Letter: O
Oosterhoff, Hon. S. (PC, Niagara West)
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 214)
- second reading, 9978–9981, 9983–9984, 10035–10036
- Affordable housing
- non-profit organizations, 2858
- Agricultural land
- climate change, impact of, 9502
- Agricultural land - development on
- general remarks, 1731
- Agriculture industry
- financial protection programs
- legislative consolidation, 3422
- financial protection programs
- Agriculture industry - food processing
- government strategy, 2666
- Agri-food industry
- government strategy
- regulatory reform, 2637
- government strategy
- Alcohol retail
- taxation
- federal, increase, 7705
- taxation
- Appointments to agencies, boards, and commissions
- regulatory reform, 4466
- Archives of Ontario
- third-party vendors, filming fee
- removal, 8391
- third-party vendors, filming fee
- Auditor General of Ontario
- oversight, repeal of
- Office of the Children’s Lawyer, 4466
- oversight, repeal of
- Automotive industry
- education and awareness, 3540
- Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39)
- second reading, 1485
- Broadband infrastructure development
- Budget 2023/2024
- Budget 2024/2025
- general remarks, 7998–7999
- Building a Better Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 180)
- third reading, 9095
- Building a Strong Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 85)
- Building More Mines Act, 2023 (Bill 71)
- Business
- corporate governance, virtual proceedings, 4466
- Business - Main Street Recovery Plan, 1726, 2635
- Business - small- and medium-sized
- regulatory environment, 3419
- Business - taxation
- small and medium-sized
- government strategy, 1994
- small and medium-sized
- Cadets
- Cannabis retail
- retail operator license, transferal of
- regulatory reform, 4465
- retail operator license, transferal of
- Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)
- Carbon tax
- Carbon tax - impact by industry
- tourism and hospitality, 9587–9588
- Charles III (King)
- coronation of, 4054–4055
- Children and youth in care
- foster and group homes
- oversight, 8621
- foster and group homes
- Colleges and universities
- board of governors
- size reduction, 8390
- board of governors
- Condominiums
- Construction industry
- work sites
- workplace injury investigation, 8974
- work sites
- Correctional services
- Cost of living
- Critical Minerals Strategy
- economic impact, 4095
- Curriculum
- Cutting Red Tape, Building Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 227)
- second reading, 10582–10587
- Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185)
- Democracy
- general remarks, 3417
- Dental care
- government funding, 2406
- Drugs - illegal
- decriminalization, 4468
- Education funding
- general remarks, 3089
- Energy generation
- hydrogen strategy, 11164–11165
- Energy policy
- Energy rates
- Enhancing Access to Justice Act, 2024 (Bill 157)
- third reading, 7530–7531
- French-language debates
- Fuel prices - taxation
- rate reduction, extension
- northern Ontario, 1428
- rate reduction, extension
- GO Transit - service expansion
- Niagara, 550
- GO Transit - service expansion - by region
- Niagara, 550
- Government expenditures
- accountability and transparency, 2443
- Government record - PC (2018-present)
- Government services
- digital delivery, 3422
- Government services - business services
- permits and licences
- service standards, 8391
- permits and licences
- Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution), 2023 (Bill 112)
- Health care funding
- general remarks, 3042
- Health care funding - by region
- Niagara, 1962
- Health care - primary care
- government funding
- by region
- Niagara Region, 7201
- by region
- government funding
- Health care system
- health human resources
- government strategy, 2305
- health human resources
- Health care workers - recruitment and retention, international
- government strategy, 8391
- Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 (Bill 97)
- second reading, 3574
- Highways and roads - construction and expansion
- Home heating
- heat pumps, 7263
- Hospitals - capital projects
- general remarks, 2166–2167
- Hospitals - capital projects by region
- Housing developers
- approvals and permits, timelines
- expiry of, 8393
- approvals and permits, timelines
- Housing development - approvals and permits
- Housing development - by region
- Niagara West, 8393
- Housing development - construction
- Housing development - infrastructure
- sewage and wastewater, 8393
- Housing development - municipal charges
- development charges, exemptions and discounts
- affordable residential units, 2858
- development charges, exemptions and discounts
- Housing market
- prices
- over time, 9498–9499
- prices
- Housing policy
- Housing supply
- Housing supply - population growth projections
- general remarks, 3821
- Indigenous communities
- government services
- fees, removal of, 8391
- government services
- Indigenous soldiers
- service during world wars, 2524–2525
- Infrastructure development
- Judicial appointments
- backlog
- per diem judges, use of, 2637
- backlog
- Keeping Energy Costs Down Act, 2024 (Bill 165)
- Land use planning - environmental assessments
- regulatory reform, 3847
- Land use planning - environmental assessments, class environment assessments
- 30-day review period, 3847
- Legions
- Remembrance Day tributes, 1255
- Legislative procedure - bills
- omnibus bills, 3418
- Less Red Tape, More Common Sense Act, 2023 (Bill 139)
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023 (Bill 91)
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2023 (Bill 46)
- Manufacturing industry
- exchange rate, impact on, 4298
- Manufacturing industry - investments
- by region
- Niagara, 7232
- by region
- Members' statements
- 2023 Ontario budget, 3065
- Automotive industry, 3540
- Community service awards, 8792
- Coronation of King Charles III, 4054–4055
- Government investments, 4988–4989, 7404, 9254–9255
- Government's agenda, 281
- Health care funding, 1703
- Highway improvement, 8351
- Housing, 2593
- Niagara Week, 4471
- Ontario budget, 7998–7999
- Remembrance Day, 1255
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Niagara West, 281
- Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 1891
- Members/ministers quoting
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn, 3089
- Mental health and addictions services
- government strategy, 3254
- Mining industry - Critical Minerals Strategy
- economic impact, 4095
- Mining industry - Indigenous communities
- Indigenous consultation and consent, 4097
- Mining industry - occupational health and safety
- regulatory reform, 4467
- Mining sites - development
- financial assurance, phased, 4097
- Mining sites - rehabilitation, 4095
- Modernizing Ontario for People and Businesses Act, 2020, S.O. 2020, c. 18, s. 11
- More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
- Natural gas
- use of, 7275
- Niagara Parks Commission
- routine land easements
- regulatory reform, 4466
- routine land easements
- Niagara region
- regional development, 9254–9255
- Niagara Region
- Nuclear energy industry
- government strategy, 292
- Nuclear generation facilities - small modular reactors (SMRs)
- general remarks, 292
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- earning exemption, 1994
- Ontario Energy Board
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission (ONTC)
- Opposition day motions
- Pension plans
- administration
- digital communications, 4465–4466
- administration
- Pensions
- administration
- digital communications, 4465–4466
- administration
- Petitions
- Police services
- government funding, 4800
- Population
- growth projections, 3820
- Post-secondary education - faculty/staff
- Post-secondary education - mental health and addictions
- student mental health policies, 8828
- Presto fare payment system
- use of credit cards
- program expansion, 1784
- use of credit cards
- Private members' public business
- Progress on the Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 36)
- Public assets
- centralization, entities
- transferal to Ministry of Infrastructure, 3847
- centralization, entities
- Queen's Park Restoration Act, 2023 (Bill 75)
- second reading, 2841
- Question period
- Affordable housing
- Agri-food industry
- presented, 2666
- Broadband infrastructure
- presented, 1832–1833
- Electricity supply
- responded to, 9798
- Energy policies
- responded to, 10177–10178, 11164–11165
- Energy rates
- responded to, 10340
- Fiscal and economic policy
- presented, 2443
- GO Transit
- presented, 550
- Health care
- presented, 7200–7201
- Health care funding
- responded to, 3042
- Health care workers
- responded to, 1962
- Hospital services
- responded to, 2305
- Infrastructure funding
- presented, 2166–2167
- Manufacturing sector
- presented, 7232–7233
- Mental health and addiction services
- presented, 3254–3255
- Nuclear energy
- presented, 292
- Public transit
- presented, 1784
- Red tape reduction
- responded to, 4265
- Skilled trades
- presented, 444
- Small business
- responded to, 4480–4481
- Taxation
- Tourism
- presented, 1526
- Recycling programs
- regulatory reform, 4467
- Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 (Bill 212)
- second reading, 9952, 10014–10015
- Reducing Inefficiencies Act (Infrastructure Statute Law Amendments), 2023 (Bill 69)
- Regional development
- rural Ontario, 1993
- Regulations
- Regulations - business
- Regulatory environment
- Regulatory policy
- Rental housing - evictions
- illegal evictions
- fines and penalties, 3820
- illegal evictions
- Rental housing - tenant protections
- Resource Management and Safety Act, 2024 (Bill 228)
- second reading, 10670–10675
- Safer Roads and Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 197)
- School facilities - capital projects
- government funding, 3091
- Senior citizens
- income support programs
- Guaranteed Annual Income System, increase, 1428
- income support programs
- Sexual violence and harassment
- prevention
- education, consent, 1895
- prevention
- Skilled trades
- regulations, reduction, 8391
- Skilled trades - education and training
- Skills Development Fund, 1994
- Skilled trades - employment
- recruitment and retention
- government strategy, 444
- recruitment and retention
- Skilled trades - recruitment and retention
- government strategy, 444
- Strengthening Accountability and Student Supports Act, 2024 (Bill 166)
- third reading, 8828
- Strengthening Post-secondary Institutions and Students Act, 2022 (Bill 26)
- Strengthening Safety and Modernizing Justice Act, 2023 (Bill 102)
- Students - special needs
- co-op programs, 3091
- Supporting Children's Futures Act, 2024 (Bill 188)
- Supportive housing - funding
- Throne speech debate
- Tourism industry
- Transportation
- regulations
- reduction, 8392
- regulations
- Transportation policy
- Tributes
- Hansen, Ronald (former member for Lincoln), 624–625
- Unhoused persons
- government strategy, 3255
- Utilities
- Veterans
- Remembrance Day, 1255
- Veterinarians Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. V.3
- reform, 1731
- Volunteers
- community awards
- by region
- Niagara West, 8792
- by region
- community awards
- Waster diversion - recycling programs
- producer responsibilities
- regulations, reductions, 8390–8391
- producer responsibilities
- Working for Workers Five Act, 2024 (Bill 190)
- second reading, 8974
- Working for Workers Four Act, 2024 (Bill 149)
- third reading, 7752–7757
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, SO 1997, c 16, s A
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- government strategy, 1732
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - benefits
- indexing factors, 7755–7756
- Your Health Act, 2023 (Bill 60)
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 214)