40e législature, 2e session

No. 101

No 101

Votes and Proceedings


Legislative Assembly
of Ontario

Assemblée législative
de l’Ontario


February 18, 2014


18 février 2014

2nd Session,
40th Parliament

2e session
40e législature

9:00 A.M.
9 H



Second Reading of Bill 141, An Act to enact the Infrastructure for Jobs and Prosperity Act, 2013.

Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 141, Loi édictant la Loi de 2013 sur l'infrastructure au service de l'emploi et de la prospérité.

Debate resumed and after some time the House recessed at 10:15 a.m.

Le débat reprend et après quelque temps, à 10 h 15, l’Assemblée a suspendu la séance.

10:30 A.M.
10 H 30

With unanimous consent,

Avec le consentement unanime,

On motion by Mr. Milloy,

Sur la motion de M. Milloy,

Ordered, That, as a one-time exception to the prescribed use of the precinct's courtesy flagpole, the rainbow flag be flown at the Ontario Legislature for the duration of the 2014 Olympic Games, subject to being temporarily interrupted for any other flag raising that would normally occur during this period.



The House recessed at 11:43 a.m.

À 11 h 43, l’Assemblée a suspendu la séance.

3:00 P.M.
15 H



The Speaker informed the House,

Le Président a informé la Chambre,

That the Clerk received the Report on Intended Appointments dated February 18, 2014 of the Standing Committee on Government Agencies. Pursuant to Standing Order 108(f)(9), the Report is deemed to be adopted by the House (Sessional Paper No. 287) (Tabled February 18, 2014).



The following Bills were introduced and read the first time:-

Les projets de loi suivants sont présentés et lus une première fois :-

Bill 156, An Act to proclaim the month of January Tamil Heritage Month. Mr. Smith.

Projet de loi 156, Loi proclamant le mois de janvier Mois du patrimoine tamoul. M. Smith.

Bill 157, An Act to regulate financial advisors. Mr. Bartolucci.

Projet de loi 157, Loi réglementant les conseillers financiers. M. Bartolucci.

Bill 158, An Act to promote job creation in Ontario. Mr. Hudak.

Projet de loi 158, Loi visant à promouvoir la création d’emplois en Ontario. M. Hudak.

Bill 159, An Act to amend the Employment Standards Act, 2000 with respect to temporary help agencies. Mr. Takhar.

Projet de loi 159, Loi modifiant la Loi de 2000 sur les normes d’emploi en ce qui concerne les agences de placement temporaire. M. Takhar.



With unanimous consent,

Avec le consentement unanime,

On motion by Mr. Milloy,

Sur la motion de M. Milloy,

Ordered, That the following changes be made in the Order of Precedence for Private Members’ Public Business:-

Il est ordonné, que les changements suivants soient effectués dans l’ordre de priorité pour les affaires émanant des députés :-

Mr. Takhar assumes ballot item number 71

Mr. Dickson assumes ballot item number 76; and

That the requirement for notice be waived for ballot item numbers 71 and 76.



The wpdCanada Fairview wind project (Sessional Paper No. P-16) Mr. Wilson.

Reducing the price of electricity in Northwestern Ontario (Sessional Paper No. P-83) Ms. Campbell.

Restoring access to Shale Beach (Sessional Paper No. P-149) Mr. Wilson.

The Waste Reduction Act, 2013 (Sessional Paper No. P-183) Ms. Wong.

Time extensions for FIT contracts (Sessional Paper No. P-208) Ms. Scott.

First Responders Emergency Lights (Sessional Paper No. P-209) Mr. O'Toole.

Price volatility and regional price differences of gasoline. (Sessional Paper No. P-216) Mme Gélinas.

Limestone District School Board (Sessional Paper No. P-217) Mr. Tabuns.

Huronia, Rideau and Southwestern Regional Centres (Sessional Paper No. P-218) Ms. Armstrong.

The Russel LCBO store in Lindsay (Sessional Paper No. P-219) Mr. Dickson.



Second Reading of Bill 83, An Act to amend the Courts of Justice Act, the Libel and Slander Act and the Statutory Powers Procedure Act in order to protect expression on matters of public interest.

Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 83, Loi modifiant la Loi sur les tribunaux judiciaires, la Loi sur la diffamation et la Loi sur l’exercice des compétences légales afin de protéger l’expression sur les affaires d’intérêt public.

Debate resumed, during which the Acting Speaker (Mrs. Munro) interrupted the proceedings and announced that there had been more than six and one-half hours of debate and that the debate would be deemed adjourned.

Le débat a repris. La présidente suppléante (Mme Munro) a interrompu les travaux et a annoncé qu’il y avait eu plus de six heures et demie de débat et que le débat est réputé ajourné.

The Minister of Labour directed that the debate should continue.

Le Ministre du Travail a indiqué que le débat devrait se poursuivre.

Debate resumed and after some time the House adjourned at 5:55 p.m.

Le débat reprend et après quelque temps, à 17 h 55, la chambre a ajourné ses travaux.

le président

Dave Levac




Physiotherapy services (Sessional Paper No. P-108) (Tabled February 18, 2014) Mr. Wilson.

A French Catholic High School in Kemptville (Sessional Paper No. P-220) (Tabled February 18, 2014) Mr. Clark.



Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, 2012 Annual Report (No. 256) (Tabled December 20, 2013).

Adjudicative Tribunals, Crown Employees Grievance Settlement Board, 2011-2012 Annual Report (No. 246) (Tabled December 13, 2013).

Adjudicative Tribunals, Health Professions Appeal and Review Board; Health Services Appeal and Review Board; Transitional Physician Audit Panel; Ontario Hepatitis C Assistance Plan Review Committee; 2012-2013 Annual Reports (No. 260) (Tabled January 17, 2014).

Adjudicative Tribunals, Ontario Labour Relations Board, 2011-2012 Annual Report (No. 247) (Tabled December 13, 2013).

Adjudicative Tribunals, Ontario Review Board, 2011-2012 Annual Report (No. 258) (Tabled January 17, 2014).

Adjudicative Tribunals, Pay Equity Commission, 2011-2012 Annual Report (No. 248) (Tabled December 13, 2013).

Adjudicative Tribunals, Physician Payment Review Board, 2011-2012 Annual Report (No. 259) (Tabled January 17, 2014).

Agricorp, Annual Report 2011-2012 (No. 277) (Tabled February 4, 2014).

Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario, 2011-2012 Annual Report (No. 278) (Tabled February 4, 2014).

Algoma Forest, Independent Forest Audit April 1, 2006 - March 31, 2011 (No. 266) (Tabled January 17, 2014).

Algonquin Forest Authority / Agence de foresterie du parc Algonquin, 37th Annual Report, 2011-2012 (No. 264) (Tabled January 17, 2014).

Bancroft-Minden Forest, Independent Audit of Forest Management for the Period 2006-2011 (No. 267) (Tabled January 17, 2014).

Black River Forest, Independent Forest Audit 2006-2011 (No. 268) (Tabled January 17, 2014).

Black Sturgeon Forest, Independent Forest Audit, April 1, 2006 - March 31, 2011 (No. 269) (Tabled January 17, 2014).

Certificate pursuant to Standing Order 108(f)(1) re intended appointments dated December 13, 2013 (No. 249) (Tabled December 13, 2013).

Certificate pursuant to Standing Order 108(f)(1) re intended appointments dated January 17, 2014 (No. 265) (Tabled January 17, 2014).

Certificate pursuant to Standing Order 108(f)(1) re intended appointments dated January 31, 2014 (No. 276) (Tabled January 31, 2014).

Certificate pursuant to Standing Order 108(f)(1) re intended appointments dated February 14, 2014 (No. 286) (Tabled February 14, 2014).

Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario / Société ontarienne d'assurance-dépôts, Annual Report 2011 (No. 282) (Tabled February 4, 2014).

Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario / Société ontarienne d'assurance-dépôts, Annual Report 2012 (No. 283) (Tabled February 4, 2014).

eHealth Ontario / cyberSanté Ontario, 2011-2012 Annual Report (No. 252) (Tabled December 18, 2013).

Employer Advisor, Office of the / Bureau des conseillers des employeurs, 2011-2012 Annual Report (No. 244) (Tabled December 13, 2013).

Fiscal Transparency and Accountability Act, 2004 – Statement by the Minister of Finance pursuant to Section 7 of the Act, with respect to the Third Quarter update (No. 285) (Tabled February 14, 2014).

Forest Renewal Trust, Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 2012 and 2011 (No. 262) (Tabled January 17, 2014).

Forestry Futures Trust, Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 2012 and 2011 (No. 261) (Tabled January 17, 2014).

French-Severn Forest, Independent Forest Audit 2006-2011 (No. 270) (Tabled January 17, 2014).

Grain Financial Protection Board, 2010-2011 Annual Report (No. 279) (Tabled February 4, 2014).

HealthForceOntario Marketing and Recruitment Agency / Agence de promotion et de recrutement de ProfessionsSantéOntario, 2010-2011 Annual Report (No. 253) (Tabled December 18, 2013).

HealthForceOntario Marketing and Recruitment Agency / Agence de promotion et de recrutement de ProfessionsSantéOntario, 2011-2012 Annual Report (No. 254) (Tabled December 18, 2013).

Human Rights Legal Support Centre, 2012-2013 Annual Report (No. 243) (Tabled December 13, 2013).

Lac Seul Forest, Independent Forest Audit for the Period April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2011 (No. 271) (Tabled January 17, 2014).

Livestock Financial Protection Board, 2010-2011 Annual Report (No. 280) (Tabled February 4, 2014).

Ministry of Children and Youth Services / Ministère des Services à l'enfance et à la jeunesse, Poverty Reduction Strategy – Ministry of Children and Youth Services, 2013 Annual Report, Breaking the Cycle – Fifth Progress Report / Stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté – Ministère des Services à l’enfance et à la jeunesse, Rapport annuel 2013, Rompre le cycle – Cinquième rapport d’étape (No. 250) (Tabled December 16, 2013).

Ministry of the Environment / Ministère de l'Environnement, 2013 Annual Report on Drinking Water / Rapport annuel sur l'eau potable 2013 (No. 255) (Tabled December 19, 2013).

Nipissing Forest, Independent Forest Audit for the Period 2006-2011 (No. 272) (Tabled January 17, 2014).

Oil, Gas & Salt Resources Trust, Annual Report 2010 (No. 263) (Tabled January 17, 2014).

Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission, Annual Report for the fiscal year 2011-2012 (No. 281) (Tabled February 4, 2014).

Ontario Science Centre / Centre des Sciences de l’Ontario, 2011-2012 Annual Report (No. 251) (Tabled December 13, 2013).

Pic River Ojibway Forest, Independent Forest Audit 2006-2011 (No. 273) (Tabled January 17, 2014).

Public Accountants Council for the Province of Ontario / Conseils des experts-comptables de la province de l'Ontario, 2012 Annual Report (No. 257) (Tabled January 9, 2014).

Public Accountants Council for the Province of Ontario / Conseils des experts-comptables de la province de l'Ontario, 2013 Annual Report (No. 284) (Tabled February 7, 2014).

Spruce River Forest, Independent Forest Audit, April 1, 2006 - March 31, 2011 (No. 274) (Tabled January 17, 2014).

Sudbury Forest, Independent Forest Audit, 2006-2011 (No. 275) (Tabled January 17, 2014).

Worker Advisor, Office of / Bureau des conseillers des travailleurs, 2011-2012 Annual Report (No. 245) (Tabled December 13, 2013).



Final Answers to Question Numbers: 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361 and 362.



Disbanding the College of Trades (Sessional Paper No. P-10):

(Tabled December 4, 2013) Mr. Barrett.

Building the Air-Rail Link (Sessional Paper No. P-19):

(Tabled November 7, 18, 20, 25, 2013) Ms. DiNovo.

Public Safety Related to Dogs (Sessional Paper No. P-21):

(Tabled October 21, 22; November 18, 25, 28; December 3, 11, 2013) Ms. DiNovo.

Grant Ombudsman power to investigate Children's Aid Societies (Sessional Paper No. P-32):

(Tabled November 27, 2013) Mme Gélinas.

(Tabled November 18, 2013) Miss Taylor.

Community Start-Up and Maintenance Benefit and Home Repairs Benefit (Sessional Paper No. P-40):

(Tabled November 5, 2013) Mr. Fedeli.

Paved shoulders on provincially-owned highways (Sessional Paper No. P-43):

(Tabled November 28, 2013) Mr. Clark.

(Tabled September 19, 2013) Mr. Miller (Parry Sound–Muskoka).

ServiceOntario counters in Northern Ontario (Sessional Paper No. P-72):

(Tabled November 6, 7, 27; December 11, 2013) Mr. Mantha.

The Ensuring Affordable Energy Act (Sessional Paper No. P-75):

(Tabled October 29, 2013) Mr. Wilson.

Ontario Fishing Regulations Summary (Sessional Paper No. P-93):

(Tabled November 6, 2013) Mr. Ouellette.

The use of Utility Transportation Vehicles on Class 2 Highways in Northern Ontario (Sessional Paper No. P-100):

(Tabled December 11, 2013) Mr. Mantha.

(Tabled December 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 2013) Mr. Vanthof.

Requiring a resolution to prorogue the Legislative Assembly (Sessional Paper No. P-111):

(Tabled September 25, 2013) Ms. Fife.

Improvements to Highway 21 between Port Elgin and Southampton (Sessional Paper No. P-126):

(Tabled October 21, 23, 31; December 4, 11, 2013) Ms. Thompson.

The Ontario Municipal Board and the City of Toronto (Sessional Paper No. P-132):

(Tabled November 21; December 12, 2013) Mr. Marchese.

Funding formula for Children's Aid Societies (Sessional Paper No. P-134):

(Tabled November 20, 2013) Ms. Forster.

The Ontario Ranger Program (Sessional Paper No. P-144):

(Tabled November 5, 20, 2013) Mr. Mantha.

(Tabled November 7, 19, 2013) Mr. Vanthof.

All levels of government to support the extension of the Sheppard subway line (Sessional Paper No. P-146):

(Tabled November 21, 2013) Ms. Wong.

Exemptions from jury duty (Sessional Paper No. P-158):

(Tabled December 5, 2013) Mr. O'Toole.

Amending the definition of an ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle) (Sessional Paper No. P-163):

(Tabled November 5, 6, 2013) Mr. Mantha.

Cellular communication towers (Sessional Paper No. P-171):

(Tabled December 11, 2013) Mr. Barrett.

(Tabled December 4, 2013) Mr. Flynn.

Ontario's Spring Bear Hunt (Sessional Paper No. P-182):

(Tabled October 23, 29, 2013) Mr. Mauro.

Helping Ontarians living with disability (Sessional Paper No. P-184):

(Tabled October 29, 2013) Ms. Armstrong.

(Tabled October 29, 2013) Ms. Fife.

The Metrolinx "Big Move" and the black community employment opportunities (Sessional Paper No. P-192):

(Tabled November 7, 2013) Ms. Hunter.

Bill 116 regarding hand-held devices penalties (Sessional Paper No. P-193):

(Tabled November 19, 2013) Mr. Balkissoon.

(Tabled November 27, 2013) Mr. Delaney.

(Tabled November 27; December 3, 10, 2013) Mr. Fraser.

(Tabled November 27; December 2, 2013) Ms. Hunter.

(Tabled November 7, 20, 2013) Mr. McNeely.

Population-based legal services funding (Sessional Paper No. P-194):

(Tabled November 19, 20, 21, 2013) Mr. Delaney.

(Tabled November 18, 2013) Mr. Flynn.

Eliminating fees on break open tickets (Sessional Paper No. P-198):

(Tabled December 4, 9, 2013) Mr. O'Toole.

(Tabled December 2, 5, 2013) Mr. Ouellette.

(Tabled November 20; December 10, 2013) Mr. Smith.

Avalon Public School in Orléans (Sessional Paper No. P-200):

(Tabled November 25, 2013) Mr. McNeely.

Rural and northern transportation (Sessional Paper No. P-204):

(Tabled November 28, 2013) Mr. Walker.

The Children and Youth in Care Day Act (Sessional Paper No. P-206):

(Tabled December 5, 2013) Mr. Delaney.

(Tabled December 10, 2013) Mr. Fraser.

(Tabled December 4, 2013) Mr. Qaadri.

(Tabled December 2, 9, 2013) Ms. Wong.

Pupils with asthma (Sessional Paper No. P-207):

(Tabled December 3, 5, 2013) Mr. Yurek.

First Responders Emergency Lights (Sessional Paper No. P-209):

(Tabled December 4, 2013) Mr. Smith.

Amending the Greenbelt Act (Sessional Paper No. P-210):

(Tabled December 5, 2013) Mr. Ouellette.

Affordable housing (Sessional Paper No. P-212):

(Tabled December 9, 2013) Ms. Hunter.