Motions émanant du gouvernement

Une motion est une proposition faite par un(e) député(e) qui nécessite une décision de la Chambre. La Chambre peut discuter de la motion avant de prendre une décision. La Chambre peut adopter la motion, rejeter la motion, ou souhaiter la modifier.

Vous trouverez ici la version la plus récente des motions proposées par des ministres au cours de la session parlementaire actuelle, ainsi que leurs étapes et le résultat final.

Proposée sans préavis M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 77(a), the Order for Second Reading of Bill 241, An Act to amend the City of Toronto Act, 2006 and the Municipal Act, 2001 in relation to codes of conduct, be discharged and the Bill be referred to the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy. 

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion12 décembre 2024Paul Calandrapropose-
motion12 décembre 2024-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis M. Clark (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands et Rideau Lakes)

That, the following Standing Committees be authorized to meet during the 2024-2025 winter adjournment:

The Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs; and

The Standing Committee on Social Policy; and

The Standing Committee on Interior; and

The Standing Committee Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy; and 

That the Standing Committee on Justice Policy be authorized to meet during the 2024-2025 winter adjournment for the consideration of the Intimate Partner Violence Study.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion12 décembre 2024Steve Clarkpropose-
motion12 décembre 2024-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis M. Clark (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands et Rideau Lakes)

That, when the House adjourns today, it shall stand adjourned until 10:15 a.m. on Monday, March 3, 2025. 

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion12 décembre 2024Steve Clarkpropose-
motion12 décembre 2024-voteadoptée au vote
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Proposée sans préavis M. Clark (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands et Rideau Lakes)

That notwithstanding any Standing Order or special Order of the House,
That when the Order for Second Reading of Bill 211, An Act to proclaim Persons Day is called, the Speaker shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Second Reading stage of the Bill without further debate or amendment; and
That, upon receiving Second Reading, Bill 211 shall be ordered for Third Reading, which Order may be called the same day; and
That the Order of the House dated March 22, 2023 referring Bill 70, An Act to proclaim the month of June as Seniors Month to the Standing Committee on Social Policy be discharged and the Bill be ordered for Third Reading; and
That the Order of the House dated March 6, 2024 referring Bill 158, An Act to proclaim Group of Seven Day to the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy be discharged and the Bill be ordered for Third Reading; and
That the Order of the House dated May 30, 2024 referring Bill 118, An Act to proclaim Injured Workers Day to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs be discharged and the Bill be ordered for Third Reading; and
That the Order of the House dated October 4, 2023 referring Bill 123, An Act to amend the Education Act with respect to child sexual abuse prevention and reporting to the Standing Committee on Social Policy be discharged and the Bill be ordered for Third Reading; and
That the Order of the House dated March 19, 2024 referring Bill 167, An Act to proclaim Orthodox Christian Week to the Standing Committee on Social Policy be discharged and the Bill be ordered for Third Reading; and
That the Order of the House dated May 14, 2024 referring Bill 183, An Act to proclaim the month of February as Chinese Heritage Month to the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy be discharged and the Bill be ordered for Third Reading; and
That the Order of the House dated November 27, 2024 referring Bill 215, An Act to proclaim the month of September as Ukrainian Heritage Month to the Committee of the Whole House be discharged and the Bill be ordered for Third Reading; and
That when the Orders for Third Reading of
Bill 66, An Act to proclaim Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day and Heart Valve Disease Awareness Week,
Bill 70, An Act to proclaim the month of June as Seniors Month,
Bill 118, An Act to proclaim Injured Workers Day,
Bill 121, An Act to enact the Improving Dementia Care in Ontario Act, 2023,
Bill 123, An Act to amend the Education Act with respect to child sexual abuse prevention and reporting,
Bill 137, An Act to proclaim Planning for Your Silver Years Awareness Week,
Bill 158, An Act to proclaim Group of Seven Day,
Bill 167, An Act to proclaim Orthodox Christian Week,
Bill 183, An Act to proclaim the month of February as Chinese Heritage Month,
Bill 186, An Act to limit the liability in respect of agritourism,
Bill 211, An Act to proclaim Persons Day, and
Bill 215, An Act to proclaim the month of September as Ukrainian Heritage Month
are called, 15 minutes shall be allotted to debate on the motion for Third Reading of each Bill, with 5 minutes allotted for Members of His Majesty’s Government, 5 minutes allotted for Members of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition and 5 minutes allotted to the Independent Members as a group.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion11 décembre 2024Steve Clarkpropose-
motion11 décembre 2024-voteadoptée
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Motion 29 M. Clark (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands et Rideau Lakes)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 50 and notwithstanding any other Standing Order or special Order of the House relating to Bill 229, An Act to enact the Skilled Trades Week Act, 2024 and to amend various statutes with respect to employment and labour and other matters; 

That when Bill 229 is next called as a Government Order, the Speaker shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Second Reading stage of the Bill without further debate or amendment; and

That, upon receiving Second Reading, the Bill shall be ordered for Third Reading, which Order may be called the same day; and

That when the Order for Third Reading of Bill 229 is called, one hour shall be allotted to debate with 25 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Government, 25 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Loyal Opposition, and 10 minutes for the independent Members as a group; and

That, at the end of this time, the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Third Reading stage of Bill 229 without further debate or amendment.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion9 décembre 2024Anthony Leardipropose-
motion9 décembre 2024-débattue-
motion9 décembre 2024-question soit mise aux voixVote différé
motion10 décembre 2024-voteadoptée au vote
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Motion 28 M. Clark (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands et Rideau Lakes)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 7(c), the House shall continue to meet past the ordinary hour of adjournment until midnight on the following dates: Monday, December 2, 2024; Tuesday, December 3, 2024; Wednesday, December 4, 2024; Thursday, December 5, 2024; Monday, December 9, 2024; Tuesday, December 10, 2024; Wednesday, December 11, 2024; and Thursday, December 12, 2024.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion2 décembre 2024Steve Clarkpropose-
motion2 décembre 2024-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis M. Clark (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands et Rideau Lakes)

That, in accordance with subsection 1 (2) and section 2 of the Poet Laureate of Ontario Act (In Memory of Gord Downie), 2019, S.O. 2019, c. 16, Matthew-Ray Jones be appointed Poet Laureate of Ontario for a term of two years, commencing on November 26, 2024.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion26 novembre 2024Steve Clarkpropose-
motion26 novembre 2024-voteadoptée
Haut de page

Motion 27 M. Clark (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands et Rideau Lakes)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 50 and notwithstanding any other Standing Order or special Order of the House relating to Bill 223, An Act to enact two Acts and to amend various Acts with respect to public safety and the justice system, and Bill 227, An Act to amend various Acts;

That when Bill 223 is next called as a Government Order, the Speaker shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Second Reading stage of the Bill without further debate or amendment; and

That, upon receiving Second Reading the Bill shall be ordered for Third Reading, which Order may be called the same day; and

That when the Order for Third Reading of Bill 223 is called, one hour shall be allotted to debate with 25 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Government, 25 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Loyal Opposition, and 10 minutes for the independent Members as a group; and

That, at the end of this time, the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Third Reading stage of Bill 223 without further debate or amendment; and

That when Bill 227 is next called as a Government Order, the Speaker shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Second Reading stage of the Bill without further debate or amendment; and

That, upon receiving Second Reading the Bill shall be ordered for Third Reading, which order may be called the same day; and

That when the Order for Third Reading of Bill 227 is called, one hour shall be allotted to debate with 25 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Government, 25 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Loyal Opposition, and 10 minutes for the independent Members as a group; and

That, at the end of this time, the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Third Reading stage of Bill 227 without further debate or amendment.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion26 novembre 2024Trevor Jonespropose-
motion26 novembre 2024-débattuedébat ajourné
motion27 novembre 2024-débattue-
motion27 novembre 2024-question soit mise aux voixVote différé
motion28 novembre 2024-voteadoptée au vote
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Proposée sans préavis M. Leardi (Essex)

That the Standing Committee on Government Agencies shall not meet during its regularly scheduled meeting time on Thursday, November 21, 2024, and instead be authorized to meet on Wednesday, November 20, 2024.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion18 novembre 2024Anthony Leardipropose-
motion18 novembre 2024-voteadoptée
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Motion 26 M. Clark (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands et Rideau Lakes)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 50 and notwithstanding any other Standing Order or special Order of the House relating to Bill 212, An Act to enact two Acts and amend various Acts with respect to highways, broadband-related expropriation and other transportation-related matters, Bill 214, An Act to amend various energy statutes respecting long term energy planning, changes to the Distribution System Code and the Transmission System Code and electric vehicle charging, and Bill 216, An Act to implement Budget measures and to enact and amend various statutes;

That when Bill 212 is next called as a Government Order, the Speaker shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Second Reading stage of the Bill without further debate or amendment; and

That, upon receiving Second Reading, Bill 212 shall be referred to the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy; and

That the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy be authorized to meet on Monday, November 18, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. to receive a 20-minute opening statement on Bill 212 by the Minister of Transportation or designate, followed by 40 minutes of questions and answers, divided into two rounds of 7.5 minutes for the Government members, two rounds of 7.5 minutes for the Official Opposition members, and two rounds of 5 minutes for the independent member of the Committee; and

That the Committee be authorized to meet on Monday, November 18, 2024, from 1:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m., for the purpose of public hearings on Bill 212; and

That the Clerk of the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy, in consultation with the Committee Chair, be authorized to arrange the following with regard to Bill 212:

  • That the deadline for requests to appear be 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 8, 2024; and
  • That the Clerk of the Committee provide a list of all interested presenters to each member of the Sub-committee and their designate following the deadline for requests to appear; and
  • That, if not all interested presenters can be scheduled, each member of the Sub-committee or their designate provide the Clerk of the Committee with a prioritized list of presenters to be scheduled, chosen from the list of all interested presenters, by 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 12, 2024; and
  • That witnesses shall be scheduled in groups of three for each one-hour time slot, with each presenter allotted 7 minutes to make an opening statement followed by 39 minutes of questioning for all three witnesses, divided into two rounds of 7.5 minutes for the Government members, two rounds of 7.5 minutes for the Official Opposition members, and two rounds of 4.5 minutes for the independent member of the Committee; and
  • That the deadline for written submissions be 7:00 p.m. on Monday, November 18, 2024; and
  • That the deadline for filing amendments to the Bill with the Clerk of the Committee shall be 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 19, 2024; and

That the Committee be authorized to meet on Thursday, November 21, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. until 10:15 a.m., from 1:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m., and from 7:00 p.m. until midnight for the purpose of clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 212; and

That on Thursday, November 21, 2024, at 7:00 p.m., those amendments to Bill 212 which have not yet been moved shall be deemed to have been moved, and the Chair of the Committee shall interrupt the proceedings and shall, without further debate or amendment, put every question necessary to dispose of all remaining sections of the Bill and any amendments thereto; and at this time, the Chair shall allow one waiting period, if requested by a member of the Committee, pursuant to Standing Order 131(a); and

That the Committee shall report Bill 212 to the House no later than Monday, November 25, 2024, and if the Committee fails to report the Bill on that day, the Bill shall be deemed passed by the Committee and shall be deemed reported to and received by the House; and

That upon receiving the report of the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy on Bill 212, the Speaker shall put the question for adoption of the report forthwith; and

That upon adoption of the report, Bill 212 shall be ordered for Third Reading, which order may be called the same day; and

That when the order for Third Reading of Bill 212 is called, 55 minutes shall be allotted to debate with 25 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Government, 25 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Loyal Opposition, and 5 minutes for the independent Members as a group; and

That, at the end of this time, the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Third Reading stage of Bill 212 without further debate or amendment; and

That, except in the case of a recorded division arising from the morning Orders of the Day, no deferral of the Third Reading vote on Bill 212 shall be permitted; and

That, if a recorded division is requested on the Third Reading vote on Bill 212 the division bells shall be limited to 5 minutes; and

That when Bill 214 is next called as a Government Order, the Speaker shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Second Reading stage of the Bill without further debate or amendment; and

That, upon receiving Second Reading, Bill 214 shall be referred to the Standing Committee on the Interior; and

That the Standing Committee on the Interior be authorized to meet on Monday, November 18, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. to receive a 20-minute opening statement on Bill 214 by the Minister of Energy and Electrification or designate, followed by 40 minutes of questions and answers, divided into two rounds of 7.5 minutes for the Government members, two rounds of 7.5 minutes for the Official Opposition members, and two rounds of 5 minutes for the independent member of the Committee; and

That the Committee be authorized to meet on Monday, November 18, 2024, from 1:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m., for the purpose of public hearings on Bill 214; and

That the Clerk of the Standing Committee on the Interior, in consultation with the Committee Chair, be authorized to arrange the following with regard to Bill 214:

  • That the deadline for requests to appear be 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 12, 2024; and
  • That the Clerk of the Committee provide a list of all interested presenters to each member of the Sub-committee and their designate following the deadline for requests to appear; and
  • That, if not all interested presenters can be scheduled, each member of the Sub-committee or their designate provide the Clerk of the Committee with a prioritized list of presenters to be scheduled, chosen from the list of all interested presenters, by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 13, 2024; and
  • That witnesses shall be scheduled in groups of three for each one-hour time slot, with each presenter allotted 7 minutes to make an opening statement followed by 39 minutes of questioning for all three witnesses, divided into two rounds of 7.5 minutes for the Government members, two rounds of 7.5 minutes for the Official Opposition members, and two rounds of 4.5 minutes for the independent member of the Committee; and
  • That the deadline for written submissions be 6:00 p.m. on Monday, November 18, 2024; and
  • That the deadline for filing amendments to the Bill with the Clerk of the Committee shall be 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 19, 2024; and

That the Committee be authorized to meet on Thursday, November 21, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. until 10:15 a.m., from 1:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m., and from 7:00 p.m. until midnight for the purpose of clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 214; and

That on Thursday, November 21, 2024, at 7:00 p.m., those amendments to Bill 214 which have not yet been moved shall be deemed to have been moved, and the Chair of the Committee shall interrupt the proceedings and shall, without further debate or amendment, put every question necessary to dispose of all remaining sections of the Bill and any amendments thereto; and at this time, the Chair shall allow one waiting period, if requested by a member of the Committee, pursuant to Standing Order 131(a); and

That the Committee shall report Bill 214 to the House no later than Monday, November 25, 2024, and if the Committee fails to report the Bill on that day, the Bill shall be deemed passed by the Committee and shall be deemed reported to and received by the House; and

That upon receiving the report of the Standing Committee on the Interior on Bill 214, the Speaker shall put the question for adoption of the report forthwith; and

That upon adoption of the report, Bill 214 shall be ordered for Third Reading, which order may be called the same day; and

That when the order for Third Reading of Bill 214 is called, 55 minutes shall be allotted to debate with 25 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Government, 25 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Loyal Opposition, and 5 minutes for the independent Members as a group; and

That, at the end of this time, the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Third Reading stage of Bill 214 without further debate or amendment; and

That when Bill 216 is next called as a Government Order, the Speaker shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Second Reading stage of the Bill without further debate or amendment; and

That, upon receiving Second Reading the Bill shall be ordered for Third Reading, which order may be called the same day; and

That when the order for Third Reading of the Bill is called, the Speaker shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Third Reading stage of the Bill without further debate or amendment; and

That, except in the case of a recorded division arising from the morning Orders of the Day, no deferral of the Second or Third Reading votes on the Bill shall be permitted; and

That if a recorded division is requested on the Third Reading vote on the Bill the division bells shall be limited to 5 minutes.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion5 novembre 2024Steve Clarkpropose-
motion5 novembre 2024-débattue-
motion5 novembre 2024-question soit mise aux voixVote différé
motion6 novembre 2024-voteadoptée au vote
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Proposée sans préavis M. Clark (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands et Rideau Lakes)

That the following changes be made to the membership of the following Committees:
On the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, Tyler Allsop replaces John Yakabuski; and
On the Standing Committee on the Interior, Rudy Cuzzetto replaces Tyler Allsop.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion29 octobre 2024Steve Clarkpropose-
motion29 octobre 2024-voteadoptée
Haut de page

Motion 25 M. Clark (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands et Rideau Lakes)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 50 and notwithstanding any other Standing Order or special Order of the House relating to Bill 197, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act and Bill 194, An Act to enact the Enhancing Digital Security and Trust Act, 2024 and to make amendments to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act respecting privacy protection measures;

That when Bill 197 is next called as a Government Order, the Speaker shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Second Reading stage of the Bill without further debate or amendment; and

That, upon receiving Second Reading, Bill 197 shall be referred to the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy; and

That the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy be authorized to meet on Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. to receive a 20-minute opening statement on Bill 197 by the Minister of Transportation or designate, followed by 40 minutes of questions and answers, divided into two rounds of 7.5 minutes for the Government members, two rounds of 7.5 minutes for the Official Opposition members, and two rounds of 5 minutes for the independent member of the Committee; and

That the Committee be authorized to meet on Wednesday, November 13 from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m., for the purpose of public hearings on Bill 197; and

That the Clerk of the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy, in consultation with the Committee Chair, be authorized to arrange the following with regard to Bill 197:

  • That the deadline for requests to appear be 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 5, 2024; and
  • That the Clerk of the Committee provide a list of all interested presenters to each member of the Sub-committee and their designate following the deadline for requests to appear; and
  • That, if not all interested presenters can be scheduled, each member of the Sub-committee or their designate provide the Clerk of the Committee with a prioritized list of presenters to be scheduled, chosen from the list of all interested presenters, by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 6, 2024; and
  • That witnesses shall be scheduled in groups of three for each one-hour time slot, with each presenter allotted 7 minutes to make an opening statement followed by 39 minutes of questioning for all three witnesses, divided into two rounds of 7.5 minutes for the Government members, two rounds of 7.5 minutes for the Official Opposition members, and two rounds of 4.5 minutes for the independent member of the Committee; and
  • That the deadline for written submissions be 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 13, 2024; and
  • That the deadline for filing amendments to the Bill with the Clerk of the Committee shall be 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 13, 2024; and

That the Committee be authorized to meet on Friday, November 15 from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m., from 1:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m., and from 7:00 p.m. until midnight for the purpose of clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 197; and

That on Friday, November 15, 2024 at 7:00 p.m., those amendments to Bill 197 which have not yet been moved shall be deemed to have been moved, and the Chair of the Committee shall interrupt the proceedings and shall, without further debate or amendment, put every question necessary to dispose of all remaining sections of the Bill and any amendments thereto; and at this time, the Chair shall allow one waiting period, if requested by a member of the Committee, pursuant to Standing Order 131(a); and

That the Committee shall report Bill 197 to the House no later than Monday, November 18, 2024 and if the Committee fails to report the Bill on that day, the Bill shall be deemed passed by the Committee and shall be deemed reported to and received by the House; and

That upon receiving the report of the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy on Bill 197, the Speaker shall put the question for adoption of the report forthwith; and

That upon adoption of the report, Bill 197 shall be ordered for Third Reading, which order may be called the same day; and

That when the order for Third Reading of Bill 197 is called, 55 minutes shall be allotted to debate with 25 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Government, 25 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Loyal Opposition, and 5 minutes for the independent Members as a group; and

That, at the end of this time, the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Third Reading stage of Bill 197 without further debate or amendment; and

That when Bill 194 is next called as a Government Order, the Speaker shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Second Reading stage of the Bill without further debate or amendment; and

That, upon receiving Second Reading, Bill 194 shall be referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy; and

That the Standing Committee on Justice Policy be authorized to meet on Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. to receive a 20-minute opening statement on Bill 194 by the Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement or designate, followed by 40 minutes of questions and answers, divided into two rounds of 7.5 minutes for the Government members, two rounds of 7.5 minutes for the Official Opposition members, and two rounds of 5 minutes for the independent member of the Committee; and

That the Committee be authorized to meet at the following times, for the purpose of public hearings for Bill 194:

  • on Thursday, November 14 from 11:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon, and from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.; and
  • on Friday, November 15 from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon, and from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.; and

That the Clerk of the Standing Committee on Justice Policy, in consultation with the Committee Chair, be authorized to arrange the following with regard to Bill 194:

  • That the deadline for requests to appear be 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 6, 2024; and
  • That the Clerk of the Committee provide a list of all interested presenters to each member of the Sub-committee and their designate following the deadline for requests to appear; and
  • That, if not all interested presenters can be scheduled, each member of the Sub-committee or their designate provide the Clerk of the Committee with a prioritized list of presenters to be scheduled, chosen from the list of all interested presenters, by 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 7, 2024; and
  • That witnesses shall be scheduled in groups of three for each one-hour time slot, with each presenter allotted 7 minutes to make an opening statement followed by 39 minutes of questioning for all three witnesses, divided into two rounds of 7.5 minutes for the Government members, two rounds of 7.5 minutes for the Official Opposition members, and two rounds of 4.5 minutes for the independent member of the Committee; and
  • That the deadline for written submissions be 6:00 p.m. on Friday, November 15, 2024; and
  • That the deadline for filing amendments to the Bill with the Clerk of the Committee shall be 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 19, 2024; and

That the Committee be authorized to meet on Thursday, November 21 from 9:00 a.m. until 10:15 a.m., from 1:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m., and from 7:00 p.m. until midnight for the purpose of clause-by-clause consideration of Bill 194; and

That on Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 7:00 p.m., those amendments to Bill 194 which have not yet been moved shall be deemed to have been moved, and the Chair of the Committee shall interrupt the proceedings and shall, without further debate or amendment, put every question necessary to dispose of all remaining sections of the Bill and any amendments thereto; and at this time, the Chair shall allow one waiting period, if requested by a member of the Committee, pursuant to Standing Order 131(a); and

That the Committee shall report Bill 194 to the House no later than Monday, November 25, 2024, and if the Committee fails to report the Bill on that day, the Bill shall be deemed passed by the Committee and shall be deemed reported to and received by the House; and

That upon receiving the report of the Standing Committee on Justice Policy on Bill 194, the Speaker shall put the question for adoption of the report forthwith; and

That upon adoption of the report, Bill 194 shall be ordered for Third Reading, which order may be called the same day; and

That when the order for Third Reading of Bill 194 is called, 55 minutes shall be allotted to debate with 25 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Government, 25 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Loyal Opposition, and 5 minutes for the independent Members as a group; and

That, at the end of this time, the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Third Reading stage of Bill 194 without further debate or amendment.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion28 octobre 2024Steve Clarkpropose-
motion28 octobre 2024-débattue-
motion28 octobre 2024-question soit mise aux voixVote différé
motion29 octobre 2024-voteadoptée au vote
Haut de page

Proposée sans préavis M. Leardi (Essex)

That the following change be made to the membership of the following Committee:
On the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, Jeff Burch replaces Monique Taylor.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion22 octobre 2024Anthony Leardipropose-
motion22 octobre 2024-voteadoptée
Haut de page

Proposée sans préavis M. Leardi (Essex)

That the following changes be made to the membership of the following Committees:

On the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, Zee Hamid replaces Stephen Crawford, Dave Smith (Peterborough—Kawartha) replaces Mike Harris, and Brian Saunderson replaces Effie J. Triantafilopoulos; and

On the Standing Committee on Government Agencies, Robin Martin replaces Dawn Gallagher Murphy, Andrew Dowie replaces Mike Harris, Zee Hamid replaces Kevin Holland, Steve Pinsonneault replaces Graham McGregor, and Laura Smith replaces Amarjot Sandhu; and

On the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure, and Cultural Policy, Hardeep Singh Grewal replaces Rick Byers, Natalie Pierre replaces Sheref Sabawy, and Amarjot Sandhu replaces Dave Smith (Peterborough—Kawartha); and

On the Standing Committee on the Interior, Tyler Allsopp replaces Rudy Cuzzetto, and Steve Pinsonneault replaces Kevin Holland, and

On the Standing Committee on Justice Policy, Stéphane Sarrazin replaces Graham McGregor, and Effie J. Triantafilopoulos is added; and

On the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, Patrice Barnes replaces Christine Hogarth, Dawn Gallagher Murphy replaces Robin Martin, John Jordan replaces Sam Oosterhoff, and John Yakabuski replaces Amarjot Sandhu; and

On the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, Rick Byers replaces Will Bouma, Rudy Cuzzetto replaces Stephen Crawford, Sheref Sabawy replaces Lisa MacLeod, and Effie J. Triantafilopoulos replaces Daisy Wai; and

On the Standing Committee on Social Policy, Christine Hogarth replaces Steve Clark, Tyler Allsopp replaces Hardeep Singh Grewal, Robert Bailey replaces Natalia Kusendova-Bashta, Anthony Leardi replaces Natalie Pierre, and Daisy Wai replaces Nolan Quinn.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion21 octobre 2024Anthony Leardipropose-
motion21 octobre 2024-voteadoptée
Haut de page

Proposée sans préavis M. Jones (Chatham-Kent—Leamington)

That, when the House adjourns today it shall stand adjourned until 10:15 a.m. on October 21, 2024; and

That, in addition to any other committee meetings authorized by the House, the Standing Committees be authorized to meet for the purpose of the consideration of the Estimates during the 2024 summer adjournment of the House.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion6 juin 2024Trevor Jonespropose-
motion6 juin 2024-débattue-
motion6 juin 2024-question soit mise aux voix-
motion6 juin 2024-voteadoptée au vote
Haut de page

Proposée sans préavis M. Jones (Chatham-Kent—Leamington)

That the Standing Committee on Justice Policy be authorized to meet at the call of the Chair during the summer 2024 adjournment of the House in relation to its study of intimate partner violence.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion5 juin 2024Trevor Jonespropose-
motion5 juin 2024-voteadoptée
Haut de page

Proposée sans préavis M. Jones (Chatham-Kent—Leamington)

That the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs be authorized to attend the National Conference on State Legislatures (NCSL) in Louisville, Kentucky from August 4 to 7, 2024.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion5 juin 2024Trevor Jonespropose-
motion5 juin 2024-voteadoptée
Haut de page

Proposée sans préavis M. Jones (Chatham-Kent—Leamington)

That the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs be authorized to travel outside of Ontario during the 2024 summer adjournment.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion5 juin 2024Trevor Jonespropose-
motion5 juin 2024-voteadoptée
Haut de page

Proposée sans préavis M. Jones (Chatham-Kent—Leamington)

That the Standing Committee on Public Accounts be authorized to attend the 2024 Annual Conference of the Canadian Council of Public Accounts Committees in Quebec City, Quebec from September 7 to 10, 2024. 

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion27 mai 2024Trevor Jonespropose-
motion27 mai 2024-voteadoptée
Haut de page

Proposée sans préavis M. Jones (Chatham-Kent—Leamington)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 77(a), the Order for Second Reading of Bill 189, An Act to enact Lydia's Law (Accountability and Transparency in the Handling of Sexual Assault Cases), 2024, be discharged and the Bill be referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion14 mai 2024Trevor Jonespropose-
motion14 mai 2024-voteadoptée au vote
Haut de page

Proposée sans préavis M. Jones (Chatham-Kent—Leamington)

That the following change be made to the membership of the following Committee:

On the Standing Committee on Government Agencies, David Smith (Scarborough Centre) replaces Will Bouma.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion17 avril 2024Trevor Jonespropose-
motion17 avril 2024-voteadoptée
Haut de page

Proposée sans préavis M. Cho (Willowdale)

That the following changes be made to the membership of the following Committees:

On the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, Robert Bailey replaces Mike Harris and Robin Martin replaces Anthony Leardi; and

On the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, Robin Martin replaces Rudy Cuzzetto, Jess Dixon replaces Logan Kanapathi, Daisy Wai replaces Laura Smith, and Vincent Ke is removed; and

On the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, Patrice Barnes replaces Rick Byers, Christine Hogarth replaces Natalie Pierre, Mike Harris replaces David Smith (Scarborough Centre), and Stephanie Bowman is removed; and

On the Standing Committee on Justice Policy, Will Bouma replaces Christine Hogarth, Brian Riddell replaces Robert Bailey, Graham McGregor replaces Natalia Kusendova-Bashta, and Stephen Blais is removed; and

On the Standing Committee on Social Policy, Natalie Pierre replaces Robin Martin, Laura Smith replaces John Jordan, Billy Pang replaces Dawn Gallagher Murphy, Hardeep Singh Grewal replaces Daisy Wai, Adil Shamji is removed, Bobbi Ann Brady is removed, and Aislinn Clancy is added; and

On the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy, Ric Bresee replaces Hardeep Singh Grewal, Dave Smith (Peterborough—Kawartha) replaces Lorne Coe, Rick Byers replaces Billy Pang, and Aislinn Clancy is removed; and

On the Standing Committee on the Interior, John Jordan replaces Ric Bresee, Rudy Cuzzetto replaces Brian Riddell, Andrew Dowie replaces Graham McGregor, Kevin Holland replaces Dave Smith (Peterborough—Kawartha), Dawn Gallagher Murphy replaces Stéphane Sarrazin, and Mike Schreiner is removed; and

On the Standing Committee on Government Agencies, John Fraser is removed; and

That the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs be authorized to meet at the call of the Chair; and

That all the changes enumerated above shall come into force at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, April 12, 2024.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion11 avril 2024Stan Chopropose-
motion11 avril 2024-débattue-
motion11 avril 2024-voteadoptée
Haut de page

Motion 24 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That the Standing Orders be amended as follows:

Standing Order 7(f) is deleted and the following substituted:

As soon as possible after New Year's Day, the Clerk of the House shall publish a calendar which shows the days on which the House shall meet according to the Standing Orders.

Standing Order 9(f) is deleted and the following substituted:

No later than 6:00 p.m. on any day that the House meets, the Government House Leader may indicate in the House that no business is to be called during Orders of the Day on the next sitting day's morning meeting, and in such case the House shall meet at 10:15 a.m. on that next sitting day.

Standing Order 36(b) is amended by deleting the words "to the Minister or to his or her Parliamentary Assistant" and substituting the words "to a Minister or to a Parliamentary Assistant".

For the duration of the 43rd Parliament Standing Order 40(e) is suspended and the following provisional Standing Order is substituted:

40(e) Following ministerial statements a representative or representatives of the Official Opposition and an independent Member or independent Members may comment for up to a total of 8 minutes, commencing with the Official Opposition.

Standing Order 42(b) is amended by adding the following at the end:

"but shall not read the text of the petition."

Standing Order 46(c) is deleted.

Standing Order 49(a) is amended by deleting "on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday".

Standing Order 50(b) is amended by deleting "If a recorded vote is requested by 5 Members, division bells shall be limited to 10 minutes".

Standing Order 61(d) is amended by deleting "If a recorded vote is requested by 5 Members, division bells shall be limited to 10 minutes".

Standing Order 62(b) is deleted and the following is substituted:

Upon tabling or upon the appointment of committees pursuant to Standing Order 110(a) and assignment of Ministries and Offices pursuant to Standing Order 113(b), the Estimates shall be deemed to be referred to the Standing Committees to which the respective Ministries and Offices were assigned.

Standing Order 63(b) is amended by adding the following sub-clause following subclause (ii):

The Estimates of the Office of the Premier and the Estimates of the Cabinet Office shall constitute one selection and represent a single turn taken under Standing Order 63(b)(ii).

Standing Order 63(d) is deleted and the following is substituted:

63(d) The time for the consideration of the Estimates of each Ministry or Office shall be determined by the respective committee.

i) The Estimates of the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, if selected by a committee, shall have no time allotted to them, and when these Estimates are considered, the Chair shall put, without further amendment or debate, every question necessary to dispose of these Estimates.

ii) The Estimates of the Office of the Premier and the Estimates of the Cabinet Office shall be allotted time jointly and shall be considered concurrently.

Standing Order 65(a) is deleted and the following is substituted:

Upon tabling or upon the appointment of committees pursuant to Standing Order 110(a) and assignment of Ministries and Offices pursuant to Standing Order 113(b), all Supplementary Estimates shall be deemed referred to the Standing Committee to which their Ministry or Office has been assigned.

Standing Order 70(b) is amended by deleting "If a recorded vote is requested by 5 Members, division bells shall be limited to 10 minutes".

Standing Order 85(a)(ii) is amended by deleting "$150" and substituting the words "a fee in an amount prescribed by the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, which may be amended by that committee from time to time."

Standing Order 85(c) is deleted and the following is substituted:

Where, at the request of the applicant, a Standing Order is suspended with reference to a Private Bill, a charge shall be levied in an amount which shall be prescribed by the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, and which may be amended by that committee from time to time.

For the duration of this Parliament, the following provisional Standing Order is added:

85(h) Until the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs has set new fees pursuant to Standing Order 85(a)(ii) and 85(c), the fees shall remain at the amounts indicated in the Standing Orders as they were on the first day of the 43rd Parliament.

Standing Order 85(g)(ii) is amended by adding the words "given further consideration by the House or" after "not".

Standing Order 99 is amended by deleting:

"The rules of procedure and the fees and costs related to applications for private bills are set out in the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly. Copies of the Standing Orders, and the guide "Procedures for Applying for Private Legislation", may be obtained from the Legislative Assembly's Internet site at or from:"

and substituting

"The procedures related to applications for Private Bills are set out in the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly and the costs of applications are set by the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs. Information is available at, or may be requested from:"

Standing Order 100(c) is amended by deleting "8" and replace with "9".

Standing Order 110 is deleted and the following is substituted:

Within the first 10 sessional days following the commencement of a Parliament, the membership of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs shall be appointed, on motion with notice, for the duration of the Parliament, which committee is empowered:

a) at the beginning of a Parliament, and from time to time as may be required, to appoint or revise, for the duration of a Parliament, the membership of the Standing Committees referred to in Standing Order 110.1 and those Select Committees which the House has resolved should have their membership appointed under this standing order and shall make a report thereon to the House, which report shall be deemed to be adopted;

b) to review on its own initiative or at the request of the Speaker or the direction of the House and to report to the House its observations, opinions and recommendations on the Standing Orders of the House and the procedures in the House and its Committees;

c) to advise the Speaker and the Board of Internal Economy, and to report to the House its observations, opinions and recommendations on the administration of the House and the provision of services and facilities to Members;

d) to act as an advisory body to the Speaker and the House on the television broadcast system and to conduct reviews, at least on an annual basis, of the televising of the legislative proceedings and of the guidelines established by the House with respect to the television broadcast system;

e) to be the Committee which is empowered to review and consider from time to time the Reports of the Ombudsman as they become available; and, as the Committee deems necessary, pursuant to subsection 15(1) of the Ombudsman Act, to formulate general rules for the guidance of the Ombudsman in the exercise of his or her functions under the Act; and to report thereon to the Legislature and to make such recommendations as the Committee deems appropriate;

f) and to be the Committee provided for by section 33 of Part III (Regulations) of the Legislation Act, 2006, and having the terms of reference as set out in that section, namely: to be the Committee to which all regulations stand permanently referred; and to examine the regulations with particular reference to the scope and method of the exercise of delegated legislative power without reference to the merits of the policy or objectives to be effected by the regulations or enabling statutes, but in so doing regard shall be had to the following guidelines:

i. Regulations should not contain provisions initiating new policy, but should be confined to details to give effect to the policy established by the statute;
ii. Regulations should be in strict accord with the statute conferring of power, particularly concerning personal liberties;
iii. Regulations should be expressed in precise and unambiguous language;
iv. Regulations should not have retrospective effect unless clearly authorized by statute;
v. Regulations should not exclude the jurisdiction of the courts;
vi. Regulations should not impose a fine, imprisonment or other penalty;
vii. Regulations should not shift the onus of proof of innocence to a person accused of an offence;
viii. Regulations should not impose anything in the way of a tax (as distinct from fixing the amount of a licence fee, or the like); and
ix. General powers should not be used to establish a judicial tribunal or an administrative tribunal,

and the Committee shall from time to time report to the House its observations, opinions and recommendations as required by section 33 of Part III (Regulations) of the Legislation Act, 2006, but before drawing the attention of the House to a regulation or other statutory instrument, the Committee shall afford the ministry or agency concerned an opportunity to furnish orally or in writing to the Committee such explanation as the ministry or agency thinks fit;

g) to be the committee provided for in subsection 7(1) and section 12 of the Queen's Park Restoration Secretariat Act, 2023 and subsection 108.3(1) and section 108.5 of the Legislative Assembly Act and, without limitation, to have the general mandate to inquire into and make recommendations respecting any project to restore the legislative building at Queen's Park including any relocation of legislative operations to a temporary location throughout the project.

The following Standing Order is added:

110.1 The Standing Committees shall be:

a) Standing Committee on Justice Policy;

b) Standing Committee on Social Policy;

c) Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy;

d) Standing Committee on the Interior;

e) Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs which is empowered to consider and report to the House its observations, opinions and recommendations on the fiscal and economic policies of the Province and to which all related documents shall be deemed to have been referred immediately when the said documents are tabled;

f) Standing Committee on Government Agencies which is empowered to review and report to the House its observations, opinions and recommendations on the operation of all agencies, boards and commissions to which the Lieutenant Governor in Council makes some or all of the appointments, and all corporations to which the Crown in right of Ontario is a majority shareholder, such reviews to be made with a view to reducing possible redundancy and overlapping, improving the accountability of agencies, rationalizing the functions of the agencies, identifying those agencies or parts of agencies which could be subject to sunset provisions, and revising the mandates and roles of agencies, and to review the intended appointments of persons to agencies, boards and commissions and of directors to corporations in which the Crown in right of Ontario is a majority shareholder, excluding reappointments and appointments for a term of 1 year or less, according to the following procedures:

1. A Minister of the Crown shall lay on the Table a certificate stating that the Lieutenant Governor in Council intends to appoint a person to an agency, board or commission or to the board of directors of a corporation, together with a copy of the position description and a summary of the person's qualifications, which documents shall be deemed to be referred to the Committee.
2. Upon receipt of a certificate as referred to in paragraph 1, the Clerk of the Committee shall distribute to each member of the Sub-committee on Committee Business a list of intended appointees in respect of whom a certificate has been received.
3. The Sub-committee shall meet at its own initiative, at the request of the Committee, or at the request of any member of the Sub-committee, to select from among the intended appointees referred to in paragraph 1 those intended appointees the Committee will review. Each member of the Sub-committee, other than the Chair, may choose one or more of the intended appointees for review from the certificates provided by the Clerk of the Committee.
4. The Sub-committee shall report to the Committee on the intended appointees for review. Upon receiving the report, the Committee shall determine a date for the review of the intended appointees as selected by the members of the Sub-committee. The report shall specify the amount of time allocated for the consideration of each intended appointee and the date on which each will be reviewed. An equal amount of time shall be allocated for review of each member's selections, and where a member of the Sub-committee has selected more than one intended appointee the time available to review that member's selections shall be allocated among his or her selections.
5. Upon notice from the Clerk of the Committee that an intended appointee has been selected for review, the Minister shall ensure that the Committee receives a copy of the intended appointee's resume or biographical information and a description of the responsibilities of the position.
6. A Sub-committee member may choose to defer the consideration of one or more of the intended appointees that the member has chosen until a future meeting of the Committee at which intended appointees are to be reviewed so long as the consideration of the intended appointee has not previously been deferred.
7. In reviewing an intended appointee, the Committee shall not call as a witness any person other than the intended appointee.
8. At the conclusion of the meeting held to review an intended appointment, the Committee shall determine whether or not it concurs in the intended appointment. Any member may request that the Committee defer its determination to the next meeting of the Committee, but in any event no later than 7 calendar days. In its report, the Committee shall state whether or not it concurs in the intended appointments and may state its reasons.
9. Whether or not the House stands adjourned, the Committee shall release its report by depositing it the same day with the Clerk of the House and upon receipt of the report by the Clerk the report shall be deemed to be adopted by the House.
10. A report that the Committee will not review an intended appointee shall be deemed to have been made by the Committee and adopted by the House in any of the following cases:

i. a report respecting the intended appointee has not been made by the Committee within 30 calendar days following the day on which the Minister tables the certificate referred to in paragraph 1,
ii. the Sub-committee does not at its first meeting following the day on which the Minister tables the certificate select the intended appointee for review, or
iii. the intended appointee has not been selected for review by the Sub-committee within 14 days following the day on which the Minister tabled the certificate.

11. The Committee by unanimous agreement may extend any of the deadlines in paragraph 10.
12. The Clerk of the Committee shall give the Minister who tabled the certificate written notification of any decision respecting the appointment made by the Committee or the Sub-committee on Committee Business.
13. During any adjournment of the House that exceeds 1 week, the Committee shall meet on such day or days as may be determined by the Sub-committee, but in any event not more than 3 times per month.

g) Standing Committee on Public Accounts which is empowered to review and report to the House its observations, opinions and recommendations on the Report of the Auditor General and the Public Accounts, which documents shall be deemed to have been permanently referred to the Committee as they become available.

Standing Order 113(a) is amended by deleting the words "Standing Orders 110(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (g)" and replacing it with the words "Standing Orders 110(a) and 110.1 (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e)".

Standing Order 113(b) is amended by adding the following at the end:

"The Office of the Premier and the Cabinet Office shall be assigned to the same Standing Committee."

The following new Standing Order is added:

113(c) If the Estimates are tabled in the House prior to the appointment of committee membership pursuant to Standing Order 110(a) or prior to the assignment of Ministries and Offices to committees pursuant to Standing Order 113(b), all Ministries and Offices shall stand assigned to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs until membership has been appointed and assignment has been completed.

Standing Order 115(b) is deleted and the following is substituted:

Notwithstanding clause (a), each independent Member may deposit, with the Clerk of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, his or her request to be appointed to at least 1 Standing Committee. An independent Member may state his or her Committee preference but such statement of preference is not binding.

Standing Order 115(d) is deleted.

Standing Order 115(e) is deleted and the following is substituted:

At any time before or during a committee meeting, a temporary substitution in the membership of a Standing or Select Committee may be made provided a notification thereof, signed by the Member acting as the Whip of a recognized party, is filed with the Clerk of the Committee. If notice of a substitution is delivered while a committee meeting is in progress, the notification shall be delivered by hand to the Clerk of the Committee.

Standing Order 115(f) is deleted.

Standing Order 119(a) is amended by deleting "110" and replacing it with "110 and 110.1".

Standing Order 128(a) is amended by deleting the words "Standing Orders 110(a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (g)" and replacing it with the words "Standing Orders 110(a) and 110.1 (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e)".

Standing Order 143 is deleted; and

That the Clerk is authorized to re-number the Standing Orders and to make such other consequential, editorial or other minor changes as may be required to ensure a consistent form of expression throughout the Standing Orders.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion27 mars 2024Trevor Jonespropose-
motion27 mars 2024-débattuedébat ajourné
motion27 mars 2024-débattue-
amendement27 mars 2024John Fraserpropose-
amendement27 mars 2024-débattue-
sous-amendement27 mars 2024Ted Hsupropose-
sous-amendement27 mars 2024-débattuedébat ajourné
sous-amendement8 avril 2024-débattue-
sous-amendement8 avril 2024-question soit mise aux voixVote différé
sous-amendement8 avril 2024-voterejetée au vote
amendement8 avril 2024-question soit mise aux voix-
amendement8 avril 2024-voterejetée
motion8 avril 2024-question soit mise aux voix-
motion8 avril 2024-voteadoptée
Haut de page

Motion 23 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That the Standing Orders be amended as follows:

Standing Order 24(a) is deleted and the following is substituted:

Every Member desiring to speak must rise in his or her place and address the Speaker, in either English, French, or an Indigenous language spoken in Canada. If a Member wishes to address the House in an Indigenous language, they shall, prior to taking their seat for the first time, notify the Clerk of the House of the language in which they intend to speak so the Speaker may arrange appropriate interpretation and translation capabilities.

For thirty days following the adoption of this motion, Standing Order 24(a) is suspended and the following is substituted:

Every Member desiring to speak must rise in his or her place and address the Speaker, in either English, French, or an Indigenous language spoken in Canada. If a Member wishes to address the House in an Indigenous language, they shall notify the Clerk of the House of the language in which they intend to speak so the Speaker may arrange appropriate interpretation and translation capabilities.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion26 mars 2024Paul Calandrapropose-
motion26 mars 2024-débattue-
motion26 mars 2024-question soit mise aux voix-
motion26 mars 2024-voteadoptée
Haut de page

Motion 22 M. Bethlenfalvy (Pickering—Uxbridge)

That this House approves in general the Budgetary Policy of the Government.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion26 mars 2024Peter Bethlenfalvypropose-
motion26 mars 2024Doug Fordappuyé-
motion26 mars 2024-débattuedébat ajourné
motion28 mars 2024-débattuedébat ajourné
motion28 mars 2024-débattuedébat ajourné
motion11 avril 2024-débattue-
motion11 avril 2024-question soit mise aux voixVote différé
motion15 avril 2024-voteadoptée au vote
Haut de page

Proposée sans préavis Mme Khanjin (Barrie—Innisfil)

That the following changes be made to the membership of the following Committees:
On the Standing Committees on Procedure and House Affairs, Sam Oosterhoff replaces Logan Kanapathi; and
On the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, Lisa MacLeod replaces Rick Byers, Lise Vaugeois is removed, and Vincent Ke is added; and
On the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, Natalie Pierre replaces Andrew Dowie; and
On the Standing Committee on Justice Policy, Jennifer (Jennie) Stevens is removed, and Michael Mantha is added; and
On the Standing Committee on Social Policy, Steve Clark replaces Brian Riddell, Natalia Kusendova-Bashta replaces Patrice Barnes, and Dawn Gallagher Murphy replaces Natalie Pierre; and
On the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy, Logan Kanapathi replaces Natalia Kusendova-Bashta, and Aislinn Clancy is added; and
On the Standing Committee on the Interior, Brian Riddell replaces Dawn Gallagher Murphy; and
On the Standing Committee on Government Agencies, Lisa Gretzky is removed, and Sarah Jama is added.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion29 février 2024Andrea Khanjinpropose-
motion29 février 2024-débattue-
motion29 février 2024-voteadoptée au vote
Haut de page

Motion 21 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 7(c), the House shall continue to meet past the ordinary hour of adjournment until midnight on the following dates: Monday, May 6; Tuesday, May 7; Wednesday, May 8; Thursday, May 9; Monday, May 13; Tuesday, May 14; Wednesday, May 15; Thursday, May 16; Monday, May 27; Tuesday, May 28; Wednesday, May 29; Thursday, May 30; Monday, June 3; Tuesday, June 4; Wednesday, June 5; Thursday, June 6; Monday, June 10; Tuesday, June 11; Wednesday, June 12, and Thursday, June 13, 2024.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion26 février 2024Trevor Jonespropose-
motion26 février 2024-voteadoptée
Haut de page

Proposée sans préavis M. Jones (Chatham-Kent—Leamington)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 77(a), the Order for Second Reading of Bill 156, An Act to amend the Planning Act with respect to housing policies in official plans and other related amendments, be discharged and the Bill be referred to the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion22 février 2024Trevor Jonespropose-
motion22 février 2024-voteadoptée au vote
Haut de page

Proposée sans préavis M. Lumsden (Hamilton-Est—Stoney Creek)

That the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs be authorized to meet during the winter 2023-2024 adjournment of the House at the call of the Chair.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion6 décembre 2023Neil Lumsdenpropose-
motion6 décembre 2023-voteadoptée
Haut de page

Proposée sans préavis M. Fedeli (Nipissing)

That, when the House adjourns today, it shall stand adjourned until 10:15 a.m. on February 20, 2024.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion6 décembre 2023Victor Fedelipropose-
motion6 décembre 2023-débattue-
motion6 décembre 2023-voteadoptée au vote
Haut de page

Motion 20 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 50 and notwithstanding any other Standing Order or special Order of the House relating to Bill 136, An Act to amend the Greenbelt Act, 2005 and certain other Acts, to enact the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Act, 2023, to repeal an Act and to revoke various regulations, Bill 150, An Act to enact the Official Plan Adjustments Act, 2023 and to amend the Planning Act with respect to remedies, and Bill 154, An Act to enact the Recovery Through Growth Act (City of Toronto), 2023 and the Rebuilding Ontario Place Act, 2023;

That when Bill 136 and Bill 150 are called for Third Reading, one hour of debate shall be allotted to the Third Reading stages of each Bill, with 30 minutes apportioned to the members of His Majesty's Government and 30 minutes to the members of His Majesty's Loyal Opposition; and at the end of this time, the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and shall put every question necessary to dispose of this stage of each Bill, without further debate or amendment; and

That when Bill 154 is next called as a Government Order, the Speaker shall immediately put every question necessary to dispose of the Second Reading stage of the Bill without further debate or amendment; and

That Bill 154 shall be Ordered for Third Reading, which Order shall be immediately called; and

That when the Order for Third Reading is called the Speaker shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Third Reading stage of Bill 154 without further debate or amendment; and

That no deferral be permitted on any votes on Bill 136, Bill 150, or Bill 154; and

That, in the case of any division relating to any proceedings on the Bills, the division bells shall be limited to five minutes.

Amendment history
TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion4 décembre 2023Todd McCarthypropose-
motion4 décembre 2023-débattue-
amendement4 décembre 2023Todd McCarthypropose-
amendement4 décembre 2023-débattue-
sous-amendement4 décembre 2023John Vanthofpropose-
sous-amendement4 décembre 2023-débattue-
sous-amendement4 décembre 2023-question soit mise aux voixVote différé
sous-amendement5 décembre 2023-voterejetée au vote
amendement5 décembre 2023-voteadoptée au vote
motion telle que modifiée5 décembre 2023-voteadoptée au vote
Haut de page

Proposée sans préavis M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, notwithstanding Standing Order 7(a)(i), when the House adjourns on Thursday, April 25, 2024, it shall stand adjourned until Monday, May 6, 2024; and

That the House shall continue to meet in the Spring Meeting Period until Thursday, June 13, 2024; and

That the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario be permanently amended as follows:

Standing Order 9(d) is amended by deleting the word "Prayers" and substituting "Introduction of Visitors during the Morning Routine"; and

Standing Order 110(g) be amended by adding at the end:

"and to be the committee provided for in subsection 7(1) and section 12 of the Queen's Park Restoration Secretariat Act, 2023 and subsection 108.3(1) and section 108.5 of the Legislative Assembly Act and, without limitation, to have the general mandate to inquire into and make recommendations respecting any project to restore the legislative building at Queen's Park including any relocation of legislative operations to a temporary location throughout the project."

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion30 novembre 2023Paul Calandrapropose-
motion30 novembre 2023-voteadoptée
Haut de page

Proposée sans préavis M. Parsa (Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill)

That the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy, the Standing Committee on the Interior, the Standing Committee on Justice Policy, and the Standing Committee on Social Policy be authorized to meet during the winter 2023-2024 adjournment of the House at the call of the Chair.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion21 novembre 2023Michael Parsapropose-
motion21 novembre 2023-voteadoptée
Haut de page

Proposée sans préavis M. Jones (Chatham-Kent—Leamington)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 77(a), the Order for Second Reading of Bill 141, an Act respecting life leases, be discharged and the Bill be referred to the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion16 novembre 2023Trevor Jonespropose-
motion16 novembre 2023-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, in accordance with subsection 2 (2) of the Financial Accountability Officer Act, 2013, S.O. 2013, c. 4, Jeffrey Novak be appointed Financial Accountability Officer for a term of five years, as set out in subsection 3 (1) of the Act, commencing on November 3, 2023.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion2 novembre 2023Paul Calandrapropose-
motion2 novembre 2023-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis M. Jones (Chatham-Kent—Leamington)

That the following changes be made to the membership of the following Committees:
On the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, Monique Taylor replaces Jessica Bell; and
On the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, Terence Kernaghan replaces Doly Begum and Andrea Hazell replaces Bobbi Ann Brady; and
On the Standing Committee on Social Policy, Jill Andrew replaces Lisa Gretzky; and Wayne Gates is removed; and Bobbi Ann Brady is added; and
On the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy, Teresa J. Armstrong replaces Jill Andrew; and
On the Standing Committee on the Interior, Guy Bourgouin replaces Marit Stiles and Karen McCrimmon is added; and
On the Standing Committee on Government Agencies, Chris Glover replaces Doly Begum and Lisa Gretzky replaces Guy Bourgouin.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion30 octobre 2023Trevor Jonespropose-
motion30 octobre 2023-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis M. Jones (Chatham-Kent—Leamington)

That the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs be authorized to meet during the winter 2023-2024 adjournment of the House at the call of the Chair.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion23 octobre 2023Trevor Jonespropose-
motion23 octobre 2023-voteadoptée
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Motion 19 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That this House expresses its disapproval of, and dissociates itself from, continued disreputable conduct by the Member for Hamilton Centre, most specifically her use of social media to make antisemitic and discriminatory statements related to the existence of the State of Israel and its defence against Hamas terrorists; and

That this House demands the Member desist from further conduct that is inappropriate and unbecoming of a Member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario; and

That the Speaker is authorized to not recognize the Member for Hamilton Centre in the House until the Member retracts and deletes her statements on social media and makes an apology in her place in the House.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion18 octobre 2023Paul Calandrapropose-
motion18 octobre 2023-débattue-
amendement18 octobre 2023Trevor Jonespropose-
amendement18 octobre 2023-débattue-
sous-amendement18 octobre 2023Todd McCarthypropose-
sous-amendement18 octobre 2023-débattuedébat ajourné
sous-amendement19 octobre 2023-débattuedébat ajourné
sous-amendement19 octobre 2023-débattuedébat ajourné
sous-amendement23 octobre 2023-débattue-
sous-amendement23 octobre 2023John Jordanmotion de clôtureVote différé
sous-amendement23 octobre 2023-clôtureadoptée au vote
motion23 octobre 2023-voteadoptée au vote
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Motion 18 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That this House condemn the ongoing and reprehensible attacks being carried out by the terrorist organization Hamas, including the slaughter, rape, and kidnapping of innocent Israeli civilians, including babies, children, and seniors, and recognize the inalienable right of the State of Israel to defend itself and its people against this horrific violence.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion17 octobre 2023Trevor Jonespropose-
motion17 octobre 2023-débattue-
amendement17 octobre 2023Michael Kerznerpropose-
amendement17 octobre 2023-débattue-
sous-amendement17 octobre 2023Andrea Khanjinpropose-
sous-amendement17 octobre 2023-débattuedébat ajourné
sous-amendement17 octobre 2023-débattuedébat ajourné
sous-amendement18 octobre 2023-débattue-
sous-amendement18 octobre 2023Paul Calandramotion de clôtureVote différé
motion19 octobre 2023-clôtureadoptée au vote
motion19 octobre 2023-voteadoptée au vote
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Proposée sans préavis Mme Khanjin (Barrie—Innisfil)

That when the House adjourns on November 2, 2023, it shall stand adjourned until 3:00 p.m. on November 14, 2023.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion26 septembre 2023Andrea Khanjinpropose-
motion26 septembre 2023-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis M. Jones (Chatham-Kent—Leamington)

That the following changes be made to the membership of the following Committees:
On the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs: Anthony Leardi replaces Graham McGregor, Logan Kanapathi replaces Dawn Gallagher Murphy, and Sam Oosterhoff is removed; and
On the Standing Committee on Public Accounts: Todd J. McCarthy is removed; and
On the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs: Rudy Cuzzetto is removed; and
On the Standing Committee on Justice Policy: Trevor Jones is removed; and
On the Standing Committee on Social Policy: Matthew Rae is removed; and
On the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy: Natalia Kusendova-Bashta replaces Laura Smith, Matthew Rae replaces Kevin Holland, Lorne Coe replaces Vijay Thanigasalam, and Graham McGregor is removed; and
On the Standing Committee on the Interior: Dawn Gallagher Murphy replaces Rob Flack, Graham McGregor replaces Jess Dixon, and Anthony Leardi is removed; and
On the Standing Committee on Government Agencies: Kevin Holland replaces Lorne Coe, Graham McGregor replaces Sheref Sabawy, and Trevor Jones is removed.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion26 septembre 2023Trevor Jonespropose-
motion26 septembre 2023-voteadoptée
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Motion 17 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That the Legislative Assembly accept the report of the Integrity Commissioner dated August 30, 2023 and approve the recommendation contained therein. 

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Motion 16 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 7(c), the House shall continue to meet past the ordinary hour of adjournment until midnight on the following dates: Wednesday, November 15; Thursday, November 16; Monday, November 20; Tuesday, November 21; Wednesday, November 22; Thursday, November 23; Monday, November 27; Tuesday, November 28; Wednesday, November 29; Thursday, November 30; Monday, December 4; Tuesday, December 5; Wednesday, December 6; Thursday, December 7; Monday, December 11; Tuesday, December 12; Wednesday, December 13; and Thursday, December 14, 2023. 

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion5 octobre 2023Trevor Jonespropose-
motion5 octobre 2023-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That notwithstanding Standing Order 9(f), when the House adjourns today, it shall stand adjourned until 10:15 a.m. tomorrow, September 26, 2023.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion25 septembre 2023Paul Calandrapropose-
motion25 septembre 2023-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis M. Jones (Chatham-Kent—Leamington)

That when the House and Committees adjourn on September 28, 2023 they shall stand adjourned until 9:00 a.m. on October 3, 2023. 

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion25 septembre 2023Trevor Jonespropose-
motion25 septembre 2023-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That when the House adjourns today, it shall stand adjourned until 10:15 a.m. on September 25, 2023; and

That the Standing Committee on Social Policy be authorized to meet on September 11, 2023 and September 12, 2023; and

That the Standing Committee on the Interior be authorized to meet on September 11, 2023; and

That the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs be authorized to meet on September 12, 2023 and September 13, 2023; and

That the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy be authorized to meet on September 13, 2023; and

That the Standing Committee on Justice Policy be authorized to meet on September 14, 2023.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion8 juin 2023Paul Calandrapropose-
motion8 juin 2023-débattue-
motion8 juin 2023-voteadoptée au vote
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Proposée sans préavis M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, in accordance with subsections 77.5(1) and (2) of the Legislative Assembly Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. L. 10, Tim McGough be appointed Sergeant-at-Arms of the Legislative Assembly, commencing on June 19, 2023.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion5 juin 2023Paul Calandrapropose-
motion5 juin 2023-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, in accordance with subsections 77(1) and (2) of the Legislative Assembly Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. L. 10, Trevor Day be appointed Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, commencing on July 1, 2023.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion1 juin 2023Paul Calandrapropose-
motion1 juin 2023-voteadoptée
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Motion 15 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 50 and notwithstanding any other Standing Order or special Order of the House relating to Bill 112, An Act to provide for the dissolution of The Regional Municipality of Peel;

That the Order of the House referring the Bill to the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy be discharged and the Bill shall be Ordered for Third Reading.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion30 mai 2023Charmaine Williamspropose-
motion30 mai 2023-débattue-
motion30 mai 2023-question soit mise aux voixVote différé
motion31 mai 2023-voteadoptée au vote
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Motion 14 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 50 and notwithstanding any other Standing Order or special Order of the House relating to Bill 112, An Act to provide for the dissolution of The Regional Municipality of Peel;

That when the Bill is next called as a Government Order, the Speaker shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Second Reading stage of the Bill without further debate or amendment; and

That no deferral of the Second Reading vote on the Bill shall be permitted; and

That the Bill shall be Ordered for Third Reading, which Order may be called the same day.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion6 juin 2023-retirée-
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Proposée sans préavis M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That following the proceeding "Introduction of Visitors" during the Morning Routine on Wednesday, June 7, 2023, the Speaker shall interrupt proceedings and the House shall observe a ceremony, in the following form, in recognition of former Clerks Mr. Claude L. DesRosiers and Ms. Deborah Deller:

That at that time, Mr. Claude L. DesRosiers and Ms. Deborah Deller be permitted to attend the floor of the Chamber while it is in session; and

That the Government House Leader be permitted to present to the House Orders-in-Council to be laid upon the Table; and

That the Speaker shall read the Orders-in-Council to the House; and

That the Speaker be authorized to make statements in recognition of Mr. DesRosiers and Ms. Deller; and

That following such statements, Mr. DesRosiers and Ms. Deller be invited to take honourary seats at the Table; and

That the remainder of the Morning Routine shall continue following the ceremony; and

That the Standing Orders of the Assembly be amended as follows:

The following new Standing Order is added:

148. Former Clerks of the Assembly, while entitled by Order of the Lieutenant Governor in Council made pursuant to section 77.4 of the Legislative Assembly Act to use the honorific title "The Honourable" and after such Order is laid upon the Table, are permitted to attend the floor of the Chamber while it is in session and take an honourary seat at the Table at their pleasure.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion29 mai 2023Paul Calandrapropose-
motion29 mai 2023-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, for the consideration of Private Members' Public Bills, Standing Committees be authorized to meet as follows:
Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs be authorized to meet on July 12, 2023; and
Standing Committee on Justice Policy be authorized to meet on July 10, 2023 and July 11, 2023; and
Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy be authorized to meet on July 10, 2023, July 11, 2023 and July 12, 2023; and
Standing Committee on Social Policy be authorized to meet on July 13, 2023; and
Standing Committee on the Interior be authorized to meet on July 10, 2023 and July 13, 2023; and
That the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs be authorized to attend the 2023 Legislative Summit of the National Conference of State Legislatures in Indianapolis, Indiana from August 13 to 16, 2023; and
That the Standing Committee on Public Accounts be authorized to attend the 2023 Annual Conference of the Canadian Council of Public Accounts Committees in Whitehorse, Yukon from September 10 to 13, 2023; and
That the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs be authorized to travel outside of Ontario and to meet during the summer adjournment upon agreement of its Sub-committee on Committee Business.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion29 mai 2023Paul Calandrapropose-
motion29 mai 2023-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That the Standing Committee on the Interior be authorized to meet on May 18, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. 

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion9 mai 2023Paul Calandrapropose-
motion9 mai 2023-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That the following changes be made to the membership of the following Committees:
On the Standing Committee on Social Policy, Brian Riddell replaces Goldie Ghamari; and

On the Standing Committee on Justice Policy, Goldie Ghamari replaces Brian Riddell and Jess Dixon replaces Vincent Ke. 

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion5 avril 2023Paul Calandrapropose-
motion5 avril 2023-voteadoptée
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Motion 13 M. Kerzner (York-Centre)

That an Address be presented to the Speakers of the Federal Parliament in the following words:

"This House calls on the federal government to immediately reform the Criminal Code of Canada to address the dangers facing our communities and implement meaningful bail reform to prevent violent and repeat offenders from being released back into our communities.''
And that the said Address be engrossed.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion3 avril 2023Michael Kerznerpropose-
motion3 avril 2023-débattue-
amendement3 avril 2023Kristyn Wong-Tampropose-
amendement3 avril 2023-débattue-
sous-amendement3 avril 2023Paul Calandrapropose-
sous-amendement3 avril 2023-débattuedébat ajourné
sous-amendement4 avril 2023-débattue-
sous-amendement4 avril 2023Donna Skellymotion de clôtureVote différé
sous-amendement5 avril 2023-clôtureadoptée au vote
motion5 avril 2023-voteadoptée au vote
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Proposée sans préavis Mme Williams (Brampton-Centre)

That the Standing Committee on Government Agencies shall not meet during its regularly scheduled meeting time on April 6, 2023 and instead be authorized to meet on April 13, 2023. 

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion30 mars 2023Charmaine Williamspropose-
motion30 mars 2023-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 77(a), the Order for Second Reading of Bill 74, An Act to amend the Missing Persons Act, 2018, be discharged and the Bill be referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion28 mars 2023Paul Calandrapropose-
motion28 mars 2023-voteadoptée au vote
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Motion 12 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 7(c), the House shall continue to meet past the ordinary hour of adjournment until midnight on the following dates: Wednesday, April 26, 2023; Thursday, April 27, 2023; Monday, May 8, 2023; Tuesday, May 9, 2023; Wednesday, May 10, 2023; Thursday, May 11, 2023; Monday, May 15, 2023; Tuesday, May 16, 2023; Wednesday, May 17, 2023; Thursday, May 18, 2023; Monday, May 29, 2023; Tuesday, May 30, 2023; Wednesday, May 31, 2023; Thursday, June 1, 2023; Monday, June 5, 2023; Tuesday, June 6, 2023; Wednesday, June 7, 2023; and Thursday, June 8, 2023.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion23 mars 2023Paul Calandrapropose-
motion23 mars 2023-voteadoptée au vote
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Proposée sans préavis M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That when the House adjourns today, it shall stand adjourned until 10:15 a.m. on March 20, 2023. 

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion9 mars 2023Paul Calandrapropose-
motion9 mars 2023-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy be authorized to meet on March 20, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. 

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion9 mars 2023Paul Calandrapropose-
motion9 mars 2023-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis Mme Khanjin (Barrie—Innisfil)

That the Standing Committee on the Interior be authorized to meet on March 9, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion8 mars 2023Andrea Khanjinpropose-
motion8 mars 2023-voteadoptée
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Motion 11 M. Bethlenfalvy (Pickering—Uxbridge)

That this House approves in general the Budgetary Policy of the Government.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion23 mars 2023Peter Bethlenfalvypropose-
motion23 mars 2023Doug Fordappuyé-
motion23 mars 2023-débattuedébat ajourné
motion30 mars 2023-débattuedébat ajourné
motion30 mars 2023-débattuedébat ajourné
motion4 avril 2023-débattuedébat ajourné
motion4 avril 2023-débattue-
motion4 avril 2023-question soit mise aux voix-
motion4 avril 2023-voteadoptée au vote
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Proposée sans préavis M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, notwithstanding any Standing Order, the Orders for Concurrence in Supply for the various Ministries and Offices, as represented by Government Orders 4 through 26 inclusive, shall be called concurrently; and 

That when such Orders are called they shall be considered concurrently in a single debate. 

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion6 mars 2023Paul Calandrapropose-
motion6 mars 2023-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, notwithstanding Standing Order 7(a)(i), when the House adjourns on April 27, 2023, it shall stand adjourned until May 8, 2023; and 

That the House shall continue to meet in the Spring Meeting Period until June 8, 2023.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion6 mars 2023Paul Calandrapropose-
motion6 mars 2023-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis Mme Khanjin (Barrie—Innisfil)

That the following change be made to membership of the following Committee:

On the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs: Doly Begum replaces Terence Kernaghan.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion27 février 2023Andrea Khanjinpropose-
motion27 février 2023-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis M. Parsa (Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill)

That, at the conclusion of the afternoon Orders of the Day, the House shall stand adjourned until 10:15 a.m. on February 21, 2023.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion8 décembre 2022Michael Parsapropose-
motion8 décembre 2022-voteadoptée
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Proposée sans préavis Mme Khanjin (Barrie—Innisfil)

That the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs and the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs be authorized to meet during the winter 2022-2023 adjournment of the House at the call of the Chair. 

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion6 décembre 2022Andrea Khanjinpropose-
motion6 décembre 2022-voteadoptée
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Motion 10 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 50 and notwithstanding any other Standing Order or special Order of the House relating to Bill 51, An Act to amend the Legislative Assembly Act; 

That the Order of the House referring the Bill to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs be discharged and the Bill shall be ordered for Third Reading; and 

That when the Order for Third Reading of the Bill is called, the Speaker shall immediately put every question necessary to dispose of the Third Reading stage of the Bill without further debate or amendment. 

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion6 décembre 2022Andrea Khanjinpropose-
motion6 décembre 2022-débattuedébat ajourné
motion6 décembre 2022-débattue-
motion6 décembre 2022-question soit mise aux voixVote différé
motion7 décembre 2022-voteadoptée au vote
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Proposée sans préavis M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That notwithstanding Standing Order 74(b) the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy be authorized to conduct public hearings on Bill 23, An Act to amend various statutes, to revoke various regulations and to enact the Supporting Growth and Housing in York and Durham Regions Act, 2022 this afternoon.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion17 novembre 2022Paul Calandrapropose-
motion17 novembre 2022-voteadoptée
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Motion 9 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 7(c), the House shall continue to meet past the ordinary hour of adjournment until midnight on the following dates: Wednesday, November 2, 2022; Thursday, November 3, 2022; Monday, November 14, 2022; Tuesday, November 15, 2022; Wednesday, November 16, 2022; Thursday, November 17, 2022; Monday, November 21, 2022; Tuesday, November 22, 2022; Wednesday, November 23, 2022; Thursday, November 24, 2022; Monday, November 28, 2022; Tuesday, November 29, 2022; Wednesday, November 30, 2022; Thursday, December 1, 2022; Monday, December 5, 2022; Tuesday, December 6, 2022; Wednesday, December 7, 2022; and Thursday, December 8, 2022 for the purpose of considering government business.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion2 novembre 2022Paul Calandrapropose-
motion2 novembre 2022-voteadoptée au vote
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Motion 8 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 50 and notwithstanding any other Standing Order or special Order of the House relating to Bill 28, An Act to resolve labour disputes involving school board employees represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees;

That the Order of the House referring the Bill to the Standing Committee on Social Policy be discharged and the Bill shall be Ordered for Third Reading; and

That when the Order for Third Reading of the Bill is called, two hours shall be allotted to debate with 50 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Government, 50 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Loyal Opposition, and 20 minutes for the independent Members as a group; and

That at the end of this time, the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and shall put every question necessary to dispose of this stage of the Bill without further debate or amendment; and

That no deferral of the Third Reading vote on the Bill shall be permitted.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion3 novembre 2022-retirée-
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Motion 7 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 50 and notwithstanding any other Standing Order or special Order of the House relating to Bill 28, An Act to resolve labour disputes involving school board employees represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees;

That when the Bill is next called as a Government Order, the Speaker shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Second Reading stage of the Bill without further debate or amendment; and

That the Bill shall be Ordered for Third Reading, which order may be called the same day; and

That when the Order for Third Reading of the Bill is called, two hours shall be allotted to debate with 50 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Government, 50 minutes for Members of His Majesty's Loyal Opposition, and 20 minutes for the independent Members as a group; and

That at the end of this time, the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and shall put every question necessary to dispose of this stage of the Bill without further debate or amendment; and
That no deferral of the Second or Third Reading votes on the Bill shall be permitted.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion2 novembre 2022Michael Parsapropose-
motion2 novembre 2022-débattuedébat ajourné
motion2 novembre 2022-débattue-
motion2 novembre 2022-question soit mise aux voixVote différé
motion3 novembre 2022-voteadoptée au vote
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Proposée sans préavis Mme Khanjin (Barrie—Innisfil)

That, at the conclusion of the Afternoon Orders of the Day today, the House shall stand adjourned until 10:15 a.m. on October 25, 2022.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion14 septembre 2022Andrea Khanjinpropose-
motion14 septembre 2022-voteadoptée au vote
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Proposée sans préavis Mme Jones (Dufferin—Caledon)

That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King in the following words:


We, Your Majesty’s most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, in Parliament assembled, approach Your Majesty with the expression of our deepest and heartfelt sorrow at the demise of Her Late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second, Your Majesty’s beloved mother.

Her Late Majesty’s long and glorious life and reign was truly a gift to our world which we scarcely deserved and Her Majesty’s loss, an equally profound tragedy to us all.

In words we wished to have sent to Her Majesty in life and in celebration of the Platinum Jubilee – Her Majesty’s resolute dedication to public service and Her loyal Canadian subjects was vital to the growth of our young nation. It was Her Majesty’s lifelong example of strength, compassion, and dignity which has shaped generations of Canadians from all walks of life.

We as a country, and we as a people, stand today, undoubtedly bettered by Her Majesty’s indelible influence upon us all. For the prodigious sacrifice of Her whole life to the service of Her peoples, our debt to Her Majesty cannot ever be repaid by our humble thanks, however we offer it, nonetheless.

We shall not forget that while this is a national loss it is first Your Majesty’s personal loss of a loving and compassionate mother and a stalwart matriarch. As we wrote to Her Late Majesty one year ago, upon the demise of Your Majesty’s father, we shall commit our whole selves to personally sharing the burden of Your Majesty’s profound sorrow and grief. We hope this can be of at least some small consolation.

At too young of an age Her Late Majesty was left with the heavy burden of the Crown, a burden which now falls upon Yourself. In service of Your Majesty’s fulfilment of this heavy duty we, Your subjects, pledge our unending loyalty, devotion, and support for Your Majesty the King.

At the momentous end of this second great Elizabethan era our prayers remain with Her Late Majesty the Queen, Your Majesty the King, Her Majesty the Queen Consort, Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, and the Royal Family.

We pray to almighty God for the salvation of the eternal soul of Her Late Majesty, Elizabeth the Second and for divine countenance for Your Majesty and the Royal Family in this time of bereavement. May God bless Your Majesty with wisdom, strength, courage, and compassion as our Sovereign and King. God Save the King."

And that the said Address be engrossed.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion14 septembre 2022Sylvia Jonespropose-
motion14 septembre 2022Doug Fordappuyé-
motion14 septembre 2022-débattue-
motion14 septembre 2022-question soit mise aux voix-
motion14 septembre 2022-voteadoptée
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Motion 6 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty the Queen in the following words:
"To the Queen's most Excellent Majesty: 

Most Gracious Sovereign: 

We, Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, in Parliament assembled, approach Your Majesty with our incomparable gratitude, respect, and admiration in this, the seventieth year of Your Majesty's long and glorious reign. 

Your Majesty's resolute dedication to public service and Your loyal Canadian subjects has been vital to the growth of our young nation. It is Your Majesty's lifelong example of strength, compassion, and dignity which has shaped generations of Canadians from all walks of life. 

We as a country, and we as a people, stand today, undoubtedly bettered by Your Majesty's indelible influence upon us. For the prodigious sacrifice of Your whole life to the service of Your peoples, our debt to Your Majesty cannot ever be repaid by our thanks, however we offer it nonetheless. 

With the warmest affection held by all of us, and Your subjects whom we represent, we wish Your Majesty our sincere congratulations in Your Platinum Jubilee year. 

May almighty God bless Your gracious Majesty with health, happiness, and the comfort of loving family for years ahead. Long may You reign." 
And that the said Address be engrossed. 

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion14 septembre 2022-retirée-
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Motion 5 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That the House recognize newly elected Members of Provincial Parliament for their contributions to public service and their communities.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion1 septembre 2022Graydon Smithpropose-
motion1 septembre 2022-débattuedébat ajourné
motion8 juin 2023-débattuedébat ajourné
motion26 septembre 2023-débattuedébat ajourné
motion22 février 2024-débattuedébat ajourné
motion27 mai 2024-débattuedébat ajourné
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Motion 4 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 50 and notwithstanding any other Standing Order or Special Order of the House relating to Bill 2, An Act to implement Budget measures and to enact and amend various statutes and Bill 7, An Act to amend the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 with respect to patients requiring an alternate level of care and other matters and to make a consequential amendment to the Health Care Consent Act, 1996, when Bill 2 and Bill 7 are next called as Government Orders, the Speaker shall put every question necessary to dispose of the Second Reading stage of the Bills, without further debate or amendment, and at such time the Bills shall be ordered for Third Reading, which Orders may be called that same day; and

That, when the Orders for Third Reading of the Bills are called, two hours of debate shall be allotted to the Third Reading stage of the Bills, with 50 minutes apportioned to the members of Her Majesty's Government, 50 minutes to the members of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition, and 20 minutes to the Independent Members as a group. At the end of this time, the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and shall put every question necessary to dispose of this stage of each Bill, without further debate or amendment.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion25 août 2022Andrea Khanjinpropose-
motion25 août 2022-débattue-
amendement25 août 2022Michael Manthapropose-
amendement25 août 2022-débattue-
amendement25 août 2022-question soit mise aux voixVote différé
amendement29 août 2022-voterejetée au vote
motion29 août 2022-voteadoptée au vote
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Proposée sans préavis Mme Khanjin (Barrie—Innisfil)

That when the House adjourns today, it shall stand adjourned until 9:00 a.m. on August 17, 2022.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion11 août 2022Andrea Khanjinpropose-
motion11 août 2022-voteadoptée
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Motion 3 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That Donna Skelly, Member for the Electoral District of Flamborough—Glanbrook, be appointed Deputy Speaker and Chair of the Committee of the Whole House;

That Bhutila Karpoche, Member for the Electoral District of Parkdale—High Park, be appointed First Deputy Chair of the Committee of the Whole House;

That Patrice Barnes, Member for the Electoral District of Ajax, be appointed Second Deputy Chair of the Committee of the Whole House; and

That Lucille Collard, Member for the Electoral District of Ottawa—Vanier, be appointed Third Deputy Chair of the Committee of the Whole House; and

That, notwithstanding Standing Order 115(a), the following changes be made to the membership of the following Committees:
On the Standing Committee on Government Agencies: Guy Bourgouin be added;
On the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy: Jill Andrew be added;
On the Standing Committee on Justice Policy: Jennifer (Jennie) Stevens be added;
On the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs: Jessica Bell be added;
On the Standing Committee on Public Accounts: Lise Vaugeois be added; and
On the Standing Committee on Social Policy: Wayne Gates be added.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion18 août 2022Andrea Khanjinpropose-
motion18 août 2022-Speaker Ruling-
motion18 août 2022-débattuedébat ajourné
motion22 août 2022-débattuedébat ajourné
motion22 août 2022-débattue-
motion22 août 2022-question soit mise aux voixVote différé
motion23 août 2022-voteadoptée au vote
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Proposée sans préavis M. McCarthy (Durham)

That an humble Address be presented to Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor as follows:

“To the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario:

We, Her Majesty’s most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, now assembled, beg leave to thank Your Honour for the gracious speech Your Honour has been pleased to address to us at the opening of the present Session.”

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion10 août 2022Todd McCarthypropose-
motion10 août 2022Patrice Barnesappuyé-
motion10 août 2022-débattuedébat ajourné
motion10 août 2022-débattuedébat ajourné
motion25 août 2022-débattuedébat ajourné
motion25 août 2022-débattuedébat ajourné
motion29 août 2022-débattue-
motion29 août 2022-question soit mise aux voixVote différé
motion30 août 2022-voteadoptée au vote
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Motion 2 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That Donna Skelly, Member for the Electoral District of Flamborough—Glanbrook, be appointed Deputy Speaker and Chair of the Committee of the Whole House;

That Bhutila Karpoche, Member for the Electoral District of Parkdale—High Park, be appointed First Deputy Chair of the Committee of the Whole House;
That Patrice Barnes, Member for the Electoral District of Ajax, be appointed Second Deputy Chair of the Committee of the Whole House; and
That Lucille Collard, Member for the Electoral District of Ottawa—Vanier, be appointed Third Deputy Chair of the Committee of the Whole House; and
That, notwithstanding Standing Order 115(a), the following changes be made to the membership of the following Committees:
On the Standing Committee on Government Agencies: Guy Bourgouin be added;
On the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy: Jill Andrew be added;
On the Standing Committee on the Interior: Marit Stiles be added;
On the Standing Committee on Justice Policy: Jennifer (Jennie) Stevens be added;
On the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs: Jessica Bell be added;
On the Standing Committee on Public Accounts: Lise Vaugeois be added; and
On the Standing Committee on Social Policy: Wayne Gates be added.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion10 août 2022-retirée-
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Motion 1 M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That, pursuant to Standing Order 110, the membership of the following Standing Committees be appointed for the duration of the 43rd Parliament:

The Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs: Ernie Hardeman, Stephen Crawford, Rick Byers, Andrew Dowie, Effie J. Triantafilopoulos, Deepak Anand, David Smith (Scarborough Centre), Rudy Cuzzetto, Terence Kernaghan, Catherine Fife, Stephanie Bowman, Bobbi Ann Brady.
The Standing Committee on Government Agencies: Will Bouma, Lorne Coe, Trevor Jones, Billy Pang, Sheref Sabawy, Amarjot Sandhu, Mike Harris, Dawn Gallagher Murphy, Doly Begum, Chandra Pasma, John Fraser.
The Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy: Laurie Scott, Vijay Thanigasalam, Laura Smith, Graham McGregor, Hardeep Singh Grewal, Kevin Holland, Sheref Sabawy, Billy Pang, Laura Mae Lindo, Joel Harden, Mary-Margaret McMahon.
The Standing Committee on the Interior: Aris Babikian, John Yakabuski, Rob Flack, Dave Smith (Peterborough—Kawartha), Ric Bresee, Anthony Leardi, Jess Dixon, Stéphane Sarrazin, Sandy Shaw, Marit Stiles, Mike Schreiner, Mitzie Hunter.
The Standing Committee on Justice Policy: Lorne Coe, Christine Hogarth, Brian Saunderson, Robert Bailey, Natalia Kusendova, Brian Riddell, Vincent Ke, Trevor Jones, Sol Mamakwa, Kristyn Wong-Tam, Stephen Blais.
The Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs: Matthew Rae, Mike Harris, Amajot Sandhu, Dawn Gallagher Murphy, Stéphane Sarrazin, Graham McGregor, Christine Hogarth, Sam Oosterhoff, Jamie West, Jennifer K. French, Ted Hsu.
The Standing Committee on Public Accounts: Donna Skelly, Todd J. McCarthy, Rudy Cuzzetto, Rick Byers, Logan Kanapathi, Stephen Crawford, Laura Smith, Will Bouma, Tom Rakocevic, France Gélinas, Lucille Collard.
The Standing Committee on Social Policy: Goldie Ghamari, Robin Martin, Nolan Quinn, Natalie Pierre, Patrice Barnes, John Jordan, Daisy Wai, Matthew Rae, France Gélinas, Lisa Gretzky, Adil Shamji; and

That, these Committees be authorized to meet on the following days when the House is scheduled to meet:
Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs may meet on Tuesdays and Wednesdays;
Standing Committee on Government Agencies may meet on Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. until 10:15 a.m.;
Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy may meet on Wednesdays and Thursdays;
Standing Committee on the Interior may meet on Mondays; and on Tuesdays from 1:00 p.m.;
Standing Committee on Justice Policy may meet on Wednesdays and Thursdays;
Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs may meet on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. and on Thursdays from 1:00 p.m.;
Standing Committee on Public Accounts may meet on Mondays;
Standing Committee on Social Policy may meet on Mondays and Tuesdays; and
That, on the Committee’s motion, the following Committees are authorized to meet from Monday to Friday when the House is scheduled to meet and during adjournments of the House specified in Standing Order 7(b) or other adjournments of the House which do not exceed one week:
Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs;
Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy;
Standing Committee on the Interior;
Standing Committee on Justice Policy;
Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs; and
Standing Committee on Social Policy.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion10 août 2022Andrea Khanjinpropose-
motion10 août 2022-débattue-
motion10 août 2022-voteadoptée au vote
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Proposée sans préavis M. Calandra (Markham—Stouffville)

That the Speech of Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor to this House be taken into consideration Wednesday, August 10, 2022.

TypeDateDéputée ou députéActivitéRésultat
motion9 août 2022Paul Calandrapropose-
motion9 août 2022-voteadoptée
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