Letter: M
MacCharles, Hon. T. (LIB, Pickering–Scarborough East)
- Access to Consumer Credit Reports and Elevator Availability Act, 2018 (Bill 199)
- first reading, 7278
- Accessibility for disabled persons
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- Birth certificates
- gender-neutral language, 6616–6617
- Budget speech 2017 (April 27, 2017)
- responded to, 3935–3936
- Building Ontario Up for Everyone Act (Budget Measures), 2016 (Bill 70)
- time allocation motion
- presented, 1930
- time allocation motion
- Certificates of birth, marriage and death
- gender-neutral language, 5333–5334
- Child protection system
- Katelynn's Principle, 1806–1807
- Children with disabilities
- education accessibility standard, 6824
- Construction Lien Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 142)
- second reading, 5034–5036
- Construction liens
- regulatory reform, statements by stakeholders, 5034–5035
- Consumer protection
- Domestic violence
- Driver licences
- Election Finances Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 2)
- second reading, 284
- Election Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 45)
- Elevators
- French-language debates
- Déclarations ministérielles et réponses
- Journée de commémoration et d'action contre la violence faite aux femmes, 2143–2144
- Journée internationale des personnes handicapées, 2070–2071
- Mois de la prévention de la violence faite aux femmes, 1535–1536
- Mois de l'histoire des femmes, 850–852
- Mois national de la sensibilisation à l'emploi des personnes handicapées, 593–594
- Mois National de la Sensibilisation à l'Emploi des Personnes Handicapées, 5465
- Loi de 2017 modifiant la Loi sur la négociation collective dans les conseils scolaires, projet de loi 92
- deuxième lecture, 2526
- Déclarations ministérielles et réponses
- Gender-neutral language
- on birth certificates, 4542–4543
- Girls Government program, 6804
- Government services
- fees, 7629
- Hindu community
- appreciation, 1378
- Human trafficking
- Human trafficking prevention
- Human trafficking victims
- services and support
- government funding, 685–687
- services and support
- Leaves of absence
- for survivors of domestic or sexual violence [paid leave], 914–915
- Legislative procedure
- supply bills, 3198
- Life insurance policies
- life settlements, 5785
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 2567
- Ministerial statements
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- health information, privacy breach, 4359–4360
- Municipal planning, inclusionary zoning
- general remarks, 1049
- New home warranties
- dispute resolution, 5647
- New homes sector
- OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare Program
- coverage to age 25, 3936
- Oral questions
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- Accessibility for the disabled
- Autism treatment
- responded to, 4886
- Birth certificates
- Consumer protection
- Domestic and sexual violence
- responded to, 362–363
- Elevator maintenance
- responded to, 3663
- Equal opportunity
- responded to, 1182
- Home warranty program
- responded to, 3260
- Human trafficking
- Labour dispute
- Protection of privacy
- responded to, 4359–4360
- Service clubs
- responded to, 4496
- Service fees
- responded to, 7629
- Services for children with disabilities
- responded to, 6824
- Services for the disabled
- responded to, 295–296
- Women's issues
- responded to, 1966
- Parental leave
- extension for municipal councillors, 1153
- Pay equity
- general remarks, 1182
- Persons with disabilities
- Political contributions
- limits
- on nomination and leadership contestants, 284
- limits
- Private members' public business
- Domestic and Sexual Violence Workplace Leave, Accommodation and Training Act, 2016 (Bill 26)
- second reading, 914–915
- Driver licences
- responded to, 264–265
- End Age Discrimination Against Stroke Recovery Patients Act, 2016 (Bill 9)
- second reading, 477–478
- Fairness in Consumer Reporting Act, 2017 (Bill 167)
- second reading, 5792–5793
- Hindu Heritage Month Act, 2016 (Bill 56)
- second reading, 1378
- Improving Post-Stroke Recovery for All Act, 2016 (Bill 9)
- second reading, 477–478
- Insurance Amendment Act (Life Settlements), 2017 (Bill 162)
- second reading, 5785
- Katelynn's Principle Act (Decisions Affecting Children), 2016 (Bill 57)
- second reading, 1806–1807
- Municipal Statute Law Amendment Act (Councillor Pregnancy and Parental Leave), 2016 (Bill 46)
- second reading, 1153
- Reliable Elevators Act, 2017 (Bill 109)
- second reading, 3691
- Saving the Girl Next Door Act, 2016 (Bill 17)
- second reading, 704–705
- Stop the Calls Act, 2017 (Bill 137)
- second reading, 4798
- Trans Day of Remembrance Act, 2017 (Bill 74)
- second reading, 6804
- Transportation planning
- responded to, 5357–5358
- Domestic and Sexual Violence Workplace Leave, Accommodation and Training Act, 2016 (Bill 26)
- Promoting Affordable Housing Act, 2016 (Bill 7)
- second reading, 1049–1051
- Protecting Students Act, 2016 (Bill 37)
- second reading, 869
- Public education campaigns - Disability
- Public education campaigns - Women
- Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, 2143–2144
- Public education campaigns—Disability
- Public education campaigns—Violence, sexual violence and harassment
- Woman Abuse Prevention Month, 1535–1536
- Public education campaigns—Women
- Women's History Month, 850–851
- Putting Consumers First Act (Consumer Protection Statute Law Amendment), 2017 (Bill 59)
- third reading, 3391–3392
- Real estate agents
- Real estate industry
- review of, 5646
- Safer School Zones Act, 2017 (Bill 65)
- School Boards Collective Bargaining Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 92)
- second reading, 2525–2526
- Service clubs
- fundraising, 4496
- Service dogs for autism
- access to school building and grounds, 4886
- Sexual abuse of patients
- study by taskforce, 868
- Strengthening Protection for Ontario Consumers Act, 2017 (Bill 166)
- Students with disabilities
- barrier-free access, in schools, 3663–3664
- Supply Act, 2017 (Bill 111)
- second reading, 3198
- Tarion
- reform, 3260
- Ticket sales and purchase
- consumer protection, 5649
- Time allocation motions
- Building Ontario Up for Everyone Act (Budget Measures), 2016 (Bill 70)
- presented, 1930
- Building Ontario Up for Everyone Act (Budget Measures), 2016 (Bill 70)
- Transportation planning
- Highway 7-Acton bypass, study of, 5357–5358
- Travel agents
- registration requirements, 5648
- Travel industry
- sellers in other jurisdictions
- compliance with Ontario regulations, 5648
- sellers in other jurisdictions
- Violence against women
- government initiatives, 1535–1536
- Voter participation
- youth engagement, 1270–1271
- Voters
- provisional registration for youth age 16 and 17, 1291–1292
- Women
- Access to Consumer Credit Reports and Elevator Availability Act, 2018 (Bill 199)
MacLaren, J. (Independent, Carleton–Mississippi Mills)
- Affordable Electricity Act, 2018 (Bill 197)
- first reading, 7244
- Aggregate, recycled
- in total extraction tonnage limits, 1450
- Aggregate Resources and Mining Modernization Act, 2017 (Bill 39)
- second reading, 1449–1450
- Aggregate resources management
- Aggregate sites
- annual reporting, 1450
- Alternative financial services
- consumer protection, 1895
- Appreciation
- athletes of the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games, 78
- Automated speed enforcement systems
- in community safety and school zones, 2934
- Building Better Communities and Conserving Watersheds Act, 2017 (Bill 139)
- third reading, 6929–6932
- Building Ontario Up for Everyone Act (Budget Measures), 2016 (Bill 70)
- second reading, 1871
- Cannabis, regulation of, 5514
- Cannabis, retail of
- privatized business model, 6410–6412
- Cannabis, Smoke-Free Ontario and Road Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 174)
- second reading, 6410–6413
- Child care, private
- general remarks, 2641
- Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Labour Dispute Resolution Act, 2017 (Bill 178)
- second reading, 6376
- Conservation authorities
- Consumer protection
- public education, 1668
- Disaster relief
- for flood victims in Ottawa area, 5282–5283
- Driver licences
- veteran designation, 5585–5586
- Election Finances Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 2)
- second reading, 553–554
- Election Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 45)
- second reading, 1225
- Electoral boundaries in northern Ontario
- study by Far North Electoral Boundaries Commission, 1225
- Electricity subsidies
- delivery charge subsidy for rural Ontario
- 12% increase, 308
- delivery charge subsidy for rural Ontario
- Energy affordability
- for the general public, 7291
- Energy policy
- Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017 (Bill 148)
- second reading, 5695–5697
- Green roofs
- criticism, 2986–2987
- Health care professionals
- protection of privacy, 3132
- Home inspectors, licensing and regulation
- general remarks, 1663
- Honouring our Veterans Act, 2017 (Bill 100)
- first reading, 2679–2680
- Immunization
- non-medical exemptions, 3131
- Land use planning
- official plans, appeals, 6929–6930
- Land use planning, reform
- general remarks, 6929
- Landlords
- rights of, 6912
- Local health integration networks (LHINs)
- as replacement for CCACs, 989
- Members' statements
- Minimum wage increase, economic impact
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- directive powers
- hospitals and LHINs, 989
- directive powers
- Modernizing Ontario's Municipal Legislation Act, 2017 (Bill 68)
- second reading, 2986–2987
- Municipal planning
- for climate change and disaster management, 2986–2987
- Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)
- replacement by Local Planning Appeal Tribunal
- cost to municipalities, 6929–6930
- replacement by Local Planning Appeal Tribunal
- Ontario Rebate for Electricity Consumers Act, 2016 (Bill 13)
- second reading, 308–309
- Oral questions
- Patients First Act, 2016 (Bill 41)
- second reading, 988–989
- Petitions
- Private members' public business
- Property tax assessment
- multi-residential buildings, 1871
- Protecting Patients Act, 2017 (Bill 87)
- Putting Consumers First Act (Consumer Protection Statute Law Amendment), 2017 (Bill 59)
- Renewable energy contracts
- effect on energy rates, 5928
- Safer School Zones Act, 2017 (Bill 65)
- second reading, 2934
- Sales, door-to-door
- consumer protection, 1663
- School Boards Collective Bargaining Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 92)
- second reading, 2478
- Sexual abuse of patients
- presumption of innocence, 3135
- Strikes, college faculty
- back-to-work legislation, 6376
- Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2017 (Bill 89)
- Toronto, Ontario
- anniversary of incorporation, 2679
- Veterans
- appreciation for, 5585–5586
- Affordable Electricity Act, 2018 (Bill 197)
MacLeod, L. (PC, Nepean–Carleton)
- Abortion services
- Affordable housing
- regulatory barriers, 615
- Agriculture industry
- energy affordability, 3151
- Albanian community
- heritage month, 2083–2084
- Albanian Heritage Month Act, 2016 (Bill 36)
- third reading, 2083–2084
- Anti-Racism Act, 2017 (Bill 114)
- Anti-Racism Directorate, 4713
- Anti-Racism Strategic Plan, 3522–3524
- Appreciation
- Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement
- as vehicle of anti-Semitism, 2032
- Budget Measures Act (Housing Price Stability and Ontario Seniors' Public Transit Tax Credit), 2017 (Bill 134)
- second reading, 4696
- Budget speech 2017 (April 27, 2017)
- responded to, 4428–4429
- Building Better Communities and Conserving Watersheds Act, 2017 (Bill 139)
- third reading, 7045–7046
- Cannabis
- Cannabis, growing for personal use
- in multi-unit dwellings, 6425
- Cannabis, Smoke-Free Ontario and Road Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 174)
- Child and youth mental health care
- general remarks, 5863
- Child care
- affordability, 7178–7179
- Child care spaces
- loss of independent child care spaces, 48
- Concussion prevention and management
- Craft brewers
- general remarks, 2961
- Craft distillers
- regulatory reform, 2868–2869
- Currency
- banknotes
- Viola Desmond on $10 bill, 2222
- banknotes
- Debates re answers to oral questions
- Hydro rates
- presented, 2988–2989
- Hydro rates
- Desmond, Viola
- first woman on Canadian banknote, 2238–2239
- Disaster relief
- for flood victims in Ottawa area, 4250–4251
- Drivers
- medical suspension due to mental illness, 293
- Economic conditions, 6435, 7549–7550
- Economic policies, 7180
- impact on job creation, 7373
- Election Finances Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 2)
- second reading, 567
- Election Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 45)
- Elections/by-elections
- use of vote counting equipment, 1274
- Electoral boundaries in northern Ontario
- study by Far North Electoral Boundaries Commission, 2203–2204
- Electricity generating facilities
- overbilling by, 6954–6955
- Energy affordability
- Energy rate increases
- Face coverings
- Quebec legislation on, 5761
- Fairness in Procurement Act, 2018 (Bill 194)
- second reading, 7373
- Gas plant cancellations
- deletion of data, 6013
- Government advertising
- Government debt, 7548
- Government orders
- Concurrence in supply
- responded to, 7177–7181
- Concurrence in supply
- Government record
- Health care
- user fees, 1084
- Health care funding
- Home inspectors, licensing and regulation
- stakeholder consultation, 1882
- Home insurance
- consumer protection, 6203
- Hospital beds
- occupied by long-term care patients, 7412
- Hospital construction
- Housing prices
- affordability, in Greater Toronto Area (GTA), 3787–3789
- Human rights
- history, 5994–5995
- Hydro One Inc. privatization, revenue
- Hydro One Inc. shares
- Islamophobia, 2401
- Judicial system
- handling of sexual assault cases, 6337
- Leaves of absence
- bereavement leave for parents
- in cases of child death from accident or illness, 2264–2265
- bereavement leave for parents
- Lebanese community
- appreciation, 7069–7070
- Lebanese Heritage Month Act, 2017 (Bill 60)
- third reading, 7069–7070
- Legislative procedure
- Long-term care
- Long-term care beds
- shortage
- bed blocking, 7551
- shortage
- Long-term care facilities
- Long-term care homes
- redevelopment
- Osgoode Care Centre, 7412–7413
- redevelopment
- Magnetic resonance imagers (MRIs)
- wait times, 843
- Medical assistance in dying (MAID), providers
- conscience rights
- effective referrals, 2539–2541
- conscience rights
- Medical Assistance in Dying Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 84)
- second reading, 2538–2542
- Member for Niagara West–Glanbrook
- comments on his departure from the Legislature, 118–120
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' appreciation
- DiNovo, Cheri
- Parkdale–High Park, 7139
- DiNovo, Cheri
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 3452–3453
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Mental health and addictions services
- Mental health care
- Mental illness
- stigma reduction, 7602–7603
- Minimum wage increase, economic impact
- Ministerial statements
- International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
- responded to, 2966
- International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
- Modernizing Ontario's Municipal Legislation Act, 2017 (Bill 68)
- Nanjing Massacre
- acts of violence and rape by Japanese army, 6003
- Natural gas billing
- cap-and-trade cost, disclosure, 5119
- Nick's Law (Opioid Abuse Awareness), 2017 (Bill 161)
- first reading, 5463–5464
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA), 6420
- Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan
- Opioid abuse
- Opposition day motions
- Oral questions
- By-election in Sudbury
- presented, 1296
- Cancer treatment
- presented, 126
- Child care
- presented, 6731–6732
- Disaster relief
- presented, 4250–4251
- Driver licences
- presented, 291
- Employment supports
- responded to, 5809
- Energy policies
- Fiscal accountability
- Government accounting practices
- presented, 5715
- Government advertising
- Government's record
- Health care
- Hospital services
- Hydro rates
- Mental health services
- Opioid abuse
- Power plants
- presented, 6013
- Provincial debt
- presented, 3959–3960
- Skills development
- presented, 7315–7316
- Tabling of public accounts
- presented, 515–516
- Taxation
- presented, 6679
- By-election in Sudbury
- Pancreatic cancer treatment
- surgery not funded by OHIP, 126
- Patients First Act, 2016 (Bill 41)
- second reading, 1083–1084
- Payday loan borrowers
- consumer protection, 1883
- PC Party election platform
- Persons with mental illness
- stigma, 293
- Petitions
- Pill presses, for counterfeit opioid production
- ban, 5131–5132
- Private members' public business
- Anti-racism activities
- responded to, 2401
- Child Abuse Prevention Month Act, 2017 (Bill 170)
- second reading, 5988–5989
- Compassionate Care Act, 2017 (Bill 182)
- second reading, 7162
- Free My Rye Act (Liquor Statute Law Amendment), 2017 (Bill 50)
- second reading, 2868–2869
- Health care
- Honouring our Veterans Act, 2017 (Bill 100)
- second reading, 5589–5590
- Human Rights Code Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 164)
- second reading, 5993–5995
- Illegal Pill Press Act, 2017 (Bill 126)
- second reading, 5131–5132
- Jonathan's Law (Employee Leave of Absence When Child Dies), 2016 (Bill 31)
- second reading, 2264–2265
- Mandatory Sexual Assault Law Training for Judicial Officers Act, 2017 (Bill 120)
- second reading, 6336–6337
- Nanjing Massacre
- responded to, 6003–6004
- Nick's Law (Opioid Abuse Awareness), 2017 (Bill 161)
- Support for Israel
- responded to, 2032
- Trans Day of Remembrance Act, 2017 (Bill 74)
- second reading, 6800
- Transparency in Gas Pricing Act, 2017 (Bill 146)
- second reading, 5119
- Anti-racism activities
- Promoting Affordable Housing Act, 2016 (Bill 7)
- Protecting a Woman's Right to Access Abortion Services Act, 2017 (Bill 163)
- Protecting Patients Act, 2017 (Bill 87)
- Protecting Students Act, 2016 (Bill 37)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 880–881
- time allocation motion
- Public accounts for 2015-2016
- Public education campaigns - Historical/National
- Battle of Vimy Ridge 100th anniversary, 3573–3574
- Public education campaigns—Anti-discrimination
- International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, 2966
- Public procurement, reciprocal access
- regulations limiting
- consultation on, 7369
- regulations limiting
- Putting Consumers First Act (Consumer Protection Statute Law Amendment), 2017 (Bill 59)
- second reading, 1881–1884
- Racism and anti-racism
- Racism and anti-racism, anti-black racism
- Desmond, Viola case, 4713–4714
- Racism and anti-racism, anti-Semitism, 3809
- Regional councils
- election of chairs, 2502
- Rent control
- units built after 1991, inclusion of, 3790–3791
- Rental Fairness Act, 2017 (Bill 124)
- second reading, 3786–3791
- Rowan's Law (Concussion Safety), 2018 (Bill 193)
- Safer Ontario Act, 2018 (Bill 175)
- second reading, 6703
- Safer School Zones Act, 2017 (Bill 65)
- Sexual violence and harassment
- #MeToo social media campaign, 5631
- Skilled tradespeople
- shortage of, 7315
- Strengthening Protection for Ontario Consumers Act, 2017 (Bill 166)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 6202–6204
- time allocation motion
- Strengthening Quality and Accountability for Patients Act, 2017 (Bill 160)
- Strikes, college faculty
- back-to-work legislation, 6363
- Stringer, Rowan
- death of, coroner's inquest, 7566
- Stronger, Fairer Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2017 (Bill 177)
- second reading, 6435
- Supply Act, 2017 (Bill 111)
- second reading, 3150–3153
- Supply Act, 2018 (Bill 196)
- second reading, 7548–7553
- Throne speech debate
- Ticket sales and purchase
- consumer protection, 6203
- Time allocation motions
- Trans Day of Remembrance Act, 2017 (Bill 74)
- third reading, 7074–7075
- Transgender people
- Transportation infrastructure
- government funding, 7179
- Veterans
- appreciation for, 5589–5590
- Voter participation
- youth engagement, 1273–1274
- Voting
- electronic voting
- use by municiplaities, 1274
- electronic voting
- Water quality
- Youth programs
- Girls in Government and Leadership, 1273–1274
Malhi, Hon. H. (LIB, Brampton–Springdale)
- Anti-Racism Act, 2017 (Bill 114)
- Anti-Racism Directorate, 3525
- Anti-Racism Strategic Plan, 3449–3450
- Anti-Sikh riots of 1984
- Blood donation and collection
- Sikh Blood Donation Campaign, 1125
- Bullying prevention
- anti-bullying initiatives, 1853
- Child custody
- grandparent access rights, 1366
- Corporations
- Correctional centres
- segregation
- review and reform, 792–793
- segregation
- Election Finances Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 2)
- second reading, 553
- Gender equality
- government strategy, 7684–7685
- Government notice of motions
- Minimum wage
- presented, 7253–7254
- Minimum wage
- Health care services
- in Brampton, 6340–6341
- Highway tolls
- permits for high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes, 194
- Hindu community
- appreciation, 1377–1378
- Hospital beds
- new
- Brampton Civic Hospital, 6234
- new
- Hospital expansion
- Peel Memorial Centre for Integrated Health and Wellness, 6234
- Hospitals
- government funding
- Brampton Civic Hospital, 6234
- government funding
- Human trafficking
- Members' statements
- Anti-bullying initiatives, 1853
- Bhayana Family Foundation Awards, 369
- Blood donation campaign, 1125
- Boys and Girls Club of Peel, 3061–3062
- Bramalea Free Methodist Church, 4448
- Brampton Kidney Walk, 5669
- Diwali and Bhandi Chhor Divas, 1359
- 5aab TV, 5238–5239
- Government anti-racism programs, 197–198
- Graduation rates, 4546
- Guru Nanak Dev Ji Gurpurab, 6163
- Guru Nanak Gurpurab, 1414
- Hindu Heritage Month, 6218
- Hydro rates, 2678–2679
- Kidney Walk, 643
- Post-secondary education, 1253
- United Achiever's Club, 522–523
- United Way of Peel Region, 5881–5882
- Vaisakhi, 3668
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Brampton–Springdale, 4448
- Minimum wage increase, economic impact
- general remarks, 7254
- Ministerial statements
- Multilingual/multicultural radio/television services
- 5aab TV, 5238–5239
- Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan
- general remarks, 2678
- Opposition day motions
- Hospital funding
- responded to, 6234–6235
- Hospital funding
- Oral questions
- Child care
- presented, 1478
- Correctional services
- presented, 792–793
- Employment standards
- presented, 3661
- Equal opportunity
- responded to, 7679
- Highway tolls
- presented, 194
- Homelessness
- presented, 2514–2515
- Human trafficking
- Post-secondary education
- presented, 1183–1184
- Public transit
- presented, 5608–5609
- Water quality
- presented, 3055
- Child care
- Petitions
- Hydro rates, 2680
- Police officers
- public perception of, 6701
- Police services
- public consultation, 6701
- Private members' public business
- Children's Law Reform Amendment Act (Relationship with Grandparents), 2016 (Bill 34)
- second reading, 1366
- Employment standards
- responded to, 3682–3683
- Enhancing Shareholder Rights Act, 2017 (Bill 101)
- second reading, 2876–2877
- Hindu Heritage Month Act, 2016 (Bill 56)
- second reading, 1377–1378
- Hospital services
- Sikh massacre
- Children's Law Reform Amendment Act (Relationship with Grandparents), 2016 (Bill 34)
- Public education campaigns - Health
- Kidney Walk, 643
- Public education campaigns—Culture
- Hindu Heritage Month, 6218
- Public education campaigns—Violence, sexual violence and harassment
- Public education campaigns—Women
- Racism and anti-racism
- Safer Ontario Act, 2018 (Bill 175)
- second reading, 6701–6702
- Students
- graduation rates, 4546
- Temporary help agencies
- Transit systems
- GO Transit-TTC co-fare agreement, 5608–5609
- Universities and colleges
- Violence against women
- Gender-Based Violence Strategy, 7679
- Women
- Ontario's Strategy for Women's Economic Empowerment, 7679
Mangat, A. (LIB, Mississauga–Brampton South)
- Automated speed enforcement systems
- Business, global competition
- general remarks, 5302
- Cutting Unnecessary Red Tape Act, 2017 (Bill 154)
- second reading, 5301–5304
- Employment standards
- public consultation, 5443
- Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017 (Bill 148)
- second reading, 5443
- Genetic testing
- protection of information, 1385
- Hazel McCallion Day
- creation of, 252
- Hazel McCallion Day Act, 2016 (Bill 16)
- first reading, 134–135
- J. Van Elsen Holdings Limited Act, 2017 (Bill Pr76)
- first reading, 6829
- Lunar new year, 7586–7587
- McCallion, Hazel
- political career, 252–253
- Members' statements
- Afroglobal Television Excellence Awards, 5977
- Ambedkar, B.R., 4133
- Canada-India joint stamp issue, 5289
- Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Design Technologies, 848
- Chinese New Year, 7586–7587
- Community awards, 2963
- Diabetes, 6621
- Gardiner, Kaitlyn, 2747–2748
- Mississauga Board of Chinese Professionals and Businesses, 1308
- Post-secondary education, 1186
- Sanjha Punjab Radio and TV, 3419–3420
- OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare Program
- coverage to age 25, 4824
- Ontario150
- grant programs, 2443
- Oral questions
- Petitions
- Hazel McCallion, 1698
- Postage stamps
- Canada-India joint stamp issue, 5289
- Private members' public business
- Public education campaigns—Health
- Diabetes Awareness Month, 6621
- Regulatory burdens, reduction of
- general remarks, 5301–5302
- Safer School Zones Act, 2017 (Bill 65)
- Sierra Cleaning Solutions Inc. Act, 2017 (Bill Pr64)
- first reading, 3878
- Transportation planning
- Highway 7-Acton bypass, study of, 5355–5356
- Tributes
- Amedkar, B.R., 4133
- Universities and colleges
- Women
Mantha, M. (NDP, Algoma–Manitoulin)
- Aggregate, recycled
- in total extraction tonnage limits, 1319–1320
- Aggregate Resources and Mining Modernization Act, 2017 (Bill 39)
- Aggregate resources management
- Aggregate resources management, consultation
- Aggregate sites
- Air pollution
- sulphur dioxide standards, 5666
- Appreciation
- Bear control
- actions by government, 415
- Bridges
- Nipigon River Bridge
- assessment before opening, 292
- Nipigon River Bridge
- Broadband networks, access to
- Budget speech 2017 (April 27, 2017)
- responded to, 4001
- Building Better Communities and Conserving Watersheds Act, 2017 (Bill 139)
- second reading, 5270
- Cannabis
- accessibility of
- in northern Ontario, 6450
- accessibility of
- Cannabis, Smoke-Free Ontario and Road Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 174)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 6448–6450
- time allocation motion
- Cardiac care
- northern Ontario, 3369–3370
- Child custody
- Children's Law Reform Amendment Act (Relationship with Grandparents), 2016 (Bill 34)
- Committees
- for northern members, establishment of, 4102–4103
- Construction Lien Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 142)
- second reading, 5273
- Consumer protection
- loyalty reward points, 2088–2089
- Corporate tax credits tied to job creation, 5308
- Cutting Unnecessary Red Tape Act, 2017 (Bill 154)
- Driver licences
- reinstatement after medical suspension
- wait times, 261
- reinstatement after medical suspension
- Economic development
- in northern Ontario, 5308
- Election Finances Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 2)
- second reading, 432–436
- Election Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 45)
- Electoral boundaries in northern Ontario
- Electoral reform
- candidates
- prohibition on acceptance of bribes, 2045
- candidates
- Energy affordability
- for municipalities, 3189
- Energy policy
- NDP plan, 5078
- Energy rates
- effect on business and labour market competition, 5309
- Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017 (Bill 148)
- French-language debates
- Gasoline prices
- regional differences, 7172
- Government advertising
- oversight by Auditor General, 433–434
- Government service transfer
- impact on northern communities, 2495–2496
- Government services
- Highway maintenance in winter
- Highway safety
- in northern Ontario, 2859–2860
- Highways in northern Ontario
- Hospital funding
- below inflation rate, 4001
- Hydro One Inc. privatization
- public opinion, 393
- Indigenous children
- mental health care, 5561
- Indigenous communities
- Indigenous Day Act, 2017 (Bill 156)
- first reading, 5109
- Indigenous peoples
- jurisdiction over child protection, 2554–2555
- Land use planning, reform
- stakeholder consultation, 5270
- Leaves of absence
- Legislative procedure
- motions
- time allocation, 6448–6450
- motions
- Lyme disease
- increasing prevalence of, 4685
- Medical Assistance in Dying Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 84)
- Medical laboratory services
- reorganization, 3357
- Members' statements
- Bear control, 415
- Byce, Charles Henry, 133
- Charles C. McLean Public School, 3574
- Chic-a-Palooza, 731
- Events in Algoma–Manitoulin, 7276
- Gentlemen's Knitting Challenge, 1308
- Indigenous heritage, 5063
- Lefrançois, Eddy, 1023
- Lyme disease, 4685
- Mellan, Kelsey and Matthew Bedard, 3102–3103
- Northern transportation, 2569
- Painted Land: In Search of the Group of Seven, 3971
- Peltier, Autumn, 5613
- School closures, 1623
- Thinking Rock Community Arts, 5108
- Winter road maintenance, 7004
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn, 1371
- Mercury poisoning in Grassy Narrows First Nation
- Mercury poisoning in Thunder Bay, North Harbour
- remediation, 3567
- Mineral exploration
- Minimum wage increase
- Mining claims
- electronic mining lands administration system, 1235
- Mining industry
- high cost of electricity, 1075
- Ministerial statements
- Mining industry
- responded to, 1075
- Mining industry
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
- directive powers
- aggregate resources management, 1467
- directive powers
- Modernizing Ontario's Municipal Legislation Act, 2017 (Bill 68)
- Municipal councils
- code of conduct, 2972–2973
- Municipal powers
- Municipalities
- revenue tools/generation, 2978
- Ontario Rebate for Electricity Consumers Act, 2016 (Bill 13)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 393
- time allocation motion
- Opposition day motions
- Oral questions
- Children's mental health services
- presented, 5561
- Environmental protection
- presented, 5666
- Government services
- Mercury poisoning
- Mining industry
- presented, 2846–2847
- Northern health services
- presented, 3369–3370
- Property taxation
- Ring of Fire
- Transportation infrastructure
- presented, 292
- Water quality
- presented, 3013
- Winter highway maintenance
- presented, 7632
- Children's mental health services
- Payday loan borrowers
- consumer protection, 1729
- Petitions
- Algo Centre Mall, 1422
- Alzheimer's disease, 2573
- Child care, 2075–2076
- Employment standards, 2571, 3470–3471
- Energy policies, 138, 1078, 7283–7284
- Health care funding, 251, 1079
- Highway improvement, 597
- Lyme disease, 249, 1316, 3979, 7283
- Pesticides, 4688–4689, 5574–5575, 7007, 7281–7282
- Primary health care, 3582
- Privatization of public assets, 421, 900, 1028–1029, 1362–1363
- Provincial truth and reconciliation day, 4208, 5577, 7282
- Shingles vaccine, 1077
- Private members' public business
- Children's Law Reform Amendment Act (Relationship with Grandparents), 2016 (Bill 34)
- Domestic and Sexual Violence Workplace Leave, Accommodation and Training Act, 2016 (Bill 26)
- second reading, 913–914
- Driver licences
- responded to, 261
- Fairness in Petroleum Products Pricing Act, 2017 (Bill 183)
- second reading, 7172
- Honouring our Veterans Act, 2017 (Bill 100)
- second reading, 5588–5589
- Liquor Licence Amendment Act (Maple Wine and Mead), 2017 (Bill 184)
- second reading, 6978–6979
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Special Purpose Account Transparency Act, 2018 (Bill 204)
- second reading, 7696–7697
- Northern Ontario
- responded to, 4102–4103
- Professional engineers
- responded to, 7286–7287
- Putting Voters First (Election Amendment) Act, 2016 (Bill 75)
- second reading, 2045
- Rea and Walter Act (Truss and Lightweight Construction Identification), 2017 (Bill 105)
- second reading, 3474–3475
- Safe Texting Zones Act, 2017 (Bill 19)
- second reading, 2859–2860
- Wind turbines
- responded to, 3488–3489
- Professional engineers
- appreciation for, 7286–7287
- Promoting Affordable Housing Act, 2016 (Bill 7)
- second reading, 999
- Property tax assessment
- industrial properties in northern Ontario
- overassessment, 728
- industrial properties in northern Ontario
- Property tax assessments
- increase in, 7271
- Protecting Patients Act, 2017 (Bill 87)
- Protecting Rewards Points Act (Consumer Protection Amendment), 2016 (Bill 47)
- third reading, 2088–2089
- Putting Consumers First Act (Consumer Protection Statute Law Amendment), 2017 (Bill 59)
- Retirement homes
- governance, 5858
- Ring of Fire development
- Road safety
- school and community safety zones, 3555–3556
- Safer School Zones Act, 2017 (Bill 65)
- Sales, door-to-door
- consumer protection, 1725
- Schools
- Charles C. McLean Public School, 3574
- Schools in rural Ontario
- government funding
- funding model, 1623
- government funding
- Senior citizens
- active living programs, 3354
- ServiceOntario offices
- closure in rural Ontario, 243–244
- Speaker
- role of, 5307
- Strengthening Quality and Accountability for Patients Act, 2017 (Bill 160)
- second reading, 5857–5858
- Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2017 (Bill 89)
- second reading, 2554–2555
- Time allocation motions
- Transportation
- northern Ontario, 5309
- Union certification, card-based
- expansion of, 5703–5704
- Veterans
- appreciation for, 5588–5589
- Voter participation
- youth engagement, 1511
- Wildlife conservation, 7696
- Wildlife protection
- Michipicoten Island caribou
- relocation programs, 7696–7697
- Michipicoten Island caribou
- Wind turbine siting
- community input, 3488–3489
- World War II
- service of indigenous soldier Charles Henry Byce, 133
- Aggregate, recycled
Martins, C. (LIB, Davenport)
- Abortion services
- access to, 4676
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 6780
- Affordable housing
- federal consultations and review, 1692
- Alcoholic beverage industry
- distillery tax
- on-site retail stores, 1867–1868
- distillery tax
- Ambulance services
- patient transport, non-hospital, 5550–5551
- Arts and culture
- Celebrate Ontario grants, 7637
- Autism treatment
- Ontario Autism Program
- direct funding, 7056–7057
- Ontario Autism Program
- Budget 2017
- pre-budget consultations, 1746
- Building Ontario Up for Everyone Act (Budget Measures), 2016 (Bill 70)
- Burden Reduction Act, 2017 (Bill 27)
- Business environment
- general remarks, 7259
- Business, global competition
- electronic filing, impact on, 5305
- Business Growth Initiative
- general remarks, 5176
- Businesses
- Child care funding
- Child care spaces
- 100,000 more licensed spaces for zero to 4 age group, 2236
- Children and youth in care
- protection up to age 18, 2819
- Condominium managers
- licensing, 411
- Condominium owners
- dispute resolution system, 411
- Construction Lien Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 142)
- second reading, 5480–5481
- Construction liens
- prompt payment regime, 5481
- Consumer protection
- Corporate grants
- transparency, 5188–5189
- Courts of Justice Amendment Act (Judicial Sexual Assault Education), 2017 (Bill 121)
- first reading, 3469
- Craft distillers
- regulatory reform, 2867
- Curriculum
- reform of, 3368–3369
- Cutting Unnecessary Red Tape Act, 2017 (Bill 154)
- Cycling
- Domestic violence prevention and treatment
- Abrigo Centre, 3467–3468
- Early childhood educators
- salaries, 5928–5929
- Education funding
- general remarks, 4020
- Education programs
- grants for parent involvement, 2390
- Election Finances Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 2)
- second reading, 427
- Elevators
- out-of-service, impact on seniors and persons with disabilities, 3692
- Emergency management
- action plan, 6822
- Employment standards
- reform, 4727–4728
- Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017 (Bill 148)
- Financial literacy
- for students, 6462
- Government administrative reform
- reduction in regulations, 2603–2604
- Government notice of motions
- Minimum wage
- presented, 7259–7260
- Minimum wage
- Government record
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- from transportation, 6860–6861
- Greenhouse gas reduction
- government initiatives, 1602–1603
- Health clinics
- urgen care clinics
- closure, 3164–3165
- urgen care clinics
- Housing prices
- affordability, in Greater Toronto Area (GTA), 3767–3768
- Human trafficking
- victim services agencies
- funding, 5977–5978
- victim services agencies
- Indigenous children
- Student Nutrition Program, 1016
- International trade
- trade mission to Israel, 2517
- Judges
- sexual assault law training, 6337–6338
- Justice system
- Land transfer tax
- rebate for first-time homebuyers
- increase, 1872
- rebate for first-time homebuyers
- Land use planning
- review, 2892
- Land use planning, reform
- general remarks, 4539–4540
- Leaves of absence
- for survivors of domestic or sexual violence [paid leave], 5348
- Living wage
- and small business, 5426
- Long-term care
- government funding, 6186
- Long-term care, minimum standard of care
- staffing levels, 6186
- McCallion, Hazel
- political career, 256–257
- Members' statements
- Abrigo Centre, 3467–3468, 6867–6868
- BIG on Bloor Festival, 4893
- Civics education, 4133–4134
- Community barbeque, 78
- Cycling, 6965–6966
- Hispanic Heritage Month, 798, 5516
- Holiday open house, 7144
- Human trafficking, 5977–5978
- International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, 4504–4505
- International Women's Day, 2748, 7587–7588
- Labour dispute, 6363
- Newcomer Kitchen, 5290
- Ossington Pentecostal Church, 1186–1187
- Panos, Don, 199
- Portuguese History and Heritage Month, 4779
- Public transit, 6622
- Pumpkin-carving event, 6085–6086
- Sexual violence and harassmnet, 4620
- Sistering, 1749
- Sousa, Antonio, 466
- Toronto Argonauts, 6398
- Tour for Humanity, 1924
- Trip to Israel, 2517
- Vietnamese community, 3104
- Watts, Dick, 850
- Members'/ministers' birthdays
- Potts, Arthur (Beaches–East York), 245
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn, 2741
- Minimum wage increase
- general remarks, 7259–7260
- Municipal infrastructure
- government funding, 1120
- Municipal planning
- allowable height/density of housing projects, 673
- Municipal planning, inclusionary zoning
- general remarks, 673
- Not-for-profit corporations
- government support for, 4440–4441
- Occupational health and safety
- employer-mandated unsafe footwear
- ban on, 5794–5795
- employer-mandated unsafe footwear
- scope, 7132–7133
- OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare Program
- coverage to age 25, 3897
- 1729293 Ontario Inc. Act, 2017 (Bill Pr74)
- first reading, 6086
- Ontario Electricity Support Program
- funding for low-income groups, 113
- Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
- eligibility, 3208
- Ontario Trillium Foundation
- Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan
- government advertising, 3821–3822
- Oral questions
- Access to justice
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- presented, 6780
- Accessibility for the disabled
- presented, 584
- Affordable housing
- Air-rail link
- presented, 2845
- Arts and cultural funding
- presented, 7637
- Autism treatment
- presented, 7056–7057
- Beverage alcohol sales
- presented, 2741
- Child care
- Climate change
- presented, 6860–6861
- Condominium legislation
- presented, 411
- Consumer protection
- Curriculum
- presented, 3368–3369
- Education funding
- Emergency management
- presented, 6822
- Employment standards
- presented, 4727–4728
- Energy policies
- presented, 3821–3822
- Equal opportunity
- Financial literacy
- presented, 6462
- Health care
- presented, 685
- Health care funding
- presented, 5507–5508
- Home building industry
- presented, 2891–2892
- Hospice and palliative care
- presented, 6615
- Housing policy
- Hydro rates
- Infrastructure program funding
- presented, 1120
- Land use planning
- presented, 4539
- Not-for-profit corporations
- presented, 4440–4441
- Ontario budget
- presented, 1746
- Ontario Trillium Foundation
- presented, 1351–1352
- Pharmacare
- Public transit
- Road safety
- presented, 5103–5104
- School nutrition programs
- presented, 1016
- Seniors
- presented, 6266–6267
- Sexual violence and harassment
- presented, 6016–6017
- Student achievement
- Student assistance
- presented, 3208
- Tenant protection
- presented, 3871–3872
- Waste reduction
- presented, 6511–6512
- Women's health services
- presented, 4676
- Palliative care
- government funding, 6615
- Paris Agreement
- government support for, 1602–1603
- Pay equity
- general remarks, 1182
- Petitions
- Consumer protection, 1257, 1423, 1627
- Dental care, 4834, 5169, 5341, 5399, 5620, 5622–5623, 5674, 5776, 5939, 6026
- Elevator maintenance, 3669–3670, 5622
- Employment standards, 4365, 4626–4627, 5819, 6518
- Environmental protection, 6788–6790
- GO Transit, 1188–1189, 3106
- Home inspection industry, 526, 1190, 2904
- Hydro rates, 3718, 3878–3879
- Ice machines, 597–598
- Property taxation, 1316
- Water fluoridation, 422–423, 3717, 4308, 4550, 4944–4945
- Portuguese community
- in Toronto's history, 466
- Private members' public business
- Climate change
- Domestic and Sexual Violence Protection Act, 2017 (Bill 157)
- second reading, 5347–5348
- Flood Avoidance, Insurance and Recovery Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 179)
- second reading, 6572–6573
- Free My Rye Act (Liquor Statute Law Amendment), 2017 (Bill 50)
- second reading, 2868
- Hazel McCallion Day Act, 2016 (Bill 16)
- second reading, 256–257
- Life Leases Act, 2017 (Bill 155)
- second reading, 5580–5581
- Mandatory Sexual Assault Law Training for Judicial Officers Act, 2017 (Bill 120)
- second reading, 6337–6338
- Ontario budget
- responded to, 3677
- Professional engineers
- responded to, 7290–7291
- Putting Your Best Foot Forward Act, 2017 (Bill 168)
- Registered Professional Planners Act, 2017 (Bill 122)
- second reading, 4330–4331
- Reliable Elevators Act, 2017 (Bill 109)
- second reading, 3691–3692
- Time to Care Act (Long-Term Care Homes Amendment, Minimum Standard of Daily Care), 2017 (Bill 33)
- second reading, 6186
- WSIB Coverage for Workers in Residential Care Facilities and Group Homes Act, 2017 (Bill 145)
- second reading, 6183
- Professional engineering
- industrial exception, 1549–1550
- Professional engineers
- appreciation for, 7290–7291
- Promoting Affordable Housing Act, 2016 (Bill 7)
- second reading, 673
- Protecting Students Act, 2016 (Bill 37)
- second reading, 865
- Public education campaigns - Community development
- National Housing Day, 1691
- Public education campaigns - Culture
- Public education campaigns - Violence, sexual violence and harassment
- Sexual Assault Prevention Month, 4620
- Public education campaigns - Women
- International Women's Day, 2748
- Public education campaigns—Culture
- Hispanic Heritage Month, 798
- Public education campaigns—Historical/National
- Tour for Humanity, 1924
- Public education campaigns—Women
- International Women's Day, 7679
- Putting Your Best Foot Forward Act, 2017 (Bill 168)
- first reading, 5671
- Registered professional planners
- definition and title protection, 4330–4331
- Regulations
- Regulatory burdens, one-for-one rule
- regulations in the public interest, 6044
- Regulatory burdens, reduction of
- Rent control
- vacancy decontrol, 4888
- Rent increases
- units built after 1991, 3871–3872
- Rental housing
- affordability, 2792
- Road safety
- cyclists and pedestrians, 5105–5106
- Safer School Zones Act, 2017 (Bill 65)
- third reading, 4338
- Senior citizens
- government services, 6266–6267
- Sewage and water services
- Disaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians program, 6572–6573
- Sexual violence and harassment
- government initiatives, 6016–6017
- Simple Stopwatch Inc. Act, 2016 (Bill Pr50)
- first reading, 1255
- Social services
- Abrigo Centre, 6867–6868
- Strengthening Quality and Accountability for Patients Act, 2017 (Bill 160)
- second reading, 5550–5552
- Strikes, college faculty
- back-to-work legislation, 6363
- Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2017 (Bill 89)
- Syrian refugees
- Newcomer Kitchen project, 5290
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 113–114
- Ticket sale and purchase
- ban on purchase of security bypassing software, 1303–1304
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- timed transfers, 6622
- Transit system expansion
- funding for Toronto area, 5234–5235
- Transit system expansion, high-speed railways
- from Toronto to Windsor, 5874–5875
- Tributes
- Union Pearson Express
- ridership, 2845
- Vietnamese community
- appreciation, 3104
- Waste diversion
- organic waste, 6511
- Women
- Women's emergency shelters
- Sistering, 1749
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- mandatory coverage for residential care and group home workers, 6183
- Abortion services
Martow, G. (PC, Thornhill)
- Affordable housing
- Alcoholic beverages, sale
- Anti-Human Trafficking Act, 2017 (Bill 96)
- second reading, 3428–3429
- Appreciation
- Autism treatment
- Automated speed enforcement systems
- in community safety and school zones, 2920
- Bangladeshi community
- notable members, 922
- Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement
- as vehicle of anti-Semitism, 2026–2028
- Building Better Communities and Conserving Watersheds Act, 2017 (Bill 139)
- second reading, 4972–4973
- Building Ontario Up for Everyone Act (Budget Measures), 2016 (Bill 70)
- second reading, 1830–1831
- Bullying prevention
- cyberbullying, 7442–7443
- Burden Reduction Act, 2017 (Bill 27)
- second reading, 1564
- Cancer treatment drugs
- coverage for medication taken at home, 5929–5930
- Cannabis, Smoke-Free Ontario and Road Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 174)
- second reading, 6149
- Child abuse/neglect
- duty to report, 5986
- Child care providers
- government funding limited to not-for-profit, 2644
- Child custody
- grandparent access rights, 1370–1371
- Child Protection Information Network (CPIN)
- Child protection system
- Child and youth mental health care
- wait lists, 2546
- Children and youth in care
- homelessness rates, 5877
- Children with disabilities
- treatment, 6821
- Children and youth in care
- Children's aid societies (CASs)
- Conservation authorities
- purpose of, 4972
- Construction Lien Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 142)
- second reading, 5482
- Consumer protection
- Corporations
- Driver licences
- Election Finances Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 2)
- Election Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 45)
- second reading, 1337
- Electricity price mitigation
- Energy affordability
- Energy production
- oversupply, 7297
- Eye examinations
- for those with diabetes, 3988
- Fair Hydro Act, 2017 (Bill 132)
- second reading, 4422–4423
- Fairness in Procurement Act, 2018 (Bill 194)
- Floods, rainwater
- insurance, 6571
- French-language debates
- Genetic testing
- as preventive health measure, 1383–1384
- Habitual absenteeism/lateness
- Hate crimes
- against the Jewish community, 6765
- Health care
- general remarks, 3991
- Health care funding
- allocation of funds, 1145
- Health care professionals
- Highway incident management
- clearing of collisions, 729
- Highway safety
- texting zones, 2863–2864
- Hindu community
- heritage month, 1376–1377
- Home Air Support Inc. Act, 2018 (Bill Pr81)
- first reading, 7684
- Home and community care
- exclusion from interprovincial billing agreement, 1600
- Honours and awards
- engineering awards, 2394
- Hospital beds
- occupied by long-term care patients, 7408
- Housing prices
- affordability, in Greater Toronto Area (GTA), 3798
- Human trafficking
- youth in care, 4751
- Labour disputes
- Canadian Hearing Society, 3770
- Lawren Harris Day Act, 2017 (Bill 128)
- third reading, 7076
- Leaves of absence
- Legislative procedure
- Lung health
- Lung Health Act, 2017 (Bill 71)
- third reading, 7071–7072
- McCallion, Hazel
- political career, 257
- Medical assistance in dying (MAID)
- coroner oversight, 2647
- Medical assistance in dying (MAID), providers
- Medical Assistance in Dying Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 84)
- Members' statements
- 211 Ontario, 7326
- Autism treatment, 5977
- Canadian Automobile Association, 5722
- Child Abuse Prevention Month, 848–849
- Child welfare, 5882
- CJPAC Women in Politics Mentorship Program, 1796
- Community events, 414–415
- Engineering awards, 2394
- Financial literacy, 4996
- First Chinese Senior Association of Vaughan, 6826
- Freier, Rachel, 7277
- The Giving Tree Unionville, 4895
- Hart-Green, Sharon, 7638
- Hindu Heritage Month, 5614
- International Centre for Human Rights, 6867–6868
- Lymphoma, 5932–5933
- Negev dinner, 6787
- Order of Vaughan recipients, 1924–1925
- ORT Toronto Hero Gala, 2749
- Remembrance Day, 1187
- Rosh Hashanah, 466–467
- Shabbat Project Toronto, 5814
- Simorgh Gala, 2241
- Thornhill Village Festival, 134
- Woof-A-Palooza, 6565
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 708–709, 1384, 2266
- Members'/ministers' quoting
- news media
- Trans Workforce, 6803
- news media
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn, 450
- Ministerial statements
- Anti-bullying initiatives
- responded to, 7442–7443
- Child Abuse Prevention Month
- responded to, 5887–5888
- Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day
- responded to, 5937
- Halloween safety
- responded to, 6089
- International Volunteer Day
- responded to, 2021–2022
- International Women's Day
- responded to, 7686
- Jewish Heritage Month
- responded to, 4205–4206
- World Autism Awareness Day
- responded to, 3267
- Anti-bullying initiatives
- Missing persons
- Modernizing Ontario's Municipal Legislation Act, 2017 (Bill 68)
- second reading, 2427
- Motherisk program
- forensic testing, errors in, 7477
- Nanjing Massacre
- National/independence/memorial days
- as education and awareness tools, 6004–6005
- New homes sector
- deposit protection, 6099
- Occupational health and safety
- employer-mandated unsafe footwear
- ban on, 5797–5798
- employer-mandated unsafe footwear
- Office of the Auditor General of Ontario
- power to audit public contractors, 1819
- Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan
- impact on long-term energy costs, 7297
- Opposition day motions
- Oral questions
- Autism treatment
- By-election in Sudbury
- presented, 1352
- Cancer treatment
- presented, 5929–5930
- Child care
- presented, 6779
- Child protection
- Children's treatment centres
- presented, 2667–2668
- Forest industry
- presented, 2612
- Health care
- presented, 843
- Highway safety
- presented, 729
- Hospital services
- presented, 3164–3165
- Hydro rates
- presented, 241
- Labour dispute
- presented, 3770
- Mental health services
- presented, 7580
- Motherisk
- presented, 7477–7478
- Ontario budget
- presented, 3708
- Ontario Culture Days
- presented, 5457–5458
- Public transit
- presented, 4198
- School closures
- presented, 2737
- Services for children with disabilities
- presented, 6821
- Palliative care
- access to, 2593
- Parental leave
- extension for municipal councillors, 1151–1152
- Patients First Act, 2016 (Bill 41)
- Payday loans and lenders
- PC Party election platform
- Petitions
- Agriculture industry, 252
- Alzheimer's disease, 1188, 4626, 6227–6228
- Anti-smoking initiatives for youth, 6566, 6625
- Cancer treatment, 5674, 5938–5939
- Curriculum, 1586, 2904–2905, 6091
- Dental care, 6168
- Driver licences, 6788
- Energy policies, 802
- GO Transit, 5522, 5574, 5622
- Government advertising, 6743
- Government services, 1315–1316
- Grandview Children's Centre, 3878, 4079–4080, 4307–4308
- Green power generation, 856
- Guide and service animals, 6787
- Health care funding, 2573
- Hospital services, 4255, 4549
- Hydro rates, 139, 421, 1128–1129, 1491, 1586–1587, 1804, 2147, 2246–2247
- Long-term care, 6226, 6567–6568, 7066
- Lyme disease, 4207–4208, 4451–4452, 7329
- Privatization of public assets, 1364
- Road safety, 5776, 5890–5891
- School closures, 900–901
- Seniors' health services, 7328
- Services for the developmentally disabled, 4736–4737
- Police officers
- Police services
- community policing model, 6770
- Political fundraising events
- attendance by members and political candidates, ban
- exemption for community events, 281
- attendance by members and political candidates, ban
- Portable basketball nets
- safety risks, 6988
- Post-secondary students
- mental health care funding, 7580
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Primary health care
- wait times, 843
- Private members' public business
- Affordable Electricity Act, 2018 (Bill 197)
- second reading, 7297
- Albanian Heritage Month Act, 2016 (Bill 36)
- second reading, 713–714
- Auditor General Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 67)
- second reading, 1819
- Bangladeshi Heritage Month Act, 2016 (Bill 44)
- second reading, 922–923
- Child Abuse Prevention Month Act, 2017 (Bill 170)
- second reading, 5986–5987
- Child Care and Early Years Amendment Act (Not-for-Profit Corporations), 2017 (Bill 98)
- second reading, 2644
- Children's Law Reform Amendment Act (Relationship with Grandparents), 2016 (Bill 34)
- second reading, 1370–1371
- Domestic and Sexual Violence Workplace Leave, Accommodation and Training Act, 2016 (Bill 26)
- second reading, 915
- Driver licences
- responded to, 265–266
- End Age Discrimination Against Stroke Recovery Patients Act, 2016 (Bill 9)
- second reading, 477
- Enhancing Shareholder Rights Act, 2017 (Bill 101)
- second reading, 2877
- Flood Avoidance, Insurance and Recovery Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 179)
- second reading, 6571
- Garrett's Legacy Act (Requirements for Movable Soccer Goals), 2017 (Bill 180)
- second reading, 6987–6988
- Hazel McCallion Day Act, 2016 (Bill 16)
- second reading, 257–258
- Health care
- responded to, 1145–1146
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (School Bus Camera Systems), 2017 (Bill 94)
- second reading, 2409–2410
- Hindu Heritage Month Act, 2016 (Bill 56)
- second reading, 1376–1377
- Home Care and Community Services Amendment Act (Dan's Law), 2016 (Bill 54)
- second reading, 1600
- Honouring our Veterans Act, 2017 (Bill 100)
- second reading, 5588
- Human Rights Code Amendment Act (Genetic Characteristics), 2016 (Bill 30)
- second reading, 1383–1384
- Improving Post-Stroke Recovery for All Act, 2016 (Bill 9)
- second reading, 477
- Jonathan's Law (Employee Leave of Absence When Child Dies), 2016 (Bill 31)
- second reading, 2266
- Katelynn's Principle Act (Decisions Affecting Children), 2016 (Bill 57)
- second reading, 1809–1810
- Lebanese Heritage Month Act, 2016 (Bill 60)
- second reading, 1589–1591
- Life Leases Act, 2017 (Bill 155)
- second reading, 5583–5584
- Liquor Licence Amendment Act (Maple Wine and Mead), 2017 (Bill 184)
- second reading, 6980
- Long-term care
- responded to, 6796–6797
- Lung Health Act, 2016 (Bill 71)
- second reading, 1825–1826
- Ministry of Community and Social Services Amendment Act (Social Assistance Research Commission), 2016 (Bill 6)
- second reading, 486
- Municipal Statute Law Amendment Act (Councillor Pregnancy and Parental Leave), 2016 (Bill 46)
- second reading, 1151–1152
- Nanjing Massacre
- responded to, 6004–6005
- Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day Act, 2016 (Bill 79)
- second reading, 2252
- Poet Laureate of Ontario Act (In Memory of Gord Downie), 2018 (Bill 186)
- second reading, 7710–7711
- Professional engineers
- responded to, 7290
- Putting Your Best Foot Forward Act, 2017 (Bill 168)
- second reading, 5797–5798
- Reducing Waste One Pod at a Time Act, 2017 (Bill 173)
- second reading, 6583
- Safe Texting Zones Act, 2017 (Bill 19)
- second reading, 2863–2864
- Saving the Girl Next Door Act, 2016 (Bill 17)
- second reading, 708–709
- Stop the Calls Act, 2017 (Bill 137)
- second reading, 4796
- Student Absenteeism and Protection Act, 2018 (Bill 198)
- second reading, 7704–7705
- Support for Israel
- Ticket Speculation Amendment Act (Purchase and Sale Requirements), 2016 (Bill 22)
- second reading, 491
- Trans Day of Remembrance Act, 2017 (Bill 74)
- second reading, 6802–6803
- Water fluoridation
- responded to, 696–698
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act (PTSD Benefits), 2017 (Bill 151)
- second reading, 5020–5021
- WSIB Coverage for Workers in Residential Care Facilities and Group Homes Act, 2017 (Bill 145)
- second reading, 6181–6182
- Affordable Electricity Act, 2018 (Bill 197)
- Promoting Affordable Housing Act, 2016 (Bill 7)
- Provincial trade, 7335
- Public education campaigns - Community development
- International Volunteer Day, 2021–2022
- Public education campaigns - Culture
- Public education campaigns - Disability
- World Autism Awareness Day, 3267
- Public education campaigns - Historical/National
- Public education campaigns—Children and families
- Public education campaigns—Community development
- Pink Shirt Day, 7442–7443
- Public education campaigns—Culture
- Public education campaigns—Education
- Child Care Worker & Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day, 5937
- Public education campaigns—Historical/National
- Remembrance Day, 1187
- Public education campaigns—Women
- International Women's Day, 7686
- Putting Consumers First Act (Consumer Protection Statute Law Amendment), 2017 (Bill 59)
- Regional councils
- election of chairs, 1830–1831
- Regulatory burdens
- in health services, 5552
- Religious holiday observance
- Yom Kippur, during Ontario Culture Days, 5457–5458
- Rental Fairness Act, 2017 (Bill 124)
- second reading, 3798
- Road safety
- Safer Ontario Act, 2018 (Bill 175)
- Safer School Zones Act, 2017 (Bill 65)
- Sales, door-to-door
- School buses
- stop-arm camera images
- use as evidence, 2409–2410
- stop-arm camera images
- School closures
- suburban Toronto, 3708
- School facilities
- as community hubs, 2737
- SKAS Auto Services Inc. Act, 2017 (Bill Pr66)
- first reading, 4450
- St. Pola Drugs Inc. Act, 2017 (Bill Pr65)
- first reading, 4254
- Strengthening Protection for Ontario Consumers Act, 2017 (Bill 166)
- second reading, 6099
- Strengthening Quality and Accountability for Patients Act, 2017 (Bill 160)
- Stroke rehabilitation
- affordability, 477
- Stronger, Fairer Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2017 (Bill 177)
- Sudbury by-election 2015
- allegations of offer of employment/political office to Glenn Thibeault, 1352
- Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2017 (Bill 89)
- Teachers
- recognition of child abuse/neglect, 7704
- Throne speech debate
- Time allocation motions
- Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2017 (Bill 89)
- responded to, 4629–4631
- Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2017 (Bill 89)
- Transgender people
- representation in the workforce, 6802–6803
- Transit planning
- downtown relief line (Toronto), 4198
- Transit system expansion
- subways in Toronto
- Yonge-University-Spadina line extension to Vaughan, 166
- subways in Toronto
- Transportation Systems Improvement Advisory Committee Act, 2017 (Bill 136)
- first reading, 4621–4622
- Tributes
- Carton, Gordon (former member for Armourdale), 5919–5920
- 211 Ontario, 7326
- Urgent care centres
- closure of the Branson Ambulatory Care Centre, 6233
- Vision care
- government funding, 1090
- Water fluoridation
- opposition to, 696–698
- Women
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- mandatory coverage for residential care and group home workers
- cost of, 6181–6182
- mandatory coverage for residential care and group home workers
- Youth justice facilities
Matthews, D. (LIB, London North Centre)
- Abortion services
- safe access zones, 5641
- Amazon.com Inc
- North American headquarters, location of, 5772
- Autism treatment
- intensive behavioural intervention (IBI)
- new funding, 3360–3362
- intensive behavioural intervention (IBI)
- Automated speed enforcement systems
- in community safety and school zones, 2919–2920
- Budget 2017
- Budget speech 2017 (April 27, 2017)
- responded to, 3925
- Building Ontario Up for Everyone Act (Budget Measures), 2016 (Bill 70)
- second reading, 1867
- Child and youth mental health care
- Child care
- 100,000 licensed spaces for zero to 4 age group, 238
- Child and youth mental health care
- Children's aid societies (CASs)
- labour negotiations, 1689
- Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Labour Dispute Resolution Act, 2017 (Bill 178)
- Construction Lien Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 142)
- second reading, 5493–5494
- Construction liens
- regulatory reform, stakeholder consultation, 5493
- Cutting Unnecessary Red Tape Act, 2017 (Bill 154)
- second reading, 5180
- Debates re answers to oral questions
- Labour dispute
- responded to, 6244–6245
- Labour dispute
- Education funding
- increase in, 2786
- Election Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 45)
- Electricity price mitigation
- Electronic medical records (EMRs)
- system review, 786–787
- Employment standards
- reform, 4675–4676
- Energy rates
- comparison to other cities/provinces, 1406
- Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017 (Bill 148)
- second reading, 5446
- Government consultants
- bidding and awarding of contracts
- transparancy
- Gandalf Group [polling and public opinion surveys], 236–237
- transparancy
- bidding and awarding of contracts
- Government data
- digital government initiative, 2842–2843
- Government record
- Liberal (2003-present)
- general remarks, 5384–5386
- Liberal (2003-present)
- Harmonized sales tax (HST)
- rebate on provincial share (8%)
- for electricity bills, 125
- rebate on provincial share (8%)
- Health care wait times
- report, Waiting Your Turn: Wait Times for Health Care in Canada, 2017, 6997–6998
- High-speed rail
- development of, 7274
- Hospital beds
- increase in, 6996
- Hospital funding
- increase, 3961–3962
- Hydro One Inc.
- Indigenous communities
- economic development, 7385
- Legislative procedure
- time allocation motions, 5615
- Local health integration networks (LHINs), expansion of mandate
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- on northern Ontario, 5158
- Mercury poisoning in Grassy Narrows First Nation
- remediation of Wabigoon River, 128
- Ministerial statements
- Student assistance
- presented, 5065–5066
- Student assistance
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- directive powers
- regulatory colleges, 3357
- directive powers
- Missing persons
- prevention, 6654–6655
- Modernizing Ontario's Municipal Legislation Act, 2017 (Bill 68)
- second reading, 2499
- New home warranties
- consumer protection, 6038–6039
- OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare Program
- Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
- Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan
- Opposition day motions
- Long-term care
- responded to, 7406–7407
- Long-term care
- Oral questions
- Autism treatment
- responded to, 3361–3362
- By-election in Sudbury
- Child care
- Children's mental health services
- responded to, 4019
- College students
- Colleges
- Community colleges
- responded to, 2959
- Digital government
- responded to, 2842–2843
- Economic development
- responded to, 5772
- Education
- responded to, 5456
- Electronic health information
- Employment standards
- responded to, 4675–4676
- Energy policies
- Executive compensation
- French-language post-secondary education
- responded to, 5154
- Government contracts
- responded to, 236–237
- Government fiscal policies
- responded to, 1411
- Government policies
- Government's record
- Health care
- responded to, 787–788
- Health care funding
- Highway tolls
- responded to, 1844–1845
- Hospital funding
- Hospital services
- responded to, 6996–6997
- Housing policy
- responded to, 6620
- Hydro rates
- Indigenous economic development
- presented, 7385
- Labour dispute
- Mental health services
- responded to, 4772–4773
- Mercury poisoning
- Northern Ontario
- responded to, 5158
- Ontario budget
- responded to, 3607
- Pharmacare
- Post-secondary education
- Public libraries
- responded to, 4015
- Public transit
- presented, 7274
- School closures
- Skills training
- Student assistance
- Student mental health services
- Taxation
- responded to, 6679
- Tenant protection
- responded to, 3458
- Violence against women
- presented, 7677
- Youth employment
- responded to, 4250
- Autism treatment
- Parental leave
- extension for municipal councillors, 2499
- Patients First Act, 2016 (Bill 41)
- second reading, 977
- PC Party election platform
- Petitions
- Post-secondary education
- Post-secondary students
- Prescription drugs
- government spending on, 7001–7002
- Private members' public business
- Protecting a Woman's Right to Access Abortion Services Act, 2017 (Bill 163)
- second reading, 5641–5642
- Protecting Patients Act, 2017 (Bill 87)
- second reading, 3357
- Public education campaigns—Education
- Colleges Week, 2037–2038
- Public libraries
- government funding, 4015
- Safer Ontario Act, 2018 (Bill 175)
- second reading, 6654–6655
- Safer School Zones Act, 2017 (Bill 65)
- second reading, 2919–2920
- Scarborough-Guildwood by-election 2013
- appointment of candidates
- [Adam Giambrone], 1684–1685
- appointment of candidates
- School closures
- and enrolment, 2788
- Senior citizens
- aging-at-home strategies, 7407
- Skilled trades
- apprenticeship training programs, 2013
- Strengthening Protection for Ontario Consumers Act, 2017 (Bill 166)
- second reading, 6038–6039
- Strikes, college faculty
- back-to-work legislation, 6368, 6379, 6505, 6553, 6999
- binding directive, 6458
- fall semester, effect on, 6505
- general remarks, 5603–5604, 5608, 6011, 6078, 6117, 6123, 6211, 6214, 6244–6245
- student reimbursement, 6264, 6386, 6389–6390, 6457–6459, 6505–6506, 6554, 6777–6778
- student withdrawals, 7055–7056
- Stronger, Healthier Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2017 (Bill 127)
- second reading, 4159–4160
- Student grants
- Surgical procedures
- Theatre
- Canadian Music Theatre Project, 2959
- Transfer payments
- to Ontario, increase/reduction, 4174
- Tributes
- Tuition fees
- affordability, 947–948
- United States
- visits by politicians
- DeVos Betsey (Secretary of Education), 5456
- visits by politicians
- Universities and colleges
- Violence against women
- Voter participation
- youth engagement, 1285
- Voters
- provisional registration for youth age 16 and 17, 1223–1224
- Youth employment
- Youth entrepreneurship programs
- government funding, 124–125
- Abortion services
Mauro, Hon. B. (LIB, Thunder Bay–Atikokan)
- Aggregate Resources and Mining Modernization Act, 2017 (Bill 39)
- third reading, 3586–3589
- Aggregate resources management, consultation
- stakeholder consultation, 3586–3588
- Ambulance services
- patient transport, non-hospital, 5735
- Building Better Communities and Conserving Watersheds Act, 2017 (Bill 139)
- Burden Reduction Act, 2017 (Bill 27)
- Cannabis, Smoke-Free Ontario and Road Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 174)
- time allocation motion
- presented, 6443–6444
- time allocation motion
- Disaster relief
- Economic conditions in northern Ontario, 3772, 4679
- Economic development in northern Ontario, 3966
- Election Finances Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 2)
- second reading, 565–566
- Electoral boundaries in northern Ontario
- history of, 5841
- Electoral districts
- in northern Ontario
- relationship to provincial government, 5842
- in northern Ontario
- Electricity price mitigation
- for industrial customers
- Northern Industrial Electricity Rate Program, 4248
- for industrial customers
- Electricity subsidies
- delivery charge subsidy for rural Ontario
- 12% increase, 318
- delivery charge subsidy for rural Ontario
- Energy affordability
- for municipalities, 1016
- Flood victims, compensation for
- Windsor–Tecumseh, 5103
- Floods
- in southwestern Ontario, 7437
- Forest industry
- endangered species regulations
- exemption from, 7429–7430
- endangered species regulations
- Forest industry in northern Ontario
- government supports, 5842–5843
- Government record
- Liberal (2003-present)
- health care, 5735–5736
- Liberal (2003-present)
- Government service transfer
- to municipalities, 1946
- Health care in northern and rural Ontario
- general remarks, 3331
- Health care in northern Ontario
- Highways in northern Ontario
- government funding, 5843
- Home inspectors, licensing and regulation
- Land use planning
- Land use planning, appeals process
- general remarks, 6541–6542
- Land use planning, reform
- Local appeal bodies, municipal, 6940, 7045
- Local Planning Appeal Support Centre
- role of, 6541
- Local Planning Appeal Tribunal
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 2448
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- on northern Ontario, 5228
- Mineral exploration
- growth, 2846–2847
- Mining industry
- Modernizing Ontario's Municipal Legislation Act, 2017 (Bill 68)
- Municipal councils
- Municipal funding
- general remarks, 2673
- Municipal governments
- increased flexibility and accountability, 1743
- Municipal infrastructure
- Municipal integrity commissioners, inquiries
- during election period, 4645–4546
- Municipal planning
- Municipal planning applications
- time frame extension, 6542
- Northern Ontario Heritage Fund, 3506–3507
- Office of the Integrity Commissioner
- powers re municipal councils
- code of conduct enforcement, 1945
- powers re municipal councils
- Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)
- Ontario Rebate for Electricity Consumers Act, 2016 (Bill 13)
- second reading, 317–322
- Ontera
- sale to Bell Aliant Inc., 2958–2959
- Oral questions
- Assistance to flood victims
- Disaster relief
- Economic development
- responded to, 2673
- Forest industry
- responded to, 7429–7430
- Home building industry
- responded to, 2892
- Housing policy
- responded to, 3502
- Hydro rates
- responded to, 1017
- Land use planning
- Local Government Week
- responded to, 5769–5770
- Mining industry
- Municipal funding
- responded to, 3616
- Municipal government
- Municipal infrastructure
- responded to, 2445
- Northern economy
- responded to, 3772
- Northern Ontario
- Northern Ontario development
- responded to, 3506–3507
- Northern transportation
- responded to, 6906–6907
- Ontario Municipal Board
- responded to, 638
- Privatization of public assets
- responded to, 2958–2959
- Ring of Fire
- Parental leave
- extension for municipal councillors, 1945
- Payday loans and lenders
- under municipal jurisdiction, 1897
- Police services
- under municipal jurisdiction, 6644
- Political contributions
- maximum allowable donations, reduction, 565–566
- Private members' public business
- Northern health services
- responded to, 4809
- Northern health services
- Protecting Patients Act, 2017 (Bill 87)
- second reading, 3330–3331
- Public education campaigns—Community development
- Putting Consumers First Act (Consumer Protection Statute Law Amendment), 2017 (Bill 59)
- Rental Fairness Act, 2017 (Bill 124)
- second reading, 3911–3912
- Representation Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 152)
- third reading, 5841–5844
- Ring of Fire development
- Safer Ontario Act, 2018 (Bill 175)
- second reading, 6644
- Sales, door-to-door
- Strengthening Protection for Ontario Consumers Act, 2017 (Bill 166)
- second reading, 6032–6033
- Strengthening Quality and Accountability for Patients Act, 2017 (Bill 160)
- Time allocation motions
- Cannabis, Smoke-Free Ontario and Road Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 174)
- presented, 6443–6444
- Cannabis, Smoke-Free Ontario and Road Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 174)
- Transfer payments
- to municipalities, 847
- Aggregate Resources and Mining Modernization Act, 2017 (Bill 39)
McDonell, J. (PC, Stormont–Dundas–South Glengarry)
- Affordable housing, supply
- financial incentive programs, 1050
- Aggregate, recycled
- general remarks, 4110–4111
- Aggregate Resources and Mining Modernization Act, 2017 (Bill 39)
- third reading, 4108–4113
- Agriculture industry
- organic, 4134
- Anti-Human Trafficking Act, 2017 (Bill 96)
- second reading, 3432–3433
- Anti-Racism Act, 2017 (Bill 114)
- Appreciation
- Brennan, Ron, 7107
- Automated speed enforcement systems
- Banking services
- affordable access to, 3385
- Budget speech 2017 (April 27, 2017)
- responded to, 4001
- Burden Reduction Act, 2017 (Bill 27)
- second reading, 623
- Cannabis, Smoke-Free Ontario and Road Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 174)
- second reading, 6405–6406
- Cheque-cashing services
- fee cap on government cheques, 1636
- Child care spaces
- loss of independent child care spaces, 101
- Construction Lien Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 142)
- Consumer protection
- Corporations
- Credit reporting agencies
- responses to customer queries
- time restrictions on, 5788
- responses to customer queries
- Credit reports
- five free reports per year, 5788
- Cutting Unnecessary Red Tape Act, 2017 (Bill 154)
- Debates re answers to oral questions
- Hospital funding
- presented, 3800
- Hospital funding
- Debt settlement agencies and agents
- Delegated Administrative Authorities Accountability and Transparency Act, 2016 (Bill 58)
- first reading, 1310
- Dementia treatment
- provincial strategy, 1694
- Driver licences
- Drivers
- reinstatement after medical suspensions, 245
- Election Finances Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 2)
- Election Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 45)
- second reading, 1511
- Elections/by-elections
- use of vote counting equipment, 1511
- Electricity billing
- customers facing disconnection, 3511
- Energy affordability
- Energy policy
- general remarks, 7286
- Energy production
- oversupply, 6760
- Energy rate increases
- Energy reliability
- in rural and northern Ontario, 213
- Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017 (Bill 148)
- Faireness in Labour Relations Act (Bargaining Units and Certification of Trade Unions), 2016 (Bill 83)
- first reading, 2142
- Fairness in Labour Relations Act (Bargaining Units and Certification of Trade Unions), 2017 (Bill 83)
- first reading, 2142
- Fairness in Procurement Act, 2018 (Bill 194)
- second reading, 7350–7351
- Firefighters
- appreciation, 3478–3479
- Gasoline tax revenue
- rural Ontario allocation, 3084–3085
- Government record
- Liberal (2003-present)
- energy, 6760
- Liberal (2003-present)
- Health care funding
- general remarks, 831
- Health care in northern Ontario
- health travel grant, expansion of, 4808–4809
- Home inspectors, licensing and regulation
- Hospital beds
- shortage/surplus, 4237
- Hospital funding
- Interprovincial trade
- electricity trade
- agreement between Quebec and Ontario, 1121
- electricity trade
- Leaves of absence
- bereavement leave for parents
- in cases of child death from accident or illness, 2262
- bereavement leave for parents
- Legislative procedure
- government bills, 6406
- Long-term care
- funding, 7382
- Long-term care beds
- Long-term care facilities
- closure/bed relocation
- evaluation metrics, 6796
- closure/bed relocation
- Loyalty reward points
- Medical assistance in dying (MAID)
- vulnerable populations, 2361
- Medical assistance in dying (MAID), providers
- conscience rights, 2360
- Medical Assistance in Dying Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 84)
- second reading, 2360–2361
- Members' statements
- Agri-food industry, 4134
- Armed Forces bands, 3262
- Brennan, Ron, 7107
- Business awards, 2570
- Charity events in Stormont–Dundas–South Glengarry, 7002–7003
- Community fundraising, 731
- Cornwall Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards, 7529
- Dementia, 1694
- Glengarry Agricultural Wall of Fame, 4023–4024
- Glengarry Celtic Music Hall of Fame, 4618
- Parliament of Upper Canada, 5062
- School closures, 1624, 2139, 2798
- Spiller, Ernie and Sean Adams, 247–248
- Villeneuve, Noble, 7588
- Woollven, Jay, 3102
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 2262
- Mental health and addictions services
- Stormont–Dundas–South Glengarry, 5005
- Mental health care
- access to, 7575
- Minimum wage increase, economic impact
- Mining industry
- government support, 4109–4110
- Ministerial statements
- Nowruz
- responded to, 2966
- Nowruz
- Ministry of Government and Consumer Services
- directive powers
- payday loans and lenders, 1636
- directive powers
- Modernizing Ontario's Municipal Legislation Act, 2017 (Bill 68)
- Municipal infrastructure
- government funding, 4001
- New home warranties
- New homes sector
- Ontario College of Teachers, disciplinary committee
- Ontario Rebate for Electricity Consumers Act, 2016 (Bill 13)
- second reading, 213
- Opposition day motions
- Oral questions
- Organic agri-food industry
- general remarks, 6590
- Patients First Act, 2016 (Bill 41)
- second reading, 831–832
- Payday loan borrowers
- Payday loans and lenders
- Petitions
- Access to justice, 2353, 3218, 4026–4027
- Dementia, 1699
- Dental care, 4737
- Driver licences, 251, 6401, 7008–7009
- Energy contracts, 2077, 3627, 4137
- Fundraising, 736
- Government advertising, 3376
- Government services, 83, 202, 1078–1079, 1751, 2970, 3580, 3880
- Green power generation, 7008
- Health care funding, 1974
- Hydro rates, 35, 735–736, 2969, 7329
- Long-term care, 5397, 6399, 6626, 6832, 7328, 7534–7535
- Minimum wage, 4945
- Natural gas, 82
- Organic products, 4999–5000, 5069, 5399
- Protection of people with disabilities, 4208
- School closures, 599, 735, 1029–1030, 1314–1315, 1539, 1627, 1975, 2572, 2801–2802, 2968, 3063, 3879, 4135, 6834
- Shingles vaccine, 4946
- Special-needs students, 3423–3424
- Wind turbines, 1977
- Political fundraising
- conflict of interest, 426–427
- Private members' public business
- Driver licences
- Enhancing Shareholder Rights Act, 2017 (Bill 101)
- second reading, 2874–2875
- Fairness in Consumer Reporting Act, 2017 (Bill 167)
- second reading, 5788
- Franco-Ontarian anthem
- responded to, 2632–2633
- Gasoline Tax Fairness for All Act, 2017 (Bill 93)
- second reading, 3084–3085
- Honouring our Veterans Act, 2017 (Bill 100)
- second reading, 5590–5591
- Jonathan's Law (Employee Leave of Absence When Child Dies), 2016 (Bill 31)
- second reading, 2262
- Long-term care
- responded to, 6796
- Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions Act, 2017 (Bill 149)
- second reading, 5005
- Northern health services
- responded to, 4808–4809
- Organic Products Act, 2017 (Bill 153)
- second reading, 6590
- Professional engineers
- responded to, 7285–7286
- Protecting Rewards Points Act (Consumer Protection Amendment), 2016 (Bill 47)
- second reading, 1132–1133
- Rea and Walter Act (Truss and Lightweight Construction Identification), 2017 (Bill 105)
- second reading, 3478–3479
- Simcoe Day Act, 2017 (Bill 159)
- second reading, 5365
- Wind turbines
- responded to, 3491–3492
- Professional engineers
- appreciation for, 7285–7286
- Promoting Affordable Housing Act, 2016 (Bill 7)
- Protecting Rewards Points Act (Consumer Protection Amendment), 2016 (Bill 47)
- third reading, 2088
- Protecting Students Act, 2016 (Bill 37)
- Public education campaigns - Historical/National
- Public education campaigns – Historical/National
- 225 anniversary of first Parliament of Upper Canada, 5062
- Putting Consumers First Act (Consumer Protection Statute Law Amendment), 2017 (Bill 59)
- Real estate agents
- multiple representation, 5755
- Regulations, harmonization
- general remarks, 5433–5434
- Regulatory burdens
- general remarks, 5434
- Renewable energy
- as government policy, 3492
- Renewable energy contracts
- general remarks, 6760
- Rent-to-own services
- consumer protection, 1637
- Right to Care Act (Children 16 Years of Age and Older), 2016 (Bill 32)
- first reading, 591
- Ring of Fire development
- delays, 4109
- Safer School Zones Act, 2017 (Bill 65)
- Sales, door-to-door
- School Boards Collective Bargaining Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 92)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 2580–2582
- time allocation motion
- School closures
- Schools in rural Ontario
- Social housing
- as municipal responsibility, 401
- Steel industry
- decline
- due to cost of electricity, 7350–7351
- decline
- Strengthening Protection for Ontario Consumers Act, 2017 (Bill 166)
- Stronger, Fairer Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2017 (Bill 177)
- Stronger, Healthier Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2017 (Bill 127)
- Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2017 (Bill 89)
- Tarion
- Throne speech debate
- Ticket sales and purchase
- Time allocation motions
- Transit systems
- government funding, 3230
- Travel agents
- registration requirements, 5756
- Travel industry
- sellers in other jurisdictions
- compliance with Ontario regulations, 5756
- sellers in other jurisdictions
- Tributes
- Veterans
- appreciation for, 5590–5591
- Wind turbine projects
- Nation Rise Wind Farm, 2062
- Wind turbines
- effect on health, 4767
- Affordable housing, supply
McGarry, Hon. K. (LIB, Cambridge)
- Adopted children
- relationship with birth families, 2694–2695
- Aggregate, recycled
- Aggregate Resources and Mining Modernization Act, 2017 (Bill 39)
- Aggregate resources management
- Aggregate resources management, consultation
- Aggregate sites
- Automated speed enforcement systems
- Budget speech 2017 (April 27, 2017)
- Building Better Communities and Conserving Watersheds Act, 2017 (Bill 139)
- Building Ontario Up for Everyone Act (Budget Measures), 2016 (Bill 70)
- second reading, 1669
- Cannabis, regulation of
- general remarks, 6412
- Cannabis, Smoke-Free Ontario and Road Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 174)
- second reading, 6412
- Children and youth in care
- protection up to age 18, 2694
- Conservation authorities
- Conservation authorities, boards of directors
- professional qualifications of, 4863
- Conservation authorities, reform
- Conservation officers
- warrantless entry powers, 6936
- Debates re answers to oral questions
- Election Finances Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 2)
- second reading, 546–547
- Electric power failures
- northeast blackout of 2003, 222
- Floods
- prevention of
- government funding, 2236
- prevention of
- Forest industry
- GO Transit
- WiFi access, 7477
- Government advertising
- third-party advertising
- prevention of collusion, 547
- third-party advertising
- Government record
- Health care
- state of, 960
- High-speed rail
- Highway construction projects
- GTA West Corridor
- cancellation, 7234
- GTA West Corridor
- Highway maintenance
- Highway 6, 7238
- Highway maintenance in winter
- Hospital construction
- by hospital
- Cambridge Memorial Hospital, 113
- by hospital
- Hunting and trapping
- Indigenous communities
- economic development, 6316
- International trade agreements
- Adopted children