Website changes during the election period

This article was originally published on May 3, 2022, and was updated on January 29, 2025.

legislative building exterior

The 43rd Parliament was dissolved on January 28 ahead of the general election on February 27. This article gives a high-level overview of what changes you can expect to see on our website during the election period.

Before the election

Since the Parliament has ended, all legislative business has ended, too. Therefore, you won’t find any bills listed on our current bills page. Bills from the last session are available on Bills from 43rd Parliament, 1st Session.

Constituency offices continue to be staffed, and contact information for constituency offices remains on our website.

Ministers keep their roles until the new Parliament starts, so you will still find a list of ministers on our website. However, you will need to consult the government of Ontario website (external link) for any ministry contact information.

After the election

Election day is February 27, but you won’t see election results on our website until after they are published in the Ontario Gazette (external link). In the meantime, you can find unofficial election results on the Elections Ontario website (external link).

After MPP names are published in the Ontario Gazette, they will appear on the current MPPs page. However, contact information may take some time to display. MPPs need to be assigned their offices first, and that can’t happen until we know who is elected. In addition, some MPPs may move constituency offices. We will update the website with contact information as we receive it.

Following a general election, the Legislative Assembly can meet only after it has been called by the Lieutenant Governor on the advice of the Premier. Legislative business and committee information will appear on our website when the new Parliament begins.

Learn more

Read about the electoral process in Ontario.

Listen to All about Elections in Ontario on the ON Parliament podcast.

Read more about Parliament and government.


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