Index des sujets traités à la Chambre

Letter: D

  • Day of Remembrance and Action Against Anti-Asian Racism Act, 2021 (Bill 82)

    • first reading
  • Debates re answers to question period

    • Access to menstrual products
    • COVID-19 immunization
    • COVID-19 response
    • Employment standards
    • Government accountability
      • presented
      • responded to
    • Hospital and school safety
      • presented
        • Fraser, 58
      • responded to
    • Land use planning
    • Northern highway improvement
    • Protection for people with disabilities
    • Sexual assault
  • Deer Lake First Nation

    • COVID-19 outbreak (2022)
  • Deferred votes

    • Government bills
      • Build Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 43)
        • second reading (carried), 1010
        • third reading (carried), 1702
      • Fewer Fees, Better Services Act, 2022 (Bill 84)
      • Keeping Ontario Open for Business Act, 2022 (Bill 100)
      • More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022 (Bill 109)
        • second reading (carried), 2852
        • third reading (carried), 3326
      • Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022 (Bill 106)
      • Providing More Care, Protecting Seniors, and Building More Beds Act, 2021 (Bill 37)
        • second reading (carried), 1010
        • third reading (carried), 1593
      • Supply Act, 2022 (Bill 96)
      • Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021 (Bill 13)
      • Tax Relief at the Pumps Act, 2022 (Bill 111)
      • Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
        • third reading (carried), 1357
      • Working for Workers Act, 2022 (Bill 88)
    • Government motions
      • Government notice of motion
        • Number 4 – Time allocation (carried), 260
      • Government order
        • Number 1 – Throne speech debate (carried), 1357–1358
        • Number 12 – Legislative reform (carried), 2224–2225
    • Private bills
      • Ross Memorial Hospital Act, 2022 (Bill Pr65)
    • Private members' motions
      • Number 4 – COVID-19 immunization (lost), 370
      • Number 18 – Condominium legislation (lost), 1477
      • Number 36 – Seniors' health services (lost), 2851–2852
    • Private members' public bills
      • Carbon Budget Accountability Act, 2021 (Bill 32)
        • second reading (lost), 582
      • Ending Automobile Insurance Discrimination in the Greater Toronto Area Act, 2022 (Bill 103)
        • second reading (carried), 3116
      • Fairness in Petroleum Products Pricing Act, 2022 (Bill 91)
      • Making Northern Ontario Highways Safer Act, 2022 (Bill 59)
        • second reading (carried), 1839
      • Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations in the Education and Healthcare Sectors Act, 2021 (Bill 12)
        • second reading (lost), 346
      • Ministry of Community and Social Services Amendment Act (Social Assistance Research Commission), 2022 (Bill 92)
      • Ontario Consumer Watchdog Act, 2022 (Bill 77)
        • second reading (lost), 2225
      • Police Services Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 78)
        • third reading (carried), 3372
      • Preventing Worker Misclassification Act, 2021 (Bill 28)
        • second reading (lost), 1010
      • Protecting Ontario's Religious Diversity Act, 2022 (Bill 89)
        • second reading (carried), 2682
      • Racial Equity in the Education System Act, 2022 (Bill 67)
        • second reading (carried), 2074
      • Rent Stabilization Act, 2021 (Bill 23)
      • Stay Home If You Are Sick Act, 2021 (Bill 8)
        • second reading (lost), 1151
      • Stopping Anti-Public Health Harassment Act, 2021 (Bill 3)
      • Stopping Illegal Handgun Smuggling Act, 2021 (Bill 52)
        • second reading (lost), 1653
      • Time to Care Act (Long-Term Care Homes Amendment, Minimum Standard of Daily Care), 2021 (Bill 14)
        • second reading (carried), 1151
    • Time allocation motions
      • York Region Wastewater Act, 2021 (Bill 5) (carried), 260
  • Delegated administrative authorities (DAAs)

    • oversight
  • Dementia and other neurocognitive conditions

    • Alzheimer's Disease
    • government funding
      • home care
    • service providers
  • Democracy

  • Dental care

  • Development industry

    • government relations
      • Rakocevic, 106
  • Developmental disabilities, persons with

  • Developmental services

  • Developmental services - adult

    • government funding
    • needs assessments
      • triaging
    • programs
      • Adult Protective Service Worker Program
    • sector reform
      • consultation
      • service navigation
        • Pettapiece, 635
    • supportive housing
  • Developmental services - adults

    • Passport program
      • benefit rates
  • Developmental services workers (DSWs)

    • recruitment and retention
  • Diabetes

  • Dialysis.

    see Kidney disease—treatment services
  • Digital and Data Strategy

    • consultation process
    • COVID-19, impact of
    • Digital and Data Innovation Fellowship Program
      • Bethlenfalvy, 1585
    • general remarks
    • provincial data authority
  • Digital identification

    • general remarks
    • health data
    • voluntary nature of
  • Diseases - rare

    • Salla disease
  • Divisions (recorded vote)

    • Government bills
      • Build Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 43)
        • second reading (carried), 1010
        • third reading (carried), 1702
      • Fewer Fees, Better Services Act, 2022 (Bill 84)
      • Keeping Ontario Open for Business Act, 2022 (Bill 100)
      • More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022 (Bill 109)
        • second reading (carried), 2852
        • third reading (carried), 3326
      • Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022 (Bill 106)
      • Providing More Care, Protecting Seniors, and Building More Beds Act, 2021 (Bill 37)
        • second reading (carried), 1010
        • third reading (carried), 1593
      • Supply Act, 2022 (Bill 96)
      • Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021 (Bill 13)
      • Tax Relief at the Pumps Act, 2022 (Bill 111)
      • Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
        • third reading (carried), 1357
      • Working for Workers Act, 2022 (Bill 88)
      • York Region Wastewater Act, 2021 (Bill 5)
        • second reading (carried), 263
        • third reading (carried), 272
    • Government motions
      • Government notice of motion
        • Number 4 – Time allocation (carried), 260
      • Government order
        • Number 1 – Throne speech debate (carried), 1357–1358
        • Number 12 – Legislative reform (carried), 2224–2225
    • Motions
      • Committee sittings (carried), 2076–2077
      • Consideration of Bill 86 (carried), 2075
      • Consideration of Bill 88 (carried), 2076
      • House sittings (carried), 3337
    • Opposition day motions
      • Number 1 – Health care funding (lost), 1922
      • Number 1 – Long-term care (lost), 226
      • Number 2 – Home care (lost), 2146
      • Number 2 – Nurses (lost), 389
      • Number 3 – Affordable housing (lost), 596
      • Number 3 – Northern health services (lost), 2482
      • Number 4 – Government policies (lost), 844
      • Number 5 – Hospital funding (lost), 1168
    • Private bills
      • Ross Memorial Hospital Act, 2022 (Bill Pr65)
    • Private members' motions
      • Number 4 – COVID-19 immunization (lost), 370
      • Number 18 – Condominium legislation (lost), 1477
      • Number 36 – Seniors' health services (lost), 2851–2852
    • Private members' public bills
      • Carbon Budget Accountability Act, 2021 (Bill 32)
        • second reading (lost), 582
      • Ending Automobile Insurance Discrimination in the Greater Toronto Area Act, 2022 (Bill 103)
        • second reading (carried), 3116
      • Fairness in Petroleum Products Pricing Act, 2022 (Bill 91)
      • Making Northern Ontario Highways Safer Act, 2022 (Bill 59)
        • second reading (carried), 1839
      • Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations in the Education and Healthcare Sectors Act, 2021 (Bill 12)
        • second reading (lost), 346
      • Ministry of Community and Social Services Amendment Act (Social Assistance Research Commission), 2022 (Bill 92)
      • Ontario Consumer Watchdog Act, 2022 (Bill 77)
        • second reading (lost), 2225
      • Police Services Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 78)
        • third reading (carried), 3372
      • Preventing Worker Misclassification Act, 2021 (Bill 28)
        • second reading (lost), 1010
      • Protecting Ontario's Religious Diversity Act, 2022 (Bill 89)
        • second reading (carried), 2682
      • Racial Equity in the Education System Act, 2022 (Bill 67)
        • second reading (carried), 2074
      • Rent Stabilization Act, 2021 (Bill 23)
      • Stay Home If You Are Sick Act, 2021 (Bill 8)
        • second reading (lost), 1151
      • Stopping Anti-Public Health Harassment Act, 2021 (Bill 3)
      • Stopping Illegal Handgun Smuggling Act, 2021 (Bill 52)
        • second reading (lost), 1653
      • Time to Care Act (Long-Term Care Homes Amendment, Minimum Standard of Daily Care), 2021 (Bill 14)
        • second reading (carried), 1151
    • Reports by committees
      • Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly
        • Providing More Care, Protecting Seniors, and Building More Beds Act, 2021 (Bill 37) (carried), 1363
    • Time allocation motions
      • York Region Wastewater Act, 2021 (Bill 5) (carried), 260
  • Doctors

    • COVID-19
    • government funding
      • Northern and Rural Recruitment (NRRR) Initiative
    • internationally trained
    • northern Ontario
      • fly-in communities
    • peronal information
      • collection, disclosure, or use
    • recruitment and retention
      • government strategy
      • locums
      • northern Ontario
      • regional compensation increases
    • regional shortages
    • specialists. see under specific practice area
    • working conditions
      • northern Ontario
        • Monteith-Farrell, 2918
  • Doctors - COVID-19

    • burnout and stress
  • Doctors - training and education

    • enrolement spaces
    • enrollment spaces
    • enrolment spaces
    • residency opportunities
    • Scarborough Academy of Medicine and Integrated Health
  • Dofasco Steel

    • electric arc furnace
  • Dolime quarry housing development

  • Douglas Memorial Hospital (Fort Erie)

    • urgent care
  • Driver examination centres

  • Driver's licences

    • driver education
      • Dutch reach
    • driver education instructors
      • drug- and alcohol-concentration
        • Thanigasalam, 1170
    • renewal
  • Driving - careless/distracted

    • causing death
    • causing injury
      • penalties
        • general remarks
  • Driving Prosperity plan.

    see Automotive industry - government strategy; Manufacturing industry - auto—government strategy
  • Driving - stunt driving and street racing

  • Drought.

    see under Weather events
  • Dry cleaning services

    • and COVID-19
      • grant eligibility
  • Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant

    • phosphorus reduction action plan
      • French, 97
  • Dunnville, Ontario

    • community events
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