37e législature, 1re session

No. 98

No 98

Votes and Proceedings


Legislative Assembly
of Ontario

Assemblée législative
de l'Ontario

October 31, 2000

Daytime Meeting - Sessional Day 149
Evening Meeting - Sessional Day 150

31 octobre 2000

Séance de l'après-midi - jour de session 149
Séance du soir - jour de session 150

1st Session,
37th Parliament

1re session
37e législature

1:30 P.M.

13 H 30



With unanimous consent, the following motion was moved without notice:-

Avec le consentement unanime, la motion suivante est proposée sans préavis:-

On motion by Mr. Klees,

Sur la motion de M. Klees,

Ordered, That notwithstanding Standing Order 28(h), a deferral of this afternoon's vote on Government Notice of Motion 69 be permitted and that notwithstanding any deferred vote, the Order for Second Reading of Bill 132 be permitted to be called tomorrow at Orders of the Day.

During "Oral Questions", the Speaker requested the Member for Toronto Centre--Rosedale (Mr. Smitherman) to come to order.

Pendant la période des «Questions orales», le Président demande au député de Toronto Centre--Rosedale, M. Smitherman de se comporter.

The Member having refused was named by the Speaker and directed to withdraw from the service of the House for the balance of the sessional day.

Comme le député refuse d'obéir, le Président le désigne par son nom et l'ordonne de se retirer du service de l'Assemblée pour le reste du jour de session.

During "Oral Questions", the Speaker requested the Member for York West (Mr. Sergio) to come to order.

Pendant la période des «Questions orales», le Président demande au député de York--Ouest, M. Sergio de se comporter.

The Member having refused was named by the Speaker and directed to withdraw from the service of the House for the balance of the sessional day.

Comme le député refuse d'obéir, le Président le désigne par son nom et l'ordonne de se retirer du service de l'Assemblée pour le reste du jour de session.



Petitions relating to the Northern Health Travel Grant program / Programme de subventions accordées aux résidents du nord de l'Ontario (Sessional Paper No. P-1) Mr. Bartolucci, Mr. Bisson, Mrs. Dombrowsky, Mr. Gravelle and Ms. Martel.

Petition relating to National Child Tax Benefit Supplement (Sessional Paper No. P-134) Mr. Gerretsen.

Petition relating to Bill 112, McMichael Canadian Art Collection Act (Sessional Paper No. P-139) Ms. Di Cocco.

Petition relating to Protection of the Class I-3 farmland (Sessional Paper No. P-140) Mrs. Munro.

Petition relating to Requesting an additional 34 long-term care beds in Espanola (Sessional Paper No. P-144) Mr. Brown.

Petition relating to Vintage Automobiles (Sessional Paper No. P-152) Mr. O'Toole.

Petition relating to Approving the paving and upgrading of the Ramsey Industrial Road to a Provincial highway (Sessional Paper No. P-167) Mr. Brown.

Orders of the Day

Ordre du Jour

Mrs. Cunningham moved,

Mme Cunningham propose,

That pursuant to Standing Order 46 and notwithstanding any other Standing Order or Special Order of the House relating to Bill 132, An Act to enact the Post-secondary Education Choice and Excellence Act, 2000, repeal the Degree Granting Act and change the title of and make amendments to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities Act, when Bill 132 is next called as a government Order, the Speaker shall put every question necessary to dispose of the second reading stage of the bill without further debate or amendment, and at such time, the bill shall be ordered to the Standing Committee on General Government; and

That no deferral of the second reading vote pursuant to Standing Order 28(h) shall be permitted; and

That the Standing Committee on General Government shall be authorized to meet for three days of public hearings and an additional day for clause-by-clause consideration; and

That the Committee be authorized to meet beyond its normal hour of adjournment on the final day until completion of clause-by-clause consideration; and

That, at 4:30 p.m. on the final day designated by the Committee for clause-by-clause consideration of the bill, those amendments which have not been moved shall be deemed to have been moved, and the chair of the Committee shall interrupt the proceedings and shall, without further debate or amendment, put every question necessary to dispose of all remaining sections of the bill, and any amendments thereto. Any division required shall be deferred until all remaining questions have been put and taken in succession with one 20-minute waiting period allowed pursuant to Standing Order 127(a); and

That the Committee shall report the bill to the House not later than the first Sessional day that reports from Committees may be received following the completion of clause-by-clause consideration, and not later than December 5, 2000. In the event that the committee fails to report the bill on the date provided, the bill shall be deemed to have been passed by the Committee and shall be deemed to be reported to and received by the House;

That upon receiving the report of the Standing Committee on General Government, the Speaker shall put the question for adoption of the report forthwith, and at such time the bill shall be ordered for third reading;

That, when the Order for Third Reading is called, the remainder of the sessional day shall be allotted to the Third Reading stage of the bill, the debate time being divided equally among the three caucuses, after which the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and shall put every question necessary to dispose of this stage of the bill without further debate or amendment;

That, the vote on third reading may, pursuant to Standing Order 28(h), be deferred until the next Sessional day during the Routine Proceeding "Deferred Votes"; and

That, in the case of any division relating to any proceedings on the bill, the division bell shall be limited to five minutes.

A debate arising, after some time, the motion was declared carried.

Un débat s'ensuit et après quelque temps, la motion est déclarée adoptée.

At 5:50 p.m., the question "That this House do now adjourn" was deemed to have been proposed pursuant to Standing Order 37(b).

À 17 h 50, la motion portant «Que la présente Assemblée ajourne les débats maintenant» est réputée avoir été proposée conformément à l'article 37(b) du Règlement.

After one matter was considered, the question was deemed to have been adopted.

Après l'étude d'une question, la motion d'ajournement des débats est réputée avoir été adoptée.

The House then adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

À 18 h, la chambre a ensuite ajourné ses travaux.

6:45 P.M.

18 H 45

Orders of the Day

Ordre du Jour

A debate arose on the motion for Third Reading of Bill 112, An Act to amend the McMichael Canadian Art Collection Act.

Il s'élève un débat sur la motion portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 112, Loi modifiant la Loi sur la Collection McMichael d'art canadien.

After some time, the question having been put, the Acting Speaker (Mr. Martin) declared his opinion that the Ayes had it, and a recorded vote having been demanded,

Après quelque temps, la motion mise aux voix, le président par intérim, M. Martin déclare qu'à son avis les voix favorables l'emportent et un vote par appel nominal a été demandé,

The Acting Speaker directed that the Members be called in, for which purpose the division bells were rung.

Le Président par intérim donne des directives pour convoquer les députés et la sonnerie d'appel se fait entendre.

During the ringing of the bells, the Acting Speaker addressed the House as follows:-

Pendant la sonnerie d'appel, le Président par intérim s'adresse à l'Assemblée en ces mots:-

I have received a request from the Chief Government Whip, under Standing Order 28(h), that the vote on the motion for Third Reading of Bill 112, An Act to amend the McMichael Canadian Art Collection Act be deferred until November 1, 2000.

J'ai reçu une requête du Whip en chef du gouvernement, conformément à l'article 28(h) du Règlement, que le vote sur la motion portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 112, Loi modifiant la Loi sur la Collection McMichael d'art canadien soit différé jusqu'au 1er novembre 2000.

Therefore the vote is accordingly deferred.

En conséquence, le vote est différé.

The House then adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

À 21 h 30, la chambre a ensuite ajourné ses travaux.

le président

