–6325, 6400, 6565–6566, 6742, 6833, 6874, 6924, 7067–7068, 7112, 7204, 7249–7250, 7330, 7397, 7535, 7596, 7642
- Hatfield, 2521
- Jones, 4209, 4306, 4365, 4997, 6170, 6322–6323
- MacLeod, 2075
- Martow, 6226, 6567–6568, 7066
- McDonell, 5397, 6399, 6626, 6832, 7328, 7534–7535
- Miller, P., 6689
- Oosterhoff, 7281
- Pettapiece, 5620–5621, 5728, 5819–5820
- Sattler, 1804, 3312, 5728–5730, 6168–6169, 6399, 7008, 7533
- Scott, 2199
- Smith, 4509–4510, 5729
- Taylor, 6923
- Walker, 2904, 3271, 3906, 4832, 4998, 5575–5576, 5818, 6025–6026, 7201
- Yakabuski, 5890
- Yurek, 3718
- Lung disease
- Gélinas, 3878
- Lung health
- Lyme disease
- Markdale hospital
- Medical assistance in dying
- Members' accountability
- Clark, 2967–2968
- Mental health and addiction services
- Mental health services
- Midwifery
- Minimum wage
- Missing persons
- Municipal restructuring
- Nanjing Massacre
- Natural gas
- Natural gas rates
- McNaughton, 7065
- Niagara Escarpment
- Northern Health Travel Grant
- Vanthof, 6568
- Nuclear safety
- Tabuns, 6226–6227
- Ontario Drug Benefit Program
- Hoggarth, 7248
- Ontario Municipal Board
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission
- Opioid abuse
- Fedeli, 6474
- Organ donation
- Organic products
- Ostomy supplies
- Fedeli, 2856
- Palliative care
- Barrett, 3514–3515
- Personal support workers
- Armstrong, 3625–3626
- Persons with communication disabilities
- Pesticides
- Pharmacare
- Poet laureate
- Police ticketing
- DiNovo, 901
- Policing costs
- Miller, N., 6276
- Post-secondary sector employees
- Primary health care
- Privatization of public assets
- Armstrong, 1189, 1540–1541, 1802–1803, 2023, 2395, 2520, 3065, 5984
- DiNovo, 138–139, 470, 1423
- Fife, 3669
- Forster, 4028, 4552
- French, 734–735, 856
- Gates, 1540, 1753, 2024
- Gélinas, 82, 302, 599, 805, 1697, 1929, 3313, 3515, 4135
- Hatfield, 139, 1029, 2969–2970, 3018
- Jones, 599, 3271
- Mantha, 421, 900, 1028–1029, 1362–1363
- Martow, 1364
- Natyshak, 5982
- Pettapiece, 1628
- Sattler, 733, 1257, 1362
- Scott, 858
- Tabuns, 2148, 4209
- Taylor, 35, 1188, 1315, 1625, 2352–2353, 2452, 3719, 3906, 4364–4365
- Walker, 305, 525, 957, 1029, 1191, 1628, 3905, 5112
- Privatizations of public assets
- Hatfield, 1585
- Property taxation
- Protection of people with disabilities
- McDonell, 4208
- Provincial debt
- Provincial truth and reconciliation day
- Provincial youth and reconciliation day
- Armstrong, 6789
- Public transit
- Rail service
- Regenerative agriculture
- Arnott, 138
- Renewable energy
- Walker, 1424–1425
- Respite care
- Dong, 7689–7690
- Road safety
- Rohingya Muslims
- Kiwala, 5818–5819
- Rural and northern Ontario transportation
- Walker, 305
- School bus safety
- School closures
- Bradley, 5891, 6873
- Clark, 1256, 2146, 2855–2856, 6872
- Coe, 7007
- Gélinas, 2246, 2351–2352, 2682, 2757, 4785
- Gretzky, 2147, 2574
- Martow, 900–901
- McDonell, 599, 735, 1029–1030, 1314–1315, 1539, 1627, 1975, 2572, 2801–2802, 2968, 3063, 3879, 4135, 6834
- Miller, N., 1584, 1626, 1752, 2076
- Sattler, 3107, 3217, 3423, 3832–3833, 6026
- Smith, 3065, 4453, 6275, 6744, 6923
- Walker, 1584, 1625, 1855, 1927, 2074, 2680, 3268, 3469, 3670, 3717–3718, 4080, 4135–4136, 4625, 4688, 6517–6518
- Yurek, 4136–4137, 6400
- School facilities
- Coe, 5575
- Security guards
- Hatfield, 4080
- Seniors' health services
- Seniors' housing
- Vanthof, 956–957
- Service clubs
- Fedeli, 3423
- Services for children with disabilities
- Services for disabled children
- Taylor, 4832–4833
- Services for persons with disabilities
- Services for the developmentally disabled
- Services for victims of violence
- Sattler, 4737
- Sewage treatment
- Sexual violence and harassment
- Shingles vaccine
- Simcoe Day
- Barrett, 7007
- Special-needs students
- McDonell, 3423–3424
- Speed limits
- Student loans
- Taxation
- Tenant protection
- Fife, 1976
- Town of Pelham
- Oosterhoff, 7690
- Transportation infrastructure
- Tree seed services
- Wilson, 7065
- Tuition
- Veterans
- Wasaga Beach
- Water extraction
- Water fluoridation
- Berardinetti, 4366
- Delaney, 303, 421, 3376, 3470, 3719–3720, 3977, 4081–4082, 4689
- Des Rosiers, 4898
- Dickson, 3583
- Gretzky, 3833–3834, 5470
- Hatfield, 5295, 5341, 5575
- Hoggarth, 1975–1976, 4738
- Kiwala, 734
- Martins, 422–423, 3717, 4308, 4550, 4944–4945
- Milczyn, 4137, 4509
- Wong, 3780, 4209
- Yakabuski, 3174
- Water quality
- Wind turbines
- Winter highway maintenance
- Workers' compensation
- DiNovo, 6225
- Workplace insurance
- Potts, 5818
- Abortion facility legislation
see Medical industry; Prescription drugs; Prescription drugs, universal access toPharmaceutical industry
- federal regulations, impact of
- Brown, 5925
- federal regulations, impact of
- as health service providers
- Yurek, 2170
- as health service providers
Phones Down, Heads Up Act, 2017 (Bill 171)
- first reading
- Baker, 6022–6023
- first reading
Photo radar.
see Automated speed enforcement systemsPhysician assistants
- Fraser, 6687
see also Stroke rehabilitationPill presses, for counterfeit opioid production
PKD medication (Jinarc).
see Prescription drugs—funding for JinarcPKU medication (Kuvan).
see Prescription drugs—funding for KuvanPoet Laureate
Poet Laureate of Ontario Act (In Memory of Gord Downie), 2018 (Bill 186)
Points of order.
see Speaker's rulingsPoints of privilege.
see Speaker's rulingsPolice officers.
see also Emergency service providers- complaints filed against
- Yakabuski, 7546
- compliance with SIU/OPCA investigations
- Scott, 7647
- core duties
- with disabilities, employment rights
- education
- Wong, 6642
- general remarks
- mental health of
- Coe, 6767
- naloxone administration
- Naqvi, 7652
- negative interactions with community
- French, 7542–7543
- public perception of
- responding to mental health crises
- safety of
- Martow, 6772
- in schools
- special constables
- Wong, 6642
- suspension without pay
- training and standards
- complaints filed against
Police records
- discrimination based on. see also Ontario Human Rights Code amendments—police record as a prohibited ground
- French, 5996–5997
- discrimination based on. see also Ontario Human Rights Code amendments—police record as a prohibited ground
Police services
- anti-racism training
- collaboration with health and other professionals
- community policing model
- cost of
- general remarks
- under municipal jurisdiction
- outsourcing to private organizations
- Anderson, 6771
- Barrett, 6646
- Bisson, 6659, 7682
- Coe, 6768
- Dickson, 6764
- Fife, 6649–6650
- Forster, 6710
- French, 7543
- Gates, 6305, 6765
- Gélinas, 6768
- Gretzky, 6849, 6852
- Hatfield, 6697–6698, 6700
- Jaczek, 6851–6852
- Lalonde, 6252, 7321, 7644–7645
- McNaughton, 6639
- Miller, P., 6660
- Natyshak, 6306, 6632–6636, 6638, 6640, 6704, 6851, 7541, 7650–7651
- Pettapiece, 6657–6658
- Rinaldi, 7321
- Sandals, 6770
- Sattler, 6699, 6767, 6769, 6850
- Scott, 6298–6299, 6699, 6704, 7538, 7646
- public consultation
- reform
- regulations, deferred drafting of
- Scott, 7538
- review of
- stakeholder consultation
- work with vulnerable communities
- Lalonde, 6252
Police services boards
Police services funding
Police services oversight
Police stations
Police training
Political contributions.
see also Government advertisingPolitical fundraising
Political fundraising events
- attendance
- attendance by members and political candidates, ban
- code of conduct
- contribution limit per event
- Berardinetti, 183
- cost to attend
- Sandals, 453
- cost-recovery model
- Clark, 568
- disclosure through online posting
Political fundraising reform
see BeesPolling stations
Pork industry
Portable basketball nets
- safety risks
- Martow, 6988
- safety risks
Portuguese community
- in Toronto's history
- Martins, 466
- in Toronto's history
Postage stamps
- Canada-India joint stamp issue
- Mangat, 5289
- Canada-India joint stamp issue
Post-secondary education
Postsecondary education
- affordability
- Sattler, 7505
- affordability
Post-secondary education
Post-secondary students
- consultation with
- McMeekin, 6686
- employment. see Skills gap
- mental health care funding
- mental health services on campus
- consultation with
Post-traumatic stress disorder
- emergency service providers
- leadership summit
- workers' compensation
- in the workplace. see Workplace traumatic stress
Post-traumatic stress disorder in emergency service providers
Poverty reduction.
see also Social assistance rates- basic income pilot project
- general remarks
- government initiatives
- impact on mental health
- Damerla, 7605
- in indigenous communities
- Local Poverty Reduction Fund
- strategy
Poverty reduction strategy
- Ballard, 3256–3257
Power outages.
see Electric power failuresPreeclampsia
- Promise walk for Preeclampsia
- Kiwala, 4363
- Promise walk for Preeclampsia
Pregnancy and infant loss
Prentice, Jim (former Premier of Alberta)
- Wynne, 719
Prescription drug abuse.
see also Opioid abusePrescription drugs.
see also Health care funding; OHIP+- cost for seniors
- funding
- funding for Jinarc
- funding for Kuvan
- Walker, 909
- government spending on
- preferred provider networks
- transportation of
- Gretzky, 6445
- universal access to. see also OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare Program
- Bisson, 4770–4771
- Fife, 3819–3920, 3931
- Gélinas, 3765–3766, 3985, 4124, 4295–4296
- Gretzky, 4260–4261
- Horwath, 3700–3701, 3892–3894, 3960–3961, 3980–3982, 4069–4070, 4168–4169
- Hoskins, 3700–3702, 3765–3766, 3818–3920, 4124, 4770–4771
- Miller, P., 3937
- Singh, 3765, 3818–3919
- Tabuns, 4233
- Vanthof, 4013
- Wynne, 3765, 3892–3893
- national program
- universal coverage
- Gélinas, 7432–7433
Prescription drugs, funding
Presto fare payment system
Preston, Peter L. (former MPP for Brant–Haldimand)
- Barrett, 730
Primary health care.
see also Doctor shortagePrivacy of patients
- and hospital overcrowding
- Gélinas, 6232
- and hospital overcrowding
Private hospitals.
see also Community health facilities; Independent health facilitiesPrivate members' public business
- Affordable Electricity Act, 2018 (Bill 197)
- Affordable housing
- Albanian Heritage Month Act, 2016 (Bill 36)
- Anti-racism activities
- Asbestos Use Prohibition Act, 2017 (Bill 88)
- Auditor General Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 67)
- Bangladeshi Heritage Month Act, 2016 (Bill 44)
- Child Abuse Prevention Month Act, 2017 (Bill 170)
- Child Care and Early Years Amendment Act (Not-for-Profit Corporations), 2017 (Bill 98)
- Children's Law Reform Amendment Act (Relationship with Grandparents), 2016 (Bill 34)
- Climate change
- Colleges Week
- Compassionate Care Act, 2017 (Bill 182)
- Domestic and Sexual Violence Protection Act, 2017 (Bill 157)
- Domestic and Sexual Violence Workplace Leave, Accommodation and Training Act, 2016 (Bill 26)
- Driver licences
- Employment standards
- End Age Discrimination Against Stroke Recovery Patients Act, 2016 (Bill 9)
- End the Public Funding of Partisan Government Advertising Act, 2017 (Bill 112)
- Enhancing Shareholder Rights Act, 2017 (Bill 101)
- Fairness in Consumer Reporting Act, 2017 (Bill 167)
- Fairness in Minimum Wage Act, 2017 (Bill 172)
- Fairness in Petroleum Products Pricing Act, 2017 (Bill 183)
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
- Firefighters
- Flood Avoidance, Insurance and Recovery Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 179)
- Franco-Ontarian anthem
- responded to
- McDonell, 2632–2633
- responded to
- Free My Rye Act (Liquor Statute Law Amendment), 2017 (Bill 50)
- Garrett's Legacy Act (Requirements for Movable Soccer Goals), 2017 (Bill 180)
- Gasoline Tax Fairness for All Act, 2017 (Bill 93)
- GO Transit
- Hazel McCallion Day Act, 2016 (Bill 16)
- Health care
- presented
- responded to
- Highway tolls
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (School Bus Camera Systems), 2017 (Bill 94)
- Hindu Heritage Month Act, 2016 (Bill 56)
- Home Care and Community Services Amendment Act (Dan's Law), 2016 (Bill 54)
- Honouring our Veterans Act, 2017 (Bill 100)
- Hospital funding
- Hospital services
- Housing policy
- Human Rights Code Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 164)
- Human Rights Code Amendment Act (Genetic Characteristics), 2016 (Bill 30)
- Illegal Pill Press Act, 2017 (Bill 126)
- Improving Post-Stroke Recovery for All Act, 2016 (Bill 9)
- Insurance Amendment Act (Life Settlements), 2017 (Bill 162)
- Jonathan's Law (Employee Leave of Absence When Child Dies), 2016 (Bill 31)
- Katelynn's Principle Act (Decisions Affecting Children), 2016 (Bill 57)
- Kickstarting Public Participation Act, 2017 (Bill 77)
- Korean Heritage Month Act, 2017 (Bill 123)
- Lawren Harris Day Act, 2017 (Bill 128)
- Lebanese Heritage Month Act, 2016 (Bill 60)
- Life Leases Act, 2017 (Bill 155)
- Liquor Licence Amendment Act (Maple Wine and Mead), 2017 (Bill 184)
- Liquor Statute Amendment Act (Sale of Spirits Manufactured for Brand Owners), 2017 (Bill 116)
- Long-term care
- presented
- responded to
- Armstrong, 5015, 6330–6331, 6795–6796
- Berardinetti, 5012
- Campbell, 6327–6328
- Coe, 5012–5013, 6331, 6794–6795
- Damerla, 6331
- Fife, 5014–5015
- Fraser, 6328–6329, 6793–6794
- Gélinas, 5014
- Hardeman, 5010–5011
- Horwath, 5011–5012
- Hoskins, 5009–5010
- Jones, 6331–6332
- Martow, 6796–6797
- McDonell, 6796
- Pettapiece, 6797
- Sattler, 5013
- Vanthof, 6792–6793
- Walker, 5013–5014, 6330
- Wilson, 6332
- division (carried), 5024
- Long-Term Care Homes Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 110)
- Lung Health Act, 2016 (Bill 71)
- Magna Carta Day Act, 2017 (Bill 97)
- Mandatory Sexual Assault Law Training for Judicial Officers Act, 2017 (Bill 120)
- Mental health services
- Ministry of Community and Social Services Amendment Act (Social Assistance Research Commission), 2016 (Bill 6)
- Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions Act, 2017 (Bill 149)
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Special Purpose Account Transparency Act, 2018 (Bill 204)
- Municipal Statute Law Amendment Act (Councillor Pregnancy and Parental Leave), 2016 (Bill 46)
- Nanjing Massacre
- Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day Act, 2016 (Bill 79)
- Nick's Law (Opioid Abuse Awareness), 2017 (Bill 161)
- Northern health services
- Northern Ontario
- Ontario budget
- Ontario Craft Beer Week Act, 2017 (Bill 107)
- Organic Products Act, 2017 (Bill 153)
- Poet Laureate of Ontario Act (In Memory of Gord Downie), 2018 (Bill 186)
- Post-secondary education
- Professional engineers
- Protecting Rewards Points Act (Consumer Protection Amendment), 2016 (Bill 47)
- Protecting Vulnerable Persons in Supportive Living Accommodation Act, 2017 (Bill 135)
- Putting Voters First (Election Amendment) Act, 2016 (Bill 75)
- Putting Your Best Foot Forward Act, 2017 (Bill 168)