Letter: K
Kanapathi, L. (PC, Markham—Thornhill)
- Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
- third reading, 2719
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- government strategy, 7719
- Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario's Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283)
- Agri-food premises - trespass offences
- general remarks, 7065
- Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
- regulations re, 6242
- Automobile insurance rates
- general remarks, 10103
- Behaviour analysts
- regulation of
- general remarks, 13883
- regulation of
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
- third reading, 6762–6764
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020 (Bill 213)
- second reading, 9856
- Better Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 5)
- second reading, 696
- Black Youth Action Plan
- government funding, 11126
- Budget 2021
- business, 12448
- Budget speech 2021 (March 24, 2021)
- responded to, 12425
- Business - COVID-19
- Business - COVID-19, financial assistance
- for fixed costs, 10092
- Business - COVID-19, government response
- Business - COVID-19, infection control
- compliance, 10092
- Business - Digital Main Street program
- general remarks, 10092
- Business - main street recovery plan
- general remarks, 10092–10093
- Business - taxation
- property tax rates
- general remarks, 11168
- property tax rates
- Carbon tax (federal)
- general remarks, 2465
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- diagnosis and treatment, 14043
- environmental modification, 14043–14044
- general remarks, 14043–14044
- prevalence, 14043
- prevention
- smoking cessation, 14043
- public awareness
- risk factors
- Civil liability - COVID-19
- in other jurisdictions, 10002
- Combating Human Trafficking Act, 2021 (Bill 251)
- second reading, 13343
- Community organizations
- children's leadership, 6422
- COPD Awareness Day Act, 2021 (Bill 157)
- first reading, 6583
- third reading, 14042–14044
- COVID-19
- general remarks, 7244
- COVID-19 - economic recovery
- regulatory reform, 14015
- COVID-19 - emergency orders
- general remarks, 10322
- COVID-19 - financial supports
- provincial
- general remarks, 8290
- provincial
- COVID-19 - provincial reopening, first wave
- general remarks, 8290
- COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency (March 2020)
- COVID-19 - public response to, 7939, 10092
- COVID-19 - transmission
- risk factors, 14044
- COVID-19 - vaccination
- general remarks, 12970
- Dental care - senior citizens
- Drive Clean program
- cancellation, 3925–3926
- Driving - stunt driving and street racing
- Employment - COVID-19
- general remarks, 12181
- Environmental protection
- civic engagement, 11615
- government strategy
- general remarks, 2771–2772, 11615–11616
- provincial targets, 11616
- public education
- school-based, 11615–11616, 11621
- Family law reform - digital services
- Child Support Service
- certified documents, 10285
- Child Support Service
- Genocide
- education and prevention, 4930–4931
- GO Transit
- service expansion, 5511
- Government downsizing
- as fiscal policy, 696
- Government notices of motion
- Health care - primary
- wait times, in office, 3698
- Health care system - administrative centralization
- general remarks, 3695
- Health care system - reform
- Home and community care - reform
- general remarks, 7255
- Housing development
- net-zero buildings, 4960
- Housing development - secondary suites
- general remarks, 4960
- Human trafficking - government strategy
- long-term, review, 13343
- Infrastructure - roads and highways
- Steeles Avenue, 696
- Land use planning
- parks and green space, 11615
- Legal aid services - delivery model
- Long-term care
- government strategy, 12303–12304
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, government response
- general remarks, 12302–12303
- Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
- second reading, 10068, 10072, 10092–10094, 10103
- general remarks, 10092–10093
- Members' statements
- Aaniin Community Centre and Library, 2523
- Attacks in Sri Lanka, 4560–4561
- COVID-19, 7244
- COVID-19 immunization, 12970
- COVID-19 response, 7939
- Cultural celebrations, 3717
- Events in Sri Lanka, 2317
- Future Possibilities for Kids, 6422
- Markham African Caribbean Canadian Association, 11126
- Markham-Milliken Children's Festival, 780–781
- Mental health and addiction services, 6012
- Multiculturalism, 9963
- Organ and tissue donation, 10288
- Organ donation, 12407
- Racism, 8257–8258
- Small business, 9837, 10996
- Tamil community, 12185
- Tamil Genocide Education Week, 13653
- University of Toronto Chair in Tamil Studies, 13311
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 264–265
- Members'/ministers' personal narrative, 13373
- Mental health and addictions strategy
- consultation, 6012
- Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility, 9707
- More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108)
- second reading, 4960
- Moving Ontarians More Safely Act, 2021 (Bill 282)
- Moving Ontario Family Law Forward Act, 2020 (Bill 207)
- third reading, 10285
- Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, 9878–9880
- Natural gas expansion
- general remarks, 2719
- Ontario Rebuilding and Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 222)
- Opposition day motions
- Long-term care
- responded to, 12302–12304
- Long-term care
- Organ and tissue donation
- Parya Trillium Foundation Act (Tax Relief), 2021 (Bill Pr37)
- Pension plan administration
- regulatory reform, 6763
- The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
- second reading, 3695–3698
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- government funding, 11187
- Personal support workers (PSWs) - recruitment and retention
- general remarks, 12303
- Personal support workers (PSWs) - regulation of
- general remarks, 13883
- Petitions
- Physician assistants
- Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138)
- second reading, 6260
- Police officers
- supports for, 4978
- Political advertising - third-party
- Private members' public business
- COPD Awareness Day Act, 2021 (Bill 157)
- Defibrillator Registration and Public Access Act, 2020 (Bill 141)
- second reading, 6242
- Environmental protection
- presented, 11615–11616
- responded to, 11620–11621
- Genocide Awareness, Commemoration, Prevention and Education Month Act, 2019 (Bill 97)
- second reading, 4930–4931
- Seniors' Advocate Act, 2020 (Bill 196)
- second reading, 9707
- Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures), 2020 (Bill 229)
- Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 (Bill 307)
- second reading, 14129
- Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 269)
- second reading, 12449
- Public education campaigns - culture
- Public education campaigns - environment
- Provincial Day of Action on Litter, 11616
- Public education campaigns - health
- Be a Donor Month, 12407
- COPD Awareness Day, 6677–6678, 6681, 14042–14044
- Public education campaigns - historical/national
- Tamil Genocide Education Week, 13373–13374
- Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day, 13653
- Public education campaigns - Indigenous
- Treaties Recognition Week, 10356
- Public education campaigns - national/historical
- Genocide Awareness, Commemoration, Prevention and Education Month, 4930–4931
- Public education campaigns - occupations
- Police Week, 4978
- Public safety
- Community Safety and Policing Grant, 6875
- Question period
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- presented, 7719
- Environmental protection
- presented, 2771–2772
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- presented, 3925–3926
- Home and community care
- presented, 7255
- Hydro rates
- presented, 10083
- Police services
- Public transit
- Seniors' dental care
- presented, 6172–6173
- Taxation
- presented, 2465
- Treaties recognition
- presented, 10356
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- Racism
- general remarks, 8257–8258
- Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159)
- second reading, 7700
- Regulations - reduction
- as COVID-recovery strategy, 10093
- Regulatory reform
- government strategy, 6762–6763
- Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
- second reading, 3277–3278
- School facilities
- new
- Milton, 12425
- new
- Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156)
- Small business
- appreciation, 9837
- Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161)
- Smoking
- and youth, 14043
- Social assistance - COVID-19
- Ontario Community Support Program, 9707
- Soldiers' Aid Commission
- support eligibility, 10197
- Soldiers' Aid Commission Act, 2020 (Bill 202)
- third reading, 10197
- Sri Lanka
- Sri Lankan Civil War (1983-2009), 4930–4931
- Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218)
- second reading, 10002
- Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 (Bill 276)
- third reading, 14015
- Tamil community
- in Canada, 13374
- Tamil genocide, 13373–13374
- Tamil Genocide Education Week Act, 2021 (Bill 104)
- third reading, 13373–13374
- Toronto City Council
- record
- re infrastructure, 696
- record
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - subway
- transfer to provincial jurisdiction
- general remarks, 4663
- transfer to provincial jurisdiction
- Transit infrastructure development
- Greater Toronto Area, 11059
- Treaties with First Nations
- recognition of, 10356
- 2353043 Ontario Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr44)
- University of Toronto
- Tamil studies, 13311
- Urgent Priorities Act, 2018 (Bill 2)
- second reading, 264–265
- Vaping and youth
- Waste diversion
- rates, 11616
- Waste diversion - textiles
- donation and recycling
- programs, municipal, 11615
- donation and recycling
- Waste management
- litter, 11616
- Women
- and COVID-19
- government strategy, 10093–10094
- and COVID-19
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 238)
- third reading, 12181
- York Regional Police
- government funding, 6875
- Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
Karahalios, B.C. (NB, Cambridge)
- Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
- Agriculture industry - support programs
- crop insurance
- regulatory reform, 5871–5872
- crop insurance
- Agri-food premises - animal protection zones
- general remarks, 6953
- Agri-food premises - security from trespass
- stakeholder consultation, 6955
- Alcohol retail - expansion
- general remarks, 5420–5421
- Animal protection system
- advisory committee, 3542
- Animal protection system - reform
- consultation process, 6211
- Animal welfare
- Animal welfare inspectors
- number and geographic coverage, 6211
- Animal welfare - livestock
- general remarks, 6211
- Animal welfare offences
- Animal welfare offences - penalties
- general remarks, 6210–6211
- Anti-Racism Directorate
- mandate, 5986
- Appreciation
- Dacosta, Dominic, 10506–10507
- Athletes
- appreciation, 6280
- Autism
- as a spectrum, 3896–3897
- Autism services - government funding
- childhood budgets
- delivery model, 3896–3897
- childhood budgets
- Autism services - reform
- general remarks, 3896–3897
- Autism services - wait-lists
- Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
- general remarks, 6032
- Automotive industry
- Automotive industry - employment
- recruitment and retention
- retraining, 3024
- recruitment and retention
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
- second reading, 5871–5876
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020 (Bill 213)
- second reading, 10624–10627
- Better Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 5)
- second reading, 709
- Bringing Choice and Fairness to the People Act (Beverage Alcohol Retail Sales), 2019 (Bill 115)
- second reading, 5420–5421
- Budget 2019
- Budget 2020
- debt and deficit, 10533–10534
- Budget 2021
- debt and deficit, 12296, 12839–12840, 14161
- general remarks, 12790, 12841–12842
- Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (Bill 171)
- Bullying and cyberbullying
- Business
- human resources
- hiring quotas, 9912
- human resources
- Business - COVID-19
- economic impact, 10381
- Business - COVID-19, essential businesses
- capacity, 11099
- market advantage, 10626, 10681, 11970
- non-essential goods, sale of, 12699–12700
- Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
- Cap-and-trade
- Cap-and-trade cancellation
- Cap-and-trade cancellation - economic impact
- small business, 666
- Cap-and-trade - economic impact
- Carbon pricing
- Carbon pricing - in other jurisdictions
- British Columbia, 854
- Carbon tax (federal)
- Chief Electoral Officer
- procedural recommendations
- voting technology, 11802
- procedural recommendations
- Child care - Childcare Access and Relief from Expenses (CARE) tax credit
- Child care providers
- home-based providers, 3104
- Child protection
- general remarks, 2421
- Community food organizations
- regulatory reform, 5872
- Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
- Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175)
- Consumption and treatment services
- Consumption and treatment services - sites
- COVID-19
- COVID-19 - economic impact
- COVID-19 - economic recovery
- economic growth, 12296–12297
- general remarks, 12840
- COVID-19 - emergency orders
- economic impact, 9713
- effectiveness, 13624–13625
- enforcement, 11780–11781, 13625
- extension of, 10330, 13921
- general remarks, 13286
- impact on mental and physical health, 9713
- transparency, 10330–10331
- COVID-19 - government response
- evidence-based, 12804
- general remarks, 12841–12842, 13286–13287, 13798–13799
- response framework and criteria, 9059
- COVID-19 - government response, first wave
- lockdown
- effectiveness, 10331
- lockdown
- COVID-19 - government response, second wave
- lockdown
- by region, 10037
- regional model, 9059
- transparency, 9968–9969, 10626–10627
- lockdown
- COVID-19 - government response, third wave
- lockdown
- impact on business, 12767
- lockdown
- COVID-19 - provincial reopening, first wave
- COVID-19 - provincial reopening, third wave
- COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency (April 2021)
- emergency orders
- outdoor amenities, 13410–13411, 13597
- police powers, 12852–12853, 13205–13206, 13625
- emergency orders
- COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency (January 2021)
- emergency orders
- continuation of, 13624
- stay-at-home order, 13624–13625
- general remarks, 13625
- emergency orders
- COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency (March 2020)
- emergency orders
- extension of, 13798–13799
- report, 10330–10331
- emergency orders
- COVID-19 - public gatherings
- COVID-19 - transmission prevention
- lockdowns, efficacy of, 13624–13625
- masks, for children, 11919–11920, 11970
- quarantine procedures for children, 11733–11734
- COVID-19 - travel restrictions
- general remarks, 13624
- international, 9621, 13421–13422
- Crown attorneys
- training and education
- animal welfare, 6210–6211
- training and education
- Curriculum - health and physical education (2019)
- general remarks, 9534
- Debates re answers to question period
- Dental care
- via emergency or primary health providers, 4653
- Dental care - senior citizens
- Dogs
- unprovoked attacks, 6248
- Down Syndrome, 2099
- Driving instructors
- blood alcohol/drug content, 5013
- Economic development
- as fiscal policy, 2606
- Eczema, 2353–2354
- Education reform - consultation
- general remarks, 2207
- Egyptian community
- appreciation for, 5621
- Election offences
- Electoral process
- civic engagement, 14141–14142
- voting technology
- advisory committee, 11802
- electronic voting
- security, 10516
- general remarks, 11802–11803
- Electricity rates - reduction
- Electricity rates - time-of-use (TOU) pricing
- general remarks, 1457
- Electricity supply - surplus
- Emergency first responders
- mental health, 299
- Emergency management - emergency orders
- creation of
- criteria, 9059
- extension of
- general remarks, 13624, 13798–13799
- termination of, 9059
- creation of
- Emergency management - states of emergency
- termination process, 13624
- Employment - COVID-19, sick days
- paid, 12842–12843
- Ensuring Transparency and Integrity in Political Party Elections Act, 2019 (Bill 150)
- Environmental protection
- administrative penalties, 5874
- Farms - security from trespass
- Financial services
- mutual fund regulations, 887–888
- Financial services sector
- Capital Market Modernization Taskforce
- proposal process, 9912
- Capital Market Modernization Taskforce
- Food packaging
- regulatory reform, 5873
- Food security
- in Black communities, 5985–5986
- Foundations for Promoting and Protecting Mental Health and Addictions Services Act, 2019 (Bill 116)
- second reading, 6389–6390
- Freedom of expression, 14141–14144
- Gasoline prices
- regional variation, 4030
- Getting Ontario Moving Act (Transportation Statute Law Amendment), 2019 (Bill 107)
- Government debt
- general remarks, 12840
- Government debt - annual deficit
- Government downsizing
- impact on legislative process, 709
- Government notices of motion
- Extension of emergency declaration
- responded to, 13286–13287
- Extension of emergency orders
- responded to, 13798–13799
- Report on Ontario's provincial emergency
- responded to, 13623–13625
- Report on Ontario's Provincial Emergency
- responded to, 10330–10331
- Extension of emergency declaration
- Government record
- Greek community
- cultural contributions, 3946
- Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
- Health care system
- Health care system - reform
- Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 (Bill 204)
- second reading, 9380–9382
- Highways
- left-hand passing lane, 5012–5013
- Highways - speed limits
- increase, pilot, 5013
- Home and community care
- government funding, 5860
- Hospitality industry - COVID-19, restaurants
- capacity limits, 12092–12093
- Hospitals - construction by site
- Cambridge Memorial Hospital, 2938–2939
- Hospitals - funding
- Hospitals - funding by site
- Cambridge Memorial Hospital, 5859
- Housing supply, 6121
- Human trafficking - sex trafficking
- victim demographics, 3119–3120
- Immigration - francophone
- Indigenous communities - water and sewer infrastructure
- government funding, 12842
- Infrastructure development - public-private partnerships
- general remarks, 2939
- Innovation and technology industry
- automation, 891
- Lawsuits - strategic
- protections against, 69
- Legislative procedure - motions
- substantive
- take-note debates
- general remarks, 13624
- take-note debates
- substantive
- Legislative process
- legislative agenda, 14143
- Local health integration networks (LHINs)
- centralization under Ontario Health, 3456–3457
- Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT)
- case backlog, 6121
- Long-term care - beds
- sector capacity, 5860
- Long-term care - government funding
- general remarks, 5860
- Marriage solemnization
- officiants
- regulation of, 10624–10626
- officiants
- Medical records
- Members' statements
- ATS Automation Tooling Systems, 891
- Cambridge athletes, 6280
- Cambridge North Dumfries Ontario Health Team, 7366
- Cambridge Rivers' Edge Gardeners, 5121–5122
- Cambridge Scottish Festival, 380
- Conservative Party of Canada, 9257
- COVID-19 response, 9713, 11970, 12692, 13410–13411
- Dacosta, Dominic, 10506–10507
- Dancey, Ronald, 1237
- Down syndrome, 2099
- Eczema Society of Canada, 2353–2354
- Kelly, Leonard Patrick (Red), 4761
- Maracle, Henry, 1440
- National Child Day, 2421
- Ontario Christian Gleaners, 4668–4669
- Persons Day, 1733–1734
- Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day, 1643
- Riding of Cambridge, 5644
- Special Olympics World Summer Games, 3717
- Workplace safety, 8479
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 68–70
- Members'/ministers' personal narrative, 69
- Members/ministers quoting
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Ministry of Education
- budget, 4653
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- Motorcycles
- Names, legal
- changes to
- marriage, 10624–10625
- changes to
- Natural gas
- conversion to
- impact on heating costs, 1457
- conversion to
- Natural gas - access to
- in northern and rural Ontario, 1457
- Natural gas expansion
- Nuclear generation facilities - refurbishment
- general remarks, 891
- Ontario Autism Program (2019)
- eligible services, 3896–3897
- Ontario Health
- Ontario Health teams
- Opioid addiction
- regional impact, 6389
- Opioid manufacturers/wholesalers
- class-action lawsuit against
- revenue allocation, 6389
- class-action lawsuit against
- Opposition day motions
- Parents
- as primary educators, 9533–9534
- The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
- Personal injury - slip-and-fall lawsuits
- Pet ownership
- Petitions
- Agri-food industry, 7260, 7438–7439
- Animal protection, 4674
- Broadband infrastructure, 8430
- Fish and wildlife management, 4087, 4874
- Food safety, 5799–5800, 5851, 6232, 6941–6942
- Mental health and addiction services, 1446
- Nuclear energy, 7494
- Places of religious worship, 12743
- Public safety, 2269
- Veterans memorial, 3888, 6016
- Police services
- outsourcing, 3317
- Police services oversight
- general remarks, 3317
- Political advertising
- party advertising, 14142
- Political advertising - third-party
- financial reporting
- reporting thresholds, 14142
- impact on election outcomes, 14141–14142
- regulation of
- general remarks, 14141–14144
- spending limits
- application period, 14142
- financial reporting
- Political fundraising
- Political fundraising - personal donations
- annual contribution limits, 11803
- Political fundraising - per-vote subsidy
- amount, 11801
- extension, 11800–11801
- general remarks, 14142–14143
- independent members, 11801–11802
- party eligibility, 11801
- Political parties
- Political parties - internal elections
- Poverty
- prevalence of, 5183
- Pregnancy and infant loss
- awareness and education, 1643
- Private members' public business
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training
- responded to, 6031–6032
- Climate change
- responded to, 9527
- COVID-19 response
- responded to, 13597
- Education
- responded to, 9533–9534
- Egyptian Heritage Month Act, 2019 (Bill 106)
- second reading, 5621
- Ensuring Transparency and Integrity in Political Party Elections Act, 2019 (Bill 150)
- Greenbelt
- responded to, 12878–12879
- Hellenic Heritage Month Act, 2019 (Bill 77)
- second reading, 3946
- Ministry of Community and Social Services Amendment Act (Social Assistance Research Commission), 2019 (Bill 60)
- second reading, 5183–5184
- Occupiers' Liability Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 118)
- second reading, 5613
- Protecting Our Pets Act, 2019 (Bill 65)
- second reading, 3541–3542
- Public Safety Related to Dogs Statute Law Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 147)
- second reading, 6248
- Waste diversion
- responded to, 3549
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training
- Progressive Conservative (PC) Party
- Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures), 2020 (Bill 229)
- second reading, 10533–10535
- Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019 (Bill 124)
- second reading, 5674–5675
- Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 (Bill 307)
- second reading, 14141–14144
- general remarks, 14142
- notwithstanding clause, use of
- government communications, 14143
- Protecting Ontario Elections Act, 2021 (Bill 254)
- second reading, 11800–11804
- general remarks, 11800, 11803–11804
- Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 269)
- third reading, 12790, 12839–12843
- Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
- Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 (Bill 136)
- Public education campaigns - accessibility
- Down Syndrome Awareness Week, 2099
- Public education campaigns - children
- National Child Day, 2421
- Public education campaigns - health
- Eczema Awareness Month, 2353
- Public education campaigns - women
- Question period
- Addiction services
- presented, 9693
- Automotive industry
- presented, 3024
- Capital Markets Modernization Taskforce
- presented, 9912
- Child protection
- presented, 13205–13206
- Children's mental health services
- presented, 11733–11734
- COVID-19 response
- presented, 9059, 9621, 9722, 9968–9969, 10037, 10381–10382, 11099, 11780–11781, 11919–11920, 12092–12093, 12699–12700, 12804, 12852–12853, 13421–13422, 13715, 13921
- First responders
- presented, 299
- Government accountability
- presented, 10681
- Government fiscal policies
- presented, 12296–12297, 14161
- Hospital services
- presented, 2938–2939
- Human trafficking
- presented, 3119–3120
- Hydro rates
- presented, 12094
- Investment regulations
- presented, 887–888
- Land use planning
- presented, 6121
- Northern economy
- presented, 4030
- Ontario budget
- presented, 4335
- Opioid abuse
- presented, 10235
- Places of religious worship
- presented, 13364
- Political party elections
- presented, 13558
- Provincial election
- presented, 10516
- Real estate industry
- presented, 6220–6221
- School bus safety
- presented, 4618
- Special-needs students
- presented, 2207
- Taxation
- presented, 778, 9351–9352, 12415–12416
- Tourism
- presented, 2816
- Addiction services
- Real estate industry
- regulatory reform, 6220–6221
- Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159)
- second reading, 7701
- Regulations - reduction
- general remarks, 5872
- Renewable energy
- impact on global adjustment fee, 2274
- Renewable energy contracts - cancellation
- general remarks, 12094
- Renewable energy projects
- economic impact, 1551
- Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (Bill 195)
- extension, 13798–13799
- Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
- second reading, 3104
- Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57)
- second reading, 2606
- Road safety
- speed
- street racing, 5013
- speed
- Road safety - roadside workers
- general remarks, 5012
- Safer Ontario Act, 2018, SO 2018, c 3
- police services, outsourcing, 3317
- School buses - safety
- stop-arm cameras, 4618
- Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156)
- second reading, 6951–6956
- Service animals
- in schools
- policies governing, 2207
- in schools
- Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161)
- Social assistance programs
- Social Assistance Research Commission
- Special Investigations Unit (SIU) - investigative process
- Sporting events
- Special Olympics World Games, 3717
- Statements by stakeholders
- Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 (Bill 276)
- second reading, 12767
- Tarion reform
- general remarks, 7701
- Taxation
- policy, 10535
- Throne speech debate
- Time allocation motions
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - subway
- transfer to provincial jurisdiction
- and efficiency, 5012
- transfer to provincial jurisdiction
- Tourism industry
- Traffic congestion
- general remarks, 7150
- Transit infrastructure development
- government funding, 5012
- Transportation
- commute times, 7150
- Tributes
- Trucks - commercial
- weight restrictions, 5013
- Unions
- government relations, 14141
- Violence against women
- survivor services
- government funding, 3857
- survivor services
- Waste diversion - textiles
- Wind turbines
- general remarks, 2273
- North Stormont project
- decommissioning of, 12840–12841
- Women
- Women in politics
- Famous Five, 1734
Karpoche, B. (NDP, Parkdale—High Park)
- Abitare Design Inc. Act, 2019 (Bill Pr6)
- first reading, 3347
- Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245)
- Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario's Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283)
- second reading, 13177–13181
- third reading, 13869–13873
- Affordable housing
- Agricultural workers
- labour protections, 3977
- Alcohol policy
- government strategy, 5492
- Alcohol retail - expansion
- Anti-Racism Directorate
- government funding, 8010
- Appreciation
- Arts and culture industry
- work precarity, 6279–6280
- Autism
- Autism services
- Autism services - government funding
- general remarks, 14122
- Autism services - reform
- Black Mental Health Day Act, 2020 (Bill 178)
- first reading, 7313
- Bringing Choice and Fairness to the People Act (Beverage Alcohol Retail Sales), 2019 (Bill 115)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 5492–5493
- time allocation motion
- Budget 2019
- Business - COVID-19, essential businesses
- market advantage, 10952
- Business - COVID-19, government response
- small and medium-sized, 11373
- Business - COVID-19, insurance
- rate increases, 10952–10953
- Business environment
- competitiveness, 3167
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s.33: notwithstanding clause
- Chief Medical Officer of Health
- as officer of the Legislative Assembly, 10976–10977
- Child care - COVID-19
- Child care - COVID-19, reopening of
- Child care providers
- not-for-profit, 3978
- Child care - regulatory reform
- provider-to-child ratios
- home-based providers, 3978
- provider-to-child ratios
- Child care workers
- Civil liability exemption - COVID-19
- application
- long-term care, 9923
- application
- Clean Trains Now Act, 2021 (Bill 303)
- first reading, 13996–13997
- Climate change
- general remarks, 3555
- Climate change impact
- health, 5001, 10935–10936
- Climate change mitigation
- public health services, 10936
- Commercial tenancies - Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA)
- general remarks, 7901
- Community housing by region
- impact on business, 3167
- Condominiums
- construction development charges
- for education, 2392–2393
- construction development charges
- Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175)
- Consumption and treatment services
- Consumption and treatment services - sites
- Consumption and treatment services - sites by region
- Peterborough, 6614
- COVID-19 - community impact
- COVID-19 - economic impact
- consultation
- legislative committee study, 10145
- consultation
- COVID-19 - economic recovery
- committee
- membership, 8046
- committee
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 197)
- COVID-19 - essential service workers
- COVID-19 - essential service workers, compensation
- pandemic pay
- eligibility, 13871–13872
- general remarks, 8044
- pandemic pay
- COVID-19 - government response
- general remarks, 8044–8046, 8414, 10410, 13179–13180
- legislative agenda, 11796, 11807, 12674–12677, 14122–14123, 14186
- stakeholder response
- statements by stakeholders, 12674
- workplace and employment, 13094
- COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency (April 2021)
- emergency orders
- outdoor amenities, 13552
- emergency orders
- COVID-19 - testing
- COVID-19 - transmission
- case rates, 12674
- COVID-19 - vaccination
- accessibility, 12355
- booking portals
- general remarks, 13177–13178
- registration process, 13560
- equity and ethics, 13178
- high-transmission communities
- vaccine allocation, 13177–13178, 13180–13181
- rollout strategy, 13552
- second doses
- AstraZeneca, 13559–13560
- booking, 13560
- vaccine hesitancy, 11200
- COVID-19 - vaccination, administration locations
- COVID-19 - vaccination by population
- child care workers, 12675–12676, 12697
- high-transmission communities, 13036
- COVID-19 - vaccination, data collection
- Curriculum
- reform, consultation, 2390
- Curriculum - health and physical education (2015), repeal of
- Curriculum - Indigenous content
- residential schools, 13870
- Dalai Lama, 4314
- Day of Remembrance and Action Against Anti-Asian Racism Act, 2021 (Bill 289)
- first reading, 13423
- Driver education
- Dutch reach, 4521
- Education - COVID-19
- school closures, 12691
- Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
- Education funding
- general remarks, 3932
- Education - online learning
- mandatory
- general remarks, 7667
- mandatory
- Education reform
- Electricity billing
- unit sub-metering companies
- consumer protection, 3979
- unit sub-metering companies
- Emergency management
- public health
- select committee, 10977
- public health
- Employment
- precarious, 1557
- Employment - COVID-19
- workplace transmission and outbreaks
- general remarks, 13094
- workplace transmission and outbreaks
- Employment - COVID-19, infection control
- PPE access, 13179
- Employment - COVID-19, sick days
- Employment standards
- enforcement
- workplace inspections, 3977
- enforcement
- Employment standards - annual leave days
- Employment standards reform (2018)
- Endangered species
- protection of
- legislation reform
- general remarks, 5548
- legislation reform
- protection of
- Environmental assessments - process reform
- general remarks, 8919–8920
- Family law
- access to justice, 9586
- Family Responsibility Office
- navigation, 9591
- Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
- second reading, 4119
- Food delivery services
- couriers
- labour protections, 5073
- couriers
- Foundations for Promoting and Protecting Mental Health and Addictions Services Act, 2019 (Bill 116)
- third reading, 6850–6852
- GO Transit - fares
- discounted double fare program
- termination of, 7569
- discounted double fare program
- Government notices of motion
- Extension of emergency declaration
- amendment
- responded to, 8044–8046
- amendment
- Extension of emergency declaration
- Government policy development
- influences on, 1558
- Government record
- Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
- second reading, 1556–1560
- Health
- Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority
- Health care
- equity, 1596
- Health care - administration
- data collection
- race-based, 13178
- records
- use of deadnames, 13180–13181
- data collection
- Health care - primary
- low-back pain program, 3248–3249
- Health care services
- equity of access, 13872
- Health care services - delivery
- Health care system - reform
- Health policy
- and housing, 8045
- Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 (Bill 204)
- Highway construction and expansion
- Highway 413
- environmental impact, 11450
- Highway 413
- Holomodor
- commemoration, 6064–6065
- Homelessness - COVID-19
- general remarks, 9121
- Hospitals - capacity and overcrowding by site
- St. Joseph's Health Centre (Toronto), 3549
- Hospitals - COVID-19
- capacity, intensive care, 12674
- Hospitals - COVID-19, medical procedures
- Hospitals - funding by site
- West Lincoln Memorial Hospital (Grimsby), 2053
- Housing
- as a human right, 1303
- Housing development - development charges
- Housing policy
- Housing Supply Action Plan
- Human rights
- in Tibet, 6786
- Hydro One
- purchase of Avista Corp.
- termination fee, 4119
- purchase of Avista Corp.
- Hydro One leadership
- CEO compensation, 4119
- Hydro One privatization
- government revenue
- impact on, 4119
- government revenue
- Indigenous communities - health care
- Indigenous communities - water and sewer infrastructure
- access to potable water, 3555
- Indigenous relations
- general remarks, 13869
- Indigenous relations - land claims
- Six Nations of the Grand River, 10228
- Indigenous youth
- suicide, 6850
- Jennifer's Law (Retail Sales Tax Amendment Act Respecting HST Rebates for Medical Supplies), 2019 (Bill 109)
- first reading, 4721
- Kamloops Indian Residential School
- human remains, discovery of, 13869
- Korchinski-Paquet, Regis
- death of
- investigation into, 8010
- death of
- Land acknowledgements, 1556
- Land use planning
- Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) - COVID-19
- Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) - hearings
- Legal aid services
- Legislative procedure - order and decorum
- general remarks, 1559
- Legislative process
- Local health integration networks (LHINs)
- transparency, 3649
- Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT)
- Long-term care - public vs. private
- Long-term care - staff
- cleaning staff
- general remarks, 13871–13872
- recruitment and retention
- personal support workers, 13870–13871
- shortage, 10411
- working conditions
- general remarks, 13870–13871
- impact on resident care, 13873
- cleaning staff
- Long-term care - standards of care
- Long-term-care facilities
- conditions in
- general remarks, 10410–10411
- conditions in
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, fatalities
- residents, 10386, 10410–10411
- staff, 10386
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, government response
- general remarks, 9497
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, infection control
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, staff
- Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
- second reading, 10145–10146
- Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 (Bill 47)
- third reading, 2445
- Maternal Mental Health Act, 2021 (Bill 176)
- first reading, 7166–7167
- Members' statements
- Addiction services, 4404–4405
- Anti-Asian racism, 12216–12217
- Arts and culture, 6279–6280
- COVID-19 response, 12691, 13551–13552
- Dalai Lama, 4314
- Doucette, Sarah, 889
- Education, 13984
- Education funding, 3932, 8884
- Employment standards, 1439, 2051, 5073
- Government's agenda, 1005, 14186
- Government's record, 8414
- Health care, 1596, 3248–3249, 13146
- Hospital funding, 2053
- Human rights, 6786–6787
- Immunization, 11200
- Land use planning, 11449–11450
- Legal aid, 4502
- Long-term care, 9497–9498
- The Love Lettering Project, 7478
- Maternal mental health, 6061
- Menstrual Hygiene Day, 5217
- Minimum wage, 1332
- Now Magazine Readers' Choice awards, 2147
- Parkdale Community Legal Services, 2981
- Public health, 9105
- School facilities, 1844
- Social assistance, 12406
- Tenant protection, 302, 10851
- Treaties recognition, 10228
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Parkdale–High Park, 1557–1558
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 1556–1559
- Members'/ministers' personal narrative, 1556–1557
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Menstrual Hygiene Day Act, 2019 (Bill 120)
- first reading, 5275
- Menstrual products
- access to, 5217
- Mental health and addictions
- Mental health and addictions - COVID-19
- general remarks, 8884
- Mental health and addictions services
- Mental health and addictions services - children and youth
- access, 7371
- access to, 6851, 6991
- early intervention
- impact on health care system, 3143
- federal funding match, 7371
- government funding, 5223, 5263, 6991
- hospital admission rates, 3143
- in northern Ontario, 3143
- service capacity, 3142
- standard of care, 3146
- wait times, cap, 5222
- wait times, cap on, 3142–3143, 3146–3147
- and provider capacity, 3147
- Mental health and addictions services - funding, 2886
- Minimum wage increase
- economic impact, 1439
- Minimum wage increase - to $15
- Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
- Ministerial statements
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- health care system reform
- ministry documents
- general remarks, 3649
- ministry documents
- health care system reform
- More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108)
- Moving Ontario Family Law Forward Act, 2020 (Bill 207)
- Municipal elections
- Municipal planning
- "open-for-business" by-law
- environmental impact, 3976
- "open-for-business" by-law
- MUSH sector
- as non-construction employers
- and labour rights, 3977–3978
- as non-construction employers
- New Democratic Party (NDP)
- Save Main Street plan, 9392–9393
- Nurses
- compensation
- annual rate of increases, 13870
- compensation
- Office of the Environmental Commissioner
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- Ontario Food Terminal Protection Act, 2019 (Bill 127)
- first reading, 5565
- Ontario Health
- Ontario Health teams
- Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)
- consolidation of tribunals
- general remarks, 12243
- consolidation of tribunals
- Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)
- Ontario Works (OW)
- Opioid addiction
- deaths and hospitalizations due to, 1325, 3965, 5189, 9121
- government strategy
- high-dose injectable hydromorphone, 6851–6852
- overdose prevention, 4404–4405, 6852
- overdoses and fatalities, 3826, 6851–6852, 10565
- public education
- naloxone administration, 5189
- task force, 9121
- treatment
- hydromorphone, 9121
- Opioid addiction - government strategy
- Opioid manufacturers/wholesalers
- class-action lawsuit against
- revenue allocation, 6852
- class-action lawsuit against
- Opposition day motions
- Paris Galt moraine
- general remarks, 3555
- Pay equity
- and employment status, 2445
- The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
- Personal support workers (PSWs)
- Personal support workers (PSWs) - compensation
- Personal support workers (PSWs) - recruitment and retention
- general remarks, 13178, 13180, 13870–13871
- Personal support workers (PSWs) - regulation of
- general remarks, 13872
- Pet ownership
- breed-specific legislation, 6245
- Petitions
- Addiction services, 10395
- Affordable housing, 3189–3190, 4088, 4412, 9124, 11582
- Animal protection, 3835
- Anti-racism activities, 8828
- Arts and cultural funding, 2984
- Autism treatment, 3435, 3485, 3536, 3890, 9697–9698, 10573, 11581
- Campus radio stations, 4315–4316
- Child advocate, 3621
- Child care, 5225
- Child care workers, 3253, 3303, 3484, 4240
- Climate change, 4985, 9517, 10574
- Curriculum, 24, 184, 241, 344, 1089, 1125–1126, 1193, 1286–1287
- Education funding, 3833, 4044, 4174, 4342, 4409, 4565, 5278–5279, 8898, 9321, 11786
- Employment standards, 304, 342, 382–383, 1039, 1091, 1127, 1285, 1336–1337, 1498, 1601, 1693, 1801, 1849, 1897, 1932, 2001, 2054, 2429, 3835–3836, 9122
- Environmental protection, 3384
- Health care, 3770
- Home care, 9515
- Indigenous affairs, 23, 183, 240, 382, 893, 1091, 1286, 2927, 2945–2946, 3302–3303
- Injured workers, 892, 1038–1039, 1286, 1645, 1693–1694, 3538–3539, 5474
- International baccalaureate program, 6844
- Internet access, 12230
- LCBO, 5324
- Legal aid, 4673–4674, 4724–4725, 4766–4767, 5370–5371
- Library services, 5124
- Long-term care, 9320, 9516–9517, 10787, 11143
- Mental health and addiction services, 3087, 3134, 4317
- Mental health services, 1693, 4045, 9516
- Municipal elections, 1037
- Optometry services, 8672, 10179, 13851–13852
- Pharmacare, 3483
- Public sector compensation, 7904–7905
- School bus safety, 3187–3188, 4344
- Social assistance, 2105, 2148, 2476, 2643, 4343, 9698, 11785
- Student loans, 4046
- Telecommunications in correctional facilities, 7169, 7316, 9918, 10575
- Tenant protection, 3935, 5569, 8672–8673
- Toronto Transit Commission, 3350–3351, 3677–3678, 4243, 4726, 5476–5477, 7560, 11786
- Tuition, 4411
- Waste reduction, 10180
- Women's issues, 9730–9731
- Pharmacare
- Pharmacists
- distribution of opioids, 1325
- Political advertising - third-party
- Political fundraising - personal donations
- annual contribution limits, 12674–12675, 14112
- Preventive health
- Private members' public business
- Affordable housing
- responded to, 1303
- Child Care and Early Years Amendment Act (Not-for-Profit Corporations), 2018 (Bill 45)
- second reading, 2124–2125
- Employment Standards Amendment Act (Sick Notes), 2020 (Bill 200)
- second reading, 9875
- Keeping Polystyrene Out of Ontario's Lakes and Rivers Act, 2021 (Bill 228)
- second reading, 11494–11495
- Keeping Students Safe on School Buses Act (Highway Traffic Amendment), 2018 (Bill 56)
- second reading, 2762–2763
- Liability for Climate-Related Harms Act, 2018 (Bill 37)
- second reading, 1900–1901
- Mandatory Police Training Act, 2019 (Bill 105)
- second reading, 5189–5190
- Maternal Mental Health Act, 2021 (Bill 176)
- second reading, 12711–12713, 12716
- Mental health and addiction services
- responded to, 2900–2901
- No COVID-19 Evictions Act, 2021 (Bill 244)
- second reading, 11283
- No Time to Waste Act (Plan for Climate Action and Jobs), 2020 (Bill 224)
- second reading, 10935–10936
- "Notwithstanding" clause
- responded to, 1912
- Paris Galt Moraine Conservation Act, 2019 (Bill 71)
- second reading, 3555
- Public Health Accountability Act (In Honour of Dr. Sheela Basrur), 2020 (Bill 227)
- second reading, 10976–10977
- Public Safety Related to Dogs Statute Law Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 147)
- second reading, 6245
- Right to Timely Mental Health and Addiction Care for Children and Youth Act, 2019 (Bill 63)
- Senior Volunteer Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 270)
- second reading, 12681
- Stay Home If You Are Sick Act, 2021 (Bill 239)
- second reading, 11613
- Support Workers Pay Act, 2021 (Bill 266)
- second reading, 12389
- Teach the Reach Act, 2019 (Bill 89)
- second reading, 4521
- Tenant protection
- responded to, 13510
- Affordable housing
- Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 (Bill 307)
- second reading, 14112, 14121–14123
- general remarks, 14122
- stakeholder response, 14123
- Protecting Ontario Elections Act, 2021 (Bill 254)
- Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020 (Bill 184)
- Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
- Public education campaigns - culture
- Tibetan Heritage Month, 9339–9341
- Public education campaigns - health
- Public education campaigns - historical/national
- Holodomor Memorial Day, 2474–2475
- Public education campaigns - safety
- Day of Mourning, 13094
- Public health
- Public health units
- Public health units - restructuring
- Public sector compensation increase - cap on
- Question period
- Addiction services
- Affordable housing
- presented, 374
- Anti-racism activities
- presented, 8010
- Autism treatment
- Child care
- presented, 12227–12228, 13994
- Child care centres
- presented, 12697
- Children's mental health services
- COVID-19 immunization
- presented, 12355, 13036, 13559–13560
- COVID-19 response
- Education funding
- presented, 7667, 10640–10641
- Long-term care
- Mental health and addiction services
- Municipal elections
- presented, 836
- Opioid abuse
- Public health
- presented, 4556
- School facilities
- presented, 132
- Senior citizens' housing
- presented, 2352
- Small business
- presented, 10952–10953, 11685, 13151–13152
- Tenant protection
- Racism
- anti-Asian racism, 12216–12217, 13568
- Refugees
- Rental housing
- Rental housing - COVID-19
- Rental housing - tenant protections
- general remarks, 302
- Residential schools
- human remains, discovery of
- government response to, 13870
- Missing Children Project, 13869–13870
- human remains, discovery of
- Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
- Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57)
- second reading, 2556
- Right to Timely Mental Health and Addiction Care for Children and Youth Act, 2019 (Bill 63)
- first reading, 2642–2643
- Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
- School buses - safety
- seatbelts, 2762–2763
- School facilities - maintenance and repair
- Senior citizens
- housing
- subsidized, 2352
- housing
- Small Business Support Grant
- allocation of funds, 13151–13152
- application process, 11685
- disbursement, 12675
- disbursement timeline, 14123
- Social assistance - COVID-19
- benefit rates, 11372
- Social assistance programs
- Social assistance recipients
- workforce re-entry, 2886
- Soldiers' Aid Commission Act, 2020 (Bill 202)
- third reading, 10189
- Soldiers' Aid Commission - reform
- implementation timeline, 10189
- Statements by stakeholders
- Students
- nutrition program funding, 4773
- Substance use
- Suicide - child and youth
- in Indigenous communities, 6850
- Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218)
- second reading, 9923, 9927
- third reading, 10410–10411
- Taxation - low-income individuals and families tax credit
- general remarks, 2445
- Teachers
- surplus notices, 4652–4653
- Tenants
- Tibetan community
- heritage month, 9339–9341
- Tibetan Heritage Month Act, 2020 (Bill 131)
- Time allocation motions
- Toronto Public Health
- budget, 4543
- Toxics Reduction Act, 2009, S.O. 2009, c. 19
- repeal of, 3977
- Treaties with First Nations
- recognition of, 10228
- Tuition fees
- affordability, 3167
- Vaccinations
- public health programs
- government funding, 4773
- public health programs
- Water protection
- general remarks, 3555
- Water supply
- water-taking permits
- regulatory requirements, 11494–11495
- water-taking permits
- Women in politics
- general remarks, 7478
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 238)
- second reading, 11357, 11370–11373
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - COVID-19
- Abitare Design Inc. Act, 2019 (Bill Pr6)
Ke, V. (PC, Don Valley North)
- Addictions and Mental Health Ontario (AMHO), 13379
- Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario's Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283)
- second reading, 13230, 13239
- third reading, 13868–13869, 13884
- Affordable housing
- and housing supply, 4954
- Agriculture industry - COVID-19
- Agri-food facilities - security from trespass
- statements by stakeholders, 6823
- Agri-food industry
- promotion of
- local, 14081–14082
- research and innovation
- funding, 14081
- promotion of
- Anti-Asian Racism Education Month Act, 2021 (Bill 299)
- first reading, 13773
- Anti-racism
- Lincoln M. Alexander Awards, 3186
- Appreciation
- Budget 2019
- health and long-term care, 5154
- Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (Bill 171)
- Business
- supply chain
- off-peak deliveries, 9740
- supply chain
- Business - COVID-19
- Business - Digital Main Street program
- support teams, 9740
- Business environment
- general remarks, 9739
- Business - main street recovery plan
- Business - small and medium-sized
- Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), 13379
- Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
- second reading, 870
- Carbon tax (federal)
- general remarks, 870
- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), 13379
- Civil liability - COVID-19
- general remarks, 10006
- Civil liability exemption - COVID-19
- application
- health care workers, 10000
- application
- Combating Human Trafficking Act, 2021 (Bill 251)
- second reading, 13345
- Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
- second reading, 3306–3307
- Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175)
- COVID-19 - economic recovery
- general remarks, 14009
- COVID-19 - government response
- COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency (January 2021)
- emergency orders
- stay-at-home order, 13312
- emergency orders
- COVID-19 - public response to, 8085
- COVID-19 - vaccination
- task force, 11127
- COVID-19 - vaccination, data collection
- disclosure to ministry
- general remarks, 13239, 13868–13869
- general remarks, 13230
- disclosure to ministry
- Curriculum - health and physical education (2019)
- consultation process, 1713
- Curriculum - math
- reform, 3666
- Debates re answers to question period
- Driving - stunt driving and street racing
- Early childhood educators (ECEs) - sexual misconduct
- revocation of certificate of registration, 3687
- Economic development
- technological innovation, 3882
- Electricity conservation programs
- centralization, 4099
- Electricity rates - reduction
- business
- renewable energy contract subsidy, 11178
- business
- Employment
- compensation, direct deposit, 14016
- Farms
- trespass on
- trespassing incidents, 6823
- trespass on
- Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
- Food Day Canada in Ontario (in Honour of Anita Stewart) Act, 2021 (Bill 163)
- first reading, 6788–6789
- third reading, 14081–14082
- Food processing facilities
- economic impact, 7052
- Food security
- local food, 7051–7052
- Gender-based violence
- survivor services
- funding, 1822
- survivor services
- Genocide
- education and prevention, 4930
- Getting Ontario Moving Act (Transportation Statute Law Amendment), 2019 (Bill 107)
- second reading, 4906
- Government contracts - public-private partnerships (P3s)
- Government notices of motion
- Government record
- Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
- third reading, 2278
- Gun violence by region
- Don Valley North, 812
- Health care system
- general remarks, 4441
- Health care system - reform
- Home and community care - reform
- coordination and integration, 7217
- Homelessness - COVID-19
- Hospitals - beds
- Hospitals - funding
- capital grants, 5154
- Housing supply, 4954
- Human trafficking - law enforcement
- police intervention powers, 13345
- Legal aid services - delivery model
- reform of
- general remarks, 8357
- reform of
- Long-term care - beds, development and redevelopment
- Long-term care - government funding
- general remarks, 5154
- Long-term care - staff
- recruitment and retention
- personal support workers, 13884
- recruitment and retention
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, infection control
- facility outbreaks, 8177
- Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
- Members' statements
- Anti-racism activities, 8657, 13835
- CAGE KTV, 6922
- Chinese Canadian Head Tax Redress Day, 5603–5604
- COVID-19 response, 8085, 8373, 10997, 11127, 13312–13313
- Debate tournament, 7709
- Discrimination, 9964
- Don Valley North community barbeque, 1087
- Extraordinary Education Centre, 9838
- Fairview Mall, 4313
- Government's record, 583
- Health issues, 2423
- International trade, 3882
- Klein, Stephanie, 2691
- Lincoln M. Alexander Awards, 3186
- Long-term care, 8177
- Mills, Carl, 1595
- Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day, 6879
- Professional engineers, 3345
- Public service employees, 13076
- Racism, 12185
- Red tape reduction, 9106
- Skilled trades, 6225
- Stewart, Anita, 10289
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 1712–1713
- Members'/ministers' personal narrative, 1712–1713
- Mental health and addictions
- destigmatization of, 13378–13379
- fatalities due to, 13379–13380
- general remarks, 13378–13380
- prevalence, 13379
- support organizations, 13379
- Mental Health and Addictions Centre of Excellence
- general remarks, 6719
- Mental health and addictions - COVID-19
- prevalence, 13379
- Mental health and addictions services
- Mental health and addictions services - funding
- general remarks, 13379–13380
- More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108)
- second reading, 4954–4955
- Moving Ontarians More Safely Act, 2021 (Bill 282)
- Municipal finances - COVID-19
- provincial transfers
- Social Services Relief Fund, 8384
- provincial transfers
- Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, 9880–9881
- Nanjing massacre
- Ontario Rebuilding and Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 222)
- The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
- Petitions
- Agri-food industry, 7724–7725
- Animal protection, 4274–4275
- Broadband infrastructure, 8125, 8429–8430
- COVID-19 response, 8189–8190
- Education funding, 9732
- Fish and wildlife management, 3890
- Personal protective equipment, 9852–9853
- Public safety, 2526
- Small business, 10180, 11013
- Veterans memorial, 4674
- Pre-apprenticeship training programs
- government funding, 6225
- Private members' public business
- Food Day Canada in Ontario (in Honour of Anita Stewart) Act, 2021 (Bill 163)
- Genocide Awareness, Commemoration, Prevention and Education Month Act, 2019 (Bill 97)
- second reading, 4930
- Recovery Month Act, 2021 (Bill 250)
- second reading, 12011–12012, 12016
- Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures), 2020 (Bill 229)
- third reading, 11178
- Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
- Public assets
- vacant properties
- use as affordable housing, 4955
- vacant properties
- Public education campaigns - agriculture
- Food Day Ontario, 14081–14082
- Public education campaigns - community
- Public education campaigns - health
- Recovery Month, 13378–13380
- Public education campaigns - national/historical
- Public education campaigns - occupations
- Professional Engineers Day, 3345
- Public education campaigns - racism and discrimination
- Anti-Asian Racism Education Month, 13835
- Public sector
- appreciation, 13076
- Question period
- Community safety
- presented, 812
- COVID-19
- presented, 7209
- Curriculum
- presented, 3666–3667
- Home and community care
- presented, 7217
- Homelessness
- Mental health and addiction services
- presented, 6718–6719
- Mining industry
- presented, 10171–10172
- Public transit
- presented, 4491–4492
- Real estate industry
- presented, 4261
- Skilled trades
- presented, 5906
- Suicide prevention
- presented, 6363–6364
- Community safety
- Racism
- Real estate industry
- legislative and regulatory review
- public consultation, 4261
- legislative and regulatory review
- Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159)
- third reading, 8518
- Recovery Month Act, 2021 (Bill 250)
- first reading, 11351
- third reading, 13378–13380
- Regulations - reduction
- as COVID-recovery strategy, 9739
- Regulatory environment
- impact on business environment, 3094–3095
- Regulatory reform
- consultation, 9106
- Rental housing
- supply, 4954–4955
- Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
- Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
- third reading, 3687
- Safer Ontario Act, 2018, SO 2018, c 3
- SIU investigations, status reporting, 3307
- Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156)
- second reading, 6823
- Skilled trades - education
- post-secondary education, 5906
- Small business
- appreciation, 9838
- Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161)
- third reading, 8357
- Soldiers' Aid Commission
- government funding, 10200
- Soldiers' Aid Commission Act, 2020 (Bill 202)
- third reading, 10200
- Special Investigations Unit (SIU) - investigative process
- status reporting, 3307
- Statements by stakeholders
- COVID-19
- mental health and addictions, 13379
- COVID-19
- Students - sexual abuse of
- definition, changes to, 3687
- Suicide - child and youth
- prevention, 6363
- Suicide prevention
- government strategy, 6363–6364
- Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218)
- Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 (Bill 276)
- Teachers - sexual misconduct
- revocation of certificate of registration, 3687
- Time allocation motions
- Standing orders
- responded to, 1712–1713
- Standing orders
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
- public-private partnerships, use of, 8223
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Ontario Line
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - subway
- general remarks, 4538
- Tourism industry
- Transit infrastructure development - acceleration
- Tributes
- Stewart, Anita, 10289, 14081–14082
- Violence against women
- public consultation, 1822
Kernaghan, T. (NDP, London North Centre)
- Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245)
- third reading, 12235, 12242, 12246, 12249–12251
- Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
- Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario's Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283)
- Affordable housing by region
- Alcohol retail - buck-a-beer
- incentives, 781
- Animal protection system
- government funding, 5995
- Animal welfare offences
- offenders
- financial liability for protective action, 5995
- offenders
- Apprenticeships
- unregistered, 13455
- Assistive Devices Program (ADP)
- eligible devices
- mental health apps and devices, 13587–13589, 13592
- eligible devices
- Autism
- personal narratives, 3124
- Autism services - reform
- general remarks, 14116–14117
- implementation timeline, 14118
- Beck, Adam, 4831
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020 (Bill 213)
- second reading, 10590–10595
- third reading, 11112–11113
- Broadband infrastructure
- Budget 2021
- education, 12297
- Budget speech 2021 (March 24, 2021)
- responded to, 12566–12567
- Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021 (Bill 288)
- second reading, 13446, 13452–13456
- third reading, 13950, 13963, 13971–13972
- Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (Bill 171)
- Bullying and cyberbullying
- Business - COVID-19
- economic impact, 10095, 10593–10594
- Business - COVID-19, essential businesses
- non-essential goods, sale of, 10095
- Business - COVID-19, financial assistance
- Business - COVID-19, government response
- general remarks, 10095, 10595
- response timeline, 10096–10097
- small and medium-sized, 12582
- Business - main street recovery plan
- personal protective equipment (PPE) grant
- general remarks, 10096
- personal protective equipment (PPE) grant
- Business - small and medium-sized
- general remarks, 10094
- Business - taxation
- property tax rates
- general remarks, 8050
- property tax rates
- Canada Christian College
- degree expansion, 10293, 10591–10593, 10647, 11094–11095, 11112–11113
- PEQAB review, 13841–13842
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s.33: notwithstanding clause
- Cannabis consumption
- intoxication, detection of, 1415
- Cannabis consumption - location restrictions
- alignment with tobacco regulations, 1414
- Cannabis retail
- Cannabis retail - physical stores
- municipal opt-out
- impact on retailers, 1415
- municipal opt-out
- Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 36)
- second reading, 1414–1415
- Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
- second reading, 561–562
- Cardiac Fitness Institute (London), 259
- Caregivers
- COVID-19 testing, 10566–10567
- Child care - COVID-19
- availability of, 8669
- Children and youth in care
- child outcomes
- post-secondary education, 10026
- child outcomes
- Children's aid societies (CASs)
- government funding, 5367
- Class sizes - adjustment
- general remarks, 3670
- Climate change
- general remarks, 1855
- Commercial tenancies
- rent control, 8050
- Commercial tenancies - Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA)
- Commercial tenancies - COVID-19
- Commercial tenancies - COVID-19, eviction moratorium
- Community housing
- socioeconomic impact, 5090
- Community housing - maintenance and repair
- retrofit programs, 561
- Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
- second reading, 3266
- Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175)
- second reading, 7469–7470
- Consumption and treatment services
- Consumption and treatment services - sites
- Consumption and treatment services - sites by region
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 197)
- COVID-19 - equity-seeking groups
- economic impact
- government response, 10105
- economic impact
- COVID-19 - financial supports
- federal-provincial joint programs
- funding divisions, 10097
- federal-provincial joint programs
- COVID-19 - government response
- COVID-19 - public response to, 8049, 10095
- COVID-19 - testing
- capacity, 9256–9257
- COVID-19 - transmission
- high-transmission communities, 12580
- COVID-19 - vaccination
- COVID-19 - vaccination, administration locations
- hours of operation, 12115
- COVID-19 - vaccination by population
- child care workers, 12581
- high-risk populations, 11735–11736
- high-transmission communities, 12660
- senior citizens, 11337–11338
- COVID-19 - vaccines
- supply, 11736
- Craft breweries
- general remarks, 781
- Crime
- prevention, 11321
- Crown liability
- Curriculum - health and physical education
- content, 261
- Curriculum - health and physical education (2015), repeal of
- Curriculum - health and physical education (2019)
- Debates re answers to question period
- Desmond, Viola, 8049
- Doctors
- internationally trained, 10614–10615
- Duffins Creek development, 12115
- Economic conditions by region
- London, 259
- Economic development
- by region
- London, 13452
- by region
- Education - COVID-19
- general remarks, 14118
- government communications, 12575
- government funding
- general remarks, 12297
- school closures, 12581–12583
- Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
- class sizes, 9315
- government strategy, 8669
- infection control, 11306–11307, 12539
- Education - COVID-19, online learning
- permanent implementation, 12297
- Education - French-language
- access to, 6418
- Education - online learning
- Education reform
- Efficient Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 31)
- second reading, 983
- Electricity conservation
- Electricity conservation programs
- cancellation, 4829–4830
- Electricity consumption
- usage tracking
- Trickl app, 4830–4831
- usage tracking
- Electricity rates
- affordability, 1854
- Electricity system
- Employment
- precarious, 2018
- Employment - COVID-19
- Employment - COVID-19, sick days
- Employment standards - annual leave days
- Employment standards reform (2018)
- Energy generation
- types, environmental impact, 1854–1855
- Energy rates - COVID-19
- COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)
- general remarks, 8050
- COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)
- Family support centres
- government funding, 4507
- Fiera Foods Company
- worker fatalities, 2018–2019
- Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
- Food delivery services
- Foundations for Promoting and Protecting Mental Health and Addictions Services Act, 2019 (Bill 116)
- French-language debates
- Pétitions
- Services en français, 2821
- Pétitions
- Gasoline prices
- changes in, 1855
- Getting Ontario Moving Act (Transportation Statute Law Amendment), 2019 (Bill 107)
- second reading, 4906
- Government contracts - public-private partnerships (P3s)
- use of, 7201
- Government expenditures
- general remarks, 5217–5218
- Government notices of motion
- Extension of emergency declaration
- amendment
- responded to, 8049–8051
- amendment
- Extension of emergency declaration
- Government orders
- Legislative reform (as amended)
- amendment
- responded to, 12115–12116
- amendment
- Standing orders
- amendment to the amendment (lost)
- responded to, 1135–1138
- amendment to the amendment (lost)
- Legislative reform (as amended)
- Government record
- PC (2018-present)
- general remarks, 2316, 14117–14118
- PC (2018-present)
- Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
- third reading, 2302–2303
- Greenbelt
- development on, 5094
- Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority
- regulatory framework
- penalties, 13184
- regulatory framework
- Health care - primary
- unattached patients
- in Kingston, 10614–10615
- unattached patients
- Health care system
- funding source, 3509
- Health care system - reform
- consultation process, 4421
- Health clinics
- led by nurse practitioners, 5562
- Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 (Bill 204)
- Heritage properties
- Home and community care
- delivery model
- private vs. public, 7469
- delivery model
- Home heating
- means of, environmental impact, 1854–1855
- Homelessness
- government strategy, 13001, 13453–13454
- Homelessness - COVID-19
- shelters
- supports, 8803
- shelters
- Hospitals - beds
- closures
- London Health Sciences Centre, 5867
- closures
- Hospitals - capacity and overcrowding
- mental health beds, 13588
- Hospitals - capacity and overcrowding by region
- London, 5867
- Hospitals - COVID-19, medical procedures
- backlog, 12980–12981
- Hospitals - funding
- Hospitals - funding by region
- London, 5868
- Hospitals - staff
- layoffs
- general remarks, 3509
- layoffs
- Housing development
- employment, skilled tradespeople, 13453
- Housing policy
- historically, 5090
- Housing Supply Action Plan
- Hydro One shares
- Indigenous communities
- access to energy, 1854–1855
- Innovation and technology industry
- COVID-19 supports, 12584
- Islamophobia
- Judicial appointments
- reform, 12235, 12249–12250
- Laboratory services
- via private sector
- general remarks, 3509
- via private sector
- Legal aid services
- Legislative drafting
- Legislative procedure - Standing Orders
- reform, 2018
- general remarks, 1137–1138
- reform, 2018
- Legislative procedure - voting
- deferral
- slips, 12115–12116
- deferral
- Legislative process
- Legislative process - COVID-19
- general remarks, 8104
- LGBTQ+ community
- discrimination against, 5174–5175, 10591–10594, 10647
- Egale legal clinic, funding, 1327, 1330
- and government policy, 4288, 5174–5175
- and health equity, 8085
- history, 1330–1331, 4288
- Pride Month, 5523, 8085
- reflection of, in education, 2496, 4263, 4271, 4288, 4306, 8085
- violence against, 260–261, 1327, 4271
- London, Ontario
- fiscal management, 5217
- London Police Services
- 24-hour stand against homelessness campaign, 3266
- Long-term care - COVID-19 review commission
- Long-term care - government funding
- general remarks, 8051
- Long-term care - public vs. private
- general remarks, 8051
- Long-term care - staff
- working conditions
- employment models, 8186
- working conditions
- Long-term-care facilities
- Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, government response
- general remarks, 14116
- Long-term-care facilities - operators
- government relations, 14118
- Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
- second reading, 10094–10097, 10105
- Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 (Bill 47)
- second reading, 2017–2021
- Marriage solemnization
- officiants
- regulation of, 11094
- officiants
- Media literacy, 4941
- Medical research
- in London, 5762–5763
- Medical residents
- unmatched, 10614
- Members' statements
- Addiction services, 303
- Affordable housing, 6278, 13552
- Alzheimer Society, 7244
- Anti-racism activities, 14185
- Beverage alcohol sales, 781
- Bigelow, Jane, 14058
- Children's services, 10026
- Consumer protection, 11768
- COVID-19 immunization, 11337–11338
- COVID-19 response, 8175, 9256–9257
- Education funding, 3670, 4405
- Employment standards, 13147
- Government fiscal policies, 5217–5218
- Government's record, 2316
- Health care, 5562
- LaHay, Gerry, 9562
- LGBTQ community, 1330–1331
- Lights and Sirens toy drive, 6722–6723
- Moharram Ventures, 10996–10997
- Nurses, 8547–8548
- Participation House, 3248
- Post-secondary education, 10555
- Pride Month, 8085
- Robarts Research Institute, 5762–5763
- School facilities, 2862
- Small business, 12691–12692
- Trans community, 3931
- Violence against women, 1843
- Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Members'/ministers' correction of record, 8244
- Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 258–261
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- Members/ministers quoting
- Environmental Commissioner
- electricity conservation, 4830
- Environmental Commissioner
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Mental health and addictions
- assistive apps and devices
- cost of, 13588
- general remarks, 13587–13588, 13592
- impact on hospitalization rates, 13588
- destigmatization of, 13587
- assistive apps and devices
- Mental health and addictions - COVID-19
- general remarks, 13587
- Mental health and addictions services
- access to, 6454
- inpatient beds
- service capacity
- general remarks, 13587–13588
- wraparound services, 6453
- Mental health and addictions services - children and youth
- Mental health and addictions services - funding
- Mental health and addictions strategy
- consultation, 6453
- Mental health and addictions system
- navigation, 6453
- Middlesex-London Health Unit
- Minimum wage
- general remarks, 2019
- Minimum wage increase - to $14
- Minimum wage increase - to $15
- Ministerial statements
- Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
- budget, 5155
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Amendment Act (Supporting Individuals in their Homes and Communities with Assistive Devices for Mental Health), 2021 (Bill 277)
- first reading, 12705
- More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108)
- Municipal finances - COVID-19, 8050, 8175
- provincial supports, 8175
- MUSH sector
- as non-construction employers
- and labour rights, 3855
- as non-construction employers
- Natural gas
- Natural gas - access to
- in northern and rural Ontario, 2836
- Natural gas expansion
- Natural gas expansion - cost of
- Natural gas expansion - rate protection program
- Natural Gas Grant Program (NGGP)
- New Democratic Party (NDP)
- Save Main Street plan, 11335, 12583–12584
- New home industry
- Nurses
- Occupational health and safety
- Ontario College of Trades (OCT)
- Ontario Day Act, 2021 (Bill 173)
- third reading, 13000–13002
- Ontario Energy Board (OEB)
- oversight of natural gas expansion, 2837
- Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)
- membership
- expertise, 12242
- membership
- Ontario Rebuilding and Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 222)
- second reading, 10123
- Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan - refinancing
- general remarks, 4058
- Opioid addiction
- Opioid addiction - government strategy
- general remarks, 6455
- Opioid manufacturers/wholesalers
- Opioids
- illicit opioids, 6453
- Opposition day motions
- College standards and accreditation
- responded to, 10647
- COVID-19 response
- responded to, 13100–13101
- Hospital funding
- responded to, 5867–5868
- Public health
- responded to, 4785
- Workplace safety
- responded to, 11874
- College standards and accreditation
- Pay equity
- and employment status, 2018
- Pay equity - gender wage gap
- and minimum wage, 2017
- The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
- Personal support workers (PSWs) - compensation
- Personal support workers (PSWs) - recruitment and retention
- Persons with developmental disabilities
- housing, 13454
- Persons with disabilities
- services, 3248
- Petitions
- Abortion images, 10043–10044, 10865, 11861
- Accident benefits, 1933, 5176–5177
- Autism treatment, 4044, 7672, 14001
- Child advocate, 3833
- Child care workers, 3255
- Curriculum, 820, 2432, 4411, 5567–5568
- Diabetes treatment, 6424–6425
- Education funding, 4409, 4927–4928, 6625–6626, 7223, 9273
- French-language services, 2821
- Government policies, 14205–14206
- Long-term care, 9275, 10088, 10866
- Mental health services, 4243
- Optometry services, 13999–14000
- Pharmacare, 787
- Public sector compensation, 5767–5768, 5968
- School facilities, 4818
- Tuition, 4045–4046, 4819–4820
- Plastics
- biodegradable, 10996–10997
- Police services
- outsourcing, 3266
- Political advertising - third-party
- Political fundraising
- cash for access, 14120
- Political fundraising - personal donations
- Post-secondary education
- employment readiness, 10555
- Poverty reduction
- as justice policy, 11321
- Private members' public business
- End the Public Funding of Partisan Government Advertising Act, 2019 (Bill 101)
- second reading, 4941–4942
- Family support services
- Health care
- responded to, 10614–10615
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Amendment Act (Supporting Individuals in their Homes and Communities with Assistive Devices for Mental Health), 2021 (Bill 277)
- second reading, 13587–13589, 13592
- Time to Care Act (Long-Term Care Homes Amendment, Minimum Standard of Daily Care), 2020 (Bill 13)
- second reading, 10110
- Trespass to Property Amendment Act (Protecting Consumers from Package Piracy), 2021 (Bill 243)
- second reading, 11320–11321
- End the Public Funding of Partisan Government Advertising Act, 2019 (Bill 101)
- Progressive Conservative (PC) Party
- Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 (Bill 307)
- second reading, 14116–14120
- general remarks, 14117–14118
- Protecting Ontario Elections Act, 2021 (Bill 254)
- Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020 (Bill 184)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 8104–8105
- time allocation motion
- Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
- Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 (Bill 136)
- second reading, 5994–5995
- Public education campaigns - community development
- Public education campaigns - racism and discrimination
- Public education campaigns - violence, sexual violence, and harassment
- Public health units
- services, 4785
- Public health units - restructuring
- Public sector compensation increase - cap on
- general remarks, 8547–8548
- Question period
- Addiction services
- Autism treatment
- presented, 3124
- Children's services
- presented, 5367
- College standards and accreditation
- presented, 10293, 11094–11095, 13841–13842
- COVID-19 immunization
- presented, 11735–11736, 13155
- COVID-19 response
- presented, 9661, 12539, 12660, 12700–12701
- Curriculum
- Education funding
- French-language education
- presented, 6418
- Gender identity
- presented, 2349
- Health care
- presented, 12980–12981
- Legal clinic funding
- presented, 1327
- Long-term care
- presented, 8012, 8186, 10566–10567
- Minimum wage
- presented, 2143
- Opioid abuse
- presented, 736
- Refugees
- presented, 233
- School facilities
- presented, 11306–11307
- Small business
- presented, 13564
- Trans Day of Remembrance
- presented, 2416
- Women's shelters
- presented, 1435–1436
- Racism
- Real estate industry
- regulatory reform
- new home sales exemption, 6330
- regulatory reform
- Realtors
- Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159)
- Refugees - resettlement
- Rental housing
- Rental housing - COVID-19
- Rental housing - tenant protections
- illegally collected rent, redress period, 8105
- Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (Bill 195)
- Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
- School closures
- in northern and rural Ontario, 1854
- School facilities - maintenance and repair
- in London, 2862
- Schools
- violence in, 6454
- ServiceOntario
- government records
- use of deadnames, 13180
- government records
- Shelters
- Skilled trades - education
- Skilled Trades Ontario
- board membership, 13446, 13452, 13455–13456
- registrar, role of, 13453
- stakeholder consultation, 13455–13456
- Small Business Support Grant
- administrative communications, 14118
- application process, 12691–12692
- eligibility, 13564
- Social assistance - COVID-19
- benefit rates, 11373
- Special Investigations Unit (SIU)
- public transparency, 3266
- Statements by stakeholders
- Strikes
- strikebreakers, 13971–13972
- Tarion
- Tarion reform
- consultation, 13454
- Tarion Warranty Corp.
- Tarion Warranty Corp.- governance
- Taxation - low-income individuals and families tax credit
- general remarks, 2018
- Temporary workers
- fatalities, 2018–2019
- Theft
- penalties, 11321
- Time allocation motions
- Toby's Act, 2012, SO 2012, c 7, 2428, 2496
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - acceleration
- Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245)