Index des intervenants

Letter: G

  • Gallagher Murphy, D. (PC, Newmarket—Aurora)

    • Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
      • Child and Family Services Review board, A274, A280
      • Consent and Capacity Board, A212
      • Council of the Ontario College of Teachers, A240–A241
      • Custody Review Board, A234
      • Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology board of governors, A175
      • Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario, A116
      • Human rights Tribunal of Ontario, A137
      • Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, A15
      • Invest Ontario, A120–A121
      • Landlord and Tenant Board, A186–A187, A190–A191, A229
      • Licence Appeal Tribunal, A82, A151, A164–A165
      • Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology board of governors, A168
      • Ontario Civilian Police Commission, A28
      • Ontario Financing Authority, A200–A201
      • Ontario Honours Advisory Council, A245
      • Ontario Land Tribunal, A25
      • Province of Ontario Council for the Arts, A79
      • Provincial Schools Authority, A221
      • Public Service Grievance Board, A107
      • Social Benefits Tribunal, A109–A110, A158
      • Species at Risk Conservation Trust, A67, A207
      • Windsor-Essex County Health Unit board of health, A180
      • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, A19–A20, A45
    • French-language debates
      • Honouring Our Veterans Act, 2023 (Bill 65), PH109
    • Garrett's Legacy Act (Requirements for Movable Soccer Goals), 2023 (Bill 99), SP646–647
    • Honouring Our Veterans Act, 2023 (Bill 65), PH101–PH102
    • Joshua's Law (Lifejackets for Life), 2023 (Bill 93), IN271, IN278
    • Legislative Assembly
      • facility rehabilitation
    • Legislative precinct
      • rehabilitation and restoration
        • infrastructure, PH47
        • procurement process, PH35
    • Municipal restructuring - Bradford West Gwillimbury
    • Regulatory policy
    • Sewage and wastewater infrastructure
    • Soccer goalposts - unanchored
    • Veterans
      • support services
        • mental health care, PH102
  • Gates, W. (NDP, Niagara Falls)

    • Agricultural land
      • conservation/loss, HE906
    • Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
    • Apprenticeships
      • completion rate
        • unionized vs. non-unionized, SP453
      • training programs, secondary students
    • Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98), SP379, SP382–SP383, SP400, SP411–SP412, SP420–SP421, SP429, SP446, SP453, SP463, SP472–473
    • Colleges and universities
      • public vs. private
        • community benefits, SP61
        • funding, SP62
    • Committee procedure
    • Committee process
      • closed sessions
      • selection of estimates (2022-2023), SP47
    • Construction industry
      • work sites
        • washroom facility access, F604
    • Curriculum
      • employment readiness, SP411
    • Douglas Memorial Hospital, Fort Erie
      • emergency department
        • service reduction, SP556
    • Education policy
    • Education - secondary
      • skilled trades
        • union consultation, SP383
    • Employment standards
      • enforcement
        • workplace inspections, F609
    • Garrett's Legacy Act (Requirements for Movable Soccer Goals), 2023 (Bill 99), SP638–SP642, SP645–SP647
    • Government record
      • PC (2018-present)
        • labour policy, F587
    • Health care
      • support programs
    • Health care funding
      • government strategy, SP188
    • Health care services
    • Health care system
    • Health care workers
    • Hospitals - capital projects
      • construction timelines
    • Hospitals - capital projects by region
    • Housing development
    • Housing development - by region
    • Independent health facilities
      • director
        • appointment of, SP304
        • governance struture, SP302
        • responsibilities, operating room registry, SP305
      • for-profit vs. not-for-profit, SP293
        • standards of care, SP280
      • licensee responsibilities
        • compliants process, publication of, SP339
        • data and information services, requirements, SP341
        • information sharing, infection rates, SP336
        • information sharing, privacy protection, SP342
      • licensing of
      • licensing of, application assessment
        • consultation process, health care unions, SP318
        • health human resources plan
          • health care and long-term care, SP316
        • regional operating room capacity, SP315–SP316
      • licensing of, applications
      • staff, licensing
        • health care workers, out-of-province, SP347
    • Independent health facilities - diagnostic and surgical procedures, expansion
      • government strategy, SP280
    • Labour policy
    • Legal aid services
      • government funding, F604
    • Legions
      • support services and groups
    • Libraries - public
      • community impact, SP463
    • Long-term care - by site
      • Orchard Villa
        • COVID-19 response, SP628
    • Long-term care - COVID-19
      • fatalities
        • for-profit vs. not-for-profit, SP627
      • military support, SP294
    • Long-term care - facilities
      • facility inspections
        • infractions and violations, SP171
    • Long-term care facilities
      • infection prevention and control
    • Long-term care - staff
      • compensation
        • impact of recruitment and retention, F596
      • temporary agencies, use of
    • Long-term care - standards of care
      • average hours of care, increase, SP629
    • Manufacturing industry
      • economic conditions, impact of, F606
    • Members'/ministers' remarks
    • Military personnel
      • reservists
    • Ministry of Long-Term Care
      • funding allocation, SP627
    • Motions
      • estimates - assignment of ministries
    • Municipal restructuring - Niagara Region
    • Niagara-on-the-Lake
    • Nurse practitioners
      • access to, by region
    • Nurses - temporary agencies
      • hiring of
        • oversight mechanisms, SP171
    • Occupational health and safety
      • injuries and fatalities
        • young workers, F619
      • unions, role of, F619
    • Public sector compensation - increase cap
      • general remarks, F587, SP240
      • legal challenge
        • cost of, reflection in estimates, SP557
    • Public sector compensation - increase cap, health care workers
    • School board trustees
    • School boards
      • flags and symbols
        • LGBTQ2S+ community, SP585
    • School facilities
    • School facilities - excess properties, sell of
    • Schools
    • Soccer goalposts - unanchored
    • Standing Committee on Government Agencies
    • Standing Committee on Social Policy
      • committee business
    • Students - post secondary education
      • international students
        • economic impact, SP62
    • Students - refugees and asylum seekers
      • supports and services, SP586
    • Surgical procedures
      • delivery of
        • public vs. private
      • delivery of, cost
        • for-profit vs. not-for-profit, SP294
      • standards of care
        • public vs. private, SP195
    • Temporary foreign workers
      • employee protection, F595
        • general remarks, F603
      • injuries and fatalities
        • general remarks, F595
      • workplace inspections, proactive
    • Ukraine - invasion of (February 2022)
      • government response
        • refugee resettlement
    • Veterans
      • post-service employment
        • education and training, community organizations, F618
        • general remarks, F608
      • supportive housing programs, F618
    • Working for Workers Act, 2023 (Bill 79), F582–583, F587, F595–596, F603–604, F606, F608–609, F611, F618–F619
    • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
      • deeming policy, F603
      • presumptive coverage, expansion of, F611
    • Your Health Act, 2023 (Bill 60), SP171–SP172, SP178–SP179, SP181, SP187–SP188, SP195, SP202–SP203, SP214, SP220–SP221, SP240, SP253–SP254, SP262–SP263, SP272–SP273, SP280, SP287
  • Gélinas, F. (NDP, Nickel Belt)

    • Apprenticeships
      • training programs, secondary students
    • Assistive Devices Program (ADP)
      • funding allocations
        • prosthetics and orthotics, F211
    • Auditor General of Ontario
      • appearance at Standing Committee on Public Accounts
        • officer of the Legislature vs. witness, P13
    • Autism services
      • access to
        • northern and rural Ontario, SP607
      • non-autism specific, access to
        • Integrated Services for Northern Children, SP619–620
    • Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98), SP442, SP444–445
    • Building More Mines Act, 2023 (Bill 71), IN128–IN129, IN136–IN137, IN143–IN144
    • Children's treatment centres
      • funding allocation
        • northern Ontario, SP619
      • programs and services
        • Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI) and Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), SP620
        • payment models, SP620
      • programs and services, access to
    • Committee process
      • schedules and agendas
        • closed session, discussion of, SP46
      • witnesses
        • presentations, grouping of, P89
    • Community Health Centres (CHCs)
      • operational funding, SP548
    • Consumption and treatment services
      • applications, number of, SP550
    • Consumption and treatment services - funding
      • allocation, SP542
      • applications for, Greater Sudbury
      • by region
    • Developmental services - supportive housing
      • capital projects
        • by region
    • Doctors - recruitment and retention
      • family-health-organization physician models, SP21
    • Education - French-language
    • Education policy
    • Education - student outcomes
      • provincial priorities
        • accessibility and inclusion requirements, SP501
      • student well-being
    • French-language debates
    • Health care funding
      • primary care, team based
        • reflection in estimates, SP549
      • primary care, team-based
    • Health care - Northern Health Travel Grant
      • disbursement process, SP38
      • mileage expenses, SP38
    • Health care - primary care
      • access to
        • northern Ontario, SP21
      • access to, by region
      • government funding
      • recruitment and retention program
    • Health care services
      • delivery of
        • for-profit vs. not-for-profit, SP191
        • public vs. private, SP181
      • insured services, SP284
    • Health care workers
    • Health care workers - recruitment and retention
      • as-of-right initiative
        • inter-provincial mobility, regulations, SP243
    • Health facilities - health clinics
      • nurse practitioner led
        • expansion programs, SP21
        • funding requests, SP21
          • assessment process, SP21
        • operational funding, requests, F218
    • Home and community care
      • family-managed care
        • funding allocation, SP37
    • Hospital funding
    • Hospital services - emergency care
      • community support services
        • dementia and other cognitive conditions, F227
    • Hospital services - surgical procedures
      • backlog remediation
      • inpatient vs. outpatient centres, SP292
      • operating rooms, service capacity, SP168
      • wait-lists
        • centralized management system, SP270
    • Hospitals - beds
      • permanent vs. temporary
        • in operation, SP44
        • in operation per hospital, SP44
    • Hospitals - funding
      • allocation per hospital, SP39, SP43
        • budget streams, SP38
        • COVID-19 programs, SP43
      • operational allocation
    • Independent health facilities
      • director
      • facility costs, restrictions
        • patient payments, SP343
      • for-profit vs. not-for-profit, SP278–SP279, SP291
      • government funding
        • annual allocation, SP37
        • per facility, SP36
      • information sharing
        • confidentiality requirements, SP349
      • inspections
        • information sharing, SP346
      • inspectors, qualifications, SP344–SP345
      • integration with health care system, SP291
      • licensee responsibilities
        • administrative services, requirements, SP341
        • community consultation and integration, SP337
        • compliants process, publication of, SP338–SP339
        • compliants process, reporting timelines, SP340
        • data and information services, requirements, SP341
        • incident review process, reporting timelines, SP340
        • information sharing, SP341–SP342
        • information sharing, infection rates, SP336
        • information sharing, privacy protection, SP342
        • quality advisors, hiring of, SP337–SP338
        • remediation process, SP341–SP342
        • staffing ratios, SP335
        • uninsured service fees, restrictions, SP338
      • licensing of
        • call for applications, public, SP309
        • director's discretion, SP320–SP321
        • for-profit vs. not-for-profit, SP322
        • limitations, investor-owned, SP324–SP325
        • location limitations, SP321
        • requirements, SP325
        • requirements, applied for services, SP328
        • requirements, hospital partnerships, SP326
        • requirements, professional scope, SP327
        • term limits, SP329
      • licensing of, application approval
      • licensing of, application assessment
        • consultation process, health care unions, SP318
        • disclosure requirements, SP320
        • health human resources plan
          • health care and long-term care, SP316
        • health service co-ordination
          • health care and long-term care, SP317
        • Indigenous consultation, SP317
        • patient perspective, SP320
        • regional operating room capacity, SP315
      • licensing of, application or renewal
      • licensing of, applications
      • licensing of, renewal
        • ministerial approval, SP330
      • ministerial evaluation, SP350
      • ministerial responsibilities
        • data collection and sharing, SP352
      • oversight mechanisms
        • ministerially appointed bodies, SP351
      • ownership models, SP229, SP251, SP259
      • payments and facility costs
        • information access, SP344
      • regional funding, SP564
      • service fees
      • staff
        • nurses, professional scope, SP352
      • staff, licensing
      • staffing models, regulations
        • impact on hospital staffing, SP169
      • surgical procedures
        • complications, transport to hospitals, SP181
        • for-profit vs. not-for-profit, SP123
        • integration with local hospitals, SP185
    • Independent health facilities - diagnostic and surgical procedures, expansion
      • access to
      • cataracts, SP564
      • northern and rural Ontario, SP278
      • operational costs, SP218
      • oversight mechanisms, SP251
      • service delivery
        • for-profit vs. not-for-profit, SP237
      • staffing models, regulations
    • Indigenous communities - health
    • Indigenous communities - health care
      • Aboriginal health access centres
        • operational funding, SP213
      • Indigenous primary health care organizations
        • expansion funding, F237
      • service delivery, Indigenous-led, SP213
    • Indigenous relations - land claims
      • Mattagami First Nation, JP293
      • Wahnapitae First Nation, JP293
    • Invasive species
    • Joshua's Law (Lifejackets for Life), 2023 (Bill 93), IN269, IN274
    • Laurentian University
      • degree programs
      • economic impact, SP55
      • financial proceedings
        • monitoring process, SP56
      • government funding
        • real estate, allocation, SP57
      • insolvency proceedings
      • programs of study, French-language, SP58
    • Life jackets
    • Life jackets - enforcement
    • Long-term care - funding
      • Elder Care Capital Assistance Program (ELDCAP), SP563–564
    • Mental health and addictions - services
      • operational funding
        • impact on staffing, F221
      • staffing levels, F221
    • Midwives
      • compensation, SP38
    • Mines and mining
      • Long Lake Mine
    • Mining industry
      • regulatory environment, IN128
    • Mining industry - critical minerals
      • mine-waste biotechnologies, use of, F244
    • Mining sites - closure plans
      • facilities, re-purposing of, IN129
      • material impact, definition of, IN128
    • Mining sites - closures
    • Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines
    • Ministry of Health
      • employment studies
      • surgical procedures, wait-lists
    • Motions
      • Auditor General as officer of the Legislature
        • Standing Committee on Public Accounts meetings
      • closed sessions
      • estimates - assignment of ministries
    • Nurse practitioners
      • access to
      • employment
    • Nurses
      • employment programs
        • Community Commitment Program for Nurses (CCPN), SP31
        • funding, SP30–SP31
        • Nursing Graduate Guarantee, SP30
      • professional scope
      • professions, types of
        • data collection and tracking, SP30
      • recruitment and retention
      • standards of care, guidelines, SP286
      • temporary agencies
        • usage rate, hospitals, SP558
      • working conditions
        • overtime, amount of, SP30
    • Nurses - education and training
    • Nurses - temporary agencies
      • hiring of, cost, SP29
      • wage premiums
        • northern Ontario, F234
    • Ontario Health
    • Ontario Health Teams
      • access to
        • northern Ontario, SP21
      • partnerships, Indigenous primary care, F235
    • Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp.
      • responsible gaming mandate, P134
    • Palliative care facilities
      • beds, funding, SP36
      • operational funding, SP36
        • reflection in estimates, SP564
    • Personal support workers (PSWs)
      • compensation
        • wage enhancement
          • disbursement per hospital, SP38
          • disbursement timeline, SP37
    • Post-secondary education - faculty/staff
    • Post-secondary education - sexual violence and harassment
    • Pre-budget consultations (2023), F207, F211, F218, F221, F226–F227, F234–F235, F237–F238, F244
    • Prosthetics and orthotics
      • payment models, F211
    • Public health units
    • Public sector compensation - increase cap, health care workers
      • impact on recruitment and retention, SP218
      • impact on retention, SP44
    • Registered cardiology technologists
      • regulation of
        • review by Health Professionals Regulatory Council, SP273–SP274
    • Reports referred to committee
      • 2019 Annual Report: Ministry of Attorney General (Auditor General), P13–P14
      • 2021 Annual Report: Ministry of Health/ Ontario Health (Auditor General of Ontario, P39–P42, P46–P52
      • 2022 Annual Report: Ministry of Finance/Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. (Auditor General of Ontario), P134
      • 2022 Annual Report: Ministry of Natural Resources (Auditor General of Ontario), P123–P126
    • School board trustees
      • code of conduct breach resolution
        • director of education, role of, SP526
        • integrity commissioner process, timelines, SP528
        • integrity commissioners, training requirements, SP527
    • School boards
      • business activities, ministerial authority, SP494
      • controlled entities
      • support personnel, minister assigned
    • School boards - directors of education
      • training and performance appraisal
    • School boards - expenditures
      • special education
        • ministerial authority, criteria, SP530
    • School boards - French-language
      • collaboration with municipalities, SP511
      • development of childcare
        • collaboration requirements, SP512
    • School boards - information sharing practices
      • accessibility requirements, SP505
    • School boards - strategic planning
      • multi-year plans
        • requirements, accessibility and inclusion, SP508
    • School facilities
      • inventory, data collection and disclosure
    • School facilities - capital projects
      • planning process
        • ministerial authority, accessibility requirements, SP525
    • School facilities - excess properties, sell of
    • Sexual violence and harassment
    • Standing Committee on Public Accounts
      • committee business
        • subcommittee reports, P3
    • Standing Committee on Social Policy
      • committee business
    • Strengthening Post-Secondary Institutions and Students Act, 2022 (Bill 26), SP132–SP133
    • Surgical procedures
      • ambulatory surgery centres
        • operational models, SP218
      • delivery of, requests for proposals
      • standards of care
    • Teachers - French-language
      • recruitment and retention
        • geographic barriers, SP588
    • YMCA
      • childcare centres
        • staffing levels, F221
    • Your Health Act, 2023 (Bill 60), SP165, SP168–SP169, SP174, SP180–SP181, SP185–SP187, SP191–SP192, SP204, SP213, SP217–SP218, SP228–SP229, SP237–SP238, SP243–SP246, SP250–SP251, SP259–SP260, SP270, SP273–SP274, SP278–SP279, SP284–SP285
  • Ghamari, G. (Independent, Carleton)

    • Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
      • Licence Appeal Tribunal, A83
      • Ontario Civilian Police Commission, A28
      • Ontario Land Tribunal, A25
    • Chair's statements on legislative procedure
      • amendments out of order
        • amending indirectly what cannot be amended directly, SP342
    • Health care services
      • French-language services, F300
    • Immigration
      • Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program, F300
    • Joshua's Law (Lifejackets for Life), 2023 (Bill 93), IN265–IN266, IN268–IN271
    • Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2022 (Bill 46), F114, F273, F280, F297, F299
    • Life jackets
    • Life jackets - enforcement
    • Pre-budget consultations (2023), F273, F297, F299–F300
    • Regulatory environment
      • reform
        • economic impact of, F114
    • Ring of Fire development
      • tax credits, flow-through shares
        • in other jurisdictions, F273
    • Standing Committee on Social Policy
      • committee business
  • Gill, P. (PC, Milton)

    • Agriculture industry - support programs
      • risk management programs, JP172
    • Auto insurance
      • claims
        • unidentified motorists, JP176
    • Broadband infrastructure development
      • government strategy, JP173
    • Carbon capture and storage
    • Carbon sequestration technology, JP173
    • Court administration - criminal
      • case backlogs
        • per diem judges, use of, F110
    • Courts of Justice Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.43
    • Doctors
      • administrative responsibilities, F113
    • Energy industry
      • regulatory reform, JP171
    • Highway maintenance and repair
      • winter snow clearance
        • snowplows, safety, JP175
    • Housing development
      • regulatory environment, F832
    • Immigrants - access to professions and trades
      • license requirements, F112
    • Judges and juries
      • questionnaires, electronic, F110
    • Judicial appointments
      • backlog
        • per diem judges, use of, F115
    • Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023 (Bill 91), JP169–JP176
    • Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2022 (Bill 46), F108–F116
    • Ministry of Red Tape Reduction
    • Ontario Science Centre
      • governance and programming, JP175
    • Ontario Science Centre - board of directors
      • liability, limits on, JP174
    • Provincial offences
      • case backlog, F112
      • convictions, reopening
    • Regulations - business
    • Regulatory environment
    • Regulatory policy
    • Transportation infrastructure development
      • goods and services
        • procurement process, F110
    • Trucking industry
      • tow and vehicle storage operators
        • certification requirements, JP175
    • Veterinarians Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. V.3
    • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
      • claim assessment process
  • Glover, C. (NDP, Spadina—Fort York)

    • Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
    • Crime prevention
    • Fairness for Road Users Act (Contraventions Causing Death or Serious Bodily Harm), 2022 (Bill 15), HE650
    • Garrett's Legacy Act (Requirements for Movable Soccer Goals), 2023 (Bill 99), SP642, SP648
    • Highways and roads safety - vulnerable road users
      • injuries and fatalities
        • offender penalties, HE650
    • Home Construction Regulatory Authority (HCRA)
      • pre-construction sale agreements
    • Human trafficking - prevention
    • Human trafficking - survivor services
    • Human trafficking - victims
    • Intimate partner violence
      • victims
    • Motions
    • Protection from Coerced Debts Incurred in relation to Human Trafficking Act, 2023 (Bill 41), JP322, JP327–JP330, JP334, JP336–JP337, JP340, JP342–JP343
    • Soccer goalposts - unanchored
    • Standing Committee on Government Agencies
      • appointments process
        • appointees, appearance before committee, A249
    • Victims of crime
      • compensation funding, JP360
  • Gretzky, L. (NDP, Windsor West)

    • Ambulance services
      • "code zero," increase in
        • government strategy, SP550
    • Automotive industry
    • Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98), SP379, SP389–390, SP401, SP410, SP441
    • Budget 2023
    • Committee procedure
    • Committee process
      • closed session
        • used for organizing of business, F613
      • closed sessions
        • use of, transparency, SP162
    • Domestic violence
      • emergency shelters
        • government funding, F170
    • Education
      • EQAO testing and results
        • factors impacting, SP410
    • Employment services
      • accountability and oversight
        • information sharing requirements, F622
      • employer participation incentives, F621
    • Employment standards
      • enforcement, F610–611
        • prosecutions, number of, F598
      • sick days, paid
        • impact on women, F606
      • workplace violations
        • barriers to reporting, F611
    • Government record
      • Liberal (2003-2018)
        • employment services policy, F621
      • PC (2018-present)
    • Health care services
      • access to, SP287
      • wait times
        • impact on patient health, SP296
    • Health care services - delivery
      • private vs public, F161
    • Health care system
    • Home and community care
      • respite services
        • worker recruitment and retention, F151
    • Housing development - municipal charges
      • development charges
    • Independent health facilities
      • director
        • responsibilities, operating room registry, SP305
      • integration with health care system, SP281
      • licensee responsibilities
        • information sharing, infection rates, SP336
      • licensing of
      • licensing of, application assessment
        • consultation process, health care unions, SP319
      • licensing of, application or renewal
      • licensing of, applications
      • staff, licensing
        • health care workers, out-of-province, SP348
      • surgical procedures
        • patients with complex medical needs, access to, SP297
    • Independent health facilities - diagnostic and surgical procedures, expansion
      • access to
        • equity-seeking groups, SP230
      • delivery model
        • for-profit vs. not-for-profit, SP295
      • staffing models, regulations
    • Indigenous communities - health care
    • Labour relations
      • replacement workers, use of
    • Legislative process
      • regulations, creation of, SP365
    • Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2022 (Bill 46), F184, F187–F188
    • Mental health and addictions services
      • community-based
      • community-based, funding, F176
    • Motions
      • closed sessions
        • responded to, F613
      • estimates - assignment of ministries
        • time allocation
    • Natural gas
      • cost of
        • consumer protections, F184
    • Nurses
      • shortage
        • annual projections, SP262
    • Occupational health and safety
      • injuries and fatalities
        • compensation, F611
    • Paramedics and paramedic services
      • mental health services
      • recruitment and retention
        • compensation, role of, SP550
    • Public sector compensation - increase cap, health care workers
      • impact on recruitment and retention, SP172
      • impact on retention, SP296
    • Racism
      • anti-Black racism
        • and unemployment, F199
    • School board trustees
      • training and code of conduct
        • stakeholder consultation, SP401
    • School boards - expenditures
    • Schools - provincial and demonstration schools
      • public awareness of, SP390
    • Social assistance programs - recipients
      • employment programs and services
      • personal information
        • collection of, F621
    • Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
      • bills referred to committee
        • pre-budget consultations, F199
    • Standing Committee on Social Policy
      • committee business
    • Surgical procedures
      • delivery of
    • Temporary employment agencies
      • recruiters, fees charged
        • victim compensation, F598
    • Temporary foreign workers
      • workplace violations
    • Tobacco
    • Unions - certification
    • Working for Workers Act, 2023 (Bill 79), F585–587, F598–599, F606–607, F610–611, F621–F622
    • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
      • deeming policy, F587
    • Your Health Act, 2023 (Bill 60), SP172, SP175, SP231–SP232, SP240, SP254, SP262, SP281, SP286–SP287
  • Grewal, H.S. (PC, Brampton East)

    • Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39), HE314, HE337, HE355–HE356, HE373–HE374
    • Conservation authorities
      • role in development process
    • Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve
    • Fairness for Road Users Act (Contraventions Causing Death or Serious Bodily Harm), 2022 (Bill 15), HE634–HE635, HE648–HE649
      • public consultation, HE634
    • Greenbelt - development on
    • Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 (Bill 97), HE466–HE467
    • Highway 413
    • Housing
    • Housing development - approvals and permits
    • Housing development - densification
    • Housing development - municipal charges
      • development charges
        • exemptions and discounts
    • Housing supply
    • Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB)
    • More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23), HE94–HE95, HE107, HE115, HE134, HE174, HE192, HE237–HE238, HE246–HE247
    • Municipal elections
      • mayoral platforms, HE373
    • Municipal governance
      • strong mayor system
        • general remarks, HE13
    • Municipal governance - strong mayor system
    • Reducing Inefficiences Act (Infrastructure Statute Law Amendments), 2023 (Bill 69), HE415
    • Rental housing
      • air conditioning
    • Rental housing - evictions
      • due to renovations
      • legislative reform, HE466
    • Sports and recreation
    • Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 (Bill 3), HE13
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - employees
      • collective bargaining agreements, HE701
    • Transportation for the Future Act, 2023 (Bill 131), HE701–HE702
      • schedule 1
        • City of Toronto Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, c. 11, Sched. A, amended by, HE701
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