Résultats de la recherche

Afficher 1 - 10 de 10 résultats
  1. … the committee requested the committee clerk to provide, and agendas for today’s and tomorrow’s meetings. So you will … contributions to the plan. Overall, this treatment was making the province’s consolidated financial statements less … with assistance from the accounting firm KPMG and several law firms, was leading the accounting objective of deferring …
    Transcription du comité
  2. … would like to read a statement on parliamentary privilege and the rights and duties of witnesses. Witnesses appearing … be received in evidence against that person in a court of law or similar proceedings, except in a prosecution for … before you today. In the interests of time, we will not be making a detailed opening statement, but instead will take a …
    Transcription du comité
  3. … I’m going to read a statement on parliamentary privilege and the rights and duties of witnesses. It’s a standard … be received in evidence against that person in a court of law or similar proceedings, except in a prosecution for … manifest themselves on the bottom line of the electricity bills of everyday Ontarians. I learned how decisions taken …
    Transcription du comité
  4. … on the order of the House dated October 2, 2018, and recommends the following: (1) That the committee meet on … be received in evidence against that person in a court of law or similar proceedings, except in a prosecution for … Then the public, the people who are paying the bills, can hold the people who are creating the bills to …
    Transcription du comité
  5. … rounds of questioning, starting with the opposition and then the government, and then two last 10-minute rounds … be received in evidence against that person in a court of law or similar proceedings, except in a prosecution for … the true financial impact” of the 25% cut to hydro bills, I would describe that as conflict because she was …
    Transcription du comité
  6. … before committees enjoy the same freedom of speech and protection from arrest and molestation as do members of … be received in evidence against that person in a court of law or similar proceedings, except in a prosecution for … to do. It started with a 25% reduction in electricity bills and holding that number to the rate of inflation for …
    Transcription du comité
  7. … to give a 10-minute introduction between the panel, and then we will go into 20-minute questioning, starting with … be received in evidence against that person in a court of law or similar proceedings, except in a prosecution for … it, was factual. On one hand, the Fair Hydro Plan reduced bills to ratepayers. Ultimately, that was a 25% reduction on …
    Transcription du comité
  8. … to make an up to 10-minute introduction to the panel, and then we will go into two 20-minute rounds, starting with … be received in evidence against that person in a court of law or similar proceedings, except in a prosecution for … Fife: No, a social liberal. Mr. John Vanthof: You’re making my life very hard. The Chair (Mr. Prabmeet Singh …
    Transcription du comité
  9. … to quickly read a statement on parliamentary privilege and the rights and duties of witnesses, which we have been … be received in evidence against that person in a court of law or similar proceedings, except in a prosecution for … Mr. Gadi Mayman: The two were lower electricity bills and a balanced budget. Ms. Lindsey Park: And that was …
    Transcription du comité
  10. … followed by questioning from both the government side and the opposition, starting with 20-minute rounds of … the costs. The removal of the HST from electricity bills and putting that onto the tax base, the renegotiation … reading back in my notes; it says that a constitutional law branch prepared an opinion for the ministry, and in that …
    Transcription du comité