I Had a Dream - Russell Raven, Mohawk, Six Nations of the Grand River

Image showing Russell Raven's multimedia work entitled I Had a Dream

Russell Raven (b. 1964) is a Mohawk artist and proud member of the Wolf Clan. His interest in art developed as a child when learning to hunt, fish and live in nature. He draws inspiration from the land, wildlife, and his spiritual journey and connections with the Creator. Russell works in all mediums including painting, sculpting and photography, and is also a renowned chef and tattoo artist. He currently resides in northern Ontario, living close to the land.

I Had a Dream is a multimedia mural inspired by a dream – Russell awoke early one morning to a messenger from the Creator pushing him to tell the story of Indigenous history through his art. I Had a Dream tells the story of the Haudenosaunee people from creation, to colonization and slavery, to treaties signed under duress, residential schools, and the loss of traditional lifestyle on reserves. It finishes on a hopeful note, with the Chiefs and the Canadian government coming to a peaceful reconciliation and joining forces as equal powers to lead the land together.