36e législature, 2e session

No. 29

No 29

June 18, 1998

18 juin 1998

10:00 A.M.

10 H

Mr. Stewart moved,

M. Stewart propose,

That, in the opinion of this House, the government of Ontario should amend legislation to permit All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) of 3, 4, 5 or more wheels, that are registered to a bonafide farmer, to be insured as a self-propelled vehicle of husbandry.

A debate arising, at 11:00 a.m., further proceedings were reserved until 12:00 noon.

À 11 h, la suite du débat est réservée jusqu'à midi.

Mr. Young then moved,

Ensuite, M. Young propose,

Second Reading of Bill 30, An Act to promote zero tolerance for substance abuse by children.

Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 30, Loi encourageant une tolérance zéro concernant l'abus de substances par des enfants.

The question having been put on Mr. Stewart's Resolution Number 14, it was declared carried.

La motion, mise aux voix, sur la résolution numéro 14 de M. Stewart est déclarée adoptée.

The question having been put on the motion for Second Reading of Bill 30, An Act to promote zero tolerance for substance abuse by children, it was declared carried and the Bill was accordingly read the second time and Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Administration of Justice.

La motion portant deuxième lecture du projet de loi 30, Loi encourageant une tolérance zéro concernant l'abus de substances par des enfants, mise aux voix, est déclarée adoptée et le projet de loi est en conséquence lu une deuxième fois et déféré au Comité permanent de l'administration de la justice.

1:30 P.M.

13 H 30



With unanimous consent, the House reverted to "Introduction of Bills".

Avec le consentement unanime, l'Assemblée revient à l'appel de «Dépôt des projets de loi».

The following Bills were introduced and read the first time:-

Les projets de loi suivants sont présentés et lus une première fois:-

Bill 44, An Act to amend the City of Toronto Act, 1997. Ms. F. Lankin.

Projet de loi 44, Loi modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la cité de Toronto. Mme F. Lankin.

Bill 45, An Act proclaiming Victims of Violent Crime Week. Mr. J. Baird.

Projet de loi 45, Loi proclamant la Semaine des victimes de crimes de violence. M. J. Baird.



Petitions relating to Enacting legislation to recognize freedom of health care workers (Sessional Paper No. P-7) (Tabled June 18, 1998) Mr. T Arnott, Mr. S. Gilchrist, Mr. M. Sergio, Mr. F. Sheehan.

Petition relating to the Amendment of the Young Offenders Act (Sessional Paper No. P-23) (Tabled June 18, 1998) Mr. J. Hastings.

Petition relating to Compensation Package for Ontarians infected with Hepatitis C. (Sessional Paper No. P-60) (Tabled June 18, 1998) Mr. J. Tascona.

Petition relating to Requiring gasoline to contain a minimum oxygen content (Sessional Paper No. P-64) (Tabled June 18, 1998) Mr. J. Carroll.

Petition relating to Restoring cuts to the Collingwood General and Marine Hospital (Sessional Paper No. P-65) (Tabled June 18, 1998) Mr. G. Kennedy.



Mr. Turnbull moved,

M. Turnbull propose,

That, pursuant to Standing Order 46 and notwithstanding any other Standing Order or Special Order of the House relating to Bill 31, An Act to promote economic development and create jobs in the construction industry, to further workplace democracy and to make other amendments to labour and employment statutes, when Bill 31 is next called as a government order, the Speaker shall put every question necessary to dispose of the second reading stage of the bill, without further debate or amendment; and at such time, the bill shall be ordered for third reading;

That the Order for third reading of the bill shall then immediately be called and that two hours shall be allotted to the third reading stage of the bill;

That at the end of that time, the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings and shall put every question necessary to dispose of the third reading stage of the bill without further debate or amendment;

That, in the case of any division relating to any proceeding on the bill, the division bells shall be limited to five minutes; and

That there shall be no deferral of the vote pursuant to Standing Order 28(h).

A debate arising, after some time, the motion was carried on the following division:-

Un débat s'ensuit et après quelque temps, la motion est adoptée par le vote suivant:-

AYES / POUR - 40
















(Scarborough West)




















(London South)


















NAYS / CONTRE - Continued






(Cochrane North)

The House then adjourned at 6:05 p.m.

A 18 h 05, la chambre a ensuite ajourné ses travaux.

6:30 P.M.

18 H 30



Debate was resumed on the motion for Second Reading of Bill 35, An Act to create jobs and protect consumers by promoting low-cost energy through competition, to protect the environment, to provide for pensions and to make related amendments to certain Acts.

Le débat reprend sur la motion portant deuxième lecture du projet de loi 35, Loi visant à créer des emplois et à protéger les consommateurs en favorisant le bas prix de l'énergie au moyen de la concurrence, protégeant l'environnement, traitant de pensions et apportant des modifications connexes à certaines lois.

After some time, pursuant to Standing Order 9(a), the motion for the adjournment of the debate was deemed to have been made and carried.

Après quelque temps, conformément à l'article 9(a) du Règlement, la motion d'ajournement du débat est réputée avoir été proposée et adoptée.

The House then adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

A 21 h 30, la chambre a ensuite ajourné ses travaux.

le président




Part-time appointments re intended Order-in-Council dated June 17, 1998. (No. 75) (Tabled June 18, 1998).





(Government and Private Members')

(Gouvernement et Députés)

Access to Adoption Information. Mr. A. Cullen. Bill - 39

Adoption (see Access to Adoption Information)

Ancient Parliamentary Right. Hon. M. Harris. Bill - 1

Child Care Supplement Information Collection. Hon. E. Eves. Bill - 28

Children's Law Reform. Mr. J. Hastings. Bill - 27

City of Toronto. Ms. F. Lankin Bill - 7, Bill - 41, Bill - 44

Community Safety Zones (see Highway Traffic (community safety zones))

Condominium. Hon. D. Tsubouchi. Bill - 38

Crackdown on Illegal Waste Dumping. Mr. B. Wildman. Bill - 13

Downloading and French Language Rights. Mr. G. Bisson. Bill - 17

Drivers' licences of certain school pupils (see Highway Traffic (drivers' licences of certain school pupils))

Economic Development and Workplace Democracy. Hon. J. Flaherty. Bill - 31

Election Statute Law. Hon. C. Hodgson. Bill - 36

Endangered, Threatened and Vulnerable Species. Mr. B. Wildman. Bill - 11

Energy Competition. Hon. J. Wilson. Bill - 35

Environmental Protection. Mr. J. Carroll. Bill - 34

Farming and Food Production Protection. Hon. N. Villeneuve. Bill - 146

Giovanni Caboto Day. Mr. J. Brown (Scarborough West). Bill - 43

Good Samaritan. Mr. S. Gilchrist. Bill - 166

Greater Hamilton Area Municipal Restructuring. Mr. T. Skarica. Bill - 32

Hamilton-Wentworth Restructuring (see Municipal Amendment (Hamilton-Wentworth Restructuring))

Highway Traffic (community safety zones). Hon. J. Flaherty Bill - 26

Highway Traffic (drivers' licences of certain school pupils). Mr. W. Wettlaufer Bill - 4

Highway Traffic (licence suspensions). Mr. B. Grimmett. Bill - 5

Illegal Waste Dumping (see Crackdown on Illegal Waste Dumping)

Intercountry Adoption (The Hague Convention). Mr. J. Cordiano. Bill - 23

Irish Heritage Day. Mr. J. O'Toole. Bill - 8

Labour Union and Employees Association Financial Accountability. Mr. S. Gilchrist. Bill - 3

Licence suspensions (see Highway Traffic (licence suspensions))

Medicine. Mr. M. Kwinter. Bill - 2

Municipal (Hamilton-Wentworth Restructuring). Mr. D. Agostino. Bill - 40

Municipal (Simcoe Day). Mr. S. Gilchrist. Bill - 14

Northern Services Improvement. Hon. C. Hodgson. Bill - 12

Ontario Agriculture Week. Mr. B. Johnson (Perth). Bill - 37

Ontario College of Teachers. Mr. B. Wildman. Bill - 29

Ontario Works (see Prevention of Unionization (Ontario Works))

Parental Responsibility. Mr. A. McLean. Bill - 19

Partnerships Statute Law. Hon. D. Tsubouchi. Bill - 6

Pedophiles (see Protection against Pedophiles)

Prevention of Unionization (Ontario Works). Hon. J. Ecker. Bill - 22

Protection against Pedophiles. Mr. J. Brown (Scarborough West). Bill - 145

Protection of Children involved in Prostitution. Mr. R. Bartolucci. Bill - 18

Provincial Offences (see Streamlining of Administration of Provincial Offences)

Red Light Camera. Mr. M. Colle. Bill - 20

Red Tape Reduction. Hon. D. Tsubouchi. Bill - 25

Safe Schools. Mr. D. Newman Bill - 21

School Class Sizes. Mr. R. Bartolucci. Bill - 33

Simcoe Day (see Municipal (Simcoe Day))

Small Business and Charities Protection. Hon. E. Eves. Bill - 16

Streamlining of Administration of Provincial Offences. Hon. C. Harnick. Bill - 108

Tax Cuts for People and for Small Business. Hon. E. Eves. Bill - 15

Taxpayers Savings Municipal (Ottawa-Carleton Region). Mr. G. Guzzo. Bill - 9

Technology for Classrooms Tax Credit. Mr. J. Hastings. Bill - 24

Terry Fox Day. Mr. J. Ouellette. Bill - 42

The Hague Convention (see Intercountry Adoption (The Hague Convention))

Toronto (see City of Toronto)

Veterans' Memorial Parkway. Mr. J. Baird. Bill - 10

Victims of Violent Crime Week. Mr. J. Baird. Bill - 45

Zero Tolerance for Substance Abuse. Mr. T. Young. Bill - 30



Canadian Information Processing Society of Ontario. Mr. W. Saunderson. Bill - Pr21

Chatham-Kent, Municipality of. Mr. J. Carroll. Bill - Pr19

Eastern Pentecostal Bible College. Mr. G. Stewart. Bill - Pr18

Kitchener, City of. Mr. W. Wettlaufer. Bill - Pr15

Maimonides Schools for Jewish Studies. Mrs. L. Ross. Bill - Pr7

Redeemer Reformed Christian College. Mr. T. Skarica. Bill - Pr17

Ross Memorial Hospital. Mr. G. Stewart. Bill - Pr14



Bill 1, An Act to perpetuate an Ancient Parliamentary Right/Loi visant à perpétuer un ancien droit parlementaire. Hon. M. Harris (Premier and President of the Council). First Reading April 23, 1998.

Bill 2, Medicine Amendment Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 modifiant la Loi sur les médecins. Mr. M. Kwinter (L./Wilson Heights). First Reading April 27, 1998.

Bill 3, Labour Union and Employees Association Financial Accountability Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur la responsabilité financière des syndicats et des associations d'employés. Mr. S. Gilchrist (P.C./Scarborough East). First Reading April 27, 1998.

Bill 4, Highway Traffic Amendment Act (drivers' licences of certain school pupils), 1998/Loi de 1998 modifiant le Code de la route (permis de conduire de certains élèves). Mr. W. Wettlaufer (P.C./Kitchener). First Reading April 27, 1998. Second Reading April 30. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Administration of Justice.

Bill 5, Highway Traffic Amendment Act (licence suspensions), 1998/Loi de 1998 modifiant le Code de la route (suspensions de permis). Mr. B. Grimmett (P.C./Muskoka-Georgian Bay). First Reading April 28, 1998. Second Reading May 14. Ordered for Third Reading.

Bill 6, Partnerships Statute Law Amendment Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne les sociétés en nom collectif. Hon. D. Tsubouchi (Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations). First Reading April 28, 1998. Second Reading May 6. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Administration of Justice. Considered May 12. Reported without amendment May 13. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading June 3. Royal Assent June 11, 1998. S.O. 1998, Chapter 2.
Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 proclaimed to come into force July 1, 1998. O.C. 1600/98 dated June 17, 1998.

Bill 7, City of Toronto Amendment Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 modifiant la Loi sur la cité de Toronto. Ms. F. Lankin (N.D./Beaches-Woodbine). First Reading April 28, 1998.

Bill 8, Irish Heritage Day Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur le Jour du patrimoine irlandais. Mr. J. O'Toole (P.C./Durham East). First Reading April 28, 1998. Second Reading May 14. Ordered for Third Reading.

Bill 9, Taxpayers Savings Municipal Amendment Act (Ottawa-Carleton Region), 1998/Loi de 1998 modifiant la Loi sur les municipalités afin que les contribuables réalisent des économies fiscales (région d'Ottawa-Carleton). Mr. G. Guzzo (P.C./Ottawa-Rideau). First Reading April 29, 1998. Second Reading carried on division May 7. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government.

Bill 10, Veterans' Memorial Parkway Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur la Promenade commémorative des anciens combattants. Mr. J. Baird (P.C./Nepean). First Reading April 30, 1998.

Bill 11, Endangered, Threatened and Vulnerable Species Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur les espèces vulnérables, menacées ou en voie de disparition. Mr. B. Wildman (N.D./Algoma). First Reading April 30, 1998.

Bill 12, Northern Services Improvement Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur l'amélioration des services publics dans le Nord de l'Ontario. Hon. C. Hodgson (Minister of Northern Development and Mines). First Reading April 30, 1998. Second Reading debated May 12; June 2, 9.

Bill 13, Crackdown on Illegal Waste Dumping Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur la prise de mesures de répression à l'égard de la mise en décharge illégale de déchets. Mr. B. Wildman (N.D./Algoma). First Reading May 5, 1998.

Bill 14, Municipal Amendment Act (Simcoe Day), 1998/Loi de 1998 modifiant la Loi sur les municipalités (fête de Simcoe). Mr. S. Gilchrist (P.C./Scarborough East). First Reading May 5, 1998.

Bill 15, Tax Cuts for People and for Small Business Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur la réduction des impôts des particuliers et des petites entreprises. Hon. E. Eves (Minister of Finance). First Reading May 5, 1998. Second Reading debated May 13, 26, 27. Carried on division June 3. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Administration of Justice. Considered June 8, 9, 11. Reported without amendment June 15. Ordered for Third Reading.

Bill 16, Small Business and Charities Protection Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur la protection des petites entreprises et des organismes de bienfaisance. Hon. E. Eves (Minister of Finance). First Reading May 7, 1998. Second Reading debated May 13, 14, 25. Carried June 2. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. Considered June 3. Reported as amended June 4. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading June 10. Royal Assent June 11, 1998. S.O. 1998, Chapter 3.

Bill 17, Downloading and French Language Rights Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur le transfert de programmes et de services et les droits liés au français. Mr. G. Bisson (N.D./Cochrane South). First Reading May 7, 1998. Second Reading June 4. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government.

Bill 18, Protection of Children involved in Prostitution Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur la protection des enfants qui se livrent à la prostitution. Mr. R. Bartolucci (L./Sudbury). First Reading May 12, 1998. Second Reading May 28. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Development.

Bill 19, Parental Responsibility Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur la responsabilité parentale. Mr. A. McLean (P.C./Simcoe East). First Reading May 12, 1998.

Bill 20, Red Light Camera Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur les dispositifs photographiques de feu rouge. Mr. M. Colle (L./Oakwood). First Reading May 12, 1998. Second Reading June 4. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Development.

Bill 21, Safe Schools Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur la sécurité dans les écoles. Mr. D. Newman (P.C./Scarborough Centre). First Reading May 13, 1998. Second Reading on division June 11. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government.

Bill 22, Prevention of Unionization Act (Ontario Works), 1998/Loi de 1998 visant à empêcher la syndicalisation (programme Ontario au travail). Hon. J. Ecker (Minister of Community and Social Services). First Reading on division May 14, 1998. Second Reading debated May 27, 28; June 3. Carried on division June 9. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Administration of Justice. Considered June 15, 16.

Bill 23, Intercountry Adoption (The Hague Convention) Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur l'adoption internationale (Convention de La Haye). Mr. J. Cordiano (L./Lawrence). First Reading May 14, 1998.

Bill 24, Technology for Classrooms Tax Credit Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur le crédit d'impôt favorisant l'emploi de la technologie dans les salles de classe. Mr. J. Hastings (P.C./Etobicoke-Rexdale). First Reading May 14, 1998.

Bill 25, Red Tape Reduction Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 visant à réduire les formalités administratives. Hon. D. Tsubouchi (Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations). First Reading May 25, 1998. Second Reading debated June 8, 9, 11.

Bill 26, Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Community Safety Zones), 1998/Loi de 1998 modifiant le Code de la route en ce qui concerne les zones de sécurité communautaires. Hon. J. Flaherty (Solicitor General and Minister of Correctional Services). First Reading May 27, 1998.

Bill 27, Children's Law Reform Amendment Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 modifiant la Loi portant réforme du droit de l'enfance. Mr. J. Hastings (P.C./Etobicoke-Rexdale). First Reading May 28, 1998.

Bill 28, Child Care Supplement Information Collection Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur la collecte des renseignements nécessaires à l'octroi du supplément de revenu pour les frais de garde d'enfants. Hon. E. Eves (Minister of Finance). First Reading June 2, 1998.

Bill 29, Ontario College of Teachers Amendment Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 modifiant la Loi sur l'Ordre des enseignantes et des enseignants de l'Ontario. Mr. B. Wildman (N.D./Algoma). First Reading June 2, 1998.

Bill 30, Zero Tolerance for Substance Abuse Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur une tolérance zéro en matière d'abus de substances. Mr. T. Young (P.C./Halton Centre). First Reading June 2, 1998. Second Reading June 18. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Administration of Justice.

Bill 31, Economic Development and Workplace Democracy Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur le développement économique et sur la démocratie en milieu de travail. Hon. J. Flaherty (Minister of Labour). First Reading June 4, 1998. Second Reading debated June 11, 15, 16.

Bill 32, Greater Hamilton Area Municipal Restructuring Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur la restructuration municipale dans la région du grand Hamilton. Mr. T. Skarica (P.C./Wentworth North). First Reading June 8, 1998.

Bill 33, School Class Sizes Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur la taille des classes scolaires. Mr. R. Bartolucci (L./Sudbury). First Reading June 8, 1998.

Bill 34, Environmental Protection Amendment Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 modifiant la Loi sur la protection de l'environnement. Mr. J. Carroll (P.C./Chatham-Kent). First Reading June 8, 1998.

Bill 35, Energy Competition Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur la concurrence dans le secteur de l'énergie. Hon. J. Wilson (Minister of Energy, Science and Technology). First Reading June 9, 1998. Second Reading debated June 17, 18.

Bill 36, Election Statute Law Amendment Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne les élections. Hon. C. Hodgson (Chair of the Management Board of Cabinet). First Reading on division June 9, 1998. Second Reading debated June 15, 16, 17.

Bill 37, Ontario Agriculture Week Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur la Semaine de l'agriculture en Ontario. Mr. B. Johnson (P.C./Perth). First Reading on division June 9, 1998.

Bill 38, Condominium Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur les condominiums. Hon. D. Tsubouchi (Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations). First Reading on division June 10, 1998.

Bill 39, Access to Adoption Information Statute Law Amendment Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 modifiant des lois en ce qui concerne l'accès aux renseignements en matière d'adoption. Mr. A. Cullen (L./Ottawa West). First Reading June 10, 1998.

Bill 40, Municipal Amendment Act (Hamilton-Wentworth Restructuring), 1998/Loi de 1998 modifiant la Loi sur les municipalités (restructuration de Hamilton-Wentworth). Mr. D. Agostino (L./Hamilton East). First Reading on division June 10, 1998.

Bill 41, City of Toronto Amendment Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 modifiant la Loi sur la cité de Toronto. Ms. F. Lankin (N.D./Beaches-Woodbine). First Reading June 11, 1998.

Bill 42, Terry Fox Day Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur la journée Terry Fox. Mr. J. Ouellette (P.C./Oshawa). First Reading June 15, 1998.

Bill 43, Giovanni Caboto Day Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur le jour de Giovanni Caboto. Mr. J. Brown (P.C./Scarborough West). First Reading June 17, 1998.

Bill 44, City of Toronto Amendment Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 modifiant la Loi sur la cité de Toronto. Ms. F. Lankin (N.D./Beaches-Woodbine). First Reading June 18, 1998.

Bill 45, Victims of Violent Crime Week Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur la Semaine des victimes de crimes de violence. Mr. J. Baird (P.C./Nepean). First Reading June 18, 1998.

Bill 108, Streamlining of Administration of Provincial Offences Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 simplifiant l'administration en ce qui a trait aux infractions provinciales. Hon. C. Harnick (Attorney General). First Reading January 20, 1997. Second Reading debated February 12, 27. Carried February 27. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Considered May 1, 8. Reported as amended May 8. Ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole House. Considered December 15, 18; June 9, 1998. Reported as amended June 9. Third Reading on division June 9. Royal Assent June 11, 1998. S.O. 1998, Chapter 4.

Bill 145, Protection against Pedophiles Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur la protection contre les pédophiles. Mr. J. Brown (P.C./Scarborough West). First Reading June 25, 1997. Second Reading December 4. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Administration of Justice.

Bill 146, Farming and Food Production Protection Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur la protection de l'agriculture et de la production alimentaire. Hon. N. Villeneuve (Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs). First Reading June 26, 1997. Second Reading debated September 24; December 17. Carried December 17. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Resources Development. Considered February 17, 18, 19, 1998; March 10. Reported as amended April 27. Ordered for Third Reading. Third Reading May 6. Royal Assent May 11.

Bill 166, Good Samaritan Act, 1998/Loi de 1998 sur le bon samaritain. Mr. S. Gilchrist (P.C./Scarborough East). First Reading November 27, 1997. Second Reading December 4. Ordered referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. Considered December 11. Reported without amendment December 15. Ordered for Third Reading.



Bill Pr7, Maimonides Schools for Jewish Studies Act, 1998. Mrs. L. Ross (P.C./Hamilton West). First Reading June 2, 1998.

Bill Pr14, Ross Memorial Hospital Act, 1998. Mr. G. Stewart (P.C./Peterborough). First Reading May 13, 1998. Referred to the Commissioners of Estate Bills.

Bill Pr15, Kitchener Act, 1998 - City of. Mr. W. Wettlaufer (P.C./Kitchener). First Reading May 5, 1998. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment June 10.

Bill Pr17, Redeemer Reformed Christian College Act, 1998. Mr. T. Skarica (P.C./Wentworth North). First Reading May 5, 1998. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Considered and reported without amendment June 17.

Bill Pr18, Eastern Pentecostal Bible College Act, 1998. Mr. G. Stewart (P.C./Peterborough). First Reading June 15, 1998. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills.

Bill Pr19, Chatham-Kent Act, 1998, Municipality of. Mr. J. Carroll (P.C./Chatham-Kent). First Reading June 15, 1998. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills.

Bill Pr21, Canadian Information Processing Society of Ontario Act, 1998. Mr. W. Saunderson (P.C./Eglinton). First Reading June 17, 1998. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills.