Debates and Progress

First Reading

November 27, 2003

Second Reading

March 3, 2005
Mr Hudak, Mr. Kormos, Mr. Craitor, Ms. Scott, Mr. Prue, Mr. McMeekin, Mr. Hardeman, Mr. Parsons, Mrs. Witmer, Mr. Wong, Mr. Yakabuski

Declared carried.
Referred to Standing Committee on General Government


Standing Committee on General Government

June 13, 2005
Referral to the Standing Committee on General Government discharged. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills.


Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills
September 27, 2005

Continued from the First Session as a Bill of the Second Session by Order of the House dated June 13, 2005.

December 7, 2005

December 7, 2005
Reported to the House without amendment. Ordered for third reading.

Third Reading

Royal Assent:

Coming into force:
Royal Assent.