36e législature, 1re session

No. 233 No 233

Votes and



Legislative Assembly

of Ontario

Assemblée législative

de l'Ontario

1st Session,

36th Parliament

1re session,

36e législature


September 22, 1997


22 septembre 1997


1:30 P.M.


13 H 30



On motion by Mr Snobelen, Bill 160, An Act to reform the education system, protect classroom funding, and enhance accountability, and make other improvements consistent with the Government's education quality agenda, including improved student achievement and regulated class size was introduced and read the first time on the following division:-

Sur la motion de M. Snobelen, le projet de loi 160, Loi visant à réformer le système scolaire, à protéger le financement des classes, à accroître l'obligation de rendre compte et à apporter d'autres améliorations compatibles avec la politique du gouvernement en matière de qualité de l'éducation, y compris l'amélioration du rendement des élèves et la réglementation de l'effectif des classes est présenté et lu une première fois à la suite du vote suivant:-

AYES / POUR - 55

Arnott Johns Runciman

Baird Johnson Sampson

Beaubien (Don Mills) Shea

Brown Johnson Sheehan

(Scarborough West) (Perth) Skarica

Chudleigh Jordan Snobelen

Cunningham Klees Spina

Danford Leach Sterling

Elliott Marland Stewart

Ford Martiniuk Tilson

Froese Maves Tsubouchi

Galt Munro Turnbull

Gilchrist Murdoch Vankoughnet

Grimmett Mushinski Villeneuve

Hardeman Newman Wilson

Harnick O'Toole Witmer

Harris Ouellette Wood

Hodgson Parker (London South)

Hudak Pettit Young

Jackson Ross


Bartolucci Grandmaître Miclash

Boyd Gravelle Morin

Bradley Hampton North

Brown Hoy Patten

(Algoma-Manitoulin) Kennedy Phillips

Christopherson Kwinter Pouliot

Churley Lalonde Pupatello

Cleary Lankin Ramsay

Colle Laughren Sergio

NAYS / CONTRE - Continued

Conway Lessard Silipo

Cullen Marchese Wildman

Curling Martin Wood

Gerretsen McLeod (Cochrane North)

The following Bill was introduced, read the first time and referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills:-

Le projet de loi suivant est présenté, lu une première fois et déféré au Comité permanent des règlements et des projets de loi privés:-

Bill Pr90, An Act respecting the City of York. Mr M. Colle.



On motion by Mr Johnson (Don Mills),

Sur la motion de M. Johnson (Don Mills),

Ordered, That, pursuant to Standing Order 9(c), the House shall meet from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 23, 1997 and Wednesday, September 24, 1997 for the purpose of considering government business.



At 2:25 p.m., the deferred vote on Government Notice of Motion Number 36 was carried on the following division:-

À 14 h 25, l'avis de motion numéro 36 émanant du gouvernement, mise aux voix sur le vote différé, est adoptée par le vote suivant:-

AYES / POUR - 62

Arnott Hodgson Parker

Baird Hudak Pettit

Bassett Johns Ross

Beaubien Johnson Runciman

Brown (Don Mills) Sampson

(Scarborough West) Johnson Shea

Chudleigh (Perth) Sheehan

Cunningham Jordan Skarica

Danford Kells Snobelen

Ecker Klees Spina

Elliott Leach Sterling

Eves Marland Stewart

Ford Martiniuk Tilson

Froese Maves Tsubouchi

Galt McLean Turnbull

Gilchrist Munro Vankoughnet

AYES / POUR - Continued

Grimmett Murdoch Villeneuve

Guzzo Mushinski Wilson

Hardeman Newman Witmer

Harnick North Wood

Harris O'Toole (London South)

Hastings Ouellette Young


Bartolucci Gerretsen Miclash

Boyd Grandmaître Morin

Bradley Gravelle Patten

Brown Hampton Phillips

(Algoma-Manitoulin) Hoy Pouliot

Caplan Kennedy Pupatello

Castrilli Kwinter Ramsay

Christopherson Lalonde Sergio

Churley Lankin Silipo

Cleary Laughren Wildman

Colle Lessard Wood

Cullen Marchese (Cochrane North)

Curling Martin

Duncan McLeod

And it was,

Ordered, That the following changes be made to the Standing Committees:

On the Standing Committee on Administration of Justice

Mr Ford

Mrs Ross

Mr Young

Mr Chiarelli

Mr Christopherson

be removed,

On the Standing Committee on Estimates

Mr Beaubien

Mr Sheehan

Mr Vankoughnet

Mr Brown (Algoma-Manitoulin)

Ms Lankin

be removed, and that

Mrs Johns be substituted for Mr Kells

On the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs

Mr Barrett

Mr Carr

Mr Martiniuk

Mr Cordiano

Mr Martin

be removed,

On the Standing Committee on General Government

Mr DeFaria

Mr Doyle

Mr Stewart

Mr Gravelle

Mr Wood (Cochrane North)

be removed,

On the Standing Committee on Government Agencies

Mr Ford

Mr Preston

Mr Tascona

Mr Bartolucci

Mr Kormos

be removed, and that

Mr Newman be substituted for Mrs Elliot,

and Mr Spina be substituted for Mr Guzzo

On the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly

Mr Baird

Mr Johnson (Brantford)

Mrs Pupatello

Mr Wildman

be removed, and that

Mr DeFaria be substituted for Mrs Marland,

and Mrs Ross be substituted for Mr Tilson

and that

Mr North be added to the membership of the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly

On the Standing Committee on the Ombudsman

Mr Johnson (Brantford)

Mr Murdoch

Mr Ouellette

Mr Lalonde

Mr Marchese

be removed, and that

Mr Ford be substituted for Mr Leadston,

and Mr Vankoughnet be substituted for Mr Boushy,

and Mr Agostino be substituted for Mr Crozier,

and Mrs Pupatello be substituted for Mr Hoy

On the Standing Committee on Public Accounts

Mrs Johns

Mr Murdoch

Mr Skarica

Mrs Pupatello

Mr Pouliot

be removed, and that

Mr Beaubien be substituted for Mr Shea

On the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills

Mr Clement

Mr DeFaria

Mr Vankoughnet

Mr Kennedy

Mr Bisson

be removed, and that

Mr Leadston be substituted for Mrs Johns,

and Mr Brown (Algoma-Manitoulin) be substituted for Mr Gerretsen

On the Standing Committee on Resources Development

Mr Jordan

Mr O'Toole

Mr Spina

Mr Agostino

Ms Churley

be removed,

On the Standing Committee on Social Development

Mr Leadston

Mrs Munro

Mr Newman

Mr Patten

Mr Wildman

be removed, and that

Mr O'Toole be substituted for Mr Parker

During "Oral Questions", the Speaker requested the member for Hamilton Centre (Mr Christopherson) to withdraw unparliamentary language.

Pendant la période des «Questions orales», le Président demande au député de Hamilton-Centre, M. Christopherson de retirer les propos non-parlementaires.

The member having refused was named by the Speaker and directed to withdraw from the service of the House for the balance of the day's sitting.

Comme le député refuse d'obéir, le Président le désigne par son nom et l'ordonne de se retirer du service de l'Assemblée pour le reste du jour de la séance.



Petition relating to Stopping the Funding of Abortions (Sessional Paper No. P-93) (Tabled September 22, 1997) Mr J. Cleary.

Petition relating to the Opposition to fingerprinting Ontario Citizens (Sessional Paper No. P-261) (Tabled September 22, 1997) Mr J.-M. Lalonde.

Petition relating to Enacting legislation to require women to wear tops in public places (Sessional Paper No. P-278) (Tabled September 22, 1997) Mr B. Johnson (Perth).

Petitions relating to Withdrawal of Bill 136 (Sessional Paper No. P-290) (Tabled September 22, 1997) Mr M. Gravelle and Mr F. Miclash.

Petition relating to Public consultation with Ontarians on the future of TVO/TFO (Sessional Paper No. P-291) (Tabled September 22, 1997) Mr M. Gravelle.

Petitions relating to Women's College Hospital (Sessional Paper No. P-292) (Tabled September 22, 1997) Mr R. Marchese and Mr T. Silipo.

Petition relating to a Crematorium at Jane and Steeles (Sessional Paper No. P-315) (Tabled September 22, 1997) Mr M. Sergio.

Petition relating to Bill 142, Social Assistance Reform Act, 1997 (Sessional Paper No. P-316) (Tabled September 22, 1997) Mr G. Morin.



Debate was resumed on the motion for the appointment of a Select Committee on Ontario Hydro Nuclear Affairs.

After some time,

Après quelque temps,

Mr Wildman moved that the motion be amended by striking the words "an interim report to the House by October 3, 1997 and" following the words "That the Committee present" at the beginning of the second paragraph.

The debate continued and, after some time,

Le débat se poursuit et après quelque temps,

The question, having been put on the amendment to the motion, was declared carried.

The question then having been put on the motion as amended was declared carried.

And it was,

Ordered, That a Select Committee on Ontario Hydro Nuclear Affairs be appointed:

To consider and report on the Nuclear Performance Advisory Group's Independent Integrated Performance Assessment from the perspective of the performance and reliability of Ontario's nuclear facilities; and, in particular:

to examine the Atomic Energy Control Board Report on the findings of the Independent Integrated Performance Assessment and to make recommendations on safety principles relating to training and implementation plans;

to examine the costs and environmental impacts of the nuclear recovery strategy, including:

Ontario Hydro's financial justification of its nuclear recovery strategy;

the economics and viability of alternative supply options; and

Environmental impacts of specific components of recovery and means to address and mitigate these impacts; and

to examine any other matters that the Committee considers relevant to the above terms of reference;

That the Committee present a final report by December 1, 1997, or on a date to be determined by the Committee, provided that if the House is not sitting the Committee have authority to release its reports by depositing copies with the Clerk of the Assembly and upon the resumption of the sittings of the House the Chair of the Committee shall bring such reports before the House in accordance with the Standing Orders;

That the Committee have authority to meet at the call of the Chair;

That the Committee have full power and authority to employ Counsel and such other personnel as may be deemed advisable and to call for persons, papers and things and to examine witnesses under oath; and

That the said Committee be composed of the following members:

Mr Shea (Chair), Mr Kwinter (Vice-Chair), Mrs Johns, Mr Galt, Mr O'Toole, Mrs Fisher, Mr Conway and Mr Laughren.

Debate was resumed on the motion for Third Reading of Bill 98, An Act to promote job creation and increased municipal accountability while providing for the recovery of development costs related to new growth.

Le débat reprend sur la motion portant troisième lecture du projet de loi 98, Loi visant à promouvoir la création d'emplois et à accroître la responsabilité des municipalités tout en prévoyant le recouvrement des coûts d'aménagement liés à la croissance.

After some time, pursuant to Standing Order 9(a), the motion for the adjournment of the debate was deemed to have been made and carried.

Après quelque temps, conformément à l'article 9(a) du Règlement, la motion d'ajournement du débat est réputée avoir été proposée et adoptée.

The House then adjourned

at 6:00 p.m.

À 18 h, la chambre a ensuite

ajourné ses travaux.

le président

Christopher M. Stockwell


Sessional Papers Presented Pursuant to Standing Order 39(a):-

Documents Parlementaires Déposés Conformément à l'article 39(a) du Règlement:-


Bill 160, An Act to reform the education system, protect classroom funding, and enhance accountability, and make other improvements consistent with the Government's education quality agenda, including improved student achievement and regulated class size (No. 578) (Tabled September 22, 1997).

Questions Answered (see Sessional Paper No. 5):-

Final Answers to Question Numbers: 2081, 2082, 2087, 2088.

Responses to Petitions:-

Réponses aux Pétitions:-

Petition relating to Petition relating to Rent Control Legislation (Sessional Paper No. P-64):

(Tabled September 16, 1997) Mr R. Marchese.

Petition relating to Demanding public hearings on the Review of the Occupational Health and Safety Act discussion paper (Sessional Paper No. P-249):

(Tabled August 26, 1997) Mr D. Christopherson.

Petitions relating to Northern Vehicle Registration Tax (Sessional Paper No. P-259):

(Tabled August 27, 28, 1997) Mr R. Bartolucci.

Petition relating to the Opposition to fingerprinting Ontario Citizens (Sessional Paper No. P-261): (Tabled August 20, 1997) Mr F. Miclash.

Petition relating to Support for all current forms of black bear hunting (Sessional Paper No. P-275):

(Tabled September 2, 1997) Mr B. Wildman.