- Paintings
- Blue Sky-White Snow
- Murdoch, 4526
- Blue Sky-White Snow
- Palgrave Estates. see Greenbelt plan—housing development in Palgrave Estates area (Caledon)
- Palliative care
- Pamphlets
- Pan American Games bid (2015). see Sports competitions—Pan American Games bid (2015)
- Pan-Canadian assessment program (PCAP). see Student evaluation—pan-Canadian assessment program (PCAP)
- PAR program. see Ministry of the Attorney General—partner assault response (PAR) program
- Parades
- homecoming parade for Canadian Forces soldiers
- Van Bommel, 7084–7085
- homecoming parade for Canadian Forces soldiers
- Paralegal standing committee. see Law Society of Upper Canada—paralegal standing committee
- Paralegals
- Paramedics
- Parent involvement committees. see Ministry of Education—parent involvement committees
- Parental leave. see Employment standards—parental leave
- Parenting and family literacy centres
- Parents Reaching Out grants. see Ministry of Education—Parents Reaching Out grants
- Parkinson's disease
- Parks. see Algonquin Provincial Park; Charlottenburgh Park; Major Bennett Industrial Park; Mimico Waterfront Linear Park; Municipal parks; Niagara Parks; Provincial parks; Rouge Park
- Parliamentary assistants
- Kormos, 6828
- Parliamentary privileges. see Members'/ministers' privileges
- Partner assault response (PAR) program. see Ministry of the Attorney General—partner assault response (PAR) program
- Passover
- Passport program. see Ministry of Community and Social Services—passport program
- Passports. see also Cross-border travel—requirement for passport/identity card; Photo identification cards—passport alternative for cross-border travel
- Pathologists
- Pathways Health Centre for Children
- Pathways to Education program. see Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities—Pathways to Education program
- Patient safety. see also Hospitals—reporting on patient safety indicators
- Albanese, 54–55
- surgical errors and pathology results
- unnecessary mastectomies performed at Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital
- Patient-to-Doctor Ratio Act, 2007 (Bill 13)
- first reading
- Martiniuk, 160
- first reading
- Patients
- Patterson, Bonnie. see Retirement—Patterson, Bonnie (president, Trent University)
- Patterson, Paul Wayne. see Fatalities—Patterson, Paul Wayne (paramedic)
- Patterson, Teddy. see Persons with disabilities—services—Patterson, Teddy case
- Patton, Denbigh. see Court cases/actions—Joy Cheskes, Denbigh Patton, C.M. and D.S. v. Attorney General of Ontario
- Pay equity
- Pay Equity Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.7
- DiNovo, 3877
- Pay Equity Commission
- government funding
- DiNovo, 3877
- government funding
- Pay Equity Hearings Tribunal
- government funding
- DiNovo, 3877
- government funding
- Payday loan agreements
- Payday loan industry
- banking industry investment
- consumer education
- consumer protection
- regulation
- Arnott, 1395
- Broten, 1582–1583
- Delaney, 1378
- DiNovo, 1389–1394
- Hudak, 1378–1379
- Kormos, 1582
- MacLeod, 1380–1385
- Mauro, 2447
- McMeekin, 602–603, 2089, 2405, 2417–2418
- Moridi, 1394
- Savoline, 1579–1581
- Sergio, 2405
- Sousa, 1375–1378, 1384–1385, 2402–2404
- Takhar, 1396–1397
- exemption for credit unions and caisses populaires
- independent advisory board to determine maximum cost of borrowing
- Payday loans
- Payday Loans Act, 2008 (Bill 48)
- general discussion
- first reading
- McMeekin, 602
- ministerial statement
- second reading, 1375–1400, 1579–1583
- Arnott, 1395
- Broten, 1582–1583
- Colle, 1398
- Delaney, 1378
- DiNovo, 1379, 1385, 1387–1394, 1396
- Duguid, 1379
- Hardeman, 1399–1400
- Hudak, 1378–1379
- Kormos, 1581–1582
- Leal, 1386
- MacLeod, 1380–1386
- Marchese, 1395, 1397–1398
- Moridi, 1394–1395
- O'Toole, 1386
- Savoline, 1398, 1579–1581
- Sousa, 1375–1379, 1385–1386, 1395–1396
- Takhar, 1396–1398
- public consultation
- Savoline, 1580
- third reading, 2401–2418
- Royal assent, 2678
- Payday Loans Act, 2008 (Bill 54)
- Payroll taxes
- Hudak, 6265
- PC Party
- PC Party documents/plans
- PCAP. see Student evaluation—pan-Canadian assessment program (PCAP)
- PCI Geomatics
- Moridi, 6275
- Peace officers' memorial
- Levac, 733
- Peace Officers' Memorial Day and Memorial Act, 2008 (Bill 51)
- first reading
- Levac, 733
- first reading
- Peaker plant. see Natural gas generating stations—northern York region
- Pedestrians
- Kormos, 2595
- Pediatric autopsy
- Bartolucci, 4369
- Pediatric forensic pathology
- Pediatric surgery
- Peel Memorial Hospital. see Hospital redevelopment—Peel Memorial Hospital
- Pension benefits
- Pension Benefits Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.8
- regulation 5.1
- Ouellette, 6704
- regulation 5.1
- Pension Benefits Amendment Act (Transfers on Wind Up), 2009 (Bill 213)
- Pension Benefits Amendment Act (Unlocking Pension Funds), 2009 (Bill 116)
- Pension Benefits Amendment Act, 2007 (Bill 17)
- Pension Benefits Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 236)
- first reading
- Duncan, 9179
- ministerial statement
- Duncan, 9179
- second reading, 9332–9359, 9456–9479, 9701–9716
- Arnott, 9703–9707, 9709
- Arthurs, 9332–9340
- Bisson, 9460, 9467–9468, 9471–9478
- Brown, 9713
- Colle, 9459
- Crozier, 9465–9469
- Delaney, 9356–9359, 9464–9465
- Dickson, 9713–9714, 9716
- DiNovo, 9703–9704, 9708–9713, 9715
- Dunlop, 9359
- Gélinas, 9355
- Gerretsen, 9712
- Hoy, 9468, 9712
- Johnson, 9354
- Lalonde, 9355
- Leal, 9477
- MacLeod, 9339
- Mauro, 9708
- McMeekin, 9472
- Miller, N., 9340–9349, 9354–9355, 9358, 9459–9460
- Miller, P., 9338–9339, 9349–9356, 9358, 9464
- Murray, 9476–9477
- Naqvi, 9339, 9358–9359, 9478–9479, 9702–9704
- O'Toole, 9338, 9456–9460, 9468, 9472–9473, 9477, 9708–9709, 9712, 9714–9715
- Prue, 9459, 9461–9463, 9465
- Ramal, 9463–9464
- Rinaldi, 9349, 9715
- Shurman, 9469–9471, 9473
- Sousa, 9704
- Wilson, 9464, 9467, 9472
- public consultation
- Bisson, 9478
- division (carried), 9728
- Arnott, 9703–9707, 9709
- first reading
- Pension benefits guarantee fund
- Delaney, 6716
- DiNovo, 6864
- Duncan, 2127, 6038–6039, 6551, 6745, 6842, 7521–7522
- Gélinas, 6228
- Horwath, 6038–6039, 6224–6225, 6745, 6881
- Marchese, 6098
- McGuinty, 6186, 6222, 6225, 6228
- Miller, P., 2127, 6550–6551, 6841–6842, 7203, 7521, 8304, 9358
- O'Toole, 6709
- Prue, 5706–5707, 6025–6027, 6961
- Ramal, 7248
- Runciman, 6222–6223
- Smitherman, 6139, 8304–8305
- Sterling, 6095–6096, 6138–6139, 6186, 6713
- raising the amount guaranteed by the fund to $2,500 per month
- raising the amount guaranteed by the fund to $2,700 per month
- Miller, P., 186
- Pension Benefits Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 195)
- Pension funds
- Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
- transfer of locked-in pension funds to registered retirement income funds. see also Private members' public business—Pension Benefits Amendment Act (Unlocking Pension Funds), 2009 (Bill 116)
- Pension plans. see also AbitibiBowater—pension plans; Canada pension plan (CPP)—pension plans; Colleges of applied arts and technology (CAATs)—pension plans and benefits for part-time employees; Essar Steel Algoma Inc.—pension plans; Family law—pension plans; Members'/ministers' pension plans—pension plans; Private members' public business—Pension plans; Teacher pension plans—Pension plans; U.S. Steel Canada—pension plans
- Arthurs, 6458, 9332–9335
- Bisson, 3227
- Chudleigh, 6455–6456
- Colle, 6459
- Dickson, 6453–6455, 6460
- DiNovo, 6864
- Duncan, 4386, 5377, 6439–6440, 6842
- Hampton, 4103, 4146
- Horwath, 6224, 6745, 7142
- Hudak, 4619, 5377
- Jaczek, 6459–6460
- McGuinty, 6224, 6226, 6881–6882, 7142
- Meilleur, 6230
- Miller, P., 6188, 6232–6233, 6439–6440, 6456–6458
- O'Toole, 9715
- Prue, 6230, 7243
- Ramal, 6459, 7248
- Smitherman, 6139–6140
- Sterling, 6139, 7230
- coverage
- Miller, P., 6226
- defined benefit pension plans
- division of value upon dissolution of marriage
- Ontario pension plan
- portability
- province-wide pension plan
- reform. see also France—pension plan reform; Netherlands—pension plan reform; United Kingdom—pension plan reform
- Arnott, 9705, 9709
- Arthurs, 6703
- Berardinetti, 6712
- Bisson, 3231, 9460, 9471–9472, 9474–9475
- Colle, 6715, 9459
- Crozier, 9465, 9468
- Delaney, 9356–9358, 9464–9465
- Dickson, 9713–9714, 9716
- DiNovo, 9703–9704, 9708–9711, 9713, 9715
- Duncan, 4146, 8993, 9542–9543, 9576–9577
- Gerretsen, 9713
- Horwath, 6700–6703, 9317–9318, 9542
- Hoy, 9468, 9712
- Lalonde, 9355
- Leal, 9477
- Mauro, 9708
- McGuinty, 9317–9318
- McMeekin, 9472
- Miller, N., 9349, 9358
- Miller, P., 3068, 8993, 9002, 9138–9139, 9338–9339, 9349–9356, 9359, 9576
- Mitchell, 6708
- Naqvi, 9358–9359, 9478–9479
- O'Toole, 6709–6710, 9338, 9456–9458, 9460, 9468, 9472–9473, 9712
- Prue, 7244–7245, 9459, 9461–9463, 9465
- Ramal, 9463–9464
- Rinaldi, 9349, 9715
- Shurman, 9469–9470
- Sousa, 9704
- Sterling, 6713–6714, 7834
- Wilson, 9464, 9472
- asset transfers between plans
- authority of Superintendent of Financial Services
- Bisson, 9476
- full windups
- grow-in benefits
- layoffs and partial windups
- plan members access to information
- regulatory oversight
- surplus funds
- Arnott, 9705, 9709
- solvency payment deadlines extended to 10 years
- transfer of assets
- Wilson, 7231
- Arthurs, 6458, 9332–9335
- People of the World Inscribe the Bible. see Bible projects—People of the World Inscribe the Bible
- Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
- Permit to take water (PTTW). see Landfill sites—Site 41 (Tiny township)—permit to take water (PTTW); Ministry of the Environment—permit to take water (PTTW)
- Permits
- waste disposal permit
- Hampton, 6493
- waste disposal permit
- Personal care areas. see Highway service centres—adult-sized personal care areas
- Personal Health Information Protection Act, S.O. 2004, c.3, Sched. A
- Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, S.C. 2000, c.5
- Broten, 2224
- Personal narratives. see Members'/ministers' personal narratives
- Personal support worker stabilization strategy. see Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care—personal support worker stabilization strategy
- Personal support workers. see Hospitals—Bridgepoint Hospital—replacement of personal support workers with registered practical nurses; Long-term-care facilities—personal support workers
- Personal tax reduction. see Income tax reduction
- Personalized licence plate review committee. see Ministry of Transportation—personalized licence plate review committee
- Persons with disabilities. see also Blind/visually-impaired persons; Children with disabilities; Deaf-blind persons; Developmental services institutions (DSI)
- DiNovo, 3744
- assessment
- right to appeal assessment determinations
- Prue, 2817
- right to appeal assessment determinations
- attendant services. see also Private members' public business—Assistance to the disabled
- barrier-free access. see also Elections/by-elections—barrier-free access
- clawback on benefits
- Prue, 5790–5791
- community accommodation program
- Munro, 235
- community-based services
- customer service
- developmental disabilities
- Elliott, 2062
- Van Bommel, 2823
- application centres for services
- deinstitutionalization
- direct vs. indirect funding
- government funding
- homes and residential facilities
- L'Arche Daybreak (Richmond Hill)
- Moridi, 7340
- legal capacity
- Prue, 2818
- person-directed planning
- Broten, 2821
- poverty
- services
- transfer payment agencies
- Jones, 2050
- waiting list for services
- employment
- government funding
- group homes
- Colle, 2198
- homes and residential facilities
- inspection without notice
- Prue, 2817–2818
- inspection without notice
- independent advocacy office
- Prue, 2817
- individualized funding
- intellectual disabilities
- government funding
- Hillier, 676–677
- government funding
- lifelong planning
- Jones, 2766
- long-term care
- overnight nursing care
- person-directed planning
- planning supports
- Elliott, 2771
- poverty
- residential services
- Gélinas, 4431
- right to access places with guide dogs
- Martiniuk, 1724
- rights
- service agencies/application centres
- services
- social inclusion
- supported decision-making
- Elliott, 2770
- supportive housing
- Sweden
- DiNovo, 3744
- volunteer payment
- excluded from determination of assets
- Ramal, 4680
- excluded from determination of assets
- waiting list for services
- Perth Soap
- Hillier, 3396
- Pest Management Regulatory Agency
- O'Toole, 6540
- Pesticides/herbicides
- Barrett, 4909
- ban on use and sale of cosmetic pesticides
- Balkissoon, 1964, 2018
- Barrett, 1243, 1840–1846
- Bisson, 2021
- Colle, 1852–1855, 1863, 6184
- Delaney, 1851
- Dickson, 6488
- Dombrowsky, 1847
- Dunlop, 2010
- Flynn, 1836–1838, 1847, 1959–1960, 2010–2011, 2018, 2630
- Gerretsen, 1242–1243, 1832–1836, 2606, 2643–2644, 5281, 6184, 6196, 6488
- Hardeman, 2018, 2173
- Hudak, 5312
- Jones, 1847, 1855
- Klees, 5281
- Levac, 1863
- Marchese, 1854, 2010, 2015–2017
- McNeely, 1850, 2009
- Miller, N., 1851, 2216–2217
- Moridi, 1855
- Murdoch, 1862
- Naqvi, 1301
- O'Toole, 6540
- Ouellette, 1859–1863
- Qaadri, 1839
- Ramal, 2021
- Sandals, 2019–2020
- Savoline, 1854
- Scott, 2605–2606, 2632–2634
- Shurman, 2542, 2624–2626
- Sterling, 1855–1859, 2020–2021
- Tabuns, 1244, 1848–1850
- Yakabuski, 1956–1959
- enforcement
- Ouellette, 2019
- exemptions
- health risks
- impact on landscaping industry
- impact on municipalities
- impact on people with allergies
- Dunlop, 2013
- impact on rural Ontario
- Ottawa
- McNeely, 2009–2010
- regulations
- Colle, 1852–1853
- environmental effects
- Horwath, 1964
- glyphosate
- health risks
- Malathion
- Barrett, 1841
- petitions
- Bisson, 324
- regulations
- Barrett, 4474
- review by Health Canada
- 2,4-D
- PET scan. see Positron emission tomography (PET)
- Peterborough Green-Up. see Environmental programs—Peterborough Green-Up
- Peterborough Regional Health Centre. see Hospital construction—Peterborough Regional Health Centre
- Peterborough Utilities Services. see Energy—renewable energy projects—Peterborough Utilities Services
- Petitions
- Aboriginal land dispute
- Barrett, 8832
- Aboriginal rights
- Access to health care
- Adoption disclosure
- Affordable housing
- Horwath, 137–138
- Aggregate extraction
- Barrett, 6149–6150
- Air quality
- Air-rail link
- All-terrain vehicles
- Murdoch, 1669
- Alma College
- Angus Early Years Centre
- Anti-smoking legislation
- Aggelonitis, 696
- Albanese, 901, 1064–1065
- Colle, 1826
- Delaney, 508, 960–961
- Kular, 529–530, 571–572, 1107
- Leal, 426, 483–484, 529, 617, 697, 1107, 1169, 1171, 1214–1215, 1374, 1426, 2167–2168, 2244–2246, 2352
- Mangat, 618
- Moridi, 839
- Murdoch, 1426, 1890, 2674, 2963–2964
- Rinaldi, 484
- Scott, 746, 1170–1171, 1375, 2244
- Sousa, 656
- Apprenticeship training
- Assistance to farmers
- Assistance to the disabled
- Autism treatment
- Automobile industry
- Prue, 7237–7238
- Baby's Best Start
- Miller, P., 3049–3050
- Bathurst Heights Adult Learning Centre
- Beer retailing and distribution
- Biogas facility
- Ramal, 5743
- Bluewater Health
- Bailey, 2396
- Brantford Seniors Resource Centre
- Levac, 6285
- Breastfeeding
- Cambridge courthouse
- Canadian Jewish Congress
- Colle, 7343
- Cancer treatment
- Jaczek, 9047
- Car culture
- Marchese, 2034
- Cemeteries
- Barrett, 7092
- Brownell, 5695–5696, 5792, 5794, 5838, 6090, 6200, 6346–6347, 6504, 6608, 6697, 6758, 6814, 6853, 6895, 7000–7002, 7042, 7092, 7208, 7210, 7439, 7840, 7970–7972, 8038–8039, 8077, 8118–8120, 8155, 8269–8270, 8358–8360, 8422, 8468, 8615, 8658, 9279–9281
- Craitor, 5792, 5961, 6005
- Delaney, 9376
- Flynn, 9376
- Hardeman, 8268–8269, 8316
- Kular, 6050
- Leal, 6148, 6150, 6200, 6236, 6238, 6343–6344, 6399, 6452, 7881
- Levac, 9279
- Mitchell, 6895, 8740
- Ramal, 8269
- Child care
- Gélinas, 3778
- Hardeman, 5478
- Horwath, 9701
- Jones, 3932, 4034, 4159, 4334–4336, 4433, 4660–4661, 5132, 5519–5520, 5695, 5792, 6505, 7584–7585, 8358–8359
- Miller, N., 4956
- Miller, P., 3844, 3884, 3931, 3970, 4034, 4070, 4479, 4528
- O'Toole, 3886, 4829–4830, 4869, 4871, 5044–5045, 5434, 5791–5792, 5794, 5838, 7782, 7879
- Savoline, 3931
- Scott, 4396
- Child custody
- Arnott, 3050
- Brownell, 3092–3093, 3188, 3451, 3499, 3779–3780, 3883–3884, 4035, 4116, 4160, 4220–4221, 4255–4256, 4336, 4435–4436, 4635, 4661, 4828, 4912–4913, 4955, 5008, 5047, 5094, 5132, 5196, 5246, 5391, 5477–5478, 5695–5697, 5792–5793, 5840, 6091, 6344, 6505–6506, 6699, 6817, 6854, 6897, 7001–7002, 7044
- Craitor, 1611, 2034, 2243, 2740, 2836, 3282, 3385, 3498–3499, 3581, 3780–3781, 3844–3845, 4334–4335, 5245, 5288, 5433, 5479, 6004, 6198, 6237, 6953, 8224, 8420, 8658
- Delaney, 3283–3284, 8507–8508, 9377, 9553
- Kwinter, 27
- Lalonde, 2350, 5520, 5745
- Leal, 3885, 3931
- Child protection
- Child safety
- Marchese, 6999–7000
- Children's aid societies
- Class size
- Savoline, 2785
- Clayton Brown Public School
- Bisson, 9586–9587
- Climate change
- Colorectal cancer
- Kormos, 1667
- Community colleges collective bargaining
- Community mediation
- Berardinetti, 4957
- Community safety
- Consumer protection
- Zimmer, 301
- Contaminated property
- Hampton, 340
- Cosmetic pesticides
- Barrett, 7239
- David Dunlap Observatory
- Decorations of bravery
- Rinaldi, 83
- Dental care
- Diabetes treatment
- Diagnostic services
- Dialysis
- Colle, 3651
- Disabled persons parking permit program
- Doctor shortage
- Drinking and driving
- Driver examination centres
- Van Bommel, 9007
- Driver licences
- Education
- Savoline, 6815
- Education funding
- Education labour dispute
- Electricity supply
- Electronic health information
- Savoline, 9182
- Elmvale District High School
- Emancipation Day
- Emerald ash borer
- Barrett, 658–659
- Emergency dispatch services
- Emission-free vehicles
- Horwath, 3449–3450
- Employment insurance
- Environmental assessment
- Bailey, 2998
- Environmental protection
- Eramosa karst
- Miller, P., 8952
- Federal electoral representation
- Federal-provincial fiscal policies
- Fertility treatment
- Firearms control
- Aggelonitis, 1372, 1771, 1976, 2094–2095, 2132
- Albanese, 1314, 1977
- Arthurs, 1613, 1721–1722
- Balkissoon, 1577
- Colle, 958, 1212, 1427, 1518–1519, 1823, 2036–2037, 2165–2166, 2397, 2673, 2903, 2964–2965, 3142, 3240–3241, 3333, 3582, 3652–3653, 4433–4434, 4870, 4956–4957, 5046, 5133–5134, 5287, 5520, 5696, 6090, 6285, 6760, 6954, 8315, 9229
- Delaney, 1171
- Hoy, 1477, 2166–2167
- Lalonde, 1612
- Leal, 1212, 1373, 1519, 1576, 1669
- Levac, 1428, 1476
- Mangat, 1000–1001, 1213, 1313–1314, 2297
- Moridi, 2092
- Rinaldi, 1257, 1375
- Ruprecht, 1256, 1521, 1611–1612, 1667, 2093, 2130, 2350–2351, 3693, 4399, 4913, 5838–5839, 8039
- Sergio, 1374–1375, 3051, 5093, 5134
- Focus Community program
- Frederick Banting homestead
- Gas wells
- Hudak, 1928
- Gasoline prices
- GO Transit
- GO Transit tunnel
- Government services
- Graffiti
- Green power generation
- Green space
- Hardeman, 838–839
- GTA pooling
- Gun control
- Gypsy moths
- Harbord Collegiate
- Marchese, 2526
- Health card renewal clinic
- Health care
- Heritage conservation
- Brownell, 8614
- Highway 17
- Lalonde, 840
- Highway 17/174
- Highway 26
- Highway 35
- Highway 138
- Highway 144
- Gélinas, 774
- Highway interchange
- Highway safety
- Hispanic community
- Holodomor
- Levac, 1168–1169
- Home care
- Home health care supplies
- Horwath, 656
- Hospices
- Hospital funding
- Aggelonitis, 485, 2213
- Bailey, 5518–5519
- Balkissoon, 7702
- Berardinetti, 747
- Brown, 7345
- Chudleigh, 2647
- Colle, 385–386, 2398
- Craitor, 4337, 4633–4634
- Crozier, 1478, 4589
- Delaney, 82, 176, 240, 341, 384–385, 426, 506, 571, 658, 776, 841, 1001, 1109, 1170, 1427, 1477–1478, 1577, 1771–1773, 1889–1890, 1928, 1976, 2035–2036, 2130–2131, 2167, 2212, 2299, 2525–2527, 2574–2575, 2613–2614, 2646, 2739–2740, 2786–2787, 2835, 2964, 2998, 3050–3051, 3093, 3141–3142, 3239, 3283, 3330–3331, 3500, 3543, 3581–3582, 3694, 3844, 3932, 4033–4034, 4069, 4158–4159, 4221–4222, 4399, 4480, 4529, 4588, 4661–4662, 4829, 4956, 5092, 5196, 5330, 5478, 5585–5586, 5791, 6346, 6503, 6816, 6854, 6954–6955, 7001, 7208–7209, 7285–7286, 7344, 7440, 7654–7655, 7701, 7737–7738, 7782, 8078–8079, 8268, 8470, 8506–8508, 8554–8555, 8615, 8657, 8696, 8833–8834, 8875, 8953, 9005–9006, 9048, 9587
- Dickson, 899–901, 1000–1002, 1064, 1066, 1108–1109, 1256–1257, 1315, 1478–1479, 1520, 1576, 1612–1613, 1668–1670, 1772–1773, 1825–1826, 1926–1927, 1977–1978, 2036, 2094, 2131–2133, 2167, 2213, 2244–2246, 2298–2299, 2351, 2396–2397, 2493, 2526, 2575–2577, 2611–2612, 2646–2647, 2672, 2741, 2786, 2962, 2999–3000, 3187, 3451, 3541, 3651–3652, 3740, 3845–3846, 4034–4035, 4258
- Dunlop, 617, 1212, 2612–2613, 5094
- Elliott, 1212, 1577, 1610, 1825, 2245, 2575–2576
- Flynn, 1428
- Gélinas, 2672
- Hampton, 482–483, 747
- Jaczek, 1212–1213, 1373–1374, 1721
- Klees, 1313, 2493–2494
- Kormos, 3695
- Kular, 384, 774–775, 959–960, 1520, 1578
- Leal, 1521, 1978, 2166, 2787, 2963, 3092, 3332, 3542, 3582, 4479–4480, 5094, 7344, 7489–7490, 7739
- Levac, 7441
- Mangat, 342, 747–748
- Martiniuk, 5629, 6003, 6198, 6200, 6398, 6607, 7001, 7210, 7881, 8359–8360, 8469
- McNeely, 4396, 7782–7783
- Miller, N., 775–776, 4828–4829, 4955, 5328, 5390, 5520, 5694–5695, 5743, 5838, 5891–5892, 5961–5962, 6005, 6090, 6149, 6344–6345, 6399, 7286, 7439, 7783, 8117–8118, 8507, 9184–9185
- Miller, P., 4480
- Murdoch, 27, 240, 1002, 1668, 2093, 2613, 5962–5963
- O'Toole, 5329, 5433–5434, 5628, 5630, 5670, 5744, 5794, 5839, 5963, 6148, 6285, 6504, 6608, 6760, 6894, 7093, 7396, 7701, 9086, 9329–9330
- Qaadri, 528, 1891, 3050, 7286
- Rinaldi, 840
- Scott, 4398
- Sousa, 572–573, 1170, 1892, 2035, 2645–2646
- Witmer, 5840, 6400, 6505
- Hospital services
- Chudleigh, 2835–2836, 2902, 2962–2963, 2997–2999, 3049–3050, 3331–3332, 3498, 3541–3542, 3739–3741, 3931–3933, 4116–4117, 4479–4480, 4528, 4530, 4659, 4661, 5330, 5478–5480, 6452–6453, 7929, 8038, 8155, 8555, 9184
- Craitor, 6398–6400
- Delaney, 3780
- DiNovo, 6853–6854
- Dunlop, 2397, 2611, 3583, 7093–7094, 7286
- Gélinas, 2525
- Hardeman, 2837
- Horwath, 4159
- Miller, P., 300–301
- Munro, 2836–2837
- O'Toole, 1891, 4528–4529, 7398, 7488
- Scott, 2645
- Human rights
- Moridi, 7285
- Hunter syndrome
- Hudak, 2528–2529
- Identity theft
- Imagine Adoption
- Savoline, 8076
- Innisfil Early Years Centre
- International trade
- Prue, 959
- Internet access
- Lalonde, 2998
- Interprovincial bridge
- Job training and EI benefits funding
- Colle, 176–177
- Justice system
- Laboratory services
- Logging route
- Long-term care
- Arnott, 3693, 7002
- Bisson, 3846–3847
- Craitor, 530, 695–696
- Gélinas, 58, 1770–1771, 1891–1892, 2093, 2243, 2296, 2298, 2351–2352, 2395, 2673–2674, 2739, 2742, 2785, 2962–2963, 4954–4955
- Hardeman, 201
- Jones, 6699–6700, 7042–7043, 7783–7784, 8360
- Miller, N., 1521
- O'Toole, 748
- Tabuns, 3238
- Witmer, 6401, 7283–7284
- Longboat, Tom
- Lord's Prayer
- Albanese, 2168, 2443
- Arnott, 483, 1720
- Bailey, 2611
- Barrett, 839
- Chudleigh, 485, 569–570, 747, 960, 1107–1108, 1169, 1314, 1478, 2166
- Craitor, 1519, 1613, 1720
- Dunlop, 2036, 2444
- Hardeman, 383–384, 482, 958, 1374, 1575, 1823–1824, 2211, 2444
- Hudak, 2094, 2527–2528
- Jones, 959, 1771, 2397
- Klees, 383, 528, 657, 960, 1372, 2525
- Leal, 2525
- MacLeod, 656, 1576, 2528
- Martiniuk, 426, 773, 1108, 1314–1315, 1892, 1927–1929
- Mauro, 2211, 2243–2244, 2494
- McNeely, 2297
- Miller, N., 507, 616, 959, 1428–1429, 1719, 1975, 2210, 2527
- Munro, 425–426, 508, 530, 617–618, 658, 696, 776, 1108–1109, 1427, 1520, 1577, 1612, 1977–1978, 2211–2212, 2443
- Murdoch, 341, 384, 505–506, 529, 655, 774, 839–840, 999, 1064, 1255, 1257–1258, 1476, 1669, 2094, 2442, 2444, 2612
- O'Toole, 696, 698, 747–748, 775, 838, 840–841, 899, 1000, 1065–1066, 1372–1374, 1476, 1519, 1667, 1976–1977, 2131, 2243, 2396, 2492
- Ouellette, 340, 424, 506–507, 570, 1169, 1213, 1477, 1611–1612, 1889, 2092
- Prue, 2092
- Savoline, 484, 2526
- Scott, 484, 571, 657, 1169–1170, 1313, 1611, 2131–2132, 2245, 2528
- Sergio, 1315, 1926
- Shurman, 697
- Sterling, 1824
- Van Bommel, 999
- Wilson, 342, 385, 508, 900, 1001, 1063–1064, 1107, 1256, 1518, 1575, 1668, 1720, 1771, 1823, 1976, 2034, 2092, 2131, 2165, 2246, 2296, 2349–2350, 2492, 2526
- Witmer, 1065, 2525
- Yakabuski, 384, 506, 900, 999–1001, 1066, 1257, 1315–1316, 1427, 1770, 1926, 2493
- Lottery winnings
- Bisson, 243
- Lung cancer
- McNeely, 2492
- Lupus
- Lyme disease
- Gélinas, 7439
- Macular degeneration
- Mary Fix Park
- Mechanic certification
- Jaczek, 3884
- Mental health services
- Middle childhood programs
- Military families
- Martiniuk, 82–84
- Minimum wage
- Prue, 175–176
- Motorcycle safety
- Multiple myeloma
- Municipal government
- Municipal restructuring
- Crozier, 202
- Native land dispute
- Non-profit housing
- Nuclear energy
- Barrett, 6999
- Ontario budget
- Ontario disability support program
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission labour dispute
- Gélinas, 57
- Ontario pharmacists
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- Chudleigh, 5479–5480
- Colle, 1773, 2299, 2396, 2526–2527, 2611, 2647, 2674–2675, 3142–3143, 3239–3240, 3385–3386, 3933, 3970, 4036
- Dunlop, 3969
- Flynn, 2397–2398, 2528
- Hardeman, 2444–2445
- Hoy, 2574, 2964
- Jaczek, 2444
- Kwinter, 2645
- Leal, 2493
- Moridi, 2527, 2645
- Murdoch, 1211, 2999
- O'Toole, 1719
- Ruprecht, 3543
- Sousa, 2212, 2398, 2612
- Witmer, 2297
- Ostomy supplies
- Parenting education
- Pension plans
- Chudleigh, 5669–5671, 6050–6051, 6283–6284, 6503, 6652, 6853
- Craitor, 8831–8832
- Hardeman, 6758
- Miller, P., 6049–6050
- O'Toole, 3693–3694, 3970, 5745, 6199, 6236–6237, 6286, 6506, 6606, 6696–6697, 7345, 8039–8040
- Shurman, 6652–6653
- Tabuns, 8269
- Wilson, 7238, 7397, 7439–7440, 7928, 8225, 8422, 8791, 9047–9048, 9279
- Personal support workers
- Miller, P., 7209
- Pesticides
- Physical education
- Police records check
- Pope John Paul II
- Albanese, 2131, 2395–2396
- Berardinetti, 4869, 4913–4914
- Craitor, 3284
- Delaney, 775, 1313, 1773, 2167–2168, 2494, 2528, 2837, 3000, 3142, 3240, 3583, 3695, 3932–3933, 4036, 4159, 4481, 4830
- Hudak, 301, 1520, 1978
- Klees, 1106, 1373, 1576–1577, 2395, 3188, 3651
- Savoline, 1171
- Wilson, 82, 1978, 2574, 2610
- Yakabuski, 529, 695
- Post-secondary education
- Poverty
- Power plant
- Professional hockey franchise
- Property taxation
- Prostate cancer
- Runciman, 241
- Protection for miners
- Protection for workers
- Protection of minors
- Psychiatric patient rights
- Prue, 56–58
- Public health
- Gélinas, 7043
- Public safety
- Tabuns, 8833
- Public transit
- Public washrooms
- Rail line construction
- Rail line expansion
- Railroad bridge
- Reconstructive surgery
- Refundable containers
- Registered disability savings plans
- Jones, 4659
- Road safety
- Route 17
- Rural education funding
- Craitor, 8469
- Rural small business
- Levac, 7530
- Ryczak, Wayne
- Craitor, 3778
- Sale of domestic wines and beers
- Sales tax
- School closures
- School facilities
- School funding
- School pools
- School transportation
- Security licence fees
- Gélinas, 4071
- Services for disabled children
- Services for the developmentally disabled
- Sexual reassignment surgery
- Shark fishery
- Social assistance
- Van Bommel, 5629–5630
- Social services funding
- Sound barriers
- Kwinter, 9652
- Special investigations unit
- O'Toole, 3695
- Stevenson Memorial Hospital
- Strandherd-Armstrong bridge
- Stroke survivors
- Stroke therapy
- Taxation
- Arnott, 7284–7285, 7396–7397, 8506–8507, 8658–8659, 8740, 8954, 9184, 9552–9553
- Bailey, 6567, 8741, 9006, 9086–9087, 9508–9509, 9588
- Barrett, 7972–7973, 8739
- Bisson, 8315–8316, 9046
- Chudleigh, 8039, 9183
- Delaney, 7488, 7530, 7656, 7841, 7973, 8154, 8467
- Dunlop, 6089–6091, 8876, 9182, 9376–9377
- Gélinas, 8038, 8554, 8615, 9416, 9701
- Hardeman, 7159, 7239, 7529–7530, 7655, 7701, 7737, 7971, 8223, 8317, 8506, 8555, 8615–8616, 8658, 8695, 8740, 8875, 9046–9047, 9085, 9087, 9229–9230
- Horwath, 6758
- Jones, 5960, 6002–6003, 6088, 6284, 6503, 6895, 7042, 7093, 7285, 7490, 7783, 7970–7971, 8359, 8554
- Klees, 7530–7531, 7738
- Leal, 7700
- MacLeod, 6895–6896, 8657, 9330–9331
- Marchese, 7841–7842
- Martiniuk, 6815, 7240, 7529, 7701, 7737–7738, 7842, 7880, 8078, 8269–8270, 8358, 8659, 8792–8793
- Miller, N., 7092–7093, 7158–7159, 7236–7237, 7441, 7529–7530, 7584, 7656, 7738–7739, 7929, 8614, 8694–8695, 8876, 8955, 9047, 9049, 9182, 9331
- Miller, P., 7396, 7881, 8077–8078, 9184
- Munro, 6816, 7001, 7161, 7398, 7880, 8078, 8268, 8657–8658, 8833, 8953–8954, 9183, 9329–9330
- Murdoch, 6150, 6344, 6566, 6697, 6759, 6954, 7208, 7344, 7346, 7653–7654, 8037, 8039, 8419–8420, 8613, 8791
- O'Toole, 6201, 6606–6607, 6816–6817, 7000, 7161, 7397–7398, 7656, 7784, 7840–7841, 7971–7973, 8038, 8077, 8155, 8224, 8270–8271, 8357–8358, 8468–8469, 8556, 8695–8696, 8738–8739, 8834, 8952, 9007, 9084, 9414–9415, 9455, 9508, 9552, 9587–9588, 9652, 9700
- Ouellette, 6953–6954, 7585, 8741–8742, 9184, 9416, 9586–9587
- Prue, 2998, 6344, 6503–6504, 7879, 8739, 9230
- Runciman, 9183
- Savoline, 6605, 6952, 7211, 7489, 7781, 8315, 8831, 8953, 9007–9008, 9085, 9331, 9507–9508
- Shurman, 7656–7657, 9006, 9554
- Sterling, 6895, 7702
- Tabuns, 7881
- Wilson, 6345–6346, 6564–6567, 6758, 6814, 7237, 7343, 7398, 7440–7441, 7840, 8117, 8315, 8615, 8740–8741, 8793, 8874–8875, 9046, 9228, 9280, 9653
- Witmer, 8874, 9048
- Yakabuski, 7160, 7209, 7343, 7345–7346, 7490–7491, 7586, 7700–7702, 7881–7882, 7928–7929, 8269, 8553–8554, 8614, 8656, 8659, 8832, 8953, 9183, 9331
- Tenant protection
- DiNovo, 485
- True Patriot Love gala
- O'Toole, 8470
- Tuition
- University labour dispute
- Aggelonitis, 4702
- Balkissoon, 4788
- Bisson, 4701, 4703, 4788–4790
- Colle, 4787
- Dhillon, 4758–4759
- DiNovo, 4757–4758, 4787–4789
- Gélinas, 4759
- Horwath, 4701, 4787–4790
- Jaczek, 4757, 4789
- Kular, 4702
- Leal, 4702
- Levac, 4703–4704
- Mangat, 4788
- Marchese, 4659
- Mauro, 4758
- McNeely, 4759–4760
- Miller, P., 4702, 4759
- Moridi, 4701, 4759
- Prue, 4704, 4758, 4790
- Sandals, 4758
- Shurman, 4481
- Tabuns, 4703, 4789–4790
- Wilson, 4701
- Zimmer, 4702–4703, 4789
- Upper Canada Village
- Miller, P., 7161
- Uranium mining
- Tabuns, 2210–2211
- Violence in entertainment
- Sergio, 2837
- Water metering
- Murdoch, 2963
- Water quality
- Wind turbines
- Wood harvesting
- Bisson, 8223
- Workplace harassment
- Workplace insurance
- Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre
- Youth Action Alliance
- Aboriginal land dispute
- Petroleum prices
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Pharmacies
- Pharmacists
- Pharmacy Act, S.O. 1991, c.36
- amended by Bill 179
- Balkissoon, 6898
- amended by Bill 179
- Philip Morris Inc.
- Phoenix Centre for Children and Families
- government funding
- Witmer, 14
- government funding
- Photo Card Act, 2008 (Bill 85)
- general discussion
- first reading
- Bradley, 2249
- ministerial statement
- Bradley, 2250
- second reading, 2271–2286, 2325–2340, 2419–2432, 2505
- Arnott, 2277, 2325–2330
- Arthurs, 2424–2427, 2431
- Bailey, 2337, 2423–2424
- Bisson, 2276–2286, 2426–2427, 2430–2431
- Bradley, 2271–2274, 2328
- Brown, 2274–2277, 2423, 2431–2432
- Delaney, 2336–2337
- Hardeman, 2337, 2339
- Klees, 2419–2424
- Leal, 2427
- Miller, N., 2328–2329, 2333, 2339, 2426
- Miller, P., 2432
- Mitchell, 2338–2340
- Munro, 2285
- Murdoch, 2431
- Naqvi, 2276–2277
- O'Toole, 2285–2286, 2423, 2427–2431
- Ramal, 2329–2333, 2337
- Rinaldi, 2285
- Scott, 2329, 2333, 2339
- Shurman, 2332–2338
- Van Bommel, 2332–2333
- Yakabuski, 2276
- public consultation
- Arnott, 2277, 2325–2330
- referred to Standing Committee on General Government, 2505
- third reading, 3859–3869, 3905–3916, 4009–4016
- Royal assent, 4319
- Photo identification cards. see also Driver licences
- Arnott, 2325–2328
- Arthurs, 2424–2425
- Bisson, 2253, 2431, 3908
- Bradley, 2250, 2274, 2348
- Brown, 2423, 3915
- Chudleigh, 3909
- Hardeman, 2337, 2339
- Klees, 2424
- Leal, 2427
- Levac, 3908
- Miller, N., 2328, 2333, 2339, 2426
- Mitchell, 2338–2340
- Murdoch, 2431
- O'Toole, 2423, 2427–2429, 3906–3907
- Ramal, 2330–2331, 2337
- Scott, 2329, 2339
- Shurman, 2334–2336
- Van Bommel, 2332
- basic photo cards
- children under age 16
- Bisson, 2280–2281
- combined photo cards
- cost
- enhanced photo cards
- fraud
- Delaney, 2336–2337
- lost
- Bisson, 2276
- optional for non-drivers
- Levac, 3916
- passport alternative for cross-border travel
- photo comparison technology
- privacy/security of information
- radio frequency identification chip technology
- regulations
- wait times
- Bisson, 2281–2282
- Arnott, 2325–2328
- Photo radar
- Physical activity. see Exercise
- Physical activity guidelines for children
- Physical education
- Marchese, 221–222
- Physical education teachers
- Physical fitness
- Elliott, 1794
- Physicians. see Doctors
- Physiotherapists
- Physiotherapy Act, S.O. 1991, c.34
- amended by Bill 179
- Balkissoon, 6898
- amended by Bill 179
- Physiotherapy services. see also Ontario health insurance plan (OHIP)—chiropractic/physiotherapy services—delisting
- Pick Ontario Freshness award. see Foodland Ontario—Foodland Ontario Retailer Awards—Pick Ontario Freshness award
- Pick Ontario Freshness strategy. see Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs—Pick Ontario Freshness strategy
- Pickering nuclear generating station. see Ontario Power Generation nuclear generating stations—Pickering nuclear generating station
- Pingle's Farm Market. see Farmers' markets—Pingle's Farm Market
- PIRLS. see Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS)
- PISA. see Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
- Pit bulls
- Places to Grow program. see Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure—Places to Grow program
- Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13
- amended by Bill 212
- Miller, P., 8566–8567
- amended by Bill 212
- Planning Amendment Act (Community Gardens), 2009 (Bill 217)
- first reading
- Ruprecht, 8416
- first reading
- Planning Amendment Act (Enabling Municipalities to Require Inclusionary Housing), 2009 (Bill 198). see also Housing—affordable—authority of municipal governments to require affordable housing in new developments
- Plant a Tree Challenge. see Ministry of Natural Resources—Plant a Tree Challenge
- Plant closures. see Industry shutdowns
- Plasco Energy Group Inc.
- plasma arc technology
- Wilkinson, 1664
- plasma arc technology
- Plasma arc technology. see Plasco Energy Group Inc.—plasma arc technology
- Plastech Engineered Products. see Layoffs—Plastech Engineered Products
- Plastic bottles
- Qaadri, 3946–3947
- Plastmade Industries Ltd.
- Arnott, 3576
- Platinex Inc. see Court cases/actions—Platinex Inc. v. Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation; Mining industry—mining exploration permit given to Platinex Inc.
- Playgrounds
- Plays
- The Turn of the Screw
- Tabuns, 8130
- The Turn of the Screw
- Plea bargaining
- PLT. see Provincial land tax (PLT)
- Poetry
- Poets
- Frost, Robert (Pulitzer Prize winner for poetry)
- Witmer, 8129
- Frost, Robert (Pulitzer Prize winner for poetry)
- Poets' Corner (Westminster Abbey)
- Kwinter, 8133
- Poets Laureate
- Points of privilege. see Members'/ministers' privileges
- Police
- Police Association of Ontario
- Police-government partnerships
- Bartolucci, 4021
- Police memorials
- Police officer recruitment fund. see Federal government—police officer recruitment fund
- Police officers
- hiring
- Bartolucci, 172–173, 379, 3136, 6277
- Bentley, 2778–2779, 2989, 3634
- Colle, 1409
- Dunlop, 356, 379, 453, 588, 1038, 1092, 1413, 1597, 2535, 3839, 7883
- Hardeman, 4127–4128
- Klees, 1355
- Kwinter, 4130–4131
- Mauro, 4125–4127
- Ramal, 4132
- Wilson, 172–173
- federal government funding
- government funding
- Scott, 1873–1874
- presence in schools
- support for families of deceased police officers
- Hoy, 5189
- use of tasers
- Police services
- cross-border policing
- Bartolucci, 7484–7485, 7719–7722, 8968
- Berardinetti, 7898–7901
- Colle, 7885, 7903–7906
- Dunlop, 7719–7722, 7882–7884, 7908, 7911, 9109–9110
- Hampton, 7905, 7908–7912, 9110–9111
- Hoy, 7911
- Kormos, 7487
- Kwinter, 8972–8973
- Lalonde, 7896, 7900, 7906
- Leal, 7885
- Levac, 7884–7885, 7888–7893, 7897, 7900–7901, 7905–7906, 7908, 7911, 9111–9113
- MacLeod, 7888
- Miller, N., 7905–7908
- Munro, 7892
- O'Toole, 7486, 7893, 7895–7896, 7900, 8968–8970
- Prue, 8097–8098, 8971–8972
- Ramal, 7721
- Sergio, 7888, 7893
- Tabuns, 7886–7889, 7892
- Witmer, 7721
- Yakabuski, 7721, 8099
- cost sharing
- Dunlop, 8099
- Manitoba
- Prue, 8097
- Nunavut
- Prue, 8097
- resolution signed by Ontario and Quebec for reciprocal legislation
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
- federal government funding
- government funding
- municipal government funding
- Kormos, 1413
- Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.15
- amended by Bill 212
- Dunlop, 8366–8367
- amended by Bill 212
- Political contributions
- Political fundraising
- Political parties
- Hudak, 5300–5301
- Political patronage. see Appointment process
- Politicians
- Marchese, 5299
- Pollara Inc.
- Bailey, 8120
- Polls
- Bensimon Byrne
- Runciman, 1202
- Bensimon Byrne
- Pollutants
- Jaczek, 550
- Pollution
- Polygamy
- Pompe disease. see also Ontario drug benefit program (ODB)—coverage for Myozyme
- Troy, Greg case
- Witmer, 4522
- Troy, Greg case
- Pope John Paul II Day. see National/independence/memorial days—Pope John Paul II Day
- Pope John Paul II Day Act, 2009 (Bill 25)
- Population
- visible minority
- Shurman, 935
- visible minority
- Population growth
- Population needs-based funding. see Hospital funding—population needs-based funding
- Porcupine Goldor Mines Limited Act, 2008 (Bill Pr12)
- Pork
- Pork industry
- Port Colborne Drop Forge. see Strikes—Port Colborne Drop Forge
- Port Colborne Hospital. see Hospital services—emergency—Port Colborne Hospital
- Portlands Energy Centre
- Prue, 724
- Positron emission tomography (PET). see also Ontario health insurance plan (OHIP)—inclusion of PET scans as insured service; Private members' public business—Diagnostic services
- Post-secondary education
- accessibility
- Orazietti, 1472
- enrolment
- federal government funding
- Dunlop, 587–588
- government funding. see Universities/colleges—government funding
- Reaching Higher: The McGuinty Government Plan for Postsecondary Education
- Arthurs, 3782
- Bentley, 3397
- Flynn, 4268
- Hampton, 4324
- Horwath, 3179
- Levac, 5472
- Marchese, 2481, 2670, 4382
- McGuinty, 501, 3179, 3193, 3268, 3317, 4324
- McMeekin, 3472
- Milloy, 895, 2670, 2959, 3485, 3772, 3873, 4382, 4903, 5512, 5731
- Moridi, 2471
- Pendergast, 325
- Prue, 9428
- Ruprecht, 3387
- Smith, 9421
- Zimmer, 2573
- access to opportunities strategy
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- DiNovo, 4129–4130
- Pottersburg Creek. see Waste management/programs—cleanup of Pottersburg Creek PCB storage site
- Poultry industry
- Poverty. see also Child poverty
- Aggelonitis, 713
- Albanese, 5100
- Berardinetti, 173–174, 5095–5096
- Chudleigh, 5096–5097
- Delaney, 11
- DiNovo, 113–114, 120–121, 716, 3617–3619, 4267, 5097–5098
- Gélinas, 718–719
- Hampton, 21, 521, 3435, 3482–3484, 3497–3498, 3570, 4104, 4323, 4465–4467
- Horwath, 84–85, 3149, 3357, 4470
- Kormos, 4157, 4633
- Marchese, 3692, 4039–4040
- Matthews, 173–174, 336, 3528, 4104, 4327, 4519, 5271
- McGuinty, 21–22, 693, 2666–2667, 2777, 3134, 3435–3436, 3483–3484, 5949
- McMeekin, 5214
- Meilleur, 481
- Miller, N., 5210, 5213–5214
- Miller, P., 856, 3087, 5272
- Naqvi, 4861, 5211
- Prue, 116–117, 336, 577–578, 612, 1671, 2777–2778, 3133–3134, 3180–3181, 3208, 3238, 3528, 3615, 3961, 4468, 5263–5273
- Ramal, 386–387, 716–717
- Shurman, 935, 5271–5272
- Smitherman, 4466–4468
- Sousa, 4749
- Tabuns, 3281–3282, 5206–5210
- older women
- Peterborough
- Prue, 1559
- social effects
- Aggelonitis, 713
- Poverty and disease
- Kormos, 258
- Poverty and health
- Jaczek, 5100
- Poverty Reduction Act, 2009 (Bill 152)
- general discussion
- first reading
- Matthews, 5040
- ministerial statement
- Dickson, 5041–5042
- second reading, 5198–5215, 5246–5273, 5559–5566, 5631–5637
- Bailey, 5206
- Bisson, 5564
- Bradley, 5256
- Brownell, 5253–5254
- Chudleigh, 5249, 5253
- Colle, 5210–5211, 5260–5262
- Delaney, 5561
- Gerretsen, 5259
- Hoy, 5253
- Hudak, 5202–5205, 5207
- Klees, 5561–5566
- Kormos, 5249–5254, 5259
- Lalonde, 5272
- Leal, 5256
- Mangat, 5206
- Martiniuk, 5254, 5259–5260
- Matthews, 5198–5199, 5202, 5271
- Mauro, 5559–5560, 5562
- McMeekin, 5214
- McNeely, 5250
- Miller, N., 5201, 5210, 5213–5214, 5560–5561
- Miller, P., 5201–5202, 5206–5207, 5214, 5272
- Mitchell, 5254–5257
- Munro, 5247–5250, 5633, 5637
- Naqvi, 5211–5215
- O'Toole, 5565, 5634–5637
- Prue, 5263–5273
- Qaadri, 5260, 5561–5562
- Ramal, 5256, 5565
- Sandals, 5202
- Savoline, 5257–5260
- Shurman, 5271–5272
- Tabuns, 5205–5211
- Van Bommel, 5199–5201, 5210, 5249, 5256–5257
- Watson, 5564–5565
- Yakabuski, 5631–5634
- preamble
- Prue, 5267
- public consultation
- O'Toole, 5635
- section 5
- Hudak, 5204–5205
- subsection 2(2)
- Hudak, 5203–5204
- Bailey, 5206
- third reading, 6421–6431, 6585–6591
- Royal assent, 6601
- Poverty reduction strategy. see also Private members' public business—Child poverty; Private members' public business—Poverty
- Aggelonitis, 713–714, 720, 3487, 5544, 5683
- Albanese, 719–720, 5100
- Arthurs, 1645, 5933
- Berardinetti, 5095–5096, 5101, 6442, 6559
- Broten, 8993–8995
- Brownell, 4289
- Chudleigh, 6424
- DiNovo, 1827, 3279, 4519, 5032, 6424
- Duncan, 525
- Gélinas, 719, 3938, 5091
- Hampton, 687, 1816, 3482–3483, 3570, 4104, 4465–4466
- Horwath, 2779, 2827–2828, 5078, 5113–5114
- Hudak, 5203–5205
- Jaczek, 5099–5100, 6600
- Jones, 717–718
- Leal, 4521
- Levac, 1672
- Mangat, 1091
- Matthews, 651, 689–690, 2490, 2602–2603, 2778–2779, 2827–2828, 3134–3135, 3180–3181, 3238, 3487–3488, 3528, 3640, 3961, 4104, 4149–4150, 4289, 4327, 4519, 4521, 4750, 4781–4782, 4832, 4861, 5032, 5041, 5198–5199, 5202, 5423, 5615, 5683, 6077, 6599–6600
- McGuinty, 565–566, 650, 687, 2666, 2777, 3319–3320, 3435, 3483–3484, 4380–4381, 4617, 5078, 5183–5184, 5949
- McNeely, 5423
- Meilleur, 6230
- Miller, P., 5201–5202, 6590
- Mitchell, 8993–8994
- Munro, 3491, 5042, 5615, 5633, 6586–6589
- Naqvi, 1894, 4861, 5212–5215
- O'Toole, 5635–5636
- Pendergast, 720
- Prue, 720, 1734, 2666, 2773, 2777–2778, 3135, 3181, 3319–3320, 3639–3640, 4149, 4781–4782, 5183, 5264–5271, 5762, 6077, 6426–6431, 6585–6586, 6590, 8995
- Ramal, 716–717, 5784
- Sandals, 5202
- Shurman, 714–715, 5272
- Smitherman, 612–613, 3570
- Sousa, 983, 4749–4750
- Tabuns, 3368, 5043, 5208–5210
- Van Bommel, 5199–5201, 5210, 6422
- Yakabuski, 5631–5634
- Zimmer, 2642–2643
- after school programs
- anti-racism directorate
- Prue, 6429
- community hub program
- community mobilization fund
- Prue, 5270
- community opportunities fund
- Matthews, 4521
- crown wards success strategy
- Pendergast, 5099
- government funding
- Horwath, 5078
- housing benefit
- Ireland
- public consultation
- DiNovo, 2602
- Gélinas, 2088
- Horwath, 2828
- Matthews, 1470, 1605, 1712, 2088, 2491–2492, 2643, 2778, 2828, 3134–3135, 3773, 3876, 4149, 4327, 6421–6422
- McGuinty, 1661, 2390, 2667, 2777
- Naqvi, 4149–4150
- Prue, 1368, 1470, 1605, 1661, 1712, 1764, 2389–2390, 2491, 2778, 3134, 3202–3203, 3773, 3876, 4149, 4327, 5266, 5949
- Smitherman, 1368–1369
- Sousa, 4749–4750
- Van Bommel, 2468
- social assistance review
- student nutrition program
- town hall meeting
- 25 in 5 plan
- United Kingdom
- Aggelonitis, 713–714, 720, 3487, 5544, 5683
- Power bars. see Electrical safety—power bars
- Power Corporation Amendment Act, S.O. 1992, c.10
- Shurman, 5079
- Power of investigation
- Gélinas, 5900
- Power-Spar system. see Menova Energy Inc.—Power-Spar system
- Powers of attorney
- PPG Canada Inc.
- Prayer in the Legislature
- recitation of the Lord's Prayer, prayers from other religions and moment of silence
- removing the Lord's Prayer from the daily proceedings of the Legislature
- Pregnancy leave. see Employment standards—pregnancy leave
- PRELOD. see Trillium Gift of Life Network—program for reimbursing expenses of living organ donors (PRELOD)
- Premier redirecting oral questions, 24–25, 47, 51, 55, 73, 78, 81, 130–131, 133, 136, 166–168, 173–174, 191–195, 197–198, 300, 333–334, 336–337, 378, 381, 475–476, 498–499, 502, 505, 520, 523–524, 526–527, 562, 649, 655, 686, 688, 692, 739–740, 745, 768, 770, 829–831, 834–835, 837, 892–893, 895, 897–898, 1056–1057, 1059, 1061, 1098, 1100, 1204, 1207, 1210, 1245, 1247–1248, 1250–1251, 1304–1307, 1417–1421, 1466, 1469, 1471, 1473, 1509, 1511, 1514, 1516–1517, 1571, 1603, 1656, 1658, 1665, 1709, 1711–1713, 1718, 1814, 1817, 1820, 1822, 1883, 1919, 2023, 2027, 2032, 2082–2083, 2085–2086, 2121–2123, 2126, 2129, 2236–2237, 2239–2240, 2242, 2288, 2290, 2296, 2385–2386, 2388, 2485, 2665, 2669, 2733, 2738, 2779, 2781, 2891, 2897, 2899, 2959, 3082, 3085, 3087, 3089–3090, 3134, 3137, 3140, 3177, 3179–3180, 3182–3184, 3271–3272, 3274–3275, 3315, 3318–3319, 3322, 3438, 3485–3486, 3488, 3525, 3527–3528, 3963, 4018–4019, 4026, 4055, 4208, 4248–4249, 4322, 4325, 4379, 4382, 4387, 4572–4574, 4577, 4581, 4614–4617, 4621, 4749, 4779, 4781, 4800, 4805, 4857, 4859–4860, 4901–4902, 4905–4906, 4908, 4994, 4996, 4999, 5030, 5079, 5084, 5118–5121, 5123, 5181, 5184, 5186, 5188, 5227, 5233, 5312, 5314, 5316, 5318, 5320, 5419, 5421–5422, 5424, 5507–5508, 5510, 5514, 5572–5575, 5614, 5619, 5663, 5682, 5730–5731, 5735, 5777, 5780, 5941–5942, 5945, 5947, 5987, 5989–5991, 5995–5996, 6082, 6225, 6230–6231, 6383, 6385, 6487, 6489, 6492, 6548, 6553–6554, 6684–6685, 6688, 6744–6745, 6753, 6797–6798, 6800–6801, 6803, 6882, 6983, 6986, 7027–7033, 7145, 7147, 7192, 7219, 7695, 7958, 7964, 8063, 8644, 8783, 8785, 8861, 8994, 9034, 9267, 9314
- Premier Wire Ltd.
- Premier's attendance in legislature
- Premiers' gravesites program. see Ontario Heritage Trust—Premiers' gravesites program
- Premier's Office. see Office of the Premier
- Premier's salary increase
- Hampton, 4416–4418
- Premier's travel
- Prescription drugs
- Prescription privileges
- Prescription writing
- Press gallery. see Legislative Assembly—press gallery
- Press releases quoted by members/ministers. see Members/ministers quoting press releases
- Presto card. see Transit systems—smart cards—Presto card (GTA fare card)
- Pretrial custody credits. see Sentences (criminal procedure)—pretrial custody credits
- Pretty River Academy (Collingwood). see Private schools—Pretty River Academy (Collingwood)—government funding for new playing field
- Price Edward Viaduct. see Transportation infrastructure—Prince Edward Viaduct
- PricewaterhouseCoopers. see eHealth Ontario—review by PricewaterhouseCoopers
- Primary health care
- Primary prevention programs
- be made mandatory in elementary schools
- DiNovo, 4866
- be made mandatory in elementary schools
- Principals—school. see School principals
- Private career colleges
- Private health clinics
- Private members' motions. see Private members' public business
- Private members' public bills. see Private members' public business
- Private members' public business
- Accessibility for the disabled. see also Blind/visually-impaired persons—access to books in suitable formats
- Afghan family law. see also Afghanistan—family law—Shiite Personal Status Law
- Anti-bullying initiatives. see also Bullying—prevention
- Apology Act, 2008 (Bill 59). see also Apology
- Apprenticeship training. see also Apprenticeship training—ratio of tradespeople to apprentices
- Assistance to the disabled. see also Persons with disabilities—attendant services
- Auditor General Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 110). see also Auditor General—report expenses for programs or services in annual report
- Automobile insurance. see also Automobile insurance—uninsured drivers
- Black History Month Act, 2009 (Bill 207)
- Breast Cancer Screening Act, 2009 (Bill 200). see also Cancer screening programs—breast cancer screening program—inclusion of women aged 40 to 49
- British Home Child Day Act, 2010 (Bill 241)
- Canadian Mass Transit Vehicles Act, 2008 (Bill 31). see also Transit systems—purchase of mass transit vehicles—made in Ontario
- Capping Executive Compensation Act, 2009 (Bill 180). see also Corporations—capping executive compensation for corporations receiving grant or loan from Ontario
- Caregiver and Foreign Worker Recruitment and Protection Act, 2009 (Bill 160). see also Foreign caregivers—protection
- Child Pornography Reporting Act, 2008 (Bill 37). see also Child pornography—reporting
- Child poverty. see also Child poverty; Poverty reduction strategy
- Children's aid societies. see also Children's aid societies (CASs)—District of Rainy River—government funding
- Children's Law Reform Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 33). see also Child custody—grandparents' rights
- Children's Safety and Protection Rights Act, 2009 (Bill 130). see also Child protection
- Climate Change Awareness Act, 2009 (Bill 208). see also Public education campaigns—Climate Change Awareness Day
- Condominium Owners Protection Act, 2009 (Bill 186). see also Condominium owners—protection
- Congenital Heart Disease Awareness Day Act, 2009 (Bill 178). see also Public education campaigns—Congenital Heart Disease Awareness Day
- Consumer Reporting Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 75). see also Consumer reporting agencies
- Corporate reporting requirements. see also Ontario Securities Commission (OSC)—to establish best practice corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting standards
- Cultural diversity. see also Public education campaigns—International Mother Language Day
- Curriculum. see also School science strategy
- Day Nurseries Amendment Act (Not for Profit Corporations), 2008 (Bill 26). see also Child care centres—licensing restricted to not-for-profit sector
- Diabetes Awareness Month Act, 2008 (Bill 113). see also Public education campaigns—Diabetes Awareness Month
- Diagnostic services. see also Positron emission tomography (PET)
- Education Amendment Act (Pupils with Diabetes), 2009 (Bill 137)
- Education Amendment Act (Pupils with Diabetes) 2009 (Bill 137). see also Pupils with diabetes—monitoring and treatment
- Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Electronic Sexual Material), 2009 (Bill 202)
- Electricity Amendment Act (Protection Against Security Deposits), 2009 (Bill 228)
- Employment insurance. see also Employment insurance benefits—Ontario workers
- Employment Standards Amendment Act (Raising the Minimum Wage), 2007 (Bill 7). see also Minimum wage—$10 an hour
- Employment Standards Amendment Act (Wage Security), 2007 (Bill 6)
- Employment Standards Amendment Act (Protection for Artists), 2009 (Bill 165). see also Artists—employment protection
- Employment supports. see also Manufacturing industry—layoffs; Tax credits—manufacturing investment tax credit
- Environmental Assessment Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 123). see also Environmental assessment process—restriction on municipal proponents
- Fairness for Families Act, 2008 (Bill 88). see also Income tax—income splitting between married or common-law couples
- Financial literacy. see also Financial literacy
- Fire Protection and Prevention Amendment Act (Fire Sprinkler Retrofitting), 2009 (Bill 214)
- Fire Protection Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 14). see also Fire alarms—interconnected fire alarms; Fire detectors—interconnected fire alarms; Fire escapes—non-combustible fire escapes
- Fire safety. see also Fire sprinklers—mandatory fire sprinkler systems in new residential construction
- Forest industry. see also Construction industry—use of Ontario wood products
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Amendment Act (Institutions), 2009 (Bill 227)
- Fuel safety. see also Volatile fuels—safety
- Greenbelt Day Act, 2009 (Bill 153). see also Public education campaigns—Greenbelt Day
- Handgun Manufacturers' and Importers' Liability Act, 2008 (Bill 82). see also Handgun manufacturers and importers—liability for harm caused by unlawful use of handguns
- Hawkins Gignac Act (Carbon Monoxide Detectors), 2009 (Bill 143). see also Carbon monoxide detectors—requirement to install carbon monoxide detectors in all residential buildings
- Health care. see also Patients—alternate level of care patients
- Health promotion. see also Health—determinants of health; Vital health statistics—determinants of health
- Healthy Decisions for Healthy Eating Act, 2009 (Bill 156). see also Food service premises—disclosure of nutritional information for foods and drinks served on premises
- Healthy schools. see also School cafeterias—to serve healthy, local Ontario foods
- Highway improvement. see also Tax rebates—gasoline tax rebate—highway construction, maintenance or operation
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Child Passengers on Motorcycles), 2008 (Bill 117). see also Highway safety—ban on driving motorcycles with child passengers
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Aftermarket Brake Pad Standards), 2009 (Bill 181). see also Aftermarket brake pads—standards and specifications
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Senior Driver's Conditional Licence), 2009 (Bill 221)
- Hispanic community
- Holodomor Memorial Day Act, 2008 (Bill 61). see also National/independence/memorial days—Holodomor Memorial Day
- Holodomor Memorial Day Act, 2009 (Bill 147). see also National/independence/memorial days—Holodomor Memorial Day
- Home Energy Rating Act, 2008 (Bill 101). see also Home energy rating report
- Human rights. see also Public education campaigns—Ontario Human Rights Day
- Inactive Cemeteries Protection Act, 2009 (Bill 149). see also Cemeteries—prohibition on relocation of inactive cemeteries
- Israeli Apartheid Week
- Jay Lawrence and Bart Mackey Memorial Act (Highway Traffic Amendment), 2008 (Bill 74). see also Highway safety—riding in back of commercial/towed vehicles prohibited
- Katelyn Bedard Bone Marrow Awareness Month Act, 2007 (Bill 5). see also Public education campaigns—Bone Marrow Awareness Month
- Kindness Week. see also Public education campaigns—kindness week
- Labour Relations Amendment Act (Certification), 2008 (Bill 65). see also Union certification—card-based certification
- Labour Relations Amendment Act (Replacement Workers), 2009 (Bill 86)
- Lake Superior Day. see also Public education campaigns—Lake Superior Day
- Legislative channel. see also Cable/satellite providers—requirement to broadcast the legislative proceedings of the province or territory
- Liquor Licence Amendment Act (Fruit Wine), 2009 (Bill 132). see also Fruit wines—sale at farmers' markets
- Literacy and basic skills. see also Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities—Employment Ontario—literacy and basic skills programs— government funding
- Long-term care. see also Hospital beds—long-term-care beds—Simcoe–Grey
- Lori Dupont Act (Domestic Violence Protection), 2008 (Bill 10). see also Victims of domestic violence—protection
- Mental health and addiction services. see also Committees—Select Committee on Mental Health and Addiction
- Milk in schools. see also Dairy Farmers of Ontario—elementary school milk program
- Ministry of Government Services Amendment Act (Canadian Manufacturing and Assembly of Government Vehicles), 2008 (Bill 92)
- Ministry of Government Services Amendment Act (Canadian Manufacturing and Assembly of Government Vehicles)— 2008 (Bill 92). see also Automobiles—government purchase of automobiles made in Ontario
- Missing persons alert
- Motor Vehicle Dealers Amendment Act (Disclosure of Lemons), 2009 (Bill 164). see also Consumer protection—used vehicles identified as lemons
- Municipal Residential and Commercial Surge Protector Act, 2009 (Bill 176). see also Electrical safety—mandatory installation of surge protectors in new residential and commercial construction
- Municipal Residential Sprinkler Act, 2008 (Bill 72). see also Fire sprinklers—mandatory fire sprinkler systems in new residential construction
- Municipalities. see also Committees—Select Committee on Municipal Governance
- News media. see also Local news media—government funding
- Northern York Region Power Conservation Act, 2008 (Bill 79). see also Natural gas generating stations—northern York region
- Nowruz. see also Nowruz
- Ontario Award for Paramedic Bravery Act, 2009 (Bill 136). see also Awards—Ontario Award for Paramedic Bravery
- Ontario College of Trades
- Ontario Energy Board Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 131)
- Ontario Poet Laureate
- Pension Benefits Amendment Act (Transfers on Wind Up), 2009 (Bill 213)
- Pension Benefits Amendment Act (Unlocking Pension Funds), 2009 (Bill 116). see also Pension funds—transfer of locked-in pension funds to registered retirement income funds
- Pension plans. see also Pension plans
- Planning Amendment Act (Enabling Municipalities to Require Inclusionary Housing), 2009 (Bill 198)
- Police officers. see also Federal government—police officer recruitment fund
- Pope John Paul II Day Act, 2009 (Bill 25). see also National/independence/memorial days—Pope John Paul II Day
- Poverty. see also Poverty reduction strategy
- Property Tax Deferral Act, 2008 (Bill 78). see also Property tax deferrals—low-income senior citizens and persons with disabilities
- Protection for workers. see also Employment-related benefits—severance/termination payments
- Protection of Minors in Amateur Sports Act, 2009 (Bill 30). see also Amateur sports programs—criminal record checks
- Protection of Vulnerable and Elderly People from Abuse Act (Powers of Attorney), 2009 (Bill 188)
- Provincial Parks and Major Provincial Tourist Attractions Sign Act, 2008 (Bill 21). see also Provincial parks and tourist attractions—bilingual signs
- Public Hospitals Amendment Act, 2009 (Bill 216)
- Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Amendment Act (Assistance to Municipalities), 2008 (Bill 38). see also Tax rebates—gasoline tax rebate—highway construction, maintenance or operation
- Red Tape and Regulatory Review Act, 2008 (Bill 57). see also Regulations—political oversight
- Red Tape Reduction Policy Act, 2008 (Bill 121). see also Small business—regulatory reduction
- Registered Retirement Savings Protection Act, 2010 (Bill 96)
- Registered Retirement Savings Protection Act010 (Bill 96). see also Registered retirement savings plans—protection from creditors
- Representation Amendment Act, 2008 (Bill 104). see also Electoral constituencies—renaming of Chatham–Kent–Essex to Chatham–Kent–Leamington
- Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Rental Insurance), 2009 (Bill 209). see also Home insurance—rental home insurance
- Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act, 2010 (Bill 106). see also Community safety—complaints regarding properties used for activities that adversely affect community
- Senators' Selection Act, 2009 (Bill 67)
- Seniors' Ombudsman Act, 2008 (Bill 102). see also Seniors' Ombudsman
- Signage to Promote Ontario Grown Agricultural Food Products Act, 2008 (Bill 98). see also Signage—promotion of agricultural food products—farmers permitted to post seasonal, directional signs on land adjacent to highways
- Single-Use Bottled Water Ban Act, 2008 (Bill 112). see also Bottled water—prohibition on sale
- second reading, 3940–3948
- second reading, 3940–3948