36e législature, 3e session

No. 3

No 3

April 27, 1999

27 avril 1999

1:30 P.M.

13 H 30



The following Bills were introduced and read the first time:-

Les projets de loi suivants sont présentés et lus une première fois:-

Bill 12, An Act to reduce red tape, to promote good government through better management of Ministries and agencies and to improve customer service by amending or repealing certain Acts and by enacting three new Acts. Hon. D. Tsubouchi.

Projet de loi 12, Loi visant à réduire les formalités administratives, à promouvoir un bon gouvernement par une meilleure gestion des ministères et organismes et à améliorer le service à la clientèle en modifiant ou abrogeant certaines lois et en édictant trois nouvelles lois. L'hon. D. Tsubouchi.

Bill 13, An Act to amend the Health Insurance Act to satisfy the criteria for contribution by the Government of Canada set out in the Canada Health Act. Mr. D. Duncan.

Projet de loi 13, Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'assurance-santé pour satisfaire aux critères régissant les contributions du gouvernement du Canada qui sont énoncés dans la Loi canadienne sur la santé. M. D. Duncan.

Bill 14, An Act to increase teacher representation at the Ontario College of Teachers and to make other amendments to the Ontario College of Teachers Act, 1996. Mr. B. Wildman.

Projet de loi 14, Loi visant à accroître la représentation des enseignants au sein de l`Ordre des enseignantes et des enseignants de l'Ontario et apportant d'autres modifications à la Loi de 1996 sur l'Ordre des enseignantes et des enseignants de l'Ontario. M. B. Wildman.

Bill 15, An Act to eliminate the regional level of municipal government in Norfolk and Haldimand, to cut duplication and to save taxpayers' money. Mr. T. Barrett.

Projet de loi 15, Loi visant à éliminer le niveau régional du gouvernement municipal à Norfolk et à Haldimand ainsi que le double emploi et à faire réaliser des économies aux contribuables. M. T. Barrett.

The following Bill was introduced, read the first time and referred to the Commissioners of Estate Bills:-

Le projet de loi suivant est présenté, lu une première fois et déféré aux commissaires aux projets de loi ayant trait à une succession:-

Bill Pr3, An Act respecting Peterborough Regional Health Centre. Mr. G. Stewart.

The following Bill was introduced, read the first time and referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills:-

Le projet de loi suivant est présenté, lu une première fois et déféré au Comité permanent des règlements et des projets de loi privés:-

Bill Pr8, An Act respecting the Columbus Club of Sault Ste. Marie Ltd. Mr. T. Martin.



Petition relating to enacting legislation that will protect minors from unwanted exposure to pornography (Sessional Paper No. P-1) Mr. J. Cleary.

Petition relating to keeping the Hamilton Psychiatric Hospital site open (Sessional Paper No. P-2) Mr. D. Christopherson.

Petiton relating to putting the safety and health of the people of Hamilton first (Sessional Paper No. P-3) Mr. D. Christopherson.

Petition relating to changing the funding formula in the education system (Sessional Paper No. P-7) Mr. A. Cullen.

Petition relating to introducing predatory gas pricing legislation (Sessional Paper No. P-9) Mr. R. Bartolucci.

Petition relating to stopping the funding of abortions (Sessional Paper No. P-10) Mr. M. Beaubien.

Petition relating to ending further expenditure of political advertising (Sessional Paper No. P-11) Mr. J. Bradley.

Petition relating to installing red light cameras at high collision intersections (Sessional Paper No. P-12 Mr. A. Cullen.

Petition relating to enacting legislation recognizing the freedom of conscience of health care workers (Sessional Paper No. P-13) Mr. B. Wood (London South).

Petition relating to supporting funding for the Visiting Specialist Clinic Program (Sessional Paper No. P-14) Mr. M. Brown (Algoma-Manitoulin).

Petition relating to directing the Grand Erie Public and Brant Haldimand-Norfolk Catholic School Boards to work together (Sessional Paper No. P-15) Mr. T. Barrett.



The Order of the Day for resuming the Adjourned Debate on the Motion for an Address in Reply to the Speech of Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor at the Opening of the Session having been read,

The debate was resumed, and after some time,

Mr. McGuinty moved,

That the motion be amended by adding the following thereto:-

This House profoundly regrets that the Mike Harris government has acted on an agenda that has created a crisis in health care and education and threatens our economic future, and condemns the government for:

· breaking its promises in health care by cutting $870 million from our hospitals, closing one out of every five hospitals and imposing $300 million worth of new user fees;

· hurting patient care by turning our emergency rooms into waiting rooms, firing nurses until Ontario had the fewest nurses per capita in the country; and forcing more and more patients to go to the U.S. or turn to private companies for everything from basic medical care to cancer treatment;

· breaking its promises in education by cutting $1 billion from our schools -- after promising not to take one cent out of classroom education;

· hurting our children and students by closing schools, slashing special education and English-as-a-second-language programs, forcing more and more parents to turn to private school, where enrolment is up 15 percent; and raising tuition fees by more than 60 percent to make Ontario the most expensive place in Canada to get a post-secondary education;

· threatening our economic future by increasing property taxes and introducing new user fees, failing to balance the budget, and adding $22 billion to the provincial debt to raise the total provincial debt to over $110 billion.

Pursuant to the Order of the House of April 26, 1999 the debate was then adjourned.

Conformément à l'ordre adopté par l'Assemblée le 26 avril 1999, le débat est ajourné.

The House then adjourned at 4:06 p.m.

À 16 h 06, la chambre a ensuite ajourné ses travaux.

6:30 P.M.

18 H 30



Debate resumed on the Amendment to the Motion for an Address in reply to the Speech of Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor at the Opening of the Session.

Le débat reprend sur l'amendement à la motion portant l'Adresse en réponse au discours prononcé par Son Honneur la lieutenante-gouverneure à l'ouverture de la session.

After some time, pursuant to Standing Order 9(a), the motion for adjournment of the debate was deemed to have been made and carried.

Après quelque temps, conformément à l'article 9(a) du Règlement, la motion d'ajournement du débat est réputée avoir été proposée et adoptée.

The House then adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

À 21 h 30, la chambre a ensuite ajourné ses travaux.

le président





Bill 12, An Act to reduce red tape, to promote good government through better management of Ministries and agencies and to improve customer service by amending or repealing certain Acts and by enacting three new Acts (No. 12).